Re: Why "Objects are only deleted on idle"?

2015-09-23 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Richard Gaskin 

> Ah - thanks.
> Print spooling in the OS is often so slow, does this really make an
> appreciable difference?
Heavens, yes.

A typical bankruptcy petition can be 60-90 pages.  Each has to be
rendered.  Or when drawing a slider through them, they have to appear on
the fly as the slider moves.

I went from a noticeable fraction of a second per page to nearly instant.

Early versions took about 20 seconds.

OK, I could process 1 creditor per second on an SE/30 in the 90s, and we
were happy it was that fast . . . but we could only print four
pages/minute, so taking 5-10 to generate a page wasn't a problem . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: tracking change dates for substack

2015-09-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Brahmanathaswami  wrote:

>  splashScreenEngine --> Mainstack
> model, so that your substacks can all save data...what about  setting a
> customProp with a time stamp in the stack when data changes?

My mainstack stays hidden, and launches another stack from time to time as
the splash screen.

However, what I'm trying to track is not data changes, but changes I make
to the cards in the development process.  If I make a change, I want the
new fields/variables I may have introduced to automatically be compiled
when the vision bumps, without sifting through the hundreds of other
stacks.  As it is, it already takes a couple of minutes on a fast machine
to check the existing cards.

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tracking change dates for substack

2015-09-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Is there a practical way to automatically track the change dates for

I'm about to end up with something like 100 of them (one for each judicial

At the moment, I have routines that step through all of my cards every time
I bump the revision, but it would be nice to be able to skip stacks.

I guess I'm looking for something like a last changed date on a directory,
but for substacks instead.

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Re: Thoughts about Functions, Pseudocode & Natural Language

2015-09-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Jerry Jensen  wrote:

> And then there’s the well-known Forth construct: ComeFrom . . .

That's Cobol, not Forth.

Forth's own stack behavior can be psychotic, too.

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Re: Thoughts about Functions, Pseudocode & Natural Language

2015-09-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> InterCal, I believe, from the April Fools 1984 issue of the CACM.

Yes, but it was really there, and really used, in Cobol

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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 4 / 7.1.0 RC 3

2015-09-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:55 PM, James Hale  wrote:

> Er, 10.10 gold master was released to developers earlier this week.

I see that I can download the "GM Seed"--which then warns the 10.11 is
already installed (I'm at Developer Beta 8), and should update instead.

But there is no update available (developer betas generally appear in the
app store)

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Re: Thoughts about Functions, Pseudocode & Natural Language

2015-09-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 2:07 AM, Graham Samuel  wrote:

> The classic exposition of the ‘go to’ problem AFAICR is Edgar Dijkstra’s
> 1968 paper "Go To Statement Considered Harmful”. Google will take you there
> if you’re interested. Not everyone agreed with Dijkstra even at the time,
> but he was certainly on to something

And in time this morphed into the notion that goto should never be used . .

When I was writing the program for my dissertation, I eventually realized
that I was updating to identical blocks of code solely to avoid a goto.  I
put it in, and life became much easier (now, that was an exotic case, where
I had to escape a nested control structure or some such; I forget the
details.  The routine could be entered from multiple states, requiring
different startup prep)

The missing control structure that is killing me in livecode is something

repeat for some reason or another :georgeCheck

exit repeat georgeCheck

which would allow leaving an outer repeat from within an inner repeat.

As far as transfer of control, even into the 90s it could be "expensive".
To call a function or subroutine, there were variables and registers to be
dumped in some manner, possibly by pushing to the stack, new ones to be
loaded and initialized, and then the restoration of the original state on

I wrote a model in smalltalk in 95 or 96, with "proper" message passing and
functions.  It was insanely slow.

I rewrote, pretty much line for line, in Fortran with arrays and no effort
to optimize, and got a 45,000:1 speedup . . .

Also, note that at least older Fortran had two types of functions, one with
code that returned a value, and the other was a an inline math expression,
which wouldn't require a transfer of control.

It's probably part of my 8 bit hangover, but I still hesitate every
function call or subroutine aI write, wondering how expensive it will be .
. .

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Re: Silly conference survey

2015-09-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Richmond 
[access to Las Vegas]

> "from all parts of North America" . . . I wonder about all the users in
> China, South and Central America, Europe and Africa

Oh, yes.  Except maybe Africa.

Nonstop to most of asia, Europe.   Probably even more Asia than Europe.

Our industry makes great efforts to get people here comfortable and happy;
grumpy and tired loses the alternate reality immersion, which is our real
product (gambling is just part of the schtick, save for the very high

It's very important to us--if people stop coming, we'd have to start paying
taxes :)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 3 / 7.1.0 RC 2

2015-09-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 7:32 PM, Brahmanathaswami <> wrote:

> Dr. Hawkins wrote:
>> Focus is*STILL*  broken when a window opens on the second screen  . . .
>>   really???
> Oh... I was wondering about what was going on. move a stack to second
> screen, all buttons are none responsive. What is your QA ticket number for
> this bug? I will confirm it..

I dunno; I believe that it was already confirmed before I reported it.'

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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 3 / 7.1.0 RC 2

2015-09-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Dr. Hawkins <> wrote:

> I dunno; I believe that it was already confirmed before I reported it.'

I take that back; it seems to be  bug 15431
<> reported b y me, but they
found that the conditions were broader than I reported.

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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 3 / 7.1.0 RC 2

2015-09-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Sebastien Nouat <> wrote:

> *6.7.7 Stable / 7.1.0 Stable *
> The release of the next builds is planned to be done in the middle of next
> week.
> After having let more time to catch the bugs introduced by our change in
> the build system, the next builds are expected to be Stable.

Focus is *STILL* broken when a window opens on the second screen  . . .

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Re: functions may be called as commands in IDE, but not in standalone

2015-09-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Mark Wieder <> wrote:

> Dr. Hawkins <dochawk@...> writes:
> > Having solved it for my own, I'm not going to worry about this any
> further
> > if it can't bite people now . . .
> My guess, without having looked at your stack, is that there is a
> previously compiled script that uses the command syntax. If you
> haven't recompiled it then it won't know about the change.

We can definitely rule that out; that handler is the only place the
fragment "on setPref" occurs, and it gets recompiled several times a

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Re: functions may be called as commands in IDE, but not in standalone

2015-09-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Mark Waddingham  wrote:

> I suspect this is a lingering definition which was somewhere in the
> message path in the IDE.
> When the engine looks for what handler to call it checks each stage in the
> message path in order for the pair (handler type, handler name). So, if you
> have (command, myFunc) at one level, and (function, myFunc) at another
> level:
>   myFunc
> and
>   get myFunc()
> Will call different handlers.

There is online handler with the name (setPref).  It is in a library
stack.  There is no possibility of another handler of this name; it would
have to come from a several months old backup--and the IDE isn't stable
enough to have a stack from earlier in the morning, let alone months :

Having solved it for my own, I'm not going to worry about this any further
if it can't bite people now . . .

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Re: [Bug] Red Dot Breakpoints Ignored - Recipe

2015-09-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Kay C Lan  wrote:

> Yes, that's exactly what I've come to do, but as per other posts, the
> overall impression newcomers to LC will get with such idosyncracies of the
> Script Editor/Debugger is not a good one.

I stand by my suggestion to predesignate them as "PCD", for "Pirate Code
Dots", as they aren't binding, but merely advisory . . .

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Re: functions may be called as commands in IDE, but not in standalone

2015-09-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 7:29 AM, Mark Waddingham  wrote:

> When you say 'when executed in the IDE' in what context do you mean? A
> script? The message box?

I mean that when my stack and library stack run in the IDE, it doesn't
choke on that line, but calls the function from the line "somefunct a,b"

> If you declare a handler in the message path as a function, then you can
> only call it from script using function syntax.

That is the expected behavior, yes.  :)

> This is the same in the IDE or in a Standalone as the code in the engine
> which does it is the same.
> Therefore, if you are seeing this in the IDE then it is likely via
> something IDE specific you are using *or* you have lingering definitions in
> a library stack or similar somewhere which you are loading into the IDE

I'll create another test, then.  It may have run the code in an older
version, but I know the code executed in the IDE for the simple reason that
I have the resultant directory  . . .

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functions may be called as commands in IDE, but not in standalone

2015-09-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
After a couple of days of frustration, compiling standalone to get test
messages, I discovered:

function someFunct a, b

then a script that has

someFunct cat, dog

will execute someFunct in the IDE.  In a standalone, it fails to find the

In my case, someFunct was originally a command, and changed to be a
function to possibly return an error code.   I changed the places where it
is regularly called, but missed a couple of rare ones.

Is this a known/reported issue?
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cut doesn't throw error when failing in standalone

2015-09-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
While I"m at my oddball reporting:

When attempting to cut in a standalone within a password protected stack,
it fails without throwing an error.   I finally found the issue by looking
at "the result".

Is this already reported?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [Bug] Red Dot Breakpoints Ignored - Recipe

2015-08-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Kay C Lan  wrote:

> Yes, that's exactly what I've come to do, but as per other posts, the
> overall impression newcomers to LC will get with such idosyncracies of the
> Script Editor/Debugger is not a good one.

Very much so.

I would probably would have been driven away by it.

I lose more time to this nonsense in a typical programming day than in the
entire time I spent with HyperCard 1 & 2 and SuperCard 1.5 put together . .

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"it" refers to button after copy in IDE, but to group of button in standalone

2015-08-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins
This took a while to track down, partially due to the long compile times.

the code:

 *copy* btn "ch" to *group* "btnGrp"

 *answer* "theLin: " & cr & "1: " & item 1 of theLin & cr & "2: " & item
2 of theLin & cr & "3: " & item 3 of theLin  \

   & cr & cr & it & cr & the long id of it

shows that "it" contains not the id of the button, but the id of the group
in a standalone.

However, in the IDE, it works just fine, and the id from it can be used to
manipulate the button.

This is in 7.0.6

Can anyone confirm, or tell me that it *should* act like this?

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more cute IDE/standalone discrepancies

2015-08-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I'm hitting lots of these today, I suppose.

A declaration beginning with

on setPref pref theVal

the IDE works just fine.

It also compiles without error.

On execution in the standalone, however, the handler is not found.

I get errors 573 (handler not found) 587 (error in statement), 490
(repeat:error ins statement) and 241 handler:error in statement, and 353
(from the stack).

Also, the line numbers seem to be wrong:  it says line 13833 for the first
3, but indicates in the first line that that error is setPref, which is
actually in another stack!

Awe, nuts; I forgot the other odd one that hit at about the same time.

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Re: [Bug] Red Dot Breakpoints Ignored - Recipe

2015-08-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Kay C Lan  wrote:

> The fact that valid = conditions are also ignored is clearly a bug.
I tend to find that unconditional breakpoints are ignored more often than
the conditionals.

Then again, I tend to try once then put in an IF with a breakpoint

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Re: Goodbye stsMLXEditor

2015-08-31 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Peter Haworth  wrote:

> However it seems that not all errors are detected.  So far the missing
> errors are those associated with Strict Compile mode, e.g. missing local
> variable definitions, missing quotes around certain language elements.

The built in editor has gotten pretty bad at these over the last couple of
years, too . . . I regularly get the red indicator for the pane, with no
error message and no way to find where it choked other than closing the
editor windows entirely an reopening scripts to compile again.

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Re: Script Editor future (was Open Source Kickstarter Report Card)

2015-08-23 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 2:51 AM, Ali Lloyd wrote:

 It's not possible for it to have gotten worse in LC 7, as the 7 IDE is
 identical to the 6 IDE except for branding

It does, however, seem to be a huge leap back from 5.

The delays in 5 were merely sluggish enough to be annoying, irc.   Now
they're long enough to click a couple of times, look around, cuss the
machine, click another couple of times, check to see if other applications
or other lived windows work, and click again.

I am not exaggerating at frequently seeing a 2-3 second lag time, and
(almost?) never under a second.

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Re: Script Editor future (was Open Source Kickstarter Report Card)

2015-08-23 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 8:44 AM, J. Landman Gay

 Just out of curiosity, does it get better if you turn off script

As others have already made the cheap (and funny) one, I'll pass.

But I didn't know that this could be done.

I'll try.

Hilting a script was the first thing that ever convinced me there was value
in color on a computer screen; until that, i preferred the sharper
monochrome displays.

And then friends started sending pictures of children . . .

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Re: Script Editor future (was Open Source Kickstarter Report Card)

2015-08-22 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Saturday, August 22, 2015, RunRevPlanet wrote:

 the problem with this approach is that you need to find a single editor
 runs on Linux, OS X Windows.

vi, of course . . .

If you want to use that heretical emacs contraption, you'll get performance
almost as bad as the current IDE.

For crying out loud, I'd go for ed or similar if I could have
response times In tenth of seconds rather than full seconds (there is not a
circumstance in which it is reasonable that the IDE take a noticeable
fraction of a second to respond, yet a good time is closer to 2s than 1s
. . .  And 3s is not rare)

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UTF8 encoding error in moving data from SQLite to Postgres?

2015-08-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I am getting the error

revdberr,ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8: 0xca 0x27

I think this is coming because I pasted data from a web browser into live
code, which in turn put it into the memory SQLite db, and then choked with
another command copying that data to Postgres.

I'm not sure where to start.  Obviously, I need to filter something,
somewhere.  But where should filtering be happening?

There is not a circumstance in which this application would ever need
foreign character sets; plain old 7 bit ascii would be fine (except for the
part about it coming in from somewhere else . . .))

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Re: [OT] Copyrighting games?

2015-08-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

 Copyright registration is not required to be afforded some protections
 copyright law, but it affords _additional_ protection under US law that
 makes your rights easier to enforce.

Most notably, the eligibility for statutory damages. If memory serves,
there are also better provisions for attorneys fees.(Yes I am a lawyer, but
this is a statement of the law, not legal advice)

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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-20 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 There's pretty persuasive evidence now that the shadowed variable bug is
 caused by stopping a debug run early.

 I'll watch for that, then.  But it absolutely has to go; it costs me at
 least several minutes, and sometimes a full hour, out of coding days.


I just had it bite before I had even run a debugger.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 There's pretty persuasive evidence now that the shadowed variable bug is
 caused by stopping a debug run early.

I'll watch for that, then.  But it absolutely has to go; it costs me at
least several minutes, and sometimes a full hour, out of coding days.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-17 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

 I have seen this and can reproduce it reliably. On a Mac, if you have two
 monitors (or more I suppose), and you open a script editor window, it
 initially opens on the same screen as your LiveCode IDE; on the main
 screen” as determined by the OS. After that I typically move the script
 editor window to the second monitor. I find that if the top of the script
 editor window is higher than the tool bar on the main screen, I get this
 hot spot offset problem. Once I move the window downward on the second
 monitor it goes away. I ought to have reported it, but I’ve gotten to where
 I automatically just move the window down to avoid the problem.

 Does this seem to be the same thing you’re getting?

I had never nailed down this combination, but it's certainly consistent
with what I see.

When I'm using two monitors (most of the time), the code screen is almost
always on the external.  I have code in openStack that opens the scripts of
my main code sections.  However, if the main stack script won't compile, I
have to manually move it--and there frequency of this is similar to the
displacement bug.  Next time it bites, I'll try moving the window back to
the main screen.

As I have to restart livened three to four times in a typical hour (the
shadow declaration bug), the displacement bug bites a couple of times in a
typical full day of coding.

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Re: Archaeology

2015-08-16 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Mark Waddingham wrote:

  2.  12 classes of objects . . . well EPS seems to have gone the way of
 all flesh . .

 EPS always relied on a display postscript system which was only ever
 available on some higher end Unix systems way back.

But it sure would nice to be able to include eps.  Ultimately, I am likely
to be forced to a platform with serious eps/pdf support

 3. How come after 15 years with LiveCode I have NEVER heard of
 'try/catch/throw' ? is this because they are pointless,
  or am I missing something extremely important?

 They are used for error handling. It allows you to catch runtime errors
 and then take appropriate action when they occur.

They come up every few months on this list

  6. any groups on the current card are automatically placed on the new
 card: well that didn't happen just now when I tried it in 7.1.
 but CLONE was introduced at version 1.0, so why was this capability

 It hasn't been. I believe background behaviour groups still behave like

They do; I am heavily dependent on them

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Re: Business Application Framework

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 I didn't include the vcIgnoreProperites , either.

Nor explain it, it seems:-)

This would cause all of the common suspects   to not be included in a

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Re: Business Application Framework

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Monte Goulding

 You give them a script.

Yes, but the script still needs a way to distinguish which changes happen
from normal use, and which from redesign, doesn't it?  Clicking a
property seems to be at least as easy as setting a behavior . . .

In my case, I might have a display field that got resized as it needed more
space, which shouldn't get logged as a vc change, next to a label field for
which any change means I tinkered with how things get displayed.  Even
within a group, this will vary for me.  (OK, the *particular* case I'm
thinking of is also driven by the need to open cards and use formattedText
on the open card, but still . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Business Application Framework

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 2:17 PM, Monte Goulding

 This is one of the curly issues. I personally can’t imagine the tedium of
 having to set a default property for half the properties of every object.

It becomes routine; I'm building forms.   I have several button that loop
through to set things for every field on the card, for example, unless it
meets certain qualifications.

I didn't include the vcIgnoreProperites , either.

My solution is to dispatch a message to each object so that it can sort
 itself out for saving. Stacks can resize themselves causing resizeStack
 handlers to trigger etc.

But how would objects know whether or not to do this in less you set
properties in them, anyway, or gave them a script?

 . however, this does introduce a workflow issue which I then resolved by
 doing the VCS export from a command lime app that is run whenever the
 stackFile is saved. It works relatively well and as it’s asynchronous
 there’s no waiting around for the save.

I like that – it takes a long enough to save, anyway.

I have message box commands to bump the version of my projects in library,
and also a routine that checks to see if the version is changed on the
launch dash but it takes a minute or two to run!

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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 1:04 PM, J. Landman Gay

 That might be a clue. Retina screens have a different resolution. Maybe
 the engine's calcs are off.

When this bites, the error is a fixed amount.  Move the mouse three dots
down, and the point it clicks seems to be three down.

It also seems to at least usually only be a vertical, and not a horizontal,

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

 Very often the hot spot is off, usually about 50-100 pixels high, for one
 or more windows in the IDE.  I usually notice it in the editor where it is
 off by 3 lines.  Almost always it is just vertical.

I see this on a regular basis in 7.

I've found no solution but restarting.

I just tend to write it off as one more annoying bit of incompetence in the
IDE; it isn't nearly as frustrating and time consuming as the shade
variable bug, but takes more of my time than the menu inconsistent states.

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Re: Business Application Framework

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Monte Goulding

 As far as lcVCS goes I actually think it would be good better if we could
 work with Mark and Peter to get the file format into the engine.

It really is insane that it isn't built in

Along with their customPropertySet, there could be a vcsIgnoresSet, or a
group of properties of vcsIgnoresPosition, vcsIgnoresHilite,
vcsIgnoresText, vcsIgnoresVis, vcsIgnoresSize.  There could be a vcsIgnore
checkbook on custom properties

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mySQL: PHP or direct access?

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Monte Goulding

 I believe Mark Wieder had a good look at revDB and decided to stop looking

Was it Mark that warned me off a few weeks ago when I wanted to add a
couple of lines to enable ssl for postgres?

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Re: mouse pointer hot spot is way off

2015-08-15 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 8:58 AM, J. Landman Gay

 I haven't seen it yet. Are those who have seen it using a third-party

I usually see it on the internal trackpad of a macbook retina

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mySQL: PHP or direct access?

2015-08-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 What are the pluses and minuses you get from using php as a middleman to
 access a mySQL database on a server versus accessing the mySQL database
 directly from LC?

Also note that LiveCode can't handle compound commands with mySQL, while it
can with Postgres  SQLite (one of several reasons I've completely dropped
support for it from my application; hundreds of remote transactions at once
are a show-stopper . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: mySQL: PHP or direct access?

2015-08-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 I do like the idea of only a single connection to the db from the server
 side script.  But don't you then start getting into multiple thread issues
 for performance reasons?

I will be needing a persistent server for my remote clients, too.   My
tentative solution is to have multiple instances on different ports, so the
initial server connection will direct the client which port to open a
socket upon to balance load.

Something other than a livecode application is probably a better answer . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: lcVCS in the LC Forums

2015-08-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Richmond

 I would also like to say how much I feel for you over your bereavement.

I do, as well.  We've been there, and the loss just can't be described.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [YO EDINBURGH!] Microsoft Open-Sources It's Toolkit For Making iOS Apps Run On Win 10

2015-08-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Roger Eller

 I think the majority of you have iOS devices
 because it is what you LIKE, not because it represents what the majority or
 even half of the population HAVE.  Inexpensive Android devices are getting
 better and better specs all the time, and lots of people buy them.

Actually, the platform for which people actually *pay* to buy apps on
should be the focus . . .  and by this metric, everything I've ever seen
says android should be a mere afterthought.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [YO EDINBURGH!] Microsoft Open-Sources It's Toolkit For Making iOS Apps Run On Win 10

2015-08-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Roger Eller

 If your sources are from a newsfeed on an apple device, I am not surprised
 at what thoughts you are allowed to have.

Huh???  I can't eve being to figure out where the is coming from.  Does
apple even have a newsfeed app???

I'm not a mac person, I'm a unix person.  Mac is simply the most convenient
unix box supplier at the moment (OK, living without spotlit would be hard,
which is why OS X got left on the first of the newer ones I bought).

I'm currently only tinkering with a game; my real product is a desktop
app.  And until I find a way to actually put advertising on it (the one
built into live code apparently wants a large installed base before they
will talk to you), the mobile game won't get noticeable time.

I have no obligations to iOS, android, mac, or google, nor the users of any
of these.  This is purely a commercial issue.

I even support a windows version of my application; I've never owned an
actual windows machine (OK, it's been stashed on a back partition a few
times), but their money spends as well as mac users.  For that matter, I'll
ship it as a linux if someone is willing to pay for it.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: [YO EDINBURGH!] Microsoft Open-Sources It's Toolkit For Making iOS Apps Run On Win 10

2015-08-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Roger Eller

 Read this; it didn't come from Apple though.  $22B iOS -vs- $19B Android.

Yeah, articles like that.   The initial caption about how much easier it is
for a developer to make money on iOS, and then when it gets to revenue app,
gives a figure of 5x per month per app for iOS . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Lock messages, and I mean it, damnit!

2015-08-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Is there a way to lock messages and make it stick?

In my quit routine so shut down, I handle some matters and then

lock messages


The error aren't visible in the standalone, but in the IDE, the open stacks
still get closeCard sent to them, causing error (because I've already shut
down the services)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Lock messages, and I mean it, damnit!

2015-08-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Perhaps you're getting a script error somewhere other than your closeCard
 handlers.  A simple test here of closing a substack that executes a basic
 event during closeCard works as expected.

Those were the absolutely last two cards of my program; it should be done.

Nonetheless, closeCard happens for at least one of my stacks.  It calls my
getVal() function, which attempts to use the database that I closed before
lockMessages.  a simple click in the IDE shows the line where it was called
from closeCard of stack dInfo.

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Making icons

2015-07-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Quite some time ago, I converted a png to a .icons file on OS X.

And I have absolutely no memory of what I did to use it.

I've edited the icons, and need to do it again.

Could anyone spare a hint?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Making icons

2015-07-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 I'm sure there are other places but there's a free online convertor at

This was perfect!

My application no longer has a square icon.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Multiple Stacks on Mobile

2015-07-28 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Ray wrote:

 As far as I know, it's not possible to display two stacks simultaneously
 on either Android or iOS.  Does anybody have any suggestions for a work
 around to this?

My thinking at the moment as I ponder a tablet version is to use groups.

I cleverly created floating stacks for controls that follow the user from
datapoint to datapoint.  I *think* I can largely change that to a group . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Multiple Stacks on Mobile

2015-07-28 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Ray wrote:

 Dr. Hawkins also suggested the groups idea which I can try, although now
 that I think about it that might be a little complicated since it's my
 users, not me, who populate each card with objects.

That should not be a problem--you can paste, etc. to groups in the same way
as cards, and there is the start editing group sizzle to let them
populate the group.

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Re: list field not getting arrowkey msg

2015-07-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Foolish question, but have you tried creating a new field from scratch,
pasting the script, and seeing if that works?

I've had to do that a couple for times when some exotic and non-displayed
property or another got set.

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Re: Before and after Livecode

2015-07-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Robert Brenstein wrote:

 Indeed. I wonder whether before/after could be used to populate
 popup/pulldown lists in buttons dynamically (upon mouse click) or store
 field selection before it looses focus.

For saving valuesNot following the advantage here – it seems that things
worked fine using closeField. Similarly, on mouseDown can load the images
or items from button. Where would be the vantage be?

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Re: Totally Loopy

2015-07-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Richmond

  wait 4 ticks
 end animaSHun

This part is going to cause a nesting problem . . . the first invocation of
animaSHun never completes, then the second, and eventually you hit the


   send animaSHun to me in 4 ti ks
 end animaSHun

also, as the others mention, all of your wait should be with messages so
that other things can happen

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Re: Oh ! So completely OT ......( All about CPU allocation !)

2015-07-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Colin Holgate

 In the Unix world you would be talking about renice. It works for Mac OS

renice is wonderful; I used to use it all the time.

Today however I don't have anything that spikes the CPU other than building
livecode standalones, and all my machines are multi core.

Okay, and Wuala is just plain a pig. I suppose that is because it is
written in Java. It sucks huge amounts of energy even when it has nothing
to synchronize, but there is only one alternative (spideroak) for keeping
machines synchronized that does the encryption at the user end instead of
the server.  In my quad-core i7 macbook retina, it keeps my fans running
even at idle.   It seems better behaved the new macbook.
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Thoughts on designing for postgres server performance

2015-07-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
My application runs on the loss computer (and eventually tablet) and uses
multiple :memory: SQLite tables for data.  Periodically (every few seconds)
a synchronization to postgres server occurs.  Each of my customer's
clients/debtors ends up in a single file on the server.

Currently, the application generates an SQLite command, and feeds the
server a command to stash this, and recovers any commands since the last

As livecode can't open an SSL connection to postgres, and can't handle
compound commands to mySQL (even I was willing to risk data with it, which
I'm not), I'm forced to write a simple server.

One possibility is to continue as I am now, stating the commands.  The
other is to actually save the values (there are half a dozen per entry for
a couple of tables, and a few dozen/entry for the other)

The serious value in the program to the customer is handling the
dependencies and calculations in the data.  If I had data rather than
commands on the server, the server could do some of these calculations, and
send data back.  The more I think of it, though, this is suboptimal, at
least for a computer:  the local machine can do this near instantly, while
there would be an unacceptable delay waiting for data.  On a tablet, delay
right e more tolerable, but I think any modern iPad has the punch to handle

So now that I seem to have convinced myself anyway, the *real* question
that brought me here . . .

If I have, varyingly, a few or dozens of columns per datapoint/record, it's
going to be a significantly lower load on the server (thus less servers) if
I stash/recover a string with a key, timestamp,and userstamp than if I give
it values to play in various columns?  the more I think of itI can't see
how this could not be the case, even though the string might be 2-10 times
the data storage (still not much) and larger data to sling back and forth .
. .\

It would also make it far easier to rewrite the server in something other
than livecode . . .
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Re: Unusual list spam - caution

2015-07-12 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:17 PM, J. Landman Gay

 Mine were from Jim McConnell too. I wonder if he (or someone) has got some
 kind of malware that's doing this.

his server farm.

Yes, Jim McDonnell has a farm.
And on that farm there is s spam.


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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can't select text of field with traversalOn and lockText set to true

2015-07-09 Thread Dr. Hawkins
According to the dictionary,

If a field's traversalOn and lockText properties are both set to true, the
user can select text, but not change it, and can scroll within the field
using the keyboard.

However, I have a pair of fields with these set to true where I can't
select the text .  Could this be related to opening the stack as modal?
(it's an error dialog, and I want to be a able to cut  paste!)

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Re: Best way to check if a Field is a label?

2015-07-08 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Peter W A Wood

 I’m trying to find the best way to clear all the fields in which data can
 be entered on a card. At the moment I use this code:

Situation dependent, of course, but I have sections with things like


case fldNam=Label Field

case char 1 to 4 of fldNam=lbl_

case char 1 to 4 of fldNam = ctr_ --nondata control fields

--it's not a live field
next repeat


end switch

thee are in one-time loops when the version number changes.  At the end of
the loop, a custom property with the live fields is set, so

on close field

if fldNam is among the words of the datFields of this card

--do something

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Re: Using Shell

2015-07-07 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 3:39 AM, David Bovill wrote:

 Any ideas what to do?

could it be finding a different program with the same name?  try which
ipfs from the shell and live code.  Also, what happens if you shell the
command it suggests?

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including a library in a standalone

2015-07-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I happily managed to get the library stack working for shared routines in
pretty much a matter of minutes.

I've got my routine to prepare for compile copying the library stack to the
project stack.

However, I assumed library stack libStackName would work in a standalone,
but it creates errors error 91 and 568 (can't find stack).

I very much do not want to have a stack hanging around to potentially have
its routine's called, password protected or not; I want a monolithic app.

Is inserting as a back script there way to go?  And if so, would I be
better off doing the same in the IDE rather than as a library?

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Re: save as of stack file from a script

2015-07-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 *dispatch* revSaveAsStandalone to stack revSaveAsStandalone with

This worked wonderfully.

At least after I fixed the way the save folder gets automatically set to
match my new changes.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: including a library in a standalone

2015-07-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 The library stack is a substack of the mainstack I assume?  If so, make
 sure you haven''t set things so that it breaks out substacks into separate
 stackfiles.  (at which point its no longer monolithic) If the library stack
 isn't a substack, you should make it so that it is.(in code, set the
 mainstack of stack librarystack to NameOfTheMainstack)

It's a fresh substack.

My prepCmpl routine copies the entire file, deletes extraneous stacks, and
then adds a couple of stacks from the library back in, and then it compiles.

A quick answer exists(stack dhLib) confirmed that the stack was indeed
in the standalone, but library dhLib fails.

And now I'm back to the very long compile times; I think it's been at it
over ten minutes . . .

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Re: Open Socket With Messages

2015-07-06 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Bob Sneidar

 I went back to the dictionary and read more thoroughly what wait for
 messages does, and while it is working as advertised, it is fairly
 worthless in it’s present form unless you find a way to trap for *ALL*
 messages and only respond to the callback, which is way more involved than
 it ought to be.

I have ended up with a wait 0 for messages.  It allows things to happen,
without waiting for them..

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where does startup message go when in IDE

2015-07-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I've found the startup message, to be sent to the first stack opened.

It seems useful, but I haven't been able to trap it in the IDE.

In particular, I found an incantation to hide the stack or some such for
use at the command line.

Is it going to an IDE card?  Could I simulate it with a

if the environment is development then

dispatch startup to me

end if

as the first item of preOpenStack of the main stack (hmm, I suppose in
beforePreOpenStack . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: save as of stack file from a script

2015-07-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Richard Gaskin

 A mainstack has a filename property, which can be set from the value
 returned from ask file.  Follow that with a save command and you're done.

Wow.  That easy.  And it turns out that save can even take a filename
argument . . .

So it now slices  dices quite nicely.

I then made two more procedures to help update/move along.

My files end up with path/names like


where the a in the advancing letter subversion.

So this procedure now bumps the version without leaving the ice

*on* bmpVrsn

   *--bump the version by a letter*

   *local* oldFlNm, newFlNm

   *save* this stack

   *put* the filename of stack (the mainstack of this stack ) into newFlNm

   *put* numToChar(charToNum(char -10 of newFlNm)+1) into char -10 of

   *save* this stack as newFlNm

*end* bmpVrsn

and this one is for when it opens, to see if it's new day, and to make any
needed directories and but the name:

*on* ckVersDat

   *--to be used when opening.   Change the file if it is not from today*

   *local* today, year, month, day

   *local* oldYear, oldMonth, oldDay

   *local* oldFilNm, newFilNm

   *put* the long date into today

   *convert* today to dateitems

   *put* char 3 to 4 of the first item of today into year

   *put*  char -2 to -1 of (0  item 2 of today) into month

   *put* char -2 to -1 of (0  item 3 of today) into day

   *put* year  month  day into today

   *put* the fileName of stack (the mainStack of this stack) into oldFilNm

   *--figure out the old file dates*

   *set* the itemDel to /

   *if* item -2 of oldFilNm = today *then*

  *--it is the same day*

 * exit ckVersDat*

   *end* *if*

   *put* char 1 to 2 of item -2 of oldFilNm into oldYear

   *put* char 3 to 4 item -2 of oldFilNm into oldMonth

   *put* char 5 to 6 of item -2 of oldFilNm into oldDay

   *put* item 1 to -4 of oldFilNm  /  year  month into newFilNm

   *if* there is not a folder newFilNm *then*

  *create* folder newFilNm

   *end* *if*

   *put* /  today after newFilNm

   *if* there is not a folder newFilNm *then*

  *create* folder newFilNm

   *end* *if*

   *put* /  char 1 to -17 of item -1 of oldFilNm  today  a.livecode
after newFilNm

   *if* there is not a file newFilNm *then*

  *save* this stack as newFilNm


  *get* dhbkAnswr (There is already a file, newFilNm)

   *end* *if*

*end* ckVersDat

Now I just need to find the routine to cause a standalone to compile . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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save as of stack file from a script

2015-07-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Odd as it sounds, I want to do a save as of my stack from code, rather
than hitting a dialog box.

I have a prepCmpl routine to get the stack ready for building a
standalone.  I've previously set things up so that the various standalone
options are set to what I want based on the file name (primarily

Now, I want to have stack mystack.150703a.livecode get renamed to
mystic.150703a.to_compile.livecode, at which point I'll start deleting
extraneous stacks and copying in a couple that it needs.

This was driven by shared routines as I'm writing the server, and the
moving of my custom dialog stack out of the mainstack.  When the
environment is development, it loads the most recent version and uses it
as a library.  By being loaded, it can also call the dialog stack.

Oh, open hidden stack something.someplace.livecode seems to work,
although it's not in the dictionary.

Anyway, if anyone knows where save as goes so that I can set its options
and call it, it would be a great help.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: detecting cell movement in a table

2015-06-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

 That's what I would do.

 I turned on the messageMessages to see what messages are fired when using
 a table object. I

1) How do I do that?
2) How did you even *think* to do that?

The dictionary, user guide, web are devoid of references to messageMessages
and revCel . . .

 got these:

I'm managing to catch this one, and do some updating.   Now I have to
intercept tab, etc.
to do sane navigations . . .   a simple regal was able to change each of
these into a handler with 4 variables, a breakpoint, and a pass . . . but
none seem to fire as I maneuver around it (they *would* reach the group
holding the table, wouldn't they?

This one I have trapped already:


So I am (usually) able to recall.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: detecting cell movement in a table

2015-06-27 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 I'm managing to catch this one, and do some updating.   Now I have to
 intercept tab, etc.
 to do sane navigations . . .   a simple regal was able to change each of
 these into a handler with 4 variables, a breakpoint, and a pass . . . but
 none seem to fire as I maneuver around it (they *would* reach the group
 holding the table, wouldn't they?

but it seems to be catch-as-catch-can as to whether it works or not.

I have handlers in the group that sometimes trigger on the
revUpDateCellValue, but none of the other handles ever trigger.  I have
handlers like

on revWhatever a,b,c,d

ck a  cr  b  cr  c  cr  d


pass revWhatever

end revWhatever

none of these trigger as I move about and edit.  I put them in both the
table script and the group script.

sometimes revCellUpdate is called when a cell changes, and other times not.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Reordering cards?

2015-06-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Richmond

 Wow! I knew LiveCode was incredibly versatile: but skinning cats - really:
 bet that's a new
 one on most LiveCode programmers.

 What most people forget is that while there are many ways to skin a cat,
the cat hates each and every one . . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: detecting cell movement in a table

2015-06-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

 Do you mean a change to the data in a given cell, or a change of cursor
 location within the table?

Either would work for me.  The table is a two-column free-form list of
values to be summed

such as

dog  5

cat   7

So if I either know that that a value has changed, or there has been
movement, I could recall.  That text has changed at all, though, could
yield silly results (1 while entering 12, for example)

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detecting cell movement in a table

2015-06-26 Thread Dr. Hawkins
is there a way to detect cell changes in a table?

I've tried giving it a script for tabKey, returnInField, arrowKey, and
enterInField, and it doesn't get called; it appears that not even keyUp
gets called.

Or is this how a regular table is supposed to work?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: iOS not liking specialFolderPath(Preferences)

2015-06-21 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 7:53 PM, John Dixon wrote:

 In general you should only create files within the documents, cache, and
 temporary folders. Indeed,
 be careful not to change or add any files within the application bundle.
 The application bundle is
 digitally signed when it is built, and any changes to it after this point
 will invalidate the signature
 and prevent it from launching.

But I'm not even to the point of accessing a file when this happens.

This his happening by my *asking* where that folder is . . .

And this line was not causing a crash back in January.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: local variable being reset from outside of script

2015-06-20 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

 Could also be launching a palette stack from a behavior object.
 It's possible that on return it launches a new behavior instance.
 Dunno. It's a bug if so.

I seem to have found it--it's one of the same-old IDE bugs that has been
wasting our time for years.

The single-stepper simply didn't bother to follow code into the closeField
handler in the same script.

In that handler, i checked for textChanged as item 2 of line -2 of the
execution contexts.  It should now be line 1 of the execution contexts.

 you're pretty^H^H^HVERY good at  producing the unexpected.

That's been true as long as I've been coding :(

[My father claims that machines are out to get me.  Now, if *I* thought
that, I would be paranoid.  I do have to grant, however, that all of the
evidence seems to be on his side . . ..  {p.s.  Anyone know where to buy
the pin that connects the primary and secondary plates on a 1972 Cadillac
quadrate carburetor? } ]

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iOS not liking specialFolderPath(Preferences)

2015-06-20 Thread Dr. Hawkins
In the code sequence (in preOpenStack)

   *answer* ck 28

   *answer*  specialFolderPath(Preferences)

errorDialog produces

 Execution error 21,39,1

241, 39, 1 preOpenStack

353,0,0  stack /var/moble/Containers/Bundle/Spplication/hex

This is on an actual 6+; the simulator just crashes hard.

Error 21 seems to be

21 answer: error in response expression

While 241 is

241 Handler: error in statement

Neither of which seem to make any sense when asking for the preferences

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advertising on mobile

2015-06-20 Thread Dr. Hawkins
Is anyone here doing an advertising-based mobile app with the livened

Does it work?

Are there other/better options/

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: local variable being reset from outside of script

2015-06-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 Somehow, between the two checks, pChFld changes from holding an id to

I managed a partial workaround, but there are more disappearing local

The partial workaround is to

But now it's getting worse:

ck is a checkpoint routine that writes its argument to the message box and
a log:

*on* ck stuff

   *--   answer stuff*

   *--   breakpoint*

   *put* stuff

   *put* stuff  cr after fld log of stack ckwatch

*end* ck

Now Im seeing,

   ck pChFld test:  cr  the text of pChFld

   *set* the hilitedLine of pChFld to 1

pChFld has lost its value by the second line of this snippet!

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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local variable being reset from outside of script

2015-06-19 Thread Dr. Hawkins
In the script of a behavior button for a field, I have a block of

*if* pChFld is empty *then*


  *end* *if*

  *palette* chStk

  *if* pChFld is empty *then*


  *end* *if*

where pChFld is declared local outside of and before any handler.  This is
also the only script anywhere with a pChFld.  pChFld contains an id for a
field in chStk, and strict compilation is on

Supposedly, pChFld will be persistent under such circumstances.

Somehow, between the two checks, pChFld changes from holding an id to empty.

I have single stepped through the palette statement; there is nothing there.

I have tried changing pChFld to a global; no difference.

I've wrapped the palette statement with a lock messages/unlock messages, no

If I single-step through in the IDE, though, it all works, and pChFld .
For that matter, if I put an evil red dot on the first if in this block,
and then let the debugger run from there without single-stepping, it works.

I'm seeing this in 7.0.5  7.0.6-rc1 on yosemite

 Have I hit an ugly bug, or am I missing something?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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wait until or repeat until (with a wait) for modal dialog wait?

2015-06-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I am writing my own modal replacement for answer for a variety of reasons

Once I have a modal stack/card set up, there isn't anything to do but wait
for it.

I could use either

repeat until the retVal of me is not empty
   wait 10 milliseconds with messages
next repeat

or I could use

wait until the retVal of me is not empty

But is the wait until going to spike the cpu?   the dictionary states that
to evaluates continuously--but how continuously is continuously?

And will this be system dependent?
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: wait until or repeat until (with a wait) for modal dialog wait?

2015-06-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 You're right, the debugger doesn't like modal windows. It looks like you
 actually don't have a problem :-)

 My favorite kind of problem :)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: wait until or repeat until (with a wait) for modal dialog wait?

2015-06-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 You don't want to use the wait command here. You want to use a callback
 message. If your stacks are real modal windows, you don't even need that.

Once debugged, they're real modal windows.

Hmm, that can happen now . . . I'm implementing this as a function, which
calls the modal stack.

And on further review, this *really* is only an issue when debugging (when
the stack has to opened as non-0odal). . .

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: wait until or repeat until (with a wait) for modal dialog wait?

2015-06-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

 You're right, the debugger doesn't like modal windows. It looks like you
 actually don't have a problem :-)

 My favorite kind of problem :)

On league review, it appears that I *do* have a problem:  what led to this
was coding around one of live codes brutal flaws, that the timeout cannot
be set on OS X (and linux? mobile?) for revOpenDatabase.

So when it *does* timeout, it probably means that the server has moved, or
something else.  The driving point of this exercise was to be able to offer
choices, including opening my preferences stack when database opening
failed.  Also to open the preferences stack before attempting to connect if
the option key is down on launch.

But a regular stack loses it's normal ability to close when opened modally
. . .
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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cant't find the textFont of formatted text?

2015-06-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins
inside of a loop through the fields, I have

put thFld  cr  the formattedText of thFld \
 cr  exists(the textFont of word 1 to -1 of the formattedText of
put the textFont of word 1 to -1 of the formattedText of thFld

On a particular field, I get

field id 3132 of stack rawForms
Estimated Number of Creditors

How can this possibly be???  The error on the second line is

button src_formsStack: execution error at line 89 (Chunk: can't find
object), char 19
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Re: arrays with merge

2015-06-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 Well I missed the countdown so I'll +1your post.

and I'll +2.

The things that I would most like to add to livecode would be strict
compilation being the default, absolute case sensitivity (unless turned off
for comparisons), and strong typing of variables.  Oh, and c-style variable

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: cant't find the textFont of formatted text?

2015-06-05 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:

 The 'formattedText' property of a field is a string so the expression:
   the textFont of word 1 to -1 of the formattedText of thFld

 Does this:
   T1 = evaluate the formattedText of thFld
   T2 = word 1 to -1 of T1
   return the textFont of T2

 Now, because T2 is also a string, the engine tries to interpret it as a
 control reference.

Shouldn't it return empty then?

 If you want to access properties of the styled text of the field, then you
 need to do so directly on the field itself:
   put the textFont of word 1 to -1 of field thFld

OK, I see that's better (I had to go to formatted text at some point
because something else wasn't working.  Or maybe that was before I focused
on words.  I think it was when I was trying to null out the textSize 
textFont of the pasted text to force it to use the field's settings)

(oh, and thFld was actually an id, not a field name)

 As an aside, you also cannot use 'exists()' on font names - it is only for
 control references. Instead you can use:
   (the textFont of word 1 to -1 of field thFld) is among the lines of the

exists() entered late while debugging it.
word 1 to -1 of  theFld
did it

But I'm still troubled by this plowing through over 150 fields before it
found one it didn't like this on . . .

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sorting SQLite keys where no leading zeros at end of name

2015-06-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
I have keys that get generated such as


I just hit the snag that someKey_10 comes between the two of these.

Is there a clean way to get SQLite (in memory) to ORDER these numerically
without having to recode to force leading zeros?


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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breakpoint gets edited out of cut/paste in IDE?

2015-06-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
has anyone else seen this?

If I copy a block of

  if sGrp=p13_6.0.1 then
  end if

in the IDE, and then paste it elsewhere in the IDE,  the middle line with
breakpoint is consistently not appearing, with instead a blank line.

Has anyone else seen something like this?  It's, well, really odd . . .
Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: sorting SQLite keys where no leading zeros at end of name

2015-06-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

 ORDER BY substr(TheKeyColumn,1,instr(TheKeyColumn,'_')-1)
 ASC,CAST(substr(TheKeyColumn,instr(theKeyColumn,'_')+1) AS INTEGER) ASC

 If there are a fixed number of chars before the numeric part of the key,
 then you can replace the instr calls with the appropriate number of chars.

ooh.  Wonderful.  Perfect.

I'm looking for a solution like this, rather than the livecode like Mike's,
because I have a rather clean setup at the moment.  I have the queries as
properties of the objects I'm maniuplating, and the livecode solution would
require a type of check that leads to spaghetti . . .

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Commercial license renewal

2015-06-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
After the renewals from the kickstarter, I'm coming up for renewal again.

I had thought that the annual rate was changing to $300 or $500, but it
indicates that it is still $750.

Would this still be the license I used to have, in which my Livecode
applications during that year don't expire, or is it now only a
subscription like the licenses from kickstarter?

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Commercial license renewal

2015-06-04 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 11:13 AM, JB wrote:

 This is not the support site but his question
 is extremely useful for many others and I
 am interested in seeing what answer he gets.

That is why I posted it here--I'm looking for other commercial customers'

While we were supposed to get the same license we had when we contributed,
that's not what happened--we got subscription type licenses instead.

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Re: AW: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-06-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:02 PM, J. Landman Gay

 Script length may have something to do with the editor delays. It takes
 more time to process text in v7.

 I'm currently converting a stack where no scripts are longer than a few
 hundred lines (most are under 500) and I see no delays.

I have multiple scripts several thousand lines long.

But the delays occur even when no processing is required (e.g., immediately
after stack load)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: need help with filter and regex

2015-06-03 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:22 PM, Tiemo Hollmann TB

 You are right, that it would be a typical db task and actually I was using
 valentina for this (could also be done with sqlite).

in-memory sqlite is blindingly fast; typically sub-millisecond response for
me.  I replaced my internal data array with it--the alternative was looping
through array sections for searches, or copying large chunks to filter!

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: AW: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-06-02 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:02 PM, J. Landman Gay

 Script length may have something to do with the editor delays. It takes
 more time to process text in v7.

 I'm currently converting a stack where no scripts are longer than a few
 hundred lines (most are under 500) and I see no delays.

I have multiple scripts several thousand lines long.

But the delays occur even when no processing is required (e.g., immediately
after stack load, once the system is settled, and before a line has been

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: AW: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-06-01 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Dave Kilroy

 I say 'in general' because v7 seems to be more fragile than earlier
 because sometimes when I hit an error in my code the IDE becomes sluggish

becomes sluggish

Mine *starts* with a 2s or so delay to switch panes in the editor . . .

 (when this happens I quit and restart LiveCode and everything is
 fine) - but apart from that I can't remember the last time the IDE
 crashed/froze on me. It starts very quick on my systems (Yosemite  Win7) -
 but not quite as quick as older versions...

I get at least a couple of IDE crashes on any given day of writing.
Sometimes, I can see it becoming less stable (e.g., when clicking for red
dots reads 2-4 lines off) and quit.

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Re: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Richard Gaskin

 It turned out that the acquiring company is very generous with their
 developers, outfitting them with the very latest and fastest Macs loaded
 with maximum RAM and the fastest HDDs on the market.

I hit the opposite of this during my dissertation.

The Fortran compiler I was using (absoft?) was based on the Cray compiler
(yes, an odd adaptation).  Anyway, I was working with huge matrices on a
mathematically intractable problem.  This was probably in '07 o '98.

The source of the crashes finally turned out to be my allocation of a
dynamic array.

I had more memory (512mb, iirc) than any of the developers so they had
never tried an array that was larger than 256mb.  Turns out that such
arrays were bit addressed, and I had surpassed 2^31 bits . . .  I was
bemused by accidentally tripping over a situation where 32 bit addressing
was not enough . . .

Fixed dimension arrays were faster, anyway . . .

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Re: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB

 I made some more performance benchmarks with my real life data
 I deactivated my special sort xSortListe handler and replaced it just by:
 1. sort lines of tListe numeric
 2. sort lines of tListe international
 (though it is not a solution for my sorting feature, but just to drill it

I don't think you need to go this far.

Just call it once and for all before editing; no need to do so at each
character, as filtering will preserve order.

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

 On 05/30/2015 12:40 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

  along the way or are new converts to LiceCode. And add to those

 Oops. Obviously I meant LiveCode.

LiceCode:  the hairiest programming experience you will ever have.  The
compiler is truly nit-picking . . .


Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: AW: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

 Malte, it might help if you don't sort the keys on each keystroke, instead
 put the keys into a list and sort them once, then keep referring to that
 same list as you do your filtering. Its faster to pop the full sorted list
 into a working variable on each keystroke and filter than it is to get the
 keys, sort the keys, then filter.

That's also what mine does.  Pulled once from the database already sorted,
stashed,then copied on use to a working set.  Working set is further
filtered for added characters, and recopied then filtered if a char is

Now that I think of it in this context, a FILTER SORTED that assumes sorted
data might be faster (but I suppose only faster if filtering from first
character, rather than arbitrary position).

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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Re: Button icons

2015-05-30 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Martin Koob wrote:

 And none of his buttons had icons which didn't help. :-)

Not needed; he's an iconic figure in his own right.


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Re: How do you handle the poor performance of LC 7?

2015-05-29 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:

 As a personal rule of thumb, I don't use anything post-6.x.x for anything
 but trying out the bleeding edge features.

I have no choice; I absolutely need the adjustable scaling on the desktop.

So I deal with performance by a lot of screaming and cussing at the machine
. . .

(once more, it took my quad core i5 ten or fifteen minutes to build a
standalone yesterday).

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
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