which version to use for using player with mp3 files?

2015-04-21 Thread FORD JR., CURT
I'm considering a project that will be pretty straightforward, but it will have 
lots of external mp3 files that I've always managed with a player before. I've 
got various versions of 6.x and 7 I could work with, but with quicktime 
deprecated (?) and a new player object I'm wondering which version people have 
found most reliable for playing sound files. It'll need to work on Mac and 
Windows, no plans for mobile.


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mp3 files not playing on Windows

2014-08-26 Thread FORD JR., CURT
A client's customer (using Windows) had ordered two modules of a series. Both 
come with their own set of mp3 files in a folder named media.  The two 
modules use the same code for figuring path names and playing sounds. We've had 
no problems in either module with other customers, but this one reports that 
sounds play properly in one of the modules, but not the other.

He has QuickTime installed, and we've ruled out non-standard characters in the 
path to the sound files. What seems strange is that the sounds play in one 
module, but not another. I suggested he move the problematic module to the same 
location as the one that works as expected, but it doesn't seem to have helped.

Anybody have any ideas of what else to check?


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re: Windows 7: Chinese characters replacing quotes apostrophes in English text

2014-02-09 Thread FORD JR., CURT
A little progress: the customer reports that

switched system locale from Simplified Chinese to English (US) to see some 
magic, as a computer magazine I had once read said it might work sometimes. It 
works! Those strange Chinese characters are gone and even the audio bars 
appear. But the ebook window stops operating everytime I turn from Page.12 to 
Page.13. It stucks for several seconds. After the locale switching, some of my 
Chinese programs don't work well any more. One program gets the Chinese 
charaters on its menu blurred, as is shown in attachment screenshot 3.1. 
Another program has no Chinese characters on the interface, which is presented 
in screenshot 3.2.

..so it looks like we should recommend that people switch system locale to 
English when using the module..

This one was created on April 14 2013 so it was probably Livecode 5.something - 
not sure unfortunately. Anyone have any idea whether trying again with 6.5.2 
might help?


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Windows 7: Chinese characters replacing quotes apostrophes in English text

2014-02-08 Thread FORD JR., CURT
A module which has been problem-free on most computers is showing odd behavior 
on one client's computer: Chinese characters appear replacing an apostrophe + 
s, or a contraction with an apostrophe, in the English text, and also where 
there are opening  closing quotes. m-dashes also aren't displaying properly.

The text was pasted into Livecode from an rtf document and is displayed in the 
Charis SIL font, which our installer installs (other parts of the text make 
clear the font is installing normally). It's not editable or even selectable, 
and the module doesn't involve any htmltext or unicodetext routines.

One thing different on this system may be that the user is running Windows 7 
Ultimate English version, with Chinese language support.

Any ideas on what's happening, or how to fix it?


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multiple child nodes in xml

2014-01-10 Thread FORD JR., CURT
I’m stuck on getting the values in some multiple child nodes in xml… trying to 
base the code on the sample at 

I’m getting the list of prompts that I need, but I can’t get the list of 
answers: one way I’ve tried gets the first answer only for each question, three 
times; another try (commented out) gave blanks for the answers. Am I missing 
something basic in how to set up the inner repeat loop, or the syntax for 
getting the answers in revXMLNodeContents?

My xml file looks like this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
promptWhat is the capital of Russia?/prompt
promptHow's the weather?/prompt
answerPretty cold./answer
answerNot bad./answer
answerToo hot./answer

Here’s what the command is like now:

private command processQuizTree pTree

   local tItems
   put revXMLChildNames(pTree, quiz/items, return, item, true) into tItems
   answer tItems is  tItems
   --answer tItems[1] is   tItems[1]
   --answer line 1 of tItems is   line 1 of tItems

   local tListOfPrompts
   repeat for each line tItem in tItems

  put revXMLNodeContents(pTree, quiz/items/  tItem  /prompt) into 
  answer tCurrentPrompt is   tCurrentPrompt
  put tCurrentPrompt  return after tListOfPrompts

  --get the child names of the answers node
  put revXMLChildNames(pTree, quiz/items/item/answers, return, answer, 
true) into tAnswers
  answer tAnswers is  tAnswers

  local tListOfAnswers
  repeat for each line tAnswer in tAnswers
 --gets first answer only, 3 times??
 put revXMLNodeContents(pTree, quiz/items/  tItem  tAnswer  
/answers/answer) into tCurrentAnswer
 answer tCurrentAnswer is   tCurrentAnswer
 put tCurrentAnswer  return after tListOfAnswers

 --gets blank item? 3 times
 --put revXMLNodeContents(pTree, quiz/items/  tItem  tAnswer  
/answers) into tCurrentAnswer
 --answer tCurrentAnswer is   tCurrentAnswer
 --put tCurrentAnswer  return after tListOfAnswers
  end repeat

   end repeat

   delete the last char of tListOfItems --trailing return

   answer tListOfPrompts is  tListOfPrompts
   answer tListOfAnswers is  tListOfAnswers

end processQuizTree

-thanks for any help -

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some sounds not playing on Windows 8

2013-06-27 Thread FORD JR, CURT
We've got a project that involves many sounds, all accessed through players. On 
most cards the controller is visible; on two cards with shorter sounds, we have 
small buttons that set the filename of an invisible player and start it playing.
It's been working well on Mac, XP, and Windows 7.

We've just had a report from a user on Windows 8 that sounds are working 
properly only on the cards with buttons and the invisible player. On cards with 
controller bars, the sound doesn't work (haven't been able to get more detail 
as to what exactly does/doesn't happen).

I haven't been able to get confirmation that the customer has QuickTime 
installed, though I would have assumed that if it's not, no sounds would play 
at all.

Anyone have any ideas why the controller might not work on Windows 8, though 
sounds played by an invisible controller do work?

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re: another article achieved...

2013-02-23 Thread FORD JR, CURT
Great article. I sent a note about it to MacSurfer and they've linked to it 
from their Press Release section - hopefully that'll help with visibility.


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re QuickTime issue with 5.5.2 (Mountain Lion)

2012-09-24 Thread FORD JR, CURT
It worked after I UNchecked Controller in the inspector and CHECKED it 

Thanks Klaus - I tried this a few times but couldn't get any consistent 
behavior.. guess I'll report it later today.


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QuickTime issue with 5.5.2 (Mountain Lion)?

2012-09-23 Thread FORD JR, CURT
Can anyone else confirm what I'm seeing..

1 drag a quicktime player onto a card

2 click the button in the player's inspector to select a file; .mp3 files are 
greyed out and can't be selected, even when the option 'All Files' is selected

3 typing in the name of an .mp3 file in the inspector leaves just the outline 
of the player, with no control bar

4 clicking the button in the inspector and choosing a .mov file, instead of 
.mp3, does seem to load the file, but the control bar doesn't respond

Is it just me.. ? or are there any workarounds? otherwise this is a big Blocker.

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rev cgi at Bluehost: libX11.so.6 not found

2012-05-09 Thread FORD JR, CURT
I'm trying to setup a registration system using the old rev engine (linux) and 
cgi scripts. The user fills in a form on a web page, clicks a button, and the 
script should start the engine, do some tasks, and display some information 
returned by the script.

There are no problems in testing on my site, which is hosted by on-rev - it all 
works great.

The client is on Bluehost, where we keep getting errors; the webpage shows

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

and the cPanel error log shows

lccgi: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory

Bluehost support has had me install some php pears and add some include_path 
statements in the php.ini file; this didn't help. I've also tried putting a 
dummy text file named 'libX11.so.6' in the cgi-bin folder where my script is, 
and in the php folder, and in the home directory, which also hasn't helped.

One support person suggested the problem was that they have 64-bit libraries, 
and libX11.so.6 is 32-bit.

Does anyone have experience with a rev cgi at Bluehost? I've spent hours on 
this  would be grateful for any suggestions..

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