Re: Copying text in boxes to clipboard

2017-12-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Jacque's suggestion for PDF printing is excellent. That will get you a file.
But you mentioned you want this to end up on the clipboard for pasting into 
other programs.

> Dunbarx wrote:
> I did a quick test using the "import snapshot" command, and pasted the
> result into another app. It seems to have the same resolution as the img in
> the LC stack. You cannot improve that without a lot of doctoring, of course,
> because that is the resolution of the source.
Well, the relatively new ‘at size’ addition to snapshot might help here.

Charles, try something like this:

An area of your card holds the fields you want to copy. Put that rect of that 
area into variable myFieldRects
Calculate the width of that rect and place it into variable myRectWidth
Calculate the height of that rect and place it into variable myRectHeight

Now here is where improving the resolution comes in. By using the ‘at size’ 
parameter you can essentially ‘enlarge' the image you capture.
Just put amount of the enlargement you want into variable multiplier.
Let’s say 10 times.
So altogether we have:
Put "20,100,700,150" into myFieldRects

Put 680 into myRectWidth

Put 50 into myRectHeight

put 10 into multiplier

put the windowID of this stack into winID

export snapshot from rect(myFieldRects) of window winID at size (myRectWidth * 
multiplier),(myRectHeight * multiplier) to myimg as JPEG

set clipboarddata["image"] to myimg

Paste into, say, a Word doc.

Now change multiplier to 1 - that will give you an ‘unbenlarged’ image.
Now paste that into the same Word doc and look closely at the difference in 

You could try 'as PNG', too.

Jim Lambert
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Re: sync LC applications

2017-11-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Paolo wrote:
> I went through this tutorial about push notifications
> ...
> According to some comments, this technique is is out of date now, because  
> C2DM has been officially deprecated as of June 26, 2012.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the lessons and any other coding examples posted by the 
Mothership contained a prominent field stating the current viability of that 
lesson. Also the lesson’s compatibility/incompatibility with various LC 

Perhaps several fields, something akin to the dictionary’s Edition, Introduced, 
OS & Platforms fields.

And if a technique has been deprecated a link to the current alternative 
technique, if any.

Ditto for extensions & widgets.

Jim Lambert

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Re: sync LC applications

2017-11-16 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Paolo wrote:

> what?s the best way to sync several  LC applications installed on many 
> different devices?
> For example, consider having 100 smartphones connected to internet running 
> the same LC application, how can I send a signal/command so that an image 
> shows up  at the same time in every smatphone?
> AFAIK a solution is to set up a text file in a web server and let the app 
> installed in each device to check (every second)  if any change occour , but 
> this solution is not efficient.
> Any idea?

Perhaps sockets or pushing app notifications.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Was I hallucinating? Totally OT, perhaps relevant

2017-11-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
RichardG wrote:
> But there's no question that all voice-activated systems (Apple's Siri, 
> Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Corana, Google's voice navigation) must 
> listen at all times in order to be able to know when you call them by 
> name.


> It wouldn't be possible for them to do what they do without an always-on 
> mic connected to the Internet.

Also true. But I suspect recognizing the wake up command can be done entirely 

Jim Lambert

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Re: The coming of SVG

2017-11-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Viewer +1

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Re: The coming of SVG

2017-11-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
FRAME would be good except it is already defined in the Livecode Dictionary as:

'One of the images in the sequence of images that makes up an animation or 

And there’s also framecount and framerate relating to animated GIFs.
Presumably some video widgets would also refer to movie frames, keyframes, etc.

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Re: The coming of SVG

2017-11-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
I like Mark's ‘picture' because it is general. A picture can contain both 
vectors and bitmaps. 
Any word with ‘icon’ in it seems overly specific as does ’SVG’-anything; while 
‘vectorimage’ implies an image made up of vectors.

set the filename of pct 1 to ‘blah blah.blah’

Jim Lambert

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Re: results of SPLIT when keys not unique

2017-11-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Monte wrote:
> Perhaps something like:
> split  by  and  [{replacing | 
> splitting | ignoring} duplicates]


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Re: how to split a list in two directions?

2017-10-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Tiemo wrote:
> I have a delimiter separated list of two columns, first column is an ID,
> second column a name.
> I need two arrays of this list, one with the first column (ID) as the key
> and one with the second column (name) as the key.
> With split myArray by CR and ";"I get the first column (the ID) as the key.
> Which is the most straight forward approach to get the second array with the
> name from the second column as the key? 

Not a one-liner!

set the columnDelimiter to ";"
split myList by column -- your original delimiter separated list of two columns
put myList[2] into mySecondArray[1]
put myList[1] into mySecondArray[2]
combine mySecondArray by column
split mySecondArray by CR and “;”

Jim Lambert
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Re: Should engine be applying link or metadata to an LINEFEED (LF) character?

2017-10-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
I wrote:

put LF into char 15 of line 1 of fld 1

Oops, that should read:

put LF into char 15 of fld 1

Jim Lambert

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Re: Should engine be applying link or metadata to an LINEFEED (LF) character?

2017-10-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
If you

put LF into char 15 of line 1 of fld 1

the appearance of Fld 1 doesn’t change, neither does its the htmltext.
Yet the result of running your script does change.
You only get ’10’ and no metadata after substituting a LF for a LF in char 15.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Should engine be applying link or metadata to an LINEFEED (LF) character?

2017-10-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Trevor wrote:
> ...
> This is line
> 1
> This is line 2
> …
> set the htmltext of field 1 to the clipboarddata
> put 15 into tChar
> put charToNum(char tChar of field 1) & cr & the metadata of char tChar of
> field 1

As you noted, one gets:


Now select before char 1 of line 2 and hit the delete key, so that all the text 
is on line 1.
Next hit the return key, so that the text is again on two lines and looks just 
as it did before.
Next run:
> put 15 into tChar
> put charToNum(char tChar of field 1) & cr & the metadata of char tChar of
> field 1

Now you only get ’10’, no metadata!

Check the htmltext and it’s identical to the original.


Jim Lambert
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Re: Resizing stack window by scaling

2017-10-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
RichardG wrote:

> One curiosity, though: what computers offer the 1536x864 resolution that 
> apparently 5.48% of users are running?  I can't recall even seeing that 
> resolution in any spec listings.

A Windows thing?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Resizing stack window by scaling

2017-10-22 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> RichardG wrote:
> With monitors, 1366x768 screens are by far the most common, the second 
> leading size only a bit more than half as popular, and it's a long tail 
> of single-digit market share from there:
> 1366x768:  29.87%
> 1920x1080: 16.69%
> 1440x900:   6.86%
> 1600x900:   5.81%
> 1280x800:   5.14%
> 1024x768:   4.74%
> < 
> <>>

The most common USA screen sizes (below) are a bit different from the worldwide 
stats (above).

1920x1080   17.66%

If your app will only be used in certain regions then consulting the 
statcounter site, that Richard shared, can give you such regional reports.

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Re: [OT] Myst and The Manhole

2017-10-20 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Last year my wife and I visited Meow Wolf’s House of Eternal Return.
It was clear there was a Myst-like puzzle at the heart of it.
But we didn’t bother much trying to figure it out.
It was just splendid fun to walk, dash, crawl, slide and climb through the 
wacky spaces.
Even 67 year olds can get a kick out of climbing into a washing machine only to 
pop suddenly out of a refrigerator, much to the startled consternation of the 
people standing in the ‘kitchen’.

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Re: is a date

2017-10-15 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Roger wrote:
> put "11/20/2017" is a date
> returns true
> put "10" is a date
> returns true
> put "raccoon" is a date
> returns false
> WHY is "10" seen as a date?

Because it is legitimately a date expressed in seconds?

convert 10 to long date
= Wednesday, December 31, 1969

In fact, converting any integer from -57600 to 86400 into a long date will 
result in Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Convert -57601 to long date will result in…Guess what!
Wednesday, December 30, 1969


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Re: not really OT: The Coming Software Apocalypse

2017-10-04 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Richmond wrote:
> once a system constructed by humans reaches a certain level of complexity
> those humans are unable to predict how it will behave in certain 
> circumstances.

And sometimes we’re unable to explain WHY a system behaved as it did, which is 
increasingly common with certain AI and cognitive computing systems.

Jim Lambert

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Re: A modest proposal for a new property

2017-09-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Herman wrote:
> Make a circular arc showing 70% of a pie and then tell us when clicking
> into the oval which part is hit, the 70% or the transparent 30%.
> A one-liner?

Here’s a kludge. But it’s no one liner.

It takes a few milliseconds depending on size of the graphic.

on mouseUp pButtonNumber
   put inMe(the target, the clickloc)
end mouseUp

function inMe targ, where
   lock screen
   import snapshot from targ
   set the loc of the last image to the loc of targ
   put within(the last image, where) into returnValue
   delete the last image
   return returnValue
end inMe

Put the mouseUp handler in the graphic script.
The function can go in the graphic, group, card or stack script.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Scrolling Groups on Mobile - Show a little of what is below

2017-09-21 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Some mobile UI’s, when first showing a scrolling list that extends below the 
visible area, will slightly “bounce” the list contents up then back down.  This 
does double duty. It briefly reveals the hidden content and indicates that the 
list is scrollable. And it works regardless of screen height.

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RE: TSNet error 6

2017-09-02 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
RalphM wrote:
> The first thing I do before any network access is to ping my server with a
> https request to a LC backend server script that returns "OK". I set the
> timeout for 2 seconds. If the returned data is not "OK" or take more than 2
> seconds then I put the app into off-line mode.

On IOS this is a bit easier.



 in LC’s dictionary.

"The network connection on iOS devices is generally more transient than normal 
network connections and can change between wireless and wide-area wireless 
(GPRS, 3G, EDGE etc.) transport as it moves, and indeed be lost entirely. As 
the behavior of an application may vary depending on what kind of network 
connection is present it is useful to be able to monitor a given server for the 
type of connection the device currently has to it."

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Re: [OT] Hello World

2017-09-01 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Congratulations on your Hello World article.
Very nice.

Jim Lambert

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Re: LC and Google Analytics?

2017-08-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Perhaps a widget could encapsulate the Google Analytics SDK.
Alternately just using their regular API calls might work too. 
LiveCode Connect is all about API interfacing.

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Re: slow listserv

2017-08-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
I wonder if the Texas flooding affected it.
Swimming increases latency.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Bad Crash on Attempt to Group Radio Buttons

2017-08-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
RichardG  wrote:
>> I have used cantSelect before to stop selection of a background image
>> that has lots of objects on top. It means you can drag select them and
>> won?t accidentally click-drag and move your background.
> How?

Disable it in addition to setting the cantselect.

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Re: CouchDB, DayBed, etc.

2017-08-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> local storage, and that data is subsequently 
> synched to "the cloud” 

You might want to take a look at Mark Talluto’s LiveCloud.

And I agree Greg's Daybed library and CouchDB course are very good.

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Re: Forum: Waves of Russian Nonsense

2017-08-14 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Klaus wrote:
> I deleted the 49 slavic spam postings manually a couple of minutes ago…

Спасибо   ;)

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Re: Web vs Native (was Re: HTML5 limitations?)

2017-07-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
On 7/28/17 1:14 PM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:
> I think the first thing we would need would be builtin 
> gesture support. In this case, this isn't even 'a gesture has happened' 
> but 'it looks like a swipe is just starting' (I think at least). e.g. 
> swipeBegin / swipeContinue / swipeEnd / swipeCancel.
> We'd probably also want a 'swipe' message at the end - i.e. there are 
> cases where it is the fact that 'swipe' has happened that you want, and 
> not the details of the process it went through (perhaps swipeEnd would 
> be fine here, though).
> I do like the idea of having the animation of a gesture in the UI being 
> tied to the event - its a nice low-code approach for a very common 
> problem.

How might LC support interactive and interruptible animations as shown in this 
video on Advanced Animations with UIKit? 

This capability is generally applicable to any animation using UIKit. Even 
non-moving transitions, such as blurring, are supported in an interactive way.
If supported by LC, it would be useable beyond just moving from card to card or 
swiping out a sidebar.

But of course, the particular capability shown in the video is OS-specific. 
Whereas LC strives to be platform agnostic.

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Swipe transitions

2017-07-19 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
It would be cool if LiveCode could tap into underlying OS animation functions.
For example, at WWDC 2017 Apple showed how UI KIT can support interactive and 
interruptible animations. 
These are very handy for doing smooth and interactive transitions.

LiveCoders are used to building things like transitions between screens.
But more and more OSes offer ever more sophisticated animations and transitions 
at the OS level. Users will expect the real things rather than facsimiles.

Admittedly LiveCode may have a difficult time supporting such native features, 
especially as OS vendors seek to differentiate themselves with unique features 
without direct correlates on other OSes.

Jim Lambert
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RE: intersect . . . invisible images

2017-07-17 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Richmond wrote:
> all the cheap American series... Oh, and, inevitably "Mission Impossible”.

Yesterday the actor Martin Landau, who appeared in that show, died at the age 
of 89.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Verbosity and Lines of code

2017-06-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> RICHARDG  wrote:
> This would allow us to exit a specific loop when loops are nested.
> I can't recall the specifics of his proposed syntax, but I remember
> being impressed by how natural it seemed. Maybe it was along the lines of:
>   repeat with i = 1 to tSomething named "MySomethingLoop"
> repeat with j = 1 to tSomethingElse named "MyOtherLoop"
>   DoSomethingWith i,j
>   exit "MySomethingLoop"
> end repeat
>   end repeat

If we can tolerate 2 extra lines of code we can do nested exits this way:

   repeat with i = 1 to tSomething
  if exitMe = true then exit repeat
  repeat with j = 1 to tSomethingElse
 if exitMe = true then exit repeat
 DoSomethingWith i,j
 put true into exitMe
  end repeat
   end repeat

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Re: synonyms

2017-06-26 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
OOOPS! I left out an important word

Then simply set the icon of each to the ID of the appropriate image.

should read

Then simply set the icon of each BUTTON to the ID of the appropriate image.


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Re: synonyms

2017-06-26 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> BobS wrote:
> For the record, I have given up on my Object Library. The problem is buttons. 
> Button can have icons. That means that I would need to copy all the linked 
> icons along with the button, then manage the relinking of the copied icons 
> that now have their own ID's, then manage dropping the icons BACK onto 
> another card, but only if another icon of the same name does not exist, blah 
> blah blah. YUK! 
> What is needed is for the engine to allow a BUTTON to dynamically be linked 
> to a grapic ON DISK without having to import a graphic object 


I may completely misunderstand the issue.  But can’t you have an unseen card 
with all the icons as image objects referencing image files ON DISK.
Then simply set the icon of each to the ID of the appropriate image.

For example,

create a new image
set its filename to “some>path/hand_icon.jpg”
   set the icon of button “hand” to the ID 1003
where 1003 is the id of the referenced image.

In this way there is no ‘copying’, ‘importing’ or ‘relinking’ needed.

And if you don’t want to deal with remembering IDs just name the new image, say 
“hand_icon’ then

  set the icon of button “hand” to the ID of image “hand_icon” 
(optionally - "of card ‘myIcons’")

Jim Lambert
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Re: RIP Dan Shafer

2017-06-22 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
But Dan’s excellent work lives on.

Jim Lambert
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Re: LC Global - my experience

2017-06-18 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Alex Tweedly wrote:
> the replay link gives you a web page showing the video and the scrolling 
> 'chat' alongside it. The video responds *only* to "pause" (and then to 
> "play") - there's no
>  - rewind (say 30 seconds) if you got distracted
>  - fast forward / backward
>  - go directly to a point in time (e.g. if you have to switch devices)

That peeved me, too. 
So I wrote to Webinarjam suggesting that the addition of a scrub bar on the 
playback video would be an immense improvement in user experience.

Adam from Webinarjam promptly replied:

> Hi Jim,
> This feature has been disabled after numerous requests from users who wanted 
> to ensure that their attendees got to see the full event. We are very sorry 
> for the inconvenience however I would be happy to add your request to our 
> list of feature requests.

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Re: "clipsToRect" property

2017-06-14 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
‘Visible rectangle’

I can see that. ;)

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Re: clipsToRect property (was Re: Instantiaing Grouped Controls - Templates - Responsive)

2017-06-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

‘Clip Group to rect’

Jim Lambert
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Re: clipsToRect property (was Re: Instantiaing Grouped Controls - Templates - Responsive)

2017-06-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Group crops to rect

> Jacque wrote:
> I agree with the concept in general, but the word "crop" implies permanent 
> removal. When you crop an image, it permanently erases the parts outside the 
> rectangle. Unfortunately I can't think of a better term. Maybe something like 
> "prevent auto-resizing”?

How about ‘Group clips to rect’ ?

Jim Lambert

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Re: looking for a smart approach to "sort" an array

2017-05-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Jacque wrote:
> I've done this often, it's a nice clean solution. And now that we can 
> set tabstops to 0, the second item won't be visible whether there's a 
> horizontal scrollbar or not.

That’s right!  tabwidths are handy for this hiding too.

But I realized Tiemo might not even need to bother hiding the otherData if he 
takes advantage of another property of fields - the metadata property:

set the metadata of line 1 of field 1 to otherDataString
set the metadata of line 2 of field 1 to otherDataString2

A field’s metadata is never visible.
Yet the otherData strings will travel along with each line as the user drags 
the the lines up and down. 

LiveCode offers so much flexibility! We can usually have a choice of approaches 
to any problem

Jim Lambert

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Re: looking for a smart approach to "sort" an array

2017-05-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> I have a list field of words and a correspondent array with the words of the
> field as the keys plus some data per key. I can store the array in a file,
> read it later from file and rebuild the list of words from the keys of the
> array. Up to now, I had this list of words alphabetically sorted. So it was
> easy, when reloading the array to sort the list always alphabetically to
> refresh the visible list in the field.
> The user can also create a custom sequence of the words in the field by drag
> and drop the lines in individual order. Now I am looking for a smart
> approach to keep the same sort order in the correspondent array. I need the
> custom sort order of the words in case I reload the array later from file to
> get the same sequence of words as the user has sorted them, after extracting
> the words from the array. 

As much as I like arrays, in this case you might consider an ‘old school’ 
This approach will only work if the stack is writable and that 'plus some data 
per key’ is just text.
And the approach is - keep everything in the scrolling list field - including 
the OtherData. No arrays, no writing files.

Set the tabstops to a number greater than the width of the field.
Set the itemdelimter to tab.
Then put the OtherData of each line into the second item of each line.

As long as there’s no horizontal scrollbar on the field the user will never see 
the OtherData.
Getting item 2 of the hilitedline will always give you the corresponding 
OtherData for the word the user has selected.

Your drag and drop routines should still work. Just remember to save the stack 
each time the user rearranges the line order.

Jim Lambert
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Re: looking for a smart approach to "sort" an array

2017-05-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Might a numbered array work for you, where the key corresponds to the line 


Jim Lambert

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Re: mouseMove & backgoundBehavior

2017-04-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
RichardG wrote:
> when you set the backgroundBehavior of a group to true... that group's script 
> then occupies a different 
> place in the message path, between the card and the stack
Ah, yes, the light dawns - the message path.
Because LC ‘backgrounds” can be smaller than the card, checking the target or 
using ‘within’ would be needed to constrain actions taken to the rect of a 
background group.

And since multiple backgrounds are possible, only the script of the topmost 
background seems to be inserted in between the card and stack in the message 
One must click directly on objects within other, lower background groups to 
trigger its handlers.


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mouseMove & backgoundBehavior

2017-04-26 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Make a group that is smaller than your card.
Place this in the group’s script:
on mousemove newMouseH, newMouseV
put newMouseH, newMouseV
end mousemove

When the cursor moves around within the group the current mouseLoc is put into 
the message box. When the cursor moves outside of the group the mouseloc is no 
longer placed into the message box.

Next set the backgroundBehaviour of the group to TRUE.

Now wherever the cursor is within the CARD the mouseLoc is placed in the 
message box regardless of whether the cursor is within or without the rect of 
the group.

The dictionary states, "The mouseMove message is sent to the control the mouse 
pointer is over, or to the card if no control is under the mouse pointer.”

It is true that a background group is not 'officially' on a card (rather it’s 
on the background in HyperCard parlance.) But why would the mousemove message 
get passed to the card when the mouse is outside of the background group 
containing that handler?

Is this a bug or expected behavior?

Jim Lambert
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Re: Import or export snapshot at current scaleFactor

2017-04-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Try this

import snapshot from ObjRef at size (the width of ObjRef * 
scaleBy),(the height of ObjRef * scaleBy)

Where ObjRef is the object whose snapshot you want to import and scaleBy is the 
scaling factor. So something like:

import snapshot from grp 1 at size (the width of grp 1 * 2),(the height 
of grp 1 * 2)

If that produces an the image you need just change the command to an export 
snapshot command.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> RichardG wrote:
> the memory and CPU requirements for working with tens of thousands of objects 
> can be onerous

Not to mention how onerous it would be for the poor end user to work with tens 
of thousands of objects!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-02 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
A little fancier.

on mouseup
put token 2 of the value of the clickline into MAGIC
put baseConvert(MAGIC, 16, 10) into WAL
put 0 into KOUNT
lock screen for visual effect  in rect (the rect of grp "BOXES")
repeat for 128 times
set the label of btn ("B" & KOUNT) to numToCodepoint(KOUNT+WAL)
add 1 to KOUNT
end repeat
put the short name of me into fld "RANGE"
unlock screen with visual effect  "scroll right" very fast
end mouseup

on populateMe
put "" into me
lock screen
put the number of buttons of grp UNIlist into nBtns
repeat with x = 1 to nBtns
put the short name of btn x of grp UNIlist into line (nBtns +1) 
- x of me
end repeat
end populateMe

Jim Lambert

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Cheesed off by 32xxx

2017-04-02 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

You could give this a try.
Drag a scrolling list field onto the card. 
Name it ‘UNIlist’.
This will eventually replace for group ‘UNIlist', which contains your 
problematic number of buttons.
Put this in the script of the scrolling list field ‘UNIlist'
on mouseup

put token 2 of the value of the clickline into MAGIC

put baseConvert(MAGIC, 16, 10) into WAL

put 0 into KOUNT

lock screen

repeat for 128 times

set the label of btn ("B" & KOUNT) to numToCodepoint(KOUNT+WAL)

add 1 to KOUNT

end repeat

put the short name of me into fld "RANGE"

end mouseup

on populateMe

put "" into me

lock screen
put the number of buttons of grp UNIlist into nBtns

repeat with x = 1 to nBtns

put the short name of btn x of grp UNIlist into line (nBtns +1) 
- x of me

end repeat

end populateMe

Now execute "send populateMe to the field UNIlist” in the message box

Now click any line of the scrolling list field ‘UNIlist’.

The scrollingligst field should be able to hold considerably more than 1400 
Result: de-cheesement!

Jim Lambert
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Line numbers for soft-wrapped styled text?

2017-03-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Hermann wrote:

> In sum I learned very important things in this thread:
> Using a styledText array (by Alex Tweedly).
> Using liststyles for _any_ field (by Jim Lambert).
> You could now think about making a "Sample stack" for that (livecodeshare).
> One thing to remark:
> One has to adjust the "indention/oudention" by using the left margin and the
> first indent. One can even make this width-adaptive to the num of lines and
> adjust it in a way to make the numbering looking 'right aligned':
> ## LineNumbering technique by Jim Lambert
> ## (applied below by for adaptive and right-aligned indention by -hh).
> ## You need a field "TEXT" of styled Text and a checkButton "ShowNumbers".
> ## -- btn "showNumbers
> on mouseUp
>  if the hilite of me then showNumbers
>  else hideNumbers
> end mouseUp
> ## -- fld "TEXT
> on textchanged
>  if the hilite of btn "showNumbers" then showNumbers
>  else hideNumbers
> end textchanged
> on scrollbardrag
>  if the hilite of btn "showNumbers" then showNumbers
>  else hideNumbers
> end scrollbardrag
> ## card script
> local rg="TEXT"
> on hideNumbers
>  lock screen; lock messages
>  set the liststyle of line 1 to -1 of fld rg to empty
>  set the firstindent of line 1 to -1 of fld rg to 0
>  set the margins of fld rg to 8
>  if there is a grc rg then hide grc rg
>  unlock screen; unlock messages
> end hideNumbers
> on showNumbers
>  lock screen; lock messages
>  set the hgrid of fld rg to true -- adjust to your taste
>  put the num of lines of fld rg into n0
>  -- as an empty last line is ignored by LC:
>  if char -1 of fld rg is cr then add 1 to n0
>  put length(n0) into L
>  set the borderColor of fld rg to "230,230,230"
>  put 10+L*8 into ww
>  repeat with i=1 to L
>set the firstIndent of line 10^(i-1) to 10^i-1 \
>of fld rg to -16-i*8
>  end repeat
>  set the margins of fld rg to (ww+10,8,8,8)
>  set the liststyle of line 1 to -1 of fld rg to "decimal"
>  if there is no grc rg then createNumBack rg
>  show grc rg
>  put the rect of fld rg into rct
>  set points of grc rg to \
>(ww div 2 + item 1 of rct, item 2 of rct) & \
>(ww div 2 + item 1 of rct, item 4 of rct)
>  set linesize of grc rg to ww
>  unlock screen; unlock messages
> end showNumbers
> on createNumBack gg -- adust to your taste
>  if there is no grc gg then create grc rg
>  set style of grc gg to "line"
>  set capstyle of grc gg to "butt"
>  set opaque of grc gg to true
>  set the colorOverlay["color"] of grc rg to "230,230,230"
>  set blendlevel of grc rg to 70
> end createNumBack
> ## known problem: incorrect 'rightalign' if after deleting the last line
> ##   the new last line is an empty one and the length of the num changes.


That’s an elegantly full-featured solution!

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Re: Line numbers for soft-wrapped styled text?

2017-03-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Richard wrote:

> This morning Jim Lambert emailed me a very different solution that I 
> thought would be worth sharing here.
> Here he uses the engine's own metrics for calculating vertical line 
> spacings, by having the number field placed below the editable text 
> field, setting its width to that of the editable field + a left margin 
> in which he uses the engine's support for numeric list styles to draw 
> the line numbers:
> on textchanged
>lock screen
>set the htmltext of fld "nums" to the htmltext of me
>set the liststyle of line 1 to -1 of fld nums to "decimal"
>set the scroll of fld "nums" to the scroll of me
> end textchanged
> The only downside I can see to this approach is for memory, as it 
> requires copying the full styled text from the source field into the 
> line number field.

Now that I think about it, I’ve overcomplicated things.
You don’t need two fields at all.
Just set the liststyle of the field that contains your editable text to 
Then the lines will be automatically numbered and outdented.
Yet conveniently, the ’text’ and the ‘styledtext’ runs will not ‘contain' the 
numbering since it is a styling.

Of course, this still doesn’t allow you to get rid of the trailing period on 
the numbers.

Jim Lambert
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Re: LC & OS X 10.12.4

2017-03-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Klaus wrote:

> no problems with LC 8.1.3 and 9 dp6 on macOS 10.12.4!

Klaus, thanks for checking. 
Problem must be mine. I can’t launch any version of LC from 5.5.5 through 
Business 9 dp 6.
Guess I’ll start trashing preference files!

Jim Lambert

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LC & OS X 10.12.4

2017-03-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Anyone else unable to launch LC on mac OS X 10.12.4?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Magnification

2017-03-24 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Vokey, John wrote:
> ...the ability to magnify those images... I am seeking the code in a bit of a 
> rush.

This may also help: 

Jim Lambert

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Re: Help test please? GoLiveNet in v9

2017-03-15 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Fine in 
LC 9.0.0 dp6
OSX 10.12.3

Jim Lambert

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Re: Translating escape sequence

2017-03-14 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Jacque wrote:
> I'm dealing with non-English languages, and JSON data retrieved from a 
> database comes in with unicode escape sequences like this: Eduardo 
> Ba\u00f1uls.
> I need to translate those. I can do it by replacing the "\u" with "0x" 
> and then using numToCodepoint() to get the UTF16 character. But there 
> could be many of these in the same string, so I'm looking for a one-shot 
> command that might just do them all.

JSONImport does it.  
If the escaped string is not in JSON format this function will wrap it in JSON 
then let JSONImport do its thing.

put deEscape("Eduardo Ba\u00f1uls")

function deEscape pEscapedText
put "{'1':'**dummy**'}" into temp
replace "**dummy**" with pEscapedText in temp
replace "'" with quote in temp
put JSONImport(temp)into pArray
return pArray[1]
end deEscape

Roundabout but does the trick.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Messages sent while mouse is down?

2017-03-12 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Tim wrote:
> Click and drag the mouse through 
> adjacent letters to make words.
> Without clicking, simply moving the mouse through the tiles 
> (fields) triggers mouseenter, mouseleave, etc. which makes it 
> easy to pick up the letters.
> But when the mouse is down, it seems mouseloc() is the only thing 
> I can get. Using a variable what has all the field rectangles, I 
> can use the mouseloc() to ultimately identify the field under the 
> pointer, but it's too slow...

How about a slight change in the game’s instructions?

Instead of "click and drag through the letters to highlight a word", have the 
user click on the first letter of their word, mouse through the intervening 
letters, and finally click on the last letter of their word to end their word 
discovery process.

That way you entirely avoid having to track the mouseloc while the mouse is 
Use the first click (mouseup) to begin ‘recording’ the user’s word discovery. 
That will tell you letter #1 of their word.
Then use subsequent mouseenters to track which letters the user moved into next 
and the order of entry. That will tell you the rest of the letters in their 
Use the next click (mouseup) to end their word discovery process.
Then you compare their word to your dictionary to see if it is a legit word.

Of course, you'll want to account for clicks outside of the play area and 
ignore them or restrict mouse movement to the play area during the word 
discovery process.

Jim Lambert 
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Re: UI design problem

2017-03-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> tbodine wrote:
> I'm using the mouseStillDown message to make either the text or image
> follow the mouse until released.

Glad you solved it.

Jim Lambert
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Re: UI design problem

2017-03-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Food for thought.

Presumably text in the field is editable by the user.
Therefore the field text cannot be locked and mousedowns will be used for text 
selection rather than grabbing of the entire field, correct?

Is the field user resizable? If so, do you present the user with dotted border 
and resize handles?
Could clicking on the field’s (or image’s) border trigger the grab rather than 
a click within its content area?

Jim Lambert

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Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.0 DP-5

2017-02-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
LC Team,

Congratulations and many thanks for this feature-packed release.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Write to file at end

2017-01-19 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

 'for UPDATE’  works as well for your case as long as you write ‘at END'

Jim Lambert
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Re: Browser widget question

2016-10-20 Thread Jim Lambert

>> RichardG wrote:
> Wells Fargo will enable it for you if you open 15 savings accounts. ;)

Wells Fargo will automatically open those bank accounts for you even if you 
don’t want them and without your even knowing!  ;)

Jim Lambert

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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 42

2016-07-19 Thread Jim Lambert

> I?m not sure why the term global handler was used

‘Global Handler’ is reserved for Atlas. ;)

Jim Lambert
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Re: [OT] Conference ticket for sale

2016-06-23 Thread Jim Lambert
Jacque & Ralph,

So sorry you won’t be attending this year’s conference.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Margaret.

Jim Lambert
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Re: hhImageJIT

2016-06-22 Thread Jim Lambert

Very fast!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Control? Object?

2016-06-19 Thread Jim Lambert
“I object!”, he protested.
“Control yourself!”, she replied.
Later they agreed, “It was just one of those things.”

Jim Lambert
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Re: Slightly OT: Exam results for students using LiveCode in Norway

2016-06-19 Thread Jim Lambert

Congratulations to you, your school, Livecode and mostly your students for 
excellent achievement.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Card SnapShot from Negative Rect?

2016-06-06 Thread Jim Lambert
>Scott Rossi wrote
>> I'm trying to snapshot the card because I want
>> to capture multiple objects/groups that are present in a designated

Import snapshot from this card
Crop the last image to somerect

where somerect is your “designated rect”

will that give you what you want without grouping and ungrouping a bunch of 

Jim Lambert
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Re: LC 8 Random crash with QT set the filename of player on OS X

2016-06-03 Thread Jim Lambert
Just a thought.
Before setting the filename of the player to a movie file, first set its 
filename to empty. Wait 0 ticks. Then set its filename to the movie path.

Jim Lambert
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Re: [ANN] Release 8.0.0

2016-05-04 Thread Jim Lambert
LC Team,

Congratulations on the release of LC 8.0 - a significant achievement.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [OT] Atkinson Interview, Pt 2

2016-05-02 Thread Jim Lambert
I like that Atkinson revealed he got the idea for HyperCard while dropping LSD.
Thirty years later we’re still using a descendant of that idea.
Are we experiencing a perpetual flashback?

Nah, Flash is something else!

Jim Lambert
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Re: [ANN] Release 8.0.0 RC 1

2016-04-13 Thread Jim Lambert
Here’s an issue I’m seeing with LC 8.0.0 RC 1 on OS X that I have not seen 

When I launch LC 8.0.0 RC 1 on OS X I get the 'You downloaded this application 
from the Internet…' security dialog.
Usually you just click OK and never see that dialog again. At least that was 
the case with earlier versions of LC.
However, I get it every time I launch LC 8.0.0. 

If anyone else is experiencing this, here’s how to fix it.
Select the LC 8.0.0 RC 1 app in Finder. 
Get Info (command-I).
Change the app’s security settings from ‘Read Only’ to 'Read & Write.'
The next time you launch LC 8 RC 1, you will again get the security dialog, but 
not on subsequent launches.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Design Challenge -- Round Corner mask on images

2016-04-04 Thread Jim Lambert

Thanks for the Rounded Corners widget.
Very nice!

Jim Lambert

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Re: [ANN] Blog Post

2016-03-27 Thread Jim Lambert

Surprisingly fast. Thanks.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Separate Widget palette

2016-03-22 Thread Jim Lambert
The Revolution/LiveCode ‘Tools Palette’ has never been a purely tools palette.
The Browse, Selection, Graphic & Paint tools are strictly tools. You select a 
tool and the pointer becomes that tool. Tools let you build or modify things.

All the other things on the Tool Palette are actually objects either built-in 
or, now, widget objects. Objects are already built. You just drag them whole 
from the palette onto a card. At which point LiveCode courteously chooses the 
Selection Tool for you to use to modify your new object.
There really is quite a different usage pattern between these two types.

If we were to have two different palettes, we might consider a Tools Palette 
and an Object Palette.
The Tools Palette would only have tools in it. The Object Palette would only 
have built-in and Widget objects.

I’m not saying we should do this, but it might make the difference between 
tools and objects clearer for newbies.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [Blog] Script Only Stacks

2016-03-03 Thread Jim Lambert
> TimB wrote:
> If I open one up in TextEdit and save it, Livecode gives me the error 
> message: “Unable to open stack: File is not a stack”.

Hi Tim,
I’m not seeing that here with LC 8.0 (dp 15)

1. Launch TextEdit
2. File > New
3. Format > Make Plain Text
4. type

script "test2"
on openstack
answer "Wow!"
end openstack

5. File > Save
6. name it
“test2.livecode"  Use UTF-8 encoding
7. File > Close

8. Switch to LC
9. File > Open Stack…
10. Select “test2.livecode”
11. Answer dialog appears with “Wow!”

Jim Lambert

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Re: Open source, closed source, and the value of code

2016-03-01 Thread Jim Lambert

> MonteG wrote:
> Well.. it depends on what he’s apologising for ;-)


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Re: Open source, closed source, and the value of code

2016-03-01 Thread Jim Lambert

> RichardG wrote:
> Whether I buy flowers for my wife because I think she's pretty or because I'm 
> trying to apologize, either way the florist makes $60.

Either way Tiffany is one lucky gal!

Jim Lambert

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Re: LiveCode @ Davos

2016-01-23 Thread Jim Lambert

Your evangelizing LC at Davos is very cool. 
Bravos at Davos!

Jim Lambert

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Re: [On-Rev] TIO: again all index files were overwritten

2016-01-18 Thread Jim Lambert

It is not just your account. I can confirm that the TIO index files have been 
overwritten on my account too.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [On-Rev] TIO: again all index files were overwritten

2016-01-18 Thread Jim Lambert

> Matthias wrote:
> the index files have a changed date 17.01.2016 7:00 GMT+1. That was yesterday.

If it’s of any help, in my account it appears that all files with ‘index’ in 
the name were changed on the 16th of January.
What a strange kind of attack.
I appreciate the team’s work to correct and prevent.

Jim Lambert
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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 15

2016-01-11 Thread Jim Lambert

I take advantage of the forum feature that lets one subscribe to a digest of 
new forum posts.
In that way the forum becomes more like the use and dev digests - the 
experience which I prefer.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Take a look back through 2015

2015-12-20 Thread Jim Lambert
Let me add to the litany of Livecode LTD’s amazingly accelerated pace in 2015 - 
the unprecedented number of posts by Mark Waddingham to this and the DEV list.

Thank you, Mark, for your always insightful and much welcomed participation 

Jim Lambert
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Re: Animations on iOS

2015-12-15 Thread Jim Lambert
Probably won’t solve Ben’s issue, but here’s an ancient stack I did that shows 
how to animate using a single image in a group and simply adjusting its 
position via scroll.

go stack URL "”

Jim Lambert

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Animations on iOS

2015-12-15 Thread Jim Lambert
go stack URL "”

Had a smart quote in the previous post. :(

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Re: Happy LC Holidays

2015-12-14 Thread Jim Lambert

Thanks for the snowy stack.
And Happy Holidays to you and the entire LC community.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 5

2015-10-19 Thread Jim Lambert

I’ve been enjoying these weekly posts.

Jim Lambert
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Re: [ANN] mergExt: BLE, Google spreadsheets, Map directions, iOS 9 & special price

2015-10-12 Thread Jim Lambert

mergExt Complete keeps getting better and better. 
An excellent package!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Need Help Throttling Downloads From an FTP Site

2015-09-21 Thread Jim Lambert

That should be:

on getNextFile
if lListOfFilePaths = empty then exit getNextFile   
put line 1 of lListOfFilePaths into remoteFilePath

delete line 1 of lListOfFilePaths

put whatever into localFileName
libURLDownloadToFile ("
" & remoteFilePath),(exportFolderPath & "/" & localFileName ),"downloadComplete"
end getNextFile

Jim Lambert
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Re: Need Help Throttling Downloads From an FTP Site

2015-09-21 Thread Jim Lambert

Try this (untested):

local lListOfFilePaths

on downloadAll
put theListofFiles into lListOfFilePaths
end repeat

on getNextFile
if lListOfFilePaths = empty then exit getNextFile   
put line 1 of lListOfFilePaths into remoteFilePath
put whatever into localFileName
libURLDownloadToFile ("; & 
remoteFilePath),(exportFolderPath & "/" & localFileName ),"downloadComplete"
end getNextFile

command downloadComplete pURL, pStatus
if pStatus = "error" or pStatus = "timeout" then
answer error "The file” && pURL && "could not be downloaded."
end if
end downloadComplete

Basically it fetches the files one at a time.
No need for adding guessed-at delays.

Jim Lambert
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Re: AW: Why is LC text blurred on a retina display?

2015-09-18 Thread Jim Lambert
Can’t Sorenson Squeeze 10 do a file format conversion without recompressing?

Jim Lambert
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RE: Business Application Framework

2015-08-12 Thread Jim Lambert
Richard wrote:
 Did I just miss it?

Hi Richard,

You did.
On lcVCS is available 
under the Download tab  Plugins.
One may need to be logged in.
Otherwise it is on github as PaulR wrote.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Business Application Framework

2015-08-12 Thread Jim Lambert
RichardG wrote:
 I'm not on any payroll but my own; I am not an employee of 
 LiveCode Ltd.  My role is as a volunteer, and focused solely on 
 fostering the Community Edition through open source process.

I and surely many are most grateful for your superb service to our LiveCode 
Thank You!

Jim Lambert
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: JSON parser discovery

2015-07-21 Thread Jim Lambert
MarkW wrote:
 json_pp  filename


Very handy. Fast too.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 1 / 7.1.0 DP 1

2015-07-17 Thread Jim Lambert
I am unable to launch either 6.7.7 (rc 1) or 7.1.0 (dp 1) on OS X 10.10.4.
Get a hard crash just before the Start Center window should appear.
Previous version launch fin.

Anyone else seeing this?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Release 6.7.7 RC 1 / 7.1.0 DP 1

2015-07-17 Thread Jim Lambert
I wrote:
 I am unable to launch either 6.7.7 (rc 1) or 7.1.0 (dp 1) on OS X 10.10.4.
 Get a hard crash just before the Start Center window should appear.

FYI, once I removed NativeSoft’s Data Tree 2.0 from the plugins folder both 
versions of LC launch properly.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Has the founders on-rev package been reduced to 25 GB?

2015-07-12 Thread Jim Lambert

 TEDennis wrote:
 re: To Infinity and beyond!
 Would you mind sharing some of that excess capacity?
 I don't mean the 'infinity stuff.
 I mean the beyond stuff.
 I'm wondering ... does beyond still use a binary system?

Only in the world of ‘Toy Story’, the film from which the quote is taken.

I’m curious does anyone else see the infinity symbol as the maximum storage 
limit for your on-rev accountl?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Has the founders on-rev package been reduced to 25 GB?

2015-07-11 Thread Jim Lambert
I’m an on-rev founder and my cPanel says:

Disk Space Usage1.5 GB / ∞

To Infinity and beyond!

Jim Lambert
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Re: Is it just me? The LiveCode website.

2015-07-04 Thread Jim Lambert
Down here (LA) too.
Jim Lambert

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Re: LiveNode Server

2015-04-14 Thread Jim Lambert

 Mark Wilcox wrote:
 This is an interesting thread.

Indeed it is. Thanks for your informative comments.

Jim Lambert
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Re: How to Turn a Word Into a Graphic Object?

2015-03-27 Thread Jim Lambert

 Brahma wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to quickly turn words into graphic objects 

Text is already a kind of vector graphic.
So, this will turn words into images not graphic objects. 

 an auxiliary question: when using import snapshot ... how can you set 
 the name of the resulting image 

This is an elaboration of Richmond’s technique.

on word2pix startWord, endWord, theField
   if there is not a field theField then exit word2pix
   if startWord is not a number  then exit word2pix
   if endWord is not a number  then exit word2pix  
   if startWord  1  or startWord   the number of words of field theField then 
put 1 into startWord
   if endWord  1 or endWord  the  number of words of field theField then put 
the  number of words of fld theField into endWord
   lock screen
   create field dummy
   set the margins of  field dummy to 0
   set the opaque of  field dummy to false
   set the fixedlineheight of  field dummy to false
   repeat with x = startWord to endWord
  set the rtftext of fld dummy to  the rtftext of word x of fld theField
  set the height of fld dummy to  the formattedheight of word 1 of fld 
  set the width of fld dummy to  the formattedwidth of word 1 of fld 
  import snapshot from fld dummy
  set the name of the last image to x -  word 1 of fld dummy
   end repeat
   delete field dummy
end word2pix

Jim Lambert
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Re: Release: LiveCode 8.0.0 DP 1

2015-03-13 Thread Jim Lambert
Exciting webinar.

Trying to draw the differences between widgets, extensions, externals.

Extensions include:

With widgets eventually replacing externals.

Is that about right?

Jim Lambert

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: mergExt Update for LC 6.7.3 and 7.0.3

2015-03-04 Thread Jim Lambert
Thank you, Monte, for the quick update.
Everyone else, buy mergExt!  
You won’t regret it. It’s a great collection of externals.

Jim Lambert
use-livecode mailing list
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