LiveCode Video Display with QuickTime on a PC ?

2016-03-31 Thread
The stack should run on PC. Be sure the movie filename is correctly prepared as 
a relative path, not an absolute path. E.g.:

set the filename of player 1 to “Images/”

Also, be sure the movie is correctly placed hierarchically. If for instance the 
movie MyMovie is in a folder titled "Images" and the stack is in a folder 
titled MyStack, the Images folder should be in the MyStack folder.

Stephen Goldberg, Pres
Medmaster Inc

>Is there anything else I shold know ? LiveCode information concerning
>video display with QT on a PC is very vague. I?m running V 5.5.
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Re: The Future of LiveCode in Education

2016-02-29 Thread

What does LiveCode need to do to significantly increase its audience among 
teachers and students of computer programming?

I  taught medical students for 25 years at the University of Miami School of 
Medicine. LiveCode has provided an opportunity to further improve medical 

My students, as well as others around the USA, have appreciated these efforts. 
I received the George Paff Award for Best Teacher 11 times at the University of 
Miami School of Medicine. I also received an unprecedented invitation to be the 
keynote speaker at the graduating class commencement of the Washington 
University at St. Louis School of Medicine, one of the most prestigious medical 
schools in the US. The reason for the invite was for contributions to medical 
education, part of which included development of educational software.

I am president of the Medmaster medical publishing company and have used 
LiveCode to create and distribute many educational programs, some of which are 
available free for download at, while 
others of a more complex nature are incorporated into Medmaster books (I 
provide links below for the LiveCode readers of this forum):

Atlas of Microbiology (free).  I created this LiveCode program to accompany 
Medmaster’s book, Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple, which is the 
best-selling microbiology book in the US. It links to the internet for pictures 
and descriptions of all microbial organisms and diseases.

Atlas of Human Diseases (free).  This LiveCode program encompasses over 10,000 
known diseases in the world, with links to pictures and text on the Internet. 
It may well be the largest atlas of its kind, the equivalent of many thousands 
of printed pages, encompassing the vast array human diseases, hereditary and 
non-hereditary. It took only a few days of programming using LiveCode once the 
disease list was put together.

Neurologic Localization. This LiveCode program accompanies my book Clinical 
Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously, which for many years has been a best-seller in 
the field. It provides the student with a thorough approach to the anatomy of 
the nervous system and localization of neurologic diseases, along with a 
complete lab course and quiz in neurologic localization.

Heart Sounds & Images is a LiveCode program that accompanies Medmaster’s book 
Clinical Cardiology Made Ridiculously Simple, which is presently the 
best-selling Cardiology book in the US. It provides a tutorial of many hundreds 
of examples of electrocardiograms, x-rays, angiograms, echocardiograms, and 
heart sounds.

Other LiveCode programs I have written include:
Differential Diagnosis (for Clinical Pathophysiology MRS)
Atlas of Dermatology
Atlas of Pathology (for Pathology MRS)
Atlas of Normal Radiology (for Clinical Anatomy MRS)
Atlas of Clinical Radiology (for Clinical Radiology MRS)
MedSearcher (search engines in medicine)
USMLE Step 1, Step 2, and NCLEX-RN Question Banks

Everyone has their own forte. I am not an IT person, but rather a teacher. My 
own strength is in understanding how to teach students learning a subject for 
the first time, which is Medmaster’s mission and the reason for its success 
through the years. Medical (and other) students are overwhelmed by the 
information explosion, a problem that permeates education at every level. 
Medmaster has dealt with the problem with books that are brief, clinically 
relevant, and interesting. Most medical students in the US are familiar with 
the Medmaster “Made Ridiculously Simple” series, of which LiveCode is a part.

Given the extraordinary power of LiveCode, it seems strange that so few people 
know about it, even after it has been around for many years. I went into my 
local Apple store a short time ago and the people behind the genius bar had not 
heard of it. Why not? Why aren’t many more programmers and teachers using it, 
like they did when Apple’s HyperCard first came out? The word-of-mouth is not 
great. I think there are two main reasons. LiveCode needs better documentation 
and freedom from bugs:

1. Documentation. The HyperCard language had only about 150 words. LiveCode has 
over 2000. It can be difficult for a programming newcomer to get started 
learning LiveCode for lack of a basic “Getting Started” book. You find all 
kinds of programming books in bookstores, but few if any about LiveCode basics. 
One can’t just tell a potential user to open and study the massive, however 
excellent, LiveCode dictionary. It’s too overwhelming. Nor is it adequate to 
post non-linear lessons online that have multiple links. It is too easy to get 
lost in them. The teacher and student need a small, clear, practical linear 
book that focuses on the basics of LiveCode’s interface and scripting. The 
LiveCode company wants to attract more new users. It has been relatively easy 
for the old guard who grew up with HyperCard to switch to LiveCode, which has a 
similar scripting language, but it 

Animation in Lilvecode

2016-01-05 Thread
Several ways of animating with animated GIFs are shown in the free download: 
Livecode Scripting Tutorial, in its section on Special Effects 
Scripting/Motion, which can be found at, and 
which accompanies my book Livecode Lite: Computer Programming Made Ridiculously 
Simple (also available as a free PDF download).

Stephen Goldberg, MD 
President, Medmaster Inc

On 04/01/16 22:09, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> Im back at it trying to discover all possible means for animation in Livecode.
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Learning resources for kids

2015-11-25 Thread

In order to create a wide variety of games in LiveCode, it is first important 
to know the basic aspects of the LiveCode IDE and scripting. These can be found 
at, which includes not only my book LiveCode Lite: 
Computer Programming Made Ridiculously Simple as a downloadable PDF (free), but 
also a free downloadable LiveCode Scripting Tutorial.  

Among other things, the LiveCode Scripting Tutorial includes scripting for side 
scrolling motion, and animation and movement of icons across the screen, which 
are commonly employed in games.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Professor Emeritus, Univ of Miami School of Medicine
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Describing LiveCode

2015-08-12 Thread
Just a reminder. I have written a "getting started" book that explains the 
essence of LiveCode in my book LiveCode Lite: Computer Programming Made 
Ridiculously Simple.  It may be found as a free PDF download at

I have not put the book into print yet because of the ongoing rapid changes to 
LiveCode.  In the meantime, I  certainly look forward to any comments from 
readers that might improve the book's further development.

Stephen Goldberg
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.
Prof Emeritus, Univ of Miami Sch of Medicine
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FIND command in LC7 does not work as in LC5

2015-06-28 Thread
I've noticed the following problem in using the FIND command in LC7, as opposed 
to LC5:

Say I have a stack with 200 cards, in which the last 198 cards contain a group 
within which is a field named CODE. Say on one of the cards field CODE contains 
the code word PPH.

In LC 5.5.3, if I'm on the first card and issue the command

 find "PPH" in field "CODE" 

then LC 5.5.3 finds PPH, as expected.

However, in LC 7.0.4, if I issue the same command from the first card, the 
field CODE is not found.  In order to find it I have to modify the script to 

Go to CD 3 of this stack -- where the group resides containing the field CODE
FIND "PPH" in field "CODE"

I'm not sure if this issue has been reported, but it's important that if 
someone is changing from LC5 to LC7, there needs to be some modification of the 
script to allow the FIND command to work properly. Or perhaps someone has a 
different solution?

Stephen Goldberg
Prof Emeritus, Univ of Miami School of Medicine
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.

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LiveCode Dictionary not complete LC 7.0.4

2015-05-05 Thread
Never mind.  I immediately discovered why many words did not show up in the 
dictionary.  I should have set the left hand column of the dictionary to "All", 
and it had been stuck on "Image".

Stephen Goldberg
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LiveCode Dictionary incomplete in version 7.0.4

2015-05-05 Thread
I've noticed that many dictionary words present in earlier versions of LiveCode 
do not appear in the LC 7.0.4 dictionary.  Can anyone suggest why, or what I 
might be doing wrong? For example, try searching for "mouseUp" in the LC 7.0.4 
dictionary.  Can you find it? (I'm using Mac 10.9.5.) 

Stephen Goldberg
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New LiveCode book

2015-05-04 Thread
My new book, LiveCode Lite: Computer Programming Made Ridiculously Simple, is 
at this time available free for download in PDF format at If anyone has comments or suggestions for 
improvement, please let me know, so that the book can be as useful as possible 
to those first learning LiveCode. Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg
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New LiveCode book

2015-04-14 Thread
Ray Horsley  wrote:
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:15:34 -0400

>I'd love to take a look at your book but I'm
>getting a 403 error, 
>"access is forbidden" as I click the link below.  I'm in
>Granada, Spain 
i>f that makes a difference.  Any suggestions?

The corrected URL for download of LiveCode Lite: Computer Programming Made 
Ridiculously SImple is

Stephen Goldberg
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New LiveCode book

2015-04-14 Thread
Just a reminder that the corrected URL for downloading my book, LiveCode Lite: 
Computer Programming Made Ridiculously Simple, is

New LiveCode book revised web address

2015-04-13 Thread

Got off to a bad start! The Medmaster web address in my last posting today had 
a typo, which is corrected below. We try again:

I am pleased to announce my new book, LiveCode Lite: Computer 
Programming Made Ridiculously Simple. 
  It is temporarily available as a free PDF download at along with a LiveCode scripting tutorial for 
Mac or Windows. 
  The original HyperCard language had only about 150 words, while 
LiveCode, which is far more powerful, has close to 2000.  This can be 
intimidating to newcomers. The book, 165 pgs, is designed for individuals with 
little or no background in LiveCode or computer programming, providing a brief, 
clear, hopefully enjoyable approach to LiveCode and computer programming in a 
simple, linear step-by-step fashion. The book follows the format of other 
Medmaster titles.  I hope to receive feedback so that the book can be improved, 
and I thank all the LiveCode gurus on the forum, which I have followed for 
 Stephen Goldberg
 Prof. Emeritus, Univ Miami Miller School of Medicine
 President, Medmaster Publishing Co.

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

New LiveCode book

2015-04-13 Thread

I am pleased to announce my new book, LiveCode Lite: Computer Programming Made 
Ridiculously Simple.

It is temporarily available as a free PDF download at 
www.medmaster/livecode.html, along with a LiveCode scripting tutorial for Mac 
or Windows.

The original HyperCard language had only about 150 words, while LiveCode, which 
is far more powerful, has close to 2000.  This can be intimidating to 
newcomers. The book, 165 pgs, is designed for individuals with little or no 
background in LiveCode or computer programming, providing a brief, clear, 
hopefully enjoyable approach to LiveCode and computer programming in a simple, 
linear step-by-step fashion. The book follows the format of other Medmaster 
titles.  I hope to receive feedback so that the book can be improved, and I 
thank all the LiveCode gurus on the forum, which I have followed for years.

Stephen Goldberg
Prof. Emeritus, Univ Miami Miller School of Medicine
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.

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Only half a field prints with LC 7 on Windows Vista

2015-04-06 Thread
I'm working with LC 7 on Windows Vista.  I notice that when trying to print a 
field, whether through the menubar or by script, only the left half of the 
field prints.

I'm not sure if this is a  bug, or if I'm just doing something wrong.  I could 
not find reference to this in  Any suggestions?

Stephen Goldberg
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Movie problems in LiveCode

2015-03-31 Thread

Yes, Devin, in using your script for Macintosh using LC 6.7 and higher:

set the filename of player 1 to the defaultFolder & "/media/"

that appears to let the movie show after the standalone is transferred to other 
Mac or Windows computers.
I thank you for pointing that out. However, with that script, I am now unable 
to see the movie in the stack prior to creating the standalone. 
Any suggestion for that?  Thanks.

Stephen Goldberg

2015 16:03:58 +
From: Devin Asay 
To: How to use
Subject: Re: Movie problems in

Content-Type: text/plain;

On Mar 30, 2015, at 6:00 AM,

> I do not know why we?re getting such different results. On Mac
version 10.9.5, using LC 7.0.3, if I write the following script in the openCard
> on openCard
> set the filename of player 1 to
> answer the filename of player 1
> end openCard
then, while the movie will show in the player, I get the absolute path as an
answer to the filename, rather than the relative path. This is confirmed by
opening up the movie player property inspector and finding the absolute path in
the fileName field (in my case, /Users/stephengoldberg/Desktop/Script

The behavior of player objects vis-a-vis  relative
paths has definitely changed in 6.7 and higher, as detailed in the bug report I
posted a few days back. ( There
is apparently a fix of some kind due out in one of the next builds.

In the
meantime, or perhaps as a best practice, it seems like instead of setting the
players filename property to a relative path (which *should* work but doesn?t),
you should do this:

  set the filename of player 1 to the defaultFolder &

Or use whatever full file path is appropriate:

the filename of player 1 to specialFolderPath(?Documents?) &

Interestingly, in my own development work, it turns
out I always use this method, and like Jacque, don?t have the problem Stephen is
reporting. But in my teaching I have often demonstrated the technique of setting
the defaultFolder to say, the parent folder of the mainstack, and setting the
filename property to a relative path, like Stephen does. It was as I was testing
this technique for a recent class that I discovered the change in behavior,
which broke this capability in 6.7.x


Devin Asay
Office of Digital
Brigham Young
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Movie problems in LiveCode

2015-03-30 Thread
I do not know why we’re getting such different results. On Mac version 10.9.5, 
using LC 7.0.3, if I write the following script in the openCard handler:

on openCard
set the filename of player 1 to “media/”
answer the filename of player 1
end openCard

then, while the movie will show in the player, I get the absolute path as an 
answer to the filename, rather than the relative path. This is confirmed by 
opening up the movie player property inspector and finding the absolute path in 
the fileName field (in my case, /Users/stephengoldberg/Desktop/Script 

Stephen Goldberg

>on Mar 2015 13:07:23 
> wrote:
>Or you could just include a line of script that sets the filename of the
>movie in a preOpenCard handler. That's what I usually do and why I've 
>never noticed any problems.

>Jacqueline Landman Gay |
>HyperActive Software   |

>on Mar 2015 11:51
> wrote:

>LC versions 6 and above, however, will not allow
>relative paths, when creating with Mac. E.g. consider this hierarchy in a Mac
>stack that you want to convert to a standalone for distribution:
>If you want to refer to the
>movie in the LC Quicktime player, with the idea of creating a standalone for
>distribution to other platforms, you would want to change the movie player?s
>absolute path to a relative path:
>However LC versions
>on Mac above LC 5 will not allow this.  There, if you open the LC movie player
>and change the absolute path in the LC movie player to the relative path in the
>filename field, then close the Property Inspector and immediately open it up
>again, you will find that LC has reverted to the absolute path!  

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Movie Problems in LiveCode

2015-03-29 Thread
Thanks to Richard Gaskin and Jacqueline Gay for their thoughts on the current 
problem in creating standalones with referenced QT movies using LiveCode 6-7 on 
Mac. Richard and Jacqueline have through the years been helpful and generous in 
providing their expertise.

Here is a summary of what I find with trying to create standalones with 
referenced QT movies:


1. LiveCode 5 will show referenced Quicktime movies, including the ability to 
maintain relative paths in the LC movie player, so that the standalone can be 
distributed to other computers, whether Mac or Windows. 

2. LC versions 6 and above, however, will not allow relative paths, when 
creating with Mac. E.g. consider this hierarchy in a Mac stack that you want to 
convert to a standalone for distribution:


If you want to refer to the movie in the LC Quicktime player, with the idea of 
creating a standalone for distribution to other platforms, you would want to 
change the movie player’s absolute path to a relative path:


However LC versions on Mac above LC 5 will not allow this.  There, if you open 
the LC movie player and change the absolute path in the LC movie player to the 
relative path in the filename field, then close the Property Inspector and 
immediately open it up again, you will find that LC has reverted to the 
absolute path!  Thus, you can’t create a standalone  with a referenced QT movie 
for distribution in the LC 6-7 series, since the movie path always resets the 
relative path to an absolute path. 

This problem is not resolved by unchecking “Always use absolute file paths for 
images” in the LC Preferences, or by putting the relative path into the 
“non-stack files” section of the Copy files sections of the Standalone 
Application Settings, or by setting the DontUseQT global property to false.  I 
also don’t see how setting the defaultFolder to the Documents folder would help 
in this situation either, where a person to whom the standalone is distributed 
would be unlikely to use the Documents folder.

THE BOTTOM LINE:  To created standalones with referenced movies on the Mac for 
distribution, you would do best, until the LiveCode team resolves the problem, 
to use a LC version not greater than 5.


On Windows, LiveCode version 7.0 WILL maintain the relative path in its stacks 
and standalones, so you could create the standalone on Windows with LC > 5 and 
transfer the standalone to a Mac, where the movie will play.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Prof. Emeritus
Univ of Miami Miller School of Medicine

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Quicktime 10, QTVR and LiveCode

2015-03-27 Thread

Scott Rossi wrote (3/26/15):
 >Stephen, have you verified that VR playback works with QuickTime Player 10 on 
 >Windows?  My guess is that the Windows system
>you're looking at has QuickTime Player 7 installed (which is also capable of
>playing VR movies on OS X, but is out of date).  It seems unlikely that Player
>10 would work on Windows and not OS X, but maybe Apple did something different
>Scott Rossi
>Creative Director
>Tactile Media UX/UI

Scott, you are right that Quicktime Player 10.1 on a Mac (system 10.7.5) will 
not open a QTVR
However, if a LC stack or standalone is created on the same computer using LC 
5.5.3, the QTVR will play.
I don't have Quicktime Player 10 on my Windows Vista computer; I can't seem to 
find a download for it
from Apple, which is still directing the user to Quicktime 7. Quicktime 7 on 
Windows will play QTVR, but if I use LC 7
to create the standalone on Windows, the standalone, while playing on Windows, 
will not show the QTVR on my Mac with any
of the LC 6-7 series.

The demise of QTVR is sad, because  QTVR is not only useful for displaying 
panoramas, but
also has the potential for hot spots for navigation, as in games.  I hope the 
LC team will be able to resolve the Quicktime issues. 
Until then, the bottom line, at least for me, is to use Mac LC 5.5.3, which 
does not run into the QTVR issues, or the inability to create a
referenced path in its Quicktime movie player.
Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Inc

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Workaround on the inability to create relative paths in the LC6-7 series Movie Player

2015-03-26 Thread
The LC 6-7 series for Macintosh will not allow the creation of a relative path 
for the movie player. I understand that Apple has deprecated Quicktime and 
QTVR.  While the LiveCode team works to resolve the issue, I find several 
temporary workarounds for the problem: 

1.  On Macintosh, create the standalone with the relative path in LC 5.5.3.  
The standalone will play in the LC 6-7 series.

2.  Create the standalone on Windows.  In Windows, LC 7.0 does maintain the 
relative path, and standalones built on Windows for Mac will keep the relative 
path and display the Quicktime movies  on Mac, even when using the LC 6-7 

3.  QTVR is not so fortunate. QTVR will not play on Macintosh in the LC 6-7 
series, even if a build is made on Windows with LC 7.0.  Windows itself, 
though, with LC 7.0 will play QTVR.

Scott Rossi wrote (Mar 24 2015):
>In some simple tests, it looks like QuickTime Player 10 (on Mavericks)
>won’t even open VR movies, but will hand them off to Player 7 if available.
>You’d probably do well to stop using QTVR and look for an alternative.
If Scott say so, I take it seriously.

Phil Jimmieson wrote (Mar 24 2015):
>I think Apple dropped support of quicklime VR movies. You’re supposed to move 
>to AVKit and AV Foundation.

In order to show the movies through LiveCode, though, we’ll have to wait for 
the LiveCode team to adopt
the newer technology.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Prof Emeritus, Univ Miami School of Medicine

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Movie problems in LiveCode

2015-03-26 Thread
Regarding the problem of the LC 6-7 series not allowing relative paths on the 

>On 3/24/2015 10:26 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> I've always been wary of shipping things that rely on
>relative paths, since any other script can change the
>default directory out from under me at any time.
>In apps where the media I'm playing resides in a single
>folder. I often just have a central handler cover that to
>which I pass the file's short name only and it takes care
>of the rest, e.g.:
> on PlayMovie pFile
>put specialFolderPath("documents")&"/MyApp/media/"& pFile into
>if there is not a file tPath then
>   answer "Media file missing: "& tPath
>   exit to top
>end if
>play tPath
> end PlayMovie

>Jackie Landman Gay wrote:
>That's exactly what I do too, I've never trusted relative paths. 

Richard and Jackie, does your reluctance to use relative paths
also extend to the distribution of standalones, or is it just stacks 
that present the problem? I’m not experienced enough to follow the above script.
Perhaps you can recommend a place where I can find a more
detailed explanation.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Prof Emeritus, Univ Miami Miller School of Medicine
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Movie problems in LiveCode

2015-03-24 Thread
Thanks for the suggestion Jacquie.  Unfortunately, the problem with relative 
paths resetting to absolute remains
even if “always use absolute file paths for images” is unchecked.  There 
appears to
be a true problem with movies in the LC 6-7 series on Macintosh. It appears 
impossible to
set a relative movie path on the Macintosh in the LC 6-7 series, and thus in 
Macintosh builds for Windows, the player movies will not play.

As mentioned, I could not even get a Quicktime VR to play on the LC 6-7 series 
on Macintosh (Windows works well). Can anyone get a Quicktime VR movie to play 
on Macintosh in the LC 6-7 series? Everything worked fine in
LC 5.5.3 for Macintosh.

Also, videoClips appears to be broken, as the videoClips property inspector
will not set the loc of the movie.

Does anyone have an idea of how high on the priorities list the movie problem 
I would think that a basic control like the Player ought to be working.

Stephen Goldberg

>Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 12:02:06 -0500
>From: "J. Landman Gay"
>To: How to use LiveCode
>Subject: Re: Movie problems in
>Message-ID: <>
>text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

>Check the preferences
>setting in the Files and Memory pane. If you have 
>set the preference to
>”always use absolute file paths for images" it may 
.apply to movies too.

>Jacqueline Landman Gay
>HyperActiveSoftware   |

>Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 07:09:53 -0400
>From: ""

>Subject: Movie problems
>in LiveCode
>Content-Type: text/plain;

>I  confirm bug 14435 reported by Devin Asay regarding the
>current problem with creating movies on Macintosh using LiveCode versions in 
>LC6-7 series. This is a significant problem since it appears impossible at this
>point to create standalones on the Mac that will display player movies on
>Windows. This is because in the  LC 6-7 versions for Mac (preliminary version 
>too) once a relative path is placed in the Property Inspector filename window 
a movie player on Mac it immediately reverts to the absolute >path on closing 
the Inspector.  
I could not assign a relative path by >script either.  This makes it
>impossible with LC 6-7 versions to create a standalone on a Macintosh for
>Windows that contains a functioning player movie, since there is no relative
>path in the player Property Inspector, and Windows therefore doesn?t recognize
>the movie.

>There an additional problem: The later Mac versions of LC
>apparently will not display a Quicktime VR movie on the Mac. Can anyone display
>a Quicktime VR movie in the Mac LC 6-7 series?

> I use a lot of movies, and
>therefore have stayed with Mac LC version 5.5.3, which works

>Interestingly, these problems do not exist with LiveCode for Windows.
>The movie player in Windows (Vista) with  LC 7.0 remembers the relative path.
>Also in the Windows version there is no difficulty in displaying a Quicktime VR

And yet another movie problem: Trying to change the loc of a
movieClip in its Property Inspector does not work (for me) on Mac or Windows in
Mac versions 5.5.3 or later or in Windows 7.0 (the only Windows version I have
tested); the movieClip always appears in the same location on the screen
regardless of where the loc is set in the movieClip inspector.

>There is thus
>a triple  whammy regarding movies, involving Quicktime player movies, Quicktime
>VR movies, and videoClips. I hope these problems are corrected soon, as movies
>are an important feature of LiveCode, particularly for educators.

>Goldberg, President
>Medmaster Publishing Co.
>Professor Emeritus
>Univ of Miami
>Miller School of

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Movie problems in LiveCode

2015-03-23 Thread

I  confirm bug 14435 reported by Devin Asay regarding the current problem with 
creating movies on Macintosh using LiveCode versions in the LC6-7 series. This 
is a significant problem since it appears impossible at this point to create 
standalones on the Mac that will display player movies on Windows. This is 
because in the  LC 6-7 versions for Mac (preliminary version 8, too) once a 
relative path is placed in the Property Inspector filename window of a movie 
player on Mac it immediately reverts to the absolute path on closing the 
Inspector.  I could not assign a relative path by script either.  This makes it 
impossible with LC 6-7 versions to create a standalone on a Macintosh for 
Windows that contains a functioning player movie, since there is no relative 
path in the player Property Inspector, and Windows therefore doesn’t recognize 
the movie.

There an additional problem: The later Mac versions of LC apparently will not 
display a Quicktime VR movie on the Mac. Can anyone display a Quicktime VR 
movie in the Mac LC 6-7 series?

 I use a lot of movies, and therefore have stayed with Mac LC version 5.5.3, 
which works fine.

Interestingly, these problems do not exist with LiveCode for Windows. The movie 
player in Windows (Vista) with  LC 7.0 remembers the relative path. Also in the 
Windows version there is no difficulty in displaying a Quicktime VR movie.  

And yet another movie problem: Trying to change the loc of a movieClip in its 
Property Inspector does not work (for me) on Mac or Windows in Mac versions 
5.5.3 or later or in Windows 7.0 (the only Windows version I have tested); the 
movieClip always appears in the same location on the screen regardless of where 
the loc is set in the movieClip inspector.

There is thus a triple  whammy regarding movies, involving Quicktime player 
movies, Quicktime VR movies, and videoClips. I hope these problems are 
corrected soon, as movies are an important feature of LiveCode, particularly 
for educators.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Professor Emeritus
Univ of Miami Miller School of Medicine

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Problems with movies in latest LiveCode versions

2015-03-20 Thread

The problem is the same regardless of whether the script mentioned below is 
applied.  Namely, I can't get a
 player object to remember a relative path to a movie.  As soon as I try to put 
a relative path into the player control
LiveCode immediately changes it to an absolute path when using LiveCode 
versions in the 6-7 series. I don't have this problem with
 the Image Area control. 
 It may help to see if other users are having the same problem.  I ask users 
who are using LiveCode in the 6-7 series to see
what happens if they place a player on a card and then try to put a relative 
path to a movie into the player's property
inspector.  Does LiveCode immediately change it to an absolute path? If other 
users do not have this problem, 
I'll have to look for some other problem at my end.  I have not had this 
problem with Livecode 5.5.3.

Stephen Goldberg, pres
Medmaster Publishing Co.

> Since I use a lot of movies in my stacks, I have gone back to
LiveCode 5.5.3. I?ve tried LiveCode versions 6.7 through 7.04 and they do not
display movies properly. For one thing, when I try to set a file path to a
relative path, the later LiveCode versions do not allow me to save the relative
path, but instead immediately convert the relative path back to an absolute
path.  Moreover, the movies only appear unpredictably.

Not sure if this will
help you, but I found this is easy to workaround, just add something

set fileName of player "myPlayer" to "./movies/"

?to the
openCard handler of the card that holds the movie, or the control that loads the
movie, obviously the path will need to be the correct relative path. LC will
still convert it to the absolute path, but at least it will be correct,
especially if the stack and movies are moved to a different location before
being opened. I would expect this should also improve the unpredictably

> In LiveCode 5.5.3 and beyond, the movieClip does not function
correctly.  While the movieClip Property Inspector has a  Size and Position
section for setting the location of the movieClip, this does not work. 
I?m using  Mac system 10.9.5. 

I tried, but can't re-create this problem, the
Property Inspector - Size and Position work fine as far as I can see, I am on OS
X 10.10.2, but I doubt that would be a platform version issue. Hopefully
somebody else could try this on 10.9.5 to confirm.

> While I appreciate the
efforts of the LiveCode team for upgrading the abilities of LiveCode, I think
that when it comes to a basic control like a Player object not functioning, this
affects LiveCode?s reputation for reliability, and the problem needs to be

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Problems with movies in latest LiveCode versions

2015-03-20 Thread

Since I use a lot of movies in my stacks, I have gone back to LiveCode 5.5.3. 
I’ve tried LiveCode versions 6.7 through 7.04 and they do not display movies 
properly. For one thing, when I try to set a file path to a relative path, the 
later LiveCode versions do not allow me to save the relative path, but instead 
immediately convert the relative path back to an absolute path.  Moreover, the 
movies only appear unpredictably.

In LiveCode 5.5.3 and beyond, the movieClip does not function correctly.  While 
the movieClip Property Inspector has a  Size and Position section for setting 
the location of the movieClip, this does not work. 

I’m using  Mac system 10.9.5. 

While I appreciate the efforts of the LiveCode team for upgrading the abilities 
of LiveCode, I think that when it comes to a basic control like a Player object 
not functioning, this affects LiveCode’s reputation for reliability, and the 
problem needs to be addressed.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
use-livecode mailing list
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Fwd: Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

2015-03-03 Thread
The issue of a background group being in two places at once is not quite 
clarified. Getting back to the script sequence below, when there is a mouseUp 
handler in a background group, the message, on clicking on the grouped button 
goes from:

 button --> group --> card --> stack

When clicking on the card the message goes from:

card --> group --> stack

In effect the group acts on both sides of the card depending on where you 
click. So is mistaken to think that as soon as a background group is formed it 
mysteriously picks up and moves from one side of the card to the other 
(spreading out as it does so).  It in effect remains on both sides, as seen by 
the message sequence when clicking on the button.

I think the practicality of this discussion is in the situation where one 
wants, say, a cluster of buttons to appear on all cards in a stack, so one 
makes the button cluster a background group. If the background group has a 
mouseUp handler, its script will confusingly be enacted not only when clicking 
on the buttons but also wherever one clicks on the card. I think the bottom 
line is to be cautious about putting mouseUp scripts in background groups, or 
to put a disclaimer in the group at the beginning of the group handler the line 
(as mentioned in the User Manual (pg 131, 5.3.9):

if the owner of the target is not me then pass mouseUp

Stephen Goldberg

-Original Message-
From: stgoldberg 
To: use-livecode 
Sent: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 4:07 pm
Subject: Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

 In quantum mechanics something can be in more than one place at once.  A 
paradox of sorts seems to occur in the message chain with groups in LiveCode. 
Try this:   
1.  Place a button on a card.   

2.  Make the button a group. Set the group's backgroundBehavior to true.   

3.  Place the following script in the button:   

on mouseUp   

answer "I am a button"   

pass mouseUp   

end mouseUp   

4.  Place the following script in the group:   

on mouseUp   

answer "I am a strange group"   

pass mouseUp   

end mouseUp   

5.  On the card script write:   

on mouseUp   

answer "I am a card"   

pass mouseUp   

end mouseUp   

6.  In the stack script write:   

on mouseUp   

answer "I am a stack"   

end mouseUp   

7. Now click on the button.  You get the sequence:   

I am a button --> I am a strange group --> I am a card --> I am a stack   

8.  Now click on the card.  You get:   

I am a card --> I am a strange group --> I am a stack

Where is the strange group, before or after the card?   

Stephen Goldberg   


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Quantum tunneling in LiveCode

2015-03-02 Thread
In quantum mechanics something can be in more than one place at once.  A 
paradox of sorts seems to occur in the message chain with groups in LiveCode. 
Try this:

1.  Place a button on a card.
2.  Make the button a group. Set the group's backgroundBehavior to true.
3.  Place the following script in the button:

on mouseUp
  answer "I am a button"
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

4.  Place the following script in the group:

on mouseUp
  answer "I am a strange group"
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

5.  On the card script write:

on mouseUp
  answer "I am a card"
  pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

6.  In the stack script write:

on mouseUp
  answer "I am a stack"
end mouseUp

7. Now click on the button.  You get the sequence:
I am a button --> I am a strange group --> I am a card --> I am a stack

8.  Now click on the card.  You get:
I am a card --> I am a strange group

Where is the strange group, before or after the card?

Stephen Goldberg

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Beginner reference

2015-02-27 Thread
Will do, when my book, LIveCode Lite, is published.  In the meantime, the 
following resources may be helpful:; Jackie 
Gay lessons; specific Livecode forum areas; different LiveCode guides; specific LiveCode lessons; Livecode newsletters; specific questions 
related to mobile development; sample stacks; YouTube Livecode demonstrations; file a bug; Devin Assay course; livecode datagrid; scripter's handbook etc

I particularly like Devin Assay's approach to teaching computer programming (, as well as the material provided by 
Livecode, and anything Jackie Gay has to say (as well as a number of other 
LiveCode gurus).

Stephen Goldberg, MD
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.

Marian Petrides ( writes:
Cool! I?m familiar with your other medical education books,
although they came to late to help me in medical school. I?ll be on the lookout
for your book on LC. Will you let us know on this list when it becomes
available? Thanks.

> On Feb 27, 2015, at 7:47 AM,
> I am completing a brief book called LiveCode Lite, which should be
ready this spring. It is  designed for the beginner who wants to approach the
basic aspects of LiveCode step-by-step in a linear fashion.
> Stephen
Goldberg, MD
> President, Medmaster Publishing Co.
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Beginner reference materials

2015-02-27 Thread
I am completing a brief book called LiveCode Lite, which should be ready this 
spring. It is  designed for the beginner who wants to approach the basic 
aspects of LiveCode step-by-step in a linear fashion.

Stephen Goldberg, MD
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.

Mike Kerner writes:

To: How to use LiveCode

Subject: Rank Beginner Reference

text/plain; charset=UTF-8

It's been SO LONG since I've been a beginner in
this family that I don't
know what to recommend to someone who is starting from
nothing.  We used to
have Danny Goodman and The Waite Group's excellent
resources, but those
were for HC.  What would be a great resource to put in
front of someone,
today, to get them going in LC?

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Subject: Re: Deleting cards from within themselves.

2015-02-16 Thread
You can have a card button that deletes the card if you make the button a group 
background button. While you see the button on the card, it is not actually on 
the card but behind the card and can be used to delete the card.

on mouseUp -- script on background group button
delete this card
end mouseUp

Stephen Goldberg
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Delete this card command not working in LIvecode 5.5.3

2014-12-31 Thread

I thank Bob Sneider and Eric Corbett for their suggestions below regarding 
"delete this card" not working. However, the problem appears more complex.  For 
many years on January 1, I have created a new invoice stack for the new year by 
deleting the some 2000 cards from the preceding year's stack and using what 
remains as a template for the new year.  In doing this I used in the stack 
script a "delete this card" command, repeated x number of times, deleting each 
old card.  It always worked, but does not work now using the same script. I'm 
still using LC 5.5.3.

Peculiarly, if a put a button on a card with the script "delete this card" it 
won't work, but will work if I make the button a group. "Delete this card" also 
works from the message box.  It doesn't work when called upon from a stack 
script, including my efforts at timing.  I just found a way around this though 
by using "delete NEXT card" instead of "delete THIS card" in the stack script. 
Maybe the change in behavior has to do the newer Mac operating system (10.7.5 
and 10.9.5)?

>Stephen Goldberg:If I want to delete a card using the message box in LC 5.5.3 
>(on Mac 10.9.5) it >works if I type "delete this card" in the message box.  
>However, I get an error message if I try the >same thing from a button on the 
>card or from a script in the stack.  This didn't used to be the case.

>Bob Sneider: That is because you are deleting the parent object of the object 
>a running 
>script is on. Try sending in time. 

>Eric Corbett: You can not delete a control whose script is still running.

>Try in the button:

>on mouseUp
   >  local tID
   >  put the long I'd of this card into tID
   >  send "deleteMe tID" to me in 1 milliseconds
>end mouseUp

>Then put the deleteMe handler in the stack.

Stephen Goldberg

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Delete this card command not working in LIvecode 5.5.3

2014-12-31 Thread
If I want to delete a card using the message box in LC 5.5.3 (on Mac 10.9.5) it 
works if I type

delete this card 

in the message box.  However, I get an error message if I try the same thing 
from a button on the card or from a script in the stack.  This didn't used to 
be the case.  Any suggestions?
Happy New Year,
Stephen Goldberg
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Livecode in HTML5 for the Internet

2014-12-23 Thread
Regarding the possibility of Livecode being developed in HTML5 so that a stack 
or standalone can be  accessed directly on the Internet, is the plan one in 
which a standalone could be used using the same scripting language that is 
currently employed for standalones on Mac and Windows desktops?  Or would this 
require a significantly expanded set of scripting words, such as is the present 
case for apps on mobile devices?

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster publishing co.
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Play stop not working in LiveCode 7

2014-11-21 Thread

I'm using  LC 7.0.0 Community Edition build 10014 on my Mac system 10.9.5. 
I wanted to upgrade from LC 5.5.3, on which everything worked well, to 7.0, but 
the "play stop" code stopped working in 7..0.0.
In addition, the following command does not work in a list field in 7.0.0:
find whole tholder in field "code"
which normally finds the word (holder) in field "code" on a different card.
I then downloaded LC 6.6.5 community edition.  The commands mentioned above 
work well in 6.6.5, but the stack I was working on is now corrupted after 
having worked in LC 7.0.0.  Fortunately, I had a backup.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. For the present, I'm staying with 6.6.5.  
Stephen Goldberg, PresidentMedmaster publishing co. Inc

> When playing an audioclip, the command
> play stop
> correctly stops the audioclip from playing in LiveCode 5.5.3.  However, I 
> find 
the command does not work for me in Livecode 7.0.  Does anyone know why, or 
a suggestion for getting around this, perhaps with a different command?  Thanks.


Which version of LC 7 do you have? In one of the DPs play stop was broken.

If it?s not working in the latest release there may have been a regression bug 


Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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Play stop not working in LiveCode 7

2014-11-20 Thread
When playing an audioclip, the command

play stop

correctly stops the audioclip from playing in LiveCode 5.5.3.  However, I find 
the command does not work for me in Livecode 7.0.  Does anyone know why, or 
have a suggestion for getting around this, perhaps with a different command?  

Stephen Goldberg
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South Florida LiveCode User Group

2014-05-29 Thread

Skip Kimpel wrote:

 > I am exploring setting up a LC user's group down here in South
 > Florida.  I am in the Ft. Lauderdale region and am trying to
 > gauge interest and determine how many LC developers we have in
 > this area.

I've been using LiveCode for many years for business and for educational 
software development (some games).  Nice to know there are other users in the 

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
Fort Lauderdale/Miami

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Quicktime player only referencing .mov files

2013-01-24 Thread
I previously reported that the Quicktime player in  LiveCode 5.5.2 on my Mac 
running system 10.6.8 would not reference any movie files except for those that 
were .mov, even when selecting the "All files" option..  Thanks to Colin 
Holgate's report that it works on his Mac running 5.5.3, I upgraded to 5.5.3 
and it now works!  Thanks Colin!

Steve Goldberg
Medmaster publishing Co.

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Quicktime player not referencing mp4 files

2013-01-22 Thread
The problem I am having is that  when I use the Quicktime player in a stack and 
want to reference a movie choose "all files", mp4 files are greyed out and 
cannot be selected.  With Livecode version 5.5.2 (on Mac OS10.6.8) I can only 
select .mov files.  However, when using another computer that has Mac OS 10.7.5 
and Livecode version 5.5.3, I can make the mp4 selection.  Am I doing something 
wrong?  Does Livecode 5.5.2 differ in its ability compared to Livecode 5.5.3?  
Or could the difference be the different Mac OS systems?
Steve Goldberg

Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 14:34:29 -0500
From: Colin Holgate 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: Quicktime player not referencing mp4 files
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Import as control a video that is MP4 does seem to fail. Placing a video 
and trying to select an MP4 shows as grayed out if you choose QuickTime files, 
but if you choose All Files, then the MP4 hooks up and plays fine.


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Quicktime player not referencing mp4 files

2013-01-22 Thread

I'm using Livecode 5.5.2 and note that the Quicktime player, while able to 
reference .mov files, cannot reference .mp4 files (or AVI files).  However, 
previous versions of Livecode did reference .mp4 files.  Has there been some 
change in the more recent version of LiveCode?  Thanks.
Steve Goldberg
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Quicktime doesn't work on Windows 64 bit

2013-01-18 Thread
Several of my LiveCode standalones use Quicktime movies, but I have received a 
report that Quicktime does not work on 64 bit WIndows 7.  Can anyone suggest a 
workaround to this problem?  Thanks!
Stephen Goldberg
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Re: Learning LiveCode

2012-12-27 Thread
I have written a book titled "Computer Programming Made Ridiculously Simple 
with LiveCode."  It presently is in draft format consisting of two files, one 
of text (about 168 pgs) and one of 100 figures.  It is a getting-started manual 
designed for the LiveCode beginner.  I have not as yet published it, since I am 
waiting for the latest update of LiveCode in 2013, and there are certain areas, 
such as mobile programming, which still need work.

If anyone is interested in looking at it in its present form, feel free to 
contact me at, and I'll have a copy emailed to you.  I look 
forward to your comments and suggestions.

Best wishes to all for the New Year,
Stephen Goldberg, M.D.
President, Medmaster Publishing Co.
PH: 800-335-3480
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SUggestion for improved LiveCode scripting notation

2012-10-05 Thread

Reading someone's LiveCode scripting has been improved by adding the prefix "t" 
 (for temporary) to the notation for a local variable and "g" for a global 
variable.  With the increase in the number of scripting words, it also has 
helped to use the prefixes "mobile", "iphone",  "android", and "mob" (for 
mobGUI) to indicate that these are special words that apply to mobile devices.
Despite the fact that I have used LiveCode (Revolution) for a number of years, 
there are times when I am confused in looking at someone's script as to whether 
an unfamiliar message word is a real LiveCode word or made up by the person 
writing the script.   It seems to me that it would be useful to add a prefix to 
such made up message words, such as "X" (for Extra), more specifically, an "XC" 
to indicate that the handler for the word is on the card, and "XS" to indicate 
that the handler is in the stack.  In that way, it would be much clearer where 
to look for the meaning or the word, whether in the LiveCode dictionary, the 
card, or the stack. I wonder what other people on the forum think about using 
these prefixes.

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
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revGoURL vs Launch URL and multitasking on iPad

2012-09-12 Thread

I see now why the RevGoURL command has been deprecated in favor of launch URL.  
While RevGoURL still works in standalones for the desktop in opening a URL on 
the Internet, I find that I need to replace it with the launch URL command to 
open the same URL from a LiveCode app on iPad; RevGoURL doesn't work with 
LiveCode apps on iPad.

Some of the apps I'm working on for iPhone and iPad contain links to specific 
URLs on the Internet.  However, at least on my iPad 1 (Version 5.1.1), when 
closing the Internet browser, I am not taken back to the original card in the 
LiveCode app that has the link.  Rather, everytime I quit the browser, I have 
to reopen the LiveCode app from scratch and then navigate to the card that has 
the link.  This is inefficient. Does anyone know if this problem has been 
corrected with newer versions of the iPad?  Does the problem also exist with 
Android (which I don't have), which I understand is better at multitasking?  

Stephen Goldberg

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pirate version of my book...

2012-09-01 Thread

 Colin, regarding the pirating of your book, as a publishing company, we are 
faced with the pirating problem every day, and have someone scanning the 
Internet each day for illegal uploads of our books.  According to the law, 
unfortunately, upload sites are not required to confirm that the uploader has 
the legal copyright to the work.  However, once the publisher finds out about 
the piracy and informs the upload site of the illegal posting, the site is 
required by law, subject to significant monetary penalty, to take the upload 
off their site, which in our experience they nearly always do.  The pirate may 
try again, so it is necessary for the publisher to keep vigilance.  I'm glad 
that your publisher will be taking antitheft measures.  Below is a sample of 
how such communication is legally phrased, between our company and the illegal 
site.  I bought the print copy of your book (legally) and am looking forward to 
reading it thoroughly,

Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Publishing Co.
>   Pursuant to 17 USC 512(c)(3)(A), this communication serves as a statement 
>1. I am the duly authorized representative of the exclusive rights 
holder for  the book "Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple."
>2. These exclusive rights are being violated by material available 
upon your site at the following URL(s):
>   ''
>   3. I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such 
> a 
fashion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder's 
or the law;
>4. Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, I 
state that the information contained in this notification is accurate, and that 
I am authorized to act on the behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the 
material in question;
>5. I may be contacted by the following methods:
>   PH# 954-962-8414
>   Fax 954-962-4508
>   email:
I hereby request that you remove or disable access to this material as it 
appears on your service in as expedient a fashion as possible. Thank you.
>   Regards,
>   Michael Goldberg,
>   Medmaster Inc.

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:26:45 -0400
From: Colin Holgate 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: pirate version of my book...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I chanced across this Chinese page:

It has the entire PDF of my book. I'll report it to the publisher (though I 
doubt they'll have the power to do much about it), but thought some of you 
be interested to look it over. You can decide for yourself if you take the PDF 
and use it, or perhaps go on to get the real thing!


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Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 107, Issue 56

2012-08-30 Thread

Thanks for everyone's suggestions.  I found the following to resolve the 
problem:  Add
 wait 0 with messages 
prior to choosing the browse tool and closing stack "revTools" in the openStack 
Stephen Goldberg

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 11:53:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: "" 
Subject: Is it a LiveCode bug or a Lion bug?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I just upgraded from LiveCode 4.0.0, running on OS 10.6.8 to a new computer 
LiveCode 5.5.1, running on OS 10.7.4, and noticed the following problem for the 
following script:

on openStack
   choose browse tool
   close stack "revTools"
end openStack

In the older versions of LiveCode and Mac, when the above script is placed in 
the mainstack's stack Script Editor and the stack is opened from scratch 
(LiveCode is not previously open), the script works fine; the browse tool 
becomes selected and the Tools Palette closes. However, in the newer setup, it 
doesn't work; the Tools Palette stays open and the browse tool is not selected. 
Interestingly, there is no problem if LiveCode is already open prior to opening 
the stack.  However, if the stack is opened when LiveCode is not already open, 
the script fails in the newer setup.

Does anyone have an idea as to the cause of the bug and how it might be 
circumvented?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg


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Is it a LiveCode bug or a Lion bug?

2012-08-30 Thread
I just upgraded from LiveCode 4.0.0, running on OS 10.6.8 to a new computer 
with  LiveCode 5.5.1, running on OS 10.7.4, and noticed the following problem 
for the following script:

on openStack
   choose browse tool
   close stack "revTools"
end openStack

In the older versions of LiveCode and Mac, when the above script is placed in 
the mainstack's stack Script Editor and the stack is opened from scratch 
(LiveCode is not previously open), the script works fine; the browse tool 
becomes selected and the Tools Palette closes. However, in the newer setup, it 
doesn't work; the Tools Palette stays open and the browse tool is not selected. 
 Interestingly, there is no problem if LiveCode is already open prior to 
opening the stack.  However, if the stack is opened when LiveCode is not 
already open, the script fails in the newer setup.

Does anyone have an idea as to the cause of the bug and how it might be 
circumvented?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg
use-livecode mailing list
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The future of LiveCode

2012-07-20 Thread

I have used LiveCode extensively to develop my company's  educational software. 
 It's a great program.  I think one of the reasons why LiveCode is not more 
widely adopted is the lack of an adequate user manual that would attract 
beginners.   I ask, would you recommend the present LiveCode user manual to a 
student who has no background in programming and is just starting?  I wouldn't; 
it's too advanced and incomplete at the same time, mixes complex with simple, 
has no Index, says virtually nothing about the all-important property 
inspectors, and focuses only spottily on the key scripting words.  An adequate 
manual should clearly present 150 or so of the basic scripting words, which was 
the extent of HyperCard's vocabulary and made HyperCard easier to learn.  The 
beginner in LiveCode is expected to rely on the LiveCode dictionary, which, 
while truly excellent, contains some 2000 scripting words, far too many for the 
beginner to deal with.  The problem has become more pronounced with new 
advances in LiveCode's features.   This is why I wrote my own manual (190 pgs. 
plus figures) for my son. 

All other major programming languages have a variety of manuals in the 
bookstores.  Where are they for LiveCode?  It is insufficient to just direct 
the user to scattered tutorials on the Internet or to seminars; there needs to 
be a book that the user can easily use while learning the programming from 
scratch.   Many people on this forum (including myself) have a background in 
HyperCard or MetaCard that has made it relatively easy to migrate to 
Revolution/LiveCode.  What happens when the old guard dies out?  Will beginners 
who have no such background replace them?  Or will beginners navigate to other 
programming languages for lack of an adequate LiveCode manual?

I have spent 25 years teaching medical students and programming in HyperCard 
and its successors. I'd love to develop for mobile apps, but I have not yet 
subscribed to LiveCode for this, because these features are not in the present 
user manual, and I am unaware of adequate, organized, step-by-step, printed 
documentation that puts it all together and I can keep in front of me on my 
desk as I work. (Perhaps Colin Holgate's forthcoming book, LiveCode Mobile 
Development Beginner's Guide, will make a difference.)My publishing 
company, Medmaster, is based on educational principles designed to teach 
medical students learning complex subjects for the first time.  My sense is 
that sales of LiveCode in the schools and elsewhere would rise significantly 
with better documentation.

Stephen Goldberg, President 
Medmaster Publishing Co., Inc.
Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Miami Miller School of Medicine
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My Application Browser is showing too many stacks

2012-06-20 Thread
My Application Browser has suddenly started showing dozens of  stacks and 
substacks other than the few that belong to my program.  These extras stacks 
(RevFileAssociations, revAnimation,revDebugger, and many others) apparently 
belong to the system.  Why have these suddenly appeared i the Application 
Browser, and how can I remove them from view?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg
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Problem with QT player

2012-05-14 Thread
I had the same problem of the white window showing up when changing computers.  
It had to do with the file path.  The User Manual discusses absolute versus 
relative paths (section 12.1.2).  When the absolute path is used (in your 
Quicktime player inspector), everything works fine on your own computer, but 
this path is inadequate for another computer; you need to change the path to 
the relative path in your original stack.  See if it works when you use the 
relative path, with the movie placed in the same folder as the stack.
Stephen Goldberg, President
Medmaster Inc.

On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 8:11 AM, David C.  wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I have a very simple application in which one aspect of the app uses
> the QT player, always pointing to the same named MP3 file on my
> server.
> Yesterday, I went to visit a friend and gave him ?a copy of the app to
> try out and every aspect of the application worked as intended except
> for the QT player. Where the controls would normally be located, there
> was nothing but a white empty space instead. Just to be sure there
> wasn't a problem with his QuickTime installation, I had him download
> and install the latest copy, yet we got the sames results.
> I tried the same application on my laptop (positioned right beside his
> and NOT being the machine I developed the application on) and it works
> flawlessly.
> The app was built on a Win 7 machine running LC 4.51, my friend's
> laptop is a Win 7 machine and the laptop I used to run the test beside
> his is a Win Vista machine. This is the first time I've used the
> Player control so I'm stumped.
> Is there some sort of QT external required or do you have any ideas
> what might be happening?

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Will Livecode 5.5 run 3.5 stacks?

2012-04-01 Thread
I'm considering upgrading to the latest version of Livecode. I'm still using 
LIvecode (Revolution) 3.5.0 to run a stack that I use as an invoice program 
from year to year and would like to continue using that stack.  Are there any 
problems with Livecode 5.5 opening and running the  Revolution 3.5?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg
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DIsplaying PDF files in an LC stack

2012-03-25 Thread

A quick and dirty way to display PDFs in an LC stack is to create an image of 
each PDF page and insert each into an LC Image Area
You might also make use of the Marked Card feature for bookmarking.
Steve Goldberg

Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 17:11:06 -0700
From: Pete 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Displaying PDF files in an LC stack

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

In another thread, I've been soliciting advice about tools to use for Help
Text preparation and display.  One of the options was to go with a pdf file
and display it using revBrowser.  Been having some issues getting that to
work but even if it did work, I don't think it will satisfy my needs.  I
want to use the pdf feature of showing bookmarks in a navigation pane (like
the datagrid manual) and apparently that won't happen, at least on a Mac.

I could, of course, simply launch the pdf file as a separate process but
I'd really like to keep the help file within my LC stack if possible.  Are
there any other ways of displaying a pdf file within LC other than using
revBrowser?  I though I remembered seeing some sort of plugin but a quick
search didn't come up with anything.

I am still looking into ScreenSteps and WordLib.

Molly's Revenge <>

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What about Apple's new ebook app and text book efforts?

2012-01-23 Thread

 Apple's description of how to add information to the new iBooks Author 
includes the ability to quickly attach "widgets" to the interactive eBook. The 
question is whether such widgets can be created in LiveCode.  If this is not 
possible, just how difficult would it be to create from scratch an eBook 
template using LC alone?
Stephen Goldberg
President, MedMaster Publishing Co.

Who needs it if you have LiveCode? You would not need to be tied to Apple ULA 
terms of their iAuthor format, etc. Or, am I missing something?  
What would be great is if LiveCode of a LiveCode developer turned around and 
created templates for the newbie LiveCoders to publish their eTextBooks in a 
style similar to Apple's tool.
The the ability to zoom in and out of an image, play videos, and create image 
slide shows embedded in a window is not copyrighted yet, is it?

On Jan 22, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Mark Rauterkus wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone watching the news this week about Apple's ebook and text book apps
> and endeavors?
> Seeking input as to how that might play with LC.
> Thanks.
> Mark Rauterkus

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eBooks and LiveCode

2011-06-01 Thread

Regarding the question of whether LiveCode could be suitable for publishers who 
want to create interactive eBooks, I agree that such books would not be 
published in epub or amz format, but how about an eBook created with LiveCode 
as a pure LiveCode standalone that could be read in the cloud?  Then, it would 
be accessible through Macintosh, Windows, and eReaders such as iPad that 
communicate with the Internet.  The question is one of typesetting and laying 
out the book so that it looks professional (Scott Rossi quality!?) and also 
would have a means to discourage pirating.  The advantage of considering 
LiveCode is the vast flexibility that it would have in introducing 
interactivity within the book.  LiveCode's potential for this presently seems 
to exceed that of current means of creating eBooks (such as using Quark Express 
for the Blio Reader).  There is a growing emphasis on creating eBooks that are 
not merely electronic versions of print books, but books that have something 
extra, the inclusion of interactivity in the form of hyperlinks, audio, and 
movies.  Could LiveCode be a significant contributor to this?
Steve Goldberg

From: Andre Garzia 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: eBooks and LiveCode
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

eBooks these days basically mean one of the following file formats:

* mobi
* nook
* ePub

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eBooks and LiveCode

2011-05-31 Thread

Like many publishers, we are considering developing a number of our titles as 
eBooks.  I've used LiveCode (RunRev) for many of our projects, including CDs in 
our books, free downloads of built applications from our website, and even in 
the construction of our invoice system.  Does anyone have any ideas as whether 
it would be feasible to use LiveCode as a good means to develop eBooks that 
might be downloaded or read on the Internet (perhaps with some form of DRM, so 
that they cannot easily be pirated)?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg, President
MedMaster Publishing Co.

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Re: Simple way to read the livecode list

2011-05-13 Thread
I've been following this great livecode (runrev) comments list for years and 
could kick myself for not using this simple way of scanning it without a lot of 
scrolling.  It occurred to me just now as I woke up at 6AM:  Simple type 
"message:" into the find field and repeatedly press Return.  It will take the 
viewer from one message to the next.  Hope this helps someone, unless everyone 
else has thought of this, too. Regards.
Stephen Goldberg

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I need advise on slow start standalone

2011-03-07 Thread
On several of my projects, where the opening standalone screen is not 
immediately responsive (particular on Windows) for say a half minute or more, I 
have found it useful to place a card titled "Loading" at the top of the stack.  
The card has a simple black background with the words "Loading..." at the 
center.  The script for the card is:

on openStack

  if the short name of this card is "Loading" then go next
end openStack

Then, the user has more patience waiting for the program to fully load.  Hope 
this helps.
Stephen Goldberg

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Re: Custom cursors

2011-02-19 Thread

I created a stack that explains how to make custom cursors.  It includes a 
library of cursors that can be used within LiveCode for games or other 
applications.  If interested, let me know and I'll email it gratis.
Steve Goldberg
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QTVR on 64-bit Windows computers

2010-12-27 Thread

Trevore DeVore to the rescue again!  I downloaded the latest version of 
QuickTime for Windows, and now QTVRs show up in rev applications on Windows 
64-bit computers. I am very appreciative, since I've created a lot of QTVRs for 
Rev and otherwise would not be able to use them.  I could not, however, get a 
QTVR to work from a revlet on the Internet.  It would be nice to know if others 
are successful in viewing QTVRs from a revlet on Windows-64 computers.
Steve Goldberg

Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 07:42:25 -0500
rom: Trevor DeVore 
o: How to use LiveCode 
ubject: Re: QTVR and 64-bit Windows issue
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 8:05 AM, wrote:
> I understand that QTVR will not work on 64-bit Windows computers. Does
 anyone know if there is a workaround in which  panoramas will show in
 Livecode, or if Apple plans to correct the issue? Is QTVR obsolete?  Thanks.

hat latest version of QuickTime for Windows should fix this issue. It did
or my customers who were experiencing problems with QTVR on 64-bit Windows.
Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems

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Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 87, Issue 61

2010-12-26 Thread
You are correct that QTVRs will work on Apple computers provided that QT 7 is 
still installed.  However, QTVRs do not appear to work on 64 bit Windows 
computers, regardless of the Quicktime version that is installed.  Others 
(non-LiveCode users) have suggested substituting other kinds of players instead 
of Quicktime (Flash Panorama Player, Krpano, Pano2VR, PanSalado).  However, I 
don't know if any of these would be useful for presenting via a LiveCode stack 
or standalone.  If not, then unless Apple fixes the problem, or LiveCode finds 
a way around the problem, it seems that it is no longer possible to present 
QTVRs via (any version of) LiveCode on 64-bit Windows computers.  If anyone 
finds a way around this, I sure would like to know, since I've spent a lot of 
time creating QTVRs. Thanks, and happy holidays to all.
Steve Goldberg 

Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 09:47:20 -0800
From: Scott Rossi 
To: How to use LiveCode 
Subject: Re: QTVR and 64-bit Windows issue
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Apple still offers a download of QT 7 to accommodate things that don't work in 
QT X, but I don't know if this version will work on 64 bit systems.  Worth a 

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

On Dec 26, 2010, at 5:05 AM, ""  wrote:

> I understand that QTVR will not work on 64-bit Windows computers. Does anyone 
know if there is a workaround in which  panoramas will show in Livecode, or if 
Apple plans to correct the issue? Is QTVR obsolete?  Thanks.
> Stephen Goldberg

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QTVR and 64-bit Windows issue

2010-12-26 Thread
I understand that QTVR will not work on 64-bit Windows computers. Does anyone 
know if there is a workaround in which  panoramas will show in Livecode, or if 
Apple plans to correct the issue? Is QTVR obsolete?  Thanks.
Stephen Goldberg
use-livecode mailing list
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Can someone explain (image to graphic)

2010-11-29 Thread
There are programs that will convert an image (such as a jpeg) to a graphic 
(vector).  For instance, see

Stephen Goldberg

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