One of the unexpected personal upsides to the pandemic has been a discovery of tabletop games, at last recognizing them as forms of systems design.

Of the many types of board games I've developed a particular interest in hex-and-counter wargaming.

While mostly used to model historical battles, the format is both simple and extensible enough that I've seen it employed for modeling encounters as varied as pre-European conflict among Tahitian tribes all the way to the protester-vs-police conflicts of Seattle during the WTO "Occupy" movement. I've even seen it used in modeling non-combat encounters like those related to supply chains and other logistics challenges.

The classic counter format is so flexible I find myself daydreaming about using it to model peacetime activities for possible learning systems.

I have some work obligations to fulfill so this is definitely back-burner and non-urgent, but while it was one my mind this morning it occurs to me that given the demographic intersection of some of our members and many fans of old-school wargaming there's a likelihood some of our members may have already done some work in this area.

If you've ever built anything that delivers a hex-and-counter format game, or tooling for print-and-play options for enjoying such things, please feel free to drop me a note. I'd love to learn what you've been working on, and see if there are ways we might share bits and pieces to move such systems forward more easily.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems

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