Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-09-12 Thread Richmond
I am wondering whether this is a relevant point or not,but, here goes 

I am looking for occurrences of BE + Past Participle in on-passive, 
intransitive constructions, with examples such as:

*I am arrived*, *He is become*, *She is returned* in publicly available 
versions of English literature 'standards' [no, not going to get

distracted by what constitutes a canon here].

These constructions were displaced over the period 1750-1850 by *I have 
arrived*, *He has arrived* and *She has returned* respectively.

This is for thinking up reasons why this grammatical change may have 
taken place (or a syntactic rather than grammatical change),
and whether English writers (and non-English writers such as Walter 
Scott, who wrote in English contemporaneously) were inherently
conservative.  There is a possibility that Dr Snezha Tsoneva-Mathewson 
(my wife) could construct a model inwith the framework of

Cognitive Grammar to explain how this change may have taken place.

This should be relatively easy using LiveCode, and it is, except for one 
thing: searching through an *html* text loaded into a textField
for the relevant constructions is *far, far slower* than doing the same 
thing by opening the documents in Firefox and doing a 'find' operation.

Of course one cannot put the results into a 'sexy' colour-coded 
textField when one uses Firefox.

Now, possibly I am being a bit foolish expecting LiveCode to crunch its 
way through textFields (even if, as some helpful people
on this list suggested, /they are loaded into variables/) looking for 
strings faster than Firefox (a dedicated html-thing) does.

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-12 Thread BNig
Hi Richmond,

in LC 7 you can use sentence as a text unit.
Since sentence seems your context it is tempting to use that

here is an adaption of the is/was handler returning the sentence number and
the sentence

Easy to read, easy to maintain and reasonably fast. Just paste the code into
a copy of your button is / are

on mouseUp
   lock screen
   put the milliseconds into t
   put empty into fld COOKED2
   put empty into fld STARTT
   put empty into fld STOPT
   put started :   the long time into fld STARTT
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
   repeat for each line aVerb in Werbs
  put is   aVerb into tSearch1
  put are   aVerb into tSearch2
  put 1 into tCounter
  repeat for each sentence aSentence in TEKST
 if aSentence contains tSearch1 then
put tCounter  space  aSentence  cr after tCollect
 end if
 if aSentence contains tSearch2 then
put tCounter  space  aSentence  cr after tCollect2
 end if
 add 1 to tCounter
  end repeat
   end repeat
   put tCollect  cr  tCollect2 into field COOKED2
   put finished :   the long time into fld STOPT
   -- put the milliseconds - t 
   unlock screen
end mouseUp

Kind regards

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-11 Thread Richmond

On 10/08/15 23:51, hh wrote:

Richmond, this was your last post to this thread before mine.

My current version is here:

File :
play with it, rip it to pieces, improve it: go on, I dare you :)


So I downloaded this stack and wrote a script that implemented three ideas,
two by other LCoders, one by me. Because you graciously ignored these ideas,
I was simply curious about their effects on speed and selectivity (by using
trueWords). I didn't play with your stack, I didn't rip it into pieces, but
somehow improved it a bit in the sense of using effectively some available
features of LC 7.

It was no dare, I had fun. And you had obviously fun too, what a great
speech! Who dares wins, you --- and me.

I am most gratified to find that someone actually read and enjoyed one 
of my rants.


p.s. Shouldn't the opening of your speech read I was _achieved_? ;-)

Well it SHOULD (perhaps) read I have achieved, but at the point
I wrote that I had not put the colourisation scripts into the relevant 

so the action had not been completed :)

It could not read I was achieved in the way Jane Austen was using that 
sort of structure because 'achieve'

is a TRANSITIVE verb.

Richmond wrote:

I am achieving what I initially set out to achieve, and with far less
code than yours, so have no intention
of changing anything.

I, also, am a lucky sort of chap insofar as I don't really mind that
much if my stack takes 3 days to work its way
through a corpus . . . I can go and do some teaching, read a book, cook
some food, go for a bike ride, talk to my wife,
play with my cats, and so on.

That has ALWAYS been my approach to programming for one simple reason:
working every holiday for very many years indeed on a farm
on an island I had to sort out broken bailers, tractors and so on.

Now proper spares had to come, on a ferry, at a vast transportation
overhead, from the mainland of Scotland. We could not afford
that, so we fossicked (lovely verb) for whatever would do the job in the
'graveyard' of broken tractors, cars, stuff we had picked up from the
local dump, and so on. Every single time we got our accursed bailer to
bail the straw and the hay, we got the cotter pins we needed to
connect the tractor to the plough, harrow, muck-spreader or whatever;
never very elegant, but they worked. In fact my younger son was on that
farm just 8 days ago and was shown some of my repair work by the
farmer's son (the farmer is long dead); still functional after 25 years.

I have, just, worked out a way to colourise the items I want, and while,
churning through some socking great corpus that would take days, I only
need it to colourise the sentences the previous routine has extracted,
so that won't take that long.

You, if it really seems such a good idea (and is it?) are more than
welcome to download my stack

and mess around with the script to your heart's content.

AND, while we are talking about time-consuming exercises: having put 4
hours of work into the thing, that seems, already, a bit more than the
thing deserves as I am not interested in winning the Tour de France,
simply extracting some data from a million word corpus with absolutely
no deadline at all unless I choose to impose one. The results MAY get
rolled into a paper my wife and I are THINKING of writing for an
academic conference . . . .

Almost ALL the stacks I have thrown out into the public domain in the
last 6 months have come back to me with comments about how my code is
clunky, inefficient, and so forth; and I would not doubt for a minute
that that is probably true.

HOWEVER, as far as I am concerned there is one enormous advantage about
my code above thine, or anybody else's; while thy code and the code of
many others is probably more efficient, more clever and gets things done
more quickly, I don't understand the finer points of it, while I
understand how my code works 100% because it was written by me, follows
my logic, and does what I require it to do.

It is always entertaining and instructive to see how people react to my
code, and I often learn a lot from their reactions (not least about
human psychology), including new coding tricks - but there always come a
point where the burden of having to plough through other
people's code (reflecting the way their minds work) feels like too much
in comparison from anything I might learn from it.


I also suspect that very many people share my interest in getting the
job done rather than producing posh code.

RunRev claim, on their website, that one can learn to code quickly. With
Livecode one can learn how to code RELATIVELY quickly, up
to a certain point; and many people  who are not programmers qua
programmers should be attracted by that because they have probably
got other things to do 

Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-11 Thread James Hale
Of course I couldn't resist a tinker. I too am into text manipulation/searching 
and wondered how I would go about this.
I looked at the repeat loops and realised they would run much faster if they 
were inverted as I am sure the list of verbs would be less than the lines of 
text being searched.
I also wanted to use a repeat for each construct as this is usually orders of 
magnitude faster.
But this meant I needed the line count and adding a counter seemed counter 
So I settled on using the lineoffset.

Here was my go...

on mouseUp
   put empty into fld COOKED
   put empty into fld STARTT
   put empty into fld STOPT
   put empty into lCooked1
  put started :   the long time into fld STARTT
   put the milliseconds into st
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   put fld WERBS into WERBS   
   put 0 into acounter   
   put the number of lines of TEKST into numlines

   repeat for each line KWERBS in WERBS
  put wasKWERBS into FRAZE
  put were   KWERBS into FRAZE2
  put 0 into loffesta
  put 0 into loffestb
  put 1 into lcounta
  put 1 into lcountb
  repeat while lcounta  0
 put lineoffset(FRAZE,TEKST,loffesta) into lcounta
 if lcounta = 0 then
exit repeat
 end if
 put lcounta + loffesta  into thelinea
 put thelinea   :line thelinea of TEKST  cr after lCooked1
 put lcounta into loffesta

  end repeat
  repeat while lcountb  0
 put lineoffset(FRAZE2,TEKST,loffestb) into lcountb
 if lcountb = 0 then
exit repeat
 end if
 put lcountb + loffestb  into thelineb
 put thelineb   :  line thelineb of TEKST   cr after lCooked1
 put lcountb into loffestb
  end repeat  
   end repeat   
   put the number of lines of lCooked1   found
   put lcooked1 into fld Cooked
   put finished :   the long time into fld STOPT
   put the milliseconds into nd
   put nd - st into fld TIMET
end mouseUp

I haven't tried returning to the original repeat order to see if this was 
faster but running the above on Richmond's sample stack for the WAS/WERE case 
delivered a result of three lines..

2663 : officers, who in comparison with the stranger, were become stupid,
731 : was returned in due form. Miss Bennet's pleasing manners grew on the
4116 : were returned, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

in 89 msec on my Mac running LC7.1Dp1

I was then going to examine colourising the found chunks when I realised that 
the supplied text had line breaks within each paragraph.
This means none of the proposed solutions (including Richmond's own) will find 
the desired phrase if it falls across one of these line breaks.
For my solution using lineoffset this is a dead end WHILE these line breaks 
within a paragraph remain.
For the other solutions a simple expedient is to increase the number of FRAZEs 
to four...

put wasKWERBS into FRAZE
put was  crKWERBS into FRAZE2
put were   KWERBS into FRAZE3
put were   cr  KWERBS into FRAZE4

This addition makes the extra FRAZES two lines and thus non valid arguments 
for a lineoffset function.

or so I thought.
However given the unpredictability of the formatting of the text this was a 
much too simplistic solution.
This solution breaks down where paragraphs are indented using spaces!

So, to keep the formatting as read in is problematic without knowing the 
formatting used.
But if the focus is the actual text, then perhaps the fancy formatting is not 

Processing the text BEFORE searching so as to remove embedded line breaks and 
space padding allows my original code to work fine.

inserting the following before the REPEATS does the trick (at least with the 
example text

  replace return with ^* in TEKST
   put \s+ into lmultispace
   put replacetext (TEKST,lmultispace, ) into TEKST
   replace ^*^* with return in TEKST
   replace ^* with   in TEKST
   replace return with return  return in TEKST
The only downside being the time to execute went from 89 msec to 616 msec.

you mileage may vary.

NOTE: My method does not identify multiple instances of the FRAZE within a 
single line, however once it is found in a line it would be simple to see if it 
occurred again.

Thanks for the diversion Richmond.

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-11 Thread Richmond

On 11/08/15 17:31, James Hale wrote:

This means none of the proposed solutions (including Richmond's own) will find 
the desired phrase if it falls across one of these line breaks.


Wow! Very valuable point: thanks.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-10 Thread hh
Hi all,

Richmond, you could give this a try in your fine prepared stack:

The following uses
= an array [one of the proposals above]
= trueWords [one of the proposals, needs LC 7]
= multichar-itemDelimiters [one of the proposals above, needs LC 7]

It outputs for each of your 6 opening words
were ,was ,is ,are ,has ,have .
the frequency counts of words 1 and lists the item numbers of these
occurences, for each of the 6 words as itemdelimiter (actually word  space).

For example in fld COOKED were (by script created) we get:

were by3 122 375 413

what means there are 3 occurrences of were by and these
are at trueword 1 of items 122, 375 and 413 if were  is
the itemdelimiter.
[Use of trueWord collects for example by  and by?  and by,  and by! 
in one categorie by.]

*** This takes  1 sec, in sum for all 6 opening words from above! ***
*** So this is TMHO a true demo of the power of some LC 7 features ***

A click on a line of one of the 6 output fields colourizes (yellow backColour)
exactly the occurrences in fld TEKST and cycles finding these by hitting the

What to do?
[1} Make a new button with the following script part 1.
[2] Add the last part of the script to your card script part 2.
Have fun, it takes 5 minutes to test all this with your stack ...


## part 1 for button
on mouseUp
 put the millisecs into strt
 put started :   the long time into fld STARTT
 put empty into fld STOPT
 lock screen; lock messages -- speeds up
 set cursor to watch
 put 1 into KTEKST; put 1 into KCOOK
 put fld WERBS into WERBS; delete last line of WERBS
 put fld TEKST into TEKST
 delete char 1 to offset(PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,TEKST)-1 of TEKST
 -- watch the space after each item, no space before each item
 put were ,was ,is ,are ,has ,have  into openings
 -- start be lazy
 if there is no fld STOPT2 then
   clone fld STOPT
   set name of last fld to STOPT2
   set left of fld STOPT2 to the left of fld STOPT
   set top of fld STOPT2 to the 40+the top of fld STOPT
 end if
 repeat with j=1 to 6
   put (COOKED  word 1 of item j of openings) into F
   if there is no field F then
 clone fld Cooked
 set name of last fld to F
 set rect of fld F to (0,0,275,150)
 set topleft of fld F to \
   (item j of 95,95,380,380,670,670, item j of 
 set tabstops of fld F to 128
   end if
 end repeat
 -- end be lazy
 repeat for each item W in openings
   put (COOKED  word 1 of W) into F
   put empty into RM; put empty into RM1
   set itemdelimiter to W; put TEKST into TEKST2
   delete item 1 of TEKST2; put 1 into X
   repeat for each item I in TEKST2
 put W  trueword 1 of I into Y -- important is trueword, compare to 
 add 1 to word 1 of RM[Y]
 add 1 to X; put space  X after RM[Y] 
   end repeat
   -- write these 'keys' at top
   repeat for each line L in WERBS
 put RM[W  L] into wL
 if wL is empty then put 0 into wL
 put cr  W  L  tab  wL after RM1
   end repeat
   combine RM by cr and tab
   put W  : diff cases  tab  (the number of lines of RM)  \
 cr  RM1  crcr  RM into fld F
   set textstyle of line 1 of fld F to bold
   set textstyle of line 3 to 2+(the num of lines of WERBS) of fld F to italic
   set hilitedLines of fld F to 1
   set itemdelimiter to comma
 end repeat
 put finished :   the long time into fld STOPT
 put (the short name of me): (the millisecs - strt) ms into fld STOPT2
 unlock screen; unlock messages
end mouseUp

## part 2 for card script
local toFind

on mouseUp
 if cooked  is in the short name of the target then
   set cursor to watch; lock screen; lock messages
   put length(fld TEKST) into L
   set textcolor of char 1 to L of fld TEKST to 0,0,0
   set backColor of char 1 to L of fld TEKST to 255,255,255
   put the value of the clickline into cL
   colorWords cL
   unlock screen; unlock messages
 end if
end mouseUp

on colorWords x
 set itemdel to tab
 put item 2 of x into wrds
 put 1 + word 1 of wrds into N
 set itemdel to ((trueword 1 of x)  space)
 repeat with j=2 to N
   set backcolor of trueword 1 of item (word j of wrds) of fld TEKST to 
 end repeat
 put find whole  quote  (trueword 1 to 2 of x)  quote  \
   in fld  quote  TEKST  quote into toFind
 select before trueword 1 of item (word N of wrds) of fld TEKST -- the last 
 set itemdel to comma
 do toFind
end colorWords

on enterinField
 do toFind
end enterinField

-- end of scripts
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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-10 Thread hh
Richmond, this was your last post to this thread before mine.

 My current version is here:
 File :
 play with it, rip it to pieces, improve it: go on, I dare you :)

So I downloaded this stack and wrote a script that implemented three ideas,
two by other LCoders, one by me. Because you graciously ignored these ideas,
I was simply curious about their effects on speed and selectivity (by using
trueWords). I didn't play with your stack, I didn't rip it into pieces, but
somehow improved it a bit in the sense of using effectively some available
features of LC 7.

It was no dare, I had fun. And you had obviously fun too, what a great
speech! Who dares wins, you --- and me.


p.s. Shouldn't the opening of your speech read I was _achieved_? ;-)

Richmond wrote:

 I am achieving what I initially set out to achieve, and with far less 
 code than yours, so have no intention
 of changing anything.
 I, also, am a lucky sort of chap insofar as I don't really mind that 
 much if my stack takes 3 days to work its way
 through a corpus . . . I can go and do some teaching, read a book, cook 
 some food, go for a bike ride, talk to my wife,
 play with my cats, and so on.
 That has ALWAYS been my approach to programming for one simple reason: 
 working every holiday for very many years indeed on a farm
 on an island I had to sort out broken bailers, tractors and so on.
 Now proper spares had to come, on a ferry, at a vast transportation 
 overhead, from the mainland of Scotland. We could not afford
 that, so we fossicked (lovely verb) for whatever would do the job in the 
 'graveyard' of broken tractors, cars, stuff we had picked up from the
 local dump, and so on. Every single time we got our accursed bailer to 
 bail the straw and the hay, we got the cotter pins we needed to
 connect the tractor to the plough, harrow, muck-spreader or whatever; 
 never very elegant, but they worked. In fact my younger son was on that 
 farm just 8 days ago and was shown some of my repair work by the 
 farmer's son (the farmer is long dead); still functional after 25 years.
 I have, just, worked out a way to colourise the items I want, and while, 
 churning through some socking great corpus that would take days, I only 
 need it to colourise the sentences the previous routine has extracted, 
 so that won't take that long.
 You, if it really seems such a good idea (and is it?) are more than 
 welcome to download my stack
 and mess around with the script to your heart's content.
 AND, while we are talking about time-consuming exercises: having put 4 
 hours of work into the thing, that seems, already, a bit more than the
 thing deserves as I am not interested in winning the Tour de France, 
 simply extracting some data from a million word corpus with absolutely 
 no deadline at all unless I choose to impose one. The results MAY get 
 rolled into a paper my wife and I are THINKING of writing for an
 academic conference . . . .
 Almost ALL the stacks I have thrown out into the public domain in the 
 last 6 months have come back to me with comments about how my code is 
 clunky, inefficient, and so forth; and I would not doubt for a minute 
 that that is probably true.
 HOWEVER, as far as I am concerned there is one enormous advantage about 
 my code above thine, or anybody else's; while thy code and the code of 
 many others is probably more efficient, more clever and gets things done 
 more quickly, I don't understand the finer points of it, while I 
 understand how my code works 100% because it was written by me, follows 
 my logic, and does what I require it to do.
 It is always entertaining and instructive to see how people react to my 
 code, and I often learn a lot from their reactions (not least about
 human psychology), including new coding tricks - but there always come a 
 point where the burden of having to plough through other
 people's code (reflecting the way their minds work) feels like too much 
 in comparison from anything I might learn from it.
 I also suspect that very many people share my interest in getting the 
 job done rather than producing posh code.
 RunRev claim, on their website, that one can learn to code quickly. With 
 Livecode one can learn how to code RELATIVELY quickly, up
 to a certain point; and many people  who are not programmers qua 
 programmers should be attracted by that because they have probably
 got other things to do other than JUST program.
 I am, at least to a certain extent, one of those people, as computer 
 programming is not the hinge on which my life rotates (and this became
 extremely clear just recently when I spent 3 weeks driving round Europe 
 without access to any programming facilities at all), and that is
 why I may come 

Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-10 Thread Richmond

On 10/08/15 22:19, hh wrote:

Hi all,

Richmond, you could give this a try in your fine prepared stack:

The following uses
= an array [one of the proposals above]
= trueWords [one of the proposals, needs LC 7]
= multichar-itemDelimiters [one of the proposals above, needs LC 7]

It outputs for each of your 6 opening words
were ,was ,is ,are ,has ,have .
the frequency counts of words 1 and lists the item numbers of these
occurences, for each of the 6 words as itemdelimiter (actually word  space).

For example in fld COOKED were (by script created) we get:

were by3 122 375 413

what means there are 3 occurrences of were by and these
are at trueword 1 of items 122, 375 and 413 if were  is
the itemdelimiter.
[Use of trueWord collects for example by  and by?  and by,  and by! 
in one categorie by.]

*** This takes  1 sec, in sum for all 6 opening words from above! ***
*** So this is TMHO a true demo of the power of some LC 7 features ***

A click on a line of one of the 6 output fields colourizes (yellow backColour)
exactly the occurrences in fld TEKST and cycles finding these by hitting the

What to do?
[1} Make a new button with the following script part 1.
[2] Add the last part of the script to your card script part 2.
Have fun, it takes 5 minutes to test all this with your stack ...


## part 1 for button
on mouseUp
  put the millisecs into strt
  put started :   the long time into fld STARTT
  put empty into fld STOPT
  lock screen; lock messages -- speeds up
  set cursor to watch
  put 1 into KTEKST; put 1 into KCOOK
  put fld WERBS into WERBS; delete last line of WERBS
  put fld TEKST into TEKST
  delete char 1 to offset(PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,TEKST)-1 of TEKST
  -- watch the space after each item, no space before each item
  put were ,was ,is ,are ,has ,have  into openings
  -- start be lazy
  if there is no fld STOPT2 then
clone fld STOPT
set name of last fld to STOPT2
set left of fld STOPT2 to the left of fld STOPT
set top of fld STOPT2 to the 40+the top of fld STOPT
  end if
  repeat with j=1 to 6
put (COOKED  word 1 of item j of openings) into F
if there is no field F then
  clone fld Cooked
  set name of last fld to F
  set rect of fld F to (0,0,275,150)
  set topleft of fld F to \
(item j of 95,95,380,380,670,670, item j of 
  set tabstops of fld F to 128
end if
  end repeat
  -- end be lazy
  repeat for each item W in openings
put (COOKED  word 1 of W) into F
put empty into RM; put empty into RM1
set itemdelimiter to W; put TEKST into TEKST2
delete item 1 of TEKST2; put 1 into X
repeat for each item I in TEKST2
  put W  trueword 1 of I into Y -- important is trueword, compare to 
  add 1 to word 1 of RM[Y]
  add 1 to X; put space  X after RM[Y]
end repeat
-- write these 'keys' at top
repeat for each line L in WERBS
  put RM[W  L] into wL
  if wL is empty then put 0 into wL
  put cr  W  L  tab  wL after RM1
end repeat
combine RM by cr and tab
put W  : diff cases  tab  (the number of lines of RM)  \
  cr  RM1  crcr  RM into fld F
set textstyle of line 1 of fld F to bold
set textstyle of line 3 to 2+(the num of lines of WERBS) of fld F to 
set hilitedLines of fld F to 1
set itemdelimiter to comma
  end repeat
  put finished :   the long time into fld STOPT
  put (the short name of me): (the millisecs - strt) ms into fld STOPT2
  unlock screen; unlock messages
end mouseUp

## part 2 for card script
local toFind

on mouseUp
  if cooked  is in the short name of the target then
set cursor to watch; lock screen; lock messages
put length(fld TEKST) into L
set textcolor of char 1 to L of fld TEKST to 0,0,0
set backColor of char 1 to L of fld TEKST to 255,255,255
put the value of the clickline into cL
colorWords cL
unlock screen; unlock messages
  end if
end mouseUp

on colorWords x
  set itemdel to tab
  put item 2 of x into wrds
  put 1 + word 1 of wrds into N
  set itemdel to ((trueword 1 of x)  space)
  repeat with j=2 to N
set backcolor of trueword 1 of item (word j of wrds) of fld TEKST to 
  end repeat
  put find whole  quote  (trueword 1 to 2 of x)  quote  \
in fld  quote  TEKST  quote into toFind
  select before trueword 1 of item (word N of wrds) of fld TEKST -- the last 
  set itemdel to comma
  do toFind
end colorWords

on enterinField
  do toFind
end enterinField

-- end of scripts

I am achieving what I initially set out to achieve, and with far less 
code than yours, so have no intention

of changing anything.

I, also, am a lucky sort of chap insofar as I don't really mind that 
much if my stack takes 3 days to work its way
through a corpus . . . I can go and do some teaching, read a book, cook 
some food, go for a bike ride, talk to my wife,

play with my cats, and so on.


Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-10 Thread Richmond

My current version is here:

File :

play with it, rip it to pieces, improve it: go on, I dare you :)


use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-10 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 23:03, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richmond wrote:
 Just by loading the textFields into variables the whole script runs
 considerably faster

If you did the same with the output it'd get even faster.


on mouseUp
   put empty into fld COOKED
   put empty into fld STARTT
   put empty into fld STOPT
   put started :   the long time into fld STARTT
   put 1 into KTEKST
   put 1 into KCOOK
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
   repeat until line KTEKST of TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put line KTEKST of TEKST into LTEKST
  put 1 into KWERBS
  repeat until line KWERBS of WERBS contains finalSolution666
 put was   line KWERBS of WERBS into FRAZE
 put were   line KWERBS of WERBS into FRAZE2
 if LTEKST contains FRAZE then
put KTEKST   :   LTEKST into line KCOOK of COOKED  ---!!!
add 1 to KCOOK
 end if
  if LTEKST contains FRAZE2 then
put KTEKST   :   LTEKST into line KCOOK of COOKED  ---!!!
add 1 to KCOOK
end if
 add 1 to KWERBS
  end repeat
  add 1 to KTEKST
   end repeat
   put COOKED into fld COOKED  ---!!!
   put finished :   the long time into fld STOPT
end mouseUp

modifications marked thus: ---!!!

crashed Livecode.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

Call my code clunky, clumsy and slow, and that won't really fuss me:

BUT what does fuss me is why this produces NO results when it analyses a 
text imported from an RTF file, BUT does work when the text

is either manually edited or imported from a text file.

on mouseUp
   put empty into fld COOKED
   put 1 into KTEKST
   put 1 into KCOOK
   repeat until line KTEKST of fld TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put line KTEKST of fld TEKST into fld LYNE
  put 1 into KWERBS
  repeat until line KWERBS of fld WERBS contains finalSolution666
 put was   line KWERBS of fld WERBS into fld FRAZE
 if fld LYNE contains fld FRAZE then
put fld LYNE into line KCOOK of fld COOKED
add 1 to KCOOK
end if
 add 1 to KWERBS
  end repeat
  add 1 to KTEKST
   end repeat
end mouseUp

This is a big Pain-in-the-bum as texts imported from Text files do NOT 
generally come into LC textFields with lineBreaks.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread hh
To come back to Richmond's opening post, one could think about using the 
following, avoiding complex offset constructions.

First collect word 1 of each item of a string (not too large, size adapted to 
your machine), where the itemdelimiter is were or any other word 
(conditional) that filters a targeted phrasing in or out.

Strings as itemdelimiters are possible in LC 7 (one may also use split and 
combine with such delimiters) and this is pretty fast.

This could narrow the lists and cases you have to investigate further.


 Sun Aug 9 01:44:36 CEST 2015 by Alex Tweedly.
 I think I'd agree that a conditional clause should be equired (could it 
 be any of 'if', 'unless', 'whether', ...)?
 Otherwise, you'd be finding false positives like:
 I gave two shillings to my brother and last night they _were returned_ 
 to me.
 -- Alex.
 Sat Aug 8 18:42:51 CEST 2015 by Richmond.
 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.
 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted 
 access to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were + infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 16:47, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 9, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Richmond wrote:

BUT what does fuss me is why this produces NO results when it analyses a text 
imported from an RTF file, BUT does work when the text
is either manually edited or imported from a text file.

Maybe if you do this?

set the RTFtext of the templatefield to RTFtextFromFile
put the text of the templatefield into fileText
reset the templatefield

and then operate on the variable fileText. That is, use the engine to convert 
the RTFtext to plain text.

-- Peter

 Hmm, that's a thought.

However, I'm doing just fine with HTML text instead :)

Now, if you happen to know of a list of English intransitive verbs . . . .

Richmond Nuttier than a fruitcake Mathewson.

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 19:21, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richmond wrote:
Now, if you happen to know of a list of English intransitive verbs . 
. . .

Yes: I looked there: but I am a lazy toad, and the thought of typing all 
those words into a field makes me want to go and work

as a pole dancer!

So, all you Use-List users who, for some funny reason (!!!), cannot 
stomach the idea of Richmond as a pole-dancer in an erotic

bar near you, you know what you have to do: get typing :)

There's also WordNet, but while it does include word sense I don't 
recall if it gets as specific as to the type of verb.  Besides, it's 
even more cumbersome to parse than sraping those Wikipedia pages, so 
hopefully those will be helpful.

scraping is, indeed, the word.

I was, perhaps rather naively, hoping that some hard-working person 
somewhere had already assembled

a nice, tidy, text file of intransitive verb forms . . .


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 9, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Richmond wrote:

 BUT what does fuss me is why this produces NO results when it analyses a text 
 imported from an RTF file, BUT does work when the text
 is either manually edited or imported from a text file.

Maybe if you do this?

   set the RTFtext of the templatefield to RTFtextFromFile
   put the text of the templatefield into fileText
   reset the templatefield

and then operate on the variable fileText. That is, use the engine to convert 
the RTFtext to plain text.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Gaskin

Richmond wrote:

Now, if you happen to know of a list of English intransitive verbs . . . .

There's also WordNet, but while it does include word sense I don't 
recall if it gets as specific as to the type of verb.  Besides, it's 
even more cumbersome to parse than sraping those Wikipedia pages, so 
hopefully those will be helpful.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 16:52, Richmond wrote:

On 09/08/15 16:47, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 9, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Richmond wrote:

BUT what does fuss me is why this produces NO results when it 
analyses a text imported from an RTF file, BUT does work when the text

is either manually edited or imported from a text file.

Maybe if you do this?

set the RTFtext of the templatefield to RTFtextFromFile
put the text of the templatefield into fileText
reset the templatefield

and then operate on the variable fileText. That is, use the engine to 
convert the RTFtext to plain text.

-- Peter

 Hmm, that's a thought.

However, I'm doing just fine with HTML text instead :)

Now, if you happen to know of a list of English intransitive verbs . . 
. .

Richmond Nuttier than a fruitcake Mathewson.

Well . . . the stack works, but as I have not loaded the whole text to 
be analysed into a variable, but am doing it line by line, the whole thing

is taking far, far too long . . .

After 3 hours the stack has just passed line 56,362 of the Gutenberg 
Library's Complete Jane Austen ( and that is only looking for was / were 
plus 3 verb forms ) . . . much too slow.

I wonder why I have always had to learn things the hard way?

Certainly, if I am going to analyse the million words of the Freiburg 
English Dialect Corpus,

I am going to have to get things moving along somewhat.

Wikipedia lists 5048 intransitive verbs; IFF I can get them into a 
listField (!!!), things will get very slow indeed if the list is not

loaded into a variable.

My production machine has 6 GB RAM, so, with any luck, with both the 
corpus and the verb list in variables (i.e. directly in RAM),
I won't have to go away and plant potatoes for a week while it does the 


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond


However, I'm doing just fine with HTML text instead :)


Well . . . the stack works, but as I have not loaded the whole text to 
be analysed into a variable, but am doing it line by line, the whole 

is taking far, far too long . . .

What this does at least prove (P. Brigham et al) is that while my code 
may work slowly, my logic is not faulty.

That at least means I can have a warm fuzzy about my logic as the stack 
grinds along at a glacial rate.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond
Just by loading the textFields into variables the whole script runs 
considerably faster:

on mouseUp
   put empty into fld COOKED
   put the long time into fld STARTT
   put 1 into KTEKST
   put 1 into KCOOK
   put fld TEKST into TEKST  --
   put fld WERBS into WERBS --
   repeat until line KTEKST of TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put line KTEKST of TEKST into LTEKST
  put 1 into KWERBS
  repeat until line KWERBS of WERBS contains finalSolution666
 put was   line KWERBS of WERBS into FRAZE
 put were   line KWERBS of WERBS into FRAZE2
 if LTEKST contains FRAZE then
put KTEKST   :   LTEKST into line KCOOK of fld COOKED
add 1 to KCOOK
 end if
  if LTEKST contains FRAZE2 then
put KTEKST   :   LTEKST into line KCOOK of fld COOKED
add 1 to KCOOK
end if
 add 1 to KWERBS
  end repeat
  add 1 to KTEKST
   end repeat
   put the long time into fld STOPT
end mouseUp

-- indicates the important changes.

The new script (with loading textFields into variables) with one text 
took 115 seconds.

The same text with the old text (no loading) took 10 minutes and 7 seconds.

5.27 times faster . . . Wow!

I am surprised at such a speed difference!


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 23:03, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richmond wrote:
 Just by loading the textFields into variables the whole script runs
 considerably faster

If you did the same with the output it'd get even faster.



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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richard Gaskin

Richmond wrote:
 Just by loading the textFields into variables the whole script runs
 considerably faster

If you did the same with the output it'd get even faster.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Michael Doub


Just so you know what is going on.  Each time a change in made to a 
field, a lot of management code is executed to properly render the field 
in case it is needed to be visible.   So when a field is modified within 
a loop, that field management code is executed over and over.   When the 
data is moved into a variable then manipulated the field management code 
is only executed when the results are put back into the field.

In almost all cases it is much faster to copy a field into a variable, 
manipulate the data, then put it back in the field when you want to make 
it visible.


On 8/9/15 4:22 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 09/08/15 23:03, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Richmond wrote:
 Just by loading the textFields into variables the whole script runs
 considerably faster

If you did the same with the output it'd get even faster.



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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread dunbarx

You are back.

So glad...


-Original Message-
From: hh
To: use-livecode
Sent: Sun, Aug 9, 2015 2:15 pm
Subject: Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

To come back to Richmond's opening post, one could think about using the
following, avoiding complex offset constructions.

First collect word 1 of
each item of a string (not too large, size adapted to your machine), where the
itemdelimiter is were or any other word (conditional) that filters a targeted
phrasing in or out.

Strings as itemdelimiters are possible in LC 7 (one may
also use split and combine with such delimiters) and this is pretty

This could narrow the lists and cases you have to investigate


 Sun Aug 9 01:44:36 CEST 2015 by Alex Tweedly.
think I'd agree that a conditional clause should be equired (could it 
 be any
of 'if', 'unless', 'whether', ...)?
 Otherwise, you'd be finding false
positives like:
 I gave two shillings to my brother and last night they
_were returned_ 
 to me.
 -- Alex.
 Sat Aug 8 18:42:51 CEST 2015
by Richmond.
 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls
walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament
over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.

 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted 

access to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find
examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were +
infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I
shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-09 Thread Richmond

On 10/08/15 02:54, Michael Doub wrote:


Just so you know what is going on.  Each time a change in made to a 
field, a lot of management code is executed to properly render the 
field in case it is needed to be visible.   So when a field is 
modified within a loop, that field management code is executed over 
and over.   When the data is moved into a variable then manipulated 
the field management code is only executed when the results are put 
back into the field.

In almost all cases it is much faster to copy a field into a variable, 
manipulate the data, then put it back in the field when you want to 
make it visible.


Thanks: you read my mind - I was going to get up this morning and ask 'why'?

I suffer from a serious problem: I learnt all about this sort of stuff 
donkey's years ago (about 30) and
since the fact that I have a computer that sits on my desk that at 
'only' 9 years old wipes the floor
with anything available 30 years ago (VAX mainframe) I had really 
overlooked that sort of thing,

to the extent of completely forgetting about it.

This is, also, the first time I have used a programming 
language/suite/IDE to process large amounts of data since
my BA project in PASCAL (30 years ago) - which, using a much shorter 
text than Jane Austen's complete works
(an English translation of Leibniz's /Monadology/) crashed the 
University of Durham mainframe; and that didn't

render any visual stuff on screen whatsoever.

I shall now become obsessive about loading everything into variables :)

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Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond
Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted 
access to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Richmond wrote:

 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.
 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
 to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were + infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???

I'll leave it to those who speak Regex to suggest a wildcard solution. Here's 
another one (not tested) that will catch past participles ending in ed. Not 
sure how this will scale with large texts:

function findWere pText
   -- returns a comma-delim list of all the word offsets matching were *ed
   put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
   repeat for each item w in offList
  put word w+1 of pText into testWord
  if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
   end repeat
   return item 1 to -1 of outList
end if

function wordOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
   -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the wordOffsets of str in pContainer
   -- if matchWhole = true then only whole words are located
   --else will find word matches everywhere str is part of a word in 
   --note that in LC words will include adjacent puncutation,
   --   so using matchWhole = true may exclude too many words
   -- duplicates are stripped out
   --eg wordOffsets(co,the common coconut) = 2,3   not   2,3,3
   -- note: to get the last wordOffset of a string in a container (often useful)
   --use item -1 of wordOffsets(...)
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
   -- requires offsets()
   if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole
   put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
   if offList = 0 then return 0
   repeat for each item i in offList
  put the number of words of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into wdNbr
  if matchWhole then
 if word wdNbr of pContainer  str then next repeat
  end if
  put 1 into A[wdNbr]
  -- using an array avoids duplicates
   end repeat
   put the keys of A into wordList
   sort lines of wordList ascending numeric
   replace cr with comma in wordList
   return wordList
end wordOffsets

function offsets str, pContainer
   -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
   -- returns 0 if not found
   -- note: offsets(xx,xx) returns 1,3,5 not 1,2,3,4,5
   -- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
   -- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often useful)
   -- use item -1 of offsets(...)
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
   if str is not in pContainer then return 0
   put 0 into startPoint
  put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
  if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
  add thisOffset to startPoint
  put startPoint  comma after offsetList
  add length(str)-1 to startPoint
   end repeat
   return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
end offsets

P.S. I love Jane Austen. One of my favorite books of all time is Pride and 
Prejudice. It's so beautifully constructed.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 20:48, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Richmond wrote:

Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

I'll leave it to those who speak Regex to suggest a wildcard solution. Here's another one 
(not tested) that will catch past participles ending in ed.

Looks good; however, I am really looking for ALL preterites; such as 
'become', so your 'ed' trap won't catch that.

I am wondering about using a listField of all the preterites that I am 
looking for.

Not sure how this will scale with large texts:

function findWere pText
-- returns a comma-delim list of all the word offsets matching were *ed
put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
repeat for each item w in offList
   put word w+1 of pText into testWord
   if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of outList
end if

function wordOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the wordOffsets of str in 
-- if matchWhole = true then only whole words are located
--else will find word matches everywhere str is part of a word in 
--note that in LC words will include adjacent puncutation,
--   so using matchWhole = true may exclude too many words
-- duplicates are stripped out
--eg wordOffsets(co,the common coconut) = 2,3   not   2,3,3
-- note: to get the last wordOffset of a string in a container (often 
--use item -1 of wordOffsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
-- requires offsets()

if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole

put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
if offList = 0 then return 0
repeat for each item i in offList
   put the number of words of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into wdNbr
   if matchWhole then
  if word wdNbr of pContainer  str then next repeat
   end if
   put 1 into A[wdNbr]
   -- using an array avoids duplicates
end repeat
put the keys of A into wordList
sort lines of wordList ascending numeric
replace cr with comma in wordList
return wordList
end wordOffsets

function offsets str, pContainer
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
-- returns 0 if not found
-- note: offsets(xx,xx) returns 1,3,5 not 1,2,3,4,5
-- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
-- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often 
-- use item -1 of offsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware

if str is not in pContainer then return 0

put 0 into startPoint
   put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
   if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
   add thisOffset to startPoint
   put startPoint  comma after offsetList
   add length(str)-1 to startPoint
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
end offsets

P.S. I love Jane Austen. One of my favorite books of all time is Pride and 
Prejudice. It's so beautifully constructed.

Glad to hear that another programmer doesn't spend all their time in 
front of a computer screen!

-- Peter


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Richmond wrote:

 On 08/08/15 20:48, Peter M. Brigham wrote:
 On Aug 8, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Richmond wrote:
 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.
 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted 
 access to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were + infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???
 I'll leave it to those who speak Regex to suggest a wildcard solution. 
 Here's another one (not tested) that will catch past participles ending in 
 Looks good; however, I am really looking for ALL preterites; such as 
 'become', so your 'ed' trap won't catch that.
 I am wondering about using a listField of all the preterites that I am 
 looking for.

if you do that then just make the repeat loop as follows:
   repeat for each item w in offList
  put word w+1 of pText into testWord
  if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
  else if testWord is among the words of fld preteritesList
  then put w  comma after outList
   end repeat

This will be faster if you put the preteritesList field into a variable before 
the repeat loop, since it's significantly faster for the engine to access the 
contents of a variable compared with the contents of a field.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

 Not sure how this will scale with large texts:
 function findWere pText
-- returns a comma-delim list of all the word offsets matching were *ed
put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
repeat for each item w in offList
   put word w+1 of pText into testWord
   if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of outList
 end if
 function wordOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the wordOffsets of str in 
-- if matchWhole = true then only whole words are located
--else will find word matches everywhere str is part of a word in 
--note that in LC words will include adjacent puncutation,
--   so using matchWhole = true may exclude too many words
-- duplicates are stripped out
--eg wordOffsets(co,the common coconut) = 2,3   not   2,3,3
-- note: to get the last wordOffset of a string in a container (often 
--use item -1 of wordOffsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
-- requires offsets()
if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole
put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
if offList = 0 then return 0
repeat for each item i in offList
   put the number of words of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into wdNbr
   if matchWhole then
  if word wdNbr of pContainer  str then next repeat
   end if
   put 1 into A[wdNbr]
   -- using an array avoids duplicates
end repeat
put the keys of A into wordList
sort lines of wordList ascending numeric
replace cr with comma in wordList
return wordList
 end wordOffsets
 function offsets str, pContainer
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
-- returns 0 if not found
-- note: offsets(xx,xx) returns 1,3,5 not 1,2,3,4,5
-- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
-- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often 
-- use item -1 of offsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
if str is not in pContainer then return 0
put 0 into startPoint
   put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
   if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
   add thisOffset to startPoint
   put startPoint  comma after offsetList
   add length(str)-1 to startPoint
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
 end offsets
 P.S. I love Jane Austen. One of my favorite books of all time is Pride and 
 Prejudice. It's so beautifully constructed.
 Glad to hear that another programmer doesn't spend all their time in front of 
 a computer screen!

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 21:18, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 08/08/15 20:48, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Richmond wrote:

Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

I'll leave it to those who speak Regex to suggest a wildcard solution. Here's another one 
(not tested) that will catch past participles ending in ed.

Looks good; however, I am really looking for ALL preterites; such as 'become', 
so your 'ed' trap won't catch that.

I am wondering about using a listField of all the preterites that I am looking 

if you do that then just make the repeat loop as follows:
repeat for each item w in offList
   put word w+1 of pText into testWord
   if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
   else if testWord is among the words of fld preteritesList
   then put w  comma after outList
end repeat

This will be faster if you put the preteritesList field into a variable before 
the repeat loop, since it's significantly faster for the engine to access the 
contents of a variable compared with the contents of a field.

Thanks for that one I've just made a fool of myself using a listField of 
the verb forms and the thing is glacially slow.

As soon as the stack has run its course I will implement your suggestion.


-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

Not sure how this will scale with large texts:

function findWere pText
-- returns a comma-delim list of all the word offsets matching were *ed
put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
repeat for each item w in offList
   put word w+1 of pText into testWord
   if testWord ends with ed then put w  comma after outList
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of outList
end if

function wordOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the wordOffsets of str in 
-- if matchWhole = true then only whole words are located
--else will find word matches everywhere str is part of a word in 
--note that in LC words will include adjacent puncutation,
--   so using matchWhole = true may exclude too many words
-- duplicates are stripped out
--eg wordOffsets(co,the common coconut) = 2,3   not   2,3,3
-- note: to get the last wordOffset of a string in a container (often 
--use item -1 of wordOffsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
-- requires offsets()
if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole

put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
if offList = 0 then return 0
repeat for each item i in offList
   put the number of words of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into wdNbr
   if matchWhole then
  if word wdNbr of pContainer  str then next repeat
   end if
   put 1 into A[wdNbr]
   -- using an array avoids duplicates
end repeat
put the keys of A into wordList
sort lines of wordList ascending numeric
replace cr with comma in wordList
return wordList
end wordOffsets

function offsets str, pContainer
-- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
-- returns 0 if not found
-- note: offsets(xx,xx) returns 1,3,5 not 1,2,3,4,5
-- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
-- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often 
-- use item -1 of offsets(...)
-- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
if str is not in pContainer then return 0

put 0 into startPoint
   put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
   if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
   add thisOffset to startPoint
   put startPoint  comma after offsetList
   add length(str)-1 to startPoint
end repeat
return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
end offsets

P.S. I love Jane Austen. One of my favorite books of all time is Pride and 
Prejudice. It's so beautifully constructed.

Glad to hear that another programmer doesn't spend all their time in front of a 
computer screen!

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

I seem to be going wrong:

I have a fld WERBS containing:


and my test to be analysed in a fld TEKST:

My Dad ate cheese.
My Mum and Dad were returned home when it 
began to rain.

He had a house in Spain.
They were become hairdressers.
They were found.

But this:

on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into $WERBS
   put fld TEKST into $TEKST
   put 1 into cookedLine
   repeat until line textLine of $TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of $WERBS is empty
 put line verbLine of $WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 if line textLine $TEKST contains FRAZE then
put line textLine $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED
add 1 to cookedLine
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
end mouseUp

put only They were found in line 1 of fld COOKED

something wrong with my counters 


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Paul Looney

The key here is the “if” - which creates a conditional clause - which requires 
the past plural of the verb (in this case “were”). This is similar to the 
“wenn clause in German (Deutsch) and the “ut” clause in Latin.
If I were able, I’d thank you in person for mentioning this.

Paul Looney

 On Aug 8, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Richmond wrote:
 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.
 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
 to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were + infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???
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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 22:56, Paul Looney wrote:


The key here is the “if” - which creates a conditional clause - which requires the 
past plural of the verb (in this case “were”). This is similar to the “wenn 
clause in German (Deutsch) and the “ut” clause in Latin.
If I were able, I’d thank you in person for mentioning this.

Paul Looney

I'm not sure anent that:

He had been visiting a friend in the neighbouring county, and that
friend having recently had his grounds laid out by an improver, Mr.
Rushworth _was returned_ with his head full of the subject, and very eager
to be improving his own place in the same way; and though not saying
much to the purpose, could talk of nothing else.

Jane Austen, Mansfield Park


On Aug 8, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Richmond wrote:

Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Paul Looney
In your last example:

Mr. Rushworth _was returned_”

“was returned” (singular, past tense, passive) is correct (although a simple 
“returned” would have been more powerful). There is no conditional, no “if”; as 
in your first example:

to inquire if Mr. Wickham_were returned_,

Haven’t had this much fun with the language in a long time…

 On Aug 8, 2015, at 1:07 PM, Richmond wrote:
 On 08/08/15 22:56, Paul Looney wrote:
 The key here is the “if” - which creates a conditional clause - which 
 requires the past plural of the verb (in this case “were”). This is similar 
 to the “wenn clause in German (Deutsch) and the “ut” clause in Latin.
 If I were able, I’d thank you in person for mentioning this.
 Paul Looney
 I'm not sure anent that:
 He had been visiting a friend in the neighbouring county, and that
 friend having recently had his grounds laid out by an improver, Mr.
 Rushworth _was returned_ with his head full of the subject, and very eager
 to be improving his own place in the same way; and though not saying
 much to the purpose, could talk of nothing else.
 Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
 On Aug 8, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Richmond wrote:
 Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
 construction of this sort:
 After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
 _were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.
 Pride and Prejudice.
 I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted 
 access to for this type of construction.
 However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
 examples of
 were + infinitive / preterite / past participle
 and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .
 OR ???
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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 3:41 PM, Richmond wrote:

 I seem to be going wrong:
 I have a fld WERBS containing:
 and my test to be analysed in a fld TEKST:
 My Dad ate cheese.
 My Mum and Dad were returned home when it 
 began to rain.
 He had a house in Spain.
 They were become hairdressers.
 They were found.
 But this:
 on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into $WERBS
   put fld TEKST into $TEKST
   put 1 into cookedLine
   repeat until line textLine of $TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of $WERBS is empty
 put line verbLine of $WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 if line textLine $TEKST contains FRAZE then
put line textLine $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED

Missing an of in the two lines above:
   put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED etc
Don't know if that's the problem.

add 1 to cookedLine
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
 end mouseUp
 put only They were found in line 1 of fld COOKED

Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the 
last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter to 
keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
   put cr  line textLine of $TEKST after fld COOKED
But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower than 
putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the variable 
into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or putting something 
from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in a variable, so just 
do it once.

Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, which 
is what $WERBS etc is defining. The only reason to put something into a 
variable beginning with $ is if you want some other system process besides LC 
to be able to access the data.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 23:33, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 3:41 PM, Richmond wrote:

I seem to be going wrong:

I have a fld WERBS containing:


and my test to be analysed in a fld TEKST:

My Dad ate cheese.
My Mum and Dad were returned home when it 
began to rain.
He had a house in Spain.
They were become hairdressers.
They were found.

But this:

on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into $WERBS
   put fld TEKST into $TEKST
   put 1 into cookedLine
   repeat until line textLine of $TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of $WERBS is empty
 put line verbLine of $WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 if line textLine $TEKST contains FRAZE then
put line textLine $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED

Missing an of in the two lines above:
put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED etc
Don't know if that's the problem.

add 1 to cookedLine
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
end mouseUp

put only They were found in line 1 of fld COOKED

Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the 
last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter to 
keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
put cr  line textLine of $TEKST after fld COOKED
But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower than 
putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the variable 
into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or putting something 
from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in a variable, so just 
do it once.

Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, which is what 
$WERBS etc is defining. The only reason to put something into a variable beginning with 
$ is if you want some other system process besides LC to be able to access the data.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

Um . . . $ is a mistake brought on by a dream I had about FORTRAN last 
night: in FORTRAN IV '$ was used for string variables.

Senior moment!


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 23:23, Paul Looney wrote:

In your last example:

Mr. Rushworth _was returned_”

“was returned” (singular, past tense, passive)

I'm not sure if that is a passive, or an older form of the past perfect 
(= had returned) ???

is correct (although a simple “returned” would have been more powerful). There 
is no conditional, no “if”; as in your first example:

to inquire if Mr. Wickham_were returned_,

Haven’t had this much fun with the language in a long time…

On Aug 8, 2015, at 1:07 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 08/08/15 22:56, Paul Looney wrote:


The key here is the “if” - which creates a conditional clause - which requires the 
past plural of the verb (in this case “were”). This is similar to the “wenn 
clause in German (Deutsch) and the “ut” clause in Latin.
If I were able, I’d thank you in person for mentioning this.

Paul Looney

I'm not sure anent that:

He had been visiting a friend in the neighbouring county, and that
friend having recently had his grounds laid out by an improver, Mr.
Rushworth _was returned_ with his head full of the subject, and very eager
to be improving his own place in the same way; and though not saying
much to the purpose, could talk of nothing else.

Jane Austen, Mansfield Park


On Aug 8, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Richmond wrote:

Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 23:33, Peter M. Brigham wrote:


Missing an of in the two lines above:
put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED etc
Don't know if that's the problem.


Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the 
last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter to 
keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
put cr  line textLine of $TEKST after fld COOKED
But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower than 
putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the variable 
into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or putting something 
from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in a variable, so just 
do it once.

Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, which is what 
$WERBS etc is defining. The only reason to put something into a variable beginning with 
$ is if you want some other system process besides LC to be able to access the data.

-- Peter

Well, as per your suggestion I did this:

on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   repeat until line textLine of TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put textLine into fld KOUNT
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of WERBS is empty
 put line textLine of TEKST into fld LYNE
 put line verbLine of WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 put FRAZE into fld FRAZE
 if line textLine of TEKST contains FRAZE then
if fld COOKED is empty then
   put line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
-- this is here so that line 1 of fld COOKED does not 
end up empty

  put cr  line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
  end if
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
end mouseUp

but still get only the last value.


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Re: English usage [OT] (used to be Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity)

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 4:44 PM, Richmond wrote:

 On 08/08/15 23:23, Paul Looney wrote:
 In your last example:
 Mr. Rushworth _was returned_”
 “was returned” (singular, past tense, passive)
 I'm not sure if that is a passive, or an older form of the past perfect (= 
 had returned) ???

I believe that with verbs relating to motion and location, the old past tense 
was not has returned but is returned. He has come home is modern English, 
it used to be He is come home. The old usage survives in modern French: Il 
est venu, rather than Il a venu. I agree that it's not passive, just an old 
auxiliary verb.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Re: English usage [OT] (used to be Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity)

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 08/08/15 23:59, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 4:44 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 08/08/15 23:23, Paul Looney wrote:

In your last example:

Mr. Rushworth _was returned_”

“was returned” (singular, past tense, passive)

I'm not sure if that is a passive, or an older form of the past perfect (= had 
returned) ???

I believe that with verbs relating to motion and location, the old past tense was not has returned but is returned. 
He has come home is modern English, it used to be He is come home. The old usage survives in modern French: 
Il est venu, rather than Il a venu. I agree that it's not passive, just an old auxiliary verb.

-- Peter

That is extremely useful: I shall pass that onto my wife (she's the 
Linguist-qua-Linguist: I just have an MA from SIUC in the subject - a 

as she will be very pleased with that.

Thank you.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 4:51 PM, Richmond wrote:

 On 08/08/15 23:33, Peter M. Brigham wrote:
 Missing an of in the two lines above:
put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED etc
 Don't know if that's the problem.
 Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the 
 last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter 
 to keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
put cr  line textLine of $TEKST after fld COOKED
 But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower 
 than putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the 
 variable into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or 
 putting something from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in 
 a variable, so just do it once.
 Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, 
 which is what $WERBS etc is defining. The only reason to put something 
 into a variable beginning with $ is if you want some other system process 
 besides LC to be able to access the data.
 -- Peter
 Well, as per your suggestion I did this:
 on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   repeat until line textLine of TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put textLine into fld KOUNT
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of WERBS is empty
 put line textLine of TEKST into fld LYNE
 put line verbLine of WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 put FRAZE into fld FRAZE
 if line textLine of TEKST contains FRAZE then
if fld COOKED is empty then
   put line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
-- this is here so that line 1 of fld COOKED does not end up 
  put cr  line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
  end if
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
 end mouseUp
 but still get only the last value.

Well, your logic still makes my head hurt, too many counters. Here's what I'd 
do, using a variant of my original function since it appears that you want to 
list the lines the relevant phrases occur in, not just the isolated phrases.

function findWere pText
  -- returns a comma-delim list of all the line offsets matching were *ed
  --or were  a word in your preterite list.
  put fld WERBS into pretList
  put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
  repeat for each item w in offList
 put word w+1 of pText into testWord
 if testWord ends with ed or testWord is among the words of pretList then
put (the number of lines of word 1 to w of pText)  comma after outList
 end if
  end repeat
  return char 1 to -2 of outList
end if


on mouseup
  put fld TEKXT into tText
  put findWere(tText) into linesList
  repeat for each item i in linesList
put line i of tText  cr after relevantLines
  end repeat
  put char 1 to -2 of relevantLines into fld COOKED
end mouseup

Untested, but you get the idea.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

On 09/08/15 00:26, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

On Aug 8, 2015, at 4:51 PM, Richmond wrote:

On 08/08/15 23:33, Peter M. Brigham wrote:


Missing an of in the two lines above:
put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld COOKED etc
Don't know if that's the problem.


Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the 
last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter to 
keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
put cr  line textLine of $TEKST after fld COOKED
But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower than 
putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the variable 
into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or putting something 
from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in a variable, so just 
do it once.

Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, which is what 
$WERBS etc is defining. The only reason to put something into a variable beginning with 
$ is if you want some other system process besides LC to be able to access the data.

-- Peter

Well, as per your suggestion I did this:

on mouseUp
   put 1 into textLine
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   repeat until line textLine of TEKST contains finalSolution666
  put textLine into fld KOUNT
  put 1 into verbLine
  repeat until line verbLine of WERBS is empty
 put line textLine of TEKST into fld LYNE
 put line verbLine of WERBS into WERB
 put were  WERB into FRAZE
 put FRAZE into fld FRAZE
 if line textLine of TEKST contains FRAZE then
if fld COOKED is empty then
   put line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
-- this is here so that line 1 of fld COOKED does not end up 
  put cr  line textLine of TEKST after fld COOKED
  end if
 end if
 add 1 to verbLine
  end repeat
  add 1 to textLine
   end repeat
end mouseUp

but still get only the last value.

Well, your logic still makes my head hurt, too many counters.

My logic is based on the belief that one has to keep count of the lines 
in the Ur-text, the verb list, and the output field.

It is also derived from a program I wrote to make concordances in PASCAL 
in 1985.

The idea of using a carriage-return is very useful (haven't actually 
thought about those since my BA, as typed all my work on an Olivetti

portable which my Mum was given by her Mum and Dad for her 21st birthday).

  Here's what I'd do, using a variant of my original function since it appears 
that you want to list the lines the relevant phrases occur in, not just the 
isolated phrases.

Isolated phrases are not much use for subsequent analysis; i.e. to see 
which collocations they occur in, context, and so on.

function findWere pText
   -- returns a comma-delim list of all the line offsets matching were *ed
   --or were  a word in your preterite list.
   put fld WERBS into pretList
   put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
   repeat for each item w in offList
  put word w+1 of pText into testWord
  if testWord ends with ed or testWord is among the words of pretList then
 put (the number of lines of word 1 to w of pText)  comma after outList
  end if
   end repeat
   return char 1 to -2 of outList
end if


on mouseup
   put fld TEKXT into tText
   put findWere(tText) into linesList
   repeat for each item i in linesList
 put line i of tText  cr after relevantLines
   end repeat
   put char 1 to -2 of relevantLines into fld COOKED
end mouseup

Untested, but you get the idea.

I do.


I shall put your code in another button and see what happens.

-- Peter


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

on mouseUp
   put fld TEKST into TEKST
   put fld WERBS into WERBS
  put findWere(TEKST) into linesList
  repeat for each item i in linesList
put line i of TEKST  cr after relevantLines
  end repeat
  put char 1 to -2 of relevantLines into fld COOKED
end mouseUp

function findWere pText
  -- returns a comma-delim list of all the line offsets matching were *ed
  --or were  a word in your preterite list.
  put fld WERBS into pretList
  put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
  repeat for each item w in offList
 put word w+1 of pText into testWord
 if testWord ends with ed or testWord is among the words of 
pretList then
put (the number of lines of word 1 to w of pText)  comma after 

 end if
  end repeat
  return char 1 to -2 of outList
  end findWere

 executing at 12:43:43 AM
TypeFunction: error in function handler
Lineput wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList

Something either I don't understand (obviously your 'Logic' and my 
'Logic' are not sitting well together).


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richmond

Oddly enough this does NOT seem to be a problem with my counters.

If I reorder my verbList the stack still only finds text bits with 'found'.

Retyping the list (rather than importing it from RTF) the first 
occurrence of the first verb in the list results.

There seems to be a problem with the way LibreOffice encodes RTF, and 
then another problem inwith my script.

However if one imports a text file and says: set the text of fld TEKST 
to  URL (file:  it)

nothing works at all when an analysis is attempted.


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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Richard Gaskin

Richmond wrote:

function findWere pText
   -- returns a comma-delim list of all the line offsets matching were *ed
   --or were  a word in your preterite list.
   put fld WERBS into pretList
   put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList

Unless the build you're using a custom build, wouldn't that be 
wordOffset (singular)?

Also, if you're using v7 you might consider trueWordOffset, which 
accounts for quote characters and omits punctuation that characterize 
the historic definition of word in xTalks.

The Unicode libraries in v7 make many natural-language parsing tasks 
much simpler - there's even a new sentence chunk type.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Alex Tweedly
I think I'd agree that a conditional clause should be equired (could it 
be any of 'if', 'unless', 'whether', ...)?

Otherwise, you'd be finding false positives like:

I gave two shillings to my brother and last night they _were returned_ 
to me.

-- Alex.

On 08/08/2015 20:56, Paul Looney wrote:


The key here is the “if” - which creates a conditional clause - which requires the 
past plural of the verb (in this case “were”). This is similar to the “wenn 
clause in German (Deutsch) and the “ut” clause in Latin.
If I were able, I’d thank you in person for mentioning this.

Paul Looney

On Aug 8, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Richmond wrote:

Jane Austen [amongst others] uses an interesting type of grammatical 
construction of this sort:

After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton to inquire if Mr. Wickham
_were returned_, and to lament over his absence from the Netherfield ball.

Pride and Prejudice.

I would like to analyse a million word corpus that I have been granted access 
to for this type of construction.

However, I don't want to find examples of only 'were returned', but all 
examples of

were + infinitive / preterite / past participle

and, presumably for that I shall have to use wildcards . . .

OR ???

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 6:41 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Richmond wrote:
 function findWere pText
   -- returns a comma-delim list of all the line offsets matching were *ed
   --or were  a word in your preterite list.
   put fld WERBS into pretList
   put wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList
 Unless the build you're using a custom build, wouldn't that be wordOffset 

I included the utility functions wordOffsets() and offsets() in one of my 
previous posts. I probably should have repeated them. I use them a lot -- there 
are many contexts in which they are useful.

function wordOffsets str, pContainer, matchWhole
   -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the wordOffsets of str in pContainer
   -- if matchWhole = true then only whole words are located
   --else will find word matches everywhere str is part of a word in 
   --note that in LC words will include adjacent puncutation,
   --   so using matchWhole = true may exclude too many words
   -- duplicates are stripped out
   --eg wordOffsets(co,the common coconut) = 2,3   not   2,3,3
   -- note: to get the last wordOffset of a string in a container (often useful)
   --use item -1 of wordOffsets(...)
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
   -- requires offsets()
   if matchWhole = empty then put false into matchWhole
   put offsets(str,pContainer) into offList
   if offList = 0 then return 0
   repeat for each item i in offList
  put the number of words of (char 1 to i of pContainer) into wdNbr
  if matchWhole then
 if word wdNbr of pContainer  str then next repeat
  end if
  put 1 into A[wdNbr]
  -- using an array avoids duplicates
   end repeat
   put the keys of A into wordList
   sort lines of wordList ascending numeric
   replace cr with comma in wordList
   return wordList
end wordOffsets

function offsets str, pContainer
   -- returns a comma-delimited list of all the offsets of str in pContainer
   -- returns 0 if not found
   -- note: offsets(xx,xx) returns 1,3,5 not 1,2,3,4,5
   -- ie, overlapping offsets are not counted
   -- note: to get the last occurrence of a string in a container (often useful)
   -- use item -1 of offsets(...)
   -- by Peter M. Brigham, — freeware
   if str is not in pContainer then return 0
   put 0 into startPoint
  put offset(str,pContainer,startPoint) into thisOffset
  if thisOffset = 0 then exit repeat
  add thisOffset to startPoint
  put startPoint  comma after offsetList
  add length(str)-1 to startPoint
   end repeat
   return item 1 to -1 of offsetList -- delete trailing comma
end offsets

 Also, if you're using v7 you might consider trueWordOffset, which accounts 
 for quote characters and omits punctuation that characterize the historic 
 definition of word in xTalks.
 The Unicode libraries in v7 make many natural-language parsing tasks much 
 simpler - there's even a new sentence chunk type.

Yes, with newer versions the engine now does stuff that required scripted 
functions in earlier LC versions. I'm still not using later versions because my 
work stacks don't run in them properly, so I have all these utility functions 
in my library.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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Re: Jane Austen's peculiarity

2015-08-08 Thread Peter M. Brigham
On Aug 8, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Richmond wrote:

 executing at 12:43:43 AM
 TypeFunction: error in function handler
 Lineput wordOffsets(were, pText, true) into offList

Probably you didn't include the wordOffsets() handler from my post earlier 
today. Try it again with the utility functions available. See the post I sent 5 
minutes ago.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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