Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-27 Thread Jim Hurley
 Message: 3
 Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:35:12 -0800
 From: Richard Gaskin
 Subject: Re: Wolfram language
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
 Jim Hurley wrote:
 And, Richard, as a petty aside, that formula and graph in the forum you cite 
 don?t ?compute.?
 Not petty at all.  It's just one more reason we love having you in this 
 community:  you help keep our math straight.
 But there is another significant difference between LC and what one might 
 achieve in the new
 Wolfram-enabled LC.  One cannot plot a truly smooth curve in LC. The curve 
 is always a set
 of line segments joining a set of discrete points. It is similar to the 
 difference between
 bit map and vector graphics.
 Hopefully that can change now that LiveCode uses the Skia library for 
 its graphics primitives.  If memory serves Skia supports Beziers - could 
 those be used for what you're looking for?


Thank you. I'm afraid I really haven't been keeping up. Could you, or any one, 
provide me with an example that shows how to use the Skia library?

Here is an example that illustrates what I mean when I say that LC cannot plot 
a smooth curve. 
It will *plot* a circle and also place a circle of equal size next it using 
LC's graphic tools.
They are close, but the plot shows the pixillation no matter how many points 
one choose for the plot.

Just put this into a button script.

on mouseUp
   if there is no grc circle then create grc Circle
   set the style of grc circle to polygon
   set the points of grc circle to 
   put 200 into R  
   put R+10 into  x0   
   put the height of this card /  2 into y0
   answer By what fraction of a degree between steps would you choose? with 
1 or 2  or 3 or 4
   put it into tFraction
  --Draw the circle
  repeat with Ang = 0 to 360*tFraction
  put R* cos(ang*PI/180/tFraction) into x
  put R * sin(Ang*PI/180/tFraction) into y
  put Round(x0 + x), Round(y0+y)  cr after tPoints
   end repeat
   set the points of grc Circle to tPoints
--Show the oval
   if there is not grc oval then 
  create grc oval
  set the style of grc oval to oval
  set the width of grc oval to 2*R
  set the height of grc oval to 2*R
  set the loc of grc Oval to x0 +2* R + 10, y0
   end if
end mouseUp

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-27 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jim Hurley wrote:

 Could you, or any one, provide me with an example that shows how
 to use the Skia library?

Skia is a 2d library, used in LiveCode to replace the older internal 
subsystem used for drawing.

The good news is that we don't have to do anything to use Skia:  it's 
already there, working every time you render anything to the screen. 
RunRev did such a good job dropping it in that most people didn't notice 
any change at all.

The bad news is that we *can't* (currently) do anything with it from 
scripting:  if you want to use additional capabilities not currently 
supported by the LiveCode language, those would need to be submitted as 
feature requests.

But the good thing about Skia is that many such feature requests are now 
easier for the team to implement than before, since they can rely on the 
capabilities of a library that has many times more developers working on 
it than any small company could afford.

For example, SVG is handled by Skia, so conceivably we could see SVG 
import and export added to LC.  And along with that, since SVG supports 
Beziers, we'll hopefully see that too.

Those types of additions to LiveCode are probably not as high on the 
priority list as the published Kickstarter goals, but achievable with 
Skia once the other priorities are done.

And of course anyone in the community with sufficient time and skills 
could add those capabilities and submit a pull request to have them 
added to the main engine build.

More info on Skia:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-27 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Richard Gaskin

 For example, SVG is handled by Skia, so conceivably we could see SVG
 import and export added to LC.  And along with that, since SVG supports
 Beziers, we'll hopefully see that too.

 Those types of additions to LiveCode are probably not as high on the
 priority list as the published Kickstarter goals, but achievable with Skia
 once the other priorities are done.


Good news - Vector Shape Object is one of the published Kickstart goals.
The description is: The new vector shape object will provide rich vector
support, use of SVG and sub pixel drawing accuracy.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-27 Thread Richard Gaskin

Trevor DeVore wrote:

Good news - Vector Shape Object is one of the published Kickstart goals.
The description is: The new vector shape object will provide rich vector
support, use of SVG and sub pixel drawing accuracy.

As one of the items in Queued, below the top three strands, I'm 
looking forward to it but don't expect to see it very soon.

I'd love to be wrong, but I'd love even more to see SFTP and the updated 
player object first.

It seems hopeful, though, given that Cocoa is also listed under 
Queued, but has been the focus of a great deal of effort recently.

Fingers crossed - I want it all by next Tuesday. :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 LiveCode training and consulting:
 Webzine for LiveCode developers:
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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-26 Thread Jim Hurley
 Message: 29
 Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 20:22:48 -0800
 From: Richard Gaskin
 Subject: Re: Wolfram language
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
 Did you see what [-hh] cooked up in the forums?

Richard et. al.

Adding Mathematica and/or Wolfram to LC would be a sea chance. 
Mathematica is already causing  profound changes in educating theoretical 
physicists. I remember countless hours  solving differential equation, complex 
integrals, differential geometry and the whole arena of analytical mathematics. 
Trouble is I loved it, and I would have missed it. I loved every bit of 
mathematics, the same way so many of you love programing.

It is difficult to know what to include in the curriculum now. It’s not the 
same as adding hand held calculators to students of arithmetic. Should we teach 
students how to take square roots. I certainly can’t remember how. Should we 
teach them how so solve differential equations?

It is surely true that providing these preprogramed solutions in Mathematica 
makes it possible to expand one’s imagination to whole new areas that were 
previously inaccessible. And that is a profound change. But there is always the 
nagging feeling that without the underlying capability to do the math, you will 
eventually run into a problem that Wolfram hasn’t though of.

And, Richard, as a petty aside, that formula and graph in the forum you cite 
don’t “compute.” 
The formula is  y = 3* sin(x+pi*J) where J runs from 0 to 4 and x from -3 to +3.
But adding 2* pi, or 4*pi is the same as 0*pi. In the same way 1*pi and 3*pi 
give the same results. So there are really only 2 distinct curves, not the 5 
But I’m sure the author was plotting a different formula than the one shown.

And, by the way, that same problem is easy dealt with in, you guessed it, 
Turtle Graphics:

on mouseUp
  put 40 into scale
  repeat with J = 0 to 4
 put -3 into x
 pen up
 setXY x*scale, scale * 3* sin(x+pi*J)
 repeat until x 3
setXY x*scale, Scale * 3* sin(x+pi*J)
add .1 to x
 end repeat
  end repeat
  choose the browse tool
end mouseUp

But there is another significant difference between LC and what one might 
achieve in the new Wolfram-enabled LC.  One cannot plot a truly smooth curve in 
LC. The curve is always a set of line segments joining a set of discrete 
points. It is similar to the difference between bit map and vector graphics. (I 
wonder whether Wolfram will provide the ability to show the *evolving* curve as 
one can in LC?)

I will have to leave that  brave and bold new world to all you young Turks now. 
 Have fun.  I’m  82,  retired, and my mind doesn’t work as well as it used to.

But I”m still having lots of fun in the old world.


 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web

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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-26 Thread Richard Gaskin

Jim Hurley wrote:

And, Richard, as a petty aside, that formula and graph in the forum you cite 
don’t “compute.”

Not petty at all.  It's just one more reason we love having you in this 
community:  you help keep our math straight.

But there is another significant difference between LC and what one might 
achieve in the new
Wolfram-enabled LC.  One cannot plot a truly smooth curve in LC. The curve is 
always a set
of line segments joining a set of discrete points. It is similar to the 
difference between
bit map and vector graphics.

Hopefully that can change now that LiveCode uses the Skia library for 
its graphics primitives.  If memory serves Skia supports Beziers - could 
those be used for what you're looking for?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-25 Thread Ender Nafi Elekcioglu
How awesome would it be if we had at least some of these commands in Livecode:

There is a *FindFaces* function for God’s sake :))
One day, hopefully…

~ Ender

From: Mark Wieder Mark Wieder
Reply: Mark Wieder
Date: February 26, 2014 at 0:08:45
Subject:  Wolfram language  
Looks like the soon-to-be-released Wolfram language will be part of the  
upcoming Raspberry Pi OS:

Mark Wieder  

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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-25 Thread Mats Wilstrand
Wow! This seems truly to be shift in paradigm. Even with the Open Language
we will be very busy catching up J





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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-25 Thread Kay C Lan
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Mats Wilstrand wrote:

 Wow! This seems truly to be shift in paradigm. Even with the Open Language
 we will be very busy catching up J

Maybe a function similar to shell, but for wolfram:

put wolfram(predict:number of LiveCode users by 2015) into
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Re: Wolfram language

2014-02-25 Thread Richard Gaskin

Did you see what [-hh] cooked up in the forums?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web

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