Re: Currency Formatting?

2002-01-29 Thread Jan Decroos

the function dispnum (see below) does the job.

dispnum :
first argument : true/false to put or remove the thousand and decimal separator
2nd argument : the container with numbers

change the lThousSep and lDecimSep variables if you want to have other
separators (in Europe we take the comma for the decimal separator and a space
or point for the thousand separator)

on mouseUp
  ask "Give Amount:" with 12345678.888
  if it <> "" then answer "$"&dispnum(true,it)
end mouseUp

function dispnum pOption, pData
  if last char of pData = CR then put CR after pData
  -- change next two lines depending on your needs
  put comma into lThousSep
  put "." into lDecimSep
  if not(pOption) then -- UNdisplay (back to numbers)
put pData into lResult
replace lThousSep with "" in lResult
replace lDecimSep with "." in lResult
  else -- make numbers readable
repeat for each line lLine in pData
  if lLine is a number then
put offset(".",lLine) into lPosPnt
put (lPosPnt = 0) into lisInteger  -- don't check by "is an integer"
because "5.00" is an integer !!
if lisInteger then put length(lLine) into lEnd
else put lPosPnt-1 into lEnd
if char 1 of lLine = "+" or char 1 of lLine = "-" then put 1 into
else put 0 into lOffset
if not(lisInteger) then put lDecimSep into char lEnd+1 of lLine
put 3 into lChar
repeat ((lEnd - 1 - lOffset) DIV 3)
  put lThousSep before char lEnd-lChar+1 of lLine
  add 3 to lChar
end repeat
  end if
  put lLine&CR after lResult
end repeat
if last char of lResult = CR then delete last char of lResult
  end if
  return (lResult)
end dispnum

Hope this helps...


use-revolution mailing list

Various questions

2002-01-29 Thread rand valentine

  Hi, all. I really appreciate everyone's contributions to this list,
both those taking time to pose questions and of course those who provide
answers. I've been a HyperCard user since it was first introduced, and
have used it extensively for various linguistic-related projects. I
wrote my phd dissertation using HyperCard to organize data (a dialect
study of the North American aboriginal language Ojibwe). I am presently
teaching at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) in American Indian
Studies, seeking to help preserve the Ojibwe language (most aboriginal
languages in the world will die out in the next two generations due to
pressures of globalization). Most of my Revolution work will involve
producing stacks to help language learners. I use Mac OS9, X.1.2, and
Windows 2000. I built my first runrev language stack today, and have a
couple of questions for the group:

1. If you use a "player" and external sounds, is there any way to
relativize the path to the sounds? For example, I have cards that have
Ojibwe written on them, and when the user clicks on a button, my
pronunciation of the Ojibwe is heard-- via a player that finds an audio
(wav) file. But how do I generalize the paths in the players so that a
downloaded copy of the runrev stack with associated audiofiles will be
able to find the audio files without the user's having to know how to
link files? Could you use the "default folder" to good effect in this
case? Help!

2. How necessary is it to have external audio files? What is the size
threshold in terms of final stack size? For example, if I have a set of
say 25 audio files that are each about 50K, will it really tax a typical
Windows or Mac system to have all of these audio files embedded in a
single RunRev file (ie, overload memory to load this stack)? What
guidelines can be given as to "size"? This would really help novice

3. To the RunRev team: We need a stack repository, where people can
upload stacks to give others ideas about developing their own materials.
This will only help Revolution thrive as a commercial product. The docs
for runrev are a great start, but they are still very limited. Stack
examples will help people with particular interests to see
implementations of projects of the sort that they themselves are
undertaking. It's funny-- runrev produces in me the same kind of
loyalty/devotion that the mac does- something about aesthetics and the
quality of life. I _love_ this program. It will help Ojibwe to survive.

Okay, enough for now. Thanks for your help, dear fellow programmers.

rand valentine
u of wisconsin-madison

use-revolution mailing list

new altURL Library V0.92

2002-01-29 Thread Chipp Walters

I've posted a new version of the altURL library. It can be used instead of
the "post" and "get" commands when you need more control. I've used it
successfully on redirects, and it also makes it easy to manage HTTPresponse
callbacks. It's some pretty simple code -- easy to read -- for anyone who
wants more control of their sockets. It can be downloaded at:

>From the documentation:

The altURL command posts form data and gets query data to / from a web
server using the POST and GET action of HTTP. It sends the completedMessage
when finished. The HTTP response can be accessed from the custom property
altURLResponse which can be checked in the completedMessage handler. This is
valuable in processing redirects as well as callbacks. There are two ways to
call this command. One is by passing separate values for all parameters, the
other is by merging all parameters into one URL?QueryString.

altURL ReqType, Host, Page, formList [,completedMessage]
altURLget URL?QueryString [,completedMessage]
altURLpost URL?QueryString [,completedMessage]


altURL "POST","","test.asp",myList,"myHTTPresponse"
altURL "GET","","tst.asp","name=jack&pswd=123","dothing"

altURLget "","dothing";
altURLpost "","dothing";

The Host is a valid URL to a web server.

The Page is an valid Page request (typically an .asp,.jsp or cgi page).

The formList is a list of Form or QueryString Variables and their respective
contents. Each line of the list will have a name value pair. If you wish to
use spaces or special characters, be sure to URLencode them first.

ex. This list variable sends two name value pairs:


The completedMessage is an optional message sent to the stack upon
completion of the command.

The URL?Querystring is a valid URL with appended QueryString. Even though
this is typical in 'get' and not 'post' commands, here it generates both.
Note the http:// is required.

customProperties of altURL Lib:

altURLHeader - the header text being sent minus the Host and Page and
Content Length

altURLTimeOutSecs - the time in seconds for altPostSAFileUp to quit.

altURLresponse - the HTTP response sent from the server or empty if no
response. Use with the completedmessage parameter to get the HTTP response.

To install:
Copy the button altURL Lib into your stack. Then insert into the open stack
or startup handler of your stack:

insert the script of btn altURL Lib into back

Then you can call the altURL command from anywhere in your stack.

For more info contact Chipp Walters
Portions of this script used with permission of Jerry Daniels. Muchos
Gracias Jerry!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Various questions

2002-01-29 Thread Klaus

Hi Rand,

> Hi, all. I really appreciate everyone's contributions to this list,
> both those taking time to pose questions and of course those who provide
> answers. I've been a HyperCard user since it was first introduced, and
> have used it extensively for various linguistic-related projects. I
> wrote my phd dissertation using HyperCard to organize data (a dialect
> study of the North American aboriginal language Ojibwe). I am presently
> teaching at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) in American Indian
> Studies, seeking to help preserve the Ojibwe language (most aboriginal
> languages in the world will die out in the next two generations due to
> pressures of globalization). Most of my Revolution work will involve
> producing stacks to help language learners. I use Mac OS9, X.1.2, and
> Windows 2000. I built my first runrev language stack today, and have a
> couple of questions for the group:

Welcome to the club :-)
> 1. If you use a "player" and external sounds, is there any way to
> relativize the path to the sounds? For example, I have cards that have
> Ojibwe written on them, and when the user clicks on a button, my
> pronunciation of the Ojibwe is heard-- via a player that finds an audio
> (wav) file. But how do I generalize the paths in the players so that a
> downloaded copy of the runrev stack with associated audiofiles will be
> able to find the audio files without the user's having to know how to
> link files? Could you use the "default folder" to good effect in this
> case? Help!

Help ! ;-)

Of course you can use relative paths.

Here's how to:

Supposed you have your stacks etc in a big folder called "Dunno" ;-)

You could create a subfolder in that folder and call it e.g. "soundz"
(sic ! ;-)

Now you have to tell MC/RR to set its working directory, which is
the folder, where the engine will look into and will find all the nice
things in there, like stacks, movies, subfolders etc...

Now you should add these lines to the stack (inside folder "Dunno")
where you want to use relative paths:

on preopenstack ## so it's already set, when the stack starts...
  get the effective filename of this stack
   set the itemdel to "/"
   delete last item of it
   set the directory to it
end preopenstack

"the efective filename" returns the complete path to that stack with
HD etc... -> "C:/windoze/my_folder/your_folder/our_stack.rev"

Now we set the itemdelimiter to "/" (which is the default path delimiter in
MC/RR), delete the last item of "the eff..." and what's left is the complete
path to the folder "Dunno". ("C:/windoze/my_folder/your_folder")

NOW you can script something like:

on xxx
  set the filename of player "playa" to "soundz/new.wav"
end xxx

Now you can just create new players and assign a filename to them like


> 2. How necessary is it to have external audio files? What is the size
> threshold in terms of final stack size? For example, if I have a set of
> say 25 audio files that are each about 50K, will it really tax a typical
> Windows or Mac system to have all of these audio files embedded in a
> single RunRev file (ie, overload memory to load this stack)? What
> guidelines can be given as to "size"? This would really help novice
> users.

MC/RR uses to load an entire stack into memory !!!

So it is always a got idea to use referenced sound and movies...

I once read the advice to create no stack bigger than 3 to 4 mb.

Sounds reasonable to me, but depends on hardware configurations...
> 3. To the RunRev team: We need a stack repository, where people can
> upload stacks to give others ideas about developing their own materials.
> This will only help Revolution thrive as a commercial product. The docs
> for runrev are a great start, but they are still very limited. Stack
> examples will help people with particular interests to see
> implementations of projects of the sort that they themselves are
> undertaking. It's funny-- runrev produces in me the same kind of
> loyalty/devotion that the mac does- something about aesthetics and the
> quality of life. I _love_ this program. It will help Ojibwe to survive.

There is a usercontribution section on the RR-site.

But i don't know how to post stacks there.

> Okay, enough for now. Thanks for your help, dear fellow programmers.
> rand valentine
> u of wisconsin-madison

Hope this helps in the moment and that my explanation is understandable :-)


Klaus Major 
MetaScape GmbH

use-revolution mailing list

Create Field and other matters

2002-01-29 Thread Barlow Frank

Mac G3 400 System 9.2  Rev full version at home.

I play with the trial version at lunch time on NT4 at work.

Problem,  if I exceed the lines limit,  it tells me then crashes Revolution.


I observe that the "create Field" script auto chooses the pointer tool,  you
need to add a line to  "choose browse tool" to continue!

Frank Barlow
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Currency Formatting?

2002-01-29 Thread curry

Rick Harrison wrote:

> I just wish that the people who wrote Rev. had
> already done this stuff for us.  We shouldn't
> have to re-invent the wheel!

I have always thought that there were a lot of wheels left to re-invent, so
during my spare time I have been working on an extensive library of basic
functions and handlers to enhance Revolution's set in several areas. The
library has standard, familiar features as well as some advanced options
that go beyond average implementations, and the handlers will be tested,
well-documented, and optimized for speed where it seems appropriate. I will
be making it available to download in the next day or two and look forward
to seeing how useful it proves for the average Revolution user and for those
who are getting started with Revolution.

Curry Kenworthy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: inspect calling chain?

2002-01-29 Thread curry

>>> Is there any way inside transcript to inspect the calling chain?
>>> Specifically, is there a way for a handler or function to find out the name
>>> of the handler or function which called it?

>> At present no, not beyond getting the target of the object that got the
>> original message.

I think it would be nice to find the name of the calling handler and also to
be able to look at variables from within the scope of that calling handler.

Curry Kenworthy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Various questions

2002-01-29 Thread yves COPPE

>Of course you can use relative paths.
>Here's how to:
>Supposed you have your stacks etc in a big folder called "Dunno" ;-)
>You could create a subfolder in that folder and call it e.g. "soundz"
>(sic ! ;-)
>Now you have to tell MC/RR to set its working directory, which is
>the folder, where the engine will look into and will find all the nice
>things in there, like stacks, movies, subfolders etc...
>Now you should add these lines to the stack (inside folder "Dunno")
>where you want to use relative paths:
>on preopenstack ## so it's already set, when the stack starts...
>   get the effective filename of this stack
>set the itemdel to "/"
>delete last item of it
>set the directory to it
>end preopenstack
>"the efective filename" returns the complete path to that stack with
>HD etc... -> "C:/windoze/my_folder/your_folder/our_stack.rev"
>Now we set the itemdelimiter to "/" (which is the default path delimiter in
>MC/RR), delete the last item of "the eff..." and what's left is the complete
>path to the folder "Dunno". ("C:/windoze/my_folder/your_folder")
>NOW you can script something like:
>on xxx
>   set the filename of player "playa" to "soundz/new.wav"
>end xxx
>Klaus Major
>MetaScape GmbH

What's the difference between setting the directory or setting the 
default stack ?
use-revolution mailing list

Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Gene Kennedy

Can someone please enlighten me regarding the playing of sound files in RR.  I have a
number of voice recordings that I would like to piece together in my script and then 
the selected clips in rapid succession.  How can I tell when a sound clip is through
playing so that I can start playing the next clip right away?

I can save the sound files in most popular formats and can use the play command
individually. However, if I place a number of play commands in succession, they all 
to play with a slight delay between each and wind up "stepping" all over each other.

For example:

On Signal
Play "Clip a"
Play "Clip b"
Play "Clip c"
end Signal

This causes the unwanted effect of having each play command open its own sound channel 
all playing out simultaneously.

What I looked for but could not find was a command something like"

Play "Clip x" until EOF
Play "Clip y" until EOF

Where clip y would not start to play until clip x was finished.  This is the effect I 
after but can't find the solution.
Any help will be appreciated.

Gene Kennedy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: creating new tools

2002-01-29 Thread Judy Perry


Somehow, I deleted the original post (yours).

As I remarked in a previous post, I may be doing a session of teacher
training for some elementary teachers on content creation, etc.

Do you have anything you'd be willing to share with me in this?

Many thanks for your consideration,


On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

> At 7:20 PM -0800 1/25/2002, Steve Messimer wrote:
> >Years ago I created a set of objects for HyperCard that allowed users to
> >significantly truncate the educational development process. Using stack
> >templates and compoundObjects (like buttonField objects, button card
> >objects, hotText objects, quizObjects, examObjects etc ) teachers could
> >create educational titles in days rather than months.  Now that revolution
> >is here I am inspired to attempt to port the code.  The question is ... what
> >is the best approach. Here's a brief outline of what I would like to do.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land


On Signal
  Play "Clip a"
  wait until the sound is done
  Play "Clip b"
  wait until the sound is done
  Play "Clip c"
end Signal

Regards, / Groeten,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 12:12 PM -0500 1/29/02, Gene Kennedy wrote:
>Can someone please enlighten me regarding the playing of sound files in RR.  I have a
>number of voice recordings that I would like to piece together in my script and then 
>the selected clips in rapid succession.  How can I tell when a sound clip is through
>playing so that I can start playing the next clip right away?

Check out the playStopped message, or use the sound function and (check out 
send in the help).



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Mike Brown

Hi Geoff,

Could you provide an example of how the playStopped message can be properly
implemented?  I have looked through the documentation but can not find a
practical example of how to use it.

Mike Brown
Cyber-NY Interactive

> From: "Geoff Canyon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:15:06 -0800
> Subject: Re: Playing Sound Clips
> At 12:12 PM -0500 1/29/02, Gene Kennedy wrote:
>> Can someone please enlighten me regarding the playing of sound files in RR.
>> I have a
>> number of voice recordings that I would like to piece together in my script
>> and then play
>> the selected clips in rapid succession.  How can I tell when a sound clip is
>> through
>> playing so that I can start playing the next clip right away?
> Check out the playStopped message, or use the sound function and
> (check out send in the help).
> regards,
> Geoff
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 1:46 PM -0500 1/29/02, Mike Brown wrote:
>Could you provide an example of how the playStopped message can be properly
>implemented?  I have looked through the documentation but can not find a
>practical example of how to use it.

I would think (not tested) something like this:

global gSoundFileList,gWhichFile,gNumSoundFiles

on startPlaying
put 1 into gWhichFile
end startPlaying

on startNewSound
play audioClip gSoundFileList[gWhichFile]
end startNewSound

on playStopped
add 1 to gWhichFile
if gWhichFile > gNumSoundFiles then exit playStopped
end playStopped



use-revolution mailing list

Developing on a distribution-file

2002-01-29 Thread Carsten Levin

When opening an ordinary .rev file by double clicking it - without first
opening Revolution - it doesnt run correctly. It needs to be saved as a
distribution file before behaving well on its own ... and I am not talking
about saving as a stand-alone app.

But the file saved as a distribution file can still be edited in Revolution.

I can see a clear advantage in working with a file saved as a distribution
file, since it can always test as a final solution without having to be
saved as a distribution first.

But are there any reasons not to do so?

Best regards

Carsten Levin

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Currency Formatting?

2002-01-29 Thread Rick Harrison

on 1/29/2002 3:25 AM, Jan Decroos at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> the function dispnum ... does the job.


Thanks for the code!

Rick Harrison

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Hardwiring Relative directories/Windoz CD caveat

2002-01-29 Thread Sivakatirswami

There is one caveat to what Geoff describes below, which is basically 100%
correct *but* on some windoz systems if the Rev player or standalone is on
the root level of a CD...  windoz's may not necessarily know where it is and
directory paths are not correctly returned to Rev... solution (found after
many hours of struggle/bewilderment until some young geek explained the
problem which was a bug also experienced by other apps trying to run from
CD's on windows...i.e. it is not a REV problem)

Solution: Do not put your stand alone/rev player on the top level of  a CD
if you expect to run  that CD on a diversity of windozs machines/systems.
Put *everything* inside a folder. This has the "uncool" consequence of
forcing the user to open the folder first to get started... but (if you are
into icons) to look really professional just give the folder its own
unique-to-this-app  "logo" icon ...the same one as the standalone itself.
Then the user opens the folder, and finds the standalone (with the same
icon) on the top level with other resources folders beside it and then all
of the following works perfectly:

> If you plan to build a standalone (rather than a stack) then this is much
> easier. The directory defaults to the directory containing the application --
> when you are developing in Revolution, it is the directory that contains
> Revolution, when you build a standalone, it is the directory that contains the
> standalone. So, when you run as a stack,
> "soundz/new.wav" 
> refers to a file "new.wav" that is in a folder "soundz" which is in the same
> directory as the Revolution application. When you run as a standalone, it
> refers to the file "new.wav" in the folder "soundz" in the same folder as the
> standalone.
> If you locate your resources in a folder relative to the Revolution
> application, and then in a folder relative to the standalone, you don't have
> to do anything to reference relative paths.

Om shanti,
Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

Read The Master Course Lesson of the Day at

use-revolution mailing list

Re: custom prop

2002-01-29 Thread Kevin Miller

On 29/1/02 3:46 pm, Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is great stuff, the first time I've understood what custom
> property sets are for.  But how do you make one set or the other
> active?

put the myArrayName["myKeyName"] of btn 1


put the customProperties[myArrayName] of btn 1 into tMyArray


set the customPropertySet of btn 1 to "myArrayName"

-- further references will refer to properties in a particular set:

put the myKeyName of btn 1 --from set myArrayName

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Create Field and other matters

2002-01-29 Thread Kevin Miller

On 29/1/02 12:09 pm, Barlow Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I play with the trial version at lunch time on NT4 at work.
> Problem,  if I exceed the lines limit,  it tells me then crashes Revolution.

Does this happen in 1.1.1B1?

> I observe that the "create Field" script auto chooses the pointer tool,  you
> need to add a line to  "choose browse tool" to continue!

Or lock messages.  When doing this with the mouse you can double click a
tool on the tools palette to lock it until you choose another manually.


Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

2002-01-29 Thread Kevin Miller

On 29/1/02 3:16 pm, Brent Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a very simple question:
> Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?
> I've created a brand new stack and placed one text field on the card.
> The Properties palette confirms that the dontWrap property is false.
> If I type into the field, or insert text into the field via the
> message box or via a script, the text does not wrap.
> To further test this, I created a checkbox that toggles the dontWrap
> property.  Inspecting the field's properties shows that the button is
> in fact toggling the dontWrap property, but the text never wraps.
> I hope the answer to this is simple, and that I've just missed something.

Does the text have spaces in it?


Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Hierarchical Menus

2002-01-29 Thread Kevin Miller

On 27/1/02 10:02 pm, tbandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I couldn't figure out how I can find out which of the menu items of a
> button was selected and I did not find much help in the documentation. I
> tried with "the selectedText", with "the label" and with the menuHistory
> but I did not find what I expected: the first and the second item of the
> selection? Can anyone give me a hint or an example?

on menuPick pWhich
 --pWhich contains firstItem|secondItem

You can set the itemDel to | then put each item into a variable, then do an
if...then or switch as normal.


Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: custom prop

2002-01-29 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 7:46 AM -0800 1/29/2002, Devin Asay wrote:
>This is great stuff, the first time I've understood what custom
>property sets are for.  But how do you make one set or the other

You set the object's customPropertySet to whichever set you want:

  set the customPropertySet of this stack to "frenchStrings"

The customPropertySets property reports the sets a particular object has.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Various questions

2002-01-29 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 4:51 AM -0800 1/29/2002, yves COPPE wrote:
>What's the difference between setting the directory or setting the
>default stack ?

If you mean "defaultFolder" (rather than default stack), there is no
difference: "the folder", "the directory", and "the defaultFolder" are

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-29 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 3:35 AM -0800 1/25/2002, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
>Now... where would I have found that information?  Has there been any real
>release notes published for 1.1.1, or even 1.1?

Well, yes, there's a fairly extensive release note for 1.1, right there in
the Rev folder. BBEdit's release notes are exemplary, and I realize there's
room for improvement in ours. I do think it qualifies as "real", though.


Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Copying parts of pictures to the front.

2002-01-29 Thread Ken Norris (dialup)

Hello RR list,

I'm almost finished working on a app written for HC, which I have conceived
in a semi-shell format, so I can hopefully transfer it more easily into RR.

I have made several full screen background picts which contain the graphics
for button animation, in this case, lots of 'up' and 'down' state buttons
(actually there are different 'styles', i.e., different picts). The 'real'
buttons, which call multiple handlers, are all transparent.

In HC, I'm using Uli's xDraw XCMD suite. The pict with the 'Up' state
buttons is onscreen (actually placed there with the addColor XCMD command
and transition at openStack). The pict with the 'down' buttons is in an
offscreen (it actually exists only in memory until called) gWorld (a
companion to xDraw). At mouseDown, the handler that activates the graphic
instantly copies the part of the pict ('down' button') which matches the
button rect to the screen, temporarily covering that part of the 'up' button
pict, holds it there until mouseUp when it disappears.

Is anyone getting this, so far?

I want to have the same effect in RR, using the same picts. I suppose I
could copy all the buttons out of the picts separately, but that would take
more time than I want to spend, considering the background picts are already

I'm not sure how to do this with RR, but it shouldn't be difficult with
native color, should it?

Best regards,
Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

2002-01-29 Thread Brent Neal

>On 29/1/02 3:16 pm, Brent Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I have a very simple question:
>>  Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?
>>  I've created a brand new stack and placed one text field on the card.
>>  The Properties palette confirms that the dontWrap property is false.
>>  If I type into the field, or insert text into the field via the
>>  message box or via a script, the text does not wrap.
>>  To further test this, I created a checkbox that toggles the dontWrap
>>  property.  Inspecting the field's properties shows that the button is
>>  in fact toggling the dontWrap property, but the text never wraps.
>>  I hope the answer to this is simple, and that I've just missed something.
>Does the text have spaces in it?

No. I just tapped at random keys (i.e. asdfasfdasdf).  Consider 
SimpleText. If you hold down a single key, when it reaches the text 
field width, it starts over on the next line. That shouldn't matter.

Brent Neal
Concurrent Computing Laboratory for Materials Simulations
Dept. of Physics - Dept. of Computer Science
Louisiana State University
use-revolution mailing list

Re: error 3

2002-01-29 Thread John Cuccio

I was looking back at some post for another problem and saw this one.

> I have a stack that when running in Revolution works great!  However, when I
> build a stand alone (68K or PPC) I get a Error 3 (sometimes a Error 2) when
> I attempt to do "quit".  ALL other functions of the standalone work fine...
> No errors, no problems... Only when quitting.

I was having the same problem. Figured out it was the the closestack
command. When I moved what I had in the closedstack to shutdown. I did not
get the error any more.

Rev 1.1 Mac OS 8.1

use-revolution mailing list

Decompression question

2002-01-29 Thread Tim

I posted this question before, so here it is one more time with fingers

Under OS X. Now when I try to  decompress someProject.rev, I get the
following error message:

Error description: decompress: string is not compressed data

SomeProject.rev does not open. While compressing it and uploading is no
problem. I should add that both comression/decompression work fine under
W2K. The problem is only under OS X. Anyone have any thoughts?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying parts of pictures to the front

2002-01-29 Thread J. Landman Gay

Ken Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The pict with the 'Up' state
> buttons is onscreen (actually placed there with the addColor XCMD command
> and transition at openStack). The pict with the 'down' buttons is in an
> offscreen (it actually exists only in memory until called) gWorld (a
> companion to xDraw). At mouseDown, the handler that activates the graphic
> instantly copies the part of the pict ('down' button') which matches the
> button rect to the screen, temporarily covering that part of the 'up' button
> pict, holds it there until mouseUp when it disappears.
> I'm not sure how to do this with RR, but it shouldn't be difficult with
> native color, should it?

It is a snap in RR, it's all built in. You won't need any of the
work-arounds necessary in HC. Here's what you do:

1. Import all the pictures. You can use your existing PICT files if you
want, but they will not work cross platform and PICT is an inefficient
format. For best results, convert them first to jpg or gif and then
import them into the stack.

2. Once imported, make a note of each image's ID number, then hide the
image. You can store them anywhere in the stack, it doesn't matter
where, they will never be displayed directly. Some people make a
separate card to store icon images, other people just hide the image on
any convenient card.

3. Create a bunch of transparent buttons. Set the icon of each button to
the correct "up" image ID and set its hilite icon to the "down" image ID.

That's it. If the button has autohiliting set, it will work exactly the
way you want automatically. If you don't want to use autohiliting, then
just script "set the hilite of btn x to true" to show the "down" icon.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Playing Sound Clips

2002-01-29 Thread Gene Kennedy

Thanks to both Sjoerd Op 't Land and Geoff Canyon for their replies to my call for 

I apologize for not being able to find the "sound" function in the RR Dictionary 
myself.  It was just what
I was looking for.

The code provided by Geoff seems correct however, the "playStopped" signal is never 
detected.  I tried a
breakpoint in the signal handler but it never gets there.  As a result only the first 
sound clip in the
array is played.  I had the same problem in my earlier experiments trying to solve the 
original problem of
playing multiple audio clips in rapid succession.  This may be a bug!  Geoff, since 
you seem to be one of
the stalwarts on this list, perhaps you could verify this?

Best regards and thanks again!
Gene Kennedy

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying parts of pictures to the front

2002-01-29 Thread Ken Norris (dialup)

on 1/29/02 7:54 PM, J. Landman Gay at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It is a snap in RR, it's all built in. You won't need any of the
> work-arounds necessary in HC. Here's what you do:
> 1. Import all the pictures. You can use your existing PICT files if you
> want, but they will not work cross platform and PICT is an inefficient
> format. For best results, convert them first to jpg or gif and then
> import them into the stack.
Yes, this I know.
> 2. Once imported, make a note of each image's ID number, then hide the
> image. You can store them anywhere in the stack, it doesn't matter
> where, they will never be displayed directly. Some people make a
> separate card to store icon images, other people just hide the image on
> any convenient card.
> 3. Create a bunch of transparent buttons.
I know this, too. No problem so far.
> Set the icon of each button to
> the correct "up" image ID and set its hilite icon to the "down" image ID.
This is what I'm trying to avoid. There are about 80 buttons, all similar
but different. The main, are full screen. Everything
is there, including the images of the buttons (which have complex colors,
shading, text), in one FULL SCREEN image. The transparent buttons are all
aligned properly with the image. In my HC stack, Uli's xGWorld holds the
FULL SCREEN PICT (image) of the 'down' buttons, located congruently (thus,
the buttons align with it as well), but not visible. The handler for
animating the buttons uses the rect of the button to copy that portion of
the gWorld image and temporarily (until the mouse is up) place it on the
screen right over the corresponding portion of the 'up' state image, similar
to RR's icon hiliting. Very neat, doesn't require drawing separate button
icons. The buttons are in rows, so all the text parts had to align, too. I
wouldn't have wanted to do that for each separate button.

If I have to do each button separately as you sugggest, it will mean cutting
and pasting 156 separate images for the emulator version and at least 79
images each for the other two sets, for a grand total of 314 images!  If
there is significant memory savings in doing so, I might consider it, but I
have to weigh that against the labor involved.

So, what I'm looking for is either:

1) A script that instantly shows and hides the button rect PORTION of the
'down' full screen image into the SAME PORTION (rect) of the 'up' full
screen image. Best labor-saving idea if it will work.


2) Write a script that automates the selection, copying, and pasting of the
button rect's images (all 314 of them) into icons.

or...can I do this?:

3) Use the 'up' full screen image in the background, and just hilite with
the 'down' image icons. That will lower the copy and paste process to just
80 images. That's still a bunch, though.
> That's it. If the button has autohiliting set, it will work exactly the
> way you want automatically. If you don't want to use autohiliting, then
> just script "set the hilite of btn x to true" to show the "down" icon.
Go RR!!! This'll be great for the 'pilot light' buttons, too. I just don't
want to do all that copying and pasting again (waaah, snivel, snivel).

Thanks, Jacque, and good night all,

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

2002-01-29 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Brent Neal wrote:

>>> Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?

>> Does the text have spaces in it?

> No. I just tapped at random keys (i.e. asdfasfdasdf).  Consider
> SimpleText. If you hold down a single key, when it reaches the text
> field width, it starts over on the next line. That shouldn't matter.

Unfortunately, wrapping lines of text in MC/REV requires that there be
spaces among characters.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

2002-01-29 Thread Brent Neal

>Recently, Brent Neal wrote:
  Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?
>>>  Does the text have spaces in it?
>>  No. I just tapped at random keys (i.e. asdfasfdasdf).  Consider
>>  SimpleText. If you hold down a single key, when it reaches the text
>>  field width, it starts over on the next line. That shouldn't matter.
>Unfortunately, wrapping lines of text in MC/REV requires that there be
>spaces among characters.

Makes it hard to write a moderately-featured editor, doesn't it?  Oh, well.

Add that to the feature-request list then

Brent Neal
Geek of all Trades
"Specialization is for insects" -- Robert A. Heinlein
use-revolution mailing list

MP3 File Support?

2002-01-29 Thread Rick Harrison

Hi there,

Does Revolution support MP3 files at all?

Thus far from my reading in the documentation
it looks like it doesn't, or did I miss something?

Thanks in advance,

Rick Harrison

use-revolution mailing list