RE: Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Yates, Glen

Strange, I have tried this on 2 different systems and my way works fine.
Incidentally, I am running MC and not Rev, but Rev uses the MC engine so it
shouldn't make any difference. Specifically I've tried it on Solaris(Sparc)
and Windows2000.

-Glen Yates

-Original Message-
From: Bill Vlahos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Can't do the math

Here is a clearer rendition of what I meant.

The original script seems to work correctly if the goal is to put the 
3rd word in the field even though there would be 2 spaces (and therefore 
shouldn't have worked). It just didn't seem to do the math properly.

Bill Vlahos

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Bill Vlahos

Here is a clearer rendition of what I meant.

The original script seems to work correctly if the goal is to put the 
3rd word in the field even though there would be 2 spaces (and therefore 
shouldn't have worked). It just didn't seem to do the math properly.

Bill Vlahos

On Friday, March 1, 2002, at 03:12  PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> It doesn't work either.  Strangely enough, if I do it the original way, 
> even lines that resulted in 2 spaces, if I put word 3 after the field 
> the correct numbers were put in. I'm still puzzled.
> Bill Vlahos
> On Friday, March 1, 2002, at 02:27  PM, Yates, Glen wrote:
>> When parsing words, multiple spaces are ignored, so word 3 ends up 
>> being the
>> first user in the group, not the group number you want to test 
>> against, so
>> try this instead.
>>   set the itemDelimiter to ":"
>>   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
>> if item 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
>>   put first item of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
>> "allgroups"
>> end if
>>   end repeat
>> -Glen Yates
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Bill Vlahos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:59 PM
>> Subject: Can't do the math
>> Using Rev 1.1.1B1 on Mac OS X the if statement below doesn't work
>> correctly.
>> Here is the variable varAllGroups:
>> root::0:root
>> other::1:
>> bin::2:root,bin,daemon
>> sys::3:root,bin,sys,adm
>> Here is the script:
>>replace ":" with space in varAllGroups --to make words for parsing
>>repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
>>  if word 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
>>put first word of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
>> "allgroups"
>>  end if
>>end repeat
>> The if statement doesn't do the math correctly. The lines 1, 3, and 4
>> evaluate to true when they shouldn't.
>> Bill Vlahos
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Bill Vlahos

It doesn't work either.  Strangely enough, if I do it the original way, 
even lines that resulted in 2 spaces, if I put word 3 after the field 
the correct numbers were put in. I'm still puzzled.

Bill Vlahos

On Friday, March 1, 2002, at 02:27  PM, Yates, Glen wrote:

> When parsing words, multiple spaces are ignored, so word 3 ends up 
> being the
> first user in the group, not the group number you want to test against, 
> so
> try this instead.
>   set the itemDelimiter to ":"
>   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
> if item 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
>   put first item of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
> "allgroups"
> end if
>   end repeat
> -Glen Yates
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Vlahos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:59 PM
> Subject: Can't do the math
> Using Rev 1.1.1B1 on Mac OS X the if statement below doesn't work
> correctly.
> Here is the variable varAllGroups:
> root::0:root
> other::1:
> bin::2:root,bin,daemon
> sys::3:root,bin,sys,adm
> Here is the script:
>replace ":" with space in varAllGroups --to make words for parsing
>repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
>  if word 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
>put first word of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
> "allgroups"
>  end if
>end repeat
> The if statement doesn't do the math correctly. The lines 1, 3, and 4
> evaluate to true when they shouldn't.
> Bill Vlahos
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Yates, Glen

When parsing words, multiple spaces are ignored, so word 3 ends up being the
first user in the group, not the group number you want to test against, so
try this instead.

  set the itemDelimiter to ":"
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
if item 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
  put first item of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
end if
  end repeat

-Glen Yates

-Original Message-
From: Bill Vlahos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:59 PM
Subject: Can't do the math

Using Rev 1.1.1B1 on Mac OS X the if statement below doesn't work 
Here is the variable varAllGroups:


Here is the script:

   replace ":" with space in varAllGroups --to make words for parsing
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
 if word 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
   put first word of line x of varAllGroups & return after field 
 end if
   end repeat

The if statement doesn't do the math correctly. The lines 1, 3, and 4 
evaluate to true when they shouldn't.

Bill Vlahos
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Shao Sean

try this instead..?

# replace ":" with space in varAllGroups --to make words for parsing
set the itemDelimiter to ":" -- replaces the line above
repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
  # if word 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
  if item 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then  -- replaces the line above
put first word of line x of varAllGroups & return after field
  end if
end repeat

use-revolution mailing list

Can't do the math

2002-03-01 Thread Bill Vlahos

Using Rev 1.1.1B1 on Mac OS X the if statement below doesn't work 
Here is the variable varAllGroups:


Here is the script:

   replace ":" with space in varAllGroups --to make words for parsing
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in varAllGroups
 if word 3 of line x of varAllGroups > 100 then
   put first word of line x of varAllGroups & return after field 
 end if
   end repeat

The if statement doesn't do the math correctly. The lines 1, 3, and 4 
evaluate to true when they shouldn't.

Bill Vlahos

use-revolution mailing list

Crazy for cursors

2002-03-01 Thread Bill Vlahos

I have 1.1.1B1 installed on several development Macs (mostly OS X). When 
I look at the Image Library on one of them I see a Custom Cursors 
library. However, I only see it on one of the computers and not the 
others and I can't tell where it comes from.

1. How do I get it to the other installations (I don't see a "cursors 

2. How can I embed it into the stack? I can insert either the image or 
button reference but there is no button for cursor.

Going crazy,
Bill Vlahos

use-revolution mailing list


2002-03-01 Thread Stgecft

Niklas Almesjö,

A couple of weeks ago you were looking for help for working with a data base. 
 Did you get that help?  I am now at that same point and would like the same 
info you were looking for. If you read this why not contact me off list at my 
e-mail address. I'd rather not bore everyone on the list with what would 
probably be redundant info.

Randy Kent
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Plain text posts please

2002-03-01 Thread Ken Norris (dialup)

on 3/1/02 2:30 AM, Ben Rubinstein at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pathetic to relate, I have them all (apart from a small number of posts from
> people who went on my auto delete list) - also all of improve-rev, and about
> four months of the prior combined list.
> Happy to send them to Ken, but obviously the most useful thing would be if
> they could be merged into the online archives.  My assumption is that you
> folks at RunRev have the raw data, but not the time to process it right now.
> But if it would be useful for me to send someone there my copy of the
> archive, please let me know.
Hardly pathetic, Ben. Though RR uses the MetaCard engine, and is similar to
HC, it's still a new environment. I'd think many could benefit from the
archived data.

I'd love to have it, but I need some idea how much _memory_ the files take
up. I want to put them and all the docs on a separate older machine
dedicated to nothing but reference, so I can access them without toggling in
and out of the stack I'm working on. The effect would be similar to having a
reference book (like HYPERTALK THE BOOK 2.2) open next to the computer,
something I do all the time with HC. In fact, if I set it up integrated with
Geoff's "revrtfer.rev" stack, lookups would be faster than the book, plus I
could have the docs show me relative archival stuff, too.

I, for one, am glad you did what you did. The files are probably too large
to send in email, eh? If you can burn a disk (standard disks can hold 700mb)
playable on older macs, I'd be happy to reimberse you for time, disk,
mailing, whatever. 

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Plain text posts please

2002-03-01 Thread Stgecft

In a message dated 3/1/02 5:31:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Happy to send them to Ken, but obviously the most useful thing would be if
they could be merged into the online archives.  My assumption is that you
folks at RunRev have the raw data, but not the time to process it right now.
But if it would be useful for me to send someone there my copy of the
archive, please let me know. >>

I'd be interested in having the aechive.

Randy Kent
Stagecraft, inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Screenrect and geometry manager

2002-03-01 Thread Stgecft

In a message dated 3/1/02 5:12:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< set the rect of stack "theStack" to the screenrect  >>

Make sure you are saving the stack or it will go back to it's previous state.

Randy Kent
Stagecraft, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Patterns on Mac/PC

2002-03-01 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 7:19 PM -0800 2/28/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>If I then transfer this stack to a Macintosh, the buttons
>represent the pattern as if the pattern were the size of
>the stack (or screen). In other words, the pattern is
>reflected differently in every button on the Mac (the
>pattern is not redrawn at a 0,0, coordinate for each button).

Do you see this same result if you set the pattern property on the Mac (in
other words, not transferring the stack)? Or is it only when transferring
stacks that have had their pattern set on Windows?

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Plain text posts please

2002-03-01 Thread Ben Rubinstein

on 28/2/02 5:27 AM, Ken Norris (dialup) at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> try
> --
> This will be very helpful. I was hoping for an online list access, though,
> back for more than 4 months. Is anyone storing them historically?

Pathetic to relate, I have them all (apart from a small number of posts from
people who went on my auto delete list) - also all of improve-rev, and about
four months of the prior combined list.

Happy to send them to Ken, but obviously the most useful thing would be if
they could be merged into the online archives.  My assumption is that you
folks at RunRev have the raw data, but not the time to process it right now.
But if it would be useful for me to send someone there my copy of the
archive, please let me know.
  Ben Rubinstein   |  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600|  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: wait for messages

2002-03-01 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 2:14 AM -0800 3/1/2002, David Vaughan wrote:
>Are you really  getting 30 seconds, not 30 ticks, or was that a typo?

It was a typo.

>I confirmed it works as you say in the runtime environment ... which is
>pretty interesting ... might we have some documentation of this fact
>please, while waiting for decisions on a fix...? :-)

It will be in the readme if it's not fixed by the next version.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: wait for messages

2002-03-01 Thread David Vaughan


I definitely and repeatably measure 30 ticks in the Rev Dev 
environment - half a second. No message recognisable by Umbrellaman (nor 
Idle nor mouseWithin, which Uman does not watch) triggered the break so 
I assume it was caused by an internal "" or equivalent rather 
than a Transcript event message. This was on OS X 10.1.3. Are you really 
getting 30 seconds, not 30 ticks, or was that a typo? If you are, why 
the difference (it might be a clue to the cause)?

I confirmed it works as you say in the runtime environment ... which is 
pretty interesting ... might we have some documentation of this fact 
please, while waiting for decisions on a fix...? :-)


On Friday, March 1, 2002, at 07:16 , Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

> At 5:26 PM -0800 2/25/2002, David Vaughan wrote:
>> Replying to myself ;-) ... of course the "wait {N time} with messages"
>> will wait the time you define while allowing other actions, and is not
>> accelerated by those actions, whereas "wait {N time}" simply waits. 
>> None
>> of this makes "wait for messages", apparently meaning a random time up
>> to half a second, very useful ... so far.
> I have taken a look at what "wait for messages" is doing. It works as
> documented - that is, it waits until a message is sent - in a standalone
> (or in MC, for that matter) but it times out after 30 seconds in Rev's
> development environment. In these situations your handler shows results 
> as
> you'd expect. My best guess at the moment is that the dev environment is
> sending a message every 30 seconds that has the effect of timing out 
> wait
> for messages I'm still getting more info on this and whether it 
> might
> be changeable.
> But it does work properly in a standalone, or when launched without the
> development environment running.
> --
> Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Screenrect and geometry manager

2002-03-01 Thread Ludovic Thébault


I created a stack for childs. 
I want that the window occupies all the screen. To work with all
resolution, i use the geometry manager.

If i change the size of the stack, with the stack properties, its works,
but only for the current card.

In the openstack script i put :

set the rect of stack "theStack" to the screenrect 

but the size of objects does not adapt itself in a standalone.

How tell to all cards of my stack to change their size ?

Thanks, and sorry for my poor english.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: wait for messages

2002-03-01 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 5:26 PM -0800 2/25/2002, David Vaughan wrote:
>Replying to myself ;-) ... of course the "wait {N time} with messages"
>will wait the time you define while allowing other actions, and is not
>accelerated by those actions, whereas "wait {N time}" simply waits. None
>of this makes "wait for messages", apparently meaning a random time up
>to half a second, very useful ... so far.

I have taken a look at what "wait for messages" is doing. It works as
documented - that is, it waits until a message is sent - in a standalone
(or in MC, for that matter) but it times out after 30 seconds in Rev's
development environment. In these situations your handler shows results as
you'd expect. My best guess at the moment is that the dev environment is
sending a message every 30 seconds that has the effect of timing out wait
for messages I'm still getting more info on this and whether it might
be changeable.

But it does work properly in a standalone, or when launched without the
development environment running.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

use-revolution mailing list