Revolution for CGI Scripts

2002-04-01 Thread Mark Guzdial

How does one get started exploring Revolution for CGI Scripts?  I don't 
see anything in the built-in documentation nor anything on the website.


use-revolution mailing list

How can I foreground an app?

2002-04-01 Thread Victor Eijkhout

(With my apologies for that case of verbing in the subject :-)

I'm writing an alarm clock. When the alarm goes off it would be nice 
if the app became foremost, so that the user could hit the Any Key to 
snooze the alarm.

So how do I tell an app that's not foremost, or maybe even hidden to 
become foremost?
Victor Eijkhout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: 865 974 9308 (W), 865 673 6998 (H), 865 974 8296 (F)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #304 - 4 msgs

2002-04-01 Thread Steve Messimer

On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 12:01 PM, use-revolution-

 How does one get started exploring Revolution for CGI Scripts?  I don't
 see anything in the built-in documentation nor anything on the website.


I'd be very interested in this topic as well.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: MOD function does not work! So be warned!

2002-04-01 Thread Dar Scott

Ian wrote,
   put .1 * adjustment into increment

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 03:06 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

 The problem is completely avoided.

 In general no.  In the special case of mod 550, maybe.

I'm wrong.  Well, 99%. You are right, Ian.  A very large class of 
computations will work OK by  using signed whole numbers (less than 
15 digits).  You will want to make sure you don't let the error of 
a fraction sneak in.

Revolution numbers represent integers (in the math sense) up to 
about 15 digits exactly.  I apologize for the confusion.

(A simple mental exercise:  Imagine some arbitrary non-zero decimal 
number.  Imagine that you convert it to binary.  Imagine that you 
shift the binary point to the left, counting the bits you pass.  
Shift it to just to the right of the left-most bit that is a 1.  
Imagine that you cut off the portion to the right of the binary 
point beyond some number of bits corresponding to mantessa of the 
floating point number.  Note that no ones are dropped off.)

Y' know, a number improvement based on Ian's idea would be a lot 
more feasible than my idea of exact numerals (and applying 
numberFormat to calculations).

Sorry about the error.  As the great philosopher Michael Mays said,
 What numbskull posted this?!

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Tentative Guidelines for Numbers

2002-04-01 Thread Dar Scott

To make up for any confusion I helped create and to help contribute 
to easing the confusion about using Revolution numbers in general, 
I offer these guidelines on using Revolution numbers.  This is 
based on my experience in computer representations of numbers and 
only a brief exposure to Revolution.

Perhaps this can be a starting point that we can hack at to get 
something appropriate.

Signed whole numbers of up to 15 digits are represented exactly.  
If results of multiplication, addition and subtraction on numbers 
in this range are in this range, then the results are exact.  Many 
cases of division and exponentiation are exact.  Some other 
functions might give exact results.  (This needs more exploration.  
Stronger statements about subtraction and exponentiation may be 

Use numbers in this range if exact results are important.  Be 
careful not to corrupt your calculations with values outside this 

Very large numbers (ignoring sign) or numbers with fractional parts 
might not be represented exactly.  Errors in math functions on such 
numbers can accumulate.  Also, adding a small number to a large 
number can cause information about the small to be lost and in the 
extreme case will not cause a change in the number.

If you are adding a large number of numbers, consider starting with 
the smallest first.

Avoid using = when you can.  Use  or  for boundary conditions 
rather than =.

In loops use the repeat with form and derive values for each 
iteration from the loop variable  instead of incrementing numbers 
with fractions.

Consider scaling arithmetic into a whole number range.

Equality for numbers is tolerant of small differences.

Use = for numbers in 2 above only after a couple calculations.  
Accumulated errors may go outside of what = will consider equal.

Use  or  before = or =.  Use any before =.  (Actually, I'm 
guessing about = or =.  Some tests need to be run to see if they 
have the same tolerance as =.)

The underlying number representation is carried along in 
expressions and variables.  A value might behave one way when used 
as a number and other when used as a string (sequence of 
characters).  Not that ( n  empty ) will force representation to a 
string and apply numberFormat.  For some values, ( n  empty) = n 
is false.  If you can see a number (as a numeral), it has been 
converted to a string.

You can use ( n  empty ) to round as defined in numberFormat.  Use 
this, round() and truncate() as need when working with numbers in 
#2 above.

Some fractional numbers are exact, such as 0.5.

Take advantage of this.

The range for bit functions and base conversion is more restricted 
than that in #1 above.

Very large and very exact numerals can be represented exactly as 
strings, of course.  However, the results of math functions on 
those will be based on values with the limitations described above.

I hope this helps.  It needs corrections, additions, 
clarifications, detailing, wisecracks...

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution for CGI Scripts

2002-04-01 Thread Dar Scott

On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 01:30 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

 It's great you will love it... forget PERL.

Cool!  I am confused about a couple things, though.

Why is there no quit in your examples?

I thought put expr went to the message box.  Why this instead of 
writing to stdout?

Does the stack need to be invisible?  Other?

If I'm really confused about Revolution and CGI, I hope these 
questions give some indication about where I am confused.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I foreground an app?

2002-04-01 Thread Ian Summerfield

For Macintosh using you store the name of your app in the variable

Do tell application   quote  theNameOfMyApp  quote   to activate as

I don't think they will be a common solution to all platforms, but I could
be wrong.   I have a revolution program that keeps my FileMaker server in
the foreground 24/7,  well apart from certain hours where it quits it for
backup and launches it again,  I do the same thing with Firstclass servers.


On 1/4/02 6:56 pm, Victor Eijkhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

 (With my apologies for that case of verbing in the subject :-)
 I'm writing an alarm clock. When the alarm goes off it would be nice
 if the app became foremost, so that the user could hit the Any Key to
 snooze the alarm.
 So how do I tell an app that's not foremost, or maybe even hidden to
 become foremost?
 Victor Eijkhout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 tel: 865 974 9308 (W), 865 673 6998 (H), 865 974 8296 (F)
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Digests, anyone?

2002-04-01 Thread Ian Summerfield


Don't know who's it is!

On 1/4/02 11:19 am, Geoff Canyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

 I'm hoping to assemble a complete archive of the list. I seem to recall that
 someone has been saving all the archive files. I can make an FTP server
 available, or just take them through email, whichever is easier. Specifically
 I'm looking for digests 1 - 178
 Geoff Canyon
 use-revolution mailing list

Ian Summerfield
ICQ: 4378866

use-revolution mailing list

Re: pasting objects

2002-04-01 Thread Ian Summerfield

I think it should be just paste,  I wasn't aware of paste having any
parameters.  It will contain the ID of the newly created object.

On 29/3/02 3:01 pm, Steve Messimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

 I am having problems writing a script that pastes an objects from a plug-in
 to any other stack.
 When I do this the target button does get pasted but then an error message
 pops up that aborts the remainder of the script.
 the problem code hilited by the debugger is ...
 paste btn bGOName
 here's the pertinent part of the script.
 -- creates new btn in destination stack
 copy btn bGOName -- bGOName is a var that holds the name of the bGO
 push card
 open stack targetStack -- this is the topStack
 go to card id targetCard  -- the id of the current card of the topStack
 paste btn bGOName  -- this is the code that always invokes the debugger
 -- I'm wondering if this problem is somehow related to the menu bar's
 -- status even tho the Paste Objects menu item is active in the plug-in it
 -- may not be in the tarrget stack.
 script execution ceases here
 pop card
 -- make new TF grp
 copy grp bGOName
 push card
 open stack targetStack
 go to card id targetCard
 paste grp bGOName
 pop card
 Anyone have any ideas?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: File I/O, Arrays, and Databases in Revolution

2002-04-01 Thread Sarah Reichelt

 fields, scientific notation fields, etc.  In looking at the Revolution
 documentation, it appears that I have to somehow read or write each 
 as a string, then somehow parse each field from this string.  So how do
 you do this efficiently in Revolution?   Please note that the files
 created by the FORTRAN programs are fairly large.

 open file filename for read
 read from file until EOF
 put it into DaFile
 close file Filename

Don't forget the URL command which is MUCH simpler than all this file 

put URL (file:  theFileName) into DaFile

(Note: fileName is a reserved word and shouldn't be used for a variable 
name - if you colorize your scripts, you'll see and reserved words go 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I foreground an app?

2002-04-01 Thread Brad Allen

The problem here is that Applescript's activate command only works 
on scriptable apps. A Rev standalone doesn't have a scripting 
dictionary, and isn't directly Applescriptable. However, if you're 
using a Mac, something like this should work:

tell app Finder
   set the frontmost of application process My Alarm Clock to true
end tell

...where My Alarm Clock is the name of your Rev standalone.

If you can't use Applescript due to cross-platform consideration, you 
might try using Rev's Launch command, as in

Launch My Alarm Clock

I'm not sure whether that would work under Windows, but it's worth a try.

For Macintosh using you store the name of your app in the variable

Do tell application   quote  theNameOfMyApp  quote   to activate as

I don't think they will be a common solution to all platforms, but I could
be wrong.   I have a revolution program that keeps my FileMaker server in
the foreground 24/7,  well apart from certain hours where it quits it for
backup and launches it again,  I do the same thing with Firstclass servers.


On 1/4/02 6:56 pm, Victor Eijkhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribed:

  (With my apologies for that case of verbing in the subject :-)

  I'm writing an alarm clock. When the alarm goes off it would be nice
  if the app became foremost, so that the user could hit the Any Key to
  snooze the alarm.

  So how do I tell an app that's not foremost, or maybe even hidden to
  become foremost?
  Victor Eijkhout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  tel: 865 974 9308 (W), 865 673 6998 (H), 865 974 8296 (F)
   use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

no message to startUp

2002-04-01 Thread Dar Scott

I made a tiny standalone on Windows 2000, Revolution 1.1.1 B2.  It 
has only one card in the main stack.  I don't seem to be getting 
the startUp message to the card when the application starts.

What could I be doing wrong?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list