Re: (no subject)

2002-09-19 Thread Jan Schenkel

Hi Jerry,

If you have the table entered in Excel or AppleWorks
or another spreadsheet, you could always export the
data using "Save as" in "Text (tab-delimited)" format.
Then you can simply
  put URL "file:" into theData

Now you'll have everything read in a single variable,
where the rows are separated by return and the columns
by tab ; which you can easily display in a field
  put theData into field "tableField" 

If you setup that field with tabStops, and show both
the horizontal and vertical grid, you can get a nice
look for displaying the data.

It's also very easy to convert that variable (where
everything is still on several lines) into an array.
  split theData using return and tab

Now you can address any "cell" or "intersection" with
  put theData[,]

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
at the same time."  (De Rochefoucald)

--- Jerry Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> I have to enter the data in the 
> table by hand. The data are used in a simple
> arithmetic formula to calculate 
> the rest of the numbers in my project. The user will
> see the intersection 
> data that has been brought forth by this "lookup"
> table and it will be 
> printed in a form. They will not see the table it
> came from .  This is a 
> database or an array, albeit a very simple one and I
> need to know how to 
> program it in revolution. Thanks for your help
> though.
> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print
> your photos: 
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Insert and delete Commas

2002-09-19 Thread Ken Ray

It's on my "to do list"... ;-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Yves Coppé" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Insert and delete Commas

> >Or, using Regular Expressions (my fave):
> >
> >And to explain the regEx (which is something I do every time I make a
> >post), here's how it breaks up:
> Ken,
> you should make a stack or something that explains the ground of RegEx. !
> Thanks.
> --
> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Performance Issues With "Move" Command

2002-09-19 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Jim,

> Hi folks,
> Thanks for the helpful responses to my "Looping Over Groups" thread.  
> I have one more question and then I think I'm all set for awhile . . . 
> I'm having a very hard time getting the "move" command to perform 
> adequately.  Is this common?  Specifically, here's what I've tried:
> I have a simple red circle image (an "Import as Control" jpg).  This 
> moves easily and well:
>move image "o01" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
> Creating three such images and moving them all sequentially also works 
> well:
>move image "o01" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
>move image "o02" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
>move image "o03" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
> But when I try to move them simultaneously things kinda fall apart:
>set the lockMoves to true
>move image "o01" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
>move image "o02" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
>move image "o03" to 200,200 in 2 seconds
>set the lockMoves to false
> It takes a few seconds for anything to happen at all.  Then the first 
> image flickers from its current position to 200,200 without traversing 
> the space in-between (no animation).  Then the second, and then the 
> third do the same thing.  The don't move, they skip.  And they don't 
> do so simultanously as I'd expect.  Any advice on how to get 
> simultaneous motion to perform?  I'm running on a PIII 500Mhz.
> BTW, Quicktime or the Animation Manager probably won't work for me 
> (although I'm not positive) as I ultimately want to let the user 
> click-and-drag these images to various points to create their own 
> animation paths.
> Thanks!
> Jim

the magic word in this case is not "please" but "without waiting" :-)

Just add these 2 words and you will be happy...

set the lockMoves to true
move image "o01" to 200,200 in 2 seconds without waiting
move image "o02" to 200,200 in 2 seconds without waiting
move image "o03" to 200,200 in 2 seconds without waiting
set the lockMoves to false

If you leave them out, the engine tries to perform the first 
before executing the next line of the script (see example below)...

So the engine is questioning itself "To move or not to move..."...
and gets a hiccup ;-)

Try this example:
   move image "o01" to 200,200 in 2 seconds

It will only beep after the move has been done unless
you add "without waiting". Then it will beep immediately.

Hope that helps.


Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

OS X native RR apps listed as "Classic"

2002-09-19 Thread Kurt Kaufman

Since I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to why my OS X native RR 
apps are designated as "Classic" in their "Get Info"  Finder windows, 
I'd like to know whether this will be "fixed" in the next version of 
RR, or whether someone could write an application (in RR?) that might 
adjust the "plist" or whatever is needed to correct this inaccuracy.  
Does the problem have to do with the file format of the carbon binary 
(CFM/PEF vs. Dyld/Mach-O)?
Thanks, Kurt

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Insert and delete Commas

2002-09-19 Thread Robert Presender

Thanks for your input Ken.  Your approach is over my head at the 
present time.  Will await your "to do list".

Regards ... Bob

On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 04:43  AM, Ken Ray wrote:

> It's on my "to do list"... ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: insertion point in a field

2002-09-19 Thread Ken Ray


You can get the selectedChunk. If it is just a blinking insertion point it
will return a value which looks odd (something like "char 4 to 3 of field
1", but this is quite useful. You see "char 4 to 3 of field 1" means that
the insertion point is blinking between characters 3 and 4 of field 1. Why
isn't it "char 3 to 4 of field 1"? Because this would mean characters 3 and
4 have been highlighted (selected), just as  "char 3 to 3" would mean that
character 3 was highlighted. I know it looks odd, but it works...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Sylvain Le Gourriérec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:53 AM
Subject: insertion point in a field


how can I get the location (e.g. char 25) of the insertion point in a text


Sylvain Le Gourriérec  --  développement  -- son-video-distribution

- I am working with Windows 2000, Revolution 1.1.1, MySQL 3.23 &

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OS X native RR apps listed as "Classic"

2002-09-19 Thread Ken Ray


This should definitely be fixed for the next rev of Rev, since the latest
version of MetaCard (on which the engine for Rev is based) is already

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Kurt Kaufman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: OS X native RR apps listed as "Classic"

> Since I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to why my OS X native RR
> apps are designated as "Classic" in their "Get Info"  Finder windows,
> I'd like to know whether this will be "fixed" in the next version of
> RR, or whether someone could write an application (in RR?) that might
> adjust the "plist" or whatever is needed to correct this inaccuracy.
> Does the problem have to do with the file format of the carbon binary
> (CFM/PEF vs. Dyld/Mach-O)?
> Thanks, Kurt
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

screen resolution

2002-09-19 Thread Mathewson

So there I am with a full-blown educational CD-ROM all
authored on Runtime Revolution; when "Paint me green and
call me Willy Wonka" along comes my boss and tells me that
most people are going to be pissed-off that the prog is set
for a screen res of 1024 x 768!!

Bugger, bugger, bugger!  start poking around in ye olde RR
manual and come up against "screenRect" - dead sexy; it
returns something about the screen resolution.


Is it possible to use 'screenRect' to resize my stacks?
andmake sure the images contained in the stacks
resize with the stacks?

Of course, stuck in the stone-age, what we are looking for
is a routine which will aloow the program to 'shrink' to a
res of 800 x 600 or even 640 x 480 is necessary.

Help needed (and not just from a psychologist)Richmond
Great Macintosh Products 
 The MacLaunch Store!
use-revolution mailing list

images and videos

2002-09-19 Thread Philip Usher

on 9/19/02 6:43 AM, "Jerry Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I noticed that both Videos and Images are not
> embedded and need to connect with external files.

actually, you can import videos and images in Rev...use the import As
Control in the File menu.

-- Philip

use-revolution mailing list

Re: screen resolution

2002-09-19 Thread Ken Ray


What you're looking for is the "resizeStack" message, which will get sent
when the stack is resized. You can trap this and manually move/size all your
objects... OR you can use the Geometry Manager to have Rev do the coding for
you. You select the objects and use the Geometry Manager to say what happens
when the stack is resized. I haven't used it much myself, and there have
been some bug reports on the list, but it shortcuts a lot of

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:

- Original Message -
From: "Mathewson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: screen resolution

> So there I am with a full-blown educational CD-ROM all
> authored on Runtime Revolution; when "Paint me green and
> call me Willy Wonka" along comes my boss and tells me that
> most people are going to be pissed-off that the prog is set
> for a screen res of 1024 x 768!!
> Bugger, bugger, bugger!  start poking around in ye olde RR
> manual and come up against "screenRect" - dead sexy; it
> returns something about the screen resolution.
> However
> Is it possible to use 'screenRect' to resize my stacks?
> andmake sure the images contained in the stacks
> resize with the stacks?
> Of course, stuck in the stone-age, what we are looking for
> is a routine which will aloow the program to 'shrink' to a
> res of 800 x 600 or even 640 x 480 is necessary.
> Help needed (and not just from a psychologist)Richmond
> Mathewson
> ---
> Great Macintosh Products
>  The MacLaunch Store!
> ---
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

OS X native RR apps listed as "Classic"

2002-09-19 Thread Kurt Kaufman

Thanks, Ken. I'll rev up for the next rev of Rev, then.  (sorry; 
couldn't resist!)

Ken Ray wrote:
"...This should definitely be fixed for the next rev of Rev, since the 
version of MetaCard (on which the engine for Rev is based) is already

use-revolution mailing list

Get active user folder on macOS X ?

2002-09-19 Thread Ludovic Thébault


Is there a command to get the active user folder on macOS X (the Home
folder) ?


(Sorry for my pr english :-)
use-revolution mailing list