Question about backgrounds

2002-09-21 Thread ncouch

Okay I am a newbie to Revolution.  I have used Hypercard for decades and
find the Revolution view of backgrounds and groups a bit confusing.

In Hypercard I was used to being able to manipulate backgrounds at will and
have it applied to all other cards automatically.  In Revolution I find that
if I modify the background on one card then the other cards with the same
background lose the background (and all data therein) altogether.  I have
looked through the help and tutorials with little insight on how to
accomplish this.  

Is there a way to manipulate the background, or more specifically a group on
a background, on one card and have it automatically applied to the other
cards without having to re-create the other cards?

Any insights?


use-revolution mailing list

Relative paths for external audio and video files?

2002-09-21 Thread Robin Banerjee

Dear Jerry,

I was just about to post this exact question myself, so I would be grateful
if you could let me know of any solution you find on this! I've used Import
as Control myself, but you're right - it's not ideal for larger files and in
any case it doesn't seem to transport across platforms, which is what I want
to do (I'm developing on a mac but want to burn on cd to use on windows).

 I am a new user of Revolution. I noticed that both Videos and Images are not
 embedded and need to connect with external files. This is easy when I'm
 building, the images and videos are right there on my hard drive. But when I
 build to CD I need relative paths so that the images and videos I burned to
 disc will play in anyones CD drive regardless of the Drive letter.  How do
 you create/insert relative paths in Revolution?
 I am resending this for publication in full on the list. I was advised by a
 kind gentleman on the users mail list that Import as Control would work.
 Well, Yes and No.  I was able to import as control images, text and snapshot
 but not video or audio files.  Is there a secret to this? Video files work
 great from the toolbar.  Then there is the question of whether you would
 want embedded video files sized 387mb as anything but external files. I am
 running Rev version 1.1.1 on a PC running Windows 98SE.
 Thanks for your reply

Dr Robin Banerjee

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Question about backgrounds

2002-09-21 Thread Roger . E . Eller


I also started with HyperCard. I also found the differences between Rev and
to be an annoyance until I got more accustomed to the differences. Rev is
definitely more powerful and versatile.

The easiest way to simulate HC backgrounds is to start with a clean new
Build all of the controls and fields that should appear on all cards.
Select all,
and group those items. Look at the properties of the group and look at the
tab labeled Group. Make sure Background Behavior is checked. If it is
this group only lives on the current card. And this is the key to working
in a
simulated HC world... Always select the group and Edit the group when you
to add objects to your background. This way they automatically appear on
of the cards.

~Roger Eller

- - - - - - Nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recently Wrote:
 Okay I am a newbie to Revolution.  I have used Hypercard 2.4 for decades
 find the Revolution view of backgrounds a bit confusing.

 In Hypercard I was used to being able to manipulate backgrounds at will
 have it applied to all other cards automatically.  In Revolution I find
 if I modify the background then the other cards with the same background
 lose the background (and all data thereon) altogether.  I have looked
 through the help and tutorials with little insight on how to accomplish

 Is there a way to manipulate the background on one card and have it
 automatically applied to the other cards without having to re-create the
 other cards?

 Any insights?


use-revolution mailing list

Repost: ODBC -- Excel

2002-09-21 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land

Hello all,

I've been here some while, bit mainly working with MetaCard, so thats why
you didn't hear very much from me...

My question: Did anyone succeed making an ODBC connection with an Excel
sheet? I configured the control panel ODBC 32-bin (Win98) for a System-DSN
using the Excel driver... but I can't seem to make a connection from within
RunRev. Any hints/ suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Repost: ODBC -- Excel .. Excel -- Rev

2002-09-21 Thread Gary Rathbone

Hey up Sjoerd,

Nice to hear from you on the Rev list. Not sure if this is of any help to
your problem, but take a look at:

It may provide a different perspective on the issue.


Gary Rathbone BSc MBCS

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sjoerd Op 't
Sent: 21 September 2002 19:21
Subject: Repost: ODBC -- Excel

Hello all,

I've been here some while, bit mainly working with MetaCard, so thats why
you didn't hear very much from me...

My question: Did anyone succeed making an ODBC connection with an Excel
sheet? I configured the control panel ODBC 32-bin (Win98) for a System-DSN
using the Excel driver... but I can't seem to make a connection from within
RunRev. Any hints/ suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

After looking around in the documentation, I haven't been able to 
find a simple function to determine the number of keys for a given 
array dimension. Do I need to parse the output of the keys function 
for this, or have I overlooked something in the documentation?

I was hoping the number function might do it, as in

  the number of keys in myArray

The expected output would be something like [100,50], to indicate the 
dimensions of the array.

The number of lines in the keys of myArray only works for 
one-dimensional arrays.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Jan Schenkel

Hi Brad,

I looked into this a while ago. My solution was:

1) If the second dimension is fixed (always NN
elements), you can suffice by saying:
  put (the number of lines of the keys of tArray / NN)

2) If however NN is variable, you can get it with the
following trick:
  put the keys of tArray into tKeys
  split tKeys using return and comma
  put the number of lines of the keys of tKeys

I know it looks convoluted, but it works, even if the
second dimension varies.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

(You can find the entire thread at the URL:

--- Brad Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After looking around in the documentation, I haven't
 been able to 
 find a simple function to determine the number of
 keys for a given 
 array dimension. Do I need to parse the output of
 the keys function 
 for this, or have I overlooked something in the
 I was hoping the number function might do it, as in
   the number of keys in myArray
 The expected output would be something like
 [100,50], to indicate the 
 dimensions of the array.
 The number of lines in the keys of myArray only
 works for 
 one-dimensional arrays.
 use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-21 Thread Jan Schenkel

Hi Brad,

If I remember correctly from my Linear Algebra
classes, in order to multiply two arrays, their
dimensions have to be such that the first dimension of
the second array equals the second dimension of the
first array, so they should be of the sort:
  Array1 [m x n]  and  Array2 [n x p]
which means that, in this case, as it's not a square
array, it can't multiply it with itself.
Try again wih a square array.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
at the same time.  (De Rochefoucald)

--- Brad Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm also having some difficulty with this function.
 Here is the error 
 message I receive when I try to use it on a
 numerically keyed array containing only integer
 Message execution error:
 Error description: matrixMultiply: can't multiply
 these arrays
 Here is the text I'm putting into my function
 1 0 1 1
 1 1 0 0
 1 0 3 0
 Here is the function I'm using (it's purpose is just
 to explore how 
 to put data into a matrix, do matrix multiplication,
 and display the 
 function testMatrix inputText
put the number of lines in inputText into
put the number of words in line 1 of inputText
 into columnLength
repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
  repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
put the value of (word c of line r of
 inputText) into outputArray[r,c]
  end repeat
end repeat
put matrixMultiply(outputArray,outputArray) into
 productArray -- 
 here is where I get the error
--display the contents of productArray in field
put empty into field array2
repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
  repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
put productArray[r,c]  space into word c of
 line r of field array2
  end repeat
end repeat
return productArray
 end testMatrix
 use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Question about backgrounds

2002-09-21 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:54 PM -0500 9/20/02, ncouch wrote:
Okay I am a newbie to Revolution.  I have used Hypercard 2.4 for decades and
find the Revolution view of backgrounds a bit confusing.

In Hypercard I was used to being able to manipulate backgrounds at will and
have it applied to all other cards automatically.  In Revolution I find that
if I modify the background then the other cards with the same background
lose the background (and all data thereon) altogether.  I have looked
through the help and tutorials with little insight on how to accomplish

Is there a way to manipulate the background on one card and have it
automatically applied to the other cards without having to re-create the
other cards?

What steps are you taking? In general, if a background is on multiple cards (they 
don't have to be) and you make a change to it, it will still be on the other cards, 
and the change will be displayed. The exception is if you ungroup a background, make 
changes to it, and only regroup it after going to (and returning from) another card.

Here is a reference to the section of the documentation that covers groups and 
backgrounds in detail. There's a lot of information, but that's because groups are so 


Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Richard Gaskin

 After looking around in the documentation, I haven't
 been able to find a simple function to determine the
 number of keys for a given array dimension. Do I need
 to parse the output of the keys function for this, or
 have I overlooked something in the documentation?

See the extents function.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 2.0: Publish any database on any site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Jan Schenkel

My apologies, Brad. I only realised afterwards that my
answer was off by the length of a small
Richard is right: have a look at the extents function.
My solution does work for determining the number of
lines if the keys for the columns are non-numeric.

Jan Schenkel.

--- Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Brad,
 I looked into this a while ago. My solution was:
 1) If the second dimension is fixed (always NN
 elements), you can suffice by saying:
   put (the number of lines of the keys of tArray /
 2) If however NN is variable, you can get it with
 following trick:
   put the keys of tArray into tKeys
   split tKeys using return and comma
   put the number of lines of the keys of tKeys
 I know it looks convoluted, but it works, even if
 second dimension varies.
 Hope this helped,
 Jan Schenkel.
 (You can find the entire thread at the URL:
 --- Brad Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  After looking around in the documentation, I
  been able to 
  find a simple function to determine the number of
  keys for a given 
  array dimension. Do I need to parse the output of
  the keys function 
  for this, or have I overlooked something in the
  I was hoping the number function might do it, as
the number of keys in myArray
  The expected output would be something like
  [100,50], to indicate the 
  dimensions of the array.
  The number of lines in the keys of myArray only
  works for 
  one-dimensional arrays.
  use-revolution mailing list
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 New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!
 use-revolution mailing list

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

   After looking around in the documentation, I haven't
  been able to find a simple function to determine the
  number of keys for a given array dimension. Do I need
  to parse the output of the keys function for this, or
  have I overlooked something in the documentation?

See the extents function.

Aha. Thank you. I had misunderstood the wording of this function in 
the Transcript dictionary. The part that threw me off was this part 
of the at the end of the entry under Extents:

Each line contains two numbers separated by commas. The first item 
is the smallest number of an element in that dimension, and the 
second item is the largest number.

Is this misleading, or am I just misunderstanding this text? My 
reading of this is that Extents provides the lowest and highest 
values in the Elements of an array (sort of like the min and max 
functions), not the index keys. But in reality, as I'm glad to learn, 
the Extents function provides the lowest and highest values of the 
index keys in an array dimension.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

My apologies, Brad. I only realised afterwards that my
answer was off by the length of a small
Richard is right: have a look at the extents function.
My solution does work for determining the number of
lines if the keys for the columns are non-numeric.

Thanks. That may prove useful later.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Relative paths for external audio and video files?

2002-09-21 Thread Geoff Canyon

Dear Jerry,

I was just about to post this exact question myself, so I would be grateful
if you could let me know of any solution you find on this! I've used Import
as Control myself, but you're right - it's not ideal for larger files and in
any case it doesn't seem to transport across platforms, which is what I want
to do (I'm developing on a mac but want to burn on cd to use on windows).

 I am a new user of Revolution. I noticed that both Videos and Images are not
 embedded and need to connect with external files. This is easy when I'm
 building, the images and videos are right there on my hard drive. But when I
 build to CD I need relative paths so that the images and videos I burned to
 disc will play in anyones CD drive regardless of the Drive letter.  How do
 you create/insert relative paths in Revolution?
 I am resending this for publication in full on the list. I was advised by a
 kind gentleman on the users mail list that Import as Control would work.
 Well, Yes and No.  I was able to import as control images, text and snapshot
 but not video or audio files.  Is there a secret to this? Video files work
 great from the toolbar.  Then there is the question of whether you would
 want embedded video files sized 387mb as anything but external files. I am
 running Rev version 1.1.1 on a PC running Windows 98SE.
 Thanks for your reply

Dr Robin Banerjee

use-revolution mailing list

You can import referenced controls, but you need to make sure you end up with relative 
paths to ensure that the application will be able to find the media after you build a 
standalone. I do this by simply storing media in folders in the same folder as the 
Revolution application. Others want their media to be in the same folder as the stack 
file, so they have to do a little work at startup to create the right path.


Geoff Canyon
use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

If I remember correctly from my Linear Algebra
classes, in order to multiply two arrays, their
dimensions have to be such that the first dimension of
the second array equals the second dimension of the
first array, so they should be of the sort:
   Array1 [m x n]  and  Array2 [n x p]
which means that, in this case, as it's not a square
array, it can't multiply it with itself.
Try again wih a square array.

Thanks! Now it all makes sense and works the way it should.

Another question about matrixMultiply in Rev: According to the entry 
in the Transcript dictionary for the operator *, we should be able 
to multiply matrices by using the * operator instead of the 
matrixMultiply() function.  I'm trying it with a 4 x 4 array, so it 
should work, but using the * operator yields different results from 
matrix multiply.

Here's the example I'm using. The following text is read into a 4 x 4 
array variable with numeric keys, named outputArray

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0

Next, I want to multiply this array by itself:

   put outputArray * outputArray into productArray


  put matrixMultiply(outputArray,outputArray) into productArray

The first example, using * yields an incorrect answer:

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0

The second, using matrixMultiply yields the correct answer:

2 1 3 1
2 1 1 1
2 0 2 1
2 1 1 0

So, why didn't the * operator produce the correct answer? It did 
work, for the simpler case of multiplying a number times a matrix, 
but not for a matrix times a matrix.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 12:15 PM -0700 9/20/2002, Jerry Thomas wrote:
Are additional pattern backgrounds avaiable for Revolution? There are
backgrounds available in the color pallete but they are from the days when
16/256 color was all that was available. I'm looking for something kinder
and gentler -- Clouds, a pale off white soft texture, something easier on
the eyes and brain.
Any suggestions, And if I can get something else, how do I get it into
Revolution.  I have some great tiled bitmaps that work well in other

Nothing built in, but you should be able to find something suitable on a
clip-art CD, I'd think.

Once you have a file with the pattern you want to use, just import it into
a stack. Revolution can use any image in any loaded stack as a tiled
background pattern - just set the backgroundPattern of the object to the ID
of the image. (You can import it into the stack where you want to use it,
then hide the image so it's not in the way. Or you can create a substack
and place any images you use in the substack for easier access. The
substack is always available whenever the main stack is open, even if the
substack window isn't open, so such an image can always be used.)

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 12:31 PM -0700 9/21/2002, Brad Allen wrote:
I'm also having some difficulty with this function. Here is the error
message I receive when I try to use it on a two-dimensional
numerically keyed array containing only integer elements:

Message execution error:
Error description: matrixMultiply: can't multiply these arrays

Here is the text I'm putting into my function

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 3 0

The problem is that this array can't be multiplied by itself - its
dimensions aren't equal - and that's what you're trying to do. Quoting

The number of rows in the firstArray must be the same as the number of
columns in the secondArray, and the number of rows in the secondArray must
match the number of columns in the firstArray. However, the number of rows
in the firstArray and secondArray need not be the same.

For example, you can multiply these two arrays:

  1  0  3   4  5
  2  4  9   9  3
  6  9

because one is 3x2 and the other is 2x3. But above, you're trying to
multiply a 4x3 array by another 4x3 array, which means both dimensions are
mismatched. Hence the error. You could create another array, 3x4, to
multiply by this one; or you could multiply a square array (3x3 or 4x4) by

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Stacks delivered via the web?

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 1:43 PM -0700 9/16/2002, Chipp Walters wrote:
Am I correct in surmising that once downloaded from the web, if you issue a
Save stack, it won't save the stack back up to the web because it's in the
local cache...Where does it get saved?

As Scott says, you can do a Save As on such a stack. Once it's downloaded,
it's loaded into memory, but not on disk. Essentially, it behaves as a new
(unsaved) stack until you explicitly save it somewhere.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Question about backgrounds

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 2:54 PM -0700 9/20/2002, ncouch wrote:
In Hypercard I was used to being able to manipulate backgrounds at will and
have it applied to all other cards automatically.  In Revolution I find that
if I modify the background then the other cards with the same background
lose the background (and all data thereon) altogether.  I have looked
through the help and tutorials with little insight on how to accomplish

The only time that should happen is if you ungroup the group you're working
with (which makes it not a group any more). Is this what you're doing?

It's possible to ungroup and re-group without leaving the card, and have
the group still appear on the other cards it's supposed to be on. But it's
much safer to select the group and then choose Edit Group (from the Object
menu, or click Edit on the Toolbar), make changes, then choose Edit Group
again to leave the mode. This will prevent having the group disappear from
other cards since you never ungroup the objects.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 3:49 PM -0700 9/21/2002, Brad Allen wrote:
Aha. Thank you. I had misunderstood the wording of this function in
the Transcript dictionary. The part that threw me off was this part
of the at the end of the entry under Extents:

I don't think it's incorrect, but I can see how it could be misleading.
I'll tweak this wording to (hopefully) avoid that

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 6:22 PM -0700 9/21/2002, Geoff Canyon wrote:
At 2:43 PM -0700 9/21/02, Richard Gaskin wrote:
See the extents function.

You know, if they'd just stop adding new features... ;-)

I've suggested to Kevin before that everyone just take six months or so at
the beach while I update the documentation for the *existing* features

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

use-revolution mailing list