Re: Concept help

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Norris
on 2/17/04 5:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 20:08:16 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Concept help
> SO what I want to do is to check the DB when item 1's button is
> selected and check item 2 and set the available of all item 2s that
> have the same item 1.
Check the cookbook 'Recipe for Finding common lines in two containers'. This
is line-delimited rather than item-delimited, but the principle is the same.

Also check Rev's site, Developer Central, for Mark Brownell's Array
Manipulation stack.

Serendipity Library.

Tuvia's DB examples.
> Would this be best as a series of custom properties?
> or as variable arrays?
How about both?

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Trying to buy Dan's book

2004-02-17 Thread Alex Rice
On Feb 14, 2004, at 10:57 AM, Judy Perry wrote:

No joke! It was going to cost me nearly $50 to get it printed and 
bound IF
only they'd had the most recent copy of Reader...

I'll let you  know if I find anything...
here is something

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Thomas,

> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 19:10:33 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fields blew North
> The only thing that I have seen that does that so far is the geometry
> pane.
> Weird.
Yeah, it IS wierd. That's what I've been saying. I never had the Geometry
Manager open AFAIK (I'm scared of that thing anyway).

Out of curiosity, would it throw similar fields of two different windows 83
points above each at the same time, without touching anything else?

I better have my mucklucks and dog team ready for rescue operations in case
it happens again, I guess ;-)

BTW, the little palette docking routines work OK, but I wish I could see it
in Windows. I hope it's better.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

An example of a article and a product

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
A month ago, I mentioned an article by Dave Simpson that I saw online.  
I noticed another one.  (Honest.  I am not his PR guy.  I don't even 
know him apart from his rare comments on the list.  He is probably 
shocked and maybe embarrassed to see my comment.)

In an article at O'Reilly's macdevcenter, Dave Simpson mentions how 
using Revolution allowed him to combine forces of a variety of 
technologies and wrap that up in an application.  The multi-platform 
capability allowed him to reuse some of that in creating a another 
multi-plaform product.

I think this application is a good example of the breadth of Revolution 
and its suitability for building tools.

Articles like this also get the word out about Revolution.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Interrupting a loop

2004-02-17 Thread Michael J. Lew
This is something that I do quite often. Messages are generally a 
better idea than a repeat loop because they allow other handlers to 
be run at the same time so your user can do other stuff. Here is a 
skeletal script that should get you going. You will need a button to 
contain the first script and another called "Pause" with the second 
script. (I used a custom property to control the increment just to 
show where another control might alter the process.)

First button (give it a custom property called cIncrement and set it 
to a number):
on mouseUp
  put 0
end mouseUp

on addsome
  add the cIncrement of me to msg
  if not the hilite of btn "pause" then send addSome to me in 10 milliseconds
end addsome
Pause button (I used a checkbox):
on mouseUp
  if not the hilite of me then send "addsome" to btn 1
end mouseUp
Hope that helps.

Michael J. Lew
Senior Lecturer
Department of Pharmacology
The University of Melbourne
Parkville 3010
Phone +613 8344 8304

New email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Interrupting a loop

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Ray

Here's a way I've used in the past:

-- Script of btn "Start":
global gPaused,gExit
on mouseUp
  put false into gPaused
  put false into gExit
  repeat forever
-- code that does what you want
wait 0 secs with messages  -- allows processing of other scripts
if gPaused then
  wait until gPaused is false with messages
end if
if gExit then exit repeat
  end repeat
  answer "Done!"
end mouseUp

-- Script of btn "Pause":
on mouseUp
  global gPaused
  put true into gPaused
end mouseUp 

-- Script of btn "Continue":
on mouseUp
  global gPaused
  put false into gPaused
end mouseUp 

-- Script of btn "Stop":
on mouseUp
  global gExit
  put true into gExit
end mouseUp 


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Graham Samuel
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Interrupting a loop
> Folks, maybe this is obvious and I'm too tired to see it, but 
> what would be 
> a good approach to the following problem?
> In the app I'm developing have a kind of animated simulation 
> which consists 
> of 'repeat forever' loop that causes a series of actions (animations, 
> sounds etc) to take place on the screen. The details don't 
> matter, but the 
> loop calls a lot of handlers in succession - some of which are quite 
> complex - until it detects a particular condition and then it 
> stops. A 
> 'run' like this can go on for several minutes.
> What I want is to provide the user with a 'pause' button, 
> which stops the 
> looping action at the end of the last handler to be run (so 
> the handlers 
> called from within the repeat loop are kind of atomic in this 
> context), and 
> also provide a 'resume' button that gets things started where 
> they left 
> off. During the pause, the user is allowed to click various 
> things on the 
> screen etc and cause other handlers to run - so it's not just 
> a case of 
> freezing everything.
> I can't immediately see an obvious way to do this, apart from 
> getting the 
> mouseUp event in the 'pause' button to set a flag and then 
> test the flag at 
> each step of the repeat loop (i.e. between each handler 
> call). Given that 
> the RR engine provides a very sophisticated message handling 
> structure, 
> this seems very primitive; and even if I do have this 
> approach, I'm not 
> sure how to handle the temporary exit from the repeat loop so 
> as to be able 
> to come back to it when 'resume' is triggered.
> I'd be grateful for any ideas.
> Graham
> ---
> Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
>> revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Concept help

2004-02-17 Thread Alex Rice
On Feb 17, 2004, at 6:08 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
Only the storage and retrieval of multiple items seems complicated 
especially since there seems to be a couple of different ways to go 
about it and I don't know the ins and outs of each to make a proper 
educated decision on the issue.
I'm not really sure what the requirements are- because you are not 
being very specific with examples (and probably aren't allowed to) 
That's OK though. Here are some ideas:

First idea)

Kind of like what Dar just now suggested. Use custom properties to save 
the allowed button states as a "hashtable" or "dictionary".

-- if button 37 is clicked then:
put the uButtonDownState[ 37 ] of this stack into tState
-- tState could contain data like buttonNum=state,buttonNum=state, ...
-- 1=disabled,2=hidden,3=enabled,4=visible,..., etc.
repeat for each item tItem of tState
 split tItem by "="
 switch tItem[2]
case "disabled"
disable button item[1]
case "visible"
show button item[1]
end repeat
Second idea)

If there are many logical connections between many buttons then you are 
talking about a many-to-many pattern matching problem. You will know it 
when you have an explosion of if-then rules in trying to program the 
rules of the system. I don't know if this is the problem in your 
system. If it is, a rule based expert system like CLIPS is perfect 
because it has a pattern matching engine than efficiently handles 
many-to-many problems.

For example you could have a great number of rules like the following, 
and CLIPS could always efficiently find the correct state of the 

(defrule button-dependency-n

(button (num 1) (depressed TRUE))
(button (num 2) (visible TRUE))
(button (num 3) (visible FALSE))
(button (num 4) (depressed FALSE))
?button <- (button (num 5) (visible FALSE))

(modify ?button (visible TRUE))
The above CLIPS rule states in English: "If button 1 is depressed, 
button 2 is visible, button 3 is hidden, button 4 is not depressed, and 
button 5 is hidden, then button 5 should be made visible".

Note that changing the state of button 5 could have many dependencies, 
and if so, other rules would fire consequently- CLIPS handles the 
"activation agenda" (You don't need to check for dependencies yourself 
that's what the CLIPS pattern matching engine does)

In the above example, the changing button 5 would result in a partial 
activation of the following rule button-dependency-n2.  If button 7 
were depressed, then there would be a full activation and the rule 
would fire:

(defrule button-dependency-n2

(button (num 5) (visible TRUE))
(button (num 7) (depressed TRUE))


(printout t "bingo!")
Note that a CLIPS rule is merely an IF-THEN statement. The form is
(defrule rule-name
...THEN ...)
IF = LHS = left hand side of the rule
THEN = RHS = right hand side of the rule.
In procedural programming (Transcript, Basic, C, whatever) you would 
have to test each of the If-thens, 1 at a time, which can be extremely 
slow. Using CLIPS the procedural part the IF-THEN statement is 
eliminated so the CLIPS engine instantaneously fires the rules that 
match the current state of the system. Hope this helps give you some 

See also 

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread Sarah Reichelt
This is the recipe I'm using. the field is "list behavior" and lock  
text is unchecked.
the problem is that it stays on the same line it doesn't move on to  
the next line and so on.
global myDbid,myLine,thisLine,mySql
on mouseUp
nto myDbid
  repeat for each line myL in field "field 1"
put  the selectedText of field "field 1"  into mySql
put revdb_execute(myDbid,mySql) after field "field 2"-- to see  
what is going on
put the selectedLine of field "field 1" into field "field 3"--  
to see what is going on
wait for 1 second
if the mouse is down then exit repeat
end repeat
end mouseUp
Each time through the loop, myL contains the text of each line of the  
field. In the script above, you do not use this variable anywhere in  
the loop. There is no code to change the selectedText so in effect,  
you are using the number of lines as a counter, not to get any data.
Didn't get this last sentence "There is no code to change the  
selectedText so in effect, you are using the number of lines as a  
counter, not to get any data".
OK, I'll try and make myself clearer :-)

There are 2 ways of changing the selectedText in a list field:
1.	click on a different line
2.	by scripting e.g. set the hilitedLine of fld "MyList" to 3
This is a visual indicator to your user of the currently selected line  
and as the programmer, you can use the "selectedText" property to find  
out what line your user has clicked on.

In your loop above, you are using the selectedText to decide which SQL  
command to execute, but this is inside a loop and there is nothing in  
the loop that is going to change which line is selected. The user can't  
use method 1, because the program is running a loop and they won't have  
control, and the script is not using method 2.
Therefore, you are repeating the loop, using the same data each time  
through the loop - whatever line was selected when the loop started.

"repeat for each" does not use the selectedText. It takes the data and  
each go through the loop, it fills the assigned loop variable with the  
contents of the next chunk, in your case, the next line of the field.  
You were using a "repeat for each" loop, but not actually referring to  
the data that the loop had got for you, the myL variable. The loop  
variable was never used but as the loop was going through every line,  
this dictated how many times the loop ran, so the number of lines in  
your field was acting as a counter and nothing else.

Hopefully this has clarified how the "repeat for each" works. One  
further piece of advice: it is always faster to operate on variables  
than fields. If you are only doing a few operations, you won't notice  
much difference, but it is a good habit to get into e.g.
	put fld "MyList" into myVar
	repeat for each line L in myVar

Other then that , it works great . You made in 5 minutes what I didn't  
do in 2 days. ( I said your a genius ) Thanks again.
Thank you.
By the way the "  put  
o myDbid" I put before the repeat because it over loaded the db  
Yes, you only need to do this once.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: xml or other complete text representation of a control?

2004-02-17 Thread Doug Lerner
On 2/14/04 5:26 PM, "Brian Yennie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Doug,
> "the properties" returns an associative array, perhaps you were
> treating it as a string?

I was trying 

put the properties of graphic "Tao2"

that returns nothing.

put the keys of the properties of graphic "Tao2"

is a syntax error it seems.

I'll take a look at your script.



> Check out the following- with the recent CVS thread going on here, I
> banged out this script to convince myself that textual representations
> of stacks weren't too bad. There's a bunch of stuff in here, including
> customProperties and escaping property values so they'll all fit on one
> line, etc, etc.
> But mostly, per your question you basically have a couple of options
> for dealing the "the properties" array- use combine (but watch out for
> property values that might contain your delimiter string inside of
> them, esp. with custom properties), or loop through the individual
> elements of the array using either: "repeat for each element e in
> propArray" or "repeat for each line tKey in keys(propArray)".
> HTH,
> Brian
> constant kNONE = 0
> constant kSTACK = 1
> constant kCARD = 2
> constant kPART = 3
> constant kTYPENAMES = "stack,card,part"
> on mouseUp
>  answer folder "Please select a folder to export to."
>  if (the result is "Cancel") then exit mouseUp
>  exportStack it, the short name of this stack
> end mouseUp
> on exportStack theDir,whichStack
>  put the directory into saveDir
>  put the defaultStack into saveDefault
>  set the directory to theDir
>  set the defaultStack to whichStack
>  textExport kSTACK, the short name of this stack,kNONE,0
> TO
>  repeat with i=1 to (number of cds in this stack)
>exportCard theDir,whichStack,the id of cd i of this stack
>  end repeat
>  set the directory to saveDir
>  set the defaultStack to saveDefault
> end exportStack
> on exportCard theDir,whichStack,cardID
>  put the directory into saveDir
>  put the defaultStack into saveDefault
>  set the directory to theDir
>  set the defaultStack to whichStack
>  textExport kCARD, cardID,kSTACK,the short name of this stack
>  repeat with j=1 to number of cd parts of cd id cardID of this stack
>exportPart theDir,whichStack,cardID,the id of part j of cd id
> cardID of this stack
>  end repeat
>  set the directory to saveDir
>  set the defaultStack to saveDefault
> end exportCard
> on exportPart theDir,whichStack,cardID,partID
>  put the directory into saveDir
>  put the defaultStack into saveDefault
>  set the directory to theDir
>  set the defaultStack to whichStack
>  textExport kPART,partID,kCARD,cardID
>  set the directory to saveDir
>  set the defaultStack to saveDefault
> end exportPart
> on textExport objectType, objectID, parentType, parentID
>  switch (objectType)
>  case kSTACK
>put (the directory)&"/stack_"&objectID&"/" into parentDir
>  case kCARD
>put (the directory)&"/"&(item parentType of
> kTYPENAMES)&"_"&(parentID)&"/card_"&objectID&"/" into parentDir
>  case kPART
>put (the directory)&"/"&("stack_"&(the short name of this
> stack))&"/"&(item parentType of
> kTYPENAMES)&"_"&(parentID)&"/part_"&objectID&"/" into parentDir
>  end switch
>  create folder parentDir
>  if (objectType = kSTACK) then
>put "stack"&"e&objectID"e into objectDesc
>  else
>put ((item objectType of kTYPENAMES)&" id "&objectID) into
> objectDesc
>put the long id of objectDesc into objectDesc
>  end if
>  put (parentDir)&(item objectType of kTYPENAMES)&"["&(objectID)&"]"
> into fName
>  put the script of objectDesc into tScript
>  put tScript into url ("file:"&fName&".sct")
>  put the properties of objectDesc into tProps
>  put extractProps(tProps) into url ("file:"&fName&".prp")
>  if (word 1 of the long id of objectDesc is "image") AND (the fileName
> of objectDesc is empty) then
>put compress(the imageData of objectDesc) into url
> ("file:"&fName&".image")
>put compress(the alphaData of objectDesc) into url
> ("file:"&fName&".alpha")
>put compress(the maskData of objectDesc) into url
> ("file:"&fName&".mask")
>  end if
>  put empty into tCustomProps
>  put the customPropertySet of objectDesc into savePropertySet
>  repeat for each line tPropertySet in the customPropertySets of
> objectDesc
>set the customPropertySet of objectDesc to tPropertySet
>put the customProperties of objectDesc into tProps
>put tPropertyS

Re: Concept help

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 06:08 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Only the storage and retrieval of multiple items seems complicated 
especially since there seems to be a couple of different ways to go 
about it and I don't know the ins and outs of each to make a proper 
educated decision on the issue.
One possible direction is to exploit the natural hierarchy of chunks.  
However, that doesn't go as deep as you want unless you swap item 

Or...  You can use the button # list as key (index) for an array.  The 
array can have your leaf string.  You can look up button patterns in 
other arrays or in the same array with a partial list ask the key 

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Style: Select Grouped Controls

2004-02-17 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On 18 Feb 2004, at 6:50 am, Dar Scott wrote:

I'd like to understand the motivation for leaving it on.  Are groups  
for you essentially for sharing controls among cards in multiple  
placement?  Are groups a way to insert scripts into the message path.   
That is, why use groups?

Here are the usual reasons for me to use groups:
- you have to group radio buttons to get the correct behavior  
- groups can be placed on multiple cards to save duplicate scripting  
and object creation.
- groups can be a visual thing, where you show the name & border to  
define a functional block in your interface.
- showing & hiding multiple objects is easy if they are grouped
- scrolling objects larger than the window

BTW, for any ex-HyperCarders who are having trouble understanding  
groups vs backgrounds, I wrote an article on this subject ages ago for  
Rev's "tip-of-the-year" web site: 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Interrupting a loop

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 04:48 PM, Graham Samuel wrote:

I'm not sure how to handle the temporary exit from the repeat loop so 
as to be able to come back to it when 'resume' is triggered.
My primer stack on message mechanics (at my web site) includes an 
example of a "background" task.  It uses a purposefully tedious method 
for inverting an image and displaying progress.  The example shows both 
the "normal" method and the "background" method.  I think the approach 
for background will apply.  It does require breaking the task into 
steps (or states).

The example does not have the pause and restart builtin as is, but the 
structure is there to allow it.  The example illustrates other things 
such as switching cards going on at the same time, so a pause button 
click will be seen.

The wait with/for messages might be in an alternate method.

Take care that you don't crowd out events with too heavy of pending 

In some cases the hardest part is converting a task to a series of 
tasks.  This is hard if the work is not homogeneous and inner loops are 
of all kinds and of all sizes and depths.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

use-revolution mailing list

Concept help

2004-02-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Hello to you all,

I have a new project in my scopes and need a little conceptual help.
Note: This concept is protected under a number of patents. I wrote a 
lot of these patents while working for this company, but do not 
personally own them. In fact, I want to write this and license the 
patents from the company that owns them. Then I want to do some neat 
things with it and hopefully sell the final application to them for my 
own personal gain. :-) I hope.

I have a graphic keyboard to create and need a way to do semi-complex 
What I mean is there will be a lot of button checking going on.
I created a variation of this in SuperCard once before but SC did not 
have any disabled states for buttons etc. and I had to drink lots of 
coffee to pull it off. With Rev there are a lot of new tools for me to 
use and I would like some help in choosing the right approach to this.

Let's say there are 72 buttons. 8 x 9 grid of buttons
After button 5 is selected only certain buttons of the 72 will be 
available for selection. (patented)
Let's say that buttons 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 
and 69 are available after 5 is hit.
All 72 are always visible but some are disabled based upon database 
entries. (patented)

Now entries in the Database are always associated with three buttons:
5:15:27:"my text here"
5:15:32:"more text here"
5:20:34:"other text here"
3:45:22:"even more here"
etc. etc.
SO what I want to do is to check the DB when item 1's button is 
selected and check item 2 and set the available of all item 2s that 
have the same item 1.
In the small example above if 5 were hit then only buttons 15 and 20 
would be available and all the rest are disabled.
SO then when an item 2 button is selected then all item 3's that have 
the same item 2 will be available and all others are disabled.

Once the third button is selected the text in item 4 will be processed 
and or displayed in a field. (patented)
The system will reset back to the default state and allow for a new 
item 1 button to be selected.

I don't have that much experience with array's as such and need some 
good advice.
Would this be best as a series of custom properties?
or as variable arrays?
or would it be better to use some of rev's database tools? - I haven't 
used them before. newbie here.
Now some of you seem to be experts with these things and I would like 
to tap into your brains for a little direction.

The button behavior seems very easy in REV.
The system seems easy.
The interface seems easy.
Only the storage and retrieval of multiple items seems complicated 
especially since there seems to be a couple of different ways to go 
about it and I don't know the ins and outs of each to make a proper 
educated decision on the issue.

Thank you all very much for the help.


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III• 2003 •  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Interrupting a loop

2004-02-17 Thread Scott Rossi
> Folks, maybe this is obvious and I'm too tired to see it, but what would be
> a good approach to the following problem?
> In the app I'm developing have a kind of animated simulation which consists
> of 'repeat forever' loop that causes a series of actions (animations,
> sounds etc) to take place on the screen. The details don't matter, but the
> loop calls a lot of handlers in succession - some of which are quite
> complex - until it detects a particular condition and then it stops. A
> 'run' like this can go on for several minutes.

Actually, the details may matter because these could affect how you
interrupt the animation.

> What I want is to provide the user with a 'pause' button, which stops the
> looping action at the end of the last handler to be run (so the handlers
> called from within the repeat loop are kind of atomic in this context), and
> also provide a 'resume' button that gets things started where they left
> off. During the pause, the user is allowed to click various things on the
> screen etc and cause other handlers to run - so it's not just a case of
> freezing everything.
> I can't immediately see an obvious way to do this, apart from getting the
> mouseUp event in the 'pause' button to set a flag and then test the flag at
> each step of the repeat loop (i.e. between each handler call). Given that
> the RR engine provides a very sophisticated message handling structure,
> this seems very primitive; and even if I do have this approach, I'm not
> sure how to handle the temporary exit from the repeat loop so as to be able
> to come back to it when 'resume' is triggered.

Test a global variable state (ie gPaused) or user property to establish the
pause within either of the following setups:

1) If you're using the built-in move command, make sure you use "without
waiting" so that other scripts/mouse events can be processed simultaneously.
To interrupt this type of animation, you need to use the movingControls
function to determine which objects to stop.

2) If you're using your own move construct, such as repeatedly setting the
location of an object during a repeat loop, consider adding a "wait XX with
messages" at the end of the loop (whatever time delay is appropriate) to
allow for other scripts/mouse events to be processed.

Note that unless you're moving a huge image (640x480, 24 bits), neither of
the above scripts should require multiple variable tests throughout the
script.  The Rev engine is pretty fast here.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread hershrev
This is the recipe I'm using. the field is "list behavior" and lock  
text is unchecked.
the problem is that it stays on the same line it doesn't move on to the  
next line and so on.
global myDbid,myLine,thisLine,mySql
on mouseUp
  repeat for each line myL in field "field 1"
put  the selectedText of field "field 1"  into mySql
put revdb_execute(myDbid,mySql) after field "field 2"-- to see what  
is going on
put the selectedLine of field "field 1" into field "field 3"-- to  
see what is going on
wait for 1 second
if the mouse is down then exit repeat
end repeat
end mouseUp
Thanks again, hershrev
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 02:41 PM, Klaus Major wrote:

Hi Dar,

On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 12:32 PM, hershrev wrote:

The Revolution style is to put item and line delimiters between  
but it will also accommodate putting them after datums.  This is  
in representing empty datums.  If datums are never empty, then  
delimiters between is fine.  I mention this, in case you are  
surprised about
how many lines are processed in such a loop.
Sorry to say , but I don't know what datums are.

I mean pieces of information.  I tried to use this for a more general  
term for
lines and items.  Lines use a "line end" or "new line" character as a  
(often called 'return' in Revolution).  Item typically use a comma as  
a delimiter.

Since you are working with lines, I should have stuck with "lines".   
There is no
Revolution jargon called datum, as far as I know; this is all my  
I was also a bit puzzled, since "datum" is the german word for "date"  

Dar Scott

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Style: Select Grouped Controls

2004-02-17 Thread Doug Lerner
On 2/18/04 5:48 AM, "Dar Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That is, why use groups?

One reason I was thinking of using them was because the docs say that that
is the way to make scrolling windows.

In other words, there are no card or stack scrollbars, but there are group

I don't want to lose the ability to individually manipulate each control
though. In fact, except for scrolling, I don't care that they are a group.

One thing about the scrollbar explanation that confused me though was it
said to "make the group the same size as the window". But if you do that,
where is there to scroll?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT Yahoo Privacy - lack of

2004-02-17 Thread Richard Gaskin
Erik Hansen wrote:
>> Yahoo is now using something called "Web Beacons"
>> to track Yahoo Group users around the net and see
>> what you're doing and where you are going - similar
>> to cookies. Take a look at their updated privacy
>> statement:
>> About half-way down the page, in the section "Outside
>> the Yahoo! Network", you'll see a little "click here"
>> link that will let you "opt-out" of their new method
>> of snooping. I strongly recommend that you do this.
>> Once you have clicked that link, you are opted out.
>> Notice the "Success" message the top the next page.
>> Be careful because on that page there is a "Cancel
>> Opt-out" button that, if clicked, will *undo* the
>> opt-out.

Thank you for posting that.

Another useful link is their feedback form, where you can share your views
on this practice:

I invited them to meet the challenge outlined in my own privacy policy.  I
doubt I'll hear from them. :)

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Transcript and/or ECMA - guess who started it?

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Ray

> Put into works fine. And if you want to have a shorter 
> operator for this, use :=, like Pascal. I mean, because of 
> using '=' for 'becomes', they had to use '==' (huu, very 
> ugly) for a comparison. xTalks handle this nicely ('=' for a 
> comparison), so don't clutter the language up with 'is' what 
> should be 'becomes'.

Actually, Sjoerd, it is probably possible for the parser to understand
the context so that a different operator may not be needed at all.

For example, 

on mouseUp
  x=3   <== assignment
  if x=3 then beep  <== equality
end mouseUp

So it might read words before or after it to determine if it is an
assignment or equality.

Of course someone with knowledge of the parser would have to answer this

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

OT Yahoo Privacy - lack of

2004-02-17 Thread Erik Hansen

> FYI, This came to my attention, if its
> redundant, my apologies.
> Yahoo is now using something called "Web
> Beacons" to track
> Yahoo Group users around the net and see what
> you're doing
> and where you are going - similar to cookies.
> Take a look at their
> updated privacy statement:
> About half-way down the page, in the section
> "Outside the Yahoo!
> Network", you'll see a little "click here" link
> that will let you
> "opt-out" of their new method of snooping. I
> strongly recommend
> that you do this.
> Once you have clicked that link, you are opted
> out. Notice the
> "Success" message the top the next page.
> Be careful because on that page there is a
> "Cancel Opt-out"
> button that, if clicked, will *undo* the
> opt-out. Feel free to 
> forward
> this to other groups.


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Style: Select Grouped Controls

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Ray
> I'd like to understand the motivation for leaving it on.  Are groups 
> for you essentially for sharing controls among cards in multiple 
> placement?  Are groups a way to insert scripts into the 
> message path.  
> That is, why use groups?

I use groups primarily for interface purposes - i.e. an actual group of
onscreen controls. I turn on the border and the showName and set the
name properly, set the margin and I'm done. But I tend to leave
selectGroupedControls off until I need to access what's inside the

Most of the time I don't use grouped controls for "background" behavior
or for script insertion (I use backscripts and libraries for that).

My $0.02,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

Loading compressed JPG files from ftp-server

2004-02-17 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

put  URL ""; into image "one"

works fine here for JPG-compression rates of about 10% for image 
file-sizes  down to about 50K (processed with PaintShopPro).

If I compress a JPG by 75% - file size about 16K - nothing happens.

This is on a WindowsXP machine.

Has anybody similar experiences or an explanation?


Wilhelm Sanke

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Jacque,

> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:41:18 -0600
> From: "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fields blew North
> On 2/17/04 1:29 PM, Ken Norris wrote:
>> There were no scripts in any fields, nor any that
>> referred to them, i.e., it's just a layout shell.
> Were you, by chance, playing with the geometry manager at any point?
Nope. I could've accidenatally opened it, but I wouldn't have done anything
with it. This thing doesn't need it.

Thanks for the RE though, you never know...
Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Japanese keyboard layout

2004-02-17 Thread kweto
> Which keys are not showing up right?
(BAll the "caps" shown above the numbers on the top key row. Meaning, the
(Bnumbers work ok but not the "! " # $ % & ... ", which come out mismatched.
(BAlso, nearly all the punctuation keys on the right-hand of each of the four
(Brows of keys punch out on screen differently from what's on the keys.
(BNicolas Cueto
(Buse-revolution mailing list

Re: Transcript and/or ECMA - guess who started it?

2004-02-17 Thread Sjoerd Op 't Land
MisterX wrote/ schreef:

> local afld=fld "test"
Please don't adopt this ugly C-like syntax...

Put into works fine. And if you want to have a shorter operator for this,
use :=, like Pascal. I mean, because of using '=' for 'becomes', they had to
use '==' (huu, very ugly) for a comparison. xTalks handle this nicely ('='
for a comparison), so don't clutter the language up with 'is' what should be

Just my 2ct,

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windows Application Icon

2004-02-17 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 11:05  PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

Here's some stuff from ButtonGadget which might help. I believe it  
will do
what you need it to (ButtonGadget extension is .plg). I put
doRegistryStuffin the startup handler, so it runs each time.

 put tPath&",1" into tVar
  if queryregistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ButtonGadget\DefaultIcon\") <>  
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ButtonGadget\DefaultIcon\",tVar)
  end if

On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 02:11  AM, rodney tamblyn wrote:

I don't know if this is relevant to the discussion, but you may need  
to set a registry entry to map the icon number to your file type, this  
is from the Metacard list archives: 

~ Rodney

-- register a defaultIcon for the file type
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileView\DefaultIcon\", "C:\Program
Files\FileView 1.0\FileView.exe,1")
-- The 1 is the document icon of the executable. Icon 0 is the default
executable icon.

This is what I did and this is what regEdit reports happened. Take note  
that I forced Windows to recognize the document icons and it added two  
lines to the regEdit for Intuition:

  get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mtml\","Intuition")

  get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\","Intuition MTML  


m Files\Intuiion\Intuition.exe %1")

RegEdit results: Please take note that the entry for  
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\DefaultIcon data = 0. Is this what you get  
after setRegistry() for DefaultIcon set to ,1  ?

Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mtml
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 12:21 PM
Value 0

Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 1:52 PM
Value 0
  Data:Intuition MTML document
Value 1
Value 2
Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\DefaultIcon
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 1:52 PM
Value 0
  Data:C:\Program Files\Intuition\mtmlMedia\Intuition.ico,0
Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\shell
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 1:52 PM
Value 0
Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\shell\open
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 1:52 PM
Key Name:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Intuition\shell\open\command
Class Name:
Last Write Time:   2/14/2004 - 1:52 PM
Value 0
  Data:"C:\Program Files\Intuition\Intuition.exe" %1

Mark Brownell

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Style: Select Grouped Controls

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 12:30 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

I am more than just curious; this might affect how I deliver custom 
controls.  It is certainly not my intent to start any religious wars.  
We seem to have different ways of getting things done; I'd like to 
learn from that of others.

I wonder how folks use "Select Grouped Controls".
I think we are seeing a wide range of usage.

For me, I usually think of a group as an atomic single special control 
or sometimes as a background (whether set so or not).  Usually, it is 
the first.  I think that is why I leave select grouped controls off.  
To me, the group has become a single control.  Once I make a group I 
don't want to think about the innards.  This is part of my approach to 
keeping things simple.

I'd like to understand the motivation for leaving it on.  Are groups 
for you essentially for sharing controls among cards in multiple 
placement?  Are groups a way to insert scripts into the message path.  
That is, why use groups?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Transcript and/or ECMA - guess who started it?

2004-02-17 Thread MisterX

Scott started it with /* and */ and // ;)

local afld=fld "test"

local q=quote
do "local" && varname & " = fld" && q & afieldname & q

XX) (it's a race car)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rob Cozens
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 17:27
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: Transcript and/or ECMA
> >and c=5 is considerable shorter
> >and more readable than put 5 into c...
> >
> >Just that would be a nice addition...
> Except for those who already use (c=5) syntax to set boolean 
> variables in Transcript... which I do all the time.
> -- 
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company
> "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
> Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
> from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: sounds/telephony

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Norris

> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 23:13:05 -0800
> From: Ken Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: sounds/telephony

> if "Tone" is in the userProps of the target then
> play forever (line 1 of the Tone of the target)
> end if
Of course, to be clear, releasing the mouse or a keypress does this:

play stop

...Just thought maybe I should mention that ;-)

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Dar,

On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 12:32 PM, hershrev wrote:

The Revolution style is to put item and line delimiters between 
but it will also accommodate putting them after datums.  This is 
in representing empty datums.  If datums are never empty, then 
delimiters between is fine.  I mention this, in case you are 
surprised about
how many lines are processed in such a loop.
Sorry to say , but I don't know what datums are.

I mean pieces of information.  I tried to use this for a more general 
term for
lines and items.  Lines use a "line end" or "new line" character as a 
(often called 'return' in Revolution).  Item typically use a comma as 
a delimiter.

Since you are working with lines, I should have stuck with "lines".  
There is no
Revolution jargon called datum, as far as I know; this is all my fault.
I was also a bit puzzled, since "datum" is the german word for "date" 

Dar Scott

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 2/17/04 1:29 PM, Ken Norris wrote:

There were no scripts in any fields, nor any that
referred to them, i.e., it's just a layout shell.
Were you, by chance, playing with the geometry manager at any point?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 12:32 PM, hershrev wrote:

The Revolution style is to put item and line delimiters between 
datums, but it will also accommodate putting them after datums.  This 
is important in representing empty datums.  If datums are never 
empty, then putting delimiters between is fine.  I mention this, in 
case you are surprised about how many lines are processed in such a 
Sorry to say , but I don't know what datums are.

I mean pieces of information.  I tried to use this for a more general 
term for lines and items.  Lines use a "line end" or "new line" 
character as a delimiter (often called 'return' in Revolution).  Item 
typically use a comma as a delimiter.

Since you are working with lines, I should have stuck with "lines".  
There is no Revolution jargon called datum, as far as I know; this is 
all my fault.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread hershrev
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 01:59 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 11:41 AM, hershrev wrote:

repeat for each line L in myList
So the "L" is a variable that automatically initializes to 1 ?
  -- first time through, L contains line 1
  doStuff L   -- your script for processing the line
  -- next time through the loop, L contains line 2 and so on
end repeat
It contains the value of line 1.  That is, line one without any line 

I like to think of it as a constant rather than a variable, a constant 
that is new each time through.

The Revolution style is to put item and line delimiters between 
datums, but it will also accommodate putting them after datums.  This 
is important in representing empty datums.  If datums are never empty, 
then putting delimiters between is fine.  I mention this, in case you 
are surprised about how many lines are processed in such a loop.
Sorry to say , but I don't know what datums are.
Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Thomas,

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 07:38:34 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Fields blew North
> Ken,
> Did you sneeze?
Heh, heh...
Actually, that's probably a valid Q where I am this time of year (lots of
flu bug going around). I can see someone sneezing and accidentally clicking

...but no. I still have no clue why it happened, and I don't want to be
chasing flyaway objects. There were no scripts in any fields, nor any that
referred to them, i.e., it's just a layout shell.

The only currently working scripts are these:

1) In a dropdown menu button of the control palette:

on mouseUp
  get selectedText(me)
  open stack it
  go stack it
end mouseUp

2) In the Stack script of the control palette:

on moveStack
  global gDockCon
  get the loc of stack "Helping Hands Con"
  add (width of stack "Helping Hands Con"/2) to item 1 of it
put the rect of stack topStack() into topSRect
subtract 323 from item 3 of topSRect
if it is within topSRect then
get the topleft of stack topStack()
subtract 176 from item 1 of it
add 16 to item 2 of it
set the topleft of stack "Helping Hands Con" to it
put "docked" into gDockCon
set the hidePalettes to true
put empty into gDockCon
set the hidePalettes to false
  end if
  --pass moveStack
end moveStack

3) In the Stack Script of each of the other two windows:

on moveStack
  global gDockCon
  if gDockCon is empty then
exit moveStack 
get topleft of this stack
subtract 176 from item 1 of it
add 16 to item 2 of it
set topleft of stack "Helping Hands Con" to it
  end if
  pass moveStack
end moveStack

...That's all there is at the moment.

Thanks for looking,
Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 11:41 AM, hershrev wrote:

repeat for each line L in myList
So the "L" is a variable that automatically initializes to 1 ?
  -- first time through, L contains line 1
  doStuff L   -- your script for processing the line
  -- next time through the loop, L contains line 2 and so on
end repeat
It contains the value of line 1.  That is, line one without any line 

I like to think of it as a constant rather than a variable, a constant 
that is new each time through.

The Revolution style is to put item and line delimiters between datums, 
but it will also accommodate putting them after datums.  This is 
important in representing empty datums.  If datums are never empty, 
then putting delimiters between is fine.  I mention this, in case you 
are surprised about how many lines are processed in such a loop.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Re: control scructure repeat and next line

2004-02-17 Thread hershrev
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 01:09 AM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

1) the repeat structure  I want to do a repeat till the end of a list 
or end of file ? I did relies the repeat for each , I don't 
understand the logic behind it. how to use it
repeat for each line L in myList
So the "L" is a variable that automatically initializes to 1 ?
  -- first time through, L contains line 1
  doStuff L   -- your script for processing the line
  -- next time through the loop, L contains line 2 and so on
end repeat
2) which command tells to move to the next line (and then to  "put 
the selectedText into myVar"), by words I "put word myWord in a 
repeat so it just keeps on moving. ?
"end repeat" tells it to start the loop again and with "repeat for 
each", it automatically goes on to the next line. By way of example, 
here is an identical loop in a format that might seem more familiar:

repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in myList
  put line x of myList into L
  doStuff L
end repeat
However, "repeat for each" is MUCH faster and once you get used to the 
construct, very easy to write.

sorry for this silly question
and by the way a question , why selectedText , selectedLine, don't 
return the same data type . The selectedLine returns the line # and 
the selectedText returns the text itself  , shouldn't  the 
seletedLine return the string of the line as well ? isn't an 
inconsistency ?
They do different things. The names of the properties may seem 
inconsistent to you, but all the chunking expressions get different 
segments of the data and there doesn't seem to be any reason why they 
should overlap. If you have a more precise need, then write your own 
function that combines some of the chunking expressions to give you 
exactly the information you want.
Thanks, hershrev
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transcript and/or ECMA

2004-02-17 Thread Rob Cozens
Mr. X, et al:

and c=5 is considerable shorter
and more readable than put 5 into c...
Just that would be a nice addition...

Except for those who already use (c=5) syntax to set boolean 
variables in Transcript... which I do all the time.
And, BTW, isn't

put (field 6 = empty) into skipField6

considerably shorter than

if field 6 = empty then put true into skipField6 else put false into skipField6


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transcript and/or ECMA

2004-02-17 Thread Rob Cozens
and c=5 is considerable shorter
and more readable than put 5 into c...
Just that would be a nice addition...
Except for those who already use (c=5) syntax to set boolean 
variables in Transcript... which I do all the time.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

What Triggers the nameChanged Message?

2004-02-17 Thread Rob Cozens
Hi Again,

According to the Rev Dictionary, a nameChanged message is sent to an 
object when its name is changed.

I tried a generic on nameChanged handler in a stack and a specific 
nameChanged handler in a field.  Neither "set the name of field ..." 
nor changing the name of the field via its properties palette 
triggered either namehanged handler, and the Message Watcher does not 
display one.

RR 2.1.2, Mac OS 10.2
Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OceanBrowser 1.0 - call for beta testers

2004-02-17 Thread Mark Brownell
On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 11:56  AM, Rodney Tamblyn wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am completing development of a new application called OceanBrowser, 
which I am planning to release in four weeks.  I would be interested 
in recruiting a small group of beta testers to participate in late 
stage testing of this product.

I would like to test it. I have XP Pro on a new IBM notepad. I'm not 
sure if this will help but I can open programs in older OS modes. I 
don't know if this is part of XP's capabilities but it's something I've 
been using to test older platforms with.

Just let me know.

Mark Brownell

P.S. I got this while trying to email you off list:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown
and your website link is a dud at this time:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transcript and/or ECMA

2004-02-17 Thread xbury . cs
I agree with Rob.

But it's true that you can write 
local c=5

and c=5 is considerable shorter 
and more readable than put 5 into c...

Just that would be a nice addition...

Xavier Bury
Clearstream Services
ext 36465
Voice: +352 4656 43 6465
Fax: +352 4656 493 6465

17/02/04 14:43
Please respond to How to use Revolution

To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: Transcript and/or ECMA


Hi All,

I must be a real foole: in thirty years of programming involving at 
least 10 programming languages it never occurred to me to suggest to 
the creator of the language I was currently learning to change the 
syntax to incorporate syntax from another language.  Rather, I 
assumed there was some unifying logic behind the syntax that tailored 
that language to perform the role its creator(s) had in mind at its 

Frankly, I feel that those who suggest syntax changes to Transcript 
with no better justification than "it will make the Transcript more 
acceptable to java scriptors" or "it will make Transcript seem more 
profession to C programmers" are missing the point:  Transcript is 
Transcript, javascript is javascript, and C is C.  If you want java 
syntax, script in javascript, if you want C syntax, program in C.

And if you want changes in Transcript syntax, PLEASE offer a better 
reason than "it will help programmers with experience on other 
platforms."  IMFO, those programmers are better served by learning 
many languages as each presents itself; thus broadening their arsenal 
of problem-solving approaches.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at

Internet communications are not secure and therefore Clearstream International does 
not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally 
privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended 
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this e-mail are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically 
states them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its affiliates 
or subsidiaries.

use-revolution mailing list

Announcement : IBook Ice 2.2 Apple's video-chipster extention of garantie to 3 years

2004-02-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello All,

All the owners of Ibook Ice 2.2 have to go back to the
Computer store in about a video-chipster possible problem. Apple extends
the garanty to three years about this. Mine are both back to Apple...
and i just brought an (hopefull more suitable) PWB G4 to avoid more
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire "delta de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transcript and/or ECMA

2004-02-17 Thread Rob Cozens
Hi All,

I must be a real foole: in thirty years of programming involving at 
least 10 programming languages it never occurred to me to suggest to 
the creator of the language I was currently learning to change the 
syntax to incorporate syntax from another language.  Rather, I 
assumed there was some unifying logic behind the syntax that tailored 
that language to perform the role its creator(s) had in mind at its 

Frankly, I feel that those who suggest syntax changes to Transcript 
with no better justification than "it will make the Transcript more 
acceptable to java scriptors" or "it will make Transcript seem more 
profession to C programmers" are missing the point:  Transcript is 
Transcript, javascript is javascript, and C is C.  If you want java 
syntax, script in javascript, if you want C syntax, program in C.

And if you want changes in Transcript syntax, PLEASE offer a better 
reason than "it will help programmers with experience on other 
platforms."  IMFO, those programmers are better served by learning 
many languages as each presents itself; thus broadening their arsenal 
of problem-solving approaches.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to "do" this

2004-02-17 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Oh thank you, very helpful. I should have thought about precalculating 
the value...

On Dienstag, Feb 17, 2004, at 02:27 Europe/Zurich, Wouter wrote:

On 17 Feb 2004, at 02:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 21:22:38 +0100
From: Bj?rnke von Gierke<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to "do" this
To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On Montag, Feb 16, 2004, at 18:21 Europe/Zurich, Dar Scott wrote:

On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 09:22 AM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

  repeat with x = 1 to the number of (theO && "s") in stack theS
Is (theO && "s") intended to evaluate something like "fields"?  Then
you have a typo.  You need & instead of &&.
Oh yes i saw that, but it does not help :(

I didn't realize that  could be an expression here.
well maybe that is why it does not work... I probably have to make a
switch and do the repeat for each object type separately...
There is so much I don't know about object detailed syntax.
Especially when it comes to runtime evaluation and quoted strings.
Same here

If your handler is not supposed to capture the fields contents or
keep previous list if the number of cards = 0 then better change to 
the following

on mouseDown
  --Button "Object" = Field
  put the label of Button "Object" into theO
  put the label of Button "Object"&"s" into theOs
  --button "stack name" = the name of a open stack
  put the label of button "Stack name" into theS
  do "put the number of " & theOs& " in stack " & quote &theS "e & 
" into nof"
  if nof = 0 then put "no fields" into me
repeat with x = 1 to nof
  do "put the name of" && theO && x && "of stack" && quote & theS 
& quote && "& return after tbox"
end repeat
filter tbox with "*"
put tbox into me
  end if
end mouseDown

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Japanese keyboard layout

2004-02-17 Thread Doug Lerner
Which keys are not showing up right? This seems to work on a Mac OS X
Japanese keyboard...


On 2/17/04 8:21 PM, "kweto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello (again!),
> Having just switched from MC to RunRec the other day, I was surprised to
> find while scripting that RunRev's keyboard layout doesn't automatically
> adapt itself to my actual keyboard layout, i.e., Japanese 102 key.
> Short of relabelling the upper-row characters on my keyboard, is there a way
> of fixing this within RunRev? If it means anything, I'm on Win2k with the
> keyboard of course set to Japanese.
> Thank you.
> Nicolas Cueto
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III

Did you sneeze?

On Feb 16, 2004, at 11:16 PM, Ken Norris wrote:
OK, here's a mystery:

I have an Anchor window, a palette window and two nearly identical 

For no reason I can imagine a field (the 'same' field) in each of the 
standard windows disappeared. I didn't know if they got deleted or
what...haven't run across this behavior before. I found them in the
Application Browser and got the Inspector to show the settings.

Oddly, both of them had gotten blown out the top of their respective
windows. Both showed a loc of -83, way above the Arctic Circle. 
I was able to use the Browser to 4WD them separately down through the 
and back into their windows.

Everything is back to normal_but_, I need to know what the heck
Any clues?

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Japanese keyboard layout

2004-02-17 Thread kweto
Hello (again!),
(BHaving just switched from MC to RunRec the other day, I was surprised to
(Bfind while scripting that RunRev's keyboard layout doesn't automatically
(Badapt itself to my actual keyboard layout, i.e., Japanese 102 key.
(BShort of relabelling the upper-row characters on my keyboard, is there a way
(Bof fixing this within RunRev? If it means anything, I'm on Win2k with the
(Bkeyboard of course set to Japanese.
(BThank you.
(BNicolas Cueto
(Buse-revolution mailing list

set fileName -- inconsistent behaviour on Win OS's

2004-02-17 Thread kweto
(BA stack/distribution I made has no problems setting on the fly the fileName
(Bfor each of 124 image objects on Win98 and WinME. However, on Win2K and
(BWinXP, only the first 12 to 14 image objects display properly the images
(Bassigned them thru the fileName setting;  after that, from about the 13th
(Bimage object or so onwards, the image objects remain blank and, instead,
(Bit's the group's background, the card itself, or, if I'm in debugging mode,
(Beven the script window and the variables window, which will display one
(Bafter another the remaining fileName-designated images (each image is a very
(Blarge +700Kb jpg digital camera photo).
(BHaving already double-checked the obvious, such as making sure all the image
(Bobjects are locked and setting the stack's buffer on and off (any other
(Bobvious things I've missed?), I'm now taking the next step and asking the
(Blist for ideas about why this inconsitency.
(BNicolas Cueto
(Buse-revolution mailing list

rev at devchannel

2004-02-17 Thread Alex Shaw

rev's in the news again



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Discrete Browser 1.4 - Yet Another release

2004-02-17 Thread xbury . cs
Thanks for the compliment!
More of those and surely there will be lots of improvements...

As for the Apple Page not respectfully rendered, 
remember that the ouput is filtered for the RunRev
engine which can't display all tags (no tables, frames, etc...)...

So it's probably normal... I'll add an option to control if what you see 
the same in your prefered browser...


On 17/02/2004 11:18:25 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>Okay, that was supposed to not be on the list, but ah well.  My wishes
>are more along the lines of "wish I had gotten my rev license during
>the time when I could get Dan Shafer's book 1 on its own."
>On Feb 17, 2004, at 4:11 AM, Christopher Mitchell wrote:
>> hey this is looking good man.  wish i had time to learn rev, but i
>> haven't yet. i'm running on OSX. displays kind of funny..
>> if it doesn't on your end, i can send a screenshot later this week.
>> Yours,
>> Chris
>> On Feb 17, 2004, at 2:07 AM, MisterX wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> It's so simple when you design nice groups that work
>>> independently of the stack... Copy paste features!
>>> Here's release 1.4 with media lists, links, view menu (change the
>>> display font and size), and the upcoming (but disabled) filtering.
>>> Added a home page and new icons for your visual pleasure.
>>> Last release before the weekend...
>>> All comments and issues (specialy regarding Mac or Linux which I
>>> cant test for the moment) are welcome...
>>> Feature requests are open!
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Xavier
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MisterX
 Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 21:07
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Rel: Discrete Browser 1.3 - the borg release

 A new version of the Discrete Browser is here under the mango tree
 (aaah, the inspiring sounds that drives this developper)!
 Im still looking to scratch the guest can't download feature...
 Enjoy the stories, the sounds, the views! Enjoy your login and
 downloads, no popups or ads or banners or lame stories! ;)


 So discrete is this small project that version 1.2 was this
 morning, 1.3 is here for the evening... V1.5 is a big paste
 job from XOS so hold your breath coz im integrating a zillion
 features at once ;).

 At the rate im adding features, it's gonna blow
 any browser you know! It may not have the most
 html-standard-respecting display but it will not
 loose one byte about what you download!

 A few novelties since last 1.0 mention are:

 - Google search (and many more to come)
 - wiki linkclicked support (other cgi's to be tested)
 - Added smart url guessing (monsieurx =
 - Added eventual failsafe for ftp links (ftp not really supported)
 - Finished the Favorites menu (delete with controlkey down, shiftkey
 - Fixed the source so that it displays the page instead of the
   filtered html, and also smarter format displays (many more to come)

 To disperse some rumors that Im rebuilding yet another browser...
 or just another dumb browser... XOS GUI is coming...


 If you want to pitch in, I'll send you the feature dev plan or
 come and chat @! Hit that "SPChat" module!

 use-revolution mailing list
>>> ___
>>> use-revolution mailing list
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at

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Re: Discrete Browser 1.4 - Yet Another release

2004-02-17 Thread Christopher Mitchell
Okay, that was supposed to not be on the list, but ah well.  My wishes 
are more along the lines of "wish I had gotten my rev license during 
the time when I could get Dan Shafer's book 1 on its own."

On Feb 17, 2004, at 4:11 AM, Christopher Mitchell wrote:
hey this is looking good man.  wish i had time to learn rev, but i 
haven't yet. i'm running on OSX. displays kind of funny.. 
if it doesn't on your end, i can send a screenshot later this week.

On Feb 17, 2004, at 2:07 AM, MisterX wrote:
Hi everyone,

It's so simple when you design nice groups that work
independently of the stack... Copy paste features!
Here's release 1.4 with media lists, links, view menu (change the
display font and size), and the upcoming (but disabled) filtering.
Added a home page and new icons for your visual pleasure.
Last release before the weekend...

All comments and issues (specialy regarding Mac or Linux which I
cant test for the moment) are welcome...
Feature requests are open!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MisterX
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 21:07
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Rel: Discrete Browser 1.3 - the borg release
A new version of the Discrete Browser is here under the mango tree
(aaah, the inspiring sounds that drives this developper)!
Im still looking to scratch the guest can't download feature...
Enjoy the stories, the sounds, the views! Enjoy your login and
downloads, no popups or ads or banners or lame stories! ;)

So discrete is this small project that version 1.2 was this
morning, 1.3 is here for the evening... V1.5 is a big paste
job from XOS so hold your breath coz im integrating a zillion
features at once ;).
At the rate im adding features, it's gonna blow
any browser you know! It may not have the most
html-standard-respecting display but it will not
loose one byte about what you download!
A few novelties since last 1.0 mention are:

- Google search (and many more to come)
- wiki linkclicked support (other cgi's to be tested)
- Added smart url guessing (monsieurx =
- Added eventual failsafe for ftp links (ftp not really supported)
- Finished the Favorites menu (delete with controlkey down, shiftkey
- Fixed the source so that it displays the page instead of the
  filtered html, and also smarter format displays (many more to come)
To disperse some rumors that Im rebuilding yet another browser...
or just another dumb browser... XOS GUI is coming...

If you want to pitch in, I'll send you the feature dev plan or
come and chat @! Hit that "SPChat" module!
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Discrete Browser 1.4 - Yet Another release

2004-02-17 Thread Christopher Mitchell
hey this is looking good man.  wish i had time to learn rev, but i 
haven't yet. i'm running on OSX. displays kind of funny.. if 
it doesn't on your end, i can send a screenshot later this week.

On Feb 17, 2004, at 2:07 AM, MisterX wrote:
Hi everyone,

It's so simple when you design nice groups that work
independently of the stack... Copy paste features!
Here's release 1.4 with media lists, links, view menu (change the
display font and size), and the upcoming (but disabled) filtering.
Added a home page and new icons for your visual pleasure.
Last release before the weekend...

All comments and issues (specialy regarding Mac or Linux which I
cant test for the moment) are welcome...
Feature requests are open!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MisterX
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 21:07
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Rel: Discrete Browser 1.3 - the borg release
A new version of the Discrete Browser is here under the mango tree
(aaah, the inspiring sounds that drives this developper)!
Im still looking to scratch the guest can't download feature...
Enjoy the stories, the sounds, the views! Enjoy your login and
downloads, no popups or ads or banners or lame stories! ;)

So discrete is this small project that version 1.2 was this
morning, 1.3 is here for the evening... V1.5 is a big paste
job from XOS so hold your breath coz im integrating a zillion
features at once ;).
At the rate im adding features, it's gonna blow
any browser you know! It may not have the most
html-standard-respecting display but it will not
loose one byte about what you download!
A few novelties since last 1.0 mention are:

- Google search (and many more to come)
- wiki linkclicked support (other cgi's to be tested)
- Added smart url guessing (monsieurx =
- Added eventual failsafe for ftp links (ftp not really supported)
- Finished the Favorites menu (delete with controlkey down, shiftkey
- Fixed the source so that it displays the page instead of the
  filtered html, and also smarter format displays (many more to come)
To disperse some rumors that Im rebuilding yet another browser...
or just another dumb browser... XOS GUI is coming...

If you want to pitch in, I'll send you the feature dev plan or
come and chat @! Hit that "SPChat" module!
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windows Application Icon

2004-02-17 Thread rodney tamblyn
I don't know if this is relevant to the discussion, but you may need to  
set a registry entry to map the icon number to your file type, this is  
from the Metacard list archives: 

~ Rodney
You need to create a 16 bit icon then use that when you build the  
or use an icon editor that can edit icons directly in .exe files. Then  
need a few registry entries.

Lets use .file as an example. The application we will register it to is
-- register the file type to FileView
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.file\","FileView")
-- register a friendly name for the file type
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileView\","FileView Files")
-- register a defaultIcon for the file type
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileView\DefaultIcon\", "C:\Program
Files\FileView 1.0\FileView.exe,1")
-- The 1 is the document icon of the executable. Icon 0 is the default
executable icon.
-- register a shell open command for the file type
get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FileView\Shell\Open\Command\",
"C:\Program Files\FileView 1.0\FileView.exe %1")
%1 gets replaced by the location of the stack to be opened.

Note: The above scripts may have been wraped
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Fields blew North

2004-02-17 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 12:44 AM, Ken Norris wrote:

When this happens to me it is because I goofed up x and y or a
rectangle or screen vs stack coordinates in some script.

Hmmm. I don't think so. Why would it cause the same thing to happen to 
fields in two separate stacks, neither of which is referenced in any 
Do their names start with "rev"?

This is a mystery.  And I think you are right.  It would be hard for 
script errors in my stacks to move fields in yours.

Sometimes I made changes in the object inspector and it turns out the 
change is applied to some other object.  I assume that these were my 
cockpit errors.  Maybe something like that happened.

Maybe they are accidently referenced.  Is it your style to not quote 
field names.  That often works, of course.  Unless you have a variable 
by that name.  If the variable has a small number, maybe a field might 
be referenced by number.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list