Re: asynchronous messages and answer dialog

2004-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "rodney tamblyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just to be very clear here.  In my opinion:
> x is among the lines of the windows
> ... and...
> there is a window x
>  should be synonymous for purposes of checking for existence of
> window x.  This is not the case at the moment.

So it sounds like you're thinking "the windows" should return a list of all
stacks, regardless of whether or not they are open.  Maybe this would in
fact be clearer from a semantic standpoint, but if you need something to
test against now, it might be worth noting there is a specific function for
this: revLoadedStacks[all].  So you should be able to test if a window is
"present" (revLoadedStacks) versus "present and open" (openStacks or
windows).  Perhaps the RunRev folks added the function to maintain backwards


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: asynchronous messages and answer dialog

2004-03-17 Thread rodney tamblyn
Just to be very clear here.  In my opinion:

x is among the lines of the windows

... and...

there is a window x

 should be synonymous for purposes of checking for existence of 
window x.  This is not the case at the moment.


On 18/03/2004, at 7:48 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

To me it is more logical to test for the existence of the window.  
There are many situations where I may have a stack open but not have 
it's window open (e.g. a stack in use).  I think 'the windows' should 
only return stacks which are displaying windows on screen.
I can see how that would appear so... there is one addition that may 
help: test the 'visible' property of the window.

function windowIsOpen tWindow
return ((there is a window tWindow) AND (the visible of window 
end windowIsOpen

- Brian

use-revolution mailing list

Rodney Tamblyn
44 Melville Street
New Zealand
+64 3 4778606
use-revolution mailing list

Re: asynchronous messages and answer dialog

2004-03-17 Thread Brian Yennie
To me it is more logical to test for the existence of the window.  
There are many situations where I may have a stack open but not have 
it's window open (e.g. a stack in use).  I think 'the windows' should 
only return stacks which are displaying windows on screen.
I can see how that would appear so... there is one addition that may 
help: test the 'visible' property of the window.

function windowIsOpen tWindow
return ((there is a window tWindow) AND (the visible of window 
end windowIsOpen

- Brian

use-revolution mailing list

Re: asynchronous messages and answer dialog

2004-03-17 Thread rodney tamblyn
Technically it's not a bug because you're querying the existence of a 
called "answer dialog". This will always be true if the answer dialog 
is present.  As you noted, what you *really* need to test is the 

To me it is more logical to test for the existence of the window.  
There are many situations where I may have a stack open but not have 
it's window open (e.g. a stack in use).  I think 'the windows' should 
only return stacks which are displaying windows on screen.

According to the RR documentation 'the windows' and 'openstacks' are 

If you open the message window (without having an answer dialog open) 
and type:

put there is a window "answer dialog"

... it will return true.  Yet the windows will not include "answer 


use-revolution mailing list

Re: asynchronous messages and answer dialog

2004-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
On 3/17/04 9:16 PM, "rodney tamblyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Interestingly (I think I've noted this before on the list)
> 'there is a window "answer dialog"' will return true even if there
> isn't an answer dialog visible, whereas  'the windows' will always
> correctly return a list of the open windows.  I don't know if this is a
> bug - certainly looks like one to me.

Technically it's not a bug because you're querying the existence of a window
called "answer dialog". This will always be true if the answer dialog stack
is present.  As you noted, what you *really* need to test is the openStacks.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copying a graphic doesn't trigger a new graphic message

2004-03-17 Thread Doug Lerner
I see what was happening. Copying an entire card at once does not trigger
the individual new graphic messages for each graphic control on the card.
But if the graphics are copied one-by-one the new graphic message is


On 3/18/04 10:29 AM, "Doug Lerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I create a new graphic manually in a card the new graphic message is
> sent. But if I copy a graphic from one card to another it doesn't seem as
> though the message is sent. Is this normal?
> doug
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> This email has been screened by Engate Spam Sentinel

use-revolution mailing list

copying a graphic doesn't trigger a new graphic message

2004-03-17 Thread Doug Lerner
If I create a new graphic manually in a card the new graphic message is
sent. But if I copy a graphic from one card to another it doesn't seem as
though the message is sent. Is this normal?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT 3D text wrapping

2004-03-17 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Tom,

> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 18:29:12 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping

> I used Detailer to do wraps for silk screening on hats. I think that
> would come close to what you are asking.
Are the hats conical?

On my way to check Detailer out.

Many thanks,
Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT 3D text wrapping

2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III

I used Detailer to do wraps for silk screening on hats. I think that 
would come close to what you are asking.


On Mar 17, 2004, at 4:30 PM, Ken Norris wrote:

OOPS! Sorry, accidenatally fired one off from a digest without 
changing the
subject line.

Hi Tom,

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:03:39 -0500
From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping
You mean besides Photoshop? Painter? Illustrator? Freehand?

Is there a plugin? I can't find anything in the manuals that show how 
to do
what I want:  Map text onto a surface (a 3D surface, not a 2D picture),
adjust it until it appears straight on the curved surface, than unwrap 
for printing. This is physical. Real wine glasses, not pictures.

We have to use the printed positive to expose photoresist stencils for
etching via carbide blasting on wine glasses. IOW, it must read 
straight on
the product although the surface is curved.

I'm not sure anyone is quite understanding this. There are sign 
that can do it after a fashion, but they're hard to find apart from the
copyrighted software that comes with vinyl sign-making systems.

If there is a way to do it with PS, it doesn't appear in the manuals I 
Sure, it shows how to make lettering appear to bend around a _photo_ or
other _rendering_ of a curved surface, but that's 2D, not a real 3D 

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 6, Issue 108

2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Detailer will do the trick. It let's you paint on a 3D surface.

Photoshop allows for  curved text but not true 3d text that would 
unwrap. Detailer does.


On Mar 17, 2004, at 4:27 PM, Ken Norris wrote:

on 3/17/04 7:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:03:39 -0500
From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping
To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

You mean besides Photoshop? Painter? Illustrator? Freehand?

Is there a plugin? I can't find anything in the manuals that show how 
to do
what I want:  Map text onto a surface (a 3D surface, not a 2D picture),
adjust it until it appears straight on the curved surface, than unwrap 
for printing. This is physical. Real wine glasses, not pictures.

We have to use the printed positive to expose photoresist stencils for
etching via carbide blasting on wine glasses. IOW, it must read 
straight on
the product although the surface is curved.

I'm not sure anyone is quite understanding this. There are sign 
that can do it after a fashion, but they're hard to find apart from the
copyrighted software that comes with vinyl sign-making systems.

If there is a way to do it with PS, it doesn't appear in the manuals I 
Sure, it shows how to make lettering appear to bend around a _photo_ or
other _rendering_ of a curved surface, but that's 2D, not a real 3D 

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Judy Perry
Indeed, and even with respect to the higher electrical costs, we in San
Diego could have avoided  more for the future had we decided to suck it
up and pay to build some power plants like LA has done.

There's nothing like being an overpaying perpetually whining ostrich...


On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> And best of all, all that's needed are things that will for the most
> part save you money.  So you can use a small portion of that to take a
> few minutes out and remind your elected representatives that you're
> their employer and are thereby delegating to them the task of
> establishing a sustainable energy policy.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: SoCalRevDevCon = too much? too far?

2004-03-17 Thread Judy Perry
Yeah, I know I sound like I'm a huge world-class whiner, but we've also
seen our electrical costs quadruple during the shortage of a year or so
ago, so everything just bugs us all the more.

Plus, IIRC, public transportation is MUCH better in Europe than it is here
(for example, there's no bus stops within a mile or two, and then they
don't go to the train station.)  It gets better as you move north into,
first, Orange County and then LA County... and it would also mean taking
the train (which I adore, btw) at midnight, when there's DEFINITELY no bus
service back to anywhere near the house...



On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Pierre Sahores wrote:

> Le 17 mars 04, à 19:58, Judy Perry a écrit :
> >  (and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
> Do you know, Judy, that, in France, you would have to pay  € 1.10 per
> Liter !

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Erik Hansen

check out Messerschmidt or Isetta.


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use-revolution mailing list

Proxy problems

2004-03-17 Thread Karel Lahmy
I am trying to do the most simple thing by downloading URL off our web
server (image or html file), for some reason whenever i am using the proxy
settings on it doesn't work, i've tried to set the HTTPProxy but it still
doesn't work, any idea anyone?

Karel Lahmy 
Bonhams IT Department 
10 Salem Road London W2 4DL 
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Frank Leahy
On Wednesday, March 17, 2004, at 09:31  PM, 

Actually the state of the roads and the amount of traffic in English
cities means that you get MUCH fewer miles to the gallon/litre
anyway. At least (well apart from Highway 17 and SJ in rush hour) you
spend much more time cruising and less time stopping and starting!!!
Just my 5 cents (US or Euro) worth!

We moved to England from San Francisco last September and bought a Ford 
Galaxy, 7 seat mini-van, diesel, that gets 45 miles to the gallon, and 
can cruise all day at 110 mph (I've driven 100+mph from Cornwall to 
London several times -- try that in California without spending all day 
looking in your rear view mirror).  (And why is it that the same car 
gets under 20 miles per gallon in the States?)

But we're not complaining about the price of gas.  Why?  Because we get 
free health care for the extra we pay at the pump! (see

-- Frank

use-revolution mailing list

spooky Mailer-Daemon

2004-03-17 Thread Erik Hansen
--- Heather Nagey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > i get "Mailer-Daemon", although what
> > i send does get "published" on the list.
> Sorry, I thought I'd killed those. Evidently
> not. Its someone subscribed to
> the list who isn't checking their mail, and the
> bounce doesn't provide quite
> enough information...

thanks for clarifying.
any anomoly on a computer is spooky.
anxiety relieved!

Erik Hansen


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Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Richard Gaskin
Marian Petrides wrote:

Both very interesting--and the smartmoney article was VERY chilling (and 
I don't mean that in the temperature sense, although if heating oil 
supplies drop, there's that prospect too!)

Get used to it --  the "peak oil" moment seems nearly here, and finally
starting to get attention in mainstream media:

Sorry to perpetuate an OT thread, but I feel partly responsible for 
"chill" so I just wanted to offer a reminder that even the worst-case 
scenario for peak oil is completely avoidable, and with relative ease.

And best of all, all that's needed are things that will for the most 
part save you money.  So you can use a small portion of that to take a 
few minutes out and remind your elected representatives that you're 
their employer and are thereby delegating to them the task of 
establishing a sustainable energy policy.

An Arab scholar once wrote: "The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out 
of stones", alluding to the opportunity to see the end of the Petroleum 
Age not because we run out, but simply because we choose cleaner and 
most cost-effective alternatives.  As more people are becoming aware of 
the total cost of choosing oil, the alternatives become more 
self-evidently worth pursuing.

The amount of research likely needed to take existing proven solutions 
and work out the scaling and production details needed for profitability 
is relatively low:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How could I debug code in an standalone?

2004-03-17 Thread Graham Samuel
On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 17:48:56 -0800 (PST), Alejandro Tejada 
Did you have an strategy to debug code in an
Hi Alejandro

This may be far too simple for your purposes, but when I had a problem like 
this I adapted a timer handler I had in the mainstack of my application 
which originally just recorded a time stamp against a bit of text, so you 
called it like

 lfpTimer "Initialisation begins"

And this text plus a time got put into a field which I could look at later. 
When I got into trouble with my standalone, I changed the timer handler to 
write to a text file instead of an internal field. I scattered calls to the 
handler around sensitive areas of my app, and added other info in the 
recorded string e.g. the contents of specific globals. I could then open 
the text file in a text editor when my app failed and thus could see just 
how far it had got before it went off the rails. When I had fixed it and 
before the final build, I replaced the timer handler script with an empty 
body - in my case there was no noticeable performance hit arising from the 
calls themselves. Simple-minded, but it helped me.



Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France  

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Richard Gaskin
...what about FileMaker Pro? Especially the new version 7?
FMPO v7.0 is indeed a great upgrade, and while I'll continue to use it 
internally I still can't use it for client projects.

When I get a new project for which a database would be the solution, I 
inclue FMP in an evaluation matrix and inevitably it gets knocked out of 
the running early on for it's minimal UI control.  Only one menu can be 
modified, scripts are tiggered by very few events, and it has little if 
any support for native controls.

I get much more mileage out of Rev for the UI, using any of the database 
interfaces provided.  And more often than not I'm working with data sets 
small enough that just stashing data in custom property arrays works 
great and keeps everything in native Transcript.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Marian Petrides
Both very interesting--and the smartmoney article was VERY chilling 
(and I don't mean that in the temperature sense, although if heating 
oil supplies drop, there's that prospect too!)
On Mar 17, 2004, at 4:27 PM, jbv wrote:

Get used to it --  the "peak oil" moment seems nearly here, and 
starting to get attention in mainstream media:

This 100% OT but still worth a read :

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT 3D text wrapping

2004-03-17 Thread Ken Norris
OOPS! Sorry, accidenatally fired one off from a digest without changing the
subject line.

Hi Tom,

> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:03:39 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping
> You mean besides Photoshop? Painter? Illustrator? Freehand?

Is there a plugin? I can't find anything in the manuals that show how to do
what I want:  Map text onto a surface (a 3D surface, not a 2D picture),
adjust it until it appears straight on the curved surface, than unwrap it
for printing. This is physical. Real wine glasses, not pictures.

We have to use the printed positive to expose photoresist stencils for
etching via carbide blasting on wine glasses. IOW, it must read straight on
the product although the surface is curved.

I'm not sure anyone is quite understanding this. There are sign programs
that can do it after a fashion, but they're hard to find apart from the
copyrighted software that comes with vinyl sign-making systems.

If there is a way to do it with PS, it doesn't appear in the manuals I have.
Sure, it shows how to make lettering appear to bend around a _photo_ or
other _rendering_ of a curved surface, but that's 2D, not a real 3D surface.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re:shell command oddity

2004-03-17 Thread Mark Smith
Pierre, thanks. That gives me a good place to start.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 6, Issue 108

2004-03-17 Thread Ken Norris
on 3/17/04 7:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at

> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:03:39 -0500
> From: Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: OT 3D text wrapping
> To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> Ken,
> You mean besides Photoshop? Painter? Illustrator? Freehand?

Is there a plugin? I can't find anything in the manuals that show how to do
what I want:  Map text onto a surface (a 3D surface, not a 2D picture),
adjust it until it appears straight on the curved surface, than unwrap it
for printing. This is physical. Real wine glasses, not pictures.

We have to use the printed positive to expose photoresist stencils for
etching via carbide blasting on wine glasses. IOW, it must read straight on
the product although the surface is curved.

I'm not sure anyone is quite understanding this. There are sign programs
that can do it after a fashion, but they're hard to find apart from the
copyrighted software that comes with vinyl sign-making systems.

If there is a way to do it with PS, it doesn't appear in the manuals I have.
Sure, it shows how to make lettering appear to bend around a _photo_ or
other _rendering_ of a curved surface, but that's 2D, not a real 3D surface.

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread jbv

> Get used to it --  the "peak oil" moment seems nearly here, and finally
> starting to get attention in mainstream media:

This 100% OT but still worth a read :


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Robert Brenstein
--- Richard Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 I see a lot of people talking about MySQL, what
 about FileMaker Pro?
 Especially the new version 7?
 Are there reasons that people aren't using FileMaker
 Pro?  Isn't it
 quick enough or does it not interface well with
 Revolution?  Isn't it
 Thanks in advance!

 Rick Harrison

Hi Rick,

Just speaking for myself, I'd say it's because
FileMaker can only be reached via ODBC or in a
roundabout fashion via its WebCompanion and
http-calls, thus requiring complex setup.
Moreover, before FileMaker 7 its database
underpinnings were no match for the likes of MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle,...
Jan Schenkel.

Let me add that on Macs, one can easily and efficiently 
communicate/control FMP using AppleEvents. However, the beauty and 
power of FMP is not in its engine but in its GUI, so it does not make 
much sense to build secondary GUIs in Rev.  I suspect that this will 
hold even with the new engine of FMP7.

RObert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Scott,

Recently, "Klaus Major"  wrote:

Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live
in CA!
On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
(and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
i invite you to come to germany and get some gas...

1.10 Euro per LITER!!!

1 gallon = 3.7853 liter (if my dictionary isn't lying to me :-)
1 euro = ca. 1.2xx US $
But Klaus -- your BMWs and teeny tiny Audis are much more fuel 
than our huge, gas guzzeling, inefficient, wasteful cars.  :-)
You don't allow me even the tiniest feeling of success ;-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: who is WebMaster?

2004-03-17 Thread Dom
Erik Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Add to Address

Me too ;-)

Better write Heather than complain on the list ;-)

Vous parlez français ? faites un tour sur le groupe francophone !
Jetez un oeil sur RevoBlog  !
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Richard Gaskin
Marian Petrides wrote:

Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live in 
On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

(and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
Get used to it --  the "peak oil" moment seems nearly here, and finally 
starting to get attention in mainstream media:

On the bright side, it needn't be a problem so long as there's a desire 
to be proactive about it:

And tons more:

FWIW, my office is mostly lit with compact flourescent bulbs, I do most 
of my errands by walking or riding my bicycle, and contractors and 
employees are encouraged to telecommute.  These things are easy for just 
about any company to do, and provide immediate ROI while also helping 
the long-term bigger picture; better profits and a better planet at the 
same time. Be wary of naysayers:  sustainability makes business sense.\

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list

Re: SoCalRevDevCon = too much? too far?

2004-03-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 17 mars 04, à 19:58, Judy Perry a écrit :

 (and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
Do you know, Judy, that, in France, you would have to pay  € 1.10 per 
Liter !
use-revolution mailing list

That's all for yet, Friends, Kind Regards, Pierre
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread David Burgun
Actually the state of the roads and the amount of traffic in English 
cities means that you get MUCH fewer miles to the gallon/litre 
anyway. At least (well apart from Highway 17 and SJ in rush hour) you 
spend much more time cruising and less time stopping and starting!!!

Just my 5 cents (US or Euro) worth!

Recently, "Klaus Major"  wrote:

 Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live
 in CA!
 On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
 (and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
 i invite you to come to germany and get some gas...

 1.10 Euro per LITER!!!

 1 gallon = 3.7853 liter (if my dictionary isn't lying to me :-)
 1 euro = ca. 1.2xx US $
But Klaus -- your BMWs and teeny tiny Audis are much more fuel efficient
than our huge, gas guzzeling, inefficient, wasteful cars.  :-)

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 6, Issue 105

2004-03-17 Thread Heather Nagey
> I would like to purchase an electronic copy of Dan Shafer's book but I am
> not sure how to.  (I just want volume 1 to get me started.)  I have been
> unable to figure out how to do this on your web site.  Part of the problem
> is that I can not remember my password for the site.  If you could give me
> any help on this, I would appreciate it.

Questions like this should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], where they will be
promptly answered. Just for the record, you do not need a password or
account to place an order, you can choose to place order without account, or
you can ask the webpage to email you your password for your existing
account. If you still have problems send a message to support and we'll get
back to you asap,


Heather Nagey ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions & special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 6, Issue 105

2004-03-17 Thread Heather Nagey
> there used to be a webmaster link.
> is Heather the web mechanic, too?

I do maintenance, yes.
> i get these messages, although
> what i send does get "published" on the list.

Sorry, I thought I'd killed those. Evidently not. Its someone subscribed to
the list who isn't checking their mail, and the bounce doesn't provide quite
enough information...

Will try again.



> thanks, Erik
> ===
> From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] to Address
> Book
> Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:
> run runrevlist (Mailbox or Conference is full.)

Heather Nagey ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions & special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Klaus Major"  wrote:

>> Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live
>> in CA!
>> On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:
>>> (and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
> i invite you to come to germany and get some gas...
> 1.10 Euro per LITER!!!
> 1 gallon = 3.7853 liter (if my dictionary isn't lying to me :-)
> 1 euro = ca. 1.2xx US $

But Klaus -- your BMWs and teeny tiny Audis are much more fuel efficient
than our huge, gas guzzeling, inefficient, wasteful cars.  :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi fellas,

Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live 
in CA!
On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

(and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
i invite you to come to germany and get some gas...

1.10 Euro per LITER!!!

1 gallon = 3.7853 liter (if my dictionary isn't lying to me :-)
1 euro = ca. 1.2xx US $
So stop whining, please ;-)


Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

OT two+ buck a gallon gas AAARRRGGGGHHH

2004-03-17 Thread Marian Petrides
Dang.  And I thought $1.75 a gallon was a rip off.  Glad I don't live 
in CA!
On Mar 17, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

(and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RUG sounds like doormat

2004-03-17 Thread Judy Perry
Yeah, I was about to say that I wasn't prepared to be part of anyone's
doormat ;-P


On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Erik Hansen wrote:

> RUG sounds like doormat.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: SoCalRevDevCon = too much? too far?

2004-03-17 Thread Judy Perry
Ummm, the problem isn't so much Fullerton as it is San Diego County, which
is where I live (thus, I'd be driving from San Diego to LA down to
Fullerton in time for my class with office hours beginning at 5, class at
6-10, and then back down to San Diego).

No way, Jose.  Maybe some day when I have somebody to watch my 3-year old
twins and no class to teach (and gas not priced at $2.25+ per gallon).

Besides, I'm not a wizard (altho' some might debate whether I'm a witch!)



On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> SoCalRevDevCon is more than a mouthful. I vote for an abbreviated name:
> RUG-LA (or perhaps RUG - SoCal).
> Someone wrote that LA was too far from Fullerton. I have been attending these
> meetings for a year now and drive in from San Dimas (almost as far as
> Fullerton). The legendary Rob Couzens often drives down from Boonville (about 450
> miles) - and he plans to attend this next meeting as well. The multitalented Ken
> Kray visits from Wisconsin (about 2300 miles). There have been guests from San
> Francisco and Fresno. And, since this meeting is being held at his place, I'm
> sure THE Richard Gaskin will also be there!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ask dialog in windows standalone

2004-03-17 Thread Andrew
Yes.  :)
On Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 05:03  PM, Jeremy Smith wrote:
Have you made sure that the ask dialog is included in the standalone? 
just be
as simple as that...
I'm still having trouble with my "ask" window not appearing on my 
standalone due to something ill in my script, and the only suggestion 
has been made is to replace "greater than or equals" signs with ">=". 
have done this, but windows still seems to find fault in my scripts, 
and it
shows its disapproval by refusing to show my ask boxes.  Is there any 
thing that I should replace in my scripts to appease windows?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Memory usage

2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Actually I'm not sure.

Oh the well.


On Mar 17, 2004, at 12:39 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

Try Konfabulator which has a module(Widget) that shows system usage as
well as other neat ones.
I'm pretty sure Konfabulator is OSX only.

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Memory usage

2004-03-17 Thread Scott Rossi
>> Is there a way to watch memory usage as a revoltuion program operates?
>>  I had this feature in another program and would like to have it in
>> Revolution.  For now I would be grateful if another system program or
>> applet would get this information for me.
>> I am developing on Windows XP.  I have looked at the task manager cum
>> CPU usage graphs and they are not what I am looking for.

If you look under the Processes tab, is Mem Usage not what you're looking

> Try Konfabulator which has a module(Widget) that shows system usage as
> well as other neat ones.

I'm pretty sure Konfabulator is OSX only.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list


2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Hello Lucky Leprechauns,

I am trying to understand the getProp and setProp. I want to act upon a 
custom prop being changed.

Does anyone have a simple script that would show how this is supposed 
to work and maybe a little list of ideas for it's intended usage.



Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III• 2003 •  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Memory usage

2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Try Konfabulator which has a module(Widget) that shows system usage as 
well as other neat ones.


On Mar 17, 2004, at 12:13 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:

Is there a way to watch memory usage as a revoltuion program operates? 
 I had this feature in another program and would like to have it in 
Revolution.  For now I would be grateful if another system program or 
applet would get this information for me.

I am developing on Windows XP.  I have looked at the task manager cum 
CPU usage graphs and they are not what I am looking for.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: shell command oddity...

2004-03-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Mark,

I would suspect a problem with the httpheaders or the 
socketTimeoutInterval global values or, perhaps, the need to add a "&" 
at the end of your "POST" request.

Here are the two first values i use for my own :

-- only needed on the client-side part of your app :

set httpheaders to "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & 
post "is001=5&is002=" & word 1 of fld "account" of stack 
"addnewuser" & \
"&is003=" & word 1 of fld "password" of stack "addnewuser" & \
"&is004=" & word 1 of fld "biblio" of stack "addnewuser" & "&" 
to url (testurl() & "istream.xml")

-- only needed on the server-side part of your app, if exists.

set the socketTimeoutInterval to "10"
Hope this help,

Best, Pierre

Le 17 mars 04, à 17:05, Mark Smith a écrit :

Hi All, following the excellent advice found on this list a while 
back, I've been experimenting with the shell "curl" stuff to access an 
https site.

Here's the problem: using the exact same URL,
A: "https://"; etc typed into a browser window - no problem
B: curl "https://"; etc. typed into the Terminal app in OSX - no problem
C: From a rev script using shell - ie. put shell("curl" && quote & 
"https://"; etc & quote) into fld 1 -
about 3k of the 30 odd k of html arrives in fld 1, last line ending 
with "Unexpected Error 1".

Perhaps a character set problem? I'm stumped, so any help would be 
much appreciated.



PS. I'm not trying to crack into a banks web-site or anything, I'm 
simply trying to download the freely displayed odds from an on-line 

use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
psahores (at)

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:+33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire "delta de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Memory usage

2004-03-17 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Is there a way to watch memory usage as a revoltuion program operates?  
I had this feature in another program and would like to have it in 
Revolution.  For now I would be grateful if another system program or 
applet would get this information for me.

I am developing on Windows XP.  I have looked at the task manager cum 
CPU usage graphs and they are not what I am looking for.

Regards Mark MacKenzie

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Button resources

2004-03-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Thomas McGrath III,

Hello Shamrock Listers,
What a lovely neologism :-)

Happy ST Patrick's Day (to those that subscribe to it)
Ireland to the irish? :-D

I just remembered in Supercard adding resources for use in a stack. I 
was curious is REV allowed resources as well?
I want to add custom cursors and also custom button images. I would 
not even mind 'replacing' an inside button resource with my own.
I don't think this is supported, since this is (i presume you mean the 
resource fork) a very mac-only feature...
But you can do all this (crossplatform) with (imported or referenced) 
images :-)

Any ideas,


Tom McGrath

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Julian Date Handlers Available For Testing

2004-03-17 Thread Mark Wieder

I sent off my julian date routines last week to Sarah Reichelt for her
library, and I'd of course be glad to do some testing with yours.
A bit of (if you'll excuse the expression) serendipity here.

On another topic, I understand you're heading down to the SoCal
get-together. I'd be somewhat interested in snagging a ride with you
if that seems like something feasible. That is, if your path down
takes you near Berkeley. Does this sound doable?

Wednesday, March 17, 2004, 4:32:56 AM, you wrote:

RC> I was looking for some people to do heavier-duty testing of the 
RC> Julian date routines in the meantime.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
In fact, I do have another question.  If I read the Rev docs correctly,
unlike HC, in an interactive app, Rev will not update data held in a
standalone but will update data held in a second Rev file (or other text or
SQL file).  If I update pictures to a button icon or modify a custom
property of a container, do I have to store those elements in the off-line
file as well?  Jim 

on 3/17/04 11:59 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> --- Richard Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I see a lot of people talking about MySQL, what
>> about FileMaker Pro?
>> Especially the new version 7?
>> Are there reasons that people aren't using FileMaker
>> Pro?  Isn't it
>> quick enough or does it not interface well with
>> Revolution?  Isn't it
>> multi-user?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Rick Harrison
> Hi Rick,
> Just speaking for myself, I'd say it's because
> FileMaker can only be reached via ODBC or in a
> roundabout fashion via its WebCompanion and
> http-calls, thus requiring complex setup.
> Moreover, before FileMaker 7 its database
> underpinnings were no match for the likes of MySQL,
> PostgreSQL, Oracle,...
> Jan Schenkel.
> =
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La
> Rochefoucauld)
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

shell command oddity...

2004-03-17 Thread Mark Smith
Hi All, following the excellent advice found on this list a while back, 
I've been experimenting with the shell "curl" stuff to access an https 

Here's the problem: using the exact same URL,
A: "https://"; etc typed into a browser window - no problem
B: curl "https://"; etc. typed into the Terminal app in OSX - no problem
C: From a rev script using shell - ie. put shell("curl" && quote & 
"https://"; etc & quote) into fld 1 -
about 3k of the 30 odd k of html arrives in fld 1, last line ending 
with "Unexpected Error 1".

Perhaps a character set problem? I'm stumped, so any help would be much 



PS. I'm not trying to crack into a banks web-site or anything, I'm 
simply trying to download the freely displayed odds from an on-line 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
Yes, that plus Richard's comments were very helpful... I now clearly
understand.  (See my comments to Richard)  Thanks... Jim

on 3/17/04 11:56 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> --- Jim Carwardine
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When I think of a transaction I think of updating
>> data to the database.
>> Does this mean that the Classic version only
>> supports queries, but can
>> support multiple user queries, where Pro supports
>> multiple user updates as
>> well?  Jim
> A transaction is a set of database changes that needs
> to be treated as one operation : either they all
> succeed, or they all fail.
> So suppose you're updating a series of records, and
> somewhere along the way you notice that something is
> not as expected : to undo the changes you've made so
> far, you can 'rollback' the transaction.
> Does that make more sense ?
> In conclusion, if MySQL Classic doesn't support
> transactions, that means you can't 'rollback' your
> changes halfway down the road ; MySQL Pro, using
> InnoDB databases, does allow you to 'rollback' these
> changes.
> Hope this clarified it a bit,
> Jan Schenkel.
> =
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La
> Rochefoucauld)
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
Got it, thanks.  My rust is showing.  I was involved in the introduction of
a true DBMS as designed by GE in the 60's but haven't done anything in the
last 30 years.  Back then we didn't use the same jargon so I'm busy updating
my lexicon as I contemplate what I might need to produce my app.

I did use (fought with) FileMaker about 10 years ago and am interested to
the response to the questions around that product... Jim

on 3/17/04 11:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Transactions in this sense are a specific feature of a dbms.  They are
> committed (updated to the database) by a specific command, and can be rolled
> back by another specific command.  Of course in a general sense you are
> correct.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Carwardine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:04 AM
> To: Revolution Listserve
> Subject: Re: Database Experience
> When I think of a transaction I think of updating data to the database.
> Does this mean that the Classic version only supports queries, but can
> support multiple user queries, where Pro supports multiple user updates as
> well?  Jim
> on 3/17/04 10:18 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
>> --- Jim Carwardine
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Jan... I went looking at the MySQL home page to
>>> check it out.  What's the
>>> real difference between the Classic and Pro
>>> versions.  The only explanation
>>> I could find was very jargon heavy... Jim
>> If I interpret it right, the 'Classic' version is the
>> standard database system, which doesn't support
>> transactions.
>> The 'Pro' version uses a different storage system,
>> called InnoDB, which does support transactions, so you
>> can 'commit' or 'rollback' a series of updates to the
>> database.
>> Jan Schenkel.
>> =
>> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."
> (La
>> Rochefoucauld)
>> __
>> Do you Yahoo!?
>> Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- jbv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, my whole Linux & Postgresql will be
> installed
> for me by my ISP on a dedicated server.
> So, can I assume that the right drivers will be
> installed at
> the right place, and that all I have to do is
> install the Linux
> Rev-cgi engine, and then make a call to
> 'revSetDatabaseDriverPath'
> in my scripts (with the right path) to be up and
> running ?
> Thanks,
> JB

Rev+PostgreSQL+Linux guru Pierre Sahores might give
you more detailed advice, but I'd say that once your
ISP has installed the server, you'll need to :
- install the cgi-engine in the right place
- upload the database-drivers to the server
- write your cgi-scripts, using
'revSetDatabaseDriverPath' to point the cgi-engine to
the database drivers.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Richard Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I see a lot of people talking about MySQL, what
> about FileMaker Pro?
> Especially the new version 7?
> Are there reasons that people aren't using FileMaker
> Pro?  Isn't it
> quick enough or does it not interface well with
> Revolution?  Isn't it
> multi-user?
> Thanks in advance!
> Rick Harrison

Hi Rick,

Just speaking for myself, I'd say it's because
FileMaker can only be reached via ODBC or in a
roundabout fashion via its WebCompanion and
http-calls, thus requiring complex setup.
Moreover, before FileMaker 7 its database
underpinnings were no match for the likes of MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle,...

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Jim Carwardine
> When I think of a transaction I think of updating
> data to the database.
> Does this mean that the Classic version only
> supports queries, but can
> support multiple user queries, where Pro supports
> multiple user updates as
> well?  Jim

A transaction is a set of database changes that needs
to be treated as one operation : either they all
succeed, or they all fail.
So suppose you're updating a series of records, and
somewhere along the way you notice that something is
not as expected : to undo the changes you've made so
far, you can 'rollback' the transaction.
Does that make more sense ?

In conclusion, if MySQL Classic doesn't support
transactions, that means you can't 'rollback' your
changes halfway down the road ; MySQL Pro, using
InnoDB databases, does allow you to 'rollback' these

Hope this clarified it a bit,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread rich . solomon
Transactions in this sense are a specific feature of a dbms.  They are
committed (updated to the database) by a specific command, and can be rolled
back by another specific command.  Of course in a general sense you are

-Original Message-
From: Jim Carwardine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:04 AM
To: Revolution Listserve
Subject: Re: Database Experience

When I think of a transaction I think of updating data to the database.
Does this mean that the Classic version only supports queries, but can
support multiple user queries, where Pro supports multiple user updates as
well?  Jim

on 3/17/04 10:18 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> --- Jim Carwardine
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jan... I went looking at the MySQL home page to
>> check it out.  What's the
>> real difference between the Classic and Pro
>> versions.  The only explanation
>> I could find was very jargon heavy... Jim
> If I interpret it right, the 'Classic' version is the
> standard database system, which doesn't support
> transactions.
> The 'Pro' version uses a different storage system,
> called InnoDB, which does support transactions, so you
> can 'commit' or 'rollback' a series of updates to the
> database.
> Jan Schenkel.
> =
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."
> Rochefoucauld)
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 407, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Info Line: 902-823-2477, Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How could I debug code in an standalone?

2004-03-17 Thread Thomas McGrath III

Did you have to do anything special when you built the splashScreen? 
Are there any issues I would need to avoid? How does the splachScreen 
know which stack it is supposed to open?

I would like to adopt this approach and want to learn more.

Thank you


On Mar 17, 2004, at 3:07 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

1) A standalone splashScreen for all my apps -- which also updates the 
main stack over the internet. This way, I can edit a stack in RR, 
save, run the standalone and it loads/runs the same stack I just 
edited (and didn't even close). This makes testing very quick

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Creator type for Safari

2004-03-17 Thread Howard Bornstein
On Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 11:15  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone tell me the Mac OS X 4-character creator-type is for Safari?


Howard Bornstein

D E S I G N  E Q
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Jim Carwardine
> Jan... I went looking at the MySQL home page to
> check it out.  What's the
> real difference between the Classic and Pro
> versions.  The only explanation
> I could find was very jargon heavy... Jim

If I interpret it right, the 'Classic' version is the
standard database system, which doesn't support
The 'Pro' version uses a different storage system,
called InnoDB, which does support transactions, so you
can 'commit' or 'rollback' a series of updates to the

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- jbv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan,
> I just read the message you posted on the Rev list :
> >
> > In your (GUI) Revolution directory you'll find all
> the
> > database drivers for Linux in :
> >  /components/global
> > environment/database_drivers/linux/
> > You'll find the revdb library for Linux here :
> >  /components/global environment/revdb-Linux
> >
> I'm looking for the Postgresql library for Linux but
> can't locate it, and can't locate the directory
> mentioned
> in your message either...
> What is the full URL ?
> Thanks,
> JB

Hi JB,

You needn't look on the server : just look on your
hard drive, in the directory where you installed your
GUI Revolution (not the cgi-engine)
The postgresql driver for Linux should be :

You don't have to place these database drivers in the
same directory as your cgi-bin, as you can tell the
cgi-engine where to find them by including a call to
'revSetDatabaseDriverPath' before connecting to the

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - More reliable, more storage, less spam
use-revolution mailing list

Movie capture from screen

2004-03-17 Thread Marian Petrides
A short while ago, there was a thread on here about utilities to 
capture movies of screen actions (it arose from a discussion of Chipp's 
wonderful Geometry Manager tutorials).  One utility mentioned was Snapz 
Pro from Ambrosia.

I went to Ambrosia's site and, on a lark, looked into the Apple Bundle 
upgrade--and found that one of my machines qualified.  It would appear 
that G4 towers and Powerbooks purchases since Jan 2002 came bundled 
with Snapz Pro (coulda fooled me, I don't see it on this PB purchased 
last May).  In any event, even though I couldn't FIND Snapz Pro on my 
Mac, I entered my serial number and :::poof::: it was 
accepted--allowing me to upgrade for $19 to Snapz X with Movie Capture.

If you've purchased a Mac since Jan 2002 and are interested in Snapz 
Pro X, check this out (saves $50).


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Julian Date Handlers Available For Testing

2004-03-17 Thread Rob Cozens
How about putting these into a stack and submitting to RevNet?
Jacque, et al:

They will be included in the next release of Serendipity Library.

I was looking for some people to do heavier-duty testing of the 
Julian date routines in the meantime.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jim Carwardine
Jan... I went looking at the MySQL home page to check it out.  What's the
real difference between the Classic and Pro versions.  The only explanation
I could find was very jargon heavy... Jim

on 3/17/04 8:47 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> --- John Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am interested to know what database people are
>> using with Revolution.
>> What seems to be the favourite and for what
>> reason... Are you using  MySQL,
>> Postgres or Valentina, for example... What prompted
>> your choice ? Are
>> you using databases in a personal or commercial
>> capacity ?
> As a developer of accounting and administrative
> applications, I use databases in a professional
> capacity.
> I'm using both MySQL and Valentina in conjunction with
> Revolution (*), and hope to find the time to examine
> PostgreSQL soon.
> Valentina is excellent if you don't need a multi-user
> database ; I have a few gripes with its current
> implementation of SQL but have found it to be fast and
> convenient to set up.
> MySQL is currently my database of choice for the
> internal database-related projects I work on. It is
> fast, multi-user and easy in both setup and
> administration. Plus, it is available for more
> platforms than Valentina.
> Apart from that, I follow with interest Rob Cozens'
> SDB-project, not in the least because it successfully
> uses the Inter-Program Communication library libIPC
> for which I ignited the project and contributed code.
> Hope this helped,
> Jan Schenkel.
> (*) A lot of my work is done in FoxPro though, at
> least until we convert all these projects into
> Revolution stacks.
> =
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La
> Rochefoucauld)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- John Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am interested to know what database people are
> using with Revolution.
> What seems to be the favourite and for what
> reason... Are you using  MySQL,
> Postgres or Valentina, for example... What prompted
> your choice ? Are
> you using databases in a personal or commercial
> capacity ?

As a developer of accounting and administrative
applications, I use databases in a professional
I'm using both MySQL and Valentina in conjunction with
Revolution (*), and hope to find the time to examine
PostgreSQL soon.

Valentina is excellent if you don't need a multi-user
database ; I have a few gripes with its current
implementation of SQL but have found it to be fast and
convenient to set up.
MySQL is currently my database of choice for the
internal database-related projects I work on. It is
fast, multi-user and easy in both setup and
administration. Plus, it is available for more
platforms than Valentina.

Apart from that, I follow with interest Rob Cozens'
SDB-project, not in the least because it successfully
uses the Inter-Program Communication library libIPC
for which I ignited the project and contributed code.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

(*) A lot of my work is done in FoxPro though, at
least until we convert all these projects into
Revolution stacks.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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Re: Database Experience

2004-03-17 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- paolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to connect to a MySQL database from the
> revolution engine posted on
> the CGI-BIN folder of my server provider
> (linux/apache).
> I guess I need the MySQL library  for  linux ...
> but... where can I find it?
> I found the
> libmysql.dll for windows ... what about the library
> for Linux?
> ciao Paolo

Hi Paolo,

In your (GUI) Revolution directory you'll find all the
database drivers for Linux in :
You'll find the revdb library for Linux here :
 /components/global environment/revdb-Linux

I managed to get it working on Windows by copying the
libraries straight into the same folder as the
But I'm sure others can give you advice on where to
place them for Linux.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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Re: How could I debug code in an standalone?

2004-03-17 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Alejandro,

To help debug standalones, I use a combination of:

1) A standalone splashScreen for all my apps -- which also updates the 
main stack over the internet. This way, I can edit a stack in RR, save, 
run the standalone and it loads/runs the same stack I just edited (and 
didn't even close). This makes testing very quick

2) I generally have an altLog stack which I can access by pressing some 
special keys. I can turn on or off logging as needed. I have a handler I 

altLog "User Quits"

which adds to the log.

3) From Richard Gaskin, I got the name 'StripAndShip' for a handler 
which is invoked before saving the stack for distribution. It generally 
sets all fields to empty and resets the controls to their default values.

4) I almost never store data in stacks. I typically store data either on 
a server, or local disk as XML or text files. The only exception is when 
I need to store images as well. In that case, I'll store data as 
separate stack files (aka ButtonGadget) which are only 'loaded' on 
demand -- by loaded I mean the data copied from it. This is just 
personal style, but I think it has many advantages...especially when it 
comes to making things internet savvy.

Hope this helps...


Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Hi Developers,

I'm puzzled by a handler that works as expected
in the Development environment, but fails in the
I've made 14 variations of the code just to
discover the offending lines, or at least a
pattern, but no results yet.
Did you have an strategy to debug code in an
I've included the answer dialog in the main stack,
so checking the contents of variables or globals is
a simple "answer myVariableZXC".
Anyway, I suspect that part of the problem is
that the handler requested is in the stack script 
of a substack of the main stack. 

If it is a message path related problem then,

How could i debug the message path in a standalone?

Thanks in advance,


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