RE: 'Blessed' plugins - improved with scripted solution

2004-09-17 Thread MisterX
I had a similar problem. Rev wouldn't save my prefs until I quit. WHich is
a major time waste if you have more than one stack opened. Also if RR happened
to crash, I'd loose my prefs.

I just modified their code to my liking... There's a bugzilla for it if you
want the mod. it's 2097. I would suggest doing the same thing... Of course
for the new users it's another problem...

edit script of cd 1 of stack revtools

find this line... and change the if statement.

  repeat for each line l in tStacksList
if the visible of stack l and the mode of stack l < 3
then put the rect of stack l & cr after tEditRects
  end repeat

Tested with Modal, modeless and palettes...

For your users, just include the revtools stack to be replaced - version
naturally ;)

A virtual garage for revolutionary tools
RR Plugins, applications, links and tips

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 22:59
> Subject: 'Blessed' plugins
> There is, presently no way I can figure to make a plugin immune from Rev's
> drap and drop of controls. For plugins that need to be modifiable this is a
> problem, especially for palette or modeless stacks... User
> accidentally creates
> a control on your plugin and cannot easily remove it (and if a newbie to Rev
> would probably be very confused if not lost).
> At the moment, the revTools palette locks messages (so no trapping events)
> and only tests if visible and modifiable (unreliable). My suggestion is a
> 'blessed' property of some nature that the plugin author and revTools both
> implement as a common identifier.
> Comments? Suggestions?
> /H
> Hugh  Senior
> The Flexible Learning Company
> Web: _www.FlexibleLearning.com_ (
> T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

what/where is this Newbie List?

2004-09-17 Thread Erik Hansen

what/where is this Newbie List?
couldn't find it at .

the list seems to have moved into a realm
that is for the more advanced.  i will always
read it, but my concerns (is mouseStillDown
handled in a group script ? no, the card script)
belong in a less high powered list.
all these TLA's (three word acronyms)...

so can anyone pass directions along?

Thank You,

Erik Hansen


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

2004-09-17 Thread Mark Talluto
On Sep 17, 2004, at 6:03 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
Hello Mark Talluto and James Cass,
Thank you for your help.
Well, I just logged into the host Mac using Remote Desktop.  I can 
confirm that FTP is on and the ports are set to 20, 21, and some other 
big numbers.  The problem appears to be the firewall.  When it's off, 
I can retrieve files; when it's on I can't.  I'm not sure how to set 
passive ftp in Network Preferences as James suggested.  It requires 
some additional information about proxies.

I hope there's a fix.  I need the firewall given that there's a lot of 
mischief that goes on in a university.  On the other hand, there's a 
lot of cool stuff that I can do with Revolution if I can grab file 
information via ftp!

I just want to make sure that you have opened those ports (20 & 21).  
There should be no reason why you can not access your server with the 
firewall up as long as those ports are open.

Another thought is that you mentioned you are at a university.  You may 
need to talk with the system admins that run your net connection.  It 
is very probable that they have blocked ftp access on their end.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Wayne McKenzie
Let me start by saying I have very little knowledge of mySQL, so what I  
am about to say is probably NOT the best way to do things, but having  
said that, if I with my little knowledge have been able to 'get full  
control' of a mySQL database via Rev, you shouldn't have too much  

I've noticed in Rev 2.5 it takes a few more clicks to rummage through  
the inline (not online) Help documentation to get to the details on  
database functions. From the Help menu, select Documentation, click on  
the Objects button at the top of the window. In the left field click on  
the triangle next to Libraries. From here open the 'Database library'  
triangle the click on the 'function' triangle. Terms of most interest  
are likely to be:

revOpenDatabase(databaseType,host[:port],databaseName, \
   [userName],[password] [, useSSL | \
revCloseCursor recordSetID
revCloseDatabase databaseID

and most definitely
revExecuteSQL databaseID,SQLStatement
Once you get into this I am sure it will make what everyone else has  
written 'gel' and you'll quickly be able to pinpoint the functions you  
need to convert your stack from Database Builder to direct function  

I'll offer two tips:
1) Updating or Inserting Data
To overcome the problem you noted about not knowing whether the data  
you just entered has actually been updated into SQL, I
	i) save the SQLStatement I used in the initial 'revExecuteSQL  
databaseID,SQLStatement' to a global variable
	ii) save the field containing the table primary key to a variable  
	iii) close the current query with 'revCloseCursor recordSetID'
	iv) open a new query with 'revExecuteSQL databaseID,SQLStatement'  
using the same query I saved as a global variable - ie it will match  
the same data assuming your updated or inserted data does not fall  
outside the query range
	v) use 'revdb_movefirst(recordSetID)' to ensure that I am at the first  
	vi) return to the record you just updated with a repeat loop like this:

repeat until currentPrimaryKeyValue = savedPrimaryKeyValue
end repeat
vii) go about placing the data into the applicable fields
2) Large Amounts of Text
If you are dealing with a lot of text you'll probably find it helpful  
if you 'replace' tabs and carriage returns when you put data into mySQL  
and replace them when you extract the data. I simply do this:

prior to sending the data to mySQL
replace return with " nnn " in field "lots of text" of stack  
replace tab with " ttt " in field "lots of text" of stack "Encyclopedia"

after querying the database
replace " nnn " with return in field "lots of text" of stack  
replace " ttt " with tab in field "lots of text" of stack "Encyclopedia"

By doing the above you can use the SQL statement below to create a tab  
delimited text file which you can usefully manipulate with any  
spreadsheet program, or even better open it with a heavy duty text  
editor like BBEdit and run Perl scripts on it. If you leave the tabs  
and carriage returns in place you'll end up with your data spread all  
over the place and unable to do any grep work on it.

SELECT * INTO OUTFILE tab_delimted_text_file FROM really_big_table
You might scratch your head and wonder why you would want to do that  
when all that I could possibly do with spreadsheets and or Perl you  
could do with SQL. I offer the following excuses:

1) I have worked a lot more with Perl, whilst I've only just started  
experimenting with mySQL so I find I can quickly think up a Perl  
2) If I get it wrong and completely stuff up the text file, it doesn't  
matter, the database is untouched - I know I could duplicate tables and  
work on copies to achieve the same, but with a text file I can 'combine  
fields' and change formats without the worry that I'm going to get an  
SQL error or have data disappear (because I've put 15 chars into a  
field I only defined to hold 12).
3) If you want to see the 'Big Picture' and view an entire table at  
once, you could emulate this using a Rev field in table mode, but it is  
very Very VERY slow; much slower than just opening a tab delimited text  
file in a spreadsheet program. Using a Terminal program might be fast,  
but the format is not as nice as a single record per row text file or  
spreadsheet. Al

Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

2004-09-17 Thread Gregory Lypny
Hello Mark Talluto and James Cass,
Thank you for your help.
Well, I just logged into the host Mac using Remote Desktop.  I can 
confirm that FTP is on and the ports are set to 20, 21, and some other 
big numbers.  The problem appears to be the firewall.  When it's off, I 
can retrieve files; when it's on I can't.  I'm not sure how to set 
passive ftp in Network Preferences as James suggested.  It requires 
some additional information about proxies.

I hope there's a fix.  I need the firewall given that there's a lot of 
mischief that goes on in a university.  On the other hand, there's a 
lot of cool stuff that I can do with Revolution if I can grab file 
information via ftp!

Thanks once again,
"Out of the blue,
  and into the black.
  You paid for this,
  but they gave you that."
-Neil Young
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Vielen Danke, Klaus !
Best, Pierre
Le 17 sept. 04, à 17:06, Klaus Major a écrit :
Hi all,
if someone dares to put his/her hands on the library, here is the 

Script of btn "revcommon" of cd 1 of stack "Revolution 
2.x/components/global environment/revlibray.rev"

Replace this line:
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http
With these lines:
  if char 1 to 7 of pWhich <> "mailto:"; then
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich 
is not "http" then
  put "http://"; before pWhich
end if
  end if

Et voila, the revival of "revmail" :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
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Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services & ACID DB over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: auto update stacks/applications

2004-09-17 Thread Rob Cozens
I'm wondering what some of the methods are that others use to
accomplish auto updates, and what kinds of advantages/disadvantages there
are to your methods.
Hi Chris,
Here's an example I'm working on at the moment; The project name is 
"Marine Time Lines" ["MTL"].

MTL consists of two stacks: MTL_Viewer.rev & MTL_Data.rev.
MTL_Viewer displays a world map and hilites various oceans in 
response to check box settings designating various threats to the 
marine environment (eg: Habitat Destruction, Overfishing, Pollution). 
Clicking a hilited ocean displays a pertinent quotation (such as 
below) and a list of "marine time lines" relating to that ocean and 
those specific threats.

MTL_Data contains all the quotations & time lines, indexed by ocean & 
threat, in a format that can be printed with a simple "print this 
stack" command.  It also contains virtually all of the handlers 
called by MTL_Viewer, which starts using MTL_Data on preOpenStack.

MTL_Viewer is designed for distribution as a standalone application. 
MTL_Data is designed as a replaceable, downloadable, data file.  A 
user can download MTL_Viewer once and subsequently "update" it by 
replacing the local copy of MTL_Data with the latest download.

This design allows both the data presented and the manner in which it 
is manipulated to change without modifying the standalone application 

The shortcoming of this design is that it does not accommodate 
changes in the features supported by the standalone--adding a new 
threat category, for example--without replacing the standalone.
Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy

"It is contrary to human welfare to contribute in any way...
 to the degradation of the sea's capacity to support life."
 -- Walter Hickel, U. S. Secretary of the Interior, 1971
in "From Abundance to Scarcity" by Michael L. Weber
use-revolution mailing list

Re: put URL "binfile:" behavior different between message box and handler?

2004-09-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Thank you both, that works perfectly.
Is this behavior to be expected, or should this be bugzilla'd?  I would 
think of this as a bug, but I did a quick search and came up empty...

At any rate it works this way!
On Sep 17, 2004, at 3:53 PM, Klaus Major wrote:
Hi all,
On 17 Sep 2004, at 20:01, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
Okay, it seems I'm at it again.
I have a handler in an image, which contains the following block of 

  answer file "Select an image to insert:" as sheet
  put it into l
  if l is not empty and there is a file l then
answer l
set the lockLocation of me to true
put URL "binfile:" & l into me #HERE
set the lockLocation of me to false
  end if
I select a PNG or JPEG image file when prompted, the "answer l" 
command (obviously for debugging purposes) displays the correct 
filename, and an all-white image is inserted where a nice, fancy, 
colorful one should be.  Using

put URL "binfile:/Users/username/Desktop/afile.png" into image 

Try replacing the line marked HERE with this;
put URL ("binfile:" & l) into me
Yes, the latest engines seem to be more sensible to "missing quotes" 

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
I tried the Query Builder for a short time, but gave up on ever getting 
it to behave the way I needed it to.  So I just use the library calls 

The docs are reasonable for the most part, but I haven't seen too much 
in the way of a good tutorial here, so just in essence for you, to get 
you started (I use PostgreSQL, but the adjustments should be fairly 
easy here for MySQL -- probably just replace "PostgreSQL" with "MySQL" 
when opening the connection):

Before using the database, you need to create a connection.  You do 
this (maybe in the preOpenStack handler, or in a login button) with the 
revOpenDatabase function.  That function returns a "connection id", 
which you will need to retain; I like to do that in a custom property 
of my main stack:

set the database of this stack to revOpenDatabase("PostgreSQL", 
"localhost", "myDatabase", "myUsername", "myPassword")

Then, if the connection was made, the returned value will be an 
integer; otherwise, it will be an error message:

if the database of this stack is an integer then
  -- okay, we've connected!
  answer "Unable to connect to database due to an error: " & the 
database of this stack
end if

When you are finished with the database connection, possibly in a 
closeStack handler, or a "Logout" button, it is a good idea to close 
the connection; after the connection is closed, you cannot use it 

revCloseDatabase the database of this stack

In order to execute an SQL statement, assuming you don't need BLOBs, 
use the revQueryDatabase function:

put revQueryDatabase(the database of this stack, "SELECT * FROM 
myTable") into q

The return value will be a "result set ID" number, another integer, if 
the query was successful and returns a result set (SELECT), it will 
(usually) be empty if the query was successful and does not return a 
result set (INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, ...), and it will be an 
error message if there was an error:

if q is an integer then
  -- parse result set
  answer "There was an error when querying the database: " & q
end if
In order to work with the result set, you use the revMoveToNextRecord 
command and the revDatabaseColumnNamed function (here I use the 
revNumberOfRecords function to determine how many records were 

repeat for revNumberOfRecords(q) times
  put revDatabaseColumnNamed(q, "myColumn") into field "myField"
  revMoveToNextRecord q
end repeat
After retrieving all of the data in a result set (when q is an 
integer), it is a good idea to close the result set:

revCloseCursor q
After that, the result set is no longer usable.
There are numerous other options, but this should be enough to get you 
started at least (maybe everything you need, depending on what you are 
trying to accomplish).

Hope this helps!
On Sep 17, 2004, at 5:05 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:
Doesn't anyone here work with the dynamic (sql) stuff in rev?

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use bottomRight of scroll fld to resize

2004-09-17 Thread HyperChris
Hello all,

I like these horizontal AND vertical scroll fields but curiously they have 
this little square in the lower right corner that does nothing. I needed a user 
resizable scroll field for my project so I used mouseMove to make that little 
corner into a grab point . Here is the card script to make any field, with 
both H and V scrollbars, use that corner as a grabpoint ...

on mouseMove pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV
   global gClickOffsetH,gCickOffsetV,gClickFieldNum
   if the mouse is up then
 put "" into gClickOffsetH
 put "" into gCickOffsetV
 put 0 into gClickFieldNum
   else if gClickOffsetH is empty then
 put theGrabTarget(pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV) into gClickFieldNum
 if gClickFieldNum=0 then exit mouseMove
 put the right of fld gClickFieldNum - pNewMouseH into gClickOffsetH
 put the bottom of fld gClickFieldNum - pNewMouseV into gCickOffsetV
 get pNewMouseH+gClickOffsetH &comma& pNewMouseV+gCickOffsetV
 if the optionKey is down
 then set the bottomRight of fld gClickFieldNum to it
 else set the rect of fld gClickFieldNum to \
 (the topLeft of fld gClickFieldNum &comma& it)
   end if
end mouseMove

function theGrabTarget pNewMouseH,pNewMouseV
   repeat with x=1 to number of fields
 if not (the hScrollBar of fld x and the vScrollBar of fld x)
 then next repeat
 put the scrollBarWidth of fld x into tGrabSize
 get (the right of fld x - tGrabSize) &comma& \
 (the bottom of fld x - tGrabSize) &comma& bottomRight of fld x
 if (pNewMouseH &comma& pNewMouseV) is within it then return x
   end repeat
   return 0
end theGrabTarget

... and you can type this in your msg box to see an example ...
go stack URL "";

If you like 'grabbin and draggin' then this is a good intro to using 
mouseMove. Feel free to weigh in with suggestions as there are always better ways !

use-revolution mailing list

Re: auto update stacks/applications

2004-09-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Since it is more important for auto-update to have connectivity to your 
server than to any other, I would likely just start checking for 
available updates and silently "give up" if there is an error (or give 
up with an error message if the update was triggered manually, assuming 
you intend to offer that feature).

Maybe have a checkbox in a preferences window somewhere as to whether 
or not automatic updates should be attempted, then prompt if there is 
an update to ask the user if it should be installed or not.

On Sep 17, 2004, at 4:32 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
I would probably need to make the auto-updating an option because it's
possible that people will be using this software in their homes, and 
not have an "always-on" Internet connection.  What's the best way to 
for an active Internet connection?  Should I try to open a socket to a 
site, or is it better just to attempt to download some file, and if it
fails, I would know there's no connection?

Thanks for the suggestions,
Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Combobox Menus

2004-09-17 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/17/04 12:55 PM, "Arthur Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there are way to include a disabled menuItem in the menu that a combobox
> displays? I've tried putting "(-" into a line, but that's not working.

Sorry, Arthur, the answer is 'no'. I'm not sure what the reason is, but it
may be because there aren't any of these on Windows (at least, not that I've

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

2004-09-17 Thread Mark Talluto
On Sep 17, 2004, at 11:08 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:
Still not working for me I'm afraid.  FTP is turned on. I also have 
the firewall on.  Do I have to specify a port?  Is it because the file 
I want is rtf?  Do I have to invoke some sort of library in Rev?

on mouseUp
  get url 
("ftp://me:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/users/me/Documents/Miscellaneous/Envelope 
  put it into fld "x"
end mouseUp

Make sure you have the correct ports for FTP opened on the server side. 
 They are:  20 and 21.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: 'Blessed' plugins

2004-09-17 Thread Ken Ray

> There is, presently no way I can figure to make a plugin immune from Rev's
> drap and drop of controls. For plugins that need to be modifiable this is a
> problem, especially for palette or modeless stacks... User accidentally
> creates  
> a control on your plugin and cannot easily remove it (and if a newbie to Rev
> would probably be very confused if not lost).

You're so right, Hugh! I opened Fred Rinaldi's RegEx builder plugin and
dragged a button right on top of it!
> At the moment, the revTools palette locks messages (so no trapping events)
> and only tests if visible and modifiable (unreliable). My suggestion is a
> 'blessed' property of some nature that the plugin author and revTools both
> implement as a common identifier.

How about something simple like: don't do this for any stacks that are in
the plugins folder?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Sep 17, 2004, at 12:18 PM, Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:
Gee, was it something I said? Was I gone too long?
Doesn't anyone here work with the dynamic (sql) stuff in rev?
I use the revdb and Valentina XCMD directly in Revolution quite a bit 
but I am not very familiar with the Database controls available through 
the Query Builder.  I prefer bypassing the Query Builder and using my 
own library so that I have more control over how/when data is being 

If you are you want to bypass the Query Builder I have a library which 
handles connections to multiple databases, puts data returned from a 
sql statement into an array, updates the db from arrays, etc.  It 
drastically reduces the amount of code you have to write.  I plan on 
doing a tutorial and examples eventually but I haven't had time yet and 
if you are interested in going this route it would give me a good 
excuse to get started :-)

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
use-revolution mailing list

'Blessed' plugins

2004-09-17 Thread FlexibleLearning
There is, presently no way I can figure to make a plugin immune from Rev's  
drap and drop of controls. For plugins that need to be modifiable this is a  
problem, especially for palette or modeless stacks... User accidentally creates  
a control on your plugin and cannot easily remove it (and if a newbie to Rev  
would probably be very confused if not lost).
At the moment, the revTools palette locks messages (so no trapping events)  
and only tests if visible and modifiable (unreliable). My suggestion is a  
'blessed' property of some nature that the plugin author and revTools both  
implement as a common identifier.
Comments? Suggestions?
Hugh  Senior
The Flexible Learning Company
Web: _www.FlexibleLearning.com_ ( 
T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27
use-revolution mailing list

auto update stacks/applications

2004-09-17 Thread Chris Sheffield
Hi all,

I'm about to begin working on an auto-update feature for a program that
already exists, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about doing
this.  I'm wondering what some of the methods are that others use to
accomplish auto updates, and what kinds of advantages/disadvantages there
are to your methods.

Right now our program consists of a login stack, which asks the user for a
password and then logs into either a teacher module or a student module
depending on the password.  The login stack is currently the main stack of
the application and was the one used in building the standalone.  But my
idea is to create another stack that would act as a splash screen/update
checker when launched (this one would become the new executable) that would
check and download any available updates, and then it would open the login
stack (which would no longer be an executable, just a stack) and continue
on.  Does this make sense?  Is this a fairly common practice?

I would probably need to make the auto-updating an option because it's
possible that people will be using this software in their homes, and might
not have an "always-on" Internet connection.  What's the best way to check
for an active Internet connection?  Should I try to open a socket to a web
site, or is it better just to attempt to download some file, and if it
fails, I would know there's no connection?

Thanks for the suggestions,

Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.765 / Virus Database: 512 - Release Date: 9/16/2004

use-revolution mailing list

Re: put URL "binfile:" behavior different between message box and handler?

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,
On 17 Sep 2004, at 20:01, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
Okay, it seems I'm at it again.
I have a handler in an image, which contains the following block of 

  answer file "Select an image to insert:" as sheet
  put it into l
  if l is not empty and there is a file l then
answer l
set the lockLocation of me to true
put URL "binfile:" & l into me #HERE
set the lockLocation of me to false
  end if
I select a PNG or JPEG image file when prompted, the "answer l" 
command (obviously for debugging purposes) displays the correct 
filename, and an all-white image is inserted where a nice, fancy, 
colorful one should be.  Using

put URL "binfile:/Users/username/Desktop/afile.png" into image 

Try replacing the line marked HERE with this;
put URL ("binfile:" & l) into me
Yes, the latest engines seem to be more sensible to "missing quotes" ;-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: put URL "binfile:" behavior different between message box and handler?

2004-09-17 Thread Dave Cragg
On 17 Sep 2004, at 20:01, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
Okay, it seems I'm at it again.
I have a handler in an image, which contains the following block of 

  answer file "Select an image to insert:" as sheet
  put it into l
  if l is not empty and there is a file l then
answer l
set the lockLocation of me to true
put URL "binfile:" & l into me #HERE
set the lockLocation of me to false
  end if
I select a PNG or JPEG image file when prompted, the "answer l" 
command (obviously for debugging purposes) displays the correct 
filename, and an all-white image is inserted where a nice, fancy, 
colorful one should be.  Using

put URL "binfile:/Users/username/Desktop/afile.png" into image 

Try replacing the line marked HERE with this;
put URL ("binfile:" & l) into me
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Stephen Quinn Barncard
Gee, was it something I said? Was I gone too long?
Doesn't anyone here work with the dynamic (sql) stuff in rev?

So I didn't get a response. I guess my post was too long and rambling.
I'll boil it down to this:
Does Rev's Database Builder have some issues? I seem to run up 
against some limitations such as integer variables being displayed 
in a field with unwanted leading zeroes (which caused problems when 
written back to MySQL) and the fields not being refreshed after 
being changed.

 Do the database primitives work better than to use the builders?
I mean, is the only way I'm going to really get control of the data 
and change it going in and out is to do it directly? And does that 
mean that the 'binding' would have to be done with put statements 
from variables?

Finally, does someone have a good example of recent stacks that 
demonstrate how the primitives are used?

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

put URL "binfile:" behavior different between message box and handler?

2004-09-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Okay, it seems I'm at it again.
I have a handler in an image, which contains the following block of 

  answer file "Select an image to insert:" as sheet
  put it into l
  if l is not empty and there is a file l then
answer l
set the lockLocation of me to true
put URL "binfile:" & l into me
set the lockLocation of me to false
  end if
I select a PNG or JPEG image file when prompted, the "answer l" command 
(obviously for debugging purposes) displays the correct filename, and 
an all-white image is inserted where a nice, fancy, colorful one should 
be.  Using

put URL "binfile:/Users/username/Desktop/afile.png" into image 

in the message box works as I would expect it to.  I tried the same 
image that I used in the message box when answering the select a file 
sheet, and the image is filled plain white.

Any clues?  Thank you!
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

2004-09-17 Thread James . Cass
Gregory -

Your code works for me in a button, and it retrieves the rtf file, but I 
have my firewall turned off on the host where the file is located. 
However, I have the firewall enabled on the client Mac.  Mine doesn't work 
either with the firewall turned on for the host, even when I explicitely 
allow ftp access through the firewall settings, and have passive ftp 
enabled in the Networks settings.  Try it with your firewall disabled, 
just to see if it works that way and go from there.  Sorry, not sure right 
off what to do.  Maybe a RevGuru can chime in.


Gregory Lypny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/17/04 02:08 PM
Please respond to How to use Revolution
Subject:Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

Still not working for me I'm afraid.  FTP is turned on. I also have the
firewall on.  Do I have to specify a port?  Is it because the file I
want is rtf?  Do I have to invoke some sort of library in Rev?

on mouseUp
get url
("ftp://me:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/users/me/Documents/Miscellaneous/Envelope
put it into fld "x"
end mouseUp


On Sep 15, 2004, at 4:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Do you have ftp services enabled on the Macs?  You can do this from the
> "Sharing" pane in "System Preferences".
> Please excuse this simple question if you've already done this. :-)
> This worked for me:
> on mouseUp
>   put "whateverName" into userName
>   put "whateverPassword" into password
>   put "" into ipaddress
>   get URL ("ftp://"; & userName & ":" & password & "@" & ipaddress &
> "/data.txt")
>   put it into fld "x"
> end mouseUp
> Hope this helps...James
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Getting a remote file in OS X

2004-09-17 Thread Gregory Lypny
Still not working for me I'm afraid.  FTP is turned on. I also have the 
firewall on.  Do I have to specify a port?  Is it because the file I 
want is rtf?  Do I have to invoke some sort of library in Rev?

on mouseUp
  get url 
("ftp://me:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/users/me/Documents/Miscellaneous/Envelope 
  put it into fld "x"
end mouseUp

On Sep 15, 2004, at 4:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Do you have ftp services enabled on the Macs?  You can do this from the
"Sharing" pane in "System Preferences".
Please excuse this simple question if you've already done this. :-)
This worked for me:
on mouseUp
  put "whateverName" into userName
  put "whateverPassword" into password
  put "" into ipaddress
  get URL ("ftp://"; & userName & ":" & password & "@" & ipaddress &
  put it into fld "x"
end mouseUp
Hope this helps...James
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Flash/QuickTime interaction with Revolution

2004-09-17 Thread Van Esch, Stephen (Bolton)
Thanks Wolfgang! I'll take a look.


-Original Message-
From: Wolfgang M.Bereuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 2:07 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Flash/QuickTime interaction with Revolution

On 16.09.2004, at 20:18, Troy Rollins wrote:

> Ah, I'll shut up. I never stay in the good graces of this list when I 
> imply the Revolution is not always the right tool for all types of 
> applications.
thanks for that Troy, we need your different point of view...;)

I asked some years ago and again and again for a better nativ Flash 
support: Rethink about it again, pls!!

To Stephen
from me as a non programmer, whch does not understand well the problem, 
but sometimes annother point of view can help.
Check Anark Studio. creativemac say "Anark Studio is the fusion of 
Flash, LightWave and After Effects into a pretty unique animation and 
authoring tool, that can output very high quality 3D "


If it does not all what you need. You can export from it to QT and do 
"the rest" with QT in rev.

hope that helps

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

Trainingsmaps© -- speedlearning Mindmaps!
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418 Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Flash/QuickTime interaction with Revolution

2004-09-17 Thread Wolfgang M . Bereuter
On 16.09.2004, at 20:18, Troy Rollins wrote:
Ah, I'll shut up. I never stay in the good graces of this list when I 
imply the Revolution is not always the right tool for all types of 
thanks for that Troy, we need your different point of view...;)
I asked some years ago and again and again for a better nativ Flash 
support: Rethink about it again, pls!!

To Stephen
from me as a non programmer, whch does not understand well the problem, 
but sometimes annother point of view can help.
Check Anark Studio. creativemac say "Anark Studio is the fusion of 
Flash, LightWave and After Effects into a pretty unique animation and 
authoring tool, that can output very high quality 3D "

If it does not all what you need. You can export from it to QT and do 
"the rest" with QT in rev.

hope that helps
Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Trainingsmaps© -- speedlearning Mindmaps!
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418 Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539
use-revolution mailing list

Combobox Menus

2004-09-17 Thread Arthur Urban
Is there are way to include a disabled menuItem in the menu that a combobox
displays? I've tried putting "(-" into a line, but that's not working.

~~~ Arthur

"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."

use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTPUploadFile only works 2nd try

2004-09-17 Thread RGould8

In a message dated 9/17/04 1:49:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Where your code reads:
> > if the result contains "error" then
> >      put "Drats!   It didn't connect.   We'll try a second time... :"
> > & error
> Shouldn't that be:
>    put "." & the result
> ???

I should have clarified - - - I did put the result in previous tests, and 
it's just "error"   

The question I have is - - - if the FTP server is slow/sludgy, is it possible 
that the libURLFTPUploadFile command times out?   And if so, is there a way I 
get work around this?   I'm just finding that the first-time an upload attemp 
is made, it fails, but subsequent times, it succeeds, which makes me think 
that Rev "remembers" the connection/authentification and keeps it open for the 
2nd try.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FTPUploadFile only works 2nd try

2004-09-17 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Where your code reads:
if the result contains "error" then
 put "Drats!   It didn't connect.   We'll try a second time... :" 
& error

Shouldn't that be:
  put "." & the result
On Sep 17, 2004, at 1:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm having a rough time with the "libURLFTPUploadFile" command in Rev 
It seems that the FIRST time I attempt to upload a file via
libURLFTPUploadFile, it fails.   From them on out, however it succeeds 
without a problem:

libURLSetStatusCallback "myProgress",the long ID of button "Monitor"
libURLFTPUploadFile localfiletoupload, (gServerPath & tFileName)
if the result contains "error" then
 put "Drats!   It didn't connect.   We'll try a second time... :" 
& error
 unload URL (gServerPath & tFileName)
 libURLSetStatusCallback "myProgress",the long ID of button 
 libURLFTPUploadFile localfiletoupload, (gServerPath & tFileName)
end if

The error message is just "error" the first time (not too 
descriptive).   I'm
wondering - - the server is a bit sluggish.   It it possible that I 
need to
be somehow "awakening" the connection before attempting the first
libURLFTPUpload process?

use-revolution mailing list

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$0 Web Hosting with up to 120MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT - getting the computer's name under OSX

2004-09-17 Thread James . Cass
Flexi -

"put $USERNAME && $COMPUTERNAME" doesn't work for me in MacOSX 10.3.5 
Panther.  I can do "put $USER" ($USER is in the Variable Watcher list). 
Looks like the "function ComputerName" may be the tightest cross-platform 
way to get the host.


09/17/04 01:14 PM
Please respond to How to use Revolution
Subject:Re: OT - getting the computer's name under OSX

Er... "put $USERNAME && $COMPUTERNAME"? Or is this not OSX  compatible?


> Now that I'm thinking about it, there's a much easier  way:
> function ComputerName
>   set the itemDel  to ":"
>   return (item 1 of the address)
> end  ComputerName

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT - getting the computer's name under OSX

2004-09-17 Thread FlexibleLearning
Er... "put $USERNAME && $COMPUTERNAME"? Or is this not OSX  compatible?
> Now that I'm thinking about it, there's a much easier  way:
> function ComputerName
>   set the itemDel  to ":"
>   return (item 1 of the address)
> end  ComputerName

use-revolution mailing list

FTPUploadFile only works 2nd try

2004-09-17 Thread RGould8
I'm having a rough time with the "libURLFTPUploadFile" command in Rev 2.5.   
It seems that the FIRST time I attempt to upload a file via 
libURLFTPUploadFile, it fails.   From them on out, however it succeeds without a 

libURLSetStatusCallback "myProgress",the long ID of button "Monitor"
libURLFTPUploadFile localfiletoupload, (gServerPath & tFileName)
if the result contains "error" then
 put "Drats!   It didn't connect.   We'll try a second time... :" & error
 unload URL (gServerPath & tFileName)
 libURLSetStatusCallback "myProgress",the long ID of button "Monitor"
 libURLFTPUploadFile localfiletoupload, (gServerPath & tFileName)
end if

The error message is just "error" the first time (not too descriptive).   I'm 
wondering - - the server is a bit sluggish.   It it possible that I need to 
be somehow "awakening" the connection before attempting the first 
libURLFTPUpload process?
use-revolution mailing list

Why menuitems of Menu "Text" (with Plain, Bold, Italic, etc.....) are disabled ?

2004-09-17 Thread doupsy
I have a stack MyStack with menubar MyMenuBar in which there is  menus 
File Edit Tools Objects Text MyMenu1 MyMenu2 MyMenu3 etc...  (I keep 
some menus from the menubar of Revolution, like menu Text).

When I am in a field in this stack MyStack, if I select a word for 
example, and after I see in the menu Text, all menuitems are disabled.
If I select a word in this field, then  choose pointer tool, then I see 
in menu Text, the menuitems are not disabled.

What is this problem ? What must I do ?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail

2004-09-17 Thread Mark Talluto
On Sep 17, 2004, at 7:05 AM, Klaus Major wrote:
Hi listers,
someone succesfully used "revMail" in 2.5?
When i script:
revMail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",,,"Yadda"
Safari opens, shows this in the adress field:
http://mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
and goes actually to my website...???
This WORKED in versions < 2.5
Deep sigh :-(
I have a bug report for this:  

It is reported against the bug report feature in the standalone 
builder.  Looks like the root of the problem is with the command 

Best regards,
Mark Talluto
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Robert,
Hi all,
if someone dares to put his/her hands on the library, here is the 
Script of btn "revcommon" of cd 1 of stack "Revolution 
2.x/components/global environment/revlibray.rev"
Replace this line:

if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http
With these lines:
  if char 1 to 7 of pWhich <> "mailto:"; then
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich 
is not "http" then
  put "http://"; before pWhich
end if
  end if

Et voila, the revival of "revmail" :-)
Klaus Major
Great sleuthing Klaus.
Thanks :-)
Don't forget to bugzilla this!
Done: Nr. 2202
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Robert Brenstein
Hi all,
if someone dares to put his/her hands on the library, here is the workaround:
Script of btn "revcommon" of cd 1 of stack "Revolution 
2.x/components/global environment/revlibray.rev"

Replace this line:
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http
With these lines:
  if char 1 to 7 of pWhich <> "mailto:"; then
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich 
is not "http" then
  put "http://"; before pWhich
end if
  end if

Et voila, the revival of "revmail" :-)
Klaus Major
Great sleuthing Klaus. Don't forget to bugzilla this!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,
before i forget!
You will find this line in the "revgourl" handler in the script!
Script of btn "revcommon" of cd 1 of stack "Revolution 
2.x/components/global environment/revlibray.rev"

Replace this line:
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http
With these lines:
  if char 1 to 7 of pWhich <> "mailto:"; then
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich 
is not "http" then
  put "http://"; before pWhich
end if
  end if

Et voila, the revival of "revmail" :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Bill

I concur. The database linked controls are not finished yet. The are
excellent for moving through and displaying records. You cannot insert a new
record with them and they sometimes don't update some fields for difficult
to figure out reasons. The direct "primitive" controls work great and you
must use them for inserting new records.


On 9/17/04 3:21 AM, "Pierre Sahores" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Le 17 sept. 04, à 05:18, Stephen Quinn Barncard a écrit :
>> So I didn't get a response. I guess my post was too long and rambling.
>> I'll boil it down to this:
>> Does Rev's Database Builder have some issues? I seem to run up against
>> some limitations such as integer variables being displayed in a field
>> with unwanted leading zeroes (which caused problems when written back
>> to MySQL) and the fields not being refreshed after being changed.
>>  Do the database primitives work better than to use the builders?
> Yes ! All the ones i use under the Mac OS X platform are OK. Under the
> linux platform, i didn't have time to test as long i'm still using
> direct shell() pipe calls to psql (Postgres).
>> I mean, is the only way I'm going to really get control of the data
>> and change it going in and out is to do it directly? And does that
>> mean that the 'binding' would have to be done with put statements from
>> variables?
>> Finally, does someone have a good example of recent stacks that
>> demonstrate how the primitives are used?
> See if this (PostgreSQL dedicated) example app can help
> Best, Pierre
>> thanks.
>> ___
>> use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,
if someone dares to put his/her hands on the library, here is the 

Script of btn "revcommon" of cd 1 of stack "Revolution 
2.x/components/global environment/revlibray.rev"

Replace this line:
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http
With these lines:
  if char 1 to 7 of pWhich <> "mailto:"; then
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is 
not "http" then
  put "http://"; before pWhich
end if
  end if

Et voila, the revival of "revmail" :-)
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi all,
Hi Malte,
same for revgourl "mailto:";
2.5 Os 9.
The error lies in the "revgourl" handler, i will investigate a bit more
and try to see what the differences to the old "regourl" handler are...
found it!
This line is not in the old handler
if char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not "file" and char 1 to 4 of pWhich is not 
"http" then put "http://"; before pWhich -- put in http

and it it ovious that:
"mailto: xyz..." MUST turn into "http://mailto: xyz..." and cause the 
browser to open...

Again the term QA is coming to my mind all of a sudden...
Klaus Major
OF COURSE i will godzilla this one... ;-)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi Malte,
same for revgourl "mailto:";
2.5 Os 9.
The error lies in the "revgourl" handler, i will investigate a bit more
and try to see what the differences to the old "regourl" handler are...
Best from sunny germany
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

re: revamail / revgourl "mailto:"

2004-09-17 Thread Malte Brill

same for revgourl "mailto:";

2.5 Os 9.


use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Klaus Major
Hi listers,
someone succesfully used "revMail" in 2.5?
When i script:
revMail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",,,"Yadda"
Safari opens, shows this in the adress field:
http://mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
and goes actually to my website...???
This WORKED in versions < 2.5
Deep sigh :-(
Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Send a message to all controls on a card [sidenote]

2004-09-17 Thread Malte Brill

just as a sidenote I have learned when I experimented with creating a
breakout game in Rev.

If you have many controls on your card it could be a good idea to store the
abbr ID of your controls in a custom property and use the repeat for each
form to speed things up.


on collectEmAll
--call this handler to collect all your controls in a cProp
  repeat with i=1 to the number of controls of this cd
put the abbr ID of control i&cr after myControls
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of myControls
  set the allControls of this cd to myControls
end collectEmAll

on mouseUp
--very speedy
  repeat for each line daControl in the allControls of this cd
send myMessage to daControl
  end repeat
end mouseUp



use-revolution mailing list


2004-09-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 17 sept. 04, à 05:18, Stephen Quinn Barncard a écrit :
So I didn't get a response. I guess my post was too long and rambling.
I'll boil it down to this:
Does Rev's Database Builder have some issues? I seem to run up against 
some limitations such as integer variables being displayed in a field 
with unwanted leading zeroes (which caused problems when written back 
to MySQL) and the fields not being refreshed after being changed.

 Do the database primitives work better than to use the builders?
Yes ! All the ones i use under the Mac OS X platform are OK. Under the 
linux platform, i didn't have time to test as long i'm still using 
direct shell() pipe calls to psql (Postgres).
I mean, is the only way I'm going to really get control of the data 
and change it going in and out is to do it directly? And does that 
mean that the 'binding' would have to be done with put statements from 

Finally, does someone have a good example of recent stacks that 
demonstrate how the primitives are used?
See if this (PostgreSQL dedicated) example app can help 

Best, Pierre
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/EAI services & ACID DB over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivité"
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re[2]: Runtime/Perl

2004-09-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le 17 sept. 04, à 01:48, thierry Douez a écrit :
my dream is to have an external to Revolution like mod_perl for apache.
Add my vote to this metatool dream :)
Best regards,  thierry
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list