Re: Type in upper case

2004-09-30 Thread Éric Chatonet
Le 30 sept. 04,  00:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
I want the user type in upper case.
I've made a script with the keyup handler to convert lower letter in
upper letter, but the conversion is visible.
How make the conversion in the keydown handler ?
Bonjour Ludovic,
It's a pity but toUpper rev function is unaware of the existence of 
latin vowels :-)
You are french. So  you need to uppercase them:

on keyDown pKey
  if the selectedChunk = empty then pass keyDown
  put InternationalToUpper(pKey) into the selectedChunk -- 
end keyDown
function InternationalToUpper pKey
  local tASCIIVal
  put charToNum(pKey) into tASCIIVal
  if tASCIIVal = 97 and tASCIIVal = 122 then
return numToChar(tASCIIVal - 32)
return RightASCIIValue(tASCIIVal) -- 
  end if
end InternationalToUpper
function RightASCIIValue pASCIIVal
  -- trap latin accented vowels
  put item itemOffset(pASCIIVal,141,142,143,136,137,144,207) \
  of 130,131,233,203,229,230,206 into tNewValue
  if tNewValue = empty then return numToChar(pASCIIVal)
  return numToChar(tNewValue)
end RightASCIIValue
Note that Klaus Major formulation works fine unless a selection was 
done in the field.

Hope this helps.
Contact me off list if needed.
ric Chatonet
24, Boulevard de Port-Royal
75005 Paris
Fixe :  33 1 43 31 77 62
Mobile :33 6 20 74 50 89
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linux Audio

2004-09-30 Thread FlexibleLearning
Hope this helps, David...
Resolving audio problems with MC/RR under Linux RedHat  9


Q: I can't hear any  sound!
A: You need to have xanim installed, otherwise, no sound is going to  be
Open a terminal, and type xanim. If you receive a message  like command not
found, you don't have xanim in your system. Please  download a version of
xanim appropiate for your distro.

Q: I hear  music, but no sound effects! or
Q: I hear sound effects, but no music!
A:  I was afraid you reach this point, but, well...

CircusTux requires you  have a soundcard capable of playing different audio
files simultaneously  (like mine, a SoundBlaster Live! card).
If you don't have such card, is still  possible to hear music AND audio 
if you use a sound server, such as  aRts or Enlightenment Sound Daemon (esd).

If you want to use aRts on KDE,  do the following:
1. Open Control Center, Sound  Multimedia, Sound  System.
2. Select start aRts soundserver on KDE startup.
3. Make sure  that enable full duplex operation in the Sound I/O tab is
unchecked,  because it messes the operation of the program in some sound
4. In  a Konsole, go to the directory where CircusTux is located, and type
artsdsp  ./circus (Of course, you can also create a KDE Menu or Desktop
Entry to ease  access)

If you use GNOME or Enlightenment with a sound card or driver not  capable of
handling simultaneous sounds, there are a few issues...

The  esd daemon likes to startup with the following parameters:

esd -terminate  -nobeeps -as 2 -spawnfd [some number]

Unfortunately, CircusTux does not  like the -terminate and -as 2

So, if you have a GNOME  desktop, you would need to do the following:

1. Deactivate Enable sound  server startup in Sound Preferences, close and
restart the session
2.  Open a terminal, type esd (you can still use the -nobeeps and  
[some number] parameters if you like)
3. In a gnome terminal,  go to the CircusTux directory, and type esddsp ./
circus (Of course, you  can also create a GNOME Menu or Desktop Entry to ease
access, or recompile  your GNOME environment without the offending
parameters ;P)

If you  have an Enlightenment desktop:

1. Right click on the desktop, Audio  Setting, deselect Enable Sounds
2. Open a terminal, type esd (you can  still use the -nobeeps and 
[some number] parameters if you  like)
3. In a Enlightenment terminal, go to the CircusTux directory, and  type
esddsp ./circus (Of course, you can also create a Menu Entry to  ease
access, or recompile your Enlightenment environment without the  offending
parameters ;P)

Q: I did all the above, but the sound is  all choppy/incomplete/delayed/
randomly appearing!
A: CircusTux requires a  Pentium III equivalent or better to work properly.
However, it is possible to  run the program in older computers, with partial
sound support, or even  without sounds :(
To run CircusTux without sound support, click the Sound  button, and 
Ambient music and Sound Effects. You could also try  only one sound option
(music OR effects) to see if that fits in your  configuration.

If you use aRTs Sound Server and KDE, you can try to  augment the audio
response time by going to Control Center, Sounds   Multimedia, Sound System,
Sound I/O. There you can experiment with some value  in the Audio Buffer Size

Q: The images in  CircusTux look awful!
A: The program works better in 24 bpp. If you have your  display in 16bpp is
fine, too. However, less than that would cause the images  to display very
You can check which mode is working CircusTux by  clicking on its Info
button. If the section Screen Depth shows something  less than 16bpp, you
should upgrade the video mode to more colors... or  replace your old video
card :)

Q: Found a bug in  CircusTux!
A: Let us know! write us to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

FLC_IDE: A combi-function for stack environment info

2004-09-30 Thread FlexibleLearning
Several rather useful handlers have been posted to identify various aspects  
of a stack's operating environment, so I thought to combine them in a single  
function for your Scripter's Scrapbooks. The below should copy and paste  
correctly as monospaced, but do watch for line wraps!

example: put  FLC_IDE()
example: get FLC_IDE(sys,plat,vers)
example: get FLC_IDE(v,e,p)
example: if dev is in FLC_IDE(env)  then...
The options can be shortened to a single letter and put in any order, and  
will be returned in the same order as requested.
Uses: switch, paramCount, params, format, try/catch, do as  AppleScript
on mouseUp
put FLC_IDE  (p,e,s)
end mouseUp
--|  Author:  Hugh Senior, based  on ideas by Ken Ray, Scott Rossi 
and Xavier Bury
--|  Version: 1.0
--|  Created: 30-SEP-2004
--| Last  Mod:--
--|  Requires:Self-contained function  handler for Revolution and 
--|  Summary:
--| Returns any combination of the platform,  system version, 
--| application type, engine  version, build number, and environment
--| in a  return-separated list
--| Parameters:
--|  None (for full list), or
--| Any combination of  P[latform], S[ystemVersion],  A[pplication],
--| V[ersion], B[uild], E[nvironment]
--| Example: get  FLC_IDE() - Returns all 6 lines
--| Example: get  FLC_IDE(A,V,P) - Returns Application, Version and  
--| xample: get FLC_IDE(plat,e,s) - Returns  Platform, Envt and Sys Vers
--| Returned  values:
--| Values will be one per line, in the same  order as requested...
--| Platform: Windows 95,  Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows  
--|Windows XP, Mac OSX, Mac Classic, Mac OS9, Linux
--|  SystemVersion: Your computer OS version
--|  Application: MetaCard, Revolution
--| Version: Engine  version
--| Build: Engine build  number
--| Environment: Development, Helper  Application, Standalone  Application
--|   [or Player], [or  Plug-In]
function FLC_IDE
local  tPlatform,tSystemVersion,tApp,tVersion,tBuild,tEnvt
  # Platform: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows  2000, 
Windows XP...
if the platform is Win32  then
put word 2 of the systemVersion into  tSystemVersion
if word 1 of the systemVersion = Windows  then
# set the shellcommand to  command.exe
case tSystemVersion=4 and  tSystemVersion4.1
put Windows  95 into tPlatform
case tSystemVersion=4.1 and  tSystemVersion4.9
put Windows  98 into tPlatform
case  tSystemVersion=4.9
put  Windows ME into tPlatform
end  switch
# set the  shellcommand to cmd.exe
case tSystemVersion=4 and  tSystemVersion5
put Windows  NT into tPlatform
case tSystemVersion=5 and  tSystemVersion5.1
put Windows  2000 into tPlatform
case  tSystemVersion=5.1
put  Windows XP into tPlatform
end  switch
end if

else if the  platform is MacOS then
# Platform: Mac OSX, Mac Classic,  Mac OS9
put the systemVersion into  tSystemVersion
set the itemDel to  .
if item 1 of tSystemVersion = 10  then
put Mac OSX into  tPlatform
put  format(tell app \Finder\\the processes\tell) into  tAS
do tAS as  AppleScript
put format(process \Classic  Support\) into tClassicProcName
if (the  result contains tClassicProcName)  then
put Mac Classic into  tPlatform
else put Mac OS9 into  tPlatform
end if
#  Platform: Linux
put Linux into tPlatform
end  if

# Application: Revolution, MetaCard
# Version:  [number]
# Build: [number]
put the buildNumber into  tBuild
put revAppVersion() into  tApp
catch errorVar
put MC into tApp
end try
if (tApp is MC) OR (tVersion is 0)  then
put the version into tVersion
put MetaCard into tApp
else put Revolution into tApp

# Environment: Development, Helper Application, Standalone  Application [or 
Player], [or Plug-In]
put the environment into  tEnvt

if the paramCount is 0 then
return tPlatform CR\
tSystemVersion  CR\
tApp CR\
tVersion CR\
tBuild  CR\
local temp
repeat with n=1 to the  paramCount
switch char 1 of  param(n)
case  P
put tPlatform CR after  temp break
case  S
put tSystemVersion CR  after temp break
case  A
put tApp CR after temp  break
case  V
put tVersion CR after  temp break
case  B
put tBuild CR after temp  break
case  E
put tEnvt CR after temp  break
end switch
end  repeat
if last char of temp is CR then delete last char of  temp
return temp
end if

The Flexible Learning Company
Home of The Scripter's  Scrapbook (note the new shorter web address shortcut)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Educational uses for Rev

2004-09-30 Thread Dom
Sorry to answer so late, but there are so much messages on the RR List

Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 both products were developed in Metacard/Revolution, including all the
 current server-side CGI scripts for the Corporate English product.)

Too bad for a cross platform product, you state:

You require a Windows PC (not a Mac).


use-revolution mailing list

Standard in (stdin) behavior. (At your convenience)

2004-09-30 Thread K

Okay, I am experiencing a oddity I cannot explaine.  As I have reported on several 
occasions I have created a external that lanuches a process simular to CreateProcess 
in Windows.  This external provides stdin and stdout handles to be used by the parent 
and child for interprocess communication.  Currently I have a child stand-alone 
containing a button and a field.  The button contains a simple mouseUp script 'read 
from stdin until ':''.   The parent (after child creation) calls the external to 
write a message to the child stdin Hello:.  This should be simple but the child 
constantly returns with nothing when using  the 'read from' syntax.  Why would this 
be? I have attempting to pipe in text files via command line (program file.txt) this 
works.  Do RR and RR compiled programs use a os method that does not support 
descriptors create using 'pipe'?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,


Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.

 The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence of
the reader
 is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. 
(A discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the
scope of this article.)

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use-revolution mailing list

RE: FLC_IDE: - and about stackfiles

2004-09-30 Thread MisterX
Thanks for the credits ;)

You could also add the dynamicpaths, stackfiles, and the older hyperCard
related properties. This would be nice to know why we get some different
behaviors in different stacks...


Everyone try this in the message box:
The stackfiles of stack home

(in hyperCard you could say of home ;))

Don't try this: 
go [stack] home

Im rather disappointed that it is this way that paths are implemented...
Was the old globals stacks,documents,applications so bad?

I know, stacks returns the list of opened stacks...

We don't have the required RR path clutter but beyond that...
I see no reason why we can't implement them again right?

Opinions are welcome!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:03 PM
Subject: FLC_IDE: A combi-function for stack environment info

Several rather useful handlers have been posted to identify various aspects
of a stack's operating environment, so I thought to combine them in a single
function for your Scripter's Scrapbooks. The below should copy and paste
correctly as monospaced, but do watch for line wraps!

example: put  FLC_IDE()
example: get FLC_IDE(sys,plat,vers)
example: get FLC_IDE(v,e,p)
example: if dev is in FLC_IDE(env)  then...
The options can be shortened to a single letter and put in any order, and
will be returned in the same order as requested.
Uses: switch, paramCount, params, format, try/catch, do as  AppleScript
on mouseUp
put FLC_IDE  (p,e,s)
end mouseUp
--|  Author:  Hugh Senior, based  on ideas by Ken Ray, Scott Rossi 
and Xavier Bury
--|  Version: 1.0
--|  Created: 30-SEP-2004
--| Last  Mod:--
--|  Requires:Self-contained function  handler for Revolution and 
--|  Summary:
--| Returns any combination of the platform,  system version, 
--| application type, engine  version, build number, and environment
--| in a  return-separated list
--| Parameters:
--|  None (for full list), or
--| Any combination of  P[latform], S[ystemVersion],  A[pplication],
--| V[ersion], B[uild], E[nvironment]
--| Example: get  FLC_IDE() - Returns all 6 lines
--| Example: get  FLC_IDE(A,V,P) - Returns Application, Version and
--| xample: get FLC_IDE(plat,e,s) - Returns  Platform, Envt and Sys 
--| Vers
--| Returned  values:
--| Values will be one per line, in the same  order as requested...
--| Platform: Windows 95,  Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, 
--| Windows
--|Windows XP, Mac OSX, Mac Classic, Mac OS9, Linux
--|  SystemVersion: Your computer OS version
--|  Application: MetaCard, Revolution
--| Version: Engine  version
--| Build: Engine build  number
--| Environment: Development, Helper  Application, Standalone
--|   [or Player], [or  Plug-In]
function FLC_IDE
local  tPlatform,tSystemVersion,tApp,tVersion,tBuild,tEnvt
  # Platform: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows  2000,
Windows XP...
if the platform is Win32  then
put word 2 of the systemVersion into  tSystemVersion if word 1 of the
systemVersion = Windows  then # set the shellcommand to  command.exe
case tSystemVersion=4 and  tSystemVersion4.1 put Windows  95 into
tPlatform break case tSystemVersion=4.1 and  tSystemVersion4.9 put
Windows  98 into tPlatform break case  tSystemVersion=4.9 put  Windows
ME into tPlatform end  switch else # set the  shellcommand to cmd.exe
case tSystemVersion=4 and  tSystemVersion5 put Windows  NT into
tPlatform break case tSystemVersion=5 and  tSystemVersion5.1 put Windows
2000 into tPlatform break case  tSystemVersion=5.1 put  Windows XP into
tPlatform end  switch end if

else if the  platform is MacOS then
# Platform: Mac OSX, Mac Classic,  Mac OS9 put the systemVersion into
tSystemVersion set the itemDel to  .
if item 1 of tSystemVersion = 10  then
put Mac OSX into  tPlatform
put  format(tell app \Finder\\the processes\tell) into  tAS do tAS as
AppleScript put format(process \Classic  Support\) into tClassicProcName
if (the  result contains tClassicProcName)  then put Mac Classic into
tPlatform else put Mac OS9 into  tPlatform end if else #  Platform: Linux
put Linux into tPlatform end  if

# Application: Revolution, MetaCard
# Version:  [number]
# Build: [number]
put the buildNumber into  tBuild
put revAppVersion() into  tApp
catch errorVar
put MC into tApp
end try
if (tApp is MC) OR (tVersion is 0)  then put the version into tVersion put
MetaCard into tApp else put Revolution into tApp

# Environment: Development, Helper Application, Standalone  Application [or
Player], [or Plug-In] put the environment into  

Re: [OT] Wireless remote events? - resolved

2004-09-30 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Wed, 29 Sep 2004
Richard Gaskin wrote:

 With so many Rev conferences this year I keep
 daydreaming that someone
 will start an open source presentation tool and
 runtime library in
 Transcript.  Any chance we could toss one together
 in time to make all
 of our presentations for Malta? :)

Michael J. Lew proposed, some time ago, to create
such tool with RR/MC.

Do you think that it'll be possible to create a site
that holds the progress of some RR jointed development
projects, similar to SourceForge?

In that way developers could CHOOSE to contribute
hours of their scarse time to help in the advance
of some project of their interest.

I'll liked that developers in the SuperCard
platform port the handlers for importing
Adobe ilustrator files to their platform.

But, that has not happened yet.

I'll like that more developers work with the
handlers that export to pdf...

This will not be possible without a central
place to put all the projects, in a
single site, where all developers become
aware of the state of development in every

just a thought...


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Re: Educational uses for Rev

2004-09-30 Thread Dave Cragg
On 30 Sep 2004, at 13:39, Dom wrote:
Sorry to answer so late, but there are so much messages on the RR List
Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
both products were developed in Metacard/Revolution, including all the
current server-side CGI scripts for the Corporate English product.)
Too bad for a cross platform product, you state:
Correction:  *they* state. I was just drawing attention to it.
You require a Windows PC (not a Mac).
I agree. It's disappointing they haven't released versions for other 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linux Audio

2004-09-30 Thread David Quinn-Jacobs
Thanks, Flexible.  I had read that, but it doesn't seem to apply to my 
situation.  I am getting truncated and garbled sounds, even using the 
sound formats recommended there.  I have played with the esd and artsd 
daemons too, but they don't seem to affect the quality of the playback.

I have found a temporary workaround, to execute shell(/bin/play, but that will not be workable for distributing the app 
to other platforms and even other Linux configurations.

Does anyone have an idea how many Linux developers there may be?  I am 
hoping I am not only one of a handful!

Best regards,
/David Quinn-Jacobs, CEO/CTO/
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Accessing parts of arrays

2004-09-30 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 10:34 PM +0200 9/29/2004, jbv wrote:
another interesting feature would be some sort of find function
for arrays... for instance :
put myText into T[5,8]
find myText in T   would return 5,8
 or a list of found 
chunks if it is in more
 than 1 array cell
I like that idea - have you bugzillaed it as a feature request?
(Now I'm wondering about the canonical spelling for the past tense of 
to bugzilla... ;-)
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

Re: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Chipp Walters
you can always set the defaultFolder yourself on startup. Check the 
Address property.

Chris Sheffield wrote:

The problem is that I
noticed that the defaultFolder is not getting set correctly.  When autorun
launches the app, the defaultFolder is set to E:/ (the root of the CD-ROM
drive, which is the location of the autorun.inf file).  When I open the
Program folder and launch the exe by double-clicking it, the defaultFolder
is set correctly to E:/Program.  I don't know how or why this is
happening?  Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong?
Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally
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Version: 6.0.771 / Virus Database: 518 - Release Date: 9/28/2004

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Thomas McGrath III
I had the same thing happen on a major project and had to get the path 
of the executable on startup and set the default folder to that.

I did copy my 'images' folder to the root level on one project so the 
code could follow it because I didn't have time to change the startup 
code but that is a hack.

No other way I know of. On Sep 30, 2004, at 12:11 PM, Chris Sheffield 

I'm about to Bugzilla this, but I wanted to make sure that it's not 
just me.
So if someone can try this and confirm, I'd be grateful.

I have a program that is running off a CD, and I'm using autorun to 
it when the CD is inserted.  I have the executable inside a folder 
Program on the root of the CD.  The autorun.inf file is on the root 
of the
CD next to the folder.  In the file I have the line
open=.\Program\rnse.exe, which works just fine.  The problem is that 
noticed that the defaultFolder is not getting set correctly.  When 
launches the app, the defaultFolder is set to E:/ (the root of the 
drive, which is the location of the autorun.inf file).  When I open the
Program folder and launch the exe by double-clicking it, the 
is set correctly to E:/Program.  I don't know how or why this is
happening?  Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong?

Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.771 / Virus Database: 518 - Release Date: 9/28/2004
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Accessing parts of arrays

2004-09-30 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 10:34 PM +0200 9/29/2004, jbv wrote:
 another interesting feature would be some sort of
 find function
 for arrays... for instance :
  put myText into T[5,8]
  find myText in T   would return 5,8
   or a
 list of found 
 chunks if it is in more
 1 array cell
 I like that idea - have you bugzillaed it as a
 feature request?
 (Now I'm wondering about the canonical spelling for
 the past tense of 
 to bugzilla... ;-)

I like the idea too, but I'd prefer the function name
'elementOffset' (to be in line with itemOffset, etc.)
which would return the key of the first elemnet in
which it was found.

If my memory serves me well, Geoff Canyon started a
thread on the xTalk mailing list a while ago that
proposed functions itemOffsets, wordOffsets and
lineOffsets which would return all the occurences'

So if we could have an elementOffsets() function, this
would be the best solution for the above request, I

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

RE: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Chris Sheffield
That is what I ended up doing.  And that works fine.  I'll Bugzilla this
though since it doesn't seem to be behaving the way it should be.  Thanks.

Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chipp Walters
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:23 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: bug with autorun on Windows?


you can always set the defaultFolder yourself on startup. Check the 
Address property.



Chris Sheffield wrote:

 The problem is that I
 noticed that the defaultFolder is not getting set correctly.  When autorun
 launches the app, the defaultFolder is set to E:/ (the root of the
 drive, which is the location of the autorun.inf file).  When I open the
 Program folder and launch the exe by double-clicking it, the defaultFolder
 is set correctly to E:/Program.  I don't know how or why this is
 happening?  Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong?
 Chris Sheffield
 Software Development
 Read Naturally
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.771 / Virus Database: 518 - Release Date: 9/28/2004
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.771 / Virus Database: 518 - Release Date: 9/28/2004

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.771 / Virus Database: 518 - Release Date: 9/28/2004

use-revolution mailing list

Re: XPATH XML Library

2004-09-30 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 HAs anyone written a XML library supporting XPATH

Nope, but if you bugzilla this enhancement request and
sollicit votes for it on this list, I'm sure we can
send a signal to the Mothership that this would make a
great addition for the next revision...

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

RE: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Chris Sheffield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That is what I ended up doing.  And that works fine.
  I'll Bugzilla this
 though since it doesn't seem to be behaving the way
 it should be.  Thanks.
 Chris Sheffield

Actually, I wouldn't call it a bug at all ; I used
this OS-ability in FoxPro for example, to distinguish
at startup between projects by placing them in
different directories and using differently configured
Revolution is just copying what the OS is handing it
as its default folder. In this case, Windows is
launching the application from the root of the CD ;
you're just telling it to launch an application that
is inside another directory.
You might get around it by inserting a batch file in
the mix that does a 'cd' to the correct directory
before launching your executable.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can table-cell borders be invisible?

2004-09-30 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have
 table-cell borders that are 
 invisible?   I've seen controls to turn the
 outside border on and off, but not 
 the inner borders around the cells.   Setting the
 bordercolor of the cells to 
 the background color semi-works, but leaves lines on
 top of my highlighted line 
 in the field when I do that.

You could set the vGrid and hGrid properties to false,
but then the engine will write through the cell
borders if the data doesn't fit, and will bump cells
over to the next tabstops.
Which might not be what you want, but at least you
have an option now, heh.

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Educational uses for Rev

2004-09-30 Thread Dom
Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Correction:  *they* state. I was just drawing attention to it.

Point noted ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Can you autoplay a batch file?  For some reason, I thought that only 
works in some versions of Windows, and not others?

On Sep 30, 2004, at 3:46 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- Chris Sheffield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That is what I ended up doing.  And that works fine.
 I'll Bugzilla this
though since it doesn't seem to be behaving the way
it should be.  Thanks.
Chris Sheffield
Actually, I wouldn't call it a bug at all ; I used
this OS-ability in FoxPro for example, to distinguish
at startup between projects by placing them in
different directories and using differently configured
Revolution is just copying what the OS is handing it
as its default folder. In this case, Windows is
launching the application from the root of the CD ;
you're just telling it to launch an application that
is inside another directory.
You might get around it by inserting a batch file in
the mix that does a 'cd' to the correct directory
before launching your executable.
Jan Schenkel.
As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same 
time.  (La Rochefoucauld)

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use-revolution mailing list

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Accessing parts of arrays

2004-09-30 Thread Mark Brownell
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 12:35 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
If my memory serves me well, Geoff Canyon started a
thread on the xTalk mailing list a while ago that
proposed functions itemOffsets, wordOffsets and
lineOffsets which would return all the occurences'
So if we could have an elementOffsets() function, this
would be the best solution for the above request, I
Jan Schenkel.
I have been talking to people at the mothership about this.
First off my software that I created with Rev is starting to sell. This 
gives me the money to pay for the externals suggested below by Mark. 
The reason that I bring it up here on the list in the open is that the 
external will speed up my XML based database and if it where later to 
be added to the engine then it would speed up my software that I'm 
selling now.  This sounds like it might be a great tool for array power 
if you are willing to use a parser for the manipulations.

Before I proceed does this suggestion sound good for this array thread? 
(see below) Pull-parsing an XML structure at high speed could give us 
all kinds of array manipulations if you where to use numbered tag sets 
like 1[data]/1, 2[more data here]/2,  3[even more 
data]/3etc...  and 1,1  1,2 and 1,3,1 for  dimensional arrays.

Mark Brownell
On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at 09:50 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
Hi Mark,
In terms of your request for the suggested matchGlobal function [see 
below] then while
it would be nice to have, in comparison with other feature requests 
we have, it is difficult to justify putting development time into this 
opposed to other extensions/enhancements and features that people have

However, as I mentioned before, we would be perfectly willing to 
an external with the functionality you require which can then be
integrated into the engine at the next opportunity. This both mitigates
the development cost to us, and provides you a more flexible solution
should you require specialization and/or optimization of the functions 
the future.

If you are interested in proceeding in this manner then I will happily 
together a more concrete proposal to you, including technical details
and time costings, and leave you to negotiate with Kevin the costs and
finer contractual details.

To give you an idea of the substance of such a proposal I would suggest
implementing an external with the following functions:
  matchOffsets(needle, haystack, [ from ], [ to ])
  - return a list of offsets of the needle in char from to to of
haystack one per line.
  matchParallelOffsets(needles, needle_sep, haystack, [ from 
], [ to ])
  - return a list of offsets of each chunk of needles in char from 
to of haystack
The chunks of needles would be delimited by the character 
Each line of this list would be of the form
  offset of needle_1, offset of needle_2, ...,, offset of 
  (i.e. the functionality of your parser would be given by doing a 
call of matchParallelOffsets with two chunks in the needles)

  matchSetCacheSize size
  - The Boyer-Moore algorithm has a set-up cost for each pattern which
incurs a memory overhead. This call would set the maximum number of
patterns that should be cached at any one time.
To give an idea about how these might be implemented in the engine, 
Jeanne's suggestion for syntax is a good one (assuming it doesn't cause
any conflicts - I make no promises as to whether this syntax is 

  the offsets of needle in haystack
  the offsets of the lines/words/items of needles in haystack
Anyway, I shall leave you to think on this way forward, and I promise 
be more efficient in getting back to you next time.

Warmest Regards,
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Mark Brownell wrote:
Hi Mark,
I was wondering, now that things might have gotten a little less
hectic, what or if any progress has been made on adding this to the 
engine? This is exactly what I was hoping to get. I can use it to
isolate large portions of huge documents for the purpose of creating
something I might need very badly in the next few months.  also this
single function could be highly useful to others as you pointed out.

Mark Brownell
On Wednesday, August 18, 2004, at 03:10 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
The one of most interest is the Boyer-Moore algorithm as this is
to be the fastest.
So, one idea is to implement a function:
  matchGlobal(stringToSearch, token)
returning a list of all indices in stringToSearch of token.
  get matchGlobal(afoo/aabar/aabaz/a, a)
would give
  it[1] = 1
  it[2] = 10
  it[3] = 20

use-revolution mailing list

Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Jim Hurley
I have an array
I combine x by return and put into a field. But the elements of the 
array are not ordered 1, 2,3 etc.

I don't want to sort the list in the field by the values but by the 
numerical order of the keys.

I do that now by brute force:
 repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i] into line i of tResults
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
But is there any quick way to get the list sorted by the keys? I have 
11,000 elements in the array.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Mark Brownell
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 02:48 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
 repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i] into line i of tResults
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
But is there any quick way to get the list sorted by the keys? I have 
11,000 elements in the array.

Maybe by using a faster repeat loop and a simpler append technique.
put  into tResults
put 1 into i
put x[i]  return after tResults
if x[i] = empty then exit repeat
add 1 to i
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
This is not sorting, I guess.
use-revolution mailing list

Transfer all props except name and script

2004-09-30 Thread Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
I know there are a number of property tools which you kind wizards have 
put into the public domain... but I'm looking for a simple tool, that 
no doubt has already been written... just the script would be fine..

 I find myself frequently wishing I would like to change all, usually 
buttons, to the same style, but, obviously, two  of the properties of 
these buttons must remain unique to the button: name and script.  i.e. 
you tweak one button and then you want to make it be the template for 
all the rest on the screen, but leave the name and script of all the 
others untouched.

Before I go re-inventing this one, I am wondering if someone hasn't 
already done this.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transfer all props except name and script

2004-09-30 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Do you also wish to include the position and the size of the button?  
Just thought I'd point that out, since they seem to be lacking from 
your list.  Obviously the layer can't be made the same for all of them, 
so I'll assume you don't want that.

Thus, you might try something like (untested, just take this FWIW), for 
each of the target buttons:

set the customProperties of badButton to the customProperties of 
put the properties of goodButton into x
delete variable x[name]
delete variable x[rectangle]-- assuming you do not wish to copy 
the size and position
set the properties of badButton to x

On Sep 30, 2004, at 6:49 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami wrote:
I know there are a number of property tools which you kind wizards 
have put into the public domain... but I'm looking for a simple tool, 
that no doubt has already been written... just the script would be 

 I find myself frequently wishing I would like to change all, usually 
buttons, to the same style, but, obviously, two  of the properties of 
these buttons must remain unique to the button: name and script.  i.e. 
you tweak one button and then you want to make it be the template for 
all the rest on the screen, but leave the name and script of all the 
others untouched.

Before I go re-inventing this one, I am wondering if someone hasn't 
already done this.

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
use-revolution mailing list

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Untested, but this might work:
put the keys of x into y
sort lines of y
put empty into z
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in y
  put x[i]  the lineDelimiter after z
end repeat
delete the last char of z
put z into field 2
On Sep 30, 2004, at 6:50 PM, Mark Brownell wrote:
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 02:48 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
 repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i] into line i of tResults
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
But is there any quick way to get the list sorted by the keys? I have 
11,000 elements in the array.

Maybe by using a faster repeat loop and a simpler append technique.
put  into tResults
put 1 into i
put x[i]  return after tResults
if x[i] = empty then exit repeat
add 1 to i
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
This is not sorting, I guess.
use-revolution mailing list

Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Alex Tweedly
At 15:50 30/09/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 02:48 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
 repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i] into line i of tResults
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
takes 170 ticks for 11,000 elements on my slow machine
But is there any quick way to get the list sorted by the keys? I have 
11,000 elements in the array.

Maybe by using a faster repeat loop and a simpler append technique.
put  into tResults
put 1 into i
put x[i]  return after tResults
if x[i] = empty then exit repeat
add 1 to i
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
This is not sorting, I guess.
Takes 25 ticks - much better.
But there's no reason not to use a loop counter - that should be faster 
than an explicit increment and test for empty.
  repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i]  return after tResults
  end repeat
  put tResults into field 2

takes only 15 ticks for 11,000 elements.
-- Alex.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Robert Brenstein
Untested, but this might work:
put the keys of x into y
sort lines of y
-- sort lines of y numeric
put empty into z
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in y
-- repeat for each line i in y
  put x[i]  the lineDelimiter after z
end repeat
delete the last char of z
put z into field 2
Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Simple array question

2004-09-30 Thread Mark Brownell
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, at 05:48 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
At 15:50 30/09/2004 -0700, Mark Brownell wrote:
Maybe by using a faster repeat loop and a simpler append technique.
put  into tResults
put 1 into i
put x[i]  return after tResults
if x[i] = empty then exit repeat
add 1 to i
 end repeat
 put tResults into field 2
This is not sorting, I guess.
Takes 25 ticks - much better.
But there's no reason not to use a loop counter - that should be 
faster than an explicit increment and test for empty.
  repeat with i = 1 to m
put x[i]  return after tResults
  end repeat
  put tResults into field 2

takes only 15 ticks for 11,000 elements.
-- Alex.

What do you get for this? I'm not sure I did this right. [untested]
 repeat for each element i in x
  put i  return after tResults
  end repeat
  put tResults into field 2
use-revolution mailing list

Re: bug with autorun on Windows?

2004-09-30 Thread Meitnik

In a message dated 9/30/04 11:26:07 PM, 

 bug with autorun on Windows?
 -- Could you please post the final code to do autorun correctly. I too need 
this for cd on windows. Thanks. Btw, this should be in the docs too ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: parsing and arrays and xml

2004-09-30 Thread Meitnik

In a message dated 9/30/04 11:26:07 PM, 

 The reason that I bring it up here on the list in the open is that the
 external will speed up my XML based database and if it where later to
 be added to the engine then it would speed up my software that I'm
 selling now.  This sounds like it might be a great tool for array power
 if you are willing to use a parser for the manipulations.
 Before I proceed does this suggestion sound good for this array thread?
 (see below) Pull-parsing an XML structure at high speed could give us
 all kinds of array manipulations if you where to use numbered tag sets
 like 1[data]/1, 2[more data here]/2,  3[even more
 data]/3etc...  and 1,1  1,2 and 1,3,1 for  dimensional arrays.
 -- I need this too for my project as well. I cant afford to put into money 
 (I live on roughly 8k a year), but I am willing to put in strong testing time 
 and even help write a demo stack if requsted.
 I would love to see text/array procressing get a major upgrade on par with 
all the graphics stuff thats been done over the years. (ie, 
  put arrayA[] after/before arrayB[] using comma 
  put arrayA[], after/before arrayB[] 

  put arrayA[] into arrayB[] using before/after arrayB[3]

instead of doing a long loop walking the elements) Go for it!


use-revolution mailing list