Re: Popup menu

2006-01-05 Thread Marty Knapp

Ken Ray wrote:

On 1/4/06 10:32 PM, "Marty Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a mouseDown script in a field that pops up a menu from a hidden
button. It works fine on my Mac, but not my PC - any clues?

Well, can you post the script so we can see what's going on?

That would be helpful wouldn't it . . .  (sorry, I was rushing out the door)
The object is to have a popup menu to save the tabstops & header button 
rect to a preference file. So from my Mac I save a Mac & PC standalone. 
The Popup works on the Mac, but with the PC version it just pops the 
menu up, but won't run the menuPick handler. However, if I save it as a 
standalone on my PC it works. (I have Rev 2.2.1)

script in the field:

on mouseDown which
 if which is 3 then popup btn "saveTabstops"
end mouseDown

script in the hidden button:

on menuPick which
 if which is empty then exit to top
 put stackPath() & "Preferences.txt" into thePath
 if there is a file thePath then
   get URL "file:" & thePath
 else get empty

 repeat with x=1 to 7
   put the rect of btn x of group "Header1" into line x of it
 end repeat
 put the tabStops of fld "Main" into line 8 of it

 put it into URL ("file:" & thePath)
end menuPick

Thanks for any help,
Marty Knapp
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 1/4/06 11:37 PM, "Mark Wieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> put the script of stack "substack 1" of stack "A" into back

I suppose you meant "insert" rather than "put."

Are you implementing polymorphism for functions and commands?  Is only one
substack appropriate at any point in time?  Do you need to remove the script
of stack "substack 1" of stack "A" and insert the script of "substack 2" of
stack "A" when some event occurs?  And remove and insert again when other
events occur?

If yes, then there's another technique you can use.  You can insert the
script of stack "A" which can contain virtual functions and commands:

function foo
  put the uSubstack of me into tSubstack
  if tSubstack is not empty then
return value(the params,stack tSubstack)
  end if
end foo

on bar
  put the uSubstack of me into tSubstack
  if tSubstack is not empty then
send the params to stack tSubstack
  end if
end bar

Then when some event requires a change to a different substack, you can set
the uSubstack of stack "A" and not need to remove and insert scripts.  Would
that work for you?

-- Dick

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Paul Claude
Hi Rob,

Very good work. It actually may help people who must switch themes of a

For my needs, I cannot close the stack "X2", therefore your solution it's
not applicable.

Thanks however.

Paul Claude

on 5-01-2006 6:40, Rob Cozens at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> All,
>> Chameleon stack script:
> On the vain presumption this might actually be of use to some people,
> here's an improved version.  Initialization is moved from openStack
> to preOpenStack and the handlers otherwise tweaked.
> local imagePath1,imagePath2,currentLibrary
> on preOpenStack
>get the effective fileName of this stack
>set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>put "X2.rev" into item -1 of it
>put it into imagePath1
>put "X3.rev" into item -1 of it
>put it into imagePath2
>start using stack imagePath1
>put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
> end preOpenStack
> on switchLibraries
>set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>stop using stack currentLibrary
>close stack currentLibrary
>get item -1 of currentLibrary
>if it is "x3.rev" then -- use switch logic if toggling between
> three or more icon libraries
>  start using stack imagePath1
>  put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
> else
>  start using stack imagePath2
>  put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
>end if
>send "refreshButtons" to this stack in 1 tick
> end switchLibraries
> on refreshButtons
>lock screen
>repeat with x = 1 to the number of buttons
>  set the icon of button x to (the icon of button x)
>end repeat
>unlock screen
> end refreshButtons
> Rob Cozens, CCW
> Serendipity Software Company
> Vive R Revolution!
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:

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Re: Popup menu

2006-01-05 Thread FlexibleLearning
Hi Marty,

I also had this issue. The btn  has to be visible, it seems

- Set the btn as visible but off screen  (bottomRight at -100,-100)
- Cover the btn by an opaque graphic or an  opaque group



> I have a mouseDown script in a  field that pops up a menu from a hidden 
> button. It works fine on my  Mac, but not my PC - any clues? 
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Re: Standalone settings

2006-01-05 Thread Sarah Reichelt
> 1) Is this destroyStack property different than the setting in the Stack
> inspector? In other words, if you've set it with the Stack inspector,
> should you also do  it here or is that redundant?

This setting allows you to have the destroyStack property OFF when
editing and ON in the standalone (or vice versa, though I can't see
why anyone would need that).

> 2) Is there a reason one wouldn't want to use the Encrypt setting,
> specifically with the Main stack? If you select this for the Main stack,
> what purpose would the password serve since you wouldn't be editing it?

If it is a project that you want to distribute, turn it on for all the
stacks as it stops people being able to read the scripts by opeing the
stack files in a text editor. However during development, it may be
better to leave it off so that you can edit separate sub-stacks in
place more conveniently.

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Re: Fractals

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Scott,

If you are a (former) HyperCard user, this might be interesting 
for you:

and there is a HyperCard stack that should be a good starting 
point for making your own fractals stack in Revolution:

Have a look at the Chaos Game stack.

Best regards,


Scott Kane wrote:

Happy New Year to everybody.  :-)
It's New Years eve downunder and
here in Melbourne it's 38 C (109 F).
Kind of sticky!

Recently I came across a Rev project that
did fractals.  I've managed to lose the
file in the interim.  I've checked the 
Rev Online stacks and can't see anything

there.  Anybody know of any fractal scripts
for Rev?



eHUG coordinator

Please inform me about vacancies in the field of
general economics at your institute. I am also looking
for new freelance programming projects.

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RE: Fractals

2006-01-05 Thread Scott Kane
Hi Mark,

> If you are a (former) HyperCard user, this might be interesting 
> for you:

and there is a HyperCard stack that should be a good starting 
point for making your own fractals stack in Revolution:

Have a look at the Chaos Game stack.

Thanks for this.  I'm checking them out.  :-)


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RE: Meeting at MacWorld SF in January 2006

2006-01-05 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> I never saw a summary of when we can meet at Macworld. I also 
> suggest Tuesday unless some other night has been selected. 
> Please let us know.

It might be a good opportunity to simply join another get together. I
spotted this one by a guy who works at Technorati for Mac Small Business

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software, Inc

Joining Worlds of Information

Deploy True Client-Server Database Solutions
Royalty Free with Valentina Developer Network

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Standalone settings

2006-01-05 Thread Marty Knapp

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

1) Is this destroyStack property different than the setting in the Stack
inspector? In other words, if you've set it with the Stack inspector,
should you also do  it here or is that redundant?

This setting allows you to have the destroyStack property OFF when
editing and ON in the standalone (or vice versa, though I can't see
why anyone would need that).


2) Is there a reason one wouldn't want to use the Encrypt setting,
specifically with the Main stack? If you select this for the Main stack,
what purpose would the password serve since you wouldn't be editing it?

If it is a project that you want to distribute, turn it on for all the
stacks as it stops people being able to read the scripts by opeing the
stack files in a text editor. However during development, it may be
better to leave it off so that you can edit separate sub-stacks in
place more conveniently.

Thanks Sarah -  that's kind of what I thought but wanted to make sure.

Marty Knapp
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Meeting at MacWorld SF in January 2006

2006-01-05 Thread David Brooks
I will be at MacWorld and would like to attend any RunRev or RunRev- 
related sessions.

Dave Brooks

On Jan 5, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

I never saw a summary of when we can meet at Macworld. I also
suggest Tuesday unless some other night has been selected.
Please let us know.

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens


I cannot close the stack "X2", therefore your solution it's
not applicable.

Can your design allow you to separate the images in "X2" from the 
resources that must be opened?  (If not, why not?)

Keep what needs to be open in "X2" and place the images in new stack, 
"X4".  (There's no reason "X2" can't use the image resources in "X4" 
just as "X1" does.)

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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Re: MVC (was Text database using custom properties)

2006-01-05 Thread David Bovill

On 13 Dec 2005, at 13:40, Dave LeYanna wrote:

Dave Bovill and I have taken somewhat different approaches to a  
implementation of an MVC architecture. I'm not sure if Dave's made  

public yet, but you can see mine on revonline. You may not like it if
you're used to a traditional MVC construct, as I've turned it some 90
degrees and put the burden on the model rather than the controller,
but I think it fits with xtalk better that way. At any rate it may
give you some ideas of how you want to implement things.

Yes - I've put a lot of work into this (inspired by mark's demo).  
What I am thinking would be a good demonstration of how MVC can add  
to the collaboration possibilities inherent with Revolution is to  
release this for a tree widget.

There are several different versions and data models for outliners /  
tree widgets floating around and by adding an MVC architecture the  
developer can not only customise a single tree widget for many  
purposes, but also switch between data models.

This gives other developers the ability to fork / improve the speed  
and robustness of the implementation by cloning or creating a new  
data model (while still using the same tree widget view). It also  
allows users to easily switch / upgrade to alternative data models?

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens


Can your design allow you to separate the images in "X2" from the 
resources that must be opened?

A simpler solution?:

on switchLibraries
   stop using stack currentLibrary -- may need to be tweaked?
   close stack currentLibrary
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  get item -1 of currentLibrary
  if it is "x3.rev" then
start using stack imagePath1
put imagePath1 into currentLibrary
 start using stack imagePath2
put imagePath2 into currentLibrary
  end if
  send "refreshButtons" to this stack in 1 tick
   if currentLibrary is imagePath2 then
  stop using stack imagePath2
  close stack imagePath2
  lock messages -- [?]
  open stack imagePath1 -- &/or start using ?
  unlock messages
  -- don't change currentLibrary, so the next call will toggle 
[may cause problems in line 1 & 2 above]

   end if
end switchLibraries

Experience shows us the icons won't change if refreshButtons is not 
sent to the stack.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!  

use-revolution mailing list
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Rev and Unicenter ServicePlus R11

2006-01-05 Thread Thomas McGrath III

Hello my fellow listers,

Has anyone had any experience using Revolution with the CA Unicenter  
Software? or Harvard/IITIL Project Managemen software?

I have a client that does extensive solutions for these systems and I  
am planning on doing RAD prototypes for some GUIs for him and since I  
don't have experience with the actual software/systems I was  
wondering if 'actual' working solutions could also be developed for him.

This would be a big advantage for me.

Thanks in advance,


Thomas J McGrath III

Semantic Compaction Systems -

SCIconics, LLC -

Lazy River Software™ -

Lazy River Metal Art™ -

Meeting Wear™ -

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Runrev 2.2.1 bugs under linux -- XML doesn't WORK !

2006-01-05 Thread Damien Girard
Hi all,

Runtime Revolution <= 2.5 doesen't work at all on my linux operating system 
(Gentoo Linux), so I use revolution 2.2.1 who "seem" to work fine.

-- XML doesn't WORK !
I am writting a very powerful, translation, resizing library who use at 300% 
XML (everything is in XML).
Recently, I wanted to port my software under linux.
And when I launched the library, a lot of error have been returned, and the bug 
doesn't come from my library, I saw that when I done this command in the 
message box:
put revXMLTrees()

Message execution error:
Error description: Function: error in function handler
Very nasty bug, XML work under runrev 2.6.1. But, only runrev 2.2.1 work on my 
computer, because the GTK+ look and feel block runrev.
So I am forced to use vmWare for make software who use this library under 
linux, and I don't like that.


I am using a traditional Window manager (Xfce), Xfce look like CDE but he is 
wrote in GTK+.

And I wanted to try the command "wmPlace", for permit to my Window manager to 
place windows, but when I try this command, I have got that error on the 
message box :

set the wmPlace to true

Message execution error:
Error description: Chunk: can't find object


I am waiting for a runrev who doesn't contains any bug under linux.

But, maybe this is a dream...


Girard Damien
use-revolution mailing list
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Problem running rev 2.2.1 on Windows XP

2006-01-05 Thread Kurt Kaufman
John, is there any chance that your stack (or
standalone) needs to access data (other stacks,
substacks, or other media) and expects to find it in a
particular location? If so, moving the stack (or
standalone) from its original location might prevent
it from functioning properly.

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Instructional Video

2006-01-05 Thread Marty Knapp
This is not exactly a Rev question, but I'm wanting to create some 
instructional videos for my forthcoming "KeywordCruncher" program and 
wondered if there's anyone who has done that and could recommend some 
software for the Mac. Basically I want to do a "look-over-my shoulder" 
kind of tutorial with a voice over. It will most likely be accessed on a 
web page.


Marty Knapp
use-revolution mailing list
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2006-01-05 Thread Stephen Barncard
Is there going to be any Runrev presence at MACWORLD this year? I 
remember a while ago it was in the developer's area...

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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2006-01-05 Thread Richard Gaskin

Stephen Barncard wrote:
Is there going to be any Runrev presence at MACWORLD this year? I 
remember a while ago it was in the developer's area...

I haven't heard anything from them on this, but with any luck they'll be 
skipping this one.

Don't get me wrong:  Macworld is a lot of fun for us attendees, but it's 
very, very expensive for exhibitors, esp. those who need to book 
international flights (on top of the per diem expenses, booth costs, 
etc., not to mention the opportunity costs:  staff at a trade show 
aren't in the office working on the product).

In terms of ROI, smaller developers can get more bang for the buck with 
any number of other strategic marketing moves.  Even much bigger 
companies like Adobe have sat out on a MacWorld or two -- including 
Apple themselves.

My hope is that RunRev does the same for a while, focusing on enhancing 
the product instead (specifically, the items on my wish list ).

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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Re: Instructional Video

2006-01-05 Thread Andre Garzia

On Jan 5, 2006, at 5:20 PM, Marty Knapp wrote:

This is not exactly a Rev question, but I'm wanting to create some  
instructional videos for my forthcoming "KeywordCruncher" program  
and wondered if there's anyone who has done that and could  
recommend some software for the Mac. Basically I want to do a "look- 
over-my shoulder" kind of tutorial with a voice over. It will most  
likely be accessed on a web page.


Marty Knapp


check out Snapz Pro, it can record your screen and will accept input  
from the sound system and the internal mic, very nice.


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2006-01-05 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Stephen Barncard wrote:

Is there going to be any Runrev presence at MACWORLD this year? I 
remember a while ago it was in the developer's area...

I haven't heard anything from them on this, but with any luck they'll be 
skipping this one.

You're in luck then. They're sitting this one out. But Lynn Fredericks 
will be there to meet with various people behind the scenes and maintain 
a presence.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: imageSource Stored in Destination Stack

2006-01-05 Thread J. Landman Gay

Kathy Jaqua wrote:

Thanks Jacqueline,

 I have a field with about 350 ImageSources.
 I use the following format:
 set the clipboardData["image"] to image gImage --
(this is the image the user picked)
but on a Paste into the new stack I lose the image

That doesn't matter, because the imagesource references by ID.

If I get the selection of an imageSource from the
field and go to a new stack
should I:
1. paste the original image and then hide it? Is it
the same image as the imageSource since I have lost
the image name on the paste. 

You could do it that way, but the ID will change. The name doesn't 
matter, but you'll need to get the ID of the last image after the paste 
happens. Then use that number of build a new imagesource tag in the field.

2. then paste (at the mouse click) the Imagesource
into the new field?

Yes, but it won't work until you change the ID that the imagesource is 
using. It might be easier to just build a new imagesource tag using the 
correct ID number and insert that into the htmltext before setting the 
field to use the new text.

What is the difference between 'copy img' and

The "copy  to " command bypasses the clipboard 
entirely and duplicates the image directly to the new location. Current 
clipboard contents are not disturbed. Setting the clipboardData does 
alter the clipboard contents and requires you to paste the content in 
order to get the image duplicated to the new location. You can use 
either method. One advantage to the "copy to location" command is that 
if the image that you are copying is already invisible, it will remain 
invisible after it is duplicated, so the user won't see the image 
flashing on and off as they would if you paste/hide it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: A Custom Property Sets 'Database"

2006-01-05 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks Scott for creating this demo. I'll be sure and put a link to it 
on our altSQLite website.



Scott Kane wrote:

Hi folks,

I've added a demo that expands some of the techniques
used in using altSQLite as a database.  Most importantly
the scripts for data entry style stacks.  It can be obtained
under the Programming section of RevOnline and the stack is
called altDemoSQL   Note - to use this stack you need to first
download and run the official Altuit stack from:

<  >


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Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Chipp Walters


I'm wondering why you're using backScripts instead of library stacks? I 
can understand using frontScripts, but backScripts are limited in number 
vs library stacks (outside development), and IMO typically reserved for

1) scripts of objects other than stacks; (see libURL)
2) runtime when you know you'll never exceed the max number of 
backScripts (10)

Just curious.


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Re: Runrev 2.2.1 bugs under linux -- XML doesn't WORK !

2006-01-05 Thread Ken Ray
On 1/5/06 12:36 PM, "Damien Girard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Runtime Revolution <= 2.5 doesen't work at all on my linux operating system
> (Gentoo Linux), so I use revolution 2.2.1 who "seem" to work fine.
> -- XML doesn't WORK !

Damien, you might be interested in my all-Transcript XML Library, which by
its very nature will work in all OSes. :-)

Version 2.0 is soon to be released, so if you're interested, contact me

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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2006-01-05 Thread Lynn Fredricks
> Is there going to be any Runrev presence at MACWORLD this 
> year? I remember a while ago it was in the developer's area...

Dan Shafer and I talked about getting a BOF room, but MacWorld organizers
said the BOF rooms were booked from last summer. That's why I suggested
leveraging the Mac Business Dinner one.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software, Inc

Joining Worlds of Information

Deploy True Client-Server Database Solutions
Royalty Free with Valentina Developer Network

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Meeting at MacWorld SF in January 2006

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 11:00:19 PM, you wrote:

> I never saw a summary of when we can meet at Macworld. I also suggest
> Tuesday unless some other night has been selected. Please let us know.

Here's my suggestion: there's a Apple UG Volunteer Teams meeting on
Tuesday at 4PM in the Users Group Lounge, room 250/252/256, depending
on where you read it (up the escalator, west mezzanine in the south
hall). It seems to be open to everyone. How about if we plan on
convening there an see where that leads us? The 4-5PM slot is set
aside for "networking". Sounds like it might be a good place to do
some evangelizing anyway.

The event list:

-Mark Wieder

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animations on card

2006-01-05 Thread Preston Shea
Is there a way to see the animations on a card besides using the 
revanimation.rev tool?
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Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 1:15:46 AM, you wrote:

> I suppose you meant "insert" rather than "put."

urk. yes.

> Are you implementing polymorphism for functions and commands?

Sheesh! Was I that obvious about it? I was trying not to be...

> Then when some event requires a change to a different substack, you can set
> the uSubstack of stack "A" and not need to remove and insert scripts.  Would
> that work for you?

No, unfortunately I don't think it would. I need to be able to load
scripts from disk files place them into the message hierarchy in such
a way that they are sort of peers with the substack scripts. What I'm
looking at for this case is not just polymorphism, but being able to
overload functions whose default instance is in my mainstack and whose
overloaded instance is in a separate (not sub-) stack. It's working
well enough now that I should be able to demonstrate it for you next
week at the show.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Set the icon to (icon of another stack)--YES!

2006-01-05 Thread Rob Cozens

if currentLibrary is imagePath2 then
  stop using stack imagePath2
  close stack imagePath2
  lock messages -- [?]
  open stack imagePath1 -- &/or start using ?
  unlock messages
  -- don't change currentLibrary, so the next call will toggle 
[may cause problems in line 1 & 2 above]

   end if

actually needs to be at the end of the refreshButtons handler to work 

Another means of changing icons en mass would be to set button 
profiles with the appropriate icons.  The downsides of this are (1) 
profiles -- at least for moi -- are prone to error if you don't know 
what you are doing (eg: changing a property which has not been 
identified in the current profile establishes identifies that 
property in the master profile), and (2) this keeps both sets of 
icons in RAM at all times.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution! 

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How to download files from a web server

2006-01-05 Thread Bill Vlahos
I have an app that I am setting up with a standalone that  
automatically downloads a stack from a web server (go stack url  
"http://server/path/stack.rev";) and that works great so that all I  
have to do is put the current stack on the server and everyone gets  
automatically updated the next time they run the standalone.

However, there are some other supporting files that periodically get  
updated as well which I would like to do a similar download but those  
files actually need to located on the user's hard disk.

How would I do that?

Bill Vlahos
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Problem running rev 2.2.1 on Windows XP

2006-01-05 Thread John Miller


Thanks for your idea.

I originally thought that something like that was the likely cause.   
However, here is what I discovered as a fix for the problem.  I was  
indeed asking for a file to be retrieved.  However, I put that  
particular script in a handler and placed it in the stack script. It  
wouldn't work there, so I tried placing the handler on the card - no  
luck.  Next I just copied the script and replaced the call to the  
handler and it worked fine.

I still don't understand why it would work on the desktop, but not  
from within the Program Files folder, but I seem to have solved my  

Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

John Miller
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Re: How to download files from a web server

2006-01-05 Thread Chipp Walters

Hi Bill,

you can do the same:

put "C:/test.jpg" into tPath
put URL ("";) into URL ("binFile:" & tPath)


Bill Vlahos wrote:
I have an app that I am setting up with a standalone that  automatically 
downloads a stack from a web server (go stack url  
"http://server/path/stack.rev";) and that works great so that all I  have 
to do is put the current stack on the server and everyone gets  
automatically updated the next time they run the standalone.

However, there are some other supporting files that periodically get  
updated as well which I would like to do a similar download but those  
files actually need to located on the user's hard disk.

How would I do that?

Bill Vlahos

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RE: A Custom Property Sets 'Database"

2006-01-05 Thread Scott Kane
Hi Chipp,

> Thanks Scott for creating this demo. I'll be sure and put a 
> link to it 
> on our altSQLite website.

No worries.  I hope it's helpful to someone.
I've received a lot of help from this list
and am in the process of creating a couple
of new app's (one is database based, the other
is multi-media) and I owe it to the people here
to getting started.  I've become much more 
confident in Rev and am actually reading the
dictionary in Rev.  It's becoming readily 
apparent just how powerful Rev actually is.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: MVC (was Text database using custom properties)

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, January 4, 2006, 9:07:43 AM, you wrote:

> What I am thinking would be a good demonstration of how MVC can add
> to the collaboration possibilities inherent with Revolution is to  
> release this for a tree widget.

I'm looking forward to this...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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[ANN] surprise - new website to host codes

2006-01-05 Thread Marielle Lange

Dear all,

as promised, the surprise:

I was not happy with tikiwiki for managing code snippets. So, there  
is now a new cms to host all the questions and answers about coding  
issues that appear on this mailing list.

Features are:
* All posts of the last month already included in the website (more  
than 400 pages already!)

* As announced, xtalk code colorization, for ease of reading.

* Taxonomy back end. Anybody familiar with the delicious way of  
tagging your material will feel at home here. Each entry is tagged  
with a few vocabulary terms that ensure very rapid localization of  
the information you are after. All tags appear on the right handside  
of the website. An interesting one to use is the "user level"  
category which should allow beginner user to more rapidly find out  
about the information that is relevant to them. New categories or new  
terms can easily be added.

* For now, manual parsing, tagging, and editing guaranteeing quality  
of classification and interest of the posts. For the ones ready to  
help, I have a stack to help with rapid parsing of use-revolution  
digests... more about this later. I am not 100% happy with this stack  

* Powerful search feature. As powerful as google, but limited to this  
website. Provides you contextual hints (what are the "categories"  
that have some matching pages) as well as highlighting.

* Random tips on the top of the right page, to help you increase your  
knowledge of runrev.

* RSS syndication... you can easily track any change made to the  
website from your favorite RSS reader

* RSS aggregation... if you don't have a favorite RSS reader, you can  
easily keep an eye on the RSS feed of some popular programming website.

* Voting feature. You find some information particularly  
interesting... vote for it so that others make sure they don't miss it.

* User points. I use this website as an advanced scrapbook.  
Information will be updated regularly as I would do it anyway for my  
personal use. However, anybody is welcome to register and to ask for  
a moderator status which would allow them to add posts, administer  
aspects of the website or even add terms to the taxonomy. The quality  
of the taxonomy-based tagging, for instance, would greatly benefits  
from community participation. I have mentioned this feature to the  
runrev team and there is perhaps (perhaps... that will be based on  
evaluation after a few months of usage) a possibility for the most  
active contributors to be rewarded.

A lot more is possible. You can check out the list of modules there:  
 to know all modules that can be  
attached to this cms.

How to use it use the use-revolution list to post emails and to  
post replies to post. I had mentioned the  earlier  
on but in fact it doesn't make much of a difference if you use it or  
not, so you don't really need to bother. If you want to comment about  
something on the /codes website, best is to use the use-revolution  
list to do so with a link to the page on the cms (it will then look  
like ). Like many  
others, I prefer to have a single source of information to track.

It's all yours. Enjoy. Feedback welcome!!!


PS. the website has some "slow moments" because of congestions on the  
lexicall website or on my provider servers... best is then to wait  
for 5 minutes and then try again. I intend to move to a more reliable  
provider in a few weeks time.

PS2. the open stacks gallery has now been updated with the holiday  

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [ANN] surprise - new website to host codes

2006-01-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: "Marielle Lange"

as promised, the surprise:

Well, I was just going to commit the next three years of my life to creating 
something very, very similar in Revolution. Now it looks like I can pursue a 
new career maybe tournament bass fishing, or "extreme ironing".

Congratulations, Marielle, on a monumental dynamic reference achievement! 
I"ll probably live on that site for the next four months.

 Jerry Muelver 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Devin Asay
I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to  
pull log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the  
contents for a report. After initially testing the concept with local  
files, today I realized that when you use the 'get URL "http://"' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!  
I must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.  
Before I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to  
pull a text file off a web server using the http protocol and retain  
the return characters?

The whole point is I want users to be able to grab this report data  
off the server without having to worry about logging in,  
authenticating, etc.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Printing in Rev/Dreamcard

2006-01-05 Thread James Z
How accurately can Rev/Dreamcard print? Can I make marks on a data entry
form? In HC I was using Postscript code to draw small rectangles (about 1/8
inch long) and precisely position them on some forms. Does Rev/Dreamcard
have similar capabilities? I'd probably be printing to an Epson ink jet
printer, but maybe a postscript printer.

The main problem I ran into was not being able to print close enough to the
paper edge, but this was mainly a printer problem.


James Z 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: "Devin Asay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to  pull 
log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the  contents 
for a report. After initially testing the concept with local  files, today 
I realized that when you use the 'get URL "http://"' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!  I 
must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.  Before 
I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to  pull a text 
file off a web server using the http protocol and retain  the return 

I think the returns are there, but are converted to spaces by the browser, 
since that's the HTML way.

I would try:

get URL "";
put it into myText
put "" before myText
put "" after myText

Then save myText to a file with a ".htm" extension, and point the browser to 
the file.

 Jery Muelver 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Printing in Rev/Dreamcard

2006-01-05 Thread Richard Gaskin

James Z wrote:

How accurately can Rev/Dreamcard print? Can I make marks on a data entry
form? In HC I was using Postscript code to draw small rectangles (about 1/8
inch long) and precisely position them on some forms. Does Rev/Dreamcard
have similar capabilities? I'd probably be printing to an Epson ink jet
printer, but maybe a postscript printer.

The main problem I ran into was not being able to print close enough to the
paper edge, but this was mainly a printer problem.

The good news is that you can position elements to pixel accuracy 
(~72dpi), and by setting the printMargins property you can use the full 
printable area available to your printer.

The bad news is that you can't determine from within Rev what that 
printable area is.

There's a request filed for this:

In the meantime you can provide a custom dialog for your users to 
specify the printable area.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 1/5/06 12:07 PM, "Mark Wieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I'm
> looking at for this case is not just polymorphism, but being able to
> overload functions whose default instance is in my mainstack and whose
> overloaded instance is in a separate (not sub-) stack.

If the handlers in your main stack check the target, then they can provide
the default implementations:

function foo p
  put the uStack of me into tStack
  if (tStack is empty) \
  or (the target is "stack" && quote & tStack & quote) then
-- execute the default implementation, for example:
put the long time into tResult
put value(the params,stack tStack) into tResult
  end if
  return tResult
end foo

on bar p
  put the uStack of me into tStack
  if (tStack is empty) \
  or (the target is "stack" && quote & tStack & quote) then
-- execute the default implementation, for example:
put the long time into tResult
send the params to stack tStack
put the result into tResult
  end if
  put tResult
  return tResult
end bar

With this technique, you can overload any handler without repeatedly
removing and inserting scripts into front or back.  I think.  I see you're
satisfied with your current approach, but do you see a problem with this

-- Dick

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: [ANN] surprise - new website to host codes

2006-01-05 Thread Scott Kane
Hi Marielle,

This is a nice resource.  Thank you!  :-)


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On 1/6/06, Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to
> pull log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the
> contents for a report. After initially testing the concept with local
> files, today I realized that when you use the 'get URL "http://
>"' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!
> I must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.
> Before I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to
> pull a text file off a web server using the http protocol and retain
> the return characters?

What new line character does the log file use? it could be
numToChar(10), numToChar(13) or CRLF (both together). Try getting the
data and then checking for these three characters and replacing with

use-revolution mailing list
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Applescript execution error under Rev but not Script Editor

2006-01-05 Thread Joel Guillod
The following Applescript does work successfully when run in the  
Script Editor but return an execution error when run with «do fld  
"theScript" as Applescript»:

tell application "Address Book"
		set theCard to person id "808C7253-74EA-4619- 

tell me to assignPersonToGroup(theCard, "Patients")
save addressbook
end tell
on error myError
return myError
end try

on assignPersonToGroup(thePerson, theGroup)
if (theGroup is not equal to "") then
tell application "Address Book"
set nameOfEveryGroup to name of every group
if nameOfEveryGroup contains theGroup then
set theGroupByID to group named theGroup
add thePerson to theGroupByID
set newGroup to make new group with properties 
add thePerson to newGroup
end if
end tell
end if
end assignPersonToGroup

"Impossible de rendre «class azf4» id \"808C7253-74EA-4619- 
BC2D-3D030DEA63D9:ABPerson\" of application \"Address Book\" dans le  
type attendu."
translated in english: "impossible to render «class azf4» id  
\"808C7253-74EA-4619-BC2D-3D030DEA63D9:ABPerson\" of application  
\"Address Book\" in the expected type".

MY QUESTION: Any clue to be able to execute the Applescript also in Rev?

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Instructional Video

2006-01-05 Thread alex wu

I think you can use flash to accomplish this.
There is a website that has a lot of this kind
of instructional videos.  You may check if
this is what you are looking for.

Best regards


--- Marty Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is not exactly a Rev question, but I'm wanting
> to create some 
> instructional videos for my forthcoming
> "KeywordCruncher" program and 
> wondered if there's anyone who has done that and
> could recommend some 
> software for the Mac. Basically I want to do a
> "look-over-my shoulder" 
> kind of tutorial with a voice over. It will most
> likely be accessed on a 
> web page.
> Thanks,
> Marty Knapp
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and
> manage your subscription preferences:

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Applescript execution error under Rev but not Script Editor

2006-01-05 Thread Sarah Reichelt
> The following Applescript does work successfully when run in the
> Script Editor but return an execution error when run with «do fld
> "theScript" as Applescript»:
> try
> tell application "Address Book"
> activate
> set theCard to person id "808C7253-74EA-4619-
> BC2D-3D030DEA63D9:ABPerson"
> tell me to assignPersonToGroup(theCard, "Patients")
> save addressbook
> end tell
> on error myError
> return myError
> end try
> on assignPersonToGroup(thePerson, theGroup)
> if (theGroup is not equal to "") then
> tell application "Address Book"
> set nameOfEveryGroup to name of every group
> if nameOfEveryGroup contains theGroup then
> set theGroupByID to group named theGroup
> add thePerson to theGroupByID
> else
> set newGroup to make new group with 
> properties {name:theGroup}
> add thePerson to newGroup
> end if
> end tell
> end if
> end assignPersonToGroup
> "Impossible de rendre «class azf4» id \"808C7253-74EA-4619-
> BC2D-3D030DEA63D9:ABPerson\" of application \"Address Book\" dans le
> type attendu."
> translated in english: "impossible to render «class azf4» id
> \"808C7253-74EA-4619-BC2D-3D030DEA63D9:ABPerson\" of application
> \"Address Book\" in the expected type".
> MY QUESTION: Any clue to be able to execute the Applescript also in Rev?

Hi Joel,

I have found that you can't use separate functions in AppleScripts run
through Rev. Embeb the function's script in the main AppleScript
handler and I think it will work.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Devin Asay
Sarah gets the prize. Once I calmed down and looked closer at the  
file I realized that all of the line endings were cr's (xtalk logical  
lines, produced on a Mac.) If I take the same files and save them  
from BBedit as unix or DOS format, the line breaks are preserved. So  
I just need to make sure I use a LF or CRLF as a line delimiter.

Thanks for the help.


On Jan 5, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On 1/6/06, Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to
pull log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the
contents for a report. After initially testing the concept with local
files, today I realized that when you use the 'get URL "http://"' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!
I must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.
Before I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to
pull a text file off a web server using the http protocol and retain
the return characters?

What new line character does the log file use? it could be
numToChar(10), numToChar(13) or CRLF (both together). Try getting the
data and then checking for these three characters and replacing with

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your  
subscription preferences:

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: MACWORLD -- but keep Monterey

2006-01-05 Thread Erik Hansen

--- Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My hope is that RunRev does the same for a
> while, focusing on enhancing
> the product instead ...

but keep Monterey.

Erik Hansen


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

use-revolution mailing list
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Good RR Discussion Forum Running Since 2003

2006-01-05 Thread alex wu

Do you know the following RR discussion forum?

This RR discussion forum has been running since 2003
after the closing of 'RR Forum for Newbies'.  I always
get answers whenever I ask any questions about RR.

Best regards


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Printing in Rev/Dreamcard

2006-01-05 Thread Stephen Barncard

In my own experience, accurate enough to print CD labels...

"edge to edge" or full bleed printing is more a feature or limitation 
of the printer.

How accurately can Rev/Dreamcard print? Can I make marks on a data entry
form? In HC I was using Postscript code to draw small rectangles (about 1/8
inch long) and precisely position them on some forms. Does Rev/Dreamcard
have similar capabilities? I'd probably be printing to an Epson ink jet
printer, but maybe a postscript printer.

The main problem I ran into was not being able to print close enough to the
paper edge, but this was mainly a printer problem.


James Z

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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Re: MACWORLD -- but keep Monterey

2006-01-05 Thread Richard Gaskin

Erik Hansen wrote:

--- Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My hope is that RunRev does the same for a
while, focusing on enhancing
the product instead ...

but keep Monterey.

And Malta (coming up in early November).

Conferences devoted to the product have a much greater value for a small 
company than general computing trade shows, where the costs are far 
greater and the percentage of potential users is much smaller.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

save for web name length

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi all y'alls (or is it alls y'all?:-)

Anyone know the limit of a png image "Save for Web"
name length? 
I am using adobe CS2?


Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
San Francisco

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Chipp Walters


You might also try saving the text file as a binFile and opening it. 
Just a thought.


Devin Asay wrote:
Sarah gets the prize. Once I calmed down and looked closer at the  file 
I realized that all of the line endings were cr's (xtalk logical  lines, 
produced on a Mac.) If I take the same files and save them  from BBedit 
as unix or DOS format, the line breaks are preserved. So  I just need to 
make sure I use a LF or CRLF as a line delimiter.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: save for web name length

2006-01-05 Thread Martin Baxter

Hi Kathy,

Presumably the same as for any other file on the web. If you stick to 31 
characters or fewer (including the .png extension) you should be OK.


Kathy Jaqua wrote:

Hi all y'alls (or is it alls y'all?:-)

Anyone know the limit of a png image "Save for Web"
name length? 
I am using adobe CS2?


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to download files from a web server

2006-01-05 Thread Bill Vlahos
Oh that is so cool. I couldn't image it would be that simple. I should 
have just tried it.

Thanks Chipp.


On Jan 5, 2006, at 1:37 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

Hi Bill,

you can do the same:

put "C:/test.jpg" into tPath
put URL ("";) into URL ("binFile:" & 


Bill Vlahos wrote:
I have an app that I am setting up with a standalone that  
automatically downloads a stack from a web server (go stack url  
"http://server/path/stack.rev";) and that works great so that all I  
have to do is put the current stack on the server and everyone gets  
automatically updated the next time they run the standalone.
However, there are some other supporting files that periodically get  
updated as well which I would like to do a similar download but those 
 files actually need to located on the user's hard disk.

How would I do that?
Bill Vlahos

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Bill Vlahos

Yep. That's what I do. It works great.


On Jan 5, 2006, at 6:04 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

Sarah gets the prize. Once I calmed down and looked closer at the file 
I realized that all of the line endings were cr's (xtalk logical 
lines, produced on a Mac.) If I take the same files and save them from 
BBedit as unix or DOS format, the line breaks are preserved. So I just 
need to make sure I use a LF or CRLF as a line delimiter.

Thanks for the help.


On Jan 5, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On 1/6/06, Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to
pull log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the
contents for a report. After initially testing the concept with local
files, today I realized that when you use the 'get URL "http://"' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!
I must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.
Before I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to
pull a text file off a web server using the http protocol and retain
the return characters?

What new line character does the log file use? it could be
numToChar(10), numToChar(13) or CRLF (both together). Try getting the
data and then checking for these three characters and replacing with

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
subscription preferences:

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

save for web name length

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thanks Martin

30... Um... OK  I can do that  I think.

kathy Graves Jaqua 

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Instructional Video

2006-01-05 Thread Judy Perry

Try Ambrosia's Snapz Pro:

Worth its weight in gold, methinks, for this sort of thing...


On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Marty Knapp wrote:

> This is not exactly a Rev question, but I'm wanting to create some
> instructional videos for my forthcoming "KeywordCruncher" program and
> wondered if there's anyone who has done that and could recommend some
> software for the Mac. Basically I want to do a "look-over-my shoulder"
> kind of tutorial with a voice over. It will most likely be accessed on a
> web page.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Vb CommEvent in Rev

2006-01-05 Thread Ken Ray
On 1/4/06 1:49 PM, "Camm29" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi ,
> Is there an equivalaint to Visual Basic CommEvent in Rev ?
> Can i tell if  characters have arrived and ready to be Read from the Com Port
> Buffer ?

Well, I haven't done much with this myself, but my understanding is that you
can open the COM port and read characters from it, and send characters to
it... I don't know if there's a way to get an event when incoming data comes
in, but you can continually read from the port, even if it's empty.

It's something like:

 open driver "COM2:"
 read from driver "COM2:" for 10 chars in 2 seconds

Check the Transcript Dictionary for "open driver" and "read from driver"...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 4:23:17 PM, you wrote:

> With this technique, you can overload any handler without repeatedly
> removing and inserting scripts into front or back.  I think.  I see you're
> satisfied with your current approach, but do you see a problem with this
> technique?

For my current conundrum, yes. I need not just polymorphism here, but
I also have the case where functions in the library stack need to call
a function in the mainstack. So there are (at least) three stacks
involved: a mainstack, a second stack loaded from disk on the fly
which needs to go in front of the mainstack objects, and a library
substack of the mainstack. In order to maintain object separation (the
library substack doesn't know or care about fields in the mainstack,
data logging file particulars, etc) I now have the mainstack and
substack as peer library stacks ("start using") and the stack that
gets loaded from disk as a frontstack ("insert into"). The stack
loaded on the fly needs, of course, to call functions in both the
mainstack and substack; functions in the substack need to use the
overloaded functions in the frontstack; and both need functions in the

If I were just dealing with overloading functions then your approach
of value() or send would work, and that's what I was doing before life
got complicated.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, January 5, 2006, 12:26:55 PM, you wrote:

> I'm wondering why you're using backScripts instead of library stacks? I
> can understand using frontScripts, but backScripts are limited in number
> vs library stacks (outside development), and IMO typically reserved for

> 1) scripts of objects other than stacks; (see libURL)
> 2) runtime when you know you'll never exceed the max number of 
> backScripts (10)

I just posted a longer reply to Dick's response. I *am* using library
scripts now. I couldn't get a substack to work as a library stack
before, but now it's working. I think I just hadn't cleaned out memory
properly and my message hierarchy was messed up. Jacque's trick of
using "stack x of stack y" got me past that point.

But now that you mention it, my understanding is that library stacks
function like backscripts in that the go behind the mainstack, but
that they're peered, so they have access to each others' handlers. I
take it that real backscripts stay behind library stacks in the
message hierarchy?

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: message hierarchy question

2006-01-05 Thread Mark Wieder

> Try:

>   start using stack "substack 1" of stack "A"

> That puts it in the back.

My bad. It does work after all. I think I still had the message
hierarchy messed up in memory and quitting and relaunching rev seems
to have gotten things working. Thanks.

 -Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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2006-01-05 Thread Dan Shafer
Yeah, this one fell through the cracks when I got sick and then
stranded in the Sierra Foothills by weather.

I'm open on Tuesday the 10th in the evening if someone wants to
suggest an informal way for us to get together, but there's only a 50%
chance I'll go at all since I've lost all this time.


On 1/5/06, Lynn Fredricks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there going to be any Runrev presence at MACWORLD this
> > year? I remember a while ago it was in the developer's area...
> Dan Shafer and I talked about getting a BOF room, but MacWorld organizers
> said the BOF rooms were booked from last summer. That's why I suggested
> leveraging the Mac Business Dinner one.
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> President
> Paradigma Software, Inc
> Joining Worlds of Information
> Deploy True Client-Server Database Solutions
> Royalty Free with Valentina Developer Network
> ___
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
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Re: MACWORLD -- but keep Monterey

2006-01-05 Thread Dan Shafer
Probably self-evident but I thought I'd jump in and point out that
RunRev doesn't run Malta or Monterey and therefore there is no
conflict in focusing on the product and being one of several sponsors
to the conferences we're staging.

On 1/5/06, Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Hansen wrote:
> >
> > --- Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>My hope is that RunRev does the same for a
> >>while, focusing on enhancing
> >>the product instead ...
> >
> >
> > but keep Monterey.
> And Malta (coming up in early November).
> Conferences devoted to the product have a much greater value for a small
> company than general computing trade shows, where the costs are far
> greater and the percentage of potential users is much smaller.
> --
>   Richard Gaskin
>   Managing Editor, revJournal
>   ___
>   Rev tips, tutorials and more:
> ___
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Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
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