Re: Shell Function and $PATH?

2006-02-04 Thread Mark Waddingham

Hi David,

How does the $PATH and the shell() function work?

That is the path as you get from:

put $PATH


put shell(echo $PATH)

does not correspond with what you get if you try the same from the  
shell. This is presumably because these are set by various bash  
scripts when a terminal starts and Rev does not do this?

OK - but how does Rev do this exactly, which $PATH does if take,  
and what happens when you set the PATH from inside Revolution -  
this is important as shelling to programs does not work unless they  
are on the PATH.

All variables that are prefixed by '$' are directly linked to their  
corresponding environment variables. So the values you see from  
within a Revolution application are what has been passed to the  
process by the OS.

In particular, the PATH variable will often differ from that which  
you see in a Terminal window because after the terminal launches it  
runs an interactive shell. Interactive shells (such as bash)  
typically have their own configuration that augments the PATH variable.

In terms of setting such variables then the only thing to remember is  
that environment variables are passed from parent process to child  
process but not the other way around. So the OS gives Revolution its  
own set of environment variables, which you can modify, and  
Revolution will then pass the same values (including modifications)  
on to any child processes it launches - in particular, ones run using  

So, all you need to do to change the paths that the shell command  
looks in is to set the $PATH variable to the required list before  
using the shell function.

Hope this helps,


 Mark Waddingham ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
   Runtime Revolution ~ User-Centric Development Tools

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Multiple instances of open stacks?

2006-02-04 Thread Sivakatirswami
Is it normal to see multiple instances of open stack in the stack  

only have constellation open and three of my own stacks...


is listed 5 times and constellation is listed 5 times?



/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/components/tools/revmessagebox.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/components/tools/revtools.rev


/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/Favorites.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/revAltPlugin.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/gadgets/revConstellation.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/gadgets/revConstellation.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/gadgets/revConstellation.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/gadgets/revConstellation.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/gadgets/revConstellation.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/plugins/revGadgetBar.rev
/Applications/Revolution 2.6.1/components/tools/revmenubar.rev
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Re: handler troubles

2006-02-04 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Ben,

I am going to make a standalone, that saves to a separate data  
stack.  Right now I have 2 sample stacks to work out the kinks,  
button sample and data sample.  On the button sample stack I  
have a series of quiz items per card, each with yes or no  
responses.  I used radio buttons, grouped for each item.

So item #1 has a YES btn and a NO btn, named yes1 and no1,  
 these are grouped to make group1.

At the bottom of the page is a btn Go Next Page, with the script:

on mouseUp
put the value of hilitedbutton of group group1 into field 1  
of stack data sample

end mouseUp

Don't use value:

  put hilitedbutton of group group1 into field 1 of CD X of  
stack data sample

## see below...

This will only return the NUMBER of the hilited button of that group
if the the FIRST button in that group is hilited and
if it i the second one.

This works alright, but it puts YES as 1 and NO as 2,  
apparently based on the ID.  What I want is to be able to code the  
correct answers 1  the incorrect answers as -1, with the  
unanswered items as 0.

So I tried scripts like this, with -1 for the incorrect buttons:

global dataValue1
on mouseUp
 put -1 into dataValue1
end mouseUp

And this in the Go Next Page  btn:
global dataValue1

on mouseUp
 send dataValue1 to field 1 of stack data sample
end mouseUp

But get error message:
Type Handler: can't find handler
Object: Next
Line: send dataValue1 to field 1 of stack data sample

Hint: -1

I can't figure out what is wrong.  I've tried many permutations  
that I have not listed.  Thanks for any help,

You cannot send the value of a variable.
You can only send a message = the name of a handler.

So you just:

global dataValue1
on mouseUp
  PUT dataValue1 to field 1 of CD X of stack data sample
  ## see below...
end mouseUp

And try this for checking which radiobutton is hilited:

on mouseUp
   put empty into temp_var
  ## we willstore the NUMBER of the hilited button here

   if the hilitedbutton of grp group1 = 1 then
 ## the first button = yes1 is hilited
 put YES into temp_var
 ## the secong button is hilited
put NO into temp_var
  end if

 if temp_var = empty then put 0 into temp_var
## NO button is hilited!

 put temp_var into  field 1 of CD X of stack data sample
 ## if you omit the descriptor of CD X it will only work if the  
field is on
## the current card of stack data sample or it there is only ONE  
card in that stack!

end mouseUp

Hope that helps.



Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list
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How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Hi !
I have a background field that displays different texts on the 
different cards of the background.
I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one card 
only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the backgroundColor).
So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card, I 
must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.

Here is my current solution :

on highlightString thisCard
Global myWords -- several words or strings separated by commas
  put the name of this cd into currentCard
  repeat for each item i in myWords
  find whole i
  if the name of this cd is currentCard then
set the backgroundColor of the foundText to Burlywood1
go to currentCard
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
end highlightString
Seems to work but not very nice ! because each time the find proceeds 
to another card I must « lead it back » to the right card (« go to 
currentCard »).

It seems to me that using « offset » would lead to a rather heavy 
handler  :-((

Any better idea welcome !

all the bests from Grenoble

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour André,

You could have a look at the way by which this problem is handled in  
the IDE (searching in a script): the answer is there :-)

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a  
successful next find

  put false into lDidFind
  set the hScroll of fld Result to 0
  put quote  ,. :;$[]\|()[EMAIL PROTECTED]  cr into tTerminators
  put the caseSensitive into tCaseSensitive
  set the caseSensitive to false
  put true into tNotFound
  if word 1 of fld Result  Index then put 0 into tFirstSkip
  else put the number of chars of line 1 to lineOffset 
(  ,fld result) of fld Result into tFirstSkip

  if lStartChar = empty then put 0 into lStartChar
  repeat while tNotFound
put offset(field Find, field Result, lStartChar) into tOffset
if tOffset is 0 and lStartChar is not 0 then
  put offset(field Find, field Result) into tOffset
  if tOffset = lStartChar then put 0 into tOffset
  put 0 into lStartChar
end if
add tOffset to lStartChar
if tOffset is 0 or lStartChar is tOChar then return false
if tOChar is empty then put lStartChar into tOChar
if the uHilite of button WholeWord then
  if char (lStartChar - 1) of field result is in tTerminators  
and char (lStartChar + the length of field find) of field Result  
is in tTerminators then

put false into tNotFound
  end if
  put false into tNotFound
end if
  end repeat
  if pDoSelect then
if lStartChar  tFirstSkip then
  set the caseSensitive to tCaseSensitive
  get FindNext(true)
else select char lStartChar to (lStartChar + the length of field  
find - 1) of field Result

  end if
  put true into lDidFind
  set the caseSensitive to tCaseSensitive
  return true
end FindNext

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 4 févr. 06 à 15:29, André.Bisseret a écrit :

I have a background field that displays different texts on the  
different cards of the background.
I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one  
card only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the  
So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card,  
I must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.

Here is my current solution :

on highlightString thisCard
Global myWords -- several words or strings separated by commas
  put the name of this cd into currentCard
  repeat for each item i in myWords
  find whole i
  if the name of this cd is currentCard then
set the backgroundColor of the foundText to Burlywood1
go to currentCard
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
end highlightString
Seems to work but not very nice ! because each time the find  
proceeds to another card I must « lead it back » to the right card  
(« go to currentCard »).

It seems to me that using « offset » would lead to a rather heavy  
handler  :-((


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Re: handler troubles

2006-02-04 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Ben,

Another tip: avoid to use a number to name a field. This can be  
If this is important in your code to refer to a field, just add a  

fld data1

and retrieve what you need by using (with the above example) char 5  
to -1 of the short name of the target (or what you need)
This formulation will get back the right number even you have 10 000  

Le 4 févr. 06 à 12:56, Klaus Major a écrit :

Don't use value:

  put hilitedbutton of group group1 into field 1 of CD X of  
stack data sample

## see below...

This will only return the NUMBER of the hilited button of that group
if the the FIRST button in that group is hilited and
if it i the second one.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: DreamCard Player and possible problems

2006-02-04 Thread Rand Valentine

Rand, if you want a simpler method of distribution, you can check out

It is a stripped-down version of DreamCard Player that doesn't include
RevOnline or any other stuff, and has been adopted by a number of  
for stack distribution because it can be configured to  
automatically open a
stack when it launches and doesn't provide its own interface to  
get in the


Check it out..

  Thanks so much, Ken, that was very helpful. It didn't solve my  
student's problem, but it did help me with another problem I wrote to  
the list about awhile ago, namely that I couldn't get the DC Player  
to start on my Windows laptop running XP Home Edition. The  
StackRunner works fine on that laptop, so I'm very happy about that.  
Thanks for making this program, too, Ken, your outfit is a real  
blessing for us DreamCard users.

rand valentine

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Printing parts of a card

2006-02-04 Thread arie van der Ent


I want to print five parts of a card resized to paper size A4.  
According to the documentation it seems simple.

I made a test button on the card with the following script:

ON mouseUp
put 0,0,595,842 into tA4 -- paper size A4
open printing with dialog
print this card from 232,168 to 342,354 into tA4 -- from  
left,top to right,bottom (Thanks, Dan Shafer)

print this card from 328,168 to 438,354 into tA4
print this card from 433,168 to 543,354 into tA4
print this card from 545,168 to 655,354 into tA4
print this card from 655,168 to 765,354 into tA4
close printing
END mouseUp

All I got is a blank piece of paper. Is there a solution?

Arie van der Ent
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 15:34 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

You could have a look at the way by which this problem is handled in 
the IDE (searching in a script): the answer is there :-)

Bonjour Éric,
I am really sorry, but I don't catch what you are suggesting to me by 
that first sentence ; where should I have had a look to find how this 
problem is handled in the IDE? I get the feeling that I am missing some 
information source !?

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find
Anyway thanks a lot for the function ; I am going to study it before 
choosing (likely more pro than my handler, but it is a bit complex 
isnt' it ?)

all the best from Grenoble

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread Eric Chatonet

Re André,

Le 4 févr. 06 à 16:45, André.Bisseret a écrit :

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 15:34 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

You could have a look at the way by which this problem is handled  
in the IDE (searching in a script): the answer is there :-)

Bonjour Éric,
I am really sorry, but I don't catch what you are suggesting to me  
by that first sentence ; where should I have had a look to find how  
this problem is handled in the IDE? I get the feeling that I am  
missing some information source !?

As you know it the IDE is built with Rev.
THIS is of great value: it means that you can modify it and first  
study it :-)
To access all IDE scripts, check the Contextual menus work  in  
Revolution windows in the General pane of the Preferences.

Then use a right/control click to open this world :-)

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a  
successful next find
Anyway thanks a lot for the function ; I am going to study it  
before choosing (likely more pro than my handler, but it is a bit  
complex isnt' it ?)

It's very complete but you can simplify it:

local lDidFind,lStartChar
function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a  
successful next find

  local tNotFound,tOffset,tOChar
  put false into lDidFind
  put true into tNotFound
  if lStartChar = empty then put 0 into lStartChar
  repeat while tNotFound
put offset(field Find, field Result, lStartChar) into tOffset
if tOffset is 0 and lStartChar is not 0 then
  put offset(field Find, field Result) into tOffset
  if tOffset = lStartChar then put 0 into tOffset
  put 0 into lStartChar
end if
add tOffset to lStartChar
if tOffset is 0 or lStartChar is tOChar then return false
if tOChar is empty then put lStartChar into tOChar
  end repeat
  if pDoSelect then
select char lStartChar to (lStartChar + the length of field  
find - 1) of field Result

  end if
  put true into lDidFind
  return true
end FindNext

Sorry: I forgot the two local script variables in my previous post
Here field Result is the searched field and field Find contains  
the string to find.

And the function is used in a handler as the following:

on MakeMySearch -- mouseUp in a button, etc.
  if not FindNext(true) then beep
end MakeMySearch

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread J. Landman Gay

André.Bisseret wrote:

Hi !
I have a background field that displays different texts on the different 
cards of the background.
I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one card 
only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the backgroundColor).
So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card, I 
must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.

If your stack does not have too many cards, this works:

repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds
  set the dontsearch of cd x to true
end repeat
set the dontsearch of this cd to false
-- now use find to do the search here

The dontsearch property disallows any searches in any fields. The 
above script just sets all the cards so they are not searchable, then 
reverts the current card so that it is searchable.

This is fast enough if the stack doesn't have a lot of cards. You'll 
have to experiment to see if your stack is small enough to make the 
delay unnoticeable.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread André . Bisseret

Le Saturday, 4 Feb 2006, à 16:59 Europe/Paris, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

As you know it the IDE is built with Rev.
THIS is of great value: it means that you can modify it and first 
study it :-)
To access all IDE scripts, check the Contextual menus work  in 
Revolution windows in the General pane of the Preferences.

Then use a right/control click to open this world :-)

Really GREAT ! I did not know about this possibility !
Merci beaucoup Éric for this very useful information.
and also for your idea (and work) about simplifying the function

all the best from Grenoble

For your convenience:

function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find
Anyway thanks a lot for the function ; I am going to study it before 
choosing (likely more pro than my handler, but it is a bit complex 
isnt' it ?)

It's very complete but you can simplify it:

local lDidFind,lStartChar
function FindNext pDoSelect -- returns a boolean according to a 
successful next find

  local tNotFound,tOffset,tOChar
  put false into lDidFind
  put true into tNotFound
  if lStartChar = empty then put 0 into lStartChar
  repeat while tNotFound
put offset(field Find, field Result, lStartChar) into tOffset
if tOffset is 0 and lStartChar is not 0 then
  put offset(field Find, field Result) into tOffset
  if tOffset = lStartChar then put 0 into tOffset
  put 0 into lStartChar
end if
add tOffset to lStartChar
if tOffset is 0 or lStartChar is tOChar then return false
if tOChar is empty then put lStartChar into tOChar
  end repeat
  if pDoSelect then
select char lStartChar to (lStartChar + the length of field find 
- 1) of field Result

  end if
  put true into lDidFind
  return true
end FindNext

Sorry: I forgot the two local script variables in my previous post
Here field Result is the searched field and field Find contains 
the string to find.

And the function is used in a handler as the following:

on MakeMySearch -- mouseUp in a button, etc.
  if not FindNext(true) then beep
end MakeMySearch

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Multiple instances of open stacks?

2006-02-04 Thread J. Landman Gay

Sivakatirswami wrote:
Is it normal to see multiple instances of open stack in the stack  

Yes. It's been like that forever. I asked Scott Raney about it once but 
I don't recall his answer. However, the openstacks function works 
fine, and is what you should use if possible.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Multiple instances of open stacks?

2006-02-04 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto

At 1:39 AM -1000 2/4/2006, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Is it normal to see multiple instances of open stack in the stack function?

Yes, it is normal if there are substacks - the stack's filename will 
appear once for each main stack or substack in the file. Quote: The 
file paths of substacks are included, but the stack names themselves 
are not. This means that if more than one stack in a file is open, 
that file's path appears more than once in the list returned by the 
stacks function.

It really ought to be called the stackFiles function, except that 
name is already taken by the stackFiles property. ;-)

(You might want to look at the openStacks and revLoadedStacks 
functions also - they might come closer to what you need.)

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: How to stay on a card when repeating a « find »

2006-02-04 Thread Jim Ault
It could be that an openStack/closeStack handler could do this make the
delay virtually unnoticeable:
on openStack
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds
set the dontsearch of cd x to true
 end repeat
end  openStack

Then the handler doing the work could:
on doFindWork
 set the dontsearch of this cd to false
 -- now use find to do the search here
   set the dontsearch of this cd to true
end doFindWork

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 2/4/06 9:27 AM, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 André.Bisseret wrote:
 Hi !
 I have a background field that displays different texts on the different
 cards of the background.
 I need to find all the occurrences of one word (or string) on one card
 only, in order to highlight each occurrence (set the backgroundColor).
 So, when there is no more occurrence of a word on the current card, I
 must prevent the find to proceed on following cards.
 If your stack does not have too many cards, this works:
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds
set the dontsearch of cd x to true
 end repeat
 set the dontsearch of this cd to false
 -- now use find to do the search here
 The dontsearch property disallows any searches in any fields. The
 above script just sets all the cards so they are not searchable, then
 reverts the current card so that it is searchable.
 This is fast enough if the stack doesn't have a lot of cards. You'll
 have to experiment to see if your stack is small enough to make the
 delay unnoticeable.

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Font size when crossing platforms

2006-02-04 Thread David Mendriski
I have just written an application using Dreamcard 6.5.1 which drills  
Italian verbs in all forms.  I was very pleased with its appearance  
on my Imac G5.  I gave it to a classmate in my Italian class with a  
copy of DreamCard Player for PCs.  When it opened on her computer,  
the size of the card exceeded the size of her screen, losing its  
edges, altho it is simply centered on mine.  The textfields were the  
original size, but the font in those fields shrank down to barely  
visible.  They were 14 point fonts on my computer.  I also tried to  
create a menubar from the menubar creator.  If Mac format is NOT  
checked  the menuitems appear in the upperleft corner of the card in  
a small font and can be selected and opened. If Mac format is  
selected, the items appear in REV's Menubar instead of Rev's menubar   
and the items (eg FILE or HELP) highlite  if selected but their  
existing contents do not open or get exposed.  Can anyone PLEASE  
suggest what I am doing wrong?

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Re: QT 7.0.4 failing in Rev Players on Windows

2006-02-04 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Feb 3, 2006, at 7:43 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

One of my Windows users hit a H.264 file on the web and was  
prompted to go upgrade Quicktime, which he dutifully did...

Now my Revolution players are failing to play .mp3 files on his  
hard drive:

What error message is being returned after setting the filename of  
the player object?  Check result() to see the error message.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

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Populating groups with data

2006-02-04 Thread Josh Mellicker

Hello all,

I have data returned from a PHP script, like this:

total number of tasks: 4
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 47|get cookies|vanilla wafers,  
oreos, choc chip|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 46|buy funny hats|all kinds of hats| 

project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 40|buy bikes|cool bikes!|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 48|get shiny stuff|shiny|duncan|3|

I want the data to populate a scrolling group of groups that will  
look something like this:

More info:

1. Forgive me, I barely know what I’m talking about :)

2. I can format the incoming data any way that is easy for Revolution  
to parse. I used | as the field delimiter. Other text is returned  
with the data for clarity (like total number of tasks: ) and does  
not need to be there.

3. I think I might need to populate an array first, because when the  
user changes something, I need to look up the task number based on  
which task (which clone of the group?) they clicked on before I send  
data back to a PHP script to change the database

Thanks for any insight!

By the way, if anyone would like to bill me (a reasonable amount!)  
for helping me with this I have checkbook (or PayPal) ready! :) (just  
shoot me a bid first!)

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Populating groups with data

2006-02-04 Thread Sarah Reichelt
 I have data returned from a PHP script, like this:

 total number of tasks: 4
 project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 47|get cookies|vanilla wafers,
 oreos, choc chip|duncan|3|
 project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 46|buy funny hats|all kinds of hats|
 project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 40|buy bikes|cool bikes!|duncan|3|
 project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 48|get shiny stuff|shiny|duncan|3|

 I want the data to populate a scrolling group of groups that will
 look something like this:

How about something like this:

put last word of tPHPdata into tNumGroups
delete line 1 of tPHPdata

set the itemDelimiter to |
repeat with g = 1 to tNumGroups
  put line g of tPHPdata into tLineData
  put item 2 of tLineData into field ProjectName of group (Task  g)
  put item 4 of tLineData into field TaskName of group (Task  g)
  put item 5 of tLineData into field TaskDetails of group (Task  g)
  put item 6 of tLineData into tTaskOwner
  if btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) contains tTaskOwner is false then
put cr  tTaskOwner after btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g)
  end if
  get lineOffset(tTaskOwner, btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g))
  set the menuHistory of btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) to it
end repeat

This assumes that all the groups have been created and are called
Task1, Task2 etc. If they don't already exist, you need to clone
them and position them. If you make lots in advance, you may want to
show  hide them depending on how many are full.

BTW, I wasn't sure what all the data segments in your PHP data were,
but this should give you enough to display the rest wherever you need

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: DreamCard Player and possible problems

2006-02-04 Thread Ken Ray
On 2/4/06 9:12 AM, Rand Valentine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks so much, Ken, that was very helpful. It didn't solve my
 student's problem, but it did help me with another problem I wrote to
 the list about awhile ago, namely that I couldn't get the DC Player
 to start on my Windows laptop running XP Home Edition. The
 StackRunner works fine on that laptop, so I'm very happy about that.
 Thanks for making this program, too, Ken, your outfit is a real
 blessing for us DreamCard users.

Glad it's working for you, Rand... I'm glad I could help...


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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This I would call a bug

2006-02-04 Thread David Bovill
Getting the text from a particular card? A background field on a  
particular card? That is you have a stack with several cards and a  
background shared by all the cards...

put the long id of fld 1 of card 2 into someField
put the text of someField
answer the text of fld 1 of card 2

These should be the same - no? Well they are not - the text of  
someField returns the text of the current card (ie the one  
displayed) and not the text of the second card.

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Re: This I would call a bug

2006-02-04 Thread J. Landman Gay

David Bovill wrote:
Getting the text from a particular card? A background field on a  
particular card? That is you have a stack with several cards and a  
background shared by all the cards...

put the long id of fld 1 of card 2 into someField
put the text of someField
answer the text of fld 1 of card 2

These should be the same - no? Well they are not - the text of  
someField returns the text of the current card (ie the one  displayed) 
and not the text of the second card.

I wonder if this is related to the bug that doesn't allow you to edit 
scripts on any card but the first one in a background.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: This I would call a bug

2006-02-04 Thread Richard Gaskin

David Bovill wrote:
Getting the text from a particular card? A background field on a 
particular card? That is you have a stack with several cards and a 
background shared by all the cards...

put the long id of fld 1 of card 2 into someField
put the text of someField
answer the text of fld 1 of card 2

These should be the same - no? Well they are not - the text of 
someField returns the text of the current card (ie the one displayed) 
and not the text of the second card.

I don't think that's a bug as much as an ambiguous object reference, 
since it's the same field object on both cards.

If you want the text of that object from a specific card you could 
change line 2 to:

 put the text of fld 1 of cd 2

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Populating groups with data

2006-02-04 Thread Josh Mellicker

Hi Sarah,

Thanks so much for the reply!

The groups have not been created, so I need to clone a group for each  
task... but your code certainly gives me a clear path to follow.


On Feb 4, 2006, at 2:51 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I have data returned from a PHP script, like this:

total number of tasks: 4
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 47|get cookies|vanilla wafers,
oreos, choc chip|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 46|buy funny hats|all kinds of hats|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 40|buy bikes|cool bikes!|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 48|get shiny stuff|shiny|duncan|3|

I want the data to populate a scrolling group of groups that will
look something like this:

How about something like this:

put last word of tPHPdata into tNumGroups
delete line 1 of tPHPdata

set the itemDelimiter to |
repeat with g = 1 to tNumGroups
  put line g of tPHPdata into tLineData
  put item 2 of tLineData into field ProjectName of group (Task  

  put item 4 of tLineData into field TaskName of group (Task  g)
  put item 5 of tLineData into field TaskDetails of group (Task  

  put item 6 of tLineData into tTaskOwner
  if btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) contains tTaskOwner is  
false then

put cr  tTaskOwner after btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g)
  end if
  get lineOffset(tTaskOwner, btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g))
  set the menuHistory of btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) to it
end repeat

This assumes that all the groups have been created and are called
Task1, Task2 etc. If they don't already exist, you need to clone
them and position them. If you make lots in advance, you may want to
show  hide them depending on how many are full.

BTW, I wasn't sure what all the data segments in your PHP data were,
but this should give you enough to display the rest wherever you need

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Re: This I would call a bug

2006-02-04 Thread Mark Schonewille

Dear David,

Yes, since the long id includes a reference to the card, I would 
call it a bug. I'd post ot to Bugzilla if it hasn't been 
reported yet.

Richars is right that there is some ambiguity in the way you 
refer to the field, but IMHO Revolution should be able to deal 
with that.

Best regards,


David Bovill wrote:
Getting the text from a particular card? A background field on a  
particular card? That is you have a stack with several cards and a  
background shared by all the cards...

put the long id of fld 1 of card 2 into someField
put the text of someField
answer the text of fld 1 of card 2

These should be the same - no? Well they are not - the text of  
someField returns the text of the current card (ie the one  displayed) 
and not the text of the second card.


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Re: Populating groups with data

2006-02-04 Thread Mark Smith
And if you didn't know, when a control is created (ie. cloned), rev  
put's whatever it's current name is into the 'it' variable, so you  
can immediately position and rename it, so you could do some thing like:

put 10 into tTop -- will be the top of the new group
put 10 into tLeft -- will be the left
repeat with n = 1 to the number of lines in taskList
	clone group Tasktemplate -- maybe have  your group hidden  
somewhere in the stack

set the top of it to tTop
set the left of it to tLeft
put the bottom of it + 10 into tTop
show it
set the name of it to Task  n
--- you could fill the each group with data at this point


On 5 Feb 2006, at 00:42, Josh Mellicker wrote:

Hi Sarah,

Thanks so much for the reply!

The groups have not been created, so I need to clone a group for  
each task... but your code certainly gives me a clear path to follow.


On Feb 4, 2006, at 2:51 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

I have data returned from a PHP script, like this:

total number of tasks: 4
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 47|get cookies|vanilla wafers,
oreos, choc chip|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 46|buy funny hats|all kinds of  

project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 40|buy bikes|cool bikes!|duncan|3|
project_id: 3|take trip|task_id: 48|get shiny stuff|shiny|duncan|3|

I want the data to populate a scrolling group of groups that will
look something like this:

How about something like this:

put last word of tPHPdata into tNumGroups
delete line 1 of tPHPdata

set the itemDelimiter to |
repeat with g = 1 to tNumGroups
  put line g of tPHPdata into tLineData
  put item 2 of tLineData into field ProjectName of group  
(Task  g)

  put item 4 of tLineData into field TaskName of group (Task  g)
  put item 5 of tLineData into field TaskDetails of group  
(Task  g)

  put item 6 of tLineData into tTaskOwner
  if btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) contains tTaskOwner is  
false then

put cr  tTaskOwner after btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g)
  end if
  get lineOffset(tTaskOwner, btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g))
  set the menuHistory of btn TaskOwner of group (Task  g) to it
end repeat

This assumes that all the groups have been created and are called
Task1, Task2 etc. If they don't already exist, you need to clone
them and position them. If you make lots in advance, you may want to
show  hide them depending on how many are full.

BTW, I wasn't sure what all the data segments in your PHP data were,
but this should give you enough to display the rest wherever you need

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Where and how to get the date and time from servers on the Internet

2006-02-04 Thread alex wu
  I do not want the application to get the date from the computer clock of the 
user computers.  I learned that the date and time can be got from some servers 
on the Internet.
  Where can I get that and what is the best and simple way I can put the date 
and time into a field of a card?
  Thanks and best regards

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Thank you Sarah, Eric, Klaus

2006-02-04 Thread Ben Bock
Thank you Sarah, Eric,  Klaus.  I found a simple solution using elements from 
each of your responses.  Thank you for the help.

Ben Bock
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