Re: 3.0.0dp6 Crashing on Stop Editing Group

2008-07-09 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had a repeatable crash today in 3.0.0. dp6

 create group... click to edit group and add and object... click on existing
 field  option drag to duplicate  the field. Screen blinks at me... no object
 is not created. try to stop editing group. Rev hands spinning ball. I have
 to force quite (OSX 10.5.2)

 I tried it several times... a blocker... I'm back to 2.9...

 Can anyone verify?  it happened each time tried anything that would cause
 the editing group to revert browse.

No problems here (Rev 3.0.0 dp 6  Mac OS X 10.5.4).
I can add items  option-drag to duplicate.

Is this a new stack or a stack with scripts that might be doing something else?

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Re: revFontLoad Crashes

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Bridger,

All I know is that fonts have to be compatible with your operating  
system. Some truetype fonts may load on OSX 10.5 but not on 10.3 and  
others may load on OSX but not on Windows.

Indeed, it is not clear which fonts work with RevFont, but I believe  
revFont is not limited to truetype fonts.

I also had a case where a font worked fine in Mac OS X 10.3.9, if  
installed in the Fonts folder, but wouldn't be loaded by RevFont. I  
believe that Run Rev Ltd is still working on this problem.

If RevFont doesn't work for you, don't keep trying. Just have the font  
installed in the regular way. On some operating systems, you can't  
load a font dynamically anyway, because you have to restart the  
programme to access the font, which causes a nice catch 22.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
 for more info.

On 9 jul 2008, at 04:37, Bridger Maxwell wrote:


I am finding revFontLoad to be quite troublesome. I would like the  
to load fonts dynamically in my app from a given directory. However,  
I have
run into a few problems, particularly on OS X. One font I tried to  
using revFontLoad on OS X made the entire interface, including  
everything in
the Revolution IDE, to turn a different language. I don't know what  
it was, but it had a lot of curvy lines and dots, for what it is  
worth. Now
any font I try to load on OS X just crashes my application  
immediately and

without any errors.

On Windows things seem to be working better, but I haven't done too  
testing there yet. One thing I have noticed is that if a text field  
is set
to use a particular font before the font is loaded, the font will  
not be
loaded correctly for all sizes and the field will not show the font.  
example, if I have a field with Lucida Grande 18 point text, when I  
load the
Lucida Grande font, size 18 does not work. This is not mentioned in  


Also, is ttf the only font format that revFontLoad supports? If it  
is, I

can't find any mention of that limitation in the docs.

Bridger Maxwell

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Re-2: Exporting to rtf with fontinformation

2008-07-09 Thread runrev260805

thank you very much. That did it.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Exporting to rtf with fontinformation (09-Jul-2008 6:43)

  But after exporting it to rtf and reopen it in word or wordpad, the text is
  not shown correctly. The font is not correct.
 The problem is the way that text attributes are maintained in Rev vs. how
 they're exported. If the *field* has text attributes assigned, it looks 
 they don't export to RTF. But if the *text* has text attributes assigned 
 the *field* doesn't, you get the styling in the RTF.
 Try changing:
   set the textFont of fld RTF Text to ...
   set the textSize of fld RTF Text to ...
   set the textFont of char 1 to -1 of fld RTF Text to...
   set the textSize of char 1 to -1 of fld RTF Text to...
 You may need to clear the field-based attributes before it outputs properly
 (set the textfFont of fld RTF Text to empty), etc.
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
 Web Site:
 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread runrev260805


i ran into a problem with case sensity writing 2 files (c:/Test.txt and 
c:/test.txt) under Windows wit Rev Studio 2.9.

Only the first file is created. The content for the second file is written to 
the first file.

Is Rev not aware of lower/uppercase filenams? 

Tried the following script, which should do it, but it doesn´t

ON mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
open file c:/Test.txt FOR write
write text for the uppercase file to file c:/Test.txt
close file c:/Test.txt

open file c:/test.txt FOR write
-- this command reopens the file c:/TEST.txt instead of creating a new one 
with the lowercase filename
write text for the lowercase file to file c:/test.txt
close file c:/test.txt
End mouseUp

So where is my mistake?



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Re: problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Matthias,

I don't think that common Windows file systems are case sensitive. Are  
you able to use case sensitive file paths on the same machine with  
other software?.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
 for more info.

On 9 jul 2008, at 12:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i ran into a problem with case sensity writing 2 files (c:/ 
Test.txt and c:/test.txt) under Windows wit Rev Studio 2.9.

Only the first file is created. The content for the second file is  
written to the first file.

Is Rev not aware of lower/uppercase filenams?

Tried the following script, which should do it, but it doesn´t

ON mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
   open file c:/Test.txt FOR write
   write text for the uppercase file to file c:/Test.txt
   close file c:/Test.txt

   open file c:/test.txt FOR write
-- this command reopens the file c:/TEST.txt instead of creating a  
new one with the lowercase filename

   write text for the lowercase file to file c:/test.txt
   close file c:/test.txt
End mouseUp

So where is my mistake?



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Re: problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i ran into a problem with case sensity writing 2
 files (c:/Test.txt and c:/test.txt) under
 Windows wit Rev Studio 2.9.
 Only the first file is created. The content for the
 second file is written to the first file.
 Is Rev not aware of lower/uppercase filenams? 
 Tried the following script, which should do it, but
 it doesn´t
 ON mouseUp pMouseBtnNo
 open file c:/Test.txt FOR write
 write text for the uppercase file to file
 close file c:/Test.txt
 open file c:/test.txt FOR write
 -- this command reopens the file c:/TEST.txt
 instead of creating a new one with the lowercase
 write text for the lowercase file to file
 close file c:/test.txt
 End mouseUp
 So where is my mistake?

Hi Matthias,

Unlike Unix-based operating systems (MacOSX, Linux),
Windows doesn't differentiate between uppercase and
lowercase letters in file names.
You can't even create two files with the same name in
mixed cases, using the Windows Explorer.
So Test.txt will be the same file as test.txt and
Revolution will overwrite the file with the contents
of your second write cycle.

Hope this clarified it,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports  PDF Library for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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Re: 3.0.0dp6 Crashing on Stop Editing Group

2008-07-09 Thread Mikey
Just out of curiosity - any reason you didn't put this on the beta group
instead of in the general newsgroup?
Robert Benchley  - Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I
said nothing.
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Re: How do I stop a table field from scrolling right?

2008-07-09 Thread Mikey
A fountain of knowledge are you.  I was afraid of that.
Emo Philips  - I got some new underwear the other day. Well, new to me.
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Re-2: problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread runrev260805

thanks for the reply. 

I am working on windows for many many years now and did not realize that this 
is not possible.
Shame on me ! But for my rehabilitation, i had no need for  uper/lowercas 
sensitiy until now.

Then i have to put the cart before the horse and must name the file with an 
additional suffix _u for upper
_l for lowercase.

But here´s the next problem.

I have a dynamic list of characters for example abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ or 
zAqQbBaZTt. No specific order.

I want to create files that have a one character filename according to each 
character of that list.

As i cannot create case sensitive filenames, i have to put the above mentioned 
extension to the filename,
depending on the character. How can i differ between a and A, so i can put the 
correct extension to the filename?



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2008-07-09 Thread Mikey
Does anybody have any recommendations for some good free application icon
sets - add, next, prev, print, find, exit, etc.?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: Re-2: problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Hi Mathias,

Le 9 juil. 08 à 16:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

How can i differ between a and A

function IsUpperCase pChar
  return charToNum(pChar) = 90
end IsUpperCase

See charToNum and numToChar in the docs.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB

I am exporting a snapshot from a group, consisting of an image and a text
field. After exporting the text of the text field looks pretty poor, just as
missing always some vertical pixel lines. I have tried different fonts, with
no result.

Has anybody experienced this behaviour and has found a tweak?






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Re: How do I stop a table field from scrolling right?

2008-07-09 Thread Ken Ray
 A fountain of knowledge are you.  I was afraid of that.

The problem is due to the field's 'margins' property, which default to '8'.
When Rev goes to draw an editing field on top of the table field when you
click in the 4th column, it checks to see if the right side of the editing
field goes beyond the right edge of the table field, *minus* the margin

You could, of course, set the margins to be less than 8, but then that
screws up the look of your table and the way Rev draws the editing field.

Luckily, though, you can change the way the Rev IDE handles this (and by
extension your standalone) by making some minor changes in the 'revTable'

1) Make sure that Revolution UI Elements in Lists is checked under the
View menu.

2) Open the Message Box and click the frontScripts button (the 6th button
from the left, right after the mailbox icon).

3) In the list below, it should show:   `button revTable`, double-click on
it to open its script.

4) In the script it displays, locate the revCalculateCellRect handler.

5) Make the script change below (watch word wraps!):

Locate the line that says:

  if trightrect  (the cREVTable[rightfieldloc] of pObject - the
cREVTable[scrollbarwidth] of pObject - tfudge)

Change it to:

  if trightrect  (the cREVTable[rightfieldloc] of pObject - the
cREVTable[scrollbarwidth] of pObject) then

6) Save and close the script.

7) Switch to browse tool, and test.

8) Save the changes to the IDE by executing the following code in the
Message Box:

  save stack revLibrary

This should now allow you to make a standalone that includes the changes,

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:

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Re: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

Bonjour Tiemo,

Le 9 juil. 08 à 17:26, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :


I am exporting a snapshot from a group, consisting of an image and  
a text
field. After exporting the text of the text field looks pretty  
poor, just as
missing always some vertical pixel lines. I have tried different  
fonts, with

no result.

Has anybody experienced this behaviour and has found a tweak?



Not sure I understand your problem: do you mean that real Rev window  
on-screen looks poor?
In such a case try to force a screen refresh: lock screen then unlock  

Or is it in the snapshot itself?

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Re: Revolution Script Reporter

2008-07-09 Thread -= JB =-

I like it a lot.


On Jul 8, 2008, at 3:18 PM, RevList wrote:

I have created a stack called Revolution Script Reporter and have  

it to My Space (slynch) on Rev Online.
It is a simple solution that asks you to select a Revolution file  
and then
will summarize all scripts as well as list all Stacks, substacks,  
and controls in a scrolling field so that you can select a specific  

Check it out if you are interested.
Thanks to all who answered my questions over the past few days as I am
getting use to the transcript syntax.



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this in error please contact the sender immediately by return  
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attachments without copying distributing or disclosing same.

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AW: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
Bonjour Eric,
I meant the text part in the exported snapshot image. But I just found out
that the problem seems to be located in the MS Word or the clipboard.
Because first I tested to copy the exported image over the clipboard and
paste it in word (Windows XP), there the former text in the image is very
poor. After trying to export the snapshot as an jpg, the text in the jpg
looks pretty good.
So the problem seems to be a loss of quality (dpi?) when copying into the
clipboard or when importing into word.
Any ideas?
Thanks / mercy
 Not sure I understand your problem: do you mean that real Rev window
 on-screen looks poor?
 In such a case try to force a screen refresh: lock screen then unlock
 Or is it in the snapshot itself?
 Best regards from Paris,
 Eric Chatonet.
 Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:
 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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Re: How do I stop a table field from scrolling right?

2008-07-09 Thread Mikey
What a freaking outstanding idea.  The ability to tweak the IDE is just so

I'm adding this to my list of things I need to put together into a
RevIDETweaker project
EB White  - Be obscure clearly.
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AW: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Hugh Senior

Try exporting as a non-lossy PNG instead?


Bonjour Eric,
I meant the text part in the exported snapshot image. But I just found 

that the problem seems to be located in the MS Word or the clipboard.
Because first I tested to copy the exported image over the clipboard and
paste it in word (Windows XP), there the former text in the image is very
poor. After trying to export the snapshot as an jpg, the text in the jpg
looks pretty good.
So the problem seems to be a loss of quality (dpi?) when copying into the
clipboard or when importing into word.
Any ideas?
Thanks / mercy

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AW: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Tiemo Hollmann TB
Hi Hugh,
if I understand you right, I am doing just that.
export snapshot from grp grpScreenShot to tScreenshot as PNG
set the clipboarddata[image] to tScreenshot
after pasting now into word the text in the image is poor

But when exporting as an imagefile like:
export snapshot from grp grpScreenShot to file C:\temp\  tFileName 
.jpg as JPEG
the text in the imagefile is all clean
was it this what you meant?

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Hugh Senior
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2008 19:21
 Betreff: AW: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?
 Try exporting as a non-lossy PNG instead?
  Bonjour Eric,
  I meant the text part in the exported snapshot image. But I just found
  that the problem seems to be located in the MS Word or the clipboard.
  Because first I tested to copy the exported image over the clipboard and
  paste it in word (Windows XP), there the former text in the image is
  poor. After trying to export the snapshot as an jpg, the text in the
  looks pretty good.
  So the problem seems to be a loss of quality (dpi?) when copying into
  clipboard or when importing into word.
  Any ideas?
  Thanks / mercy
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Re: AW: How to improve font quality when exporting as a snapshot?

2008-07-09 Thread Eric Chatonet

re-Bonjour Tiemo,

As a workaround:

Export snapshot to tempFile as JPEG, PNG or whatever
set the clipBoardData[image] to url (binfile:  tempFile)
delete file tempFile

Not tested ;-)

Le 9 juil. 08 à 19:48, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

Hi Hugh,
if I understand you right, I am doing just that.
export snapshot from grp grpScreenShot to tScreenshot as PNG
set the clipboarddata[image] to tScreenshot
after pasting now into word the text in the image is poor

But when exporting as an imagefile like:
export snapshot from grp grpScreenShot to file C:\temp\   

.jpg as JPEG
the text in the imagefile is all clean
was it this what you meant?

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread dcpbarrington


I have a Rev 2.9 application that I'm building that creates a set of
reports.  I have the report working as a button in the main stack, but I now
want to create a library module that will allow me to seperate the report
code from the main stack so it can be pulled in with different report
versions as needed.

I created a new STACK called it StandardReports.rev

I moved the code that I know was working to the StandardReports.rev stack
script area.

In the original stack I make the following call to see if the new stack is

  if StandardReports is not among the lines of the StacksInUse then  
start using stack StandardReports
  end if

The function call to the new stack works, but in that stack there are a
number of Commands that are defined in the Main Stack that are no longer
found by the routines in the StandardReport stack.

One example is when I do a DB call, I check for an error with
handleRevDBerror command that is defined as:

on handleRevDBerror pError
  case item 1 of pError is revdberr
return Database Error:   pError
   end switch
end handleRevDBerror

Revolution errors when ever the StandardReport stack tries to call this

What do I need to do to be able to access Commands and Functions that are in
the Main Stack?

ALSO, can the StandardReport.rev file be placed in any directory or does
it need to be with the main stack?

Thanks for the help
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Re: Re-2: problems with lowercase and uppercase characters in filenames

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Smith
One thing you might consider is using the numerical value of the  
letter for the file name. You could have two little handlers to make  
it transparent:

on writeFile pChar, pData
  put pData into url (file:  chaToNum(pChar))
end writeFile   

function readFile pChar
  return url (file:  charToNum(pChar))
end readFile



On 9 Jul 2008, at 15:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


thanks for the reply.

I am working on windows for many many years now and did not realize  
that this is not possible.
Shame on me ! But for my rehabilitation, i had no need for  uper/ 
lowercas sensitiy until now.

Then i have to put the cart before the horse and must name the file  
with an additional suffix _u for upper

_l for lowercase.

But here´s the next problem.

I have a dynamic list of characters for example  
abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ or zAqQbBaZTt. No specific order.

I want to create files that have a one character filename according  
to each character of that list.

As i cannot create case sensitive filenames, i have to put the  
above mentioned extension to the filename,
depending on the character. How can i differ between a and A, so i  
can put the correct extension to the filename?



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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Smith

What's the error that you see?



On 9 Jul 2008, at 19:39, dcpbarrington wrote:


I have a Rev 2.9 application that I'm building that creates a set of
reports.  I have the report working as a button in the main stack,  
but I now
want to create a library module that will allow me to seperate the  

code from the main stack so it can be pulled in with different report
versions as needed.

I created a new STACK called it StandardReports.rev

I moved the code that I know was working to the  
StandardReports.rev stack

script area.

In the original stack I make the following call to see if the new  
stack is


  if StandardReports is not among the lines of the StacksInUse then
start using stack StandardReports
  end if

The function call to the new stack works, but in that stack there  
are a
number of Commands that are defined in the Main Stack that are no  

found by the routines in the StandardReport stack.

One example is when I do a DB call, I check for an error with
handleRevDBerror command that is defined as:

on handleRevDBerror pError
  case item 1 of pError is revdberr
return Database Error:   pError
   end switch
end handleRevDBerror

Revolution errors when ever the StandardReport stack tries to  
call this


What do I need to do to be able to access Commands and Functions  
that are in

the Main Stack?

ALSO, can the StandardReport.rev file be placed in any directory  
or does

it need to be with the main stack?

Thanks for the help
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Re: icons

2008-07-09 Thread viktoras didziulis
etc, etc, etc...


Mikey wrote:

Does anybody have any recommendations for some good free application icon
sets - add, next, prev, print, find, exit, etc.?


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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Wieder
Sounds like you may have a problem with the message hierarchy. Try

insert the script of stack StandardReports into front

instead of

start using stack StandardReports

and check out Richard Gaskin's article on message paths at:

 Mark Wieder

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changing file permissions, question please

2008-07-09 Thread Sadhunathan Nadesan

Greetings, a question please,


Can we change file permissions on a file located on a server across the
network, from a rev client?


Suppose I have a few lines of code in my Rev windoz program like this:

  put // into tempFile
  open file tempFile for write
  write tParsedData to file tempFile
  close file tempFile

And suppose it works, because, I have access to the file share on, so when I run the program as sadhu, the file is created
and filled with data as expected.  This file is owned by sadhu and only
sadhu can read from it after it is created.  The question is, how can
I change the permissions?

What I want to do (if I were logged in to the server) is basically:

  chmod a+r /tmp/mydata.txt

Anyone know how I can do that from the Windows side in Rev?

Mahalo! and grateful thanks in advance.

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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread dcpbarrington


  I looked at the article, which is very good, but I still don't understand
when I start a library, it should be at a higher level then the Main Stack,
so there shouldn't be a problem finding the handleRevDBerror command.

  It looks like because I created the library as an independent stack, it
looks like Revolution is putting it at the Main Stack level, so it doesn't
find the commands that are defined in the original Main Stack.

  I changed the start to be

insert the script of stack StandardReports into front

I Saved and Restarted Revolution.  Had the same error.

executing at 5:11:05 PM
TypeHandler: can't find handler
Object  StandardReports
LinehandleRevDBerror theDataVal

I created the Stack as a NEW stack and then started it.  Do I need to make
it a SubStack and then select FILE - MOVE SUBSTACK to FILE

I cann't find anything in the documentation about creating a library.  Do I
need to declare within the stack that it is a library that is to be used
with the main stack?
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Re: Vscroll Property of a field that is scrolled to the end

2008-07-09 Thread Peter Brigham

On Jul 7, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Recently, Sivakatirswami wrote:

How do you get the vscroll of a field that would be scrolled all  
the way

to the end, without actually scrolling it to the end?

The formattedHeight of the field - the height of the field - the  
margins of
the field comes very close.  But for an exact number, I usually  
lock the
screen, set the vscroll to a huge amount (1), get the  
scroll of the
fld, reset the vscroll to its original value, and then unlock the  
screen.  A

bit goofy but it's fast and it works.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

I discovered another way a while ago:

function maxScroll fldName
  put the scroll of fld fldName into iScr
  lock screen
  select after text of fld fldName
  put the scroll of fld fldName into maxScr
  select empty
  set the scroll of fld fldName to iScr
  unlock screen
  return maxScr
end mouseUp

You'll have to adjust the field reference if the field is not on the  
current card.

Peter M. Brigham
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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread Sarah Reichelt
 I have a Rev 2.9 application that I'm building that creates a set of
 reports.  I have the report working as a button in the main stack, but I now
 want to create a library module that will allow me to seperate the report
 code from the main stack so it can be pulled in with different report
 versions as needed.

 I created a new STACK called it StandardReports.rev

 I moved the code that I know was working to the StandardReports.rev stack
 script area.

 In the original stack I make the following call to see if the new stack is

  if StandardReports is not among the lines of the StacksInUse then
start using stack StandardReports
  end if

 The function call to the new stack works, but in that stack there are a
 number of Commands that are defined in the Main Stack that are no longer
 found by the routines in the StandardReport stack.

 One example is when I do a DB call, I check for an error with
 handleRevDBerror command that is defined as:

 on handleRevDBerror pError
  case item 1 of pError is revdberr
return Database Error:   pError
   end switch
 end handleRevDBerror

 Revolution errors when ever the StandardReport stack tries to call this

 What do I need to do to be able to access Commands and Functions that are in
 the Main Stack?

 ALSO, can the StandardReport.rev file be placed in any directory or does
 it need to be with the main stack?

Is the StandardReport stack a sub-stack of the Main Stack or is it a
separate file?
If it is a sub-stack, then it automatically gets access to all the
handlers in the Main Stack, but if it is a separate file, they are
independent. You would then have to start using the Main Stack as
well, if you wanted StandardReport to be able to use it's handlers.

The StandardReport.rev file can be placed anywhere you like, but if
you want MainStack to be able to refer to it automatically, then se
the Main Stacks stackFiles property to include a reference to

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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Wieder
 I created the Stack as a NEW stack and then started it.  Do I need to make
 it a SubStack and then select FILE - MOVE SUBSTACK to FILE

Er... wait... this is a separate stack entirely? Not a substack of your main 
stack? Have you already loaded it into memory? Neither the start using 
command nor the insert command are going to be able to find the stack 
otherwise unless you specify a physical location for it. Much better to make 
your library stack a substack. Then your start using command will probably 
do the trick for you.

 I cann't find anything in the documentation about creating a library.  Do 
 need to declare within the stack that it is a library that is to be used
 with the main stack?

Nope. You've done that all correctly. Any stack can be used as a library 
stack without any fiddling about.

 Mark Wieder

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advise about go invisible stack URL

2008-07-09 Thread Nicolas Cueto

In a standalone I want to include an
update feature that downloads a
stack. This means I am now learning
how to use the go stack URL command.

My basic goal is to download a stack,
do some changes to it, save it, and then
close it -- all without the user seeing that
downloaded stack throut any of those stages.

After experimenting, this is what kind of
worked for me:

  put; into tURL
  go invisible stack URL tURL
  put hello into field field of stack helloWorld
  save stack helloWorld
  close stack helloWorld

I say kind of because the stack
got downloaded, modified, saved
and closed no problem, but, when
I later reopened that downloaded
stack in Rev it was not visible. To
see it, I had to set use the message
box to set the stack's visible property
to true.

There must be a way of doing all
this without the invisibly-reopening
problem, but I've yet to figure out
a way how.

Advise would be welcome.

Thank you.

Nicolas Cueto
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Re: advise about go invisible stack URL

2008-07-09 Thread Thomas McGrath III


You could either add the set visible code to your open command if  
you are opening by script as in:

open stack helloWorld
set the visible of stack helloWorld

Or if you 'have' to have it visible then you might want to open the  
stack off screen as a 'visible' stack instead of the go invisible  
stack then it will be still visible on opening! You still might have  
to have a script in the stack to open at screen center after saving so  
that when you reopen it then it won't still be off screen.

Tom McGrath

On Jul 9, 2008, at 8:30 PM, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

 put; into tURL
 go invisible stack URL tURL
 put hello into field field of stack helloWorld
 save stack helloWorld
 close stack helloWorld

There must be a way of doing all
this without the invisibly-reopening
problem, but I've yet to figure out
a way how.

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Switch statements within Switch statements

2008-07-09 Thread Charles Szasz

I have an option Menu that show various arrays of buttons depending on which
menu item is selected. Is it possible to have switch statements for the
buttons within switch statements for each menu item? I checked the Rev-User
archives and could not find any examples of such an arrangement.
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Re: Switch statements within Switch statements

2008-07-09 Thread Mark Smith
You can certainly nest switch statements without problem - you'll end  
up with some very long handlers!



On 10 Jul 2008, at 03:15, Charles Szasz wrote:

I have an option Menu that show various arrays of buttons depending  
on which
menu item is selected. Is it possible to have switch statements for  
buttons within switch statements for each menu item? I checked the  

archives and could not find any examples of such an arrangement.
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Re: 3.0.0dp6 Crashing on Stop Editing Group

2008-07-09 Thread Kay C Lan
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to force quite (OSX 10.5.2)

 10.5.0 - 10.5.2 is Vistaware. What happens if you update to 10.5.4?
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Re: Switch statements within Switch statements

2008-07-09 Thread Kay C Lan
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Charles Szasz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an option Menu that show various arrays of buttons depending on
 menu item is selected. Is it possible to have switch statements for the
 buttons within switch statements for each menu item?

If I understand your situation it is like this:

If you select the 1st choice in your 'Master' option menu you show 'slave'
option menus 1, 2 and 3.
If you select the 2nd choice in your 'Master' option menu you show 'slave'
option menu a,b, and c.
if you select the 3rd choice in your 'Master' option menu you show 'slave'
option menu  1,b,3,d

For the scripts in your 'slave' option menus you want different actions
based on not only what selection is made, but what selection was made with
the 'Master' option menu.

If I've got that correct, and assuming that your 'slave' buttons have many
options so you want to keep the switch statement compact, then the script in
your 'slave' buttons could look something like this:

on menuPick pChosen
  switch pChosen
case 1 Choice
   --avoid statements here to keep switch statement compact
 case 2 Choice
 case 987 Choice
--always good to include in the development phase to hi-light omissions.
  answer A case I've not accounted for. titled Case Omission
  --check the variable watcher - pChosen
  end switch
end menuPick

--the following will also be in the button script

on handler1Choice
  switch the label of btn Master
case Choice 1
   --statements here
   --use a handler if too many statements
case Choice 2
--statements or handler
case Choice 99
   --statements or handler
--always good to include in the development phase to hi-light omissions.
  answer A case I've not accounted for. titled Case Omission
  --check the label of btn 'Master'
  end switch
end handler1Choice

on handler2Choice
  --switch structure again
end handler2Choice

as many as required.

Although nested switch statements are possible, and are easy enough to
follow if you only have a small matrix of options to cover, once the options
start to multiply it's very easy to created a very complex structure that is
hard to follow and easy to miss options - which is why I like to use the
default statement to catch omissions.

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Re: Creating Library Modules

2008-07-09 Thread dcpbarrington

I have created the StandardRepor.rev as an independent stack and the Main
stack starts the independent stack by doing the following:

  if StandardReports is not among the lines of the StacksInUse then
start using stack StandardReports
  end if

What I want to be able to do is be able to supply different sets of reports
like a set of libraries.  The main program selects either StandardReports OR
CustomReports1 OR CustomReports2 and the main stack starts a specific
library based on the configuration.  Each of the Stacks would have the same
report functions, but depending on what stack is started, the user can get
different report formats for the same set of information.

SO an independent stack library can be called by the main stack, but the
code must be independent and does not have access to any of the functions or
commands in the stack that started it.  Can variables be passed between the
functions and data returned by the function?

How do I get the independent stack to start using the Main stack?  The main
stack is already in memory.

Sarah Reichelt-2 wrote:
 Is the StandardReport stack a sub-stack of the Main Stack or is it a
 separate file?
 If it is a sub-stack, then it automatically gets access to all the
 handlers in the Main Stack, but if it is a separate file, they are
 independent. You would then have to start using the Main Stack as
 well, if you wanted StandardReport to be able to use it's handlers.
 The StandardReport.rev file can be placed anywhere you like, but if
 you want MainStack to be able to refer to it automatically, then se
 the Main Stacks stackFiles property to include a reference to
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