Rev CGI - Texas - Time- Universe

2008-11-10 Thread Jim Sims
I'm using a rev cgi on a server in Texas having it record the internet  
date to a text file on that server

in Texas.

When I retrieve  that data here in Europe, the data reads :   Mon, 10  
Nov 2008 04:07:41 +

That data was created 10:07:41  my time here in Malta (same as Rome  

What I find confusing is the  + part. Shouldn't that be -6000  or  
something like that?

They should be 6  hours behind  UTC, right?

Has Texas become the center of all time?   ;-)

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Re: XML encoding oddities

2008-11-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 9, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

So, finally, is there a way to encode xml documents as UTF-8 (or  
whatever) without having to encode each part myself, and add the  
encoding attribute to the header myself?


Have you tried creating your XML tree with the encoding included?

put format(?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\UTF-8\? 
whatshappening/whatshappening) into tXml

put revCreateXmlTree(tXml, true, true, false) into tTree
put revXmlRootNode(tTree) into tNode

I've done this in the past and then I pass UTF-8 encoded strings to  
the revXML handlers.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Developer Resources:
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Re: XML encoding oddities

2008-11-10 Thread Mark Smith

Thanks Trevor! (Also Ken). That seems to work very well.

The particular problem I was trying to solve was how to serialize  
arrays with arbitrary keys and contents, such that they can be shared  
across networks and platforms. I think I've found a solution for my  
purposes, (though it won't be reliable with binary data), and it  
involves building the xml without the xml library, and then using the  
library to unserialize - though it fails if there is any ?xml...  
header at all!



On 10 Nov 2008, at 14:33, Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Nov 9, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

So, finally, is there a way to encode xml documents as UTF-8 (or  
whatever) without having to encode each part myself, and add the  
encoding attribute to the header myself?


Have you tried creating your XML tree with the encoding included?

put format(?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\UTF-8\? 
whatshappening/whatshappening) into tXml

put revCreateXmlTree(tXml, true, true, false) into tTree
put revXmlRootNode(tTree) into tNode

I've done this in the past and then I pass UTF-8 encoded strings to  
the revXML handlers.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Developer Resources:
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: Software licenses

2008-11-10 Thread william humphrey

Good idea. Because it will be all about derivative work. I'm just hoping to
get the people doing that to contribute back but I suppose there's no way to
force that.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 choose your license wisely. GPL is viral, once in place, it will taint
 derivative work... If you simply want to release free software and
 doesn't care if people do anything with it, like going commercial with
 a fork, then you might go for BSD or X11 MIT license.

 Where's that please-don't-sue-me license when we need it?


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Post Command Problem

2008-11-10 Thread Dave

Hi All,

I'm getting a weird error when receiving data with the post  
command. I am receiving blocks of data from a server and some blocks  
seem to get truncated. Is this a limit on the size of a data block  
received with the post command? If there is, how can I set it bigger?

Thanks a lot
All the Best

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Changing the Rev Icon

2008-11-10 Thread Ted

How can I remove or change the Revolution icon that appears on a regular saved
stack? (one that is not a standalone).



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Re: XML encoding oddities

2008-11-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Mark Smith wrote:

Thanks Trevor! (Also Ken). That seems to work very well.

The particular problem I was trying to solve was how to serialize  
arrays with arbitrary keys and contents, such that they can be  
shared across networks and platforms. I think I've found a solution  
for my purposes, (though it won't be reliable with binary data), and  
it involves building the xml without the xml library, and then using  
the library to unserialize - though it fails if there is any ? 
xml... header at all!


For what it's worth I've been using the attached SerializeArray/ 
UnserializeArray handlers with relatively small arrays for a while now  
and they seem to be working well enough for storing them in a database.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Developer Resources:

function SerializeArray pArray
   repeat for each key theKey in pArray
  if the keys of pArray[theKey] is not empty then
 put urlencode(theKey)  :  ___array___:   
urlencode(SerializeArray(pArray[theKey]))  cr after theData

 put urlencode(theKey)  :   
urlencode(base64encode(pArray[theKey]))  cr after theData

  end if
   end repeat
   delete the last char of theData
   return theData
end SerializeArray

-- Returns array
-- Support Rev 3.0 multi-dimensional arrays
function UnserializeArray pSerializedArray
   set the itemdelimiter to :
   repeat for each line theLine in pSerializedArray
  if item 2 of theLine begins with ___array___ then
 put urldecode(item 1 of theLine) into theKey
 put UnserializeArray(urldecode(item 3 of theLine)) into  

 put urldecode(item 1 of theLine) into theKey
 put base64decode(urldecode(item 2 to -1 of theLine)) into  

  end if
   end repeat
   return theArray
end UnserializeArray
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Re: Installing Rev on Ubuntu

2008-11-10 Thread Bob Hartley

Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, November 7, 2008, 6:54:53 AM, you wrote:


Version 3 for linux runs flawlessly on my Mandriva 2009 desktop and my
Xandros EEEPC

That's good to know. How much memory is on that machine?

My eeepc (701) is 512 and my desktop is either 512  or 1gb (cant 
remember) It is a P4 3ghz


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Re: XML encoding oddities

2008-11-10 Thread Mark Smith
Trevor, this is nice. I'd started doing something similar, but then  
realised that what I was after for what I'm working on was a way to  
neatly package up pretty much any non-binary data, array or not,  
whatever platform, and send to to a linux server (also running  
revolution) where it could be unpacked and used as is - hence the  
encoding issue.

What I've come up with is considerably longer than yours :-) (Partly  
because I've factored out quite a lot of stuff to sub-handlers).
But it seems to work well, and even produces slightly more compact  
output than yours when dealing with chunks of data 2-3Kb or more in  
size, which is no bad thing even in today's bandwidth? what's  
bandwidth? world.

I also wrote a handy function arraysMatch() to test the input/output.

For what it's worth, here it all is, below,



-- pack and unpack are the 'high-level' functions

function pack pData
   if pData is not an array then
  put pData into tArray[futpak]
  put tArray into pData
   end if
   put atx(pData) into tXml

   put base64encode(compress(tXml)) into tB64data
   replace cr with empty in tB64data
   return futpak  tB64data
end pack


function unpack pData
   if char 1 to 6 of pData is not futpak then return empty
   put decompress(base64decode(char 7 to -1 of pData)) into tXml
   put xta(tXml) into tArray
   if keys(tArray) = futpak then
  return tArray[futpak]
  return tArray
   end if
end unpack


-- turns any revolution array into xml. (not nice to look at, though)
-- array keys are stored as attributes of nodes
-- all element and attribute contents are utf8encoded and base64encoded

function atx pArray
   put revarray after tXml
   put atxNodes(pArray) after tXml
   put /revarray after tXml
   return tXml
end atx

private function atxNodes pArray pLevel
   if pLevel is empty then put 0 into pLevel
   add 1 to pLevel

   repeat for each key k in pArray
  add 1 to n
  put atx  pLevel  -  n into tName
  put   tName  key=  q(b64U8encode(k))   after tXml
  if pArray[k] is an array then
 put atxNodes(pArray[k], pLevel) after tXml
 put b64U8encode(pArray[k]) after tXml
  end if
  put /  tName   after tXml
   end repeat
   return tXml
end atxNodes


-- takes xml and attempts to turn it into an array
-- see atx() above.

function xta pXml
   put revCreateXmlTree(pXml, true, true, false) into tTree
   put xtaNodes(tTree, revarray) into tArray
   revDeleteXmlTree tTree
   return tArray
end xta


private function xtaNodes pTree, pNode
   put revXmlFirstChild(pTree, pNode) into tNode

   repeat while tNode is not empty and xmlerr is not in tNode
  put b64U8decode(revXmlAttribute(pTree, tNode, key)) into tKey
  if revXmlChildNames(pTree, tNode,cr,, false) is empty then
 put b64U8decode(revXmlNodeContents(pTree, tNode)) into  

 put xtaNodes(pTree, tNode) into tArray[tKey]
  end if
  put revXmlNextSibling(pTree, tNode) into tNode
   end repeat
   return tArray
end xtaNodes


function utf8encode pString
  return unidecode(uniencode(pString),UTF8)
end utf8encode


function utf8decode pString
   return unidecode(uniencode(pString,UTF8))
end utf8decode


function b64U8encode pData
   put base64encode(utf8encode(pData)) into tEnc
   replace cr with empty in tEnc
   return tEnc
end b64U8encode


function b64U8decode pData
   return utf8decode(base64decode(pData))
end b64U8decode


function arraysMatch a1, a2
   put keys(a1) into k1 ; put keys(a2) into k2
   sort lines of k1; sort lnes of k2
   put (k1 = k2) into tArraysMatch
   if tArraysMatch then
  repeat for each key k in a1
 if a1[k] is an array then
put arraysMatch(a1[k], a2[k]) into tArraysMatch
put (a1[k] = a2[k]) into tArraysMatch
 end if
 if not tArraysMatch then exit repeat
  end repeat
   end if
   return tArraysMatch
end arraysMatch


function q aString
  return quote  aString  quote
end q

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Re: Rev CGI - Texas - Time- Universe

2008-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Jim Sims wrote:
I'm using a rev cgi on a server in Texas having it record the internet 
date to a text file on that server

in Texas.

When I retrieve  that data here in Europe, the data reads :   Mon, 10 
Nov 2008 04:07:41 +

That data was created 10:07:41  my time here in Malta (same as Rome time).

What I find confusing is the  + part. Shouldn't that be -6000  or 
something like that?

They should be 6  hours behind  UTC, right?

Has Texas become the center of all time?   ;-)

Well, my sister in Austin certainly thinks so. ;)

You're right that the local time in Texas should be -0600, but perhaps 
the server has its time set to GMT? With customers all over the world, 
that may be likely. I'd ask the provider what time their servers are set to.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: different stack locations, different (or no) responses?

2008-11-10 Thread Friedrich F. Grohmann


Thank you so much for your suggestions but, unfortunately, they don't  
work. I had the same problem once or twice in the past with earlier  
Revolution Versions and at that time just gave up and created stacks  
from scratch instead of developing from clones but at the moment I  
simply lack the leisure to proceed like this.

The situation is pretty annoying - three types of behaviour (two of  
them absolutely obstinate) of some and the same simple stack  
depending on its location and the way it is opened. I don't think  
that's the way things are supposed to work and still welcome any  

All the best,

On 10 Nov 2008, at 10:09, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:

Now, as long as this stack is positioned directly on the desktop,  
everything works fine. The moment I move it into the folder in  
which I want to have it troubles start, no matter whether this  
folder is somewhere in the Documents folder or still on the  

Did you move the stack's location on disk while it was still open  
in Rev? If so, then Rev doesn't know where the file is any more. If  
you closed the file but the stack's destroystack property is false,  
then the stack isn't really fully closed and Rev also won't know  
where it is.

You should set the stack's destroystack property to true and close  
the stack, then move it, then re-open it. Alternately, you can  
choose Close and remove from memory from the File menu while the  
stack is open; that will fully close it.

I'm not positive this is what the problem is, but it's something to  
try. I've never seen the behavior you describe, but I have set my  
Rev preferences to create all my stacks with destroystack set to true.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: different stack locations, different (or no) responses?

2008-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:


Thank you so much for your suggestions but, unfortunately, they don't 
work. I had the same problem once or twice in the past with earlier 
Revolution Versions and at that time just gave up and created stacks 
from scratch instead of developing from clones but at the moment I 
simply lack the leisure to proceed like this.

Since I've never seen the behavior and I'm not sure what is causing it, 
I don't really have any other suggestions. But one way to work around it 
might be to duplicate your stack in the OS before opening it in Rev. I 
do this a lot. On Mac, in the Finder, or on Windows in Windows Explorer, 
copy the stack and then paste it into another folder. Make sure Rev does 
not have the original stack open, then try opening the copy. Does that 
work? You can rename it once it is open, and make any other adjustments.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Rev CGI - Texas - Time- Universe

2008-11-10 Thread Jim Sims

On Nov 10, 2008, at 6:38 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

You're right that the local time in Texas should be -0600, but  
perhaps the server has its time set to GMT? With customers all over  
the world, that may be likely. I'd ask the provider what time their  
servers are set to.

Thanks for the reply  - so, this is most likely not a Rev bug of some  
kind then.
Funny thing is, the time the had was appropriate/correct (6 hours  
before GMT)

but only the + was wrong.

The answer must be with them, y'all.   ;-)


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Re: Changing the Rev Icon

2008-11-10 Thread Devin Asay

On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Ted wrote:


How can I remove or change the Revolution icon that appears on a  
regular saved

stack? (one that is not a standalone).

Curiously enough, I was just answering this question for someone else.  
The answer is, it depends. ;-)

That is, if it's for any Mac OS you can set the stackFileType property  
before you save it. You'll probably also have to save it using a  
different file extension.

Here's a help page on this topic I just put up on my site:



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Changing the Rev Icon

2008-11-10 Thread Devin Asay
In my haste, I realized I hadn't really answered completely. It sounds  
like what you want to do is save stack files from a Rev-produced  
application and use them as documents for that application, not for  
Rev. At least this is a situation in which you might want to do what  
you're describing.

When you set your Standalone Applications Settings you have the option  
to designate a document icon. It has to be .icns format for Mac  
and .ico for Windows. But the OS also has to somehow be told to use  
that icon. In order for that to happen you'll have to save the stack  
using a different file extension, and, if you're on a Mac, set the  
stackFileType property. Windows users may need to chime in for tips on  
how to force the OS to recognize the icons in your stack documents.

HTH again.


On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

On Nov 10, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Ted wrote:


How can I remove or change the Revolution icon that appears on a
regular saved
stack? (one that is not a standalone).

Curiously enough, I was just answering this question for someone else.
The answer is, it depends. ;-)

That is, if it's for any Mac OS you can set the stackFileType property
before you save it. You'll probably also have to save it using a
different file extension.

Here's a help page on this topic I just put up on my site:



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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subscription preferences:

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: Rev CGI - Texas - Time- Universe

2008-11-10 Thread Björnke von Gierke
I'd guess this is a rev bug, but probably in combination with the  
system installation particularities. Most likely rev is unable to get  
the actual position of the server, because either it's not set, or set  
somewhere where rev doesn't look.

I think you should file the problem, together with at least a listing  
of the environment variables, and the OS your host uses.

On 10 Nov 2008, at 19:06, Jim Sims wrote:

On Nov 10, 2008, at 6:38 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

You're right that the local time in Texas should be -0600, but  
perhaps the server has its time set to GMT? With customers all over  
the world, that may be likely. I'd ask the provider what time their  
servers are set to.

Thanks for the reply  - so, this is most likely not a Rev bug of  
some kind then.
Funny thing is, the time the had was appropriate/correct (6 hours  
before GMT)

but only the + was wrong.

The answer must be with them, y'all.   ;-)



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Re: Software licenses

2008-11-10 Thread Andre Garzia

one way to encourage contributions is to use something like Beer
Rewards, the best contribution of the month gets a pack of your
favorite lagger or ale or tea if they are not into alcohol.

Little competions are always nice too, like, whoever fix insert
favorite bug wins this nice drawing by my 3 year old nephew who we
believe is channeling picasso on tuesdays.

Getting out of the obvious is cool, if you force people to merge
changes back, you might encounter resistance. As people say here in
South America, if there's a goverment, soy contra! So people will
always look bad into forced things. Rewards on the other hand are
always looked forward. You get the idea.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:57 PM, william humphrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good idea. Because it will be all about derivative work. I'm just hoping to
 get the people doing that to contribute back but I suppose there's no way to
 force that.

 On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 choose your license wisely. GPL is viral, once in place, it will taint
 derivative work... If you simply want to release free software and
 doesn't care if people do anything with it, like going commercial with
 a fork, then you might go for BSD or X11 MIT license.

 Where's that please-don't-sue-me license when we need it?


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Re: different stack locations, different (or no) responses?

2008-11-10 Thread Friedrich F. Grohmann


Thanks for your thoughtful suggestions. I had been trying Save  
as... from inside Rev, to no avail, but encouraged by your mail I  
duplicated the stack from the desktop into a new folder, tried to  
open it, put a second folder into the first one, moved the stack  
therein, etc. etc. That seemed to work and so I started checking  
whether the nested folder in which the stack was originally planned  
to go might be the source of all these troubles.

Now I think I found the culprit. The target folder was C (desktop   
folder A   folder B  folder C) with A, B, and C being meaningful  
names indicating the topics of the projects I am working on. C  
contains word processing files, outliner files and further folders. I  
never had any problem with opening the other stuff placed either in C  
or in its sub-folders, only the said Revolution stack displayed the  
strange behaviour I described.

The problem, however, was not C in itself but rather the name of  
folder B in which one term was put in quotation marks. I removed  
those and now everything works as expected.

Again, thank you for your help.

All the best,

On 11 Nov 2008, at 02:02, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:

Thank you so much for your suggestions but, unfortunately, they  
don't work. I had the same problem once or twice in the past with  
earlier Revolution Versions and at that time just gave up and  
created stacks from scratch instead of developing from clones but  
at the moment I simply lack the leisure to proceed like this.

Since I've never seen the behavior and I'm not sure what is causing  
it, I don't really have any other suggestions. But one way to work  
around it might be to duplicate your stack in the OS before opening  
it in Rev. I do this a lot. On Mac, in the Finder, or on Windows in  
Windows Explorer, copy the stack and then paste it into another  
folder. Make sure Rev does not have the original stack open, then  
try opening the copy. Does that work? You can rename it once it is  
open, and make any other adjustments.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Cleaning/parsing HTML XML

2008-11-10 Thread Andre Garzia

I usually use Ken Rays stsXMLLib which I grew very fond of.

A nice way of escaping XML entities is to use a custom property as a
little map, for example:


Then you do a loop like:

repeat for each line tEntry in the cReplacementMap of this stack
  replace word 1 of tEntry with word 2 of tEntry in theText
end repeat

this way, if you ever need to escape something more, you don't need to
change your code. I have a lot of XML, XHTML, *ML code here and I find
that every time I hard code something like a collection of things to
replace of thing like that, in the end, I need to change and fix
several parts of the code.

custom properties are your friend!


On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 8:30 PM, william humphrey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm generating my own XML without using the XML functions of RunRev (it's
 faster and I can format exactly how I want it to look). But I would like a
 function for cleaning the text for  to amp; and that kind of thing.
 Any suggestions for such a function? There must be one in RunRev that the
 XML library uses.

 Thanks,  Bill
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Re: Post Command Problem

2008-11-10 Thread Andre Garzia

are you using CGI or a custom server?

Content can be chuncked in HTTP 1.1, this means that the server can
slice the content and send it in little chunks for you to reassemble.
Check this link which is very useful: (HTTP Made Really Easy). This
document will explain in plain english the HTTP protocol.

If you're using CGI, I believe Apache may reassemble chunked transfers
for you, if it's your own server, you should do it yourself, or tell
the client machine not to slice anything.

Now, the post data might be corrupt, a connection might drop. Check
the length against CONTENT-LENGTH header.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm getting a weird error when receiving data with the post command. I am
 receiving blocks of data from a server and some blocks seem to get
 truncated. Is this a limit on the size of a data block received with the
 post command? If there is, how can I set it bigger?

 Thanks a lot
 All the Best

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-- All We Do Is Code.
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Re: [off topic] scrollinglist field JS

2008-11-10 Thread Andre Garzia

use an iFrame in your code to build the box with the scrollbar, the
content is your field with links.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 3:49 AM, Jim Sims [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Banging my head here searching for some javascript that MUST be really
 Rev=simple   Web Page Stuff=PITA

 I'm making some Rev CGI 'stuff', I want to place into a web page via Rev CGI
 a scrolling list type field where the user clicks on a line and then
 the browser will go to the URL that line represents. Maybe present the
 user with 5 to 10 lines but the field can scroll to present more. But I need
 to have this be in a web page  (doing this in Rev is s simple).


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-- All We Do Is Code.
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Re: different stack locations, different (or no) responses?

2008-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:

Now I think I found the culprit. The target folder was C (desktop  
folder A   folder B  folder C) with A, B, and C being meaningful names 
indicating the topics of the projects I am working on. C contains word 
processing files, outliner files and further folders. I never had any 
problem with opening the other stuff placed either in C or in its 
sub-folders, only the said Revolution stack displayed the strange 
behaviour I described.

The problem, however, was not C in itself but rather the name of folder 
B in which one term was put in quotation marks. I removed those and now 
everything works as expected.

Good sleuthing, I'm glad you were able to find the problem. It makes 
sense, sort of. You might want to bug-report this, though I'm not sure 
it can be fixed easily. The long name of a stack always includes 
quotation marks, and if the path also includes quotes then I can see how 
Rev would have trouble parsing it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Printing options from answer printer

2008-11-10 Thread Bill Vlahos


I can't get that to work. I must have the syntax wrong but I'm not  
seeing how it is wrong.

Make a new mainstack and put the following script in a button.

on mouseUp
   answer printer as sheet
   if the result is not Cancel then print this card from topLeft to  
rightBottom into 72,72,72,72

end mouseUp

The script editor doesn't complain about anything until you run it.  
The it generates the following error.
execution error at line 8 (print: coordinate not a point) near  
topLeft, char 1


On Nov 9, 2008, at 11:14 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:


I'm currently printing portions of some cards using the print card  
from topLeft to rightBottom into pageRect statement after setting  
the print scale to varying numbers from 1 to .75 and the printed  
results are not distorted so long as the pageRect is proportional to  
the image size indicated. At least that is what I've been trying to  
do and the prints look fine. That makes sense to me, so that's the  
way I've done it.

So, in my case, I guess I'm setting the scaling myself?

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 9, 2008, at 10:52 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

f I print card into rect based on page size and orientation. When I  
do this, Rev will auto scale the X and Y dimensions. Unfortunately  
it doesn't make it proportional so the prints can look distorted.

Is there a feature to keep it proportional or do I have to set the  
scaling myself?


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Re: Printing options from answer printer

2008-11-10 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Bill Vlahos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't get that to work. I must have the syntax
 wrong but I'm not  
 seeing how it is wrong.
 Make a new mainstack and put the following script in
 a button.
 on mouseUp
 answer printer as sheet
 if the result is not Cancel then print this
 card from topLeft to  
 rightBottom into 72,72,72,72
 end mouseUp
 The script editor doesn't complain about anything
 until you run it.  
 The it generates the following error.
 execution error at line 8 (print: coordinate not a
 point) near  
 topLeft, char 1

Hi Bill,

Are you really trying to print everything into a
single pixel ? :-)

You need to give the topleft and bttomright
coordinates of the part of the card that you wa

Quartam Reports  PDF Library for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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Re: Printing options from answer printer

2008-11-10 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Bill Vlahos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't get that to work. I must have the syntax
 wrong but I'm not  
 seeing how it is wrong.
 Make a new mainstack and put the following script in
 a button.
 on mouseUp
 answer printer as sheet
 if the result is not Cancel then print this
 card from topLeft to  
 rightBottom into 72,72,72,72
 end mouseUp
 The script editor doesn't complain about anything
 until you run it.  
 The it generates the following error.
 execution error at line 8 (print: coordinate not a
 point) near  
 topLeft, char 1

Hi Bill,

Are you really trying to print everything into a
single pixel ? :-)

You need to give the topleft and bttomright
coordinates of the part of the card that you wa

Quartam Reports  PDF Library for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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Re: Printing options from answer printer

2008-11-10 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins


As Jan pointed out you need to define the pageRect like: 0,0,612,792   
or some such. Not just a point.

I didn't know about the as sheet part of the statement. Thanks for  
point the out.

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:18 PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:


I can't get that to work. I must have the syntax wrong but I'm not  
seeing how it is wrong.

Make a new mainstack and put the following script in a button.

on mouseUp
  answer printer as sheet
  if the result is not Cancel then print this card from topLeft to  
rightBottom into 72,72,72,72

end mouseUp

The script editor doesn't complain about anything until you run it.  
The it generates the following error.
execution error at line 8 (print: coordinate not a point) near  
topLeft, char 1


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Printing options from answer printer

2008-11-10 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- Bill Vlahos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't get that to work. I must have the syntax
 wrong but I'm not  
 seeing how it is wrong.
 Make a new mainstack and put the following script in
 a button.
 on mouseUp
 answer printer as sheet
 if the result is not Cancel then print this
 card from topLeft to  
 rightBottom into 72,72,72,72
 end mouseUp
 The script editor doesn't complain about anything
 until you run it.  
 The it generates the following error.
 execution error at line 8 (print: coordinate not a
 point) near  
 topLeft, char 1

Hi Bill,

Are you really trying to print everything into a
single pixel ? :-)

You need to give the topleft and bottomright
coordinates of the section of the card that you want
to print, as well as the rectangle on the paper onto
which it shouldbe printed.

So if you want to print the part of your card enclosed
by a rectangle graphic on your card - into the same
coordinates and size on the paper, you use:
on mouseUp
  answer printer as sheet
  if the result is Cancel then exit mouseUp
  put the topleft of graphic PrintRect into
  put the bottomRight of graphic PrintRect into
  put the rectangle of graphic PrintRect into
  print this card from theTopLeft to theBottomRight
into thePaperRect
end mouseUp

Now, if you want the same rectangular area on your
card to fit into a completely different rectangle on
paper, you use:
on mouseUp
  answer printer as sheet
  if the result is Cancel then exit mouseUp
  put the topleft of graphic PrintRect into
  put the bottomRight of graphic PrintRect into
  put 30,100,400,700 into thePaperRect
  print this card from theTopLeft to theBottomRight
into thePaperRect
end mouseUp
And what happens is that Revolution will take the area
from your card and stretch or shrink it to fit the
area on the printer.

When you use this 'print into rect' approach,
Revolution ignores the 'printScale' property; so if
you want to 'print into rect' with scaling to ensure
that everything fits while preserving a relative size,
you'll need to tweak your paper rectangle a bit.

Continuing with the above example of a rectangular
area on your card, you would have something like:
(mind the line wrappings)
on mouseUp
   answer printer as sheet
   if the result is Cancel then exit mouseUp
   set the printerOutput to preview
   put the topleft of graphic PrintRect into
   put the bottomRight of graphic PrintRect into
   put 30,100,500,700 into thePaperRect
   -- now we calculate how we can save the relative
   put item 1 of theBottomRight - item 1 of theTopLeft
  into theOriginWidth
   put item 2 of theBottomRight - item 2 of theTopLeft
into \
   put item 3 of thePaperRect - item 1 of thePaperRect
into \
   put item 4 of thePaperRect - item 2 of thePaperRect
into \
   put thePrintWidth / theOriginWidth into
   put thePrintHeight / theOriginHeight into
   if theWidthRatio  theHeightRatio then
  put round(theOriginWidth * theHeightRatio) into
   else if theWidthRatio  theHeightRatio then
  put round(theOriginHeight * theWidthRatio) into
   end if
   put item 1 of thePaperRect + thePrintWidth into \
  item 3 of thePaperRect
   put item 2 of thePaperRect + thePrintHeight into \
  item 4 of thePaperRect
   print this card from theTopLeft to theBottomRight
into thePaperRect
end mouseUp


Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports  PDF Library for Revolution

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 

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