Re: post about GLx2

2008-12-22 Thread Bob Hartley

Jerry Daniels wrote:


It seems I had not upgraded to the latest Rev beta when I spoke of no 
incompatibilities with GLX2 and the latest Rev Beta. It appears I 
spoke too quickly.

Surely your software has only to be compatible with the latest 
stable release. Which it is. RevBeta is, I assume Beta. :-)

Best regards

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Re: post about GLx2

2008-12-22 Thread Bob Hartley

-= JB =- wrote:
We can only hope if the management can't hear they still might be able 
to read.


Well Heather is working today. :-)

Me I'm off I'm the only one here today and I'm going home 
early; back on the 5th of Jan. :-)

All the best
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Re: [ANN][EN][FR] ListMagic 1.0 by So Smart Software

2008-12-19 Thread Bob Hartley

Eric Chatonet wrote:
Hi Eric
I have just downloaded the plugin. I don't need to look at it to know it 
will be great. :-)

However, the browser script to enter details does not work on Linux 
(Mandrive 2009 KDE4) with Firefox 3.03.

Just thought I'd let you know.


Bonsoir Bob,

Le 18 déc. 08 à 19:01, Bob Sneidar a écrit :

Awesome Eric. Now you have gotten me halfway through my problem I 
wonder if I could enquire if you or anyone has come up with a good 
search form? I am looking for something along the lines of a form 
where I start with a single query, but can add further conditions if 

ListMagic is provided with a built-in search tool that searches for 
any string and even, in carousel through multiple widgets on the same 
But you may write your own tool and override ListMagic one easily: see 
the docs.

A query line would contain a popup menu for a column name, a popup 
for a comparison (is, is not, contains, does not contain etc.), and 
the text to search for. What it would return is a properly formatted 
SQL query. I was going to write it myself, and may still do so, but 
what I had in mind was not going to be very portable.

As you guessed it, perfectionism can be counter-productive :-)
And I wanted this widget easy to use, even for beginners.
Nevertheless concerning contextual menus in the list field itself or 
the header: you can modify, enhance them as you desire: see ListMagic  
FAQ for more information.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Plugins and tutorials for Revolution:

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Re: [OT] If programming languages were religions...

2008-12-19 Thread Bob Hartley

Hugh Senior wrote:

I would quote this in full, but it's better on the webPage...

To quote
*LOLCODE* would be *Pastafarianism*

Is that only for Italians with dreadlocks. :-)

Maybee that is why it is called LOL code :-)

1hr10 mins to go before I'm off for my christmas break until Jan the 
5th. :-)


We now need one for Rev.

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OT: Apple Announces Its Last Year at Macworld

2008-12-17 Thread Bob Hartley

No it is not april fool's day.

Apple are no longer going to attend macworld. And no Jobs there as well.

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Re: Text Clippings on Windows

2008-12-15 Thread Bob Hartley

Hugh Senior wrote:

Hi All

OKay here is an idea I've not been near rev for a long while and I'm 
sure you can generate the code better than me.

Okay here goes.. it must be possible since when using winzip you can 
drag part of an archive to the desktop to extract so there is no OS bar.

On mousedown
clear ttext
cleat tstack
put the highlighted txt of this field into ttext
put the boundary coordinates of the card/stack into tstack
end mousedown
On mouse up
if the mouse coordinates is outside tstack
create textfile.txt on desktop (Use windows standard path location 
script for this)

paste ttext into textfile.txt
end mouseup

Okay I'm an amateur but surely this can be done like this and probably 
more elegantly.


Hugh Senior wrote:

Thank you, Mark. Looks like Windows cannot do this without lower level
support. Once again the Mac demonstrates its inate usability superiority


Is anyone up for writing an external to support text clippings for


Please contact me off list.

Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

If Windows doesn't support this, I wonder if your Windows users will
even miss it. Or if they will ever try to do it.

Akin to the development of a mouse when all we had was a command line
interface? Agreed, not missed if never had, but a considerable feature
advantage once available.


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Happy Birthday.... My Little Mouse

2008-12-09 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All

The Mouse is 40 today... :-) Happy Birthday. :-)

see it here

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Re: Linux Distro choices [was: Ubuntu...etc]

2008-12-09 Thread Bob Hartley

Peter Alcibiades wrote:

Of course its a thorny issue, and it depends what you want, who you are, and
what your machine is.  I don't think you lose anything by moving from
Ubuntu.  Like many other long term Linux users, I'm a bit baffled by its

I totally agree with what Peter has written. However, I have a couple of 
chip in's.

I too never understood the popularity of Ubuntu.

On old machines try Zenwalk (slackware based and uses Xfce).  If this is
still too slow, try a minimal Debian with fluxbox as the WM.  If this is too
slow, Puppy.

On older machines or even new one's where you want speed try 
Vectorlinux. A new V 6 is out soon.

If you want to learn, really learn, Linux, but do not have unlimited time
and energy to do it (if you do, Linux from Scratch is the one), get
Slackware and study the user guide.

Vector is Slacky based

If you are an active user, but don't like the command line, and speed of
machine is not an issue, Mandriva.  If you can manage with the slightly
reduced package selection in its repositories, PCLinux is also a sensible
choice.  Mandriva is larger and better resourced, PCL is a bit of a one man
band, but a very good community.  Its derived from Mandriva.  But be
prepared in both cases to do a new install when you want to upgrade, which
will probably be every couple of years or so.  Do not install Mandriva 2009
if you want to use KDE. In that case use 2008.1 And use the ONE version, not
the FREE version.

if you download flv's from youtube (I do) then 2008.1 with KDE and 
Kaffeine is ideal. I moved to 2009 and kaffeine  is sound only. Need to 
sort that one.
If you want to your base machine on 2009 then use nxserver and SSH. 
Indeed when you get more proficient you will end up getting your desktop 
via NXclient-server rather than the normal way (long story).

Another alternative (and slightly behind the times in kernel etc) is 
Xandros. It just works out of the box for... well just about everythign. 
But you got to pay.
 For them, Mandriva or PCL will be a lot better. 
You should use the 386 not the 64 bit version of Debian, unless you really

need to address the extra memory.

PCLinuxOS is very good indeed.

My own strategy with Debian has been, stay with Stable until Testing has
been in the field for a year or so, and is on RC1 or RC2.  Then move to
Testing.  I've had some problems however lately installing the latest build
of Lenny, which suggest rather that the smart thing is probably to stay with
Stable all the time.  I used to install Mandriva for naive users because it
was easier to administer, but then discovered that administering it was the
last thing they had in mind!

Mandriva can be a pain when you get tinto the nuitty gritty, but out of 
the box on this corporate network... It detected everything out of the 
box (or should that be CD). Much easier that windows.
PS I'm not slagging windows. Unlike many Linux users I think windows is 
a good OS.

Its hard to judge from people's posts, so it would be a hard choice, but
tentatively, for you, I'd go to Mandriva One 2008.1, KDE version. Or PCL. 
You can try Mandriva out as a live CD first.  

But in the end, for the committed, Debian is where we end up, and if you
stick with Linux, you'll end up there too.  Its just a question of when. 
One day you wake up, look at your machine, and you know this is the time to

go to Debian.

Debian or Mandriva will do equally well on laptops.
I aggree. One thing about Ubuntu. As it tries to become a jack of all 
trades it is becoming slower.
I see that Vector LInux 6 has a new setup and new wifi setup. (wifi 
drove me away from it to Xandros back in the old days) so give it a try. 
It is really fast.

If it don't work then try Mandriva.


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Re: Linux Distro choices [was: Ubuntu...etc]

2008-12-09 Thread Bob Hartley

Stephen Barncard wrote:
Well at one point I considered 'fooling around' with Linux. Not 
anymore. I don't have that much time to fiddle. What a tower of Babel.

Exactly... (I'm about to commit heresy) A computer is a tool.
I used an ARM Rics Machine for my degree work in 1995 it was the best 
tool with a custom bit of SW. A wallstreet with MacOS8.5 for my PhD
Windows for my next job then Windows and Now a 4 core Powermac. All the 
best tools for the job.
I use linux for desktop work because it doesn't crash as much as XP 
(well at all). I use Mandriva for ease of use. Once a month I go back to 
windows for one file for 30 mins work then back to linux for a smooth 
day to day OS most of the time I work away uninterupted. That is why I 
use Mandriva at work. I dont get paid to mess around.

It is all horses for courses. :-)

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Re: OT: where are you on google.

2008-11-28 Thread Bob Hartley

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

But with quotes around my name I come in at number One.

#4 with quotes but #1 with quotes and biology.. :-)

Robert (Bob) Sunny Scotland


Thomas J McGrath III
Lazy River Software

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

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OT: where are you on google.

2008-11-26 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

Jacqueline Landman Gay replied to the Mark Smith OT thread saying there 
were 1.8M of them.

I wondered where in the google list of my name I would actually 
come. well I was at #5

Anyone beat that.

Bob; sunny Scotland
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Re: Installing Rev on Ubuntu

2008-11-10 Thread Bob Hartley

Mark Wieder wrote:


Friday, November 7, 2008, 6:54:53 AM, you wrote:


Version 3 for linux runs flawlessly on my Mandriva 2009 desktop and my
Xandros EEEPC

That's good to know. How much memory is on that machine?

My eeepc (701) is 512 and my desktop is either 512  or 1gb (cant 
remember) It is a P4 3ghz


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Re: Installing Rev on Ubuntu

2008-11-07 Thread Bob Hartley

Mikey wrote:

Version 3 for linux runs flawlessly on my Mandriva 2009 desktop and my 
Xandros EEEPC

I'd simply run on ubuntu IIWU. :-)


Have you run the 3.0 version natively or in a VM?

I was going to get my Enterprise version (thanks RR for the discount!)
on my Ubuntu box last week but my Hardy to Intrepid upgrade didn't go
as planned and I'm still recovering.

Maybe I should run the Windows version under Wine...
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Re: OT: Using Windows Flag Logo

2008-10-30 Thread Bob Hartley

Ted wrote:

I'm pretty sire the win logo is a registered trademark



Does anyone know about guidelines and permission for using the Windows flag
logo on web sites and software downloads?

Although its use is predominant, I am having difficulty finding much
information about it. For use with software, Microsoft's web site lists logos
only for Works with Vista and Certified for Vista. At the same time, the
web is blanketed with the flag only. What's happening here?



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Re: CodeWeaver's Windows Virtualization for Free?? OT addition

2008-10-29 Thread Bob Hartley

Judy Perry wrote:

Hi All
I actually use Mandriva 2009 now but I bought the Premium version of 
Xandros and have this on my applications disk.

Anyone know if this xandros one would run on Mandriva?

OT I know but just curious

Bob; Sunny Scotland

Hi all,

Has anybody used this?  It's apparently being released FREE for Mac
and Linux for 24 hours:

Saw it featured on both Slashdot  Macnn.

Any reviews?


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Re: Version 3 for Linux my 2.9 says it is current

2008-10-29 Thread Bob Hartley

Bob Hartley wrote:

Its okay folks I cant find a link it on any email or on the rev website 
for a download for current subscribers so I'm off to pester Heather:-)

Bob; Sunny Scotland

Hi All

Been away for a while and I'm now going to code an app. :-) I'm 
therefore going to become a newbie again because I've probably forgot 
everything. Sorry in Advance :-) Anyway I've always kept my early bird 
update license going and installed 2.9 on my linux machine 
(crossgraded from windows recently) I now see that there is a version 
3. However, my 2.9 says that there are no updates available.

I don't want to pester runrev down the road in sunny Edinburgh if I 
can get a quick answer here. Can anyone give me a quick pointer to the 
download or upgrade path if it is direct with runrev.

All the best
Bob in Sunny Scotland: Honest :-)
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Re: Version 3 for Linux my 2.9 says it is current

2008-10-29 Thread Bob Hartley

Bob Hartley wrote:

Bob Hartley wrote:

Its okay folks I cant find a link it on any email or on the rev 
website for a download for current subscribers so I'm off to pester 


I finally found an old email with the player download site, then I found 
the all downloads link then I got the page that allowed me to get 
Version3 with my current license.

WOW is that nice or what :-)

Now off to polish of my old GLX license, alt browser, scripters 
scrapbook etc etc etc and see what is still active.

All the best
Bob; Sunny Scotland

Bob; Sunny Scotland

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Version 3 for Linux my 2.9 says it is current

2008-10-28 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All

Been away for a while and I'm now going to code an app. :-) I'm 
therefore going to become a newbie again because I've probably forgot 
everything. Sorry in Advance :-) Anyway I've always kept my early bird 
update license going and installed 2.9 on my linux machine (crossgraded 
from windows recently) I now see that there is a version 3. However, my 
2.9 says that there are no updates available.

I don't want to pester runrev down the road in sunny Edinburgh if I can 
get a quick answer here. Can anyone give me a quick pointer to the 
download or upgrade path if it is direct with runrev.

All the best
Bob in Sunny Scotland: Honest :-)
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Re: Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

2008-06-18 Thread Bob Hartley

Thomas McGrath III wrote:

Hi Tom
I used to have an IBM P4 laptop and binned it once I had the eee. It
does have screen real estate limits (the 900 would be better). However,
the weight and size make up for that. I can get it into my rain jacket
pocket. :-)

Perhaps it may not be that much better than a Lenovo x60/61 but it is
way better than a 14 lappy.



Welcome home,

I too prefer the list for a more live (lively) interaction and then 
subscribe to the forum RSS feed.

How did your EEEpc do for on the road usage? Did you miss your laptop 
at all?

I was considering the EEEpc but for now I use my iPhone for traveling.


On Jun 17, 2008, at 5:59 AM, Bob Hartley wrote:

Hi Everyone.

Well It has been a long time since I've been here or indeed writing 

I was working away from home for a while and then starting a new job. 
After that I was buying a new house. Yes people do still buy and sell 
them, no matter what the press say. :-)

Anyway.  I was also out the loop because I moved to Linux  
instead of  upgrading to vista (if you could call xp-vista and 
upgrade) and  also my  work apps are Linux apps. In addition I  
binned my  travelling laptop  in November in faviour of an EEEpc so I 
had no Rev on the go. :-)

Yesterday I was prompted  by my early update end to renew my annual 
subscription and crossgrade from my unused windows Rev Studio to 
Linux. And for that reason I'm back on the group.

It is good to see so many of the regulars still  here:--

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Re: Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

2008-06-18 Thread Bob Hartley

Ben Rubinstein wrote:

We've just got an EEE to play with - the 900, which has 1024 x 600 
screen (btw Bob, where did you find System Requirements? - I've looked 
on the RunRev site and couldn't find them anywhere).

When you laqunch rev 2.9 it then says that the resolution needs to be
1024x768. However, since you have a 900 you probably wont see the popup.

I've not yet got further than figuring out how to get to 2.9 to launch 
(the EEE comes stock in 16-bit mode; there's no GUI support - that 
I've found - for changing the screen depth; launching Rev from the GUI 
fails silently; but if you launch Rev from the terminal, it fails with 
an error that it requires 32 bit display.  The helpful interweb 
reveals that you can edit a config file to restart the EEE in 24 bit, 
and this is sufficient to get Rev to launch. Phew!)   After getting 
that far I've not had the energy to play further with Rev - but I'm 
planning to take the EEE on vacation instead of my MBP, and give it a 
proper test then.

I simply went to the rev folder using the fiel manger. Then  right
clicked on the app and set it to executaable.  then it worked with a
double click (and also when added to the start menu)

I use xandros full desktop. You can get info on the install including
kicker etc here

All the best

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Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

2008-06-17 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi Everyone.

Well It has been a long time since I've been here or indeed writing 

I was working away from home for a while and then starting a new job. 
After that I was buying a new house. Yes people do still buy and sell 
them, no matter what the press say. :-)

Anyway.  I was also out the loop because I moved to Linux  instead 
of  upgrading to vista (if you could call xp-vista and upgrade) and  
also my  work apps are Linux apps. In addition I  binned my  travelling 
laptop  in November in faviour of an EEEpc so I had no Rev on the go. :-)

Yesterday I was prompted  by my early update end to renew my annual 
subscription and crossgrade from my unused windows Rev Studio to Linux. 
And for that reason I'm back on the group.

It is good to see so many of the regulars still  here:--

Sarah etc etc

Especially Klaus. PM me KM with how you are doing. :-)

All the Best
Bob; Sunny Scotland (I couldn't resist)
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Re: Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

2008-06-17 Thread Bob Hartley

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Hi Bob,

Great to see you back. Re mailing list or forum, I can't speak for
everyone, but it's list for me - I just don't like the whole forum
thing of having to step through multiple web pages to see if there is
anything new, I like it all to come to me.

Hi Sarah.

Are you still in Oz?
Isn't it bed time over there. :-)


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Re: Hello... Its good to be back. Is this the place to be or is the forum now it?

2008-06-17 Thread Bob Hartley

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Hi Richard

Bob Hartley wrote:
Anyway.  I was also out the loop because I moved to Linux  
instead of  upgrading to vista (if you could call xp-vista and 
upgrade) and  also my  work apps are Linux apps. In addition I  
binned my  travelling laptop  in November in faviour of an EEEpc so I 
had no Rev on the go. :-)

Interesting.  I like my MBP, but I'm doing more bicycle commuting and 
the weight is almost prohibitively cumbersome.  I've been thinking 
about the EeePC, esp. since Rev 2.9 is so much nicer on Linux now.  
But alas the 900 series is now U$600, so it's no longer the no-brainer 
purchase it once was.  How do you like yours?

Welcome back.  It's nice that Rev offers both the web forum and this 
list for folks to choose from, but if you're already here this list 
definitely has more traffic so it's not a bad place to be.

I've got the 701 with the 7 screen. The 900 is more appealing but I got 
the 701 in November. Before they sold out...:-)

I've just put 2.9 on it and although  rev says 1024x768 the 800x600 
seems okay. I'm going to put it on the desktop tonight. And I would 
recommend the new Mandriva spring for anyone wanting to easilly try linux.

Got to dash for the train.

Bob; Edinburgh
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Re: Relative folder paths

2007-05-27 Thread Bob Hartley
On 26/05/2007 03:09:07, Bill Vlahos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 doesn't seem to do anything useful to me.
 How would I get a list of files in the DataFileFolder and then get a
list of files in the Preferences folder?

Hi Billl

Have a look on  my rev user space under nijinsky (I need to reregister to
use this so I cant check myself (never understood this requirement from
within the IDE) Anyway. If you cant  see it there go to and look for Bob's file finder. This is posibly more
than you need but it should get you on the way.

It have a directory walk routine with filters for filetypes. For all
filessimply use *.*

 On Friday, May 25, 2007, at 05:17PM, Richard Gaskin
 Bill Vlahos wrote:
   Lets say I have a folder containing a standalone, Data folder,
   and Preference folder all at the same level. The defaultFolder
   would be the folder at the level of the standalone.
   If I change the defaultFolder to DataFileFolder I can then
   just put the files into vFilesList to get a listing of the
   files. However, this resets the defaultFolder value so I can't
   get to things in the Preference folder.
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Re: WOW -New Features in 2.8.1

2007-05-19 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 I was just going over the new features article in the Rev newsletter.
 Wow! Now I get how 'Private Handlers' and the 'split by row and column'
 features could really be useful..  speed..
 very well done explanatory article. Thanks Marcus and Oliver. Nice to get
 details from the coder/designers!

Double WOW!!

Okay this may seem as a VERY VERY good feature for experienced coders. And
it is.
Howerver, this is the one thing that will enable novices and intermediaries
like myself write apps a lot faster adn easier. 
Rather than have to declare things all over the place and wonmder if you
have missed something elsewher ethat may conflict. Simply make it private to
the object.

I've not done anything recently, however, I expect I'll be back in June and
hammering away and grabbing rev by the privates. I know, I know, I couldnt
resist. :-)

Bob; sunny Scotland
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Re: [OT] mac help needed PROBLEM SOLVED

2007-01-22 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi All

I feel really stupid now. I assumed he ws up on file extensions etc.

He was using a PC form,atted USB pen to transfer the files. It was so simple
I never even thought of asking him. :-)

Anyway all have a quiet chuckle on me.:-)

Using a MAC formatted stick it now works. :-)

Thanks for all the help

Bob; Sunny Scotland

 You might be able to run the iMac's HD in Firewire target mode from the
 Powerbook, if you can connect the two via firewire. If this works, then
 the iMac will appear just like any other an external HD on the Powerbook.
 For exact instructions, check Apple's support pages and search for
 firewire target mode.  Most Macs can do this but some cannot and, I think,
 the instructions may be slightly different depending on model.
 Marian On Jan 22, 2007, at 4:39 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
  Hi Bob,
  You could install VNC on both computers. With VNC, you can display the
  screen of the iMac on the PowerBook and control it remotely, or work on
  the iMac and just show the action on the PowerBook. This is rather slow,
  Economy-x-Talk Consultancy and Software Engineering
  Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store software.
  Download at
  Op 22-jan-2007, om 11:12 heeft [EMAIL PROTECTED] het volgende geschreven:
   I just thought of something.
   Could he run it from the powerbook in classic mode via appletalk. I
   remember years ago running apps on my powerbook that was on another
   machines HD?
   Is this possible from classic to OS9.2?
   More later Bob
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Re: [OT] Open Source Replacements

2006-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 I have just deleted a set of antiquated versions of Commercial programs
 for 3 reasons:
 1. No money to stump up for the newer versions.
 2. A bit tired of having to rely on platform dependent programs as I now
 seem to use Mac, Win and Lin.
 3. I have found FREE replacements:
 GIMP replaces Photoshop:

Not free but really cheap and far closer to photoshop than GIMP (although
there is PSgimp) is pixel32/

The license states itis personal use so you can slap it on as many machines
as possible as long as itis only you that uses it.I have it on Linux and
windows machines. I'm the only one that uses it. PS Ialso have a legal PS on
one machien (supplied from work) but still use Pixel.

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Re: Standalone problems

2006-07-14 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 However the plugin problem remains, but I can workaround that.

I cant compill any app that needs dll's etc. Well I will comile but none of
the dll's are copied over. My app works perfectly in the IDE but not
compilled (even when I copy the dll's)

Basically I cant use my new studio and rev 2.7 has changed the file into the
latest version, so I cant try 2.6. I cant contact runrev because I dont have
a support package (I only have the £99 anual subscription) and I'm not
paying £26 to send one email.

Moan moan moan. 

PS how do I properly bugzilla this?

 Cheers, Sarah ___
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Re: Standalone problems

2006-07-14 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,

Hi Mark
 Before you report to Bugzilla, you need to find the cause of the problem,
 if you can. Could you tell us what exactly is going on? Do you tell the
 Standalone Builder to search for inclusions or do you do this manually? Do
 you have any passwords set? Which dll do you need? Do you get any error
 messages or strange behaviour while building the standalone?

I have an app that reads xml data into fields. Everything works perfectly in
the IDE.

If I use search for inclusions it copies the revdb.dll into the folder,
however, the app uses xml data so It should have the revxml.dll.

Now if I change it to select inclusions manually and tick various script
liraries, nothing is copied across and my app does not work compilled. It
wont import the xml data.

When I manually copy the revxml.dll to the externals folder in the app root
it wont work either in compilled mode.

I've been strugling with this for a over a week and my potential customers
are getting fed up. :-(

PS; I've downloaded Ken's xml lib but it would require a rewrite of the app.
Mind you it may be quicker to just do this.


 Economy-x-Talk Consultancy and Software Engineering
 Download ErrorLib at and get
 full control of error handling in Revolution.
 Op 14-jul-2006, om 10:11 heeft Bob Hartley het volgende geschreven:
  You wrote:
   However the plugin problem remains, but I can workaround that.
  I cant compill any app that needs dll's etc. Well I will comile but none
  of the dll's are copied over. My app works perfectly in the IDE but not
  compilled (even when I copy the dll's)
  Basically I cant use my new studio and rev 2.7 has changed the file into
  the latest version, so I cant try 2.6. I cant contact runrev because I
  dont have a support package (I only have the £99 anual subscription) and
  I'm not paying £26 to send one email.
  Moan moan moan.
  PS how do I properly bugzilla this?
   Cheers, Sarah ___
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Re: Standalone problems

2006-07-14 Thread Bob Hartley
Sarah Reichelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   However the plugin problem remains, but I can workaround that.
  I cant compill any app that needs dll's etc. Well I will comile but none
  of the dll's are copied over. My app works perfectly in the IDE but not
  compilled (even when I copy the dll's)
 After copying over the DLLs try setting the externals of your mainStack to
 the exact file path of the external.

Well done Sarah. 

Everything okay now.
I made a substack ABexternals and a field ABfldExternals and used
set he externals of stack armbaseide to field ABfldExternals of stack
In that field I have 
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq\Desktop\ABxml1\externals\revxml.dll

Now works a treat and the app works with a copy of the dll's.

How would I make that work for wherever the user has it in their HardDrive
(windows only I'm afraid so should be easier) I remember that I has short
filepath problems when I tried this before.

PS your working late in Oz. Thankfully :-)

Bob; Sunny Scotland.Honest :-)
 Cheers, Sarah
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include rev xml dll

2006-07-09 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi AlL

I have a stack that uses xml. It works okay (import export etc) in the
revIDE but when I compile the app it won't perform any of the xml commands.

In earlier versions there was a dl...revxml in the extensions folder of the
compilled app (windows platform). I'm using rev 2.7 latest version and when
I compile I have an extensions folder but there is no revxml.dll?

I have set the standalone settings to search for inclusions, and also tried
manually including the xml and xmlrpc files, but nothing is in the
extensions folder or the root folder of the app.
I even tried copying the old revxml.dll over but this does not work.

Any help is much appreciated.

Bob; Sunny Scotland
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Rev media page not working properly

2006-04-10 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

I'm just curious about revmedia. When I hover over the graphic on the
revmedia page my cursor changes to indicate a hyperlink, however, there is
no mousedown action.

Is this only usable with IE. I use mozilla. 

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Re: OT: Internet Rich Applications Patent Granted

2006-02-25 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Recently, Garrett Hylltun wrote:
   Or will the USPTO let me patent air?
  Where do I send my check for my license to use your patented air?  :-)
  Oh, one question though, does that air already contain bugs? and are you
  taking any steps to remove those bugs from the air?  You know I expect
  my licensed air to be completely bug free.
 Keep in mind, that air probably contains viruses as well.
Yep and there are some really sill ones in teh biomed industry.

Company A develops a drug for heroin addiction. Turns out is is too toxic at
50mg dose required for the anti opiate effect. Allong comes a Doc in private
practice and patents the use of the drug for another dose. It has been
done and the drug may be usefull for MS. I'm personally sceptical on the
effectiveness of treatment for MS, however, patenting a dose? The dose is a
lower dose, so to get round the royalties one would have to prescribe a dose
too high for the patient; consequence, ill patients. DOH!!

Her is my new patent.

The use of liquid within the pH range pH4.1 to pH 8.9 (adding a confusing
technicallity) to assist the ability to swallow substances that incorporate
complex carbohydrate and protein at a temperature above 37.6 celcius.

OR in laymans terms. That glass of water or coke you just drank with your

Declaration of interest. In case anyone has seen Dr. Bob in the past in my
sig, I'm not a  medic but a Cell Biologist.
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Re: Buttons within or on top of a Quicktime movie?

2006-02-19 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hello all:
 Does anyone know if it is possible to put invisible buttons on top of or
 have clickable items within a QuickTime movie in Rev? 
What about an invisible palette stack.

Is trhat possible?
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Re: [OT] Re: Thar She Blows! - RR 2.7 ???

2006-02-12 Thread Bob Hartley
On 12/02/2006 20:27:43, Ken Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On 2/12/06 1:33 PM, Alex Tweedly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ken Ray wrote:
  On 2/12/06 10:16 AM, Mathewson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sunday afternoon - fair forjeskit wi raxen up a peerie RR
  stack caad IN fae ma 5-8 bairns learnen Sudron:
  ken: Put the red crayon IN the blue box - repetive
  programmen o this sairt is mair a DRAG than a DROP - but it
  brangs the siller fae the loaf.
  So, shoogle ower tae the PC thats connected tae the
  innernet tae tak a glisk at sic things that will tak tent o
  ma unco unmensefu (ae, mair fou than mensefu richt nou):
  And, the Runtime Revolution website is doon, wi a sonsie
  message anent 'upgradin' - so Ah ken thats 2.7 comin in

Hi Ken

Here is a tip.
Think of Scotty from Star trek. Put on his authentic accent and away ye

Ah mean jings krivens help ma boab. Ah ken Richmond is an eastcoaster ken
(not you Ken, ken means know) but thons gan far.

OK now this is totally OT, however, if you are Scottish and want to learn
how to read Norwegian. Put on an Aberdonian accent and read. Bizarrely you
can then understand it.  

Bob; from Loch Lomond whre they speak English. :-)
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Re: [OT] XP Trouble-shooting Suggestions?

2006-01-21 Thread Bob Hartley
On 21/01/2006 16:49:22, Rob Cozens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Salut Eric,
 Did you try to defragment your HD?
 Not after the compress old files took so long, because
 defragmenting--which I do regularly--usually takes much longer than
 compress files utility.  I _never_ have more than 25-30% of the disk

HI Rob

Have a look at diskeeper frm executive software. IMHO it is the best defrag
out there. I beleive MS defrag is based on it but a diskeeper defrag will
only take 40 mins and you can set it to smart-defrag where it keeps the
disk defraged. It can be scheduled etc.

 Rob Cozens
 Serendipity Software Company
 There's nothing wrong with Capitalism except Capitalists:
 they're too damn greedy!
 --  Herbert Hoover
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Re: RunRev web site down?

2006-01-20 Thread Bob Hartley
Devin Asay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is offline at the moment? I am unable to reach any part of
 their web site, including bugzilla. I've also been unable to get anything
 from Rev Online for several days. Is anyone else seeing this?

No the site is working OK . Does it come up on revonline in teh IDE?

 Devin Asay Humanities Technology and Research Support Center Brigham Young
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copy field from one stack to another

2006-01-16 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

Back from my christmas holidays and forgoten everything. :)

I have one stack Build from xdf that has a text field called text I'll
change this soon. I want to copy this to a test stack called destination.
This is dependent on a menu chioce.

I can get the button I have with the handler, to perform insertion of text
into a field depending on the menu choice (menui is om1), however, when I
make this button with the field copy script nothing happens.

Anything wrong with this?

on mouseUp
  put the selectedtext of button om1 into OM1temp
  if OM1temp is text field then
copy field text of stack Build from XDF to stack Destination
set the name of it to Field1
end if
end mouseUp

Happy new year.

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steel itunes-like skins

2005-12-20 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All

How do you get a window background looking like the itunes steel.

WindowsXP et al.

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Re: steel itunes-like skins

2005-12-20 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,

Hi Eric

Thanks for that. I've not been around recently (finishing work before my
christmas break) and I'm in a mad rush before I go up north to relax...see so I will get to the site tomorrow night when I get my
laptop back home and download all the goodies. I really appreciate your help
with these tools.

I'm taking the laptop on my christmas break because I cant be without a
machine to play with for the next 2.5 weeks. :-)

Bob; Sunny Scotland (honest)
 The How to Install a Metal Appearance' on All Platforms tutorial might
 help you: How to create a stack with metal appearance, allowing window
 resizing and grabbing from any area on any platform. Automatic template
 creator included.
 You will access this tutorial through Tutorials Picker a free plugin
 that interfaces with the So Smart Software website in order to display all
 available tutorials stacks directly from the web. You will find it by
 going to Revolution/Plugins or Tutorials
 Best Regards from Paris, Eric Chatonet
 Le 20 déc. 05 à 23:31, Bob Hartley a écrit :
  How do you get a window background looking like the itunes steel.
  WindowsXP et al.
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How to make the lists all on the one list

2005-12-13 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi all.

Here is one suggestion on how to make the lists all easily accessable.
I use PDAtoolbox and they have a fantastic forum that is updated by the
second (if you want a chat, there are different sections for the chat).
Indeed, there is a members section that is not readable to non-members.

Perhaps we could have a sustem like this, so that newbies can get the info
and the oldies (eg been using the list for more than 3 months) :-) can have
a rant in the members section that is not viewable to the newbies.

That way they are not put of by OT discussions.

have a look at

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discussions, opinions and religion

2005-12-11 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

I think Heather was right on the ball the other day when she emphasised that
this list was for discussing code etc adn tip for USING rev.

Can we please drop all the discussions about Marketing, Personal smipes,
using the computing crystal ball and stick to posting codeing problems adn
their answers.

It is gettin to the stage that I spend more time deleteing useless and
pointless posts than actually reading the board.

This mail is a typical example and will be my last, however, I feel
Heather's kind words to desist have not reached some ears.

All the best
Bob; Sunny Scotland
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Re: open with on windows does not work with rev. Heeeeeelp :-)

2005-11-17 Thread Bob Hartley
Alex Tweedly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sarah Reichelt wrote:
   So I doubleclicked on the plugin (has a .rev extension) and windows
   asked me what application I wanted to use. Since rev was not in the
   list, I clicked browse to go to the rev 2.6 folder and clicked on
   I then clicked open and then OK. Oops. Windows XP did not
   recognise revolution.exe and set all the files with a .rev extension
   to firefox. :-(
   I tried going to the individual properties and diong it that way but
   still no luck. Windows does not recognise revolution as an app to
   associate fieltypes with.
  I can't help, but I can confirm this except that in my case, Windows
  insists on using WinRAR to boot my .rev stacks. When I choose Open
  with... I get a list that does not include Revolution, so I choose
  Browse and go and find the Revolution.exe. After finding it, it still
  doesn't appear in the list, so I can't select it and I can't tell
  Windows to use it for all .rev files.
  I assumed it was just me as I am not a Windows person, but maybe it is
  Rev. Should I try re-installing? I uninstalled WinRAR but that didn't
 Click on My Computer
  From the menu, select Tools / Folder Options ...
 Select the Tab File Types Scroll down to find REV(*) Click on
 Change ... button Check the box Always use the selected program to open
 this file type If Rev Engine isn't in the list, use Browse to find it and
 select it. Click OK
 That should set it up so that all .rev files open with it.

Hi Folks.

All sorted now . Sorry for the delay in getting back but I was on webmail on
my other machine. Anyway...

The problem was that when I did this suggestion it did not see rev. However,
I fixed it via the registry.

I searched through all the things in the registry until I found all the .rev
items. One had a path to rev-2.5 so I changed that to rev 2.6 and then rev
2.5 appeared in the list of apps. Then I changed it no problem. I then
bought registry mechanic to check the registry and correct any problems.

I'm toying with linux anyway, since I'm fed up buying thingds like
diskeeper, regmachanic etc etc etc etc just so the thing doesn't grind to a

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open with on windows does not work with rev. Heeeeeelp :-)

2005-11-14 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

I was wanting to launch a rev plugin to check for updates. (I won't mention
the plugin because it is not the fault of the plugin). I deleted rev 2.5
because I use 2.6 and the old rev version kept launching.

So I doubleclicked on the plugin (has a .rev extension) and windows asked me
what application I wanted to use. Since rev was not in the list, I clicked
browse to go to the rev 2.6 folder and clicked on revolution.exe.

I then clicked open and then OK. Oops. Windows XP did not recognise
revolution.exe and set all the files with a .rev extension to firefox. :-(

I tried going to the individual properties and diong it that way but still
no luck. Windows does not recognise revolution as an app to associate
fieltypes with. 

Anyone got any idea what I should do (appart from using a mac. :-)
I'm thinking along the lines of my first forray into the registry. O!

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tmalign in gadgetbar

2005-11-13 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

i have tmalign in the gadgets folder but refreshing the gadgetbar to the
gadgets folder does not show tmal;igh in the gadgetbar grouping.

Anyone know the problem. I'm on winXP

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Re: [OT] Microsoft Office's New UI Blazes Some New Trails for Us

2005-10-10 Thread Bob Hartley
On 10/10/2005 20:42:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan ,
 Nielsen's Alertbox newsletter today is about the new results
  oriented user experience being developed by Microsoft for its
  bloated Office product line.
  I provide my thoughts and links at
  3c65da4c in case anyone cares or wants to discuss it there.
 a quote from J.
 Nielsen's article (BTW the link you provide
 on your blog is wrong) :
 The new interface displays galleries of possible end-states, each of
which combine many
 formatting operations. From this gallery, you select the complete look of
your target -- say
 an org chart or an entire document -- and watch it change shape as you
mouse over the
 alternatives in the gallery. The interaction paradigm has been reversed;
 now What You
 Get Is What You See, or WYGIWYS.

Yep and I'm still waiting for to load.
Hey give me good old RISC OS where everything worked the way YOU wanted it
to. The one thing that I really miss and have not encountered anywhere else
is separation of the cursor and  mouse between different apps.

IE you have one app that has the cursor in it but another app with the
window focus that is reacting to mouseclicks.
You then could have one app reacting to mouseclicks that controlled the
other eg text and image entry. Ohhh I could go on and on, but that has been
the case since 1991? :-)

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Re: making a popup insert text.

2005-10-03 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Dan

 Not sure exactly what you mean by that question, but if you use a combo
 box (I assume that's what you meant and not an option box, which doesn't
 exist), you don't have to do any programming to get the user's selection
 to show up in the box portion of the object. That's built-in behavior.

It was an option menu, but a combo box will do.

What I want is a preference stack with a box or menu that has things on it
2 fields
3 fields
4 fields

Depending on the choice, it adds the script into a button. eg a ficticious
on mouseup
copy 3 fields to stack xyz
end mouseup

IE it is a way of allowing the enduser to modify the function of a button
from a list of choices.


 Just set the alternative choices in the Property Inspector for the combo
 box and, voila!, done.
 ~~ Dan Shafer, Information Product
 Consultant and Author Get my book, Revolution:
 Software at the Speed of Thought
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Re: stack position and flicker

2005-10-02 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Ken

 On 10/2/05 1:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Snip how I did it.

 on mouseUp
   put the rect of stack Armbase into tRect
   put (item 2 of tRect) + 550 into item 4 of tRect
   set the rect of stack Armbase to tRect
   hide button Expand
   show button Collapse
 end mouseUp

Ken this is perfect, simple and elegant.

also  works for the collapse

 on mouseUp
   put the rect of stack Armbase into tRect
   put (item 2 of tRect) + 35 into item 4 of tRect
   set the rect of stack Armbase to tRect
   hide button Expand
   show button Collapse
 end mouseUp

Best regards
Bob; Sunny Scotland
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Re: RunRev

2005-09-11 Thread Bob Hartley
On 11/09/2005 04:00:56, Ken Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On 9/10/05 8:53 PM, Bill Moseid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am new to RunRev.
  Can a RunTime be targeted for a PocketPC?
 Not currently, but there has been talk about making a PocketPC version of

THis would be wonderful and I would certainly pay a great deal for an
upgrade. Indeed, the best market is the smartphone market; granted it is the
most flexible, however it is huge.

Best regards
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
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Re: [Slightly OT] Ransomware as a Model for Rev Toolmaking?

2005-07-19 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Dan

 A friend of mine pointed me to an intriguing business concept called
 RansomWare and as I thought about it, it seemed there might be some
 possible use for it in the Rev developer community. Under this model, a
 developer offers to produce a given product, sets a development price
 threshold for it, and asks people to commit what they would be willing to
 pay for such a product if he were to produce it. 
 Once the threshold is reached, the developer completes and releases the
 product free to the entire community. 

Thsi was how the firefox porting project was funded for RISC OS

there used to be a UNIX porting project that was a subscription based system
to port UNIX aps (well develop a X11 lib) to RISC OS.

Then one of the main developers partially ported Firefox and showed a
partially working browser. He started a pledge'o'meter, whereby he asked for
donations to finish it. Once the donations started to roll in he continued
to work on it with the understanding that it woudl be released if they
reached 100% of the pledges.

Now RISC OS has an up to date browser.

All the best
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Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

I am looking for a virtual desktop manager for windowsXP. Now the reason
that this has relevance to the runrev list is, some of these don't hide all
the runrev palletes on switching screens. The one I prefer at the moment
that does do this properly (Managedesk) has some probelems with explorer and
I'd prefer one that could perform drag and drop of files between desktops (I
could do this on RISC OS in 1992). 

Does anyone have any virtual desktop recomendations that are revolution
friendly? IE put all the rev windows in one screen per running revolution.
This is handy when working on 2-3 rev apps.

All the best
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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:


Hi Jon
 If these desktop managers work for everything BUT Rev, does that say

Well not exactly, they also dont always work with GIMP. However The one I am
using seems to be OK-ish now. There must have been a conflict with another
app. Mind you still not as good as the RISC OS implementation. 

I'm always annoyed when I alttab away from Rev and then try
 to alttab back, only to discover that 1) most of the Rev windows
 remain hidden, and 2) the Rev window that does appear is rarely the one I
 was using most recently. I then have to manually start hiding windows
 until I can work in Rev again. 

I do have slight annoyances, not with this particular scenario but others,
however, this is only because I have multiple instances of rev running. Just
my preference, and indeed there are benefits to not do this, stack swapping
being one particular example. 

 To be honest, I would be hard pressed to
 write such a mis-behaving program in Windows if I were trying to.

Well all my questions can be answered with virtual desktops. Perhaps it is
because my original computing environment was so lean in memory useage
(Easiwriter reads/writes word2003 and is only 800K) that I grew up on a
system with 2-3 monitors or 6-9 virtual desktops. I habe now been incluined
to go to the virtual desktop route again and am instantly more productive.
But really I'm pretty laid back about things, and actually only interested
in a virtual desktop manager. :-)

As for rev being poorly written, well I think it is actually marvelous. It
has its problems but so do other things. Probably from a Pro point of view
it may be slightly irritating when seing all these windows; however, from my
point of view, I actually love the ease of writing transcript and I'm not
annoyed by the IDE.
 Perhaps another approach would be to lobby Rev to try to make the entire
 IDE more friendly in this particular regard.

Considering the amount of money they make in comparison to Microsoft,
perhaps I should lobby MS to get virtual desktops implemented. 

Anyway: Every cloud has a silver lining. Or as Monty Python suggested I
should Always look on the bright side.. I now have virtual desktops,
just not the ideal one.

All the best
Bob; Sunny (honest) Scotland
 Bob Hartley wrote:
  Hi All.
  I am looking for a virtual desktop manager for windowsXP. Now the reason
  that this has relevance to the runrev list is, some of these don't hide
  all the runrev palletes on switching screens. The one I prefer at the
  moment that does do this properly (Managedesk) has some probelems with
  explorer and I'd prefer one that could perform drag and drop of files
  between desktops (I could do this on RISC OS in 1992).
  Does anyone have any virtual desktop recomendations that are revolution
  friendly? IE put all the rev windows in one screen per running
  revolution. This is handy when working on 2-3 rev apps.
  All the best Bob ___
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Re: Revolution friendly virtual desktop managers. WinXP

2005-07-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Already done:
 See Deskman at:

I Chipp.
Thanks for the info.
I've seen that one before. When you change screens it doesn't clear the

The other one I have is only $35 so not too bad.


 Bob Hartley wrote:
  Considering the amount of money they make in comparison to Microsoft,
  perhaps I should lobby MS to get virtual desktops implemented.
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Runrev to PDAT palm databases

2005-07-10 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

I have a wee app for you all. It is a wee database designer that I made for
people on the PDAtoolbox forum. A lot of the code needs cleaned up and
shortened and indeed put into the main stack and declared, however, for
newbies it is probably better as it is, in it's raw state.

see for what PDAToolbox is.

The app is usefull for newbies wanting to learn how to copy fields, rename
them etc. The is also a font changer to make labels. This shows how the
enduser without runrev can change things like label text etc.

It also shows how to communicate via the shell (never did get dynamic paths
sorted) to make a PalmOS PDAT database file IE a PDB via an external app.
Hope you find it useful. It is a free app. You can do what you like with it.
You can nick the code etc. Naturaly you should include a suitable citation
if you use it in an app.

It is windows only for converting to PDAToolbox, however if you only want a
look at a wee desktop database designer then it is naturally usefull for
all. Anyway, I'm off to do the garden. :-)

There is a wee manual on the site below.

You can get the app from

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Re: Trial Days

2005-07-10 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Thanks to Jonathan Lynch and Robert Brenstein for your input. Trial days
 now down to 4 lines.

Hi Bob

Could you post your final code. I'd be interested.

Bob; Sunny Scotland
 Regards .. Bob
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Re: Why I won't buy an A9Home . . . On Topic!

2005-07-10 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

HI Richmond

 As my first PC (as in Personal Computer - rather than clunking along on
 some terminal with somebody else's paw-prints all over it) was a BBC
 Master I have long longed for a RISC OS machine. The A9Home (at last)
 seems just the 'thing'
 ( smaller than the
 MacMini, featuring an OS in Flash-ROM (no viruses, nothing), and so
 eccentric one can really look odd owning one (maybe I should not have
 written that last bit).

I also used RISC OS for many years and IMHO it is the best gui about
(probably becase I used it so much). I mainly iused RISC OS as a personal
computer (although I did need it for researchh early on) even though I
migtrated to MacOS for image analysis.

The boot time of my StyrongARM desktop was about 5 seconds. ok I don't
want to go on aboujt how I loved it.
 Of course, RISC OS is used in so many embedded systems that the ability to
 write stuff for it is really useful.

THere were more RISC OS machines sold outwith the desktop market than to the
home/school user. Everything from RADAR, SONAR, Protien purification units,
even the BR train timtable screens. RISC OS was used in Pace set top boxes.
I think they even have BBC BASIC  still luring away in there.
 I will not buy an A9Home because, so far, there is no version of MC/RR for
 RISC OS. Considering that quite a few RISC OS machines are used in the UK
 (as well as elsewhere) in educational environments, it seems a shame there
 is neither MC/RR for RISC OS, or, at least, an engine that allows users of
 MC/RR on Linux/Win/Mac to produce RISC OS compatible standalones.
See this thread
 There is Hyperstudio for RISC OS but not metacard/RR.

NOw one thing about the A9 is it is a developer only machine at the moment.
I think it is about 400ukp. I know the developer, I bought his personal
custom machine in 1995 ( A Simtec special A5000) that he bought back fomr me
for software testingwhen I got a RiscPC. A machine that had a StrongARM
processor and a Pentuium in the second processor slot. This could be used as
a co-pro or to run windows in a window. Ohhh dear there I go again.

Anyway I know Stuart from Advantage6 (Dont know Mat) and one thing I do know
is that they funded the 32-bitting of RISC OS 4 for the A9. They maybe
interested in funding the software although I expect someone like Andrew
from Rcomp may be more inclined about the porting.

As for Runrev doing it. I expect the size of the RISC OS market is too small
for them. 

If you want a look at the OS then you can Get Virtual RiscPC from

Advantage6 use this on there Shuttle style emmulation box.
All the best
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Re: Making an image draggable

2005-07-09 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

  Tried several variations of the following script: on mousedown make
  image ruler.jpg draggable end mousedown
 -- Script of ruler image on mouseDown
   grab me
 end mouseDown
 Now this doesn't have any constraints, but it works very well...

Or only dragable when the control key is down

on mouseDown
if the controlKey is down then
  grab me
  end if
end mouseDown

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2005-06-30 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi Stephen

 by (Postfix) with SMTP id 577642FBAB
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 29 Jun 2005

Ok that looks like a list trawler, however, this list is available archived
on google and on other open servers so it is not nessesarilly from someone
who is registered the list. However, the sender is probably faked as well
and the title is probably made via a generator, so you cant compare sender
or title. I guess we'll never know.

PS stick fragments into google eg bakhtiari
and you get some random generated emails with links to porn.

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Re: Aaaaah, now I get it

2005-06-22 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:
Hi Judy

Well I must say I could not have done it better myself. I would recommend
that all interested haev a look at this instead.

The only differnce in my example is that I had all tabs on one card. Then I
had tabs called

Then I had groups of objects called

So by naming the groups of objects (fields, labels, buttons etc) the same as
the tab I could use the script in the tabs-group.

on menuPick chosenTab, previousTab
lock screen show group chosenTab
hide group previousTab
end menuPick

All the best

 You've all got me curious:
 I've got such a thing up at both the Rev-Ed wiki and in RevOnline
 (username: JudyPerry).
 It even has (on the Weapons tab) a button for downloading a PDF.
 Except that it the coding is not optimized for very new-newbies, what
 would you like to see added/changed?
 On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, John R.Brauer wrote:
  Yes, I would love to see your newbie intro to tabbed fields.
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Re: Aaaaah, now I get it

2005-06-22 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:
Hi Judy

 You've all got me curious:
 I've got such a thing up at both the Rev-Ed wiki and in RevOnline
 (username: JudyPerry).

Where is the rev-ed wiki?

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Re: relative path help

2005-06-17 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Sarah

  on mouseup
   set the hideConsoleWindows to true
put myApps\Folder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote 
  --just wordwrapping here myAppsFolder()  \Components\Armbase.xdf 
  quote into mycommandline
get shell(mycommandline)
  when I substitute this in it does not work.
 Hi Bob,
 According to a later email, you are finding the apps folder and putting it
 into a global variable called gMyAppsFolder. In the script above, you are
 calling a function: myAppsFolder to get the same data.
 Try this:
 on mouseup
   global gMyAppsFolder
   set the hideConsoleWindows to true
   put gMyAppsFolder  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  
 gMyAppsFolder  \Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline
   get shell(mycommandline)
 end mouseup

Bizarely I had tried this before going to bed (oh the exciting life I lead)
and it did not work.

I'll have a wee dig about later.

All the best
 Cheers, Sarah
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Re: Video from RevCon

2005-06-17 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 AKA useless to a modem user.  Sigh.  Maybe someone will make DVD For the
 rest of us...
Well I have a 1Mb line and 1gb at work but this should really be compressed.
I did have a compression app (not released by the author) that compressed a
400Mb 3D medical image into 3MB (YES over 100x). It was lossy compression so
was no use tp me but was designed for broadcasting thingd like this. Surely
a 20:1 compression would be of use to dialupers.
I cant remember the software I used because it was years ago.

All the best
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relative path help

2005-06-16 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All

I have managed (with the help of a script of Sarah's to create dynamic paths
and in turn creatre an absoute path to my apps folder. I also changed the /
to a \ for using the shell.

C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq\My

Now I want to have this as part of a script that runs an app from the
command line.

The old script was hardwired to one folder (C:\Armbase etc) and works.
the old script is
on mouseup
 set the hideConsoleWindows to true
--space put in to assist reading
  put c:\Armbase\Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  c 
---note no carridge return here, just wordwrapping
\Armbase\Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline
  get shell(mycommandline)
  put url(file:c:\Armbase\Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile
end mouseup

sarah suggested put myAppsFolder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe into tPath

so I used

on mouseup
 set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put myApps\Folder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote 
--just wordwrapping here
myAppsFolder()  \Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline 
  get shell(mycommandline)


when I substitute this in it does not work.

Any ideas?

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Re: relative path help

2005-06-16 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi All
 I have managed (with the help of a script of Sarah's to create dynamic
 paths and in turn creatre an absoute path to my apps folder. I also
 changed the / to a \ for using the shell.

I should mention that I declare a global myAppsFolder and create the path
  get the filename of stack Armbase Launcher
  put it into gMyAppsFolder
  set the itemDel to / 
  delete the last item of gMyAppsFolder 
  replace / with \ in gMyAppsFolder
  Put gMyAppsFolder into field pathtest

The line  Put gMyAppsFolder into field pathtest is only to check in a text
box that the path is working.


 eg C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq\My
 Now I want to have this as part of a script that runs an app from the
 command line.
 The old script was hardwired to one folder (C:\Armbase etc) and works.
 the old script is on mouseup
  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
 --space put in to assist reading
   put c:\Armbase\Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  c 
 ---note no carridge return here, just wordwrapping
 \Armbase\Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline
   get shell(mycommandline)
   put url(file:c:\Armbase\Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile

 end mouseup
 sarah suggested put myAppsFolder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe into tPath
 so I used
 on mouseup
  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
   put myApps\Folder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote 
 --just wordwrapping here myAppsFolder()  \Components\Armbase.xdf 
 quote into mycommandline
   get shell(mycommandline)
 when I substitute this in it does not work.
 Any ideas?
 Cheers Bob ___ use-revolution
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Re: relative path help

2005-06-16 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

I noticed a mistake here but it still does nt work when rectified
 on mouseup
  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
   put myApps\Folder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote 
the above line has an extra \ so i changerd it to
ut myAppsFolder()  \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote 
 --just wordwrapping here myAppsFolder()  \Components\Armbase.xdf 
 quote into mycommandline
   get shell(mycommandline)
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open stack problem

2005-06-15 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi Al.

OK I haev a stack I haev created and I open this from a standalone.
Now I have a problem, when I try to open it the stack does not open. I have
not changed the code but it just wont work now. I have not changed the
version of runrev either.

At work I had the same problem and I copied and pasted in the same code and
it worked.

Can anyone spot the obvious mistake?

I have a button with this script

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

And in the stack script

on doFileOpen
answer file Select a database file: \
with filter Armbase Database File  return  *.abd
  if it is empty then exit to top
  toplevel stack it
end doFileOpen

I even commented out the if it is empty line with no luck either.

Is there a problem with this script?

I cant see any
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Re: open stack problem

2005-06-15 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,
  Hi Al.
 although my name is not Al, I will try to answer ;-)


OK Hi all

  I have a button with this script
  on mouseUp
  end mouseUp
  And in the stack script
  on doFileOpen
  answer file Select a database file: \
  with filter Armbase Database File  return  *.abd
if it is empty then exit to top
toplevel stack it
  end doFileOpen
  I even commented out the if it is empty line with no luck either.
  Is there a problem with this script?
 Yep, the RETURN is wrong...
 Try this: ... with filter Armbase Database File,*.abd ...

I tried this Klaus but no luck

the only one I now get to work is

answer file Select a database file: \
 with filter *.abd
 --with filter Armbase Database File  return  *.abd
  --with filter Armbase Database File  *.abd
   if it is empty then exit to top
  put it into tFileName
  toplevel stack it
end doFileOpen

I get a dialogue box but when I click on open I dont get a stack. It may
be a stack corrupt problem since I can open one with a different name from
the default, however, even if I delete the previous default mydatabase.abd
and resave a new one I still can't open it?? Weird

All the best

  I cant see any
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Re: Help: script works fine in dev not in standalone

2005-06-14 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi all,

Hi there
 I've run into a weird problem I'm not sure how to search the archives for.
 I have a parent stack that loads a sub stack.  I need to have data pass
 between them so I used the following command to open the child from the
 go to stack /root/folder/child_stack.rev as toplevel

OK ther emay be a fielpath problem in the standalone. Does the
child_stack.rev open?

If not you can create it dynamically. 
 In development mode, this code works fine and the code in child_stack.rev
 runs as expected.  However, when I compile these .REV files to standalone
 apps, the code in the child_stack doesn't work.
 The code in the child_stack is simple.  I create a set of buttons with
 mouseMove/mouseUp commands so that they can be dragged around the screen.
 I'm attaching the code in the buttons if that helps. The behavior in
 standalone mode is that everything is visible, but the mouseMove doesn't
 seem to fire.  Also, the ctrl+shift+option key command doesn't seem to
 work either.

To move the buttons around the screen simply use

on mouseDown
if the controlKey is down then
  grab me
  end if
end mouseDown
 I guess this leads to a more general question, one that i asked a few days
 ago, but obviously didn't quite figure out, and that is, I need an
 application to load sub stacks.  I need the sub stack to perform some
 non-interruptible task, and then pass control back to the parent stack.
 They need to share data.  is it silly to compile the parent stack and
 leave all sub stacks as .rev files?

No this is not silly, however, you may want to have some things declared as
globals in the standalone and then call the holder or function from the
.rev file. This could be one of the problems in the stack navigation.

All the best
 any advice is appreciated.
 ___ use-revolution mailing
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Re: Help: script works fine in dev not in standalone

2005-06-14 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Emilio 
  To move the buttons around the screen simply use
 Yeah, the problem isn't that I didn't have code to move the buttons,
 rather, when I compile the .rev file the buttons no longer functioned as
 they had when I created them in development.

Ahh now I see. I'm stumped with that one???
   I guess this leads to a more general question, one that i asked a  
 few days
   ago, but obviously didn't quite figure out, and that is, I need an
   application to load sub stacks.  I need the sub stack to perform some
   non-interruptible task, and then pass control back to the parent  
   They need to share data.  is it silly to compile the parent stack and
   leave all sub stacks as .rev files?
 No this is not silly, however, you may want to have some things declared
 as globals in the standalone and then call the holder or function from
 the .rev file. This could be one of the problems in the stack navigation.
 Yeah this is exactly what i'm doing. :)  I create an array in the parent:
 global settings[someVar] and then create a global variable of the same
 name in the child: global settings

do you m,ean that you have two globals with the same name?

I'mnot sure how that would work but surely they will compete when you call
the global...which one to chose? Could that be the problem?
What happens if you rename one?
 If I open a stack from within a standalone application, does it matter
 whether the second stack is compiled or not?  what are the primary
 differences between opening a compiled or non-compiled stack as a sub

Should be none as far as I know. I have an app that clones a substack and
then I can open this cloned substack (just a .rev file) as often as I want
and have it do things. No problem.

I'm sure some of the gurus will be along shortly with the definitive answer


 Again, thanks for your input.
 Emilio ___ use-revolution
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re: delete object problem

2005-06-05 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,
Good Morning Malte

 Even though I agree with Ken that this would be strange behaviour it is
 possible technically (assuming the lockText of the field is true).

Yes the locktext is true
 in the card script:
 on mouseDown
if 65288 is in the keysDown then
--65288 is the backspacekey on Mac.
--try put the keysDown to find out the number of deletekey
  if button is in the name of the target \
  or field is in the name of the target then
delete the target
  end if
end if
 end mouseDown

What I'm doing is making a database where the user has many fields. They can
move them and grab them and I would like them to be able to delete spurious
fields. I think this may hinder the user but italso may be a feature. :-)

I'll try your suggestion.

How do you find out the number of a key when pressed? 

All the best
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change name of standalone

2005-06-05 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

In my wee app I want the user to be able to change the name of the .exe app
(the titlebar) when it opens.

I have found a curious thing.
I have a stack called boabieprefs (full paths and relative paths have been
tried) that has a field appname.

In my stack hello (this will be the standalone) if I open rev and then do
File-openstack- and chose hello.rev the following script works

on preopenstack
set the name of stack hello to field appname of stack boabieprefs
end preopenstack

It does not work when I double click to open the stack in runrev, nor in the

On other ocasions this crasjhes revolution. Actually it is now constantly
crashing rev (the script error box is flashing contuously and I've had to

How do I change the name of the opening stack in a .exe standalone using an
external prefs.rev file?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: change name of standalone

2005-06-05 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,
 May be you could choose a less risky approach by setting the label of the
 stack without changing its name?
 Le 5 juin 05 à 15:35, Bob Hartley a écrit :

Hi Eric and Mark

I can do this via a button and with this script
on mouseUp
  set the label of stack howdy to the field appname of stack boabieprefs
end mouseUp

If boabieprefs is already open then this works
on openstack
  set the label of stack howdy to the field appname of stack boabieprefs
end openstack

But if boabieprefs is not already open then there is a rev crash.
OK something really weird has just happened. I trieds this to open
boabieprefs (in same folder) but it wont open. I've looked on the google
search but cant find the answer and now my revdocs have stopped working. :( 

on preopenstack
  open stack boabieprefs
  pass preOpenStack
end preopenstack

on openstack
set the label of stack howdy to the field appname of stack boabieprefs
pass openstack
end openstack

still no luck

I'll need to put this down and have a break. :-)

More later
use-revolution mailing list

Re: change name of standalone

2005-06-05 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

  In the script of the main stack
OK Guys. I got it sorted. 

For those searching the archive later, her eis what I ended up with.

 Actually, if you're putting this code in the stack script you'll need to
   if the owner of the target is me then ...

Instead of having 2 main stacks I made one main stack and put boabieprefs as
a substack. OK so far.

I used the script that failed previously
on openStack
  set the label of stack howdy to field appname of stack boabieprefs
  pass openStack
end openStack  

And this worked
OK I now saved as a standalone and saved the substacks as individual
stacks so they could eb edited.

Then I put a button on the boabieprefs stack that said save this stack.

it is in my userspace on revonline (user NINIJSKY)

Thanks for all the help.

 since the message hits the card and then travels to the stack.
 Ken Ray Sons of Thunder Software Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web Site:
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2005-06-04 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi all.

Just a wee warning for all the windows ussers.

There is a new version of Netsky on the loose. 2 hits on my mail in the last
20 minutes. As usual it has the .pif extension.

All the best
use-revolution mailing list

delete object problem

2005-06-04 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All

I have a script that deletes objects from groups, Either all objects via
repeat or single objects in reverse order. However, I'd like to delete
object an object in the middel IE element 4 of 7. (this ma vary so I cannot
use a static script.

Is there a way for the end user to old down the delete key and then click on
a field or button within a group and have that object delete?

I thought of something like 
on mouseup
if te deletekey is down then delete me
 end mouseup

Unfortuinately this doesn't work.

Any ideas
use-revolution mailing list

Re: delete object problem

2005-06-04 Thread Bob Hartley
On 04/06/2005 22:18:44, Ken Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hi Ken

  Is there a way for the end user to old down the delete key and then
click on
  a field or button within a group and have that object delete?
 Not AFAIK, and it would be very strange for the user to do that... better
 yet might be a context menu that pops up when they right-click on the
 that has 'delete' option.

OK thanks for the info. I suppose I can forget that one for now since it is
not that crucial, however, I was also interested in context menus. Where
should I start to look for info on applying these?

 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: delete object problem

2005-06-04 Thread Bob Hartley
On 04/06/2005 22:37:55, Bob Hartley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On 04/06/2005 22:18:44, Ken Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hi Ken
   Is there a way for the end user to old down the delete key and then
 click on
   a field or button within a group and have that object delete?
  Not AFAIK, and it would be very strange for the user to do that...
  yet might be a context menu that pops up when they right-click on
  that has 'delete' option.
 OK thanks for the info. I suppose I can forget that one for now since it
 not that crucial, however, I was also interested in context menus.
 should I start to look for info on applying these?

OK I replied too quickly (Scotland game on the telly distracted me) I found
some info to investigate.

All the best
  Ken Ray
  Sons of Thunder Software
  Web Site:
  use-revolution mailing list
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clear fields

2005-06-03 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All

I have a script that clears the contents of fields in cards.

on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
   put empty into fld x
end repeat
end mouseUp

Now this works ok except that the card has some labels and the script clears
the label contents. 

All the text fields are called field1, field2 etc

so I thought of doing this
on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
if the name of fld x is field *
  then put empty into fld x
end repeat
end mouseUp

But I don't ge tthe fields clearing. I tried variations on the field  *
etc without any luck.

Any ideas

use-revolution mailing list

Re: clear fields

2005-06-03 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi All
 I have a script that clears the contents of fields in cards.
 on mouseUp
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
put empty into fld x
 end repeat end mouseUp
 Now this works ok except that the card has some labels and the script
 clears the label contents.
 All the text fields are called field1, field2 etc
 so I thought of doing this on mouseUp
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
 if the name of fld x is field *
   then put empty into fld x
 end repeat end mouseUp
 But I don't ge tthe fields clearing. I tried variations on the field  *

Then I thought that since the field is number x and the fields are field1,
field2 etc then 
on mouseUp
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
if the name of fld x is field  x
   then put empty into fld x
end repeat 
end mouseUp

No luck there


 etc without any luck.
 Any ideas
 Cheers Bob ___ use-revolution
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: clear fields

2005-06-03 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 Hi Bob,
Hi Klaus

 But you could use:
 on mouseUp
repeat with x = 1 to the number of flds
  if the short name of fld x CONTAINS field then
  put empty into fld x
  end if
end repeat
 end mouseUp
 Hope that helps...

Helps?? Absolutely brilliant the short name is one to remember. 

Thanks again.

  Cheers Bob
 ___ use-revolution mailing
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Re: BYU teaches Rev

2005-05-31 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

 URLs please?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tree-structure display

2005-05-30 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi THere.

I cant get this to do anything. All I get are messageboxes; is this mac

Bob; Glasgow

 Dear all,
 I needed a way to organise keywords I use to organize my bookmarks. It
 didn't take me more than an afternoon (very long afternoon) to come up
 go stack url;
 The complexity is in the organization (using principles discovered in
 books about relational databases like mysql), the coding was suprisingly
 easy. Gee, I wouldn't even have thought of starting to code this with any
 other language. On the education list, Judy mentioned some were predicting
 a chip to directly connect to your brain in 2014. Well, I teach in
 cognitive neurosciences, that may have to wait longer (I mean, a chip that
 understand your thoughts). Still, revolution is the closest I know from
 this chip... once you have identified the solution to your problem in your
 mind it's only a matter of hours (rather than days or weeks) to have that
 solution implemented as a computer program.
 If you notice any problem, feel free to fix it (I am not a professional, I
 develop tools useful to me; I cannot really afford the time it would take
 to make it 100% reliable for users other than myself).
 Feel free to use it for the design of an outliner tool or whatever else
 you facny. (The stack is distributed as share alike).
 Marielle ___ use-revolution
 mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: testimg my new mail programme: please ignore

2005-05-28 Thread Bob Hartley
You wrote:

Hi Malte

  Also I used it on my Acorn RISC machine and know how good it is.
 Did you own an archimedes?

Yep I sure did. They are still going strong in Hardware and emulation.
see for news for the OS for hardware. Incidentally, the emulator was released for
MAcos last week (been on wintel for a few years) see

I had an A3010 at home and used A5000's and an A310 in my research. In thise
days we had someone write the applications in assembler. They flew on a 25
Mhz Machine.

I ended up with a 233 strongARM machine that was faster than a P3 1ghz
running windows. I took it into the lab one day and turned it on and strted
using it in 5 secs and everyone that had not seen RiscOS said Ohhh what IS
THAT? How fast is that machine (they all thought it waas a new top of the
range imaging workstation).

Anyway I could't resist a bit of nostalga. :-)

 That was my *dream-machine* in the late 80´s...
 Sorry, couldn´t resist.
 Malte ___ use-revolution
 mailing list
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testimg my new mail programme: please ignore

2005-05-27 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All.

One and only time I'll do this. I have decided to change to using gemini
mail. tried thunderbird and it was good, however, gemini has better thread
following. Also I used it on my Acorn RISC machine and know how good it is.

Sorry for the spurious post, Just testing

use-revolution mailing list

paypal button

2005-05-26 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All

I know you can launch a webpage from within a runrev app, however, is it 
possible to have a paypal button (generated by a paypal script) just like a 
webpage, embedded in a rev stack? This would launch the default browser and 
take it to the payment page.


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Re: get URL

2005-05-26 Thread Bob Hartley

At 21:28 26/05/2005, you wrote:

Hi There

Is the listserv available as a newsgroup on any free news

Check out the google search on the archive

But here is a neat way to look at the threads

Personally I'd use a mail app that threads lists and I'm changing from 
eudora to gemini for that reason. And I know Mark Swale from gemini (AKA 
messengerPro) will give instant top notch support just like this list.

All the  best

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absolute/relative path nightmare

2005-05-24 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

I am completely baffled by this.
OK I have a script in an app that looks for three files in a folder.

EG master folder called armbase with an app called armbase.exe
in folder armbase ther eis a folder called components.
Within the folder called components ar ethe three files I want to access. 
One is called armbase.txt one called armbase.xdf and another called 
PDATconc.exe (I run PDATconv.exe from the shell command.

OK here is the problem.

If my script points to the full path eg in this case
on mouseUp

  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put c:\Armbase\Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  
c:\Armbase\Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline
-- the above is in one line it is just truncated by wordwrap in my email 

  get shell(mycommandline)
  put url(file:c:\Armbase\Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile
  repeat for each line tLine in tFile
etc etc etc

Then the script works fine.

However if I use truncated versions (what I think of as relative paths) the 
app does not run the externals.

  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put Armbase\Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  
Armbase\Components\Armbase.xdf  quote into mycommandline
-- the above is in one line it is just truncated by wordwrap in my email 

  get shell(mycommandline)
  put url(file:Armbase\Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile
  repeat for each line tLine in tFile

or use this version

  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put \Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  \Components\Armbase.xdf  
quote into mycommandline
-- the above is in one line it is just truncated by wordwrap in my email 

  get shell(mycommandline)
  put url(file:\Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile
  repeat for each line tLine in tFile

or use this version

  set the hideConsoleWindows to true
  put Components\PDATconv.exe /I  quote  Components\Armbase.xdf  
quote into mycommandline
-- the above is in one line it is just truncated by wordwrap in my email 

  get shell(mycommandline)
  put url(file:Components\Armbase.txt) into tFile
  repeat for each line tLine in tFile

I thought that if the folder was in the same directory as the app then it 
would work. I need this to work because it would save lots of problems with 
running multiple versions.

Any ideas?

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use-revolution mailing list

Thanks for all the help

2005-05-23 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

I just wanted to say thanks to all on the list for helping me over the time 
getting into programming.
I have only been doing it sporadically but now have spent sometime getting 
into the finer points of the runrev method.

I know that if I tried to learn anything else with syntax like .. 
!£$^%*()42 I would have not started.

on mouseup
got to next card
end mouseup

Makes the intro to app design a lot easier. Now with the encouragment and 
Patience of the list I'm getting a lot more independent.

I'd just like to say thank you all for all the help.


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Re: Thanks for all the help

2005-05-23 Thread Bob Hartley

At 20:21 23/05/2005, you wrote:


Hi Andre

Nice thing you're like programming, most people suffer from Traumas from 
the early days, I for one got nightmares dreaming of C pointers pointing 
to pointers that point to non existent memory areas...  One thing you 
should consider is buying Dan Shaffers Revolution: Software at the speed 
of thought book, it's a wonderfull introduction to Rev. also if you happen 
to live in the US, you might want to join the RevConWest conference, 
there'll be introductory tracks full of knowledge and surprises!


Well I have Dans Book and believe it or not I have just been skimming it 
for an answer to my answer question about to be posted. :-)
I actually live 40 miles from RUNREV HQ in Scotland. They are in Edimburgh 
and I'm in Glasgow (originally from loch lomond).

I also have one of dans chapters in the book part 2.

Anyway off to ask another Q? in anothe thread.


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Basic Answer question. How does it work?

2005-05-23 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All

I want to have the user prompted with a dialogue box to make sure they are 
really wanting to overwrite a file.

I have created an answer script (a standard one) but I dont know how to get 
it to do something.

I have

on mouseUp
  answer Are you sure your want to overwrite the data? This cannot be 
undone. with Yes or No

  if it is empty then exit to top
  -- now this line above is the bit I have wrong I'm sure
  -- I tried if it is no then exit to top
  repeat with thisRecord = 1 to the number of cards
put field field1 of card thisRecord  comma \\
 field field2 of card thisRecord  comma \\
 field field3 of card thisRecord  comma \\
 field field4 of card thisRecord  comma \\
 field field5 of card thisRecord  comma \\
 field field6 of card thisRecord  return after dataToExport
  end repeat
  put dataToExport into URL (file:c:\Armbase\Components\Armbase.txt)
  end if

end mouseup

Any help appreciated

All the best

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Re: [OT] Hell freezes over, pigs fly

2005-05-23 Thread Bob Hartley

At 20:49 23/05/2005, you wrote:

PS: ... Actually I like ppc and am fond of ARM and hate x86 but I
am a romantic fool :D

Well see the A9home running RISC OS
see articles at drobe



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Re: Basic Answer question. How does it work?

2005-05-23 Thread Bob Hartley

At 21:19 23/05/2005, you wrote:

Hi Chipp

answer Remove the file? with No or Yes
if it is No then exit to top

I tried No and Yes and lots of things (I didn't add to the original mail 
for brevity) BUT I didnae put the commas around it. :-)

Adding them done the trick.THese past three or four days have taught me a lot.


Bob Hartley wrote:

  answer Are you sure your want to overwrite the data? This cannot be 
undone. with Yes or No

  if it is empty then exit to top

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delete last card problems

2005-05-22 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All

I haev a database with a group of fields on it. I have a  delete card 
button with the script

on mouseup
delete card
end mouseup

This works perfectly with one exception. If I delete all cards down to the 
last card I still see my database template. If however, I delete the last 
card I dont see my group of fields.

So I'd like to do something like this
Have a delete card button that will delete a card unless it is the last 
one, and if it is the last card only clear the fields

I thought of
on mouseup
if this card is not cd 1
then delete this card
end if
if this cd is cd 1
then clear all fields
end if
end mouseup

I get an error with this.

Any ideas along this line?


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prompt for confirmation

2005-05-22 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

I have a button on my database that saves data to an external file. I want 
to put in a check on this.

eg, when they press the button they get asked Do you really want to export 
this data? It will replace the fiel adn cant be undone and a box with Yes 
and No that performs the action.

I know I can add a stack that has 2 buttons on this, but to save doing this 
every time, I wondered if there was a script that popped up a standard 
windows save box?

I tried to test with..
on mouseUp
  ask do you want to overrite your palm data with yes
end mouseUp

But this does something else.

Any help appreciated.

PS Monte I see you are online, wer eyou interested in a palm syncer?


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method of copy button required via popup. Advice on howto

2005-05-21 Thread Bob Hartley

Hi All.

The buttons on my app are getting numerous. ONe button inserts a another 
button into a card. I'd like a way to have one button do this depending on 
the satus of a popup/

IE click on one button and it inserts a button with a script
on mouseup
do function1
end mouseup

but if function 2 is selected from the popup it adds a button with script
on mouseup
do function2
end mouseup

How do I do this. I thought of having a hidden stack with buttons with the 
functions in them and simply have the button do this.

What would the type of command be.

here is a guess

on mouseup
if the popup functionchoice is menupick insert function1
Copy button Function1 to stack target
end if
if the popup functionchoice is menupick insert function2
Copy button Function2 to stack target
end if
end mouseup

Is this easy?


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Re: HELP -- error when trying to compile standalone

2005-05-21 Thread Bob Hartley

At 14:59 21/05/2005, you wrote:

Well, things only happen when you're on a terrible deadline, and that's 
what happened to me yesterday. I had spent hours working on a program that 
was part of a presentation (long story) and went to compile an OS X and/or 
Windows standlone application so I could dash off just in time. But no 
matter what I did (compiling for one and not the other, or for both) I 
would get an error that said: There was an error while saving the 
standalone application. Can anyone provide a clue as to the kinds of 
things that may result in this error? Thanks very gratefully, Randy

Ahh this might be the well know bug to do with search for inclusions.

If you go to standalone application settings you should see that ther eis 
a box ticked to search for inclusions just simply tick the radio button 
that says select inclusions and that should sort it.


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undo insertion into group

2005-05-19 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All
In my compiled app I have a button that will insert a field into a group on 
a stack. I would like to be able to undo this last action. Is there a way 
to do it?

All the best
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: undo insertion into group

2005-05-19 Thread Bob Hartley
At 21:38 19/05/2005, you wrote:
Hi Bob,

Hi Eric
Ok I got to the bottom of it. I thought of that command but I forgot to 
declare a global (where the stack name was stored). Previously I was 
deleting the lat field of the stack where the delete button was.

Thanks for directing me back to delete and away from undo.
I can tweak this a bit further. I can delete a button from the group, 
however, I need to create a new button with
delete last button of group mastergroup of stack etc

Now I would need to add a button for eack object. If I use delete last 
object I get an error.

So my next question is. What are buttons and fields etc known as 

Not objects.?
All the best

You could try something like:
  delete last field
assuming that the deletion concerns always the last field created by
your button :-)
You can refer to an object by order, number, ID , name and much more ;-)
Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.
Le 19 mai 05 à 22:31, Bob Hartley a écrit :

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run command line app in windows

2005-05-14 Thread Bob Hartley
Hi All
Fromthe command line an app can be run like this
commandline--- pdatconv /I INV1.XDF
what is the call from a revolution application to ge tit to run something 
from the windows command line and return to a rev app?

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RE: run command line app in windows

2005-05-14 Thread Bob Hartley
At 13:35 14/05/2005, you wrote:
Hi Bob,

Hi Xavier

do you mean ?:
put pdatconv /I  quote  INV1.XDF  quote into mycommandline
get shell(mycommandline)
I think this is exactly what I need, cant test at the moment since I'm off 
to my former profs to help him in the garden. :-)

I had a space between shell and ( does that make a difference?

make sure the pdatconv.exe and INV1.XDF file are in the path or supply the
full path in
between the quotes. Quotes are just for the cases where spaces or
ampersand creep up in the path...

OK I can supply the full path and populate the XDF file from a field

Also make sure the directory global is pointing to an existing path...

I don't understand the directory global...what do I have to do here?
All the best
Bob; Sunny Scotland
It really is sunny here in Scotland today. :-)

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