Re: LDAP request

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Allen
At 2:16 PM -0800 1/2/03, Bill Vlahos wrote:
I would like to write an application which queries a LDAP server. If 
anyone has already done this I would appreciate any pointers.
Bill, you posted this about seven months ago. Did you find out 
anything on this front?

I'm trying to get the use of Rev justified at my day job for an 
upcoming project involving LDAP. The ability to connect to LDAP 
services using Rev would make this an easier sell...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using Revolution for LARGE projects

2003-05-31 Thread Brad Allen
oops, sorry. I meant to reply directly to Igor, not to the whole 
Use-Revolution list. Please ignore my last posting.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using Revolution for LARGE projects

2003-05-31 Thread Brad Allen
I can't speak to how well suite RunRev is for large projects, since 
I've only used it for small projects so far. However, I noticed that 
you're looking into developing software for a medical practice, and 
it looks like you'll be building a relational database to go along 
with your application. Are you familiar with the open source 
program/database SQL Clinic? You might find it fits some of your 

I know an opthamalogist who is starting a practice, and this is the 
system he wants to use. He wants me to help him set it up. I've only 
just begun looking at it, and don't know much about the needs of a 
medical practice, so I know how well SQL Clinic will work out. Just 
thought I'd mention it to you, since you're describing a similar set 
needs for running a medical practice.

At 7:47 PM +1000 5/28/03, Igor Couto wrote:
Subject: Using Revolution for LARGE projects
From: Igor Couto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailman-Version: 2.0.8
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List-Id: How to use Revolution 
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X-Original-Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 19:47:08 +1000
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 19:47:08 +1000
Dear Revolution Experts,

I am considering using Revolution as a development tool in a large 
project, but am hesitant because of the apparent lack of complex 
applications made with Revolution - apart from Revolution itself. 
Most applications I've been able to locate on the web that are made 
with Revolution seem to be relatively small.

I was wondering whether anyone participating in this list has used 
Revolution to develop a LARGE, COMPLEX application. To give you an 
idea of the size and level of complexity I am considering, here is a 
bit of information on the software package in question:

It is basically an integrated medical practice management system. 
The program will:
a) Store daily appointments for doctors, and display daily and weekly charts.
b) Manage an electronic waiting list of patients by order of arrival
c) Keep patients' clinical records (including scans of x-rays)
d) Keep an administrative to-do list
e) Maintain patients' accounts and financial information
f) Provide statistical information on doctors, patients, and the clinic
g) Issue a variety of printed reports, including invoices, receipts, 
statements, patient history, consultation schedule, etc.
h) Multi-user (networked)
i) Issue alarms and notifications

Because the product must be cross-platform (Macintosh and Windows), 
I have been weighting the pros and cons of both RealBasic and 
Revolution - as these seem to be the most feature-full and robust 
cross-platform development environments around. While RealBasic 
seemed appealing at first, I soon stumbled across several 
limitations, some of which would eventually compromise both the user 
interface, and the design of the application. Revolution seems to 
have all the user-interface functionality we want built-in (or 
easily customisable or programmable), however I haven't been able to 
ascertain whether it would be:

1) Sufficiently MANAGEABLE in a large project: are Revolution-based 
projects just as easy to manage and maintain as projects developed 
with a 'normal' object-oriented language? Are there more debugging 
and maintenance problems in Revolution because of the lack of strong 
data types? Is it sufficiently easy to apply object-oriented 
concepts of application design (specifically classes and data 
structures) in Revolution?

2) Sufficiently FAST: what database should we use as the back-end? 
Valentina? MySQL? And considering that some of the windows in our 
applications are going to be making several simultaneous queries to 
the server, and then updating tens of objects in the interface 
(graphs, option menus, tables, summary fields, etc.). Do you believe 
that a Revolution interface can be made sufficiently fast and 
responsive - or will the user always be dealing with some lag and 
screen refresh issues?

3) Sufficiently RELIABLE: the application will be absolutely 
mission-critical, so reliability is a major concern. How stable and 
reliable are complex applications made with Revolution?

Any experiences you have that might help in pointing me in the right 
direction would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks in advance,
Igor de Oliveira Couto
use-revolution mailing list


Re: Nine to Five Reports and Rev

2003-05-31 Thread Brad Allen
One of my clients is still using HyperCard and Reports DataPro, but 
I'm working on migrating him to mySQL with a RunRev standalone UI.  I 
haven't delved into report generation yet, but I know there are 
plenty of specialized SQL-based report design applications available, 
such as Crystal Reports, Elixir Report, Express Report Pro, and many 
others. So, I'm tentatively planning on not using Revolution for any 
but the most simple reports, and finding a dedicated app to build 
more complex reports.

Of course, this may not work well. Most of the business logic lives 
in the Rev client app, and outside report generation tools probably 
won't have access to that business logic. I'm not yet clear on 
whether this will be a problem.

Clearly it would be beneficial to have report generation tools within 
Revolution, similar to those found in dedicated reporting apps. But 
it might also be possible to find an existing tool that can 
communicate with a Rev app, maybe through a protocol such as SOAP. 
That way, business logic can be centralized, without having to write 
separate code for the report generating app. I'll report back here if 
I find anything useful along those lines.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Accessing remote MySQL database

2003-03-25 Thread Brad Allen
I have been through the Rev  documentation and the mail list 
archives, but can't find an answer to this one.

I want to access a MySQL database on my OS X server through 
Revolution. I try the revdb_connect() function, passing the server 
name, the database name, the user name and password as parameters. 
But I get back an error message that says "Access denied for user 
'' (Using password:YES)".

Am I doing this right? Can I access a remote MySQL database in this 
way? The documentation is not specific on this matter. Neither are 
the archives.
I got stuck for awhile on the same error message. It turns out, as a 
default, the root mySQL user can only access mySQL from the local 
machine. For remote access, you should create another user and give 
it access from the host you'll be connecting from (or if you want 
that user to be able to connect from any address use '%' under the 
host column when you create the user.)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: database security

2003-03-20 Thread Brad Allen
Title: Re: database security

I think my original emailĀ  on this may have come through
with some unintended formatting which obscured my basic question: Does
Rev use a secure protocol to transmit data to and from a mySQL server,
or do I need to make special security arrangements through other means
such as a VPN?


I'm starting a project involving Rev
1.1.1r2 as a GUI front end to a mySQL database which needs to work for
remote users across the Internet. I'm currently at the proof of
concept stage, and need to know whether this kind of connection can be
handled securely by Rev.

The mySQL security guidelines strongly recommend
against sending clear text across the Internet:

"# Do not transmit plain (unencrypted) data over
the Internet. These data are accessible to everyone who has the time
and ability to intercept it and use it for their own purposes.
Instead, use an encrypted protocol such as SSL or SSH. MySQL supports
internal SSL connections as of Version 4.0.0. SSH port-forwarding can
be used to create an encrypted (and compressed) tunnel for the

Does Rev use a secure protocol to send and receive
data from a mySQL server?


database security

2003-03-17 Thread Brad Allen
Title: database security

I'm starting a project involving Rev 1.1.1r2 as a GUI front end
to a mySQL database which needs to work for remote users across the
Internet. I'm currently at the proof of concept stage, and need to
know whether this kind of connection can be handled securely by

The mySQL security guidelines strongly recommend
against sending clear text across the Internet:

"# Do
not transmit plain (unencrypted) data over the Internet. These data
are accessible to everyone who has the time and ability to intercept
it and use it for their own purposes. Instead, use an encrypted
protocol such as SSL or SSH. MySQL supports internal SSL connections
as of Version 4.0.0. SSH port-forwarding can be used to create an
encrypted (and compressed) tunnel for the

Does Rev use
a secure protocol to send and receive data from a mySQL


Re: license issues (was mystery exception)

2003-03-12 Thread Brad Allen
On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 06:49  AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
So... if you use 'do', or change the script of objects on the fly, be aware
that code which works fine in the IDE will be subject to limitations in a
Ack! I did not know this. Just to see if I am understanding 
correctly: as long as no single call to "do", or "value" (or other 
functions that compile transcript on the fly),  no single call 
exceeds 10 lines them I'm OK in a standalone?
What if the "do" command is within a repeat loop that executes more 
than 10 times? Would that be equivalent to passing a parameter 
containing more than 10 lines?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: List View GUI

2003-03-09 Thread Brad Allen
Jan Schenkel has a sample stack that demonstrates how you can include actual
repeating control widgets within a scrollable body. You'll find it at:

Thank you! This sample stack is exhibiting the kind of list view 
behavior I'm interested in. I didn't realize there was such as thing 
as a "scrolling group". I will take a close look at how this works.
use-revolution mailing list

List View GUI

2003-03-08 Thread Brad Allen
Is there a preexisting way in Rev to build a list view GUI, with 
repeating control widgets within a scrollable body? I'm planning on 
converting some FileMaker databases to mySQL with Rev 1.1.1 as the 
client front end, and I haven't throught of a graceful way to 
implement the list views that FileMaker users take for granted.

Here are the only ideas I've come up with so far:

* a simple text list in a scrolling field with hyperlinked text 
instead of buttons -- this works but looks primitive.
* a group of controls that repeat vertically down the window, with 
text values populating the fields as the user "scrolls".  This also 
looks rather primitive, but to create an effect in which the controls 
within the list sections actually scrolled visually up and down the 
screen would be a fairly time-consuming programming project.

Rev 2.0 will reputedly have a spreadsheet-like text fields and/or 
tables, but this doesn't sound like it will include the ability to 
embed GUI controls (such as buttons) within a scrolling table. Am I 
wrong about this?

Any ideas on this will be appreciated...thanks.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: "/" in menuItem

2003-01-12 Thread Brad Allen
J. dV. wrote:

Double the slash:

will show up in the menu as "Foo/Bar".<<

Thank you, Jeanne.  I have tried this, but I still get something other
than what I expect.  I should mention that I am using an "Option Menu"
button, where "Foo//Bar" shows up as "Foo//Bar  [commandKey
symbol]/".  Right now I am using "3\4" instead of "3/4", so it's not an
absolute necessity, but I'm wondering why the behavior is not as
expected (Mac OS X).
Thanks, Kurt

I'm seeing similar problems with a Popup menu button, using Rev 
1.1.1r2, but it appears to be dependent on the global property 
lookandfeel. When the lookandfeel is set to "Appearance Manager", it 
works as documented, but when the lookandfeel is set to "Macintosh", 
a slash is treated as a literal character.

This looks like a bug in the Macintosh lookandfeel implementation 
under Mac OS X, which is the one we're supposed to be using, last I 
checked since the "Appearance Manager" lookandfeel is related to a 
crash under OS 10.2.
use-revolution mailing list

docs for writing external commands

2002-11-21 Thread Brad Allen
I couldn't find any info on this at or within the built-in 
documentation. Where can I find out more about what it takes to write 
XCMDs that will work with a Rev standalone?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Cool generic scripts...

2002-11-05 Thread Brad Allen
Thanks for closeStack/killSockets tip, Chipp. Would using such a 
script be adviseable even in stacks which don't manual open sockets, 
but which do access URLs such as FTP sites using the a command like: 
get URL ""; , which presumably both open and close a 
socket within that one command?

for instance, I usually put the following in all my stacks:

on closeStack

  if exists(stack "revMenubar") or exists(stack "Home") then
answer question "Are you sure you want to Quit?" with "No" or "Yes"
if it is "Yes" then
end if
  end if

end closeStack

on killSockets
  put openSockets() into theSocks
  repeat for each line sock in theSocks
close socket sock
  end repeat
end killSockets

this checks to see if I'm in RR (stack "revMenubar") or MC (stack "Home").
Also, I need to trap it in other stacks or else they'll quit the application
when they close a window.

Any others out there?


use-revolution mailing list

image within a graphic?

2002-10-18 Thread Brad Allen

Is there a way to place an image "inside" a graphic, similar to the 
way a button can hold an image by setting the icon property? My goal 
is to display a circular picture. I tried all the different ink 
settings for an image containing a circular picture, but never 
achieved the desired results. The ink setting called "Transparency" 
is advertised to make all the white space of the image transparent, 
but it didn't work quite right, and has the drawback of being limited 
to Mac OS systems.

My image was created in Photoshop and saved as a transparent GIF.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

>If I remember correctly from my Linear Algebra
>classes, in order to multiply two arrays, their
>dimensions have to be such that the first dimension of
>the second array equals the second dimension of the
>first array, so they should be of the sort:
>   Array1 [m x n]  and  Array2 [n x p]
>which means that, in this case, as it's not a square
>array, it can't multiply it with itself.
>Try again wih a square array.

Thanks! Now it all makes sense and works the way it should.

Another question about matrixMultiply in Rev: According to the entry 
in the Transcript dictionary for the operator "*", we should be able 
to multiply matrices by using the * operator instead of the 
matrixMultiply() function.  I'm trying it with a 4 x 4 array, so it 
should work, but using the * operator yields different results from 
matrix multiply.

Here's the example I'm using. The following text is read into a 4 x 4 
array variable with numeric keys, named outputArray

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0

Next, I want to multiply this array by itself:

   put outputArray * outputArray into productArray


  put matrixMultiply(outputArray,outputArray) into productArray

The first example, using * yields an incorrect answer:

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0

The second, using matrixMultiply yields the correct answer:

2 1 3 1
2 1 1 1
2 0 2 1
2 1 1 0

So, why didn't the * operator produce the correct answer? It did 
work, for the simpler case of multiplying a number times a matrix, 
but not for a matrix times a matrix.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

>My apologies, Brad. I only realised afterwards that my
>answer was off by the length of a small
>Richard is right: have a look at the extents function.
>My solution does work for determining the number of
>lines if the keys for the columns are non-numeric.

Thanks. That may prove useful later.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

>  > After looking around in the documentation, I haven't
>>  been able to find a simple function to determine the
>>  number of keys for a given array dimension. Do I need
>>  to parse the output of the keys function for this, or
>>  have I overlooked something in the documentation?
>See the extents function.

Aha. Thank you. I had misunderstood the wording of this function in 
the Transcript dictionary. The part that threw me off was this part 
of the at the end of the entry under Extents:

"Each line contains two numbers separated by commas. The first item 
is the smallest number of an element in that dimension, and the 
second item is the largest number."

Is this misleading, or am I just misunderstanding this text? My 
reading of this is that Extents provides the lowest and highest 
values in the Elements of an array (sort of like the min and max 
functions), not the index keys. But in reality, as I'm glad to learn, 
the Extents function provides the lowest and highest values of the 
index keys in an array dimension.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: matrixMultiply

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

I'm also having some difficulty with this function. Here is the error 
message I receive when I try to use it on a two-dimensional 
numerically keyed array containing only integer elements:

Message execution error:
Error description: matrixMultiply: can't multiply these arrays

Here is the text I'm putting into my function"

1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 3 0

Here is the function I'm using (it's purpose is just to explore how 
to put data into a matrix, do matrix multiplication, and display the 

function testMatrix inputText
   put the number of lines in inputText into rowLength
   put the number of words in line 1 of inputText into columnLength
   repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
 repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
   put the value of (word c of line r of inputText) into outputArray[r,c]
 end repeat
   end repeat
   put matrixMultiply(outputArray,outputArray) into productArray -- 
here is where I get the error

   --display the contents of productArray in field "array2"
   put empty into field "array2"
   repeat with c = 1 to columnLength
 repeat with r = 1 to rowLength
   put productArray[r,c] & space into word c of line r of field "array2"
 end repeat
   end repeat
   return productArray
end testMatrix


use-revolution mailing list

determining array lengths

2002-09-21 Thread Brad Allen

After looking around in the documentation, I haven't been able to 
find a simple function to determine the number of keys for a given 
array dimension. Do I need to parse the output of the keys function 
for this, or have I overlooked something in the documentation?

I was hoping the number function might do it, as in

  the number of keys in myArray

The expected output would be something like [100,50], to indicate the 
dimensions of the array.

The "number of lines in the keys of myArray" only works for 
one-dimensional arrays.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev vs. Standalone

2002-05-20 Thread Brad Allen

>In the startUp script of my standalone, I am trying to open a stack from the
>internet.  If I run the stack from within Rev, it works fine.  It's when
>it's built as a standalone that it doesn't open the stack from the internet.
>In the standalone, the result of:
>go stack "";
>is "No such card".  What's interesting, is that if I attempt to run the same
>command later in the standalone, (for example after an idle has occurred) it
>works fine.
>Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I had a similar problem using FTP within a preOpenStack handler; it 
worked in the development environment, but never worked in the 
standalone. I ended up having to move the FTP script into the 
openStack handler. Maybe the Internet Libraries don't load until 
after preOpenStack has finished.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev Classic Crashing

2002-04-12 Thread Brad Allen

>As a demonstration, set the allocation to the default (15,000) and 
>run Revolution. Immediately switch to the Finder and select About 
>This Computer on the Apple menu. You should see Revolution taking 
>something in excess of 15,000 -- maybe 20,000 to 30,000, depending 
>on circumstances. This is because Revolution (like many other apps 
>on the Mac) allocates memory dynamically -- as dynamically as is 
>possible on Mac OS 9.

Most other apps that use dynamic memory add to the system heap size. 
Rev's behavior is very unusual for a Mac app, at least in the way it 
increases its own RAM allocation rather than adding to the size of 
the system heap. I've never seen another Mac app do that.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reports - one more time

2002-04-12 Thread Brad Allen

>Unfortunately, report generation was a tiny sub-nice market in the 
>already small market of

Oops. That's an unfortunate typo. I meant to say "sub-niche", not "sub-nice."
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reports - one more time

2002-04-12 Thread Brad Allen

Nine to Five Software made a fantastic report generating tool for 
HyperCard, called Reports Datapro. I don't know if they're still in 
business, but a tool similar to that would be great for Revolution.

Reports had a section-oriented layout tool, with sections for break 
summaries, sub-summaries, grand summaries, headers, footers, and a 
main body. It had a sort and select tool which acted on a HyperCard 
stack in a way similar to flat file databases. The report generation 
could be controlled by scripts, and as the report generated, messages 
flowed up the message hierarchy to provide strong scripted control of 
report generation. It was a nice tool.

Unfortunately, report generation was a tiny sub-nice market in the 
already small market of HyperCard developers. I doubt Nine to Five 
software made much money on their product. If anyone wanted to create 
a similar product for Revolution, they'd face a similar financial 

However, since Rev can communicate with external databases, the 
reporting tools for those databases are available to Rev.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Auto-remove blank lines in a list field

2002-04-07 Thread Brad Allen

There are several ways to delete blank lines.

Here's the most straightforward:

put the number of lines in myText into lineCount
repeat with i = lineCount down to 1
   if line i of myText is empty then delete line i of myText
end repeat

Here's another way, probably faster for large amounts of text, but 
isn't very elegant:

   repeat until offset(return & return,myText) = 0
  replace return & return with return in myText
   end repeat
   if line 1 of myText is empty then delete line 1 of myText

The most elegant way to do it is probably using the replaceText 
command, which may be powerful enough to accomplish this task without 
even using a repeat loop. This is an advanced command which makes use 
of regular expression technology for text pattern matching. (Maybe 
somebody on this list knows a regular expression to identify an 
arbitrary number of consecutive blank lines...).

Whichever method you choose, you might consider enclosing your code 
in a function, as in

function stripBlankLines inputText
   return myVariable
end stripBlankLines

This will make it easily reusable throughout your project.

>Hello all,
>I have a list field and I am trying to write a script
>that upon "closeField" (or something appropriate),
>will automatically check each line in the field and
>remove/delete any blank lines in the list field; I
>have tried this a ton of different ways using
>variations of the repeat command, but have not been
>able to make it work.
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
>use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How can I foreground an app?

2002-04-01 Thread Brad Allen

The problem here is that Applescript's "activate" command only works 
on scriptable apps. A Rev standalone doesn't have a scripting 
dictionary, and isn't directly Applescriptable. However, if you're 
using a Mac, something like this should work:

tell app "Finder"
   set the frontmost of application process "My Alarm Clock" to true
end tell

...where "My Alarm Clock" is the name of your Rev standalone.

If you can't use Applescript due to cross-platform consideration, you 
might try using Rev's Launch command, as in

Launch "My Alarm Clock"

I'm not sure whether that would work under Windows, but it's worth a try.

>For Macintosh using you store the name of your app in the variable
>Do "tell application " & quote & theNameOfMyApp & quote & " to activate" as
>I don't think they will be a common solution to all platforms, but I could
>be wrong.   I have a revolution program that keeps my FileMaker server in
>the foreground 24/7,  well apart from certain hours where it quits it for
>backup and launches it again,  I do the same thing with Firstclass servers.
>On 1/4/02 6:56 pm, "Victor Eijkhout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed:
>>  (With my apologies for that case of verbing in the subject :-)
>>  I'm writing an alarm clock. When the alarm goes off it would be nice
>>  if the app became foremost, so that the user could hit the Any Key to
>>  snooze the alarm.
>>  So how do I tell an app that's not foremost, or maybe even hidden to
>>  become foremost?
>  > --
>>  Victor Eijkhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  tel: 865 974 9308 (W), 865 673 6998 (H), 865 974 8296 (F)
>>  ___
>  > use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: drawing with the "drag" command

2002-03-31 Thread Brad Allen

Scott Rossi wrote:
>The reg poly tool is used to make image objects.  Try this instead:
>   set the style of the templateGraphic to "regular"
>   set the rect of templateGraphic to 0,0,40,40
>   set the polysides of the templateGraphic to 6
>   create graphic

Wow! That's great! Thanks.

I kept looking around for another way to generate graphics, but 
didn't think to look under the "create" command. (Rev documentation 
folks, please consider putting this under the "see also" of the drag 
command, and in the images and multimedia section of the Development 
use-revolution mailing list

drawing with the "drag" command

2002-03-30 Thread Brad Allen

I'm trying to script the drawing of a hexmap, with each hex having an 
individual set of properties. This is easy to do by manually drawing 
each hex, but I'm having trouble automating this process because of a 
weird quirk of the drag command.

Whenever I use the drag command with a drawing tool (such as regular 
polygon), Revolution creates a graphic which appears to be the 
expected size, but in fact is part of a bigger graphic which always 
ends up being the size of the entire card window.

Here is an example script which gives this result:

on drawHexTest
   set the polysides to 6
   choose regular polygon
   drag from "50,50" to "50,80"
end drawHexTest

If I iterate the drag command, each subsequent graphic is within the 
same "canvas" and has the very same id. How can I draw individualized 
graphic objects?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tracking user exits and returns

2002-03-30 Thread Brad Allen

At 7:30 PM +1100 3/31/02, Michael J. Lew wrote:
>I am planning a full evaluation of the software and associated notes 
>from the point of view of both usability and learning outcomes and 
>would like a reasonably full audit-trail recording the students' 
>actions and results. This is, of course, very straightforward for 
>the Rev bit... but how can I record when the students switch to the 
>other package and how do I know when they switch back to my Rev 
>simulation? I expected that I could use closeStack and openstack 
>messages but no good. They don't seem to be sent when the user 
>switches to and from another program. Any suggestions?

Capturing resumeStack and suspendStack messages should do it.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: choose regular polygon

2002-03-26 Thread Brad Allen

  Thanks! Just what I was looking for

(for some reason I didn't find it the first time in the Transcript 
dictionary...I kept looking under "See Also" under "Choose" and other 
tool-related keywords.)

>Hi Brad,
>>I see that you can "choose regular polygon tool" in Transcript, but 
>>how do you specify the number of sides to the polygon from a script?
>set the polysides to 3 ## or more, but not less ;-)
>choose regular polygon tool
>That's it...
>Klaus Major
>use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

choose regular polygon

2002-03-26 Thread Brad Allen

I see that you can "choose regular polygon tool" in Transcript, but 
how do you specify the number of sides to the polygon from a script?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Applescript variable contents

2002-03-14 Thread Brad Allen

At 6:28 PM -0600 3/12/02, Brad Allen wrote:
>That works well for sending values to an Applescript, and I just now 
>found out how get information to go the other way (from a variable 
>in Applescript to a variable in Revolution). Apparently the "do" 
>command returns a result containing whatever end up in the 
>Applescript "result" via the return statement.

As it turns out, the return value from Applescript for some reason 
has all the carriage returns stripped out. It wants to return a value 
with only one line. I wonder if this is a fact about Applescript or 
about Revolution.

use-revolution mailing list

stopping shutdown on Mac OS 9

2002-03-13 Thread Brad Allen

I'm building a Rev standalone for Mac OS 9 PPC which I'd like to put 
in the Shutdown Items of Mac OS 9 and have it run before the computer 
shuts down. What happens, however, is that my standalone gets 
launched and then immediately quits as the OS tries to shut down all 
running apps.

How can I get my standalone to protest the shutdown, as do other apps 
that happen to have open unsaved documents? (I tried throwing up a 
modal dialog, but that didn't stop the shutdown.)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Applescript variable contents

2002-03-12 Thread Brad Allen

>Here is a way that has been suggested before and seems to work well: use
>"replace" to insert your variables into place holders in the AppleScript
>before you "do" it.

Thanks. That works well for sending values to an Applescript, and I 
just now found out how get information to go the other way (from a 
variable in Applescript to a variable in Revolution). Apparently the 
"do" command returns a result containing whatever end up in the 
Applescript "result" via the return statement.

This doesn't appear to be documented in the Transcript dictionary.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Applescript variable contents

2002-03-12 Thread Brad Allen

Hm... I don't get it. There's no line ApplescriptFunction which 
contains a return command. Isn't that necessary to obtain a return 
value from a function?

>get AppleScriptFunction("nameOfFunction", "path:to:file", 1, 2, "three",
>Mind that on Mac OS classic you need to use colons in the path (2nd param),
>while on Mac OS X you must use slashes.
>Then in the stack-script you can put:
>function AppleScriptFunction aFun, aFile
>   put "set theScript to load script (alias ""e&aFile"e&")"&return& \
>   "tell theScript to "&aFun&"(" into ASfunc
>   if paramcount() > 2 then
> repeat with e = 3 to paramcount()
>   put param(e) into f
>   if param(e) is a number then
> put f & "," after ASfunc
>   else
> put quote & f & quote & "," after ASfunc
>   end if
> end repeat
>   else
> put " " after ASfunc
>   end if
>   put ")" into last char of ASfunc
>   do ASfunc as applescript
>end AppleScriptFunction
>Now you can call any function with any number of parameters. The value that
>is returned by the AppleScript-function is returned by "AppleScriptFunction"
>as well.
>>  The overall goal here is to use Revolution to provide a window and a
>>  progress bar to a running Applescript.  I'm also trying to figure out
>>  how to launch an app (the Apple System Profiler) in a hidden way so
>>  the user doesn't have to see it.
>AppleScript only returns something to RunRev when a function is completely
>finished. So you can let the progress bar shift when a function is
>completed, but probably not when only one long AppleScript function is
>I don't know if you can hide an app (probably you can, but I don't know
>how). But as long as you don't use 'activate', it stays in the background.
>use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Applescript variable contents

2002-03-12 Thread Brad Allen

I want to run a series of Applescripts from within a Rev standalone 
and have the variable values carry across from one Applescript to 
another. Is there a way to capture Applescript variable values into 
Revolution and then back to Applescript? (other than using a text 
file as an intermediary!)

The overall goal here is to use Revolution to provide a window and a 
progress bar to a running Applescript.  I'm also trying to figure out 
how to launch an app (the Apple System Profiler) in a hidden way so 
the user doesn't have to see it.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ctrl-clic

2002-01-08 Thread Brad Allen

>1) I've read something in the news but can't perform it :
>How can I on a mac have a ctrl-clic on a fld and a popUp opens at 
>the mouse-clcik

This works for me running Mac OS 9 and Rev 1.1.1b, as long as I'm 
using the pointer tool.

If you're not able to produce any contextual menus in any program, 
you may want to check whether you have the Contextual Menu Extension 
in your System Folder/Extensions folder.
use-revolution mailing list

grayed out menu items

2002-01-05 Thread Brad Allen

Sometimes I find the following menu items mysteriously grayed out, 
even in stacks I've newly created. It doesn't matter which tool I 
have selected.

Object -> Stack Properties
Object -> Card Properties
Object - > New Card

 ...and many more. For instance, I often can't group selected 
controls because the Group Selected option is greyed out under the 
object menu. Usually I can accomplish the necessary task through a 
script (such as "create card" or "edit script of this stack"), but 
it's a bit frustrating not having these basic menu functions 
available. Is this a bug, or something I'm failing to understand?

I'm using Revolution 1.1.1 beta on Mac OS 9.21.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Error description: Function: missing '('

2002-01-03 Thread Brad Allen

Thanks, Arthur, Bob, and Sarah, for dogpiling me with help. 
Colorizing the script will help me recognized reserved words until I 
have them all memorized (!).
use-revolution mailing list

Error description: Function: missing '('

2002-01-02 Thread Brad Allen

This function worked in a HyperCard stack, but now I'm getting a long 
list of errors from it. The parenthesis appear to balance...I've 
tried several formulations of this script and all of them yield the 
same long list of errors. Any thoughts?

function mindLink distance,time
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
end mindLink

  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Error List =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Error description:  Function: missing '('
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 32

Error description:  Function: bad form
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 32

Error description:  Expression: missing ')' before factor
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 31
Value: time

Error description:  return: error in expression
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 31
Value: time

Error description:  Handler: error in command
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 31
Value: time

Error description:  Handler: error in handler
return (2 * log (distance)) + (time * log (distance) / 5)
Line: 22 Character: 31
Value: time

Error description:  Object Name:

Line: 0 Character: 0
Value: stack "/Port/Champions combat copy.rev"

how do I fix the following line of script, which yields the 
mysterious error " Chunk: can't find object"

put the short name of the selectedButton of cd family 1 into damageType

I wondered if maybe the button family didn't convert, so I went ahead 
and set my two radio buttons 
use-revolution mailing list