Re: OODB/Valentina-Revolution

2003-12-21 Thread Chuck Pelto
On Sunday, Dec 21, 2003, at 12:40 America/Denver, Rob Cozens wrote:

I, for one, am unsure of your definition of OODB or the specific db 
structure you wish to support.  I started a response to your original 
query re OODB; but trashed it because (a) I wasn't sure it was 
pertinent and (b) I could not find and current links to the product on 
the 'net.
Object-Oriented databases are similar in concept to the Object-Oriented 
application that Revolution is reputed to be. The primary difference is 
that they focus more on the data aspects. One of the interesting 
features is the idea that children data objects inherit their primary 
characteristics from their parent.

Valentina puts itself forward as a OODB with relational aspects as 
well. A hybrid, if you will. And if it is as it claims it looks very 
promising for something I am intent upon accomplishing come next year. 
As it might overcome one of the problems with OODBs mentioned in a 
discussion earlier, on this listservchanges to the data structure 
that might require extensive manual intervention in order to maintain 
the final application.

Before discussions on the HyperCard List convinced me to write my own 
database, I purchased a license for Answer Software's HyBase [I'm hazy 
on the company name, it was in Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, or thereabouts].

HyBase was touted as a fourth-generation database capable of 
supporting code segments and objects.  It was delivered as a set of 
extensions in HyperTalk external format.  It looked promising & 
powerful to me; but (1) it was overkill for my needs and (2) by using 
my own db I have no liability for royalties when distributing my 
Never heard of HyBase before. I'll look into that possibility. I'm 
looking at using January for analysis of options and making the 
purchases in February, if not sooner.

I really don't know if this has any relevance to your question; but if 
you want to take another shot at describing the data structure(s) and 
functionality you want to support, I'll ponder whether/how one might 
support them in SDB.
It was helpful for me.

Merry Christmas,


use-revolution mailing list

Re: OODB/Valentina-Revolution

2003-12-21 Thread Chuck Pelto
On Friday, Dec 19, 2003, at 11:25 America/Denver, Chuck Pelto wrote:

On Friday, Dec 19, 2003, at 11:13 America/Denver, Dar Scott wrote:

Valentina has some features I like that are called OO in its docs 
IIRC, though they might not be what you are looking for or what 
others call OODB.  It has a nice, well-founded marriage of relational 
structure and pointers.
Interesting. Someone over on the F-Pro listserv mentioned Valentina 
and I'm looking at it.

Can anyone answer some questions about how far I can take 
Revolution-Valentina in terms of R/OO DBMS? Here's the E-R concept:

Four data files:
File1 - Parent
File2 - Parent
File3 - Many-to-Many link of File1 and File2
File4 - Child of File1 which would show info in File3 wherever a File1 
record is linked to in File3.



I guess, by the silence from my earlier post (see above), that the 
likelihood of doing what I propose in the Revolution-Valentina 
environment is rather slim?

Or maybe I'm just not explaining it correctly?

What is the relationship between Valentina and Revolution in the first 
place? How do they interact? Has anyone done a relational-database 
using Revolution-Valentina?



use-revolution mailing list

Re: OODB/Valentina-Revolution

2003-12-19 Thread Chuck Pelto
On Friday, Dec 19, 2003, at 11:13 America/Denver, Dar Scott wrote:

Valentina has some features I like that are called OO in its docs 
IIRC, though they might not be what you are looking for or what others 
call OODB.  It has a nice, well-founded marriage of relational 
structure and pointers.
Interesting. Someone over on the F-Pro listserv mentioned Valentina and 
I'm looking at it.

Can anyone answer some questions about how far I can take 
Revolution-Valentina in terms of R/OO DBMS? Here's the E-R concept:

Four data files:
File1 - Parent
File2 - Parent
File3 - Many-to-Many link of File1 and File2
File4 - Child of File1 which would show info in File3 wherever a File1 
record is linked to in File3.



use-revolution mailing list


2003-12-19 Thread Chuck Pelto

Is anyone here familiar with Object-Oriented Data Base systems? And is 
there anything like one that can be hooked to via Revolution as a 



use-revolution mailing list

Re: : New Here...

2003-11-27 Thread Chuck Pelto
Greetings All,

Taking a break from bird prep activities to check the mail.

Lots of interesting advice and commentary.

Some replies to comments:

I have FMP Developer. Doing a hybrid would be no problem on that 
account. The interesting part, which I have not thought too deeply on 
would be networking the 'solution' from FMP's perspective. Last I 
looked they didn't like stand-alones to be networkable. [Note: I've 
abused them over this and other such failings on FMI's part.]

I might have to knuckle-down and do the database thing inside of Rev in 
order to overcome that issue.

Follow-on questions, after perusing the tutorial:

[1] Can I declare an object to be a button? And run scripts when it is 
clicked on?
[2] The Enterprise version is ODBC-aware? Then I should be able to find 
a way to hook into it via AppleScripting for changing data. However, 
command/control and inter-operability with other apps would still be 
something of an issue.
[3] How does Rev deal with the passage of time and Idle() activities? 
Can it be set to check for a change in status? Or does it require an 
outside agent to activate a script? Example: Every 60 seconds do 
myCheck(). Or does something have to nudge it, as an external 
applescript would do by calling a ScriptMaker script inside of an FMP 

Back to the bird.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Here...

2003-11-27 Thread Chuck Pelto
Greetings Brian and Xavier,

Thanks for the quick responses.

Yes, I'm dinking around with the tutorial and getting the impression 
that Revolution is not the relational database thing I was searching 
for on TUCOWS, where I found it. It's an advanced HyperCard system. I 
did some things with HyperCard in the 80s. But not very much.

Building a relational database in Revolution could be a bit of a 
bother. However, Brian's suggestion of using an FMP Solution behind the 
Revolution GUI seems interesting as FMP's limited graphics capabilities 
present a problem to a project I'm grappling with. I need something on 
which I can depict a map, move/show/hide icons, display textual 
information based on information held in a relational database 
environment. It would be best if it was an integrated system instead of 
a hybrid, but it may have to be the latter.

Has anyone built a relational database management system to work with 
Revolution? One they'd be willing to sell?


...enough of this for now. I have to go prepare a bird for the feast.



use-revolution mailing list