Online Scripting Conference - Printing

2006-04-04 Thread Dave Calkins 1

Chip / Jacqueline

Back in October, the Printing conference was canceled with plans to  
reschedule it. What is the time reschedule for this one. Are there  
any other plans for additional chats on different / more advanced  


Dave Calkins

use-revolution mailing list
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Text Processing

2006-03-28 Thread Dave Calkins 1

On Mar 28, 2006, at 4:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Couple that with the high productivity of Transcript's typelessness,
chunk expressions, and merge function (just to name a few), Rev would
seem a worthy contender for anything involving a lot of text  

on the desktop or the server.

True, Rev COULD be a worthy contender for anything involving text  
processing, but not until they add a few of the very basic text editing  
tools that end users need.

Individual Paragraphs in Fields
(BZ #2194) 

Centering Individual lines of Text
Indented Paragraphs
I just created a new BZ #3464 for this request

These three would open a whole host of new applications that could be  
built with Rev.

These elementary text editing tools that simple word processors possess  
are required for end users to be able to use certain types of text  
based applications that can not be created with rev.

I'm not trying to create a new word processor, but text based  
management systems are not realistically possible with Rev with it's  
present abilities without a tremendous amount of work and then the end  
users interface is not natural and intuative. End users need to modify  
and format text in these elementary ways. By end users, I mean those  
that use our software, not us programers.

With the present tool set, we can't easily create these types of  

What other types of text based features would you all find valuable?

Tuviah posted on 9/16/04 in bugzilla 2194 that work was underway for  
improved paragraph styles, but that has been over a year and a half  
ago. Can anyone from Rev comment on the status of these enhancements?

Dave Calkins

use-revolution mailing list
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: Ftp and cross platform issues..

2006-03-27 Thread Dave Calkins 1

On Mar 25, 2006, at 7:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subject: Re: Ftp and cross platform issues...
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Stephen Barncard wrote:

Chipp wrote:

I agree. I'm rewriting my MagicCarpet Auto-updating Architecture to
take account for that-- and also allow for the creation of portable

Wait. Doesn't the term 'Portable Apps' imply some kind of
I mean, that's why Web based apps were created

Shouldn't 'Portable' imply 'play anywhere'?

In this case the play anywhere means you carry it with you wherever
you go on your USB Flash drive.

For us Rev folks the concept of portability may seem odd, since Rev 

are often self-contained anyway.

But remember that a lot of Windows apps made with other tools require a
small army of DLLs strewn all over the hard drive and a bunch of
Registry entries to run.

A portable app in this context is one which is simply self-contained,
able to run entirely from a USB Flash drive leaving zero footprint on
the system it's run on.  Preferences, data files, and the app itself 

all stored on the removable drive.

And with Rev we can add a level of play anywhere most folks claiming
to deliver portable apps can't:  we can put Win, Mac, and even Linux
executables on the drive, sharing a common data folder there, so the
user can pop the USB device into nearly any computer on the planet and
be able to run your app.

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

Dave Calkins

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Paragraph Level Text Formatting :

2006-03-23 Thread Dave Calkins 1

This one element severely hampers many different types of applications 
that need these typical and basic text editing features.

bugzilla # 2194

Paragraph Level Text Formatting :

Each paragraph can be left center right or justified alignment. This
can't be done in rev. The whole field is justified one way.

Also there are other text features found in MS Word that aren't found
in the current text engine, I just can't recall. But justification is
the big one.

What is meant by paragraph-level formatting?

Specifically, what things can one not do?

Dave Calkins

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Typesetting functions

2005-12-24 Thread Dave Calkins 1

Sorry for the late post, I'm trying to catch up. I noticed that no-one 
posted an actual solution so here is mine.

Don't hold your breath on getting these functions added to RR. I have 
been asking for this type of improvement to add simple text handling 
routines since RR 1.1 which would allow the generation of more text 
processing / reports applications.

This is a routine that I use to generate a tabstop that will center a 
short line or title for each line that contains a char of my choosing 
in a card field called Other Data.

Sorry I haven't completely commented it.

Merry Christmas

on doTabCenter --Align Center Command (Centers a short line or title on 
the field)

  put the lockscreen into tLockScreen
  lock screen
  put empty into fld Other Data
  put the tabstops of cd fld Other Data into tTabStops

  repeat while cd fld Other Data contains » -- This is the char I 
chose to indicate which lines to center
put the cTabCenterLine of cd fld Other Data into tTabCenterLine 
--Tab location to center line / self generates
put the cTabCenterLineText of cd fld Other Data  into 
tTabCenterLineText --Tab location to center line / self generates

put the item 1 of the loc of cd fld Other Data into tCenterTab
put lineoffset (»,cd fld Other Data) into tLn
put line tLn of cd fld Other Data into tLine

put the HTMLtext of line tLn of cd fld Other Data into tmpLine

put tmpLine into line tLn of tTabCenterLineText

replace #9; with empty in tmpLine
replace  nbsp; with empty in tmpLine
set the htmltext of line tLn of cd fld Other Data to tmpLine

delete char offset (»,line tLn of cd fld Other Data) of line 
tLn of cd fld Other Data

put line tLn of cd fld Other Datainto tText

put the formattedWidth of line tLn of cd fld Other Data into 

select word 1 of line tLn of cd fld Other Data
put item 2 of the selectedLoc into tLocWordA

put space  » after line tLn of cd fld Other Data

  put offset (tText, line tLn of cd fld Other Data) into tLocChar2
  put   before char tLocChar2 of line tLn of cd fld Other Data
  put offset (», line tLn of cd fld Other Data) into tLocChar3
  select char (tLocChar3) of line tLn of cd fld Other Data
  put item 2 of the selectedLoc into tLocWordB

  if tLocWordA  tLocWordB then exit repeat

end repeat

delete char (tLocChar3) of line tLn of cd fld Other Data
subtract 1 from tLocChar3
put the formattedWidth of char 1 to (tLocChar3) of line tLn of cd 
fld Other Data into tWidthOfLine

put number of chars of line tLn of cd fld Other Data into 

delete char (tLocChar3) of line tLn of cd fld Other Data

delete char 1 to ( offset (tText,line tLn of cd fld Other Data )  
- 1) of line tLn of cd fld Other Data

put round (tWidthOfLine / 2) into tCenterTab1
put  round (tWidthOfTitle / 2) into tTabWidth1

subtract tTabWidth1 from tCenterTab1

put tCenterTab1 into line tLn of tTabCenterLine

  end repeat

  repeat for each line tCenterLine in tTabCenterLine
if tCenterLine is empty then next repeat
put true into tAddStop

repeat with i = 1 to number of items of tTabStops -- i for each 
item tItem in tTabStops

  if item i of tTabStops = tCenterTab1 then
put false into tAddStop
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat

if tAddStop then
  if tTabStops is empty then put tCenterTab1 after tTabStops
   else put ,  tCenterTab1 after tTabStops
end if
sort items of tTabStops ascending numeric

  end repeat

  set the cTabCenterLine of cd fld Other Data to tTabCenterLine --Tab 
location to center line
  set the cTabCenterLineText of cd fld Other Data to 

  set the tabstops of cd fld Other Data to tTabStops

  repeat for each line tCenterTabLoc in tTabCenterLine
put lineoffset (raquo;,tTabCenterLineText) into tLn
if tLn = 0 then exit repeat
put line tLn of tTabCenterLine into tCenterTabLoc
put empty into line tLn of tTabCenterLineText

if tCenterTabLoc is empty then next repeat
repeat with i = 1 to number of items of tTabStops
  put tab before line tLn of cd fld Other Data
  --put the formattedWidth char 1 to ( offset (tText,line tLn of cd 
fld Other Data ) - 1) of line tLn of cd fld Other Data into 

  if item i of tTabStops = tCenterTabLoc then exit repeat
end repeat
  end repeat

  set the lockscreen to tLockScreen

end doTabCenter

I also have a routine that will indent  a wrapped line into an indented 
paragraph similar to the increase indent that I could post if you are 

Dave Calkins

On Dec 16, 2005, at 2:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Typesetting functions
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

As one who is spoiled by options for very