Help please

2004-03-15 Thread Douglas Mackay
Anyone help me and e-mail me the full working scrips for Dans ToDoPlus application in 
his e-book , I cant seem to get it too work 
Please e-mail if you have it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Dans' book

2004-03-12 Thread Douglas Mackay
Hi rev users , 
could anyone help me out with the completed file of the lesson in Dans' book 
"TheToDoPlus" application , so I can see what scrips belong to what buttons , cards 
and stacks. I am struggling to understand how this works, think I needs an idiots 
guide to RR LOL 
Would realy be thankfull if it could be e-mailed to me @ 
Should all buttons lables fields etc be named , or should there be buttons marked "new 
button 1" new button 2 etc 
use-revolution mailing list

stack scrips and card scripts

2004-03-10 Thread Douglas Mackay
what is the differnce between stack scripts and card scripts , why do some scripts 
have to written in the stack script and some in the card script 
use-revolution mailing list

Reading Dan's Book

2004-02-22 Thread Douglas Mackay
I am reading volume 1 of Dans book on page 287 ( or 313 in pdf)  he says " 
I just type the following line into the message box and hit Enter. The file will then

contain one task I can work with as a starting point. Notice that I set this task's 

item (the first item in the line) to 1 since it's the first and so far only task in 
the file.

put "1|Task A|A|Pending|8/31/03|8/31/03|Note for Task A" into URL

"file:MyToDo.txt" but the message box come up with a Script compile error:
Error description: Expression: bad factor, What does this mean  ? what am I doing 
wrong ? when I open thos file with notepad the file is empty 

anyone explain  to me please what a "bad factor" is 

use-revolution mailing list

help with understanding why script dont give disired outcome

2004-02-01 Thread Douglas Mackay
here is part of the script I am working with :
on mouseUp
  global Gbox
  ask "Date of Birth? (eg. 23/9/1987)"
  put it into firstDate
  ask "Date of Assessment? (eg. 18/3/2001)"
  put it into secondDate
  put whichage (firstDate, secondDate) into dateholder

  if Gbox = 1
  then put "year" into field "nameYear"
put "years" into field "nameYear"
  end if
  put Gbox into field "year2"

  if item 2 of dateholder = 1
  then put "month" into field "nameMonth"
put "months" into field "nameMonth"
  end if
  put item 2 of dateholder into field "month"

  if item 3 of dateholder = 1
  then put "day" into field "nameDay"
put "days" into field "nameDay"
  end if
  put item 3 of dateholder into field "day"
end mouseUp

function whichage fromwhich,towhich
  global Gbox
  set the centuryCutoff to 35
  set useSystemDate to true
  if param(1) = "" then exit to top
  put param(1) into startdate
  put param(2) into enddate
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"

  put item 3 of startdate into GsYear
  put item 3 of enddate into GeYear

  set the itemDelimiter to comma
  convert startdate to dateitems
  convert enddate to dateitems
  put item 3 of enddate into bbmsg
  put (item 3 of enddate - item 3 of startdate) into diffjour
  if diffjour < 0 then
add "1" to item 2 of startdate
get item 2 of enddate
if (it is in "1,3,5,7,8,10") or (it= "12") then put "31" into correction
else if (it is in "4,6,9,11") then put "30" into correction
else if item 1 of enddate mod 4 = 0 then put "29" into correction
else put "28" into correction
add correction to item 3 of enddate
put (item 3 of enddate - item 3 of startdate) into diffjour
  end if
  put (item 2 of enddate - item 2 of startdate) into diffmois
  if diffmois < 0 then
add "1" to item 1 of startdate
put (item 2 of enddate) + 12 into item 2 of enddate
put (item 2 of enddate - item 2 of startdate) into diffmois
add "1" to GsYear

the line in bold type will not work when giving start and enddates 1961 , and for 
example todays date .having looked in the debugger  convert startdate to dateitems

 and  convert enddate to dateitems  
only converts the enddate to dateitems 

can anyone explain why this happens please to me ?


use-revolution mailing list

age calculator

2004-01-30 Thread Douglas Mackay
Hello all , i am struggling to understand the scipts in this program . the prorame was 
downloaded from
 the things I dont understand are :
It wont calculate my age from thease two inputs : date of birth  8/2/1961 , assesment 
date 30/1/2004

and how do parameters work , where does param(1) and param(2) come from 

if centurycutoff  is set to 35 why does it work for dates from 1970 onwards only 

I am using version RR 1.1.1. (it was a freebie on a magazine) full version aparently 

oh and one more question please why have a correction and add it to item 3 of enddate?

many thanks from a novice 

use-revolution mailing list

tried this "data and error occured "

2004-01-27 Thread Douglas Mackay
date of birth 8/2/1961
and assesment date the days date 
thats when an err occurrs
use-revolution mailing list

newbie requires help

2004-01-27 Thread Douglas Mackay
Rod the debugger keeps on comming up with :
 . There was an Execution Error at 1:02:50 PM
Error description:  Function: error in function handler
Object: button id 1003 of card id 1002 of stack "C:/Program Files/Revolution 
1.1.1/Sample Stacks/Age Calculator.rev/Age Calculator.rev"

put whichage (firstDate, secondDate) into dateholder

Value: whichage
error hapens after entering assesment date 

use-revolution mailing list

newbie requires help

2004-01-24 Thread Douglas Mackay
I am trying to learn from other people's scrips so I downloaded the age calculator on 
from the web. It comes p continually with the same "bug" i dont know how to fix. The 
line in question is 
put (item 1 of enddate - item 1 of startdate) into diffan and the full script is :

ask "Date of Birth? (eg. 23/9/1987)"

put it into firstDate

ask "Date of Assessment? (eg. 18/3/2001)"

put it into secondDate

put whichage (firstDate, secondDate) into dateholder

if Gbox = 1

then put "year" into field "nameYear"


put "years" into field "nameYear"

end if

put Gbox into field "year2"

if item 2 of dateholder = 1

then put "month" into field "nameMonth"


put "months" into field "nameMonth"

end if

put item 2 of dateholder into field "month"

if item 3 of dateholder = 1

then put "day" into field "nameDay"


put "days" into field "nameDay"

end if

put item 3 of dateholder into field "day"

also a script for :

set the centuryCutoff to 35

set useSystemDate to true

if param(1) = "" then exit to top

put param(1) into startdate

put param(2) into enddate

set the itemDelimiter to "/"

put item 3 of startdate into GsYear

put item 3 of enddate into GeYear

set the itemDelimiter to comma

convert startdate to dateitems

convert enddate to dateitems

put item 3 of enddate into bbmsg

put (item 3 of enddate - item 3 of startdate) into diffjour

if diffjour < 0 then

add "1" to item 2 of startdate

get item 2 of enddate

if (it is in "1,3,5,7,8,10") or (it= "12") then put "31" into correction

else if (it is in "4,6,9,11") then put "30" into correction

else if item 1 of enddate mod 4 = 0 then put "29" into correction

else put "28" into correction

add correction to item 3 of enddate

put (item 3 of enddate - item 3 of startdate) into diffjour

end if

put (item 2 of enddate - item 2 of startdate) into diffmois

if diffmois < 0 then

add "1" to item 1 of startdate

put (item 2 of enddate) + 12 into item 2 of enddate

put (item 2 of enddate - item 2 of startdate) into diffmois

add "1" to GsYear

end if

put (item 1 of enddate - item 1 of startdate) into diffan

put (GeYear - GsYear) into Gbox

return diffan&","&diffmois&","&diffjour

can anyone help ? 

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