Best modality for rather large stacks

2005-12-16 Thread FMoyer

I have to port a bunch of Hypercard Stacks over to Revolution. A typical 
stack contains 5000 cards with one background and about 50 fields. While these 
not huge stacks, they are big enough where if I simply port them as they are 
to Revolution, searches will be glacially slow. I need to be able to search 
quickly and see different views of the material. For example, one of the stacks 
is my address stack. Most of the time I just need to find a person's name; at 
other times, I need to see a list of everyone with a certain zip code, or a 
list of those who responded to a mailing, etc.

Can anyone advise on the best mode? At the moment I am inclined to create a 
one-card stack that links to a text file. In the text file, one line of text 
would contain all of the data for one card. So to go to card 533 the computer 
would simply read line 533 of the text file, parse it, and set up the data 
onto the fields.   This method seems really good as searches are very fast 
lineoffset, and if things get fouled up I can simply open the text file in 
any word-processor and fix it. I also like the fact that I don't have to 
continually save the stack -- in my script the text file would be continually 
updated as fields are changed, cards created/deleted.

Before I invest the time in the above method, can anyone tell me if I am 
taking the right approach? For example, what about using arrays, or Valentina? 
don't know anything about them. I'm not asking for detailed instructions, just 
a hint at what is the best approach.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Fred Moyer

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: rawkeydown

2005-12-07 Thread FMoyer

In a message dated 12/7/05 8:46:36 AM, 

 I tried that here with a G4 and a wireless Gyration Keyboard and it 
 shows me four numbers for F10,Enter,k,9 etc. SO I assume it is 
 working. I did not lookup the numbers to see if they were correct.
Actually, there should be 5 numbers.
 I don't know if you looked at the Keyboard Shortcuts Tab in the 
 Keyboard  Mouse Pane in the System Preferences...
 With Full Keyboard Access on the F keys are treated differently out 
 of the box on the newer powerbooks. Did you try turning off the F key 
 shortcuts? etc.
 Yes, I tried all of those things. Good ideas, though. Thanks.

 The other thing I thought of was the International Keyboard Pane 
 Input Source Options and/or the Universal Access Pane.
I've looked all over these areas for mention of F9 or the Enter key or   k, i 
or 9, but haven't found anything.

   What systems/computers did this work on? Maybe I can test them here 
 to see this working.
Thanks a lot for offering to help. I'm only using this app on my Powerbook 
G4. I used to have an aluminum G4 Powerbook 1.25 mHz speed and it worked fine. 
Then 2 weeks ago, I got the latest Powerbook G4 and now it messes up. I went 
back to the store and tried it on one of their demo Powerbooks and it also 
didn't work.

 On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  until I got the latest Powerbook. Now suddenly, the
  computer gets all fouled up when I type certain key combinations. I 
  wish I could
  figure it out.

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2005-12-06 Thread FMoyer
I have created a stack that allows you to type with one hand. It uses a 
technique called chording where you press several keys down at the same time. 
has worked fine for me until I got the latest Powerbook. Now suddenly, the 
computer gets all fouled up when I type certain key combinations. I wish I 
figure it out.

My stack takes advantage of rawkeydown. You can see it in action if you 
make a stack, put a field into it, and then set the stack script to:

on rawkeydown
   put the keysdown into fld 1
end rawkeydown

Now, type a bunch of keys all at the same time. Their keycodes will be 
displayed in the field.
The hand position that I need to be in has me typing the following keys: F10, 
9, i, k, Enter. On a Powerbook that feels comfortable to me. With the new 
Powerbook, the F10 and Enter keys are messing up, but in interesting ways. 

Here are the key combinations (chords) that work
 F10, Enter
 F10, Enter,9

These chords don't work:
 F10, Enter, i
 F10, Enter, k
 F10, Enter, k, 9
 F10, Enter, i, 9
 F10, Enter, k, 9, i

When I type them, sometimes I get no keycodes; other times some of the 
keycodes are missing.

Is there any alternative to rawkeydown? Incidentally, I've tried putting the 
following into the script:
On enterkey
end enterkey
on functionkey
end functionkey

But again, when those other above keys are pressed simultaneously, there is 
no beep.

Any ideas?

Fred Moyer
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Printing Transparent Bitmap Images

2005-04-22 Thread FMoyer
I'm having problems printing overlapping transparent bitmap images in 
Revolution. I try it so many ways, but it seems that whatever I do, transparent 
images print poorly (they become fuzzy) and opaque images print nice and sharp. 

Oddly enough, sometimes images that are transparent on screen print sharp, 
but they also turn out to be opaque on the printout (i.e., they obliterate the 
images underneath.) I have tried taking a snapshot of the card and printing 
that; the image does print transparent, but the printout becomes fuzzy.

These images need to be transparent because they often overlap one another. I 
am using png's.

Does anyone (e.g. Chipp Walters, Scott Rossi) have any suggestions? 

Thanks a lot.
Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution Hypercard cellophane color

2005-01-28 Thread FMoyer
Thanks, Mark. Maybe I don't know how to use it, but when I set the ink of the 
graphic to blend, the colors underneath blend with the color of the graphic. 
That's not what happens in Hypercard. In Hypercard, the color of the top 
object trumps everything underneath unless what is underneath is black. Any 
color is completely obliterated. There is no blending. So blue over a white 
background remains blue. With blend in Revolution, I believe blue over a 
background becomes light blue. 

Perhaps there is something that I don't understand about blend.


 Hi Fred,
 Sorry I'm so terribly late answering this question. You can
 obtain the cellophane effect by blending objects in Rev.
  Hi. I wish I could get Revolution's color to work the way Hypercard does.
  Hypercard's color is like cellophane, except for one really neat thing. In
  Hypercard, if you put a colored object on top of another colored object, 
 that top
  object's color trumps everything underneath, and you don't get a muddy 
  color as you would in the real world, or as you do in Revolution when 
  the admin ink. In Revolution, if 2 admined objects overlap, a 3rd muddy
  composite color is created. Is there any way to make Revolution behave 
  Hypercard, where:
       black pixels on any objects show through
       the top colored object has precedence over any colored objects
  Fred Moyer

use-revolution mailing list

Revolution Hypercard cellophane color

2005-01-13 Thread FMoyer
Hi. I wish I could get Revolution's color to work the way Hypercard does. 
Hypercard's color is like cellophane, except for one really neat thing. In 
Hypercard, if you put a colored object on top of another colored object, that 
object's color trumps everything underneath, and you don't get a muddy 
color as you would in the real world, or as you do in Revolution when using 
the admin ink. In Revolution, if 2 admined objects overlap, a 3rd muddy 
composite color is created. Is there any way to make Revolution behave like 
Hypercard, where:
 black pixels on any objects show through
 the top colored object has precedence over any colored objects 


Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Digital Audio File/Quicktime Help

2004-12-15 Thread FMoyer
Is there anyone out there who knows the insides of digital audio files? I am 
writing an application where it would be helpful to be able to manipulate 
these files. For example, I'd like to create a new sound file that consists of 
just a portion of a larger sound   file. I have no idea if it is even possible 
dig inside a sound file without messing it up.

I would also like to find someone who knows the insides of Quicktime. I am 
needing to use Quicktime in some slightly unorthodox ways. For example, I need 
to allow the user to click a mouse to play a portion of a Quicktime file with 
no time lag -- in other words as soon as the user clicks the mouse, the music 


Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

mousedown situation

2004-12-13 Thread FMoyer

Am I missing something really elementary? Create a button with the following 

on mousedown
 answer Click OK only once to make this message disappear.
end mousedown

Try it. If you are running Panther, I bet you have to click OK twice. I 
understand that if you are running Jaguar, you need only click once.

If addition, put in the stack script:

on mousedown
put This message shouldn't show up.
end mousedown

Now try the button. If you have Panther, the first time you click the OK, 
up comes This message shouldn't show up. The stack is receiving that 
mousedown message.

I know I can solve this by just using mouseup in the button but for the 
application I'm designing, I need it to be mousedown. 

Any clues why this is happening? Thanks.

Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Re: imagedata problem

2004-08-08 Thread FMoyer
 On Aug 7, 2004, at 4:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone else have this experience? -- I'm trying to analyze the
  of a whole bunch of grayscale images.
 What version are you using?  (Some things are fixed in the beta and
 some weird stuff has been added.)
 Dar Scott
I'm using 2.2.1 and MacOSX.

But I may be onto an answer -- could have more to do with something I 
probably did wrong in GraphicConverter. Except it still is puzzling that the 
imagedata would be so obviously corrupt while the image looks fine.

use-revolution mailing list

imagedata problem Ken Ray

2004-08-07 Thread FMoyer
Does anyone else have this experience? -- I'm trying to analyze the imagedata 
of a whole bunch of grayscale images.

The problem is that the imagedata for almost every pixel is:

Each image has its own favorite number and it seems to make no difference 
whether the pixel is actually white or black or gray.   On the other hand, there 
are parts of the image (usually the far left side or the far right side) where 
believable numbers suddenly appear.

These images are bxw tiffs that I turned into transparent gifs in 
GraphicConverter. But I don't understand: if the imageData is corrupt, why do the 
look fine?

Any ideas how I can figure out the correct imagedata? Maybe I'm mistaken, but 
I'm expecting to see white pixels listed as: 0,255,255,255 and black   
pixels: 0,0,0,0

Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Revolution-Quicktime-Channels problem

2004-07-28 Thread FMoyer
I have a tough question. I don't know if it is a Quicktime question, a 
Revolution question, a Mac OSX question or even a Soundflower question. Plus I 
really don't know a whole lot about the subject at hand -- which is digital audio 
files. So I'm not even sure I can explain the question properly.

Anyway, I am a pianist. I have just recorded with a cellist. We had 2 mikes 
on the cello and 2 mikes on the piano. I have written an application in 
Revolution to help me choose the edits for this and other recordings. I found that by 
creating 2 players, I can play all 4 channels in Revolution -- Player 1 plays 
the 2 cello mikes and Player 2 plays the 2 piano mikes. These 2 players are 
perfectly synchronized - - it's really fantastic. I can turn up or down one of 
the players so that I can focus on one instrument or the other.

Once I have chosen my edits, I need Revolution to play each edit into Digital 
Performer, which is the digital audio editing program that I use. Soundflower 
is a little program I downloaded which allows for a direct audio connection 
between two applications. It can carry up to 16 separate channels at a time. 
Digital Perormer can of course record many channels. But it's not working. I 
start the 2 players going in Revolution, and press the record button in Digital 
Performer, but what is recorded is 2 channels (a single stereo pair.)

Does anyone have an idea how these 4 channels are being squished into 2? It 
seems that the culprit is either Quicktime or Revolution. Any ideas how I might 
get around it? Each channel needs to remain separate for post-editing 

For that matter, is there a better way altogether? I would prefer to dig into 
the innards of these sound files and grab portions of each as if I were 
copying and pasting material from several text documents. Does anyone know how to 
do this? Or am I asking for big trouble by messing around inside sound files?

Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Revolution/QuickTime/Channels question

2004-07-20 Thread FMoyer
I have a tough question. I don't know if it is a Quicktime question, a 
Revolution question, a Mac OSX question or even a Soundflower question. Plus I 
really don't know a whole lot about the subject at hand -- which is digital audio 
files. So I'm not even sure I can explain the question properly.

Anyway, I am a pianist. I have just recorded with a cellist. We had 2 mikes 
on the cello and 2 mikes on the piano. I have written an application in 
Revolution to help me choose the edits for this and other recordings. I found that by 
creating 2 players, I can play all 4 channels in Revolution -- Player 1 plays 
the 2 cello mikes and Player 2 plays the 2 piano mikes. These 2 players are 
perfectly synchronized - - it's really fantastic. I can turn up or down one of 
the players so that I can focus on one instrument or the other.

Once I have chosen my edits, I need Revolution to play each edit into Digital 
Performer, which is the digital audio editing program that I use. Soundflower 
is a little program I downloaded which allows for a direct audio connection 
between two applications. It can carry up to 16 separate channels at a time. 
Digital Perormer can of course record many channels. But it's not working. I 
start the 2 players going in Revolution, and press the record button in Digital 
Performer, but what is recorded is 2 channels (a single stereo pair.)

Does anyone have an idea know where these 4 channels are being squished into 
2? Is it Quicktime or Revolution? Any ideas how I might get around it? Each 
channel needs to remain separate for post-editing manipulation. 

For that matter, is there a better way altogether? I would prefer to dig into 
the innards of these sound files and grab portions of each as if I were 
copying and pasting material from several text documents. Does anyone know how to 
do this? Or am I asking for big trouble by messing around inside sound files?

Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Find and Replace

2003-12-01 Thread FMoyer
Can anyone shed any light on the Find and Replace... feature in Revolution? 
I open a stack, and then press command-F. Up comes Find and Replace. I type 
in a word to search for, and make sure only Field Text is checked. The 
results of the search are baffling -- I get the same card listed over and over. 
And then when I double-click on a line, instead of being led to that card, the 
script for the field where that text is found opens. Why would I want see the 
script for the field where that word exists? It seems completely illogical to 
me -- but maybe I'm missing something.

Then if instead of searching This Stack I choose Stacks in a Folder and 
then choose a folder, I get a bunch of error messages and then the computer 
freezes and I have to force-quit Revolution.

I'm using MacOS 9. Are others experiencing similar issues with Find and 

Fred Moyer
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines in a field...

2003-10-17 Thread FMoyer

In a message dated 10/17/03 2:01:12 AM, 

Hi All,

In previous versions of Revolution if you used a command like:

delete line 3 of fld test

the entire line would be deleted (if there were 10 lines, now there 
would be 9 lines).

In version 2.1, if I use the same command, the contents of line 3 are 
deleted, but the empty line remains (there are still 10 lines in the 

Anybody else find this to be true? How do I delete the entire line? 
Have I missed something?


I am confused by everyone's responses. I am experiencing the same thing as 
John. But that is the way it has always been -- in Hypercard, in Metacard and in 
all versions I've used of Revolution. If you have 10 lines in fld test and 
delete line 3 of fld test 
you still have 10 lines; the only difference is that line 3 is blank. I'd be 
really surprised if version 2.1 changed that.

The way I delete I would delete the entire line is:
  put line 1 to 2 of fld test  return  line 4 to 10 of fld Test 
into fld test
(If anyone knows a more elegant way, please let me know!)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Deleting lines in a field...

2003-10-17 Thread FMoyer

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 07:48:04 -0700
From: Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Deleting lines in a field...
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII


 I am confused by everyone's responses. I am experiencing the same thing
 John. But that is the way it has always been -- in Hypercard, in Metacard
 all versions I've used of Revolution. If you have 10 lines in fld test
 delete line 3 of fld test
 you still have 10 lines; the only difference is that line 3 is blank.

That's not how it works in HyperCard, Rev, or any of the xTalks as far
as I
can recall.  After being mystified by this thread I double-checked both
and HyperCard.

To get the blank line you'd use:

  put empty into line 3 of fld test

Wow! I learn something new everyday! I misread John's email. I honestly 
didn't know you could just type 
delete line 3 of fld test
and get rid of the whole line and the carriage return. Besides feeling 
stupid, I'm overjoyed that I don't have to go to such ridiculous lengths to delete a 
line and keep textstyles intact.
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