ListMagic question LMListEdited

2010-07-14 Thread J Scott Saults
Direct support requests to ListMagic have not been answered. Is it  
still supported? Maybe somebody here can help.

I'm trying to use  LMListEdited to selectively prevent changes in a  
list widget, . I've edited the card script to include:

ON LMListEdited pWidget,pItem,pLineNo,pOldValue,pNewValue
   DisplayPrompt "LMListEdited - item" && pItem && "of line" &&  
pLineNo && "-" && pOldValue && ">" && pNewValue

   set itemDel to tab
   put pOldValue into item pItem of line pLineNo of pWidget

Now I expect that last line to replace ANY entry that's changed; if  
that worked, I'd add conditionals. However, it only occasionally  
works. Exactly what events should trigger the LMtListEdited handler -  
tab, return, enter? Changing the item and clicking elsewhere in the  
field usually seems to work (that is, the change is undone, pOldValue  
replaces pNewValue). How do I get other edits intercepted? A user  
might not click, but press tab or enter instead.

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combining sound files

2009-03-12 Thread J Scott Saults
I should have noted (especially concerning the Aujoiner glitch) that I
am using Rev 2.9 and OSX 10.5.6 on an Intel Core 2 Duo Powerbook.
-- Previous message --
I have tried converting the files to Au format (16-bit PCM
with sampling rate of 22050 kHz)  and then using Aujoiner by Mark
Smith. This produces noise at each join. Are there other solutions, or
is there a way to fix Aujoiner?

Scott Saults
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combining sound files

2009-03-12 Thread J Scott Saults
I need to join a lot of aiff files to create a single sound file. I am
revisiting a topic that has been discussed at least once before.
Maybe there have been other solutions proposed than what I've found,
so far. I have tried converting the files to Au format (16-bit PCM
with sampling rate of 22050 kHz)  and then using Aujoiner by Mark
Smith. This produces noise at each join. Are there other solutions, or
is there a way to fix Aujoiner?

I'd prefer to work directly with aiff or wave files, but I could use
any easy way to script the concatenation of a lot of little sound
files into one long sound file. I CAN accomplish this now using an old
XCMD I have that only works under Win98, and I have one old machine
that will run it, but that's pretty inconvenient. I would like a
better solution. if anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

Scott Saults
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Re: Subliminal priming

2006-10-09 Thread J. Scott Saults

David Glasgow

Sorry, but I missed seeing your original post and couldn't find it 
searching, so this might be OT, but I'll offer it anyway.

I'd be surprised (amazed, even) if anyone could control brief display 
times like you want in Revolution (without externals). This was 
possible using a set of externals called 'McPsych' (

a project of  The University of Western Australia Department of 
Psychology). As far as I know, no one continued development of this 
very promising but specialized extension to MetaCard / Revolution 
beyond about 2001, and some features are no longer compatible with 
Revolution or XP (though some are).

Missing your original post, I'm not sure what display times you want 
(or why), but I'm guessing it's roughly 2-4 screen refresh cycles 
(~33-66 ms at 60 Hz), followed, of course, by a mask. Computer 
display durations are limited to multiples of the screen refresh 
rate, so finer control of duration intervals requires a faster 
refresh. I'd be happy to hear I'm wrong, but I doubt that Revolution 
can detect refresh rates or onsets (without some external help), much 
less synchronize display onsets and offsets with the refresh. Two 
experiment development systems designed to do this (as well as 
possible under Windows OS) are E-Prime (PST software and Presentation 
(Neurobehavioral systems,  Some other 
possibilities include DMDX, PsyScope, and SuperLab, but I'm not 
familiar with the technical specs of these packages. (On a side note, 
I'm hoping to eventually find a way to integrate and switch back and 
forth from Revolution to E-Prime to use Rev for some features, like 
complex UI and input, and E-Prime for others, like quick 
presentations and RT measurements.)

Maybe Phil Jimmieson already explained all of this and more, but 
thought I should share what I know.

Good luck

J Scott Saults
University of Missouri

At 12:00 PM 10/9/06, you wrote:

David Glasgow wrote:
> On 4 Oct 2006, at 3:46 pm, Ian Wood wrote:
>> Going OT a bit, I thought 'brief flash' priming had been debunked as
>> having any substantial effect?
> Oh no no no.  Very exciting and expanding area of the psychology of
> person perception.  Lots of research showing incredibly fast processing
> and influence of stimuli presented subliminally.
> Phil Jimmieson contacted me off list (in fact, "on phone') and said that
> he had struggled with controlling v fast presentations accurately.
>  Looks like I need a good CRT and all my ducks nicely lined up before
> sending 'show to x in Yms' and 'hide to x in Zms' immediately afterwards.
> If I discover anything interesting or valuable, I will post again.
> Best Wishes,
> David Glasgow
> Carlton Glasgow Partnership
> ___
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Installation problems with Enterprise version 2.7.2

2006-07-18 Thread J. Scott Saults
On a PC running Windows 98se, I have not been able to install and run 
any version of Revolution Enterprise beyond 2.7.1 build 236. An 
update runs to completion, but when I try to run the program, the 
Revolution menu bar is cut off at about the tools menu; there's no 
bar to the right of that. When I tried to do a complete download and 
install, rather than an update, of 2.7.2, the same thing happened 
when I first tried to run it, except that in this case, the window 
asking for the unlock code never appeared, nor did the Tools palette. 
Is there some preference setting that could affect this?

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I can't find any 
relevant discussions regarding 2.7+. Any suggestions would be greatly 
appreciated. As it is, I can't run 2.7.2 with this severely truncated menu bar.

Thanks in advance.

J Scott Saults

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Re: Use an iPod as a USB drive ?

2006-05-10 Thread J. Scott Saults
Maybe late and off-topic - so I apologize (and do NOT mean to start a 
discussion here about this) - but just thought Alex might want to know that 
it is possible, with some iPods, to just drag and drop mp3 files (and Ogg 
Vorbis, Musepack, FLAC, AAC, ALAC, AC3 and WavPack) on your player and play 
them. And you can use (some) iPods as a standard UMS device, without 
iTunes, but not with the stock firmware. Look into 'rockbox': (Maybe iPodLinux, 
too, but don't know much about that)

I came across a reference that said "I wish iPod could do this like
other MP3 players and let you just copy files over like you do to any
USB drive", which left me unsure that it could work that way.

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Re: Poll: the sum(7,9)

2005-03-15 Thread J. Scott Saults

Indeed, this is an interesting and important question. I usually just retrieve 
the 'fact', but occasionally I count for certain sums that don't quickly come 
to mind, like 8+5 where I sometimes visualize five shapes, arranged like they 
are on a playing card, which I count up from 8. I remember coming up with this 
strategy in elementary school and using it only for certain sums that I had 
trouble remembering. It became a habit only for certain sums.

Although it is NOT my area of expertise, I know there has been a lot of 
research on this topic showing how there are individual, developmental, and 
cultural differences in mental arithmetic strategies. Some of this research has 
been done by a colleague of mine here at the University of Missouri, David 
Geary. A quick literature search also shows several recent, potentially 
relevant, articles by Jamie Cambell at the University of Saskatchewan. The 
locations of their web home pages are listed below. I could email you one of 
David Geary's articles (about strategy choices by children in simple and 
complex addition) if you contact me off-line.

David C. Geary, Chair and Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, 
University of Missouri

Jamie Campbell,  Professor, Department of Psychology,University of Saskatchewan.

J Scott Saults
Department of Psychological Sciences
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO

>Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:38:57 -0800
>From: Mark Swindell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I've got a question I'd be interested in hearing from as many of the 
>list as care to respond.
>It's this:  How do you mentally process simple addition/subtraction 
>facts?  What actually happens in your brain to elicit 16 when you hear 
>7+9? (for example)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #233 - 11 msgs

2002-02-28 Thread J. Scott Saults

Scott Raney writes
>You will potentially miss this mouse down event if we switched to an
>async mouse function (if it goes down and back up between sequential
>calls), but not with the current event-based implementation.  Which of
>course brings us to what is another key issue here: despite having
>seen statements from various people about the unreliability of the
>mouse function, we still *don't* have a reproducible example where it
>returns the wrong value. 

The Revolution transcript dictionary's entry for the mouse function does not mention 
any past events within the handler. It simply states:
>Use the mouse function to check whether the user is pressing a mouse button.
>The mouse function returns down if the key is pressed and up if it's not.

That all seems very present tense to me. Is there anything in the Revolution 
documentation that indicates the mouse function SHOULD operate like the mouseClick 
function and return what has occurred "since the event that caused the current handler 
to run..", rather than just "whether the user is pressing a mouse button"? 

As I've admitted, I'm easy to confuse. But does anyone else think the dictionary's 
current explanation of the mouse function is misleading, or at least a little unclear, 
 if , as Scott Raney  says, the mouse is INTENDED to 'return "down" if the user  
clicked down anytime between when the handler started running and when the function is 
called...'? This documentation seems to suggest that down is "the wrong value" if the 
user is NOT "pressing a mouse button" when the mouse function is called. If it is 
supposed to really mean to use the mouse function to check whether the user HAS 
PRESSED a mouse button since the currently handler started, then why not say that?

 Obviously, the following HyperCard HyperTalk documentation is also misleading, 
>Use the mouse to return the current state of the mouse button, and the mouseClick to 
>check whether the mouse has been clicked in the current handler.
But,  is that a good reason to perpetuate the obfuscation?

I really don't care whether Revolution/MC implements the mouse function like it works 
in HyperCard or SuperCard, but could its description in the transcript dictionary be 
clarified to help the user know what to expect?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-25 Thread J. Scott Saults

Fri, 22 Feb 2002 13:22:55 -0700
Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>But did you actually try this?  It *doesn't* work that way in either
>MC or HC now.  If you don't see it, try increasing the loop count (you
>may need to at one zero for HC, and about 3 in MC/RR ;-)
>My real question is, given that you're confused about this, how many
>other people must be, and if a lot, does this behavior really need to
>be preserved?

Scott & Geoff,
Sorry! I THOUGHT I'd tried it in HC, but I must have done something WRONG. 
HyperCard does return "down" after the mouse button has been clicked during 
the loop, even though it is actually up when the script gets "the mouse." 
Geoff 's step-by-step explanation  helped me see this. I'd not understood 
the implications of this exception to the way "the mouse" seemed to work. I 
apologize for posting my mistake, but thanks for the correction. The the 
mouse function seems to check some kind of event queue, rather than 
actually checking the state of the mouse button. Obviously, the mouse is 
more complicated than I thought, but maybe most people are not as easily 
confused as me.

During this subsequent testing, I discovered a couple of other curiosities, 
for what it's worth. SuperCard 3.6 SEEMS to behave more consistently than 
MC or HC, because it does, according to my tests, return "up" even after 
clicking during the loop of Scott's script.  Also, a slight modification to 
the 'put' command in Scott's script (below)actually causes HyperCard to put 
"down up" when the mouse is clicked during the loop and then not pressed 
again !  Weird.

on mouseUp
 get 0
  repeat for 1 times
 add 1 to it
 end repeat
 put the mouse && the mouse
end mouseUp

My 2¢?  Revolution should drop "the mouse" function, unless it can be made 
to work in a reliable, predictable way, as documented. I can live without it.

Scott Saults

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-22 Thread J. Scott Saults

At 10:51 PM -0500 2/21/02, Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I didn't check SC, but HC definitely does not work the way you say.  Try it
>yourself and see.  Put the following script in a button, then click to
>run it and click again before the repeats finish (you may need to
>adjust the count depending on the speed of your system):
>on mouseUp
>   get 0
>   repeat for 1 times
> add 1 to it
>   end repeat
>   put the mouse
>end mouseUp
>It's compatibility at that level that's hard to do, convenient as it
>might be for some things.
>   Regards,

Evidently, I misunderstood your  original post.  I  afraid I don't 
get the point of this post or script, either. I'm sorry to be so 
dense.  It seems to me, in HC, that your script calls the mouse 
function once, after the repeat loop has finished its 1 
iterations. If the mouse button is down when that occurs, then "down" 
appears  in the message box.  If the mouse button is up at that 
moment,  then  "up" appears  in the message box. If I press the mouse 
while the loop is still being executed, but then release it before 
the loop is finished, then "up" appears in the message box.  This is 
what I expect, and this seems to be what happens. If, on the other 
hand,  "put the mouse" is executed WITHIN the loop (below), then 
"down" appears in the message box whenever the mouse is being 
pressed, and "up" appears whenever it is not being pressed, until the 
repeated put's have ended.

on mouseUp
repeat for 1 times
add 1 to it
put the mouse
end repeat
end mouseUp

So, it seems to me  that HyperCard IS returning the actual state of 
the mouse button, up or down, whenever the
  mouse function is called within the handler. This is all I meant to 
say.  Is this not true?  Obviously, either  I've not expressed myself 
clearly, or I've  misunderstood  the point of this debate, or both. I 
certainly apologize for adding my confusion to this discussion.

J. Scott Saults
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse

2002-02-21 Thread J. Scott Saults

Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:58:57 -0700 (MST)
Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>You'd also be subject to the normal behavior of
>async functions (e.g., in HC, "the mouse" returns "down" if the user
>clicked down anytime between when the handler started running and when
>the function is called, whereas an async implementation would only
>return "down" if it was actually down when you made the call).

Just for the sake of accuracy,  in HC & SuperCard , the mouse function does 
NOT necessarily reutun "down"  if the user clicked anytime between when the 
handler started and when the function is called. Both SuperCard and 
HyperCard return the actual state of the mouse, up or down, whenever the 
mouse function is called within a handler, at least under Mac OS 9. Perhaps 
it works differently in OS X.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Repeats and mouse events

2002-02-13 Thread J. Scott Saults

I'll try to resist the urge to SHOUT, but, as far as I can tell, the 
transcript dictionary has "piss poor" documentation of the mouse function. 
Is there any documentation available of how the mouse function actually 
works that would predict or explain the behavior of the mouse in the loop 
script mentioned by Ian Summerfield ? Anyone converting projects from 
HyperCard or SuperCard might encounter this issue and wonder what is going 
on. Or is this unexpected and unpredictable behavior simply punishment for 
"piss poor technique"? Will similar behavior occur with other functions, 
like keysdown(), optionKey(), etc.? Perhaps just removing the mouse 
function would be better than misleading or mystifying users about how it 
might work.

I'm sure there's better documentation somewhere that I just  haven't found. 
Thanks for the clarification.

Scott Saults

>Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:58:55 -0700 (MST)
>From: Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Just my 2 cents on this issue:
>Apologies for the shouting and for sounding like a broken record on
>this issue, but I can't emphasize enough that this is piss poor
>technique and will bring you nothing but grief in the long run. If it
>were up to me "the mouse" function would be removed from

use-revolution mailing list

RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips using the PREPARE command

2002-01-19 Thread J. Scott Saults

In use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #112, Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Have you tried using the "prepare" command on all the audioClips before you
>attempt to run the script that Scott Rossi supplied?
>Kind regards,

I made a couple of attempts to incorporate the 'prepare' command into 
the scripts Scott Rossi  (Thank you, Scott) supplied to play a 
sequence of audioclips.

First, I tried to 'prepare' the next audioClip right after playing 
one audioClip:

on runAudio
   if the sound is "done" then
 if the uCurrClip of me > the number of items of fld cliplist then
   set the uCurrClip of me to empty
   exit runAudio
 end if
 play audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
 set the uCurrClip of me to the uCurrClip of me + 1
 prepare audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
   end if
   send "runAudio" to me in 5 milliseconds
end runAudio

The 'play' commands begins playing its audioClip, which is quickly 
interrupted by the 'prepare' command playing the same sound. (Putting 
a 'wait until done' after the prepare command simply results in the 
complete sound being played twice and taking twice as long.)

Next, I tried to 'prepare' the complete set of audioClips in the 
initial mouseUp handler:

on mouseUp
   if the sound is not "done" then
 play stop
 set the uCurrClip of me to empty
 exit mouseUp
   end if
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of field "clipList"
 prepare audioclip (item 2 of field "clipList")
  wait until the sound is "done"
   end repeat
   set the uCurrClip of me to 1
end mouseUp

The successive 'prepare' commands plays each of the 10 sounds 
(presumably loading them into memory, as well) Then  'runAudio' plays 
the sounds at a rate of a little more than 500 ms per audioClip, when 
the audioClips are each 250 ms long. That rate (2/second), pretty 
erratic and about half what it should be (4/sec), is not 
significantly different from what I get without using the 'prepare' 

In summary, using Scott Rossi's scripts, Revolution could only play 
the 250 ms audioclips at a rate of about 2/second, and the prepare 
command did make it any faster. (I was running on a Mac PowerPC G3 
220 MHz cpu under OS 9.0.4. Naturally, it's faster on a faster 
Pentium 4.)

In fact, I can't tell if the 'prepare' command works any differently 
than the 'play' command!

Keven suggested "you should try the "prepare" command, it will buffer 
before playback.  Let me know if that works for you?"

Well, it does not seem to work.  Is this a bug? How is 'prepare' 
supposed to work?

I'm still open to suggestions, but it looks like I'll have to work on 
extracting and combining the audio file data, as suggested by Geoff 
Canyon and Sjoerd Op 't Land (Both have supplied useful information 
that I still need to digest and apply.)

Thanks and best regards,
Scott Saults

J. Scott Saults, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
210 McAlester Hall
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-09 Thread J. Scott Saults

I want to thank both Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Geoff Canyon 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for their separate suggestions (in Mon, 7 Jan 
2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED])  regarding how to try playing a 
rapid sequence of sounds in Revolution. Although I really appreciate your 
efforts, neither procedure seems entirely adequate. My initial tests, on a 
mHz mhz Pentium 4 computer, seemed promising. However, the same scripts on 
a 250 mHz G3 Apple Mac were way too slow and erratic. Unless I'm missing 
something (I'm open to suggestions & corrections), the timing of the onsets 
of the sound clips, using either Scott's or Geoff's method, critically 
depends on how long it takes Revolution to load and begin playing a sound 
clip, after the play command is executed. A fast Pentium seems just about 
fast enough to (usually) play 250 ms sounds at about 4 sounds per second. 
But the Mac I tried is not even close. The onset-to-onset times were 300 or 
400  ms or more, and furthermore, erratic and unpredictable (using either 
method). It might help if there were some way to reduce this latency 
(loading and playing a sound) and/or make it more regular and predictable 
so some kind of correction could be incorporated.

If I can't do this simple task, then I may be wasting my time and money on 
Revoution. I really hope someone can help me work around this apparent 
limitation, even if I have to use external commands to do it.

Perhaps (hopefully) I'm misunderstanding something about the methods 
suggested by Scott and Geoff.  As soon as I can, I'll take a closer look at 
my implementation and tests of Scott's and Geoff's suggestions to see if 
I've made any mistakes.. I'm still new to Revolution, and I know it has 
features and capabilities that I'm not yet familiar with using. Surely 
Revolution can do this (play a rapid sequence), considering that I could do 
it well enough using HyperCard on an old Mac II many years ago. Or is 
Revolution/MetaCard really deficient in this regard?

Thanks again for the help already offered, and for any additional 
suggestions anyone would like to share.

Best regards,
Scott Saults

use-revolution mailing list

RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-07 Thread J. Scott Saults

I appreciate hearing from Mike Brown and Geoff Canyon regarding audio 
formats for playing in Revolution. I can confirm that 16-bit aiff 
plays fine at several sampling rates, but 16-bit wave does not, at 
least on a Mac. I'd gotten into a habit of using WAVE only under 
Windows 98 simply because that format is required by externals 
commands (the MCPsych DLLs) that I have to use to play sequences of 
sounds in memory research software I've developed for PCs. 
Unfortunately, the these DLLs are for Windows only. I 'd like to find 
a solution for the Mac OS, or I may have to (reluctantly) either 
abandon the Mac OS, or Revolution / Metacard, in my research. Let me 
explain my difficulty accomplishing a seeming simple task in 

For more than 12 years I've used HyperCard and SuperCard to present 
sequences of sounds, usually recorded speech but occasionally  tones, 
to be used as stimuli in STM memory research. Arbitrary sequences of 
up to 20 sound resources can be played by simply issuing a series of 
'play' commands. While the first sound begins playing, the remaining 
sounds are quickly loaded and cued to play in order, one immediately 
after the other. This provides a reasonably clean, reliable and 
precise sequence of sounds in which the onset-to-onset times, 
determined by the duration of the digitized samples, can be 
controlled within a few milliseconds. I can accomplish the same basic 
task in Revolution on the PC only by using the external commands of 
the MCPsych. DLLs, as far as I know. How can I do this in Revolution 
on a Mac, with or (preferably) without external commands?

Simply put, this is my specific QUESTION:

In Revolutionn on a Mac, with or without help from external commands, 
how can I play an arbitrary list of several different, brief (<250 
ms) sounds so they are presented as a rapid (at least 4/second), 
regular SEQUENCE.

In Revolutions on the my Mac, at least, the results of a simple 
series of 'play' and 'wait' commands, like the following, are FAR too 
slow and erratic. (Of course, without the waits, the successive play 
commands simply interrupt each other, because Revolution cannot, to 
my knowledge, cue the sounds.)

## soundList is just a list of names of the audioclips
put 250 into onsetToOnset
Repeat with i = 1 to 5
put milliseconds() into onsetTime
play line i of soundList
wait until milliseconds() - onsetTime > onsetToOnset
end repeat

Neither getting the milliseconds after the 'play' command, nor using 
'wait until the sound is "done"' works any better in my tests.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to accomplish this better?

Many thanks in advance for any new ideas.

Desperately seeking answers,
Scott Saults

J. Scott Saults, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
210 McAlester Hall
use-revolution mailing list

audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-06 Thread J. Scott Saults

I had asked
>Can someone please help me. What have I done wrong? How can a play a 
>sound,  without loading a and displaying a quicktime player?
But, I have discovered that an AIFF file does play OK. So, let me ask 
two different questions about audio in Revolution.

1. What audio formats are supported on a Mac, and on Windows?

2. What is the best way to play a SEQUENCE of sounds with precise, 
regular, onset to onset times. In SuperCard or HyperCard, I can 
simply issue a series of play commands, and the sounds are simply 
cued to play one after another. However, Revolution/MC cannot do 
this, so what is the best way to approximate this behavior? Are there 
any Mac external commands that could accomplish this in Rev/MC?

Thanks again for the help.

Scott Saults

J. Scott Saults, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
210 McAlester Hall
use-revolution mailing list

audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-06 Thread J. Scott Saults

Surely this has been address before, but I couldn't find anything 
relevant by searching my email archives or those 
at of use-revolution 
(BTW, aren't there any good  search tools available for these 
archives?) I did find this question asked weeks ago, but could not 
find any response.


I created a 16-bit Wave file , with a sampling rate of 44.1 k (Using 
the application "SoundEdit 16"). Using the "Application Overview", 
and the audioclip tab for importing, I imported the file so that it 
appears in the overview as part of the stack. Then I simply executed 
the command: play audioclip . Something DID play, but 
it was mostly just a burst of noise.

Can someone please help me. What have I done wrong? How can a play a 
sound,  without loading a and displaying a quicktime player?

(Actually my problems with the severe limitations of Revolution/MC 
sound playback go well beyond this issue, but until I can play a 
single sound, I won't bother to ask about playing a sequence of 

Thanks for the help.

Scott Saults
J. Scott Saults, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
210 McAlester Hall
use-revolution mailing list