save for web name length

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi all y'alls (or is it alls y'all?:-)

Anyone know the limit of a png image Save for Web
name length? 
I am using adobe CS2?


Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
San Francisco

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save for web name length

2006-01-05 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thanks Martin

30... Um... OK  I can do that  I think.

kathy Graves Jaqua 

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imageSource Stored in Destination Stack

2006-01-04 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi y'all,

I have a group of imageSources in a field.  I can put
the clicked on image on the clipboard. I can also copy
the imageSource as an image to another stack.

But, if I select the imageSource in a filed and paste
it into a field in another stack I am unable to get
the image stored in the Image Library of the
destination stack. ( I can not reference the images as
to the nature of my App.)

Any Ideas?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

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imageSource Stored in Destination Stack

2006-01-04 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi Jim 

Good Idea but it is not what I need.

I actually need the original copied then pasted
imageSource saved in the image library at the time it
is pasted. (It must be a picture of the imageSource). 
I don't want an image tag or a reference. 
(OK.., maybe I don't fully understand image tags :-)

Tank you Tank you (ah bubble, bubble) for your
response to this eMail.

Kathy Grave Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
San Francisco

use-revolution mailing list
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imageSource Stored in Destination Stack

2006-01-04 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thanks Jacqueline,

 I have a field with about 350 ImageSources.
 I use the following format:
 set the clipboardData[image] to image gImage --
(this is the image the user picked)
but on a Paste into the new stack I lose the image

If I get the selection of an imageSource from the
field and go to a new stack
should I:
1. paste the original image and then hide it? Is it
the same image as the imageSource since I have lost
the image name on the paste. 

2. then paste (at the mouse click) the Imagesource
into the new field?

What is the difference between 'copy img' and

Jacqueline your great... what would we do with out

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Oh Christ...

If I have the id of an image stored in the stack image
Library how do I get the name of that image. The id is
stored in a variable I call tIndex. How do I do


Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list
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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Yep...thats what I thought.  Yes I am... 
You have no idea... I have been working on the same
problem for two months now.

I am going to try Ohi next...
Thank you for your concern and help

Kathy Graves jaqua 

use-revolution mailing list
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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Thanks all...

Anyone know where the Dali Lama is right now?  
The Pope per chance??

And, I will try all the above suggestions.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software 

use-revolution mailing list
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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Ok Help

 Does anyOne or any Deity know how to get the name 
of an image source once it is buried in a field??

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Could It really be that easy?  You rule...

I 'll try that and get back to you.
Ok, ok let's see put the ...char x of field...

T H A N K  Y O U

Kathy Graves Jaqua

use-revolution mailing list
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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Wow.. There is a God.

Thanks Thomas and Jacque It worked. 

Tom,  I  put the imageSource of the mouseCharChunk
into tIndex
so this was a BIG help. ( I have about a 1000 of these
imagesource and 
need to know which one the user might choose ;-) 

I think the Dali Lama impute help as well.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list
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Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Jim and Tom

to avoid return blank if no imagesource is found I
am using the following:

on mouseDoubleDown
  local tIndex
  if the mouseCharChunk is empty then
exit mouseDoubleDown
  end if
  put the imageSource of the mouseCharChunk into
tIndex --id of image 
  if tIndex is not empty then
   send addImage tIndex to field Selected Images
of this card in 0 millisec
end mouseDoubleDown

the field Selected Images is where I show the select
imagesSources that a mouseDoubleDown generates. The
purpose is to build a stack with a library of chosen

This might actually work now with all the impute :-)

I needed the name of the imageSource so as to select
it and place it on the OS clipboard.

Thanks all...

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list
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Colors within Colors

2005-10-18 Thread Kathy Jaqua

A Big Thanks to  Martin Baxter for this info.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream

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Lock that Kick... Hey

2005-10-18 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi Alls y'all,

Does anyone have a simple password script. I am hiding
the text fields until a password is given. The fields
are on 1 card stack. The script will be in a button
called  Lock.   My brain is locked up and I can't
seem to come up with one.


Kathy Graves Jaqua
A  Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list
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Colors within Colors

2005-10-17 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi Alls Y'all,
I am using the RunRev Color Palette names to help
identify graphics used as imageSources. Are these
color names used in any other Development
environments. Will other Developers know what
Thistle is?  How about  Gainsboro? 
I am trying to come up with some sort of a naming
system for small graphics that might give a hint
it's color scheme.  Any Ideas?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

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clipboardData imageSource

2005-08-18 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi y'all

I am trying to place an imageSource in the clipboard.

I have a number of imageSources lined up in a field. I
want to place 1 clicked-on imageSource into the

The following is not working. Help?

local tImageSourceCopy

put the clickCharChunk into tImageSourceCopy
  set the clipboardData[image] to image

Any Ideas... 

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

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clipboardData imageSource

2005-08-18 Thread Kathy Jaqua

 Hi Chipp

 I changed the script to the following and got an
error saying 'no such object'.
 I might add that I am clicking on 1 of over 300
imageSources of verying sizes in a field. Any other

on mouseDoubleDown 
local tIndex
if the mouseCharChunk is empty then
exit mouseDoubleDown
end if

 put the imageSource of the mouseCharChunk into tIndex
choose select tool
drag from topleft of image tIndex to botright of
image tIndex
choose browse tool
end mouseDoubleDown

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list
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Mac to PC without saving as a Stand Alone?

2005-06-08 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi y'all

One more time for clarification?



I am a Mac User who has a new Dell running XP. Can I bring my Rev Stacks over 
from the Mac to the Dell and continue to program them?  These stacks were 
originally built in Mac Classic running Panther. 



These same stacks built in Mac Classic and running in Mac OS X Panther (non 
classic) seem to have a bug which turns the object inspector palette black. Is 
this due to the fact that I built these stacks on different platforms; this is 
to say, Mac Classic to non Mac Classic? Any Ideas why this bug is happening and 
how to get rid of  it? (Raid bug spray does not work :-)


Kathy Graves Jaqua

A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Mac to PC without saving as a Stand Alone?

2005-06-08 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thank you Mark, Stephen, and Thomas.  

I will take the Stacks to Monterey for the Black
inspectors palette problem.  In the mean time, I will
continue struggling with the new Dell PC. I am trying
to get a jump on the new intel chip :(

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Graphic in Field

2005-05-21 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi Glen:

I did this In a field and it works quite well :-) (
or How He did It by Baron Von Frankstein)


 I made two images by taking a screen shot of: 
 (If you have iCal on the Mac you can get a variety of

1. A check box button unchecked and I called it Aqua
2. A check box button checked and I called it Aqua

I found that I needed to replace a character already
typed in a line ( in my case it was the number of the
line placed in character 1 of that line) with the
imageSource Aqua NoChButton.png

I used the following script to place the imageSource
Aqua NoChButton.png:

on addSourceImage
  --if line 1 of me  1 then put 1 into line 1 of
   --if the imageSource of line 1 of me is empty then
set the imageSource of char 1 of line 1 of me --Aqua

put the number of lines in me into tCount
add 1 to tCount
  put tCount  return after me
 set the imageSource of char 1 of line tCount of me to
Aqua NoChButton.png
end addSourceImage


Then on a mouseclick In the field I toggle the two
images to make it appear As if it is a check button 

on mouseDown
-- the first two lines are used to delete the
imageSource if needed
  get the clickLine
  if the controlKey is down then delete the clickLine
-- Line 3: gets the line number and puts it into the
field line
  put the value of the clickLine into tclickLine
if the imageSource of line tclickLine of me is Aqua
NoChButton.png then 
set the imageSource of char 1 of line tclickLine
of me to Aqua CheckedButton.png
if the imageSource of line tclickLine of me is
Aqua CheckedButton.png then 
  set the imageSource of char 1 of line tclickLine
of me to Aqua NoChButton.png
end if
  end if
end mouseDown


If you Delete the check box imageSource you want to
reline or reorder the field lines in the correct
sequence use the following script: (Mark Wieder gave
me this last script)

 on fixLines
  -- action can occure when field is locked or
  get number of lines in me
  put true into trailing
  repeat while it  0
if the number of words in line it of me is not 0
  put false into trailing
  if trailing then delete line it of me
  else delete line it of me
end if
subtract 1 from it
  end repeat
end fixLines

Hope this helps:
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Problems with Importing multiple images

2005-05-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

OK : )

Thanks to the following Help I fixed all my problem

STEP 1: (Resetting the previous Image IDS--instant

By Chip:

Try starting with a high 6 digit number for the first
you import, then add 1 to it and set the next image's
ID to it.

I think this should solve your problem.

OR create a button after you've loaded all your images
and set the 
script of it to:

on mouseUp
   put 123456 into tID
   repeat with y = 1 to the number of cards in this
 go cd y
 repeat with x = 1 to the number of images on this
   set the id of img x to tID
   add 1 to tID
 end repeat
   end repeat
end mouseUp

STEP 2: (New Imported Images IDs)

BY  Thomas McGrath III:

Change Image ID's on immediately on import (espically
File imports)

Change icon IDs in buttons that contain the graphic or
use the short name property
set the icon of button mybutton to {imageID |

STEP 3: (Where to set the New Imported Images IDs)

BY Jim Lyon
To change the id of the new imported Image open The
property inspector and make the change by (adding 1 to
the last number or setting to some large number)

Step 4: (I Think...)
And Thanks, Xavier we have all had similar problems
with that pesky send button.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Problems with Importing multiple images

2005-05-11 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hello to all out there in Computer Land, 

This is one of the greatest discussion lists I have
ever had the privilege to witness. RunRev is an
exciting environment.:) Can hardly wait until

Is there a limit to the number of images one can
Import to a stack or cards in a stack?

The problems I am having are as follows:

I imported 25 images into a 2 card Stack.

Numbers 1 to 20 are correct. but 21(a small png image)
was replaced by the 210073 spinning arrow icon and
image 23 (a small gif image) was replaced by a Double
Arrowed Cursor id 202614. 

When I switched between the 2 cards the position of
the imported images in the Image Library had changed.
After 25 Imported Images the Image Library corruption
(?) caused my RunRev palette to stop working. 

Is there a difference in importing from the Image
Library as opposed to the File Menu?

Call me silly... but, does this mean I should only
have single card substacks with 20 images each? I can
do this but I am dealing with about 250 + Imported
Images to get different looks and animation effects.
(Of course I world like to have 500 Imported Images
but being an old softy I don't want to push my luck;)

I'm using 2.5.1 RunRev from a Mac OS X 10.3.9

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Problems with resource mages

2005-05-11 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Semi-related question for the tests I've been
Using the application browser, I noticed that the
pre-load into
memory property is automatically set for all images
that I import
from a folder. Is there a way to avoid this if I
wanted to import 100
or even 1000 images to the stack or would I have to
manully unselect
the properties for each one?

Thanks to all,

Hi Doc

I'm having a similar problem in that I can't import
more then 20 Images without a mistake in the Image
Library.  After 20 Images runRev icons or cursors
begin to take the place of my Imported Images.   Maybe
the pre-load into memory property is a problem ???

Kathy Graves Jaqua
San Francisco Ca
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Problems with Importing multiple images

2005-05-11 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thanks Chip for answering my quarry. :) 
I will use this great script.

Do you think the alwaysBuffer property which I set to
true in the Stack Inspector during the Image importing
could be adding to this Importing corruption as well?

As you know:
alwaysBuffer property (true-False) Determines whether
the contents of windows, players, and images are
buffered offscreen.

global bufferHiddenImages property (true-False)
Specifies whether images that are not visible are
decompressed into an offscreen buffer.

If yes besides deselecting alwaysBuffer in the Stack
Inspector, would I also set the above Global to False.

Kathy Graves Jaqua

use-revolution mailing list

Lists and Custom Properties

2005-04-17 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi Dick,

Thank you. I am somewhat new at this myself. I figure
out this Custom Prop script last week. This correction
does help the script run faster, So you response is of
great help to me:)

I should do this more often,

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

--There's always one more bug.

--When the field has more than one line, that code

--If you really want to delete each line one at a
--repeat with x = number of lines in me down to 1

--But the following is easier and faster:
--put empty into me

-- Dick

use-revolution mailing list

Card Group Label Names

2005-04-16 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Thank You Brian,

I just got back from the Warriors Game. Wow, what a
great new team!
so I will work on this script:)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software


How about something like this:

put the groupNames into allGroups
put the backgroundNames into backgroundGroups
put empty into cardGroups

repeat for each line groupName in allGroups
 if (groupName is not among the lines of
backgroundGroups) then
 put groupNamereturn after cardGroups
 end if
end repeat

delete last char of cardGroups
answer cardGroups


 Hi y'all
 (I am having some Browser problems. I hope this is
 a repeat.)

 I need a list of the labels of the groups of a
 whose background behavior is set to false:

 I got as far as the following script:

 put the groupNames of card 1 into groupsToShow
 answer groupsToShow

 And, of course I get the group id of both background
 and card groups.

 So an hour later (Did I mention I was blond;) I
 decided to ask the following on line:

 How do I get the Labels of just the card groups?

 Kathy Graves Jaqua
 A  Wildest Dream Software
 kgjaqua1 at

use-revolution mailing list

Lists and Custom Properties

2005-04-16 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi Gary:

Richard Gaskin rules:)

You can store a custom property in a Stack, Card or
Field Inspector and call it with a Mouse Handler:

put The text I want to put in line  uCustomProp 
. into line # of field name of this card of this

-- Example 1--
I have done this in a popUp field.

As an example: You might want to store the number of
times the stack was opened.

In the stack inspector under Basic Properties scroll
down to Custom Properties click on the '+' sigh

Enter the property name uEnterThisStack = This is your
custom property for that stack

on preOpenStack:
if the owner of the target is me then
get the uEnterThisStack of this stack -- get the
value of your custom prop
put it into tCount
add 1 to tCount
set the uEnterthisstack of this stack to tCount
--adds 1 to your custom prop
  end if
(dont pass preOpenStack or you will get 2 added to
end preOpenStack
 Now in the popUp field:
on mouseDown
enterThisTemplate --handler used to display the
count in a popUp field
end mouseDown

on enterThisTemplate
get the uEnterThisStack of this stack
put it into tCount
   put Number of Times Template was Opened  tCount
. into line 1 of me

end enterThisTemplate

--Example 2-
For multiple lines: (line 1 the Time, line 2 the Date,
line 3 number of times stack is opened)

on mouseDown
-- since new text is placed in the field each time the
button is clicked
-- you need to clear out the old lines
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in me
delete line x of me
  end repeat
   add your text--- 
  put Time:  the time into line 1 of me
  put Today's Date:  the long date .  into line
2 of me
  put File:  the short name of this stack into
line 3 of me
  enterThisTemplate --your handler calling your custom
prop: uEnterThis with your text
end mouseDown

on enterThisTemplate
  --if the owner of the target is me then
get the uEnterThis of this stack
put it into tCount
   put Number of Times Template was Opened  tCount
. into line 4 of me
  --end if
end enterThisTemplate

eMail an example and I will try to do it for you :-)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Card Group Label Names

2005-04-15 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Hi y'all
(I am having some Browser problems. I hope this is not
a repeat.)

I need a list of the labels of the groups of a card
whose background behavior is set to false:

I got as far as the following script:

put the groupNames of card 1 into groupsToShow
answer groupsToShow

And, of course I get the group id of both background
and card groups.

So an hour later (Did I mention I was blond;) I
decided to ask the following on line:

How do I get the Labels of just the card groups? 

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A  Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

custom prop by 1's?

2005-04-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

OK 1 more time, Maybe this time I will get it.

I set a customProp in my stack  called cEnterToDoProp
This is the number of time the Stack is opened. (Like
how hard is this?:)

in a preOpenStack:

get the cEnterToDoProp of this stack
 put it into tCount
add 1 to tCount
  set the cEnterToDoProp of this stack to tCount

This adds 2 not 1 to my total.

How do I add 1 to my total =cEnterToDoProp.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

custom prop by 1's?

2005-04-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Thank's Richard,

OK I found it.  I might also mention that the
resulting Answer Box contents was as long as I have
ever seen.  Oh my...

Kathy Graves Jaqua
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius 3

2004-09-28 Thread Kathy Jaqua

   An example of using appleScript from Run Rev to
open an Application and check the result (in case it
was not installed is the Mac OS 9, OS X)
  Ken this is a great example of RunRev's ability to
use appleScript. This line by line explanation was of
great help to me on many levels. If you don't mind I
am going to forward this to Dan Shafer for future
publication inclusion considerations.  It will help
many others like myself who are new to appleScript
calls using the Transcript Language. I know it took
your valuable time to carefully explain each step.
It's also a good example of offsets and function
calls. (It's been years sense hyperCard and a lot of
us are a little rusty.)  We need more of these
examples and I hope runRev is listening :)

Again many Thanks.
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

The scripts to which I have been referring are as

A. From Andrew Garzia (using appleScript only)

B.  From Ken Ray (calling appleScript from RunRev or

A.  Opens the Application iCal (Traditional

Kathy try putting this on a field called myscript:

tell application iCal
end tell

put a button with the following script

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

B. Opens Application iCal and checks to see if it is
open (Using Transcript to call Applescript)

OK, Kathy, no problem. You already know from Andre's
script that you can use
Rev to run an AppleScript, just as if you'd done it in
Apple's Script Editor
application. The AppleScript is executed by Rev using
the syntax:

  do scriptText as AppleScript

where scriptText is the script you want to execute.
As you are currently
doing, you can provide the script by using the
contents of a field. But you
can also provide using a variable. So your Open iCal
script (which is
currently sitting in a field) could also be executed
like this:

  on mouseUp
put tell application  quote  iCal  quote 
return  \
  activate  return  end tell into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
  end mouseUp

This would mean you could remove that extra field if
you wanted to because
it's all in the script.

The nice thing about Rev is that you can do certain
things to shorten the
script and/or make it more readable. For example,
return can be replaced
with cr (which does the same thing), and I
personally don't like typing
quote  quotedString  quote in a script
(especially if I'm doing it a
lot), so I created a function called q that puts
quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote  pWhat  quote
end q

(BTW: I forgot to include this function with my last
email - sorry...)

Additionally, you can use the backslash character to
break script lines for
readability. I do this with things like AppleScript so
that one visible line
in Transcript corresponds to one visible line in
AppleScript. You don't have
to do this, but I happen to like it. So your Open
iCal script can now look
like this:

on mouseUp
  put tell application  q(iCal)  cr  \
activate  cr  \
end tell into tScript
  do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

So the code I'd sent you:

  function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
  end isAppRunning

Would be called like this:

  on mouseUp
if isAppRunning(iCal) then
  answer iCal's running!
  answer iCal's not running.
end if
  end mouseUp

And the code does this (I'm adding line numbers for

1:  function isAppRunning pAppname
2:replace .app with  in pAppName
3:put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
 return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
4:do tAS as AppleScript
5:put the result into tProcs
6:return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)
7:  end isAppRunning

In line 1, we pass in the name of the application we
want to check as a
parameter to the isAppRunning function. The name can
either be the short
name of the application (like iCal) or the name of
the application with
its extension (

In line 2, since the AppleScript that runs returns a
list of running
applications *without* their extensions, I want to
eliminate the .app if
for some reason it was passed to the function, so I
call the replace
command to do that job.

Lines 3 to 4 you are more familiar with, in that they
run an AppleScript
that returns the list of running processes

Whenever AppleScript returns a value, Rev can retrieve
that value by
checking the result right after the AppleScript is
called. Line 5 does
this, and puts the list of running applications into
the local variable

In line 6 we check to see if the application name that
was passed into the
function exists in the list of 

AppleScript and a

2004-09-28 Thread Kathy Jaqua

   An example of using appleScript from Run Rev to
open an Application and check the result (in case it
was not installed is the Mac OS 9, OS X)
  Ken this is a great example of RunRev's ability to
use appleScript. This line by line explanation was of
great help to me on many levels. If you don't mind I
am going to forward this to Dan Shafer for future
publication inclusion considerations.  It will help
many others like myself who are new to appleScript
calls using the Transcript Language. I know it took
your valuable time to carefully explain each step.
It's also a good example of offsets and function
calls. (It's been years sense hyperCard and a lot of
us are a little rusty.)  We need more of these
examples and I hope runRev is listening :)

Again many Thanks.
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

The scripts to which I have been referring are as

A. From Andrew Garzia (using appleScript only)

B.  From Ken Ray (calling appleScript from RunRev or

A.  Opens the Application iCal (Traditional

Kathy try putting this on a field called myscript:

tell application iCal
end tell

put a button with the following script

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

B. Opens Application iCal and checks to see if it is
open (Using Transcript to call Applescript)

OK, Kathy, no problem. You already know from Andre's
script that you can use
Rev to run an AppleScript, just as if you'd done it in
Apple's Script Editor
application. The AppleScript is executed by Rev using
the syntax:

  do scriptText as AppleScript

where scriptText is the script you want to execute.
As you are currently
doing, you can provide the script by using the
contents of a field. But you
can also provide using a variable. So your Open iCal
script (which is
currently sitting in a field) could also be executed
like this:

  on mouseUp
put tell application  quote  iCal  quote 
return  \
  activate  return  end tell into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
  end mouseUp

This would mean you could remove that extra field if
you wanted to because
it's all in the script.

The nice thing about Rev is that you can do certain
things to shorten the
script and/or make it more readable. For example,
return can be replaced
with cr (which does the same thing), and I
personally don't like typing
quote  quotedString  quote in a script
(especially if I'm doing it a
lot), so I created a function called q that puts
quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote  pWhat  quote
end q

(BTW: I forgot to include this function with my last
email - sorry...)

Additionally, you can use the backslash character to
break script lines for
readability. I do this with things like AppleScript so
that one visible line
in Transcript corresponds to one visible line in
AppleScript. You don't have
to do this, but I happen to like it. So your Open
iCal script can now look
like this:

on mouseUp
  put tell application  q(iCal)  cr  \
activate  cr  \
end tell into tScript
  do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

So the code I'd sent you:

  function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
  end isAppRunning

Would be called like this:

  on mouseUp
if isAppRunning(iCal) then
  answer iCal's running!
  answer iCal's not running.
end if
  end mouseUp

And the code does this (I'm adding line numbers for

1:  function isAppRunning pAppname
2:replace .app with  in pAppName
3:put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
 return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
4:do tAS as AppleScript
5:put the result into tProcs
6:return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)
7:  end isAppRunning

In line 1, we pass in the name of the application we
want to check as a
parameter to the isAppRunning function. The name can
either be the short
name of the application (like iCal) or the name of
the application with
its extension (

In line 2, since the AppleScript that runs returns a
list of running
applications *without* their extensions, I want to
eliminate the .app if
for some reason it was passed to the function, so I
call the replace
command to do that job.

Lines 3 to 4 you are more familiar with, in that they
run an AppleScript
that returns the list of running processes

Whenever AppleScript returns a value, Rev can retrieve
that value by
checking the result right after the AppleScript is
called. Line 5 does
this, and puts the list of running applications into
the local variable

In line 6 we check to see if the application name that
was passed into the
function exists in the list of 

AppleScript from RunRev, An Example (Andrew and Ken)

2004-09-28 Thread Kathy Jaqua

   An example of using appleScript from Run Rev to
open an Application and check the result (in case it
was not installed is the Mac OS 9, OS X)
  Ken this is a great example of RunRev's ability to
use appleScript. This line by line explanation was of
great help to me on many levels. If you don't mind I
am going to forward this to Dan Shafer for future
publication inclusion considerations.  It will help
many others like myself who are new to appleScript
calls using the Transcript Language. I know it took
your valuable time to carefully explain each step.
It's also a good example of offsets and function
calls. (It's been years sense hyperCard and a lot of
us are a little rusty.)  We need more of these
examples and I hope runRev is listening :)

Again many Thanks.
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

The scripts to which I have been referring are as

A. From Andrew Garzia (using appleScript only)

B.  From Ken Ray (calling appleScript from RunRev or

A.  Opens the Application iCal (Traditional

Kathy try putting this on a field called myscript:

tell application iCal
end tell

put a button with the following script

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

B. Opens Application iCal and checks to see if it is
open (Using Transcript to call Applescript)

OK, Kathy, no problem. You already know from Andre's
script that you can use
Rev to run an AppleScript, just as if you'd done it in
Apple's Script Editor
application. The AppleScript is executed by Rev using
the syntax:

  do scriptText as AppleScript

where scriptText is the script you want to execute.
As you are currently
doing, you can provide the script by using the
contents of a field. But you
can also provide using a variable. So your Open iCal
script (which is
currently sitting in a field) could also be executed
like this:

  on mouseUp
put tell application  quote  iCal  quote 
return  \
  activate  return  end tell into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
  end mouseUp

This would mean you could remove that extra field if
you wanted to because
it's all in the script.

The nice thing about Rev is that you can do certain
things to shorten the
script and/or make it more readable. For example,
return can be replaced
with cr (which does the same thing), and I
personally don't like typing
quote  quotedString  quote in a script
(especially if I'm doing it a
lot), so I created a function called q that puts
quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote  pWhat  quote
end q

(BTW: I forgot to include this function with my last
email - sorry...)

Additionally, you can use the backslash character to
break script lines for
readability. I do this with things like AppleScript so
that one visible line
in Transcript corresponds to one visible line in
AppleScript. You don't have
to do this, but I happen to like it. So your Open
iCal script can now look
like this:

on mouseUp
  put tell application  q(iCal)  cr  \
activate  cr  \
end tell into tScript
  do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

So the code I'd sent you:

  function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
  end isAppRunning

Would be called like this:

  on mouseUp
if isAppRunning(iCal) then
  answer iCal's running!
  answer iCal's not running.
end if
  end mouseUp

And the code does this (I'm adding line numbers for

1:  function isAppRunning pAppname
2:replace .app with  in pAppName
3:put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
 return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
4:do tAS as AppleScript
5:put the result into tProcs
6:return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)
7:  end isAppRunning

In line 1, we pass in the name of the application we
want to check as a
parameter to the isAppRunning function. The name can
either be the short
name of the application (like iCal) or the name of
the application with
its extension (

In line 2, since the AppleScript that runs returns a
list of running
applications *without* their extensions, I want to
eliminate the .app if
for some reason it was passed to the function, so I
call the replace
command to do that job.

Lines 3 to 4 you are more familiar with, in that they
run an AppleScript
that returns the list of running processes

Whenever AppleScript returns a value, Rev can retrieve
that value by
checking the result right after the AppleScript is
called. Line 5 does
this, and puts the list of running applications into
the local variable

In line 6 we check to see if the application name that
was passed into the
function exists in the list of 

Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
 Is there a script to open (Launch) the MacOS X iCal
Application from a button within RunRev.  I am still
using 2.2.1 but will update later.

tank ya tank ya (lot's of Bubbles:)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi Andre

It's nice to hear from you to. Thank you but I have no
idea what you just wrote. (Yes, It's me:) 

I want the user to be able to open the iCal
Application from a button that they click on. I don't
know Apple Script. Do you have a button RunRev script?
 (and see no C--pretend your an old hyperCard person;)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua


So what took you so long--at least a minute has past. 
Can we try for 15 seconds next time!! 

Yes This worked and I think you just taught me Apple
Script as well.

I'm at luv and kisses now.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Andre or...
 How can I tell if the application iCal is opened? 
Maybe they deleted it or something. Is there a script
to check this so I can give them a dialog box
suggesting they might reinstall the application.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Thanks Ken,

You guys are so bright! This genius list is growing. 

So where should I place your learned following script:
(which I might add is just a tiny bit over my head ;)

function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr 
return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
end isAppRunning

So what exactly does this script do; since I
understood-- lets see; replace, with, put,
cr...Umm--  shall I go on with this list.

All kidding aside I really want to learn this script! 

I now have this button open iCal that say: 

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

field myscript:
tell application iCal
end tell

Now what do I do?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Scrolling a Card?

2004-02-19 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Is it possible to scroll a card that is longer and/or
wider then the screenRect?  What property would I use?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Scrolling a Card ?

2004-02-19 Thread Kathy Jaqua
This is a good start thanks Jeanne  Ken! 
You have saved me a week!

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

dragDrop -- dragData(image)

2004-01-21 Thread Kathy Jaqua

I can dragDrop -- dragData(text) to a target from a
substack to a stack.

I would like to dragData[image] from a substack or
palette and dragdrop it on a card. The image Gold
SqHalf.png is in the stack's image library

The following does not work:

on mouseDown
 set the dragData[image] to Gold SqHalf.png
end mouseDown

on dragEnd 
 send choose browse tool to me in 1 tick
end dragEnd

Where do I put the following dragEnter and dragDrop
script (Which of course after working 2 days dose not
work either)?

on dragEnter
  set the acceptDrop to true
end dragEnter

on dragDrop
create image the dragData[image]  
end dragDrop

I am, to say the least, having a problem with the
concept of creating an image on a card using an image
located in the stacks image library?
How can I correct the dragDrop message?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: topLevel vs. open stack

2004-01-15 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Dan and Richard

In the MetaCard Manual pg 349, Toplevel stacks have a
mode of 1 or 2(depending on weather they have their
cantModify property set to false or True

So, could it be mode 2?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

RevConference: Gold and Silver Found in San Francisco

2004-01-12 Thread Kathy Jaqua
RevConference: Gold and Silver Found in San Francisco

There is gold in them there hills!

 One focus of the Conference was to show the
success of the RunRev community of developers.  We
were introduced to a variety of exciting,
groundbreaking applications.  One developer showed his
new well written application bring a high 6 figure
income. Because of revolutions power and ease of use,
he apparently spent a relatively short time in
development. (As if I could do that, oh sure I don't
think so:)

Eureka!  With RunRev XTalk languages are here to stay!
 With extraordinary talent, clarity and humor; the
staff and speakers (RR web support gurus) showed the
rich range of features contained in RunRev.  As a
result I found a renewed TRUST in the longevity of
XTalk programming threw Revolution.

And Silver too!

 The well organized RunRev conference was held at
the beautiful Argent hotel. The speakers were the very
best in the profession, I loved every minute.  Great
food, friendly people--can we have 3 days next time? I
did mention good food didn't I?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

I've got to brush up on my Latin :)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stacks 'Winking Out' or Hiding Behind BackDrop

2003-12-02 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Re: Stacks 'winking out' or hiding behind backDrop.
I am not sure if this is a bug.  To keep the backDrop
present; that is, set to black,
one must keep in mind the message passing order. In
HyperCard-remember the old days-we RESUME to the Card
then the Stack. So try:

In Stack Script:

on openCard
set the backDrop to Black
pass openCard
end openCard

on suspend
set the backDrop to none
pass suspend
end suspend

on resume
send openCard to this stack in 1 millisecond
pass resume
end resume

I seem to remember that to avoid confusion when
sending an 'on resume' or 'on resumeStack' message
handler we put some 'resume' commands into a
'themOldHandlerBlues' message handler. 

This 'themOldHandlerBlues' handler is sent to openCard
'on resume'.

So Try:

on themOldHandlerBlues
set the backDrop to Black
end themOldHandlerBlues

on openCard
-- other openCard stuff here
pass openCard
end openCard

I just discovered Revolution and find it delightful.
Developing software in X-Talk languages again is a
bright spot in my life. 

I think this will work in Revolution. (Did I mention
I Think? I mean I Hope:)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list