Re: New Beast - help required!

2008-05-24 Thread Ken Ray
> I've just got delivered a Mac Pro

Congrats, David!

>1. Has the Plugins folder moved back to the Rev Application folder from
>the Documents Folder in Leopard?

No. It's still in the Docs folder, and you still need to create the "My
Revolution Media", "My Revolution Studio" or "My Revolution Enterprise"
folder in there IIRC.

>2. If it has is there a way to know where the Rev Plugins folder is on a
>system - I guess there is a Rev internal way of knowing this?

Not a one-liner; the best we've got is checking for the folders I mentioned
>3. In the documentation palette - you can search for sample scripts -
>where are they kept? How could `i make my library of scripts available to
>    this search?

No idea... perhaps someone else will know...

Ken Ray
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Re: Determining if Stack is Visible

2008-05-22 Thread Ken Ray
> Thanks to all for your ideas.  Klaus, you were correct in that I meant open
> and visible on the screen.  Devin, you pointed out some information that I
> wasn't aware of.  I will take the information and see if I can get things to
> work.

One other approach I've used is:

  if ("My Stack" is among the lines of the windows) and \
 (the vis of stack "My Stack" is true) then
-- stuff goes here
  end if

You can use "the openStacks" instead of "the windows" - it's the same thing
(although "windows" is 2 less characters to type than "openStacks").

Ken Ray
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Re: Script Editor

2008-05-21 Thread Ken Ray
> Although I love BBEdit, for Rev scripting I still favour GLX2. But if you
> wish to go the BBEdit route you will also need Trevor DeVore's essentially
> useful and thankfully free language module for BBEdit - v1.0.5, you'll find
> it here:
> To make life easy, rather than have to copy and paste scripts from one to
> another you need something like
> MLXEditor from but I can't seem to find
> it there. A quick Google though and I found it at Ken Ray's:

Right, and there's links there back to Trevor's site to get the BBEdit
plugin, but there's also plugins for TextMate, SubEthaEdit, and

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Re: RevCon kudos

2008-05-21 Thread Ken Ray

>> Wish I'd been there :-(
> To insult us personally?

Kay's post had a couple of ;-) in it, so I took all as sarcastic humor, not
insulting jab... 

Ken Ray
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Re: Simple Database without SQL

2008-05-20 Thread Ken Ray
> If I buy the Standard Edition am I allowed to use it on commercial
> software products without paying any royalties etc.

Yup! The price is per developer seat, for unlimited products and unlimited

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Re: SheepShaver file access

2008-05-20 Thread Ken Ray

> Giving up on that, I have been dismounting the shared drive, copying
> files to it, and then restarting the SheepShaver virtual machine in
> order to re-mount the shared drive. This is a pain in the patootie. Does
> anyone remember how to re-mount a drive in OS 9 without restarting the
> OS?  I'd rather have file sharing working, but at least if I could
> remount the shared drive that would be something.

My understanding (and based on corresponding reports is displayed at is that
attempting to keep the same volume shared in SheepShaver that's accessible
in OS X is prone to bugginess and in come cases the corruption of the shared
> The author isn't supporting it any more, right? The latest version of
> SheepShaver I have is labeled May 2006.

That's the latest I know of also...


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Re: Simple Database without SQL

2008-05-20 Thread Ken Ray

> Unless anyone can suggest something easier or better
> to use.
> I'm always open to suggestions, and not being much of
> a programmer
> myself.. I seem to learn much better by example.

Well, not to toot my own horn, but an *alternative* to Rev's XML external
(another file) is my XML Library - it's pure Rev code, contained in a stack
that you can make a substack of your main application so it doesn't add
another file to deploy. If you're data needs are reasonably modest, you
might want to check it out:

There's a comparison on the site vs. the revXML.dll, if you want to look at
it, and the docs are really good and have a lot of (short) examples.

Ken Ray
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Re: Zooming to Center

2008-05-18 Thread Ken Ray
> I have an image that is much larger than the stack.  I have two
> buttons, ZoomIn and ZoomOut.  They do their jobs as far as zooming in
> and out by resizing the image, but I would like the part of the image
> that is in the center of the screen to stay there during the zoom
> (when possible).  Right now it moves around and I can't figure out
> the math to make it seem to zoom to (or from) the part of the picture
> that is in the center of the card.

Here's what I did - measure the distance from the clickH to the left of the
object, divide by the current zoom  factor, then multiply by the new zoom
factor. Then after scaling the image, set the left of the image to the
center of the card, minus the new distance. Do the same for the top.

Something like this:

  -- First, note the click location relative to the image
  put pClickH - (the left of pImgObj) into tDistFromLeft
  put pClickV - (the top of pImgObj) into tDistFromTop
  put the uScale of pImgObj into tCurrZoom
  put round((tDistFromLeft / tCurrZoom) * pNewZoom) into tNewDistFromLeft
  put round((tDistFromTop / tCurrZoom) * pNewZoom) into tNewDistFromTop

where "pImgObj" is the image being scaled, "the uScale" is the custom
property scoring the current scale factor before zooming, and "pNewZoom" is
the new scale factor. Then apply it like this:

  put the loc of this card into tCardLoc
  if pNewZoom <> 1 then
set the left of pImgObj to ((item 1 of tCardLoc) - tNewDistFromLeft)
set the top of pImgObj to ((item 2 of tCardLoc) - tNewDistFromTop)
set the loc of pImgObj to tCardLoc
  end if

If you want the whole script that handles everything (I had to do this to
figure out what worked), let me know and I'll post it.

Ken Ray
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Re: regex question

2008-05-18 Thread Ken Ray

> Does anyone have a regex to remove any text between parenthesis
> (including the
> parenthesis) ?

How about this:

  put replaceText(tText,"\(.*\)","") into tText

You may need to deal with extra spaces left behind by removing this stuff,
but it should work.

Ken Ray
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ANN: StackRunner 1.8 Is Now Available

2008-05-17 Thread Ken Ray
Hey all...

Just wanted to let you know that a new release of StackRunner, version 1.8,
has been uploaded to my site. This version has the 2.9.0 engine in it,
includes full support for Linux, and has actually pre-bundled the database
drivers in to make it easier to deploy. I also modified the web page a bit
for clarity (this is in keeping with my talk at RevLive2008 :-).

You can get it here:


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Re: Defining locals or constants

2008-05-17 Thread Ken Ray

On 5/15/08 12:02 PM, "Stephen Barncard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> By the way, Ken, is a new 2.9 stackrunner on the way?

Thanks for reminding me, Stephen... watch for the announcement...


Ken Ray
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Re: RevCon kudos

2008-05-16 Thread Ken Ray

> I hope the readers here don't mind my taking a little slice of bandwidth
> to thank those involved in making this year's RevCon a great one:

Amen, brother!

I agree with everything you said (except the hiking part, since I wasn't
there to hike. :-)

Ken Ray
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Re: Wow - punching holes in stacks!

2008-05-15 Thread Ken Ray

On 5/15/08 11:35 PM, "Jim Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 16, 2008, at 6:29 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:
>> Now THAT is a cool bug. :-)
>> (Works in 2.8.1 as well.)
> I wonder if this is an intel machine only thing?
> I cannot get it here with Rev 2.9 and my PPC G4 10.5.2 Mac.

An I can't get it with Rev 2.8.1 on an Intel MacBookPro running Leopard...

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Re: Defining locals or constants

2008-05-15 Thread Ken Ray

> constant WorldRadius = WorldConstant/pi
> local LocalVar = WorldRadius * 2
> That is initialise a local variable or constant to the result of a
> calculation. I can use a "preOpenStack" message to trigger a script but
> this is not always appropriate and clumsy - is there a simpler way?

Well, you could do this kind of workaround I learned from Teresa Snyder:

constant WorldConstant = 25000
constant WorldRadius ="[[WorldConstant/pi]]"

on answerTenTimesWorldRadius
  put 10 * merge(WorldRadius) into tResult
  answer tResult
end answerTenTimesWorldRadius

Don't know if this makes it any easier or harder, but just providing an

Ken Ray
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LiveResizing (was Re: "movestack" sent continuously!)

2008-05-15 Thread Ken Ray
>> This has been changed in Rev 2.9, to make Mac OS X consistent with
>> Windows. The docs are wrong.
> And fragmentary!
> Did not know that this had been working this way on windows before.

Actually there's a similar situation with resizeStack - in the earlier days
of Rev/MetaCard, resizeStack was sent continuously on Windows/Linux, but not
on Mac. Now, in order to get continual resizeStack messages on OS X, you
need to set the "liveResizing" of the stack to true.

Along these lines, I think it might be good to have liveResizing default to
"true" for new stacks instead of "false" - otherwise it makes resizing look
"old" on OS X. In fact the IDE itself doesn't even default to
liveResizing=true. This hasn't been filed as a bug report AFAIK.


Ken Ray
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Re: Subject: Scripter's Scrapbook at RunRevLive - Correction!

2008-05-13 Thread Ken Ray
> Thank you Ken...
> However, the actual address is:
> ssbk AT

See what happens when I try to correct something? I make it more confusing
than it already was!


Thanks, Hugh (and those of you who privately emailed me about the boo

Ken Ray
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Scripter's Scrapbook at RunRevLive - Correction!

2008-05-13 Thread Ken Ray
To those of you who attended my sessions on Organizing Your Code, where I
demonstrated Scripter's Scrapbook, I wanted to let you know that I gave out
an old email address for Hugh Senior; he's no longer at:

   FlexibleLearning AT

The proper contact email is:

  ssbk AT

If you have already sent email to the other address, you will likely get a
"bounce" notice with some other contact emails (any of them will work), but
if you haven't yet sent an email to him, I figured I'd let you know.

Sorry for the confusion,

Ken Ray
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Re: OT - Contact manager in Rev or ??

2008-05-08 Thread Ken Ray

> Does anybody know of a contact manager that has bee written in Rev?  If not,
> can anybody recommend a contact manager that is preferably cross platform, and
> the data is shared.  I've seen a few web based solutions but none crank my
> handle.

Bob, I know Hugh Senior's been working on one recently, and I've seen a
couple of builds and it looks pretty cool... why don't you send him an email
and he can go over it with you?

Ken Ray
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Re: tool tip font

2008-05-04 Thread Ken Ray

> Can a tool tip's font (name, size, color, style) be set?

Not AFAIK...

Ken Ray
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Re: Select All in fields

2008-05-04 Thread Ken Ray
> Cut Copy Paste and Clear are in the Edit menu of my standalone Mac
> app. I'd like to add "Select All" and am wondering if there is some
> standard way of doing this. I can think of how to code it myself but
> it seems like such a standard thing that it makes me wonder if there
> is some checkbox I need to select to just make it happen.

Not a "one click" thing, Kee... but it's a one-liner if all you care about
is basic editable fields (i.e. not list fields):

  if the selectedField is not empty then \
  select the text of the selectedField


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Re: Fixing MacOS File Names for a NAS

2008-05-02 Thread Ken Ray
> Anyone got a solution - there are thousands of files to copy - or a script -
> or a reference to figure out all the different chars that needs fixing?

Sorry, David, I ran into the same thing and ended up buying a Time Capsule
for Mac backup and dedicated my original NAS to PC backup...

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Re: Launching a web page

2008-05-02 Thread Ken Ray

On 5/1/08 11:41 AM, "Shari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is crazy.  My code for launching a web page worked happily for
> many years up until ???  Now it's broken and I can't seem to fix it.

> 3.put word 1 to -2 of \
> queryRegistry("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command\")

Hmm... I just use word 1, not word 1 to -2, and the above works for me; try
changing it to just use word 1, and see if that works...

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Re: Can't change directory with shell(cd)

2008-05-01 Thread Ken Ray

On 5/1/08 5:54 PM, "Michael D Mays" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm doing this
>   answer folder ""
>   put it into aPath
>   put "cd "&aPath into aRequest
>   put aRequest into fld 1
>   put shell(aRequest) into fld 2
>   put shell("ls") into fld 3
> No matter which folder I chose, Rev's 'Home' folder is the directory
> listed.
> When I cut and paste fld 1 into the Terminal, ls works as expected.
> What am I doing wrong or is this a 'feature';)?

The problem is that you're doing two separate shell calls, each one
evaluated based on the current folder (which is Rev's Home folder). You need
to make a single shell call that does both tasks. For Mac, that means
separating them by semicolons:

  put shell("cd /;ls")

This will get a directory listing of the root  drive. For Windows, you need
to use an ampersand instead of a semicolon, like this:

  put shell("cd c:\ & dir")

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Re: arrowKey in tables

2008-04-28 Thread Ken Ray
> Let's say I have a table field and the I-beam cursor is
> located in row 7 column 3.  If I use the down arrowKey
> it will jump to row 8 column 1.  Is there a way to make
> it go straight down the column (row 8 column 3) plus
> straight up the column when I use the up arrowKey.

What version of Rev is this happening in? I just tried it in 2.9 and it
behaves as you describe...

Ken Ray
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Re: Mac Newbee question to Mac paths

2008-04-28 Thread Ken Ray

> A typical Mac path would look like this:
> /Applications/
> Shouldn't it be: Hard Disc/Applications/

No, not if the Mac has only a single volume (i.e. hard drive). And when
there are multiple drives, the path is:

/Volumes//... /... /...  (etc.)

> Can you put your App on a Mac only in: /Applications/ or could you build any
> folder structure as on windows to put your app also into:
> /Applications/foo/foo/

You can put it anywhere you like, Macs don't care about where apps are
launched from (although putting it in Applications or Utilities
(/Applications/Utilities) is the norm.
> The documentation tells me about the defaultfolder:  "this is the folder
> containing that standalone. On OS X systems, the defaultFolder is set to the
> folder that contains the application bundle"
> The first part would tell me that the defaultfolder is:
> /Applications/
> The second part would tell me that the defaultfolder is: /Applications/
> Or is the difference just, how it looks like physical (first part) and what
> the user sees of it (second part)?

No, it's actually a question of a "bug fix" that took place a while ago. You
see the "engine" in an application is embedded on a Mac inside the
application bundle, and the rule was to start with the defaultFolder
pointing to the location of the standalone. On Windows, this was where the
.exe file was, but on Mac it was embedded three layers down in the bundle.

However this was confusing and required parsing of the defaultFolder to
point to the proper place, so in later versions of Rev, the defaultFolder
pointed to the folder that contained the application bundle (i.e. what the
user sees as the "application").

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
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Re: Tab in tables and determine which cell

2008-04-28 Thread Ken Ray
> In the script below revGetCellName was used.
> Where can I read about table cells and cell names
> of anything else related to table fields because I
> cannot find this word in the dictionary or anything
> when I do a search.

Last night, Bill asked me how I ended up getting to the solution; I've
restated it below (edited for clarity) to help in anyone looking to work
with tables in Rev:

- I knew the table field in Rev wasn't a real separate table object, it's a
field object with scripts to make it work like a table, so it made sense to
me that it would need to intercept events from the user in order to work.
This must be done with frontScripts.

- I turned on "Revolution UI Elements in Lists" (View menu) and then
displayed the list of frontScripts in the Message Box (3rd icon from the
right in the icon bar of the Message Box), and found "revTable", which I

- I then looked in the script for standard UI event handlers (mouseDown,
focusIn, etc.) to see what user events were being trapped. I was interested
in when a user clicked and when they tabbed from cell to sell, so I
concentrated on the "mouse" event handlers and the "tabKey" event handler.

- I kind of visually traced what would happen if I clicked (or tabbed) to
see what revTable handlers were being called, and eventually identified
"revUpdateCellValue" as an event that would be sent to the target, so I
could grab hold of it in my own scripts.

- For the mouse messages, I noticed that the mouseUp was being trapped and
passed, and so I was able to trap that one as well.

- The only tricky thing was that "revUpdateCellValue" is sent while tabbing
from one cell to another, but the parameters it gets are based on the cell
it just *left*, so I needed to send a delayed message, and then query where
it was after it got to the next cell.

Hope this helps,

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Re: control-clicking objects

2008-04-24 Thread Ken Ray
Oh I forgot to say that although it's a little funky, you can choose from
Rev's popup menu the "Send Message" option, and choose the message that
would normally be sent (in my case it was "mouseDown"). Doing that causes
*my* menu to pop up, but it's not over the button since I said "at the
mouseLoc", but it works in a pinch.

Ken Ray
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Re: control-clicking objects

2008-04-24 Thread Ken Ray
> I am working on a set of stacks where I have developed over the years
> various commands for control-clicking objects (Mac). They now don't
> work in 2.9. What happens instead is: the object is selected and I
> get the "Edit Script/Property Inspector/Cut"... etc. popup. Is there
> any way to avoid that happening? I need to stay within the
> Development environment because I am always tweaking the stacks.

Fred, do you have the browse tool or the pointer tool when you're doing
this? The reason I ask is that I just ran a simple test with the browse tool
and don't get that, and if I use the pointer tool, my code is not executing
in either environment (2.8.1 or 2.9).

This is what I did:

1) Create a standard button and a popup button
2) Name the popup button "MyMenu"
3) Set the script of the standard button to:

on mouseDown pKey
  if pKey = 3 or the controlKey is down then
popup button "myMenu" at the mouseLoc
pass mouseDown
  end if
end mouseDown

If I'm in browse tool, I get the "Choice 1", "Choice 2", and "Choice 3" menu
items. If I'm in pointer tool, I get "Edit Script..." etc., in both Rev
2.8.1 and Rev 2.9.

Ken Ray
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Re: Working with csv files that are 5000 lines or more

2008-04-22 Thread Ken Ray
> I see you on a lot of emails doing cool stuff so I appreciate you spending
> your valuable time answering the questions

My pleasure, Jim! Glad I could help...


Ken Ray
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Re: Getting things the wrong way round . . .

2008-04-19 Thread Ken Ray
>>>> ...we are preparing Mirye Runtime Revolution for shipment to Amazon.
> The name is "Revolution". Unless you're altering it to be a different
> product, why should one product have multiple names?

Right, so even if "Mirye" is being added on, it would be "Mirye Revolution",
not "Mirye Runtime Revolution" (since "Runtime Revolution" is the company).
BTW, that confusion is all over the Mirye website as well, with some
references to "Revolution" (as in " Mirye Revolution 2.9 Released With Over
500 Improvements"), but mostly as "Runtime Revolution" (as in "Mirye
Software Releases Runtime Revolution 2.9"), or event mixed (as in "Mirye
Software, publishers of the cross-platform application development system
Runtime Revolution, announces the release of Revolution 2.9 Studio and

I don't mean to be nit-picky, but the topic of confusing "company for
product for language" which has been brought up on this list before is only
exacerbated when things like this occur. I can't tell you how many times
I've had to clarify/correct people asking me about Revolution.

Of course, if the *intent* by RunRev and Mirye is to make these things all
merge and become indistinguishable, then all that needs to happen is that it
officially be made known and then I (for one) will shut up about this.


Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
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OT: Re: Alphabeticisation ?

2008-04-17 Thread Ken Ray
> Some dispute about how 'alphabeticisation' is used ? ?
> ?
> I use 'alphabeticisation' to mean 'put things in
> alphabetical order'.

I don't know about the dispute, but either 'alphabeticisation' is a very old
word or one that was created by the author, much like the word "normalcy"
was used by Warren Harding in his presidential campaign promise of 1920
(instead or the more used term "normality").

So perhaps that's why the use of "alphabeticisation" was viewed as odd
instead of the word "alphabetize" (or "alphabetise"), which is more
universally used and understood.

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: This has to be easy! Tell a program not to open a file

2008-04-16 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/16/08 8:11 AM, "Trevor DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Apr 15, 2008, at 6:47 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> So... let me rephrase that question. Is there a way to run my app in
>> administrator modus, without having to ask the user to open the
>> properties window and set admin mode manually?
> I add a manifest file using HeavenTools. I posted a lesson on it a
> little while ago which shows how to do it and provides an example
> manifest file.
> <
> fest-To-a-Revolution-Executable

Sweet, Trevor! That's going to help a lot of people (especially me!).


Ken Ray
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Re: More on 'there is a file it' returning false for files w/ non-Western European chars

2008-04-15 Thread Ken Ray
> ""Sarah
which tells me that the problem is
> Revolution, not the system.

It is very odd that not all accented characters
> cause this effect

I did a quick check and it turns out that these two characters are not high
ASCII characters (i.e. numToChar(129) to numToCar(255)), it's Unicode. I did
the same thing as Sarah, and named a file on the desktop "čů.txt". I then
ran this AppleScript from Script Editor:

  set tFile to choose file of type {"TEXT"} with prompt "Get a file:"
  get id of character -6 of (tFile as string)

This returned:

  {99, 780}

As you can see, the "č" comes back as two IDs, which is I'm sure why
Revolution is showing the same two chars. Try this with a <255 ASCII
character, and you just get the number:

  get id of character -3 of (tFile as string)



So while Script Editor can convert the combined chars back to the proper
character, Rev doesn't seem to be able to do that...  so it's still a bug in
that we have difficulty working with Unicode file names, but at least it has
an explanation...

Ken Ray
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Re: ***SPAM*** More on 'there is a file it' returning false for files w/ non-Western European chars

2008-04-15 Thread Ken Ray

> Name a dummy file čů.txt  In case this does not render correctly in the QC
> Center system, those first two characters in the example name are
> č : small c with caron
> ů : small u with ring above

What ASCII values are those two characters?

Just curious to see if that might help us come up with a

Ken Ray
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Re: QT: How do I convert a folderpath to a clickable link?

2008-04-14 Thread Ken Ray
> I call with "answer folder" and "longfilepath" the path to a netwerkfolder.
> Now I want to convert  it into a clickable link.
> Any idea's on this one?

Well, assuming your intention is to open a file on a network server after
having gotten the path using the method you describe, you can do it this

-- assumes you want the linked text to say "Open Network File"
-- assumes you have the path in a variable called "tPath"

put "Open Network File" into tLink
set the htmlText of field "Show Link" to tLink

-- script of field "Show Link", with lockText=true
on linkClicked pURL
  launch document pURL
end linkClicked

Haven't tested it, but should work (at least in principle ;-).

On the other hand, if your intention was to try and open a *folder* on the
network server, or something other than launching a file, this'll have to be

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: putting numbers into parentheses

2008-04-13 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/13/08 5:31 PM, "Charles Szasz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am working on a program that does calculations. Some of the calculations
> will be completed with a value missing. I want to use parentheses to make
> these results stand out from the other calculations. Without adding
> parentheses to a field, how can I put the results of a calculation into a
> field that is displayed in parentheses?

Sorry, Charles, but I don't understand - I keep reading the above as "how
can I show parentheses in a field without using parentheses" and I go
"huh?".  :-)

Can you restate your problem so even someone as simple as I can understand


Ken Ray
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Re: fixed width font question

2008-04-12 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/12/08 9:04 PM, "Josh Mellicker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You mean more straightforward than putting a string of i's in a field,
> getting the formattedwidth, then a string of m's and seeing if the
> formattedwidth matches?  :-)
> On Jan 12, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Mark Swindell wrote:
>> Is there a straightforward way to return a list of active fonts on a
>> user's computer which are of fixed width?

Well, on a Mac, you can execute this AppleScript and parse the result (at
least under Leopard; haven't tried it with Tiger):

tell application "Font Book"
get the name of the typefaces of font collection "Fixed Width"
end tell

But (a) you have to wait for Font Book to load before you get your result,
and (b) you end up with Font Book still open, requiring you to quit the
application. To do this in one go, you can do this:

tell application "Font Book"
set tNames to the name of the typefaces of font collection "Fixed Width"
get tNames
end tell

There's a way to do it in Windows I've found (querying EnumFontFamiliesEx
for those who care), but it seems to require a DLL to be created and can't
be called directly from VB Script AFAICT.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: The DO Command

2008-04-12 Thread Ken Ray
> Since there is not the "blue face" OS 9 icon in the Dictionary (Rev Version
> 2.9) for the "do" command.

That's got to be a documentation bug. As far as I know the only thing that
changed with Do in 2.9 was the ability to specify "VBScript" (or Javascript)
on Windows as a parsing language. I know for sure it worked with standard
Rev code in 2.8.1 on Classic and I'd be *very* surprised if it didn't work
now (don't have an OS 9 machine to verify that, unfortunately).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Lock moves

2008-04-12 Thread Ken Ray

On 4/12/08 3:16 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is it just me, or is lock moves/unlock moves broken?
> lock moves
> move btn 1 to the loc of this cd in 2 seconds
> move fld 1 to the loc of this cd in 2 seconds
> unlock moves
> Nothing happens for 2 seconds, then both appear instantly in the new
> positions.

You need to add the "without waiting" phrase to the end of both of the move
commands - I tripped up on this a little while ago as well, but this is the

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: The DO Command

2008-04-12 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/12/08 1:57 PM, "Joseph Martinez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To save considerable development time, I make extensive use of the "do"
> command for creating of an app intended eventually for cross-platform
> distribution.  Is this asking for trouble?
> I only use "do" with one-line type handlers, such as
> Put "put doublespace(fld" && x & ") into fld" && x into tCmd
> Do tCmd

Well actually there shouldn't be a need for "do" in this instance; is there
some reason you can't write:

  put doublespace(fld x) into fld x


In most cases you'll find that "do" is rarely needed; Rev's code is
inherently cross-platform without any need for "do". I think you may be
confusing the "alternateLanguageName" used with "do" with the deployment on
different platforms, so let me clear this up for you if that's the case:

The "alternateLanguageName" is used by the "do" function to determine how to
*interpret* the text that's being "done". So you can "do" something as
"AppleScript" (if the text that is being "done" is in AppleScript), and in
Rev 2.9 you can "do" something as "VBScript", and if you have the proper
plugin, you can even "do" something as "JavaScript".

If you don't specify an 'alternateLanguageName', Rev will assume that the
text to be "done" is in proper Transcript (Revolution's native code).

Examples (I usually put the script to be done into a variable before "doing"

  do "put the text of field 1 into field 2"  -- native Transcript (although
you wouldn't use it this way (see below))

  put "display dialog" && quote & "Hello" & quote into tScript
  do tScript as "AppleScript"
  -- if you tried to run the above without the "as AppleScript" you'd get an

  put "Set App=Wscript.CreateObject(" & quote & "Wscript.Shell" & \
quote & ")" & CR & "App.Run" && quote & \
"C:\Windows\Explorer.exe /root,C:\" & quote & ", 1, False" into tScript
  do tScript as "VBScript"

As far as different computer platforms are concerned, 99% of Revolution's
code is naturally cross-platform and doesn't have to be adjusted. Some
exceptions that are platform specific are: AppleScript (Mac only) and
Registry manipulation (Windows only). There are others, but you get the

When writing cross platform apps, you may need to occasionally do an
"if-then" or "switch-case" if you're trying to do something that works
differently on different platforms. So for example, if you want to store
preferences; on Windows you may want to use the Registry, but on Mac you
would want to store files in the proper Preferences folder.

As to MacOS (classic) support, you can tell what's supported in the
different platforms by clicking on the Documentation button in the toolbar
and then clicking "Dictionary" in the documentation window's toolbar.
There's a column there that is "Platforms", and anything that doesn't work
on OS 9 will not have the blue "face" OS 9 icon. However 90+% of Rev code
works on OS 9 as well.

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Working with csv files that are 5000 lines or more

2008-04-09 Thread Ken Ray
> Brian,
> Holy smokes this is much better!!  Not even a second vs 2 minutes.  I've been
> schooled...much appreciated!

If you are interested in some other "best practices" on getting the best
performance in your code, check out these tips:

Increasing Script Performance, Part I

Increasing Script Performance, Part II

Increasing Script Performance, Part III

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: How to paste into multiple fields

2008-04-09 Thread Ken Ray
On 4/10/08 12:01 AM, "Bill Vlahos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lets say I have three fields. Lets call then "FirstName", "LastName",
> and "Phone number".
> I have information from another program copied to the clipboard in the
> form "Bill  Vlahos  555-1212" that I want to be able to
> paste into the first field and have the text correctly flow into the
> other fields.
> If I type it manually it works as the TAB key moves the selection to
> the next field. However, if I paste into the first field all of the
> text goes into that field.

How about instead of pasting, do:

  focus fld "FirstName"  -- plants insertion point
  type the clipboardData["text"]

It's a little slow, but it works...

Otherwise you'd have to parse the clipboard:

  put the clipboardData["text"] into tData
  set the itemDel to tab
  put item 1 of tData into fld "FirstName"
  put item 2 of tData into fld "LastName"
  put item 3 of tData into fld "Phone"


Ken Ray
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Re: Delete a group from within a group script

2008-04-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 8 Apr 2008 21:37:18 +0200, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Tom,
> if word 1 of the name of the owner of me is "group" then
>   delete group "Group Name" of the owner of me
> end if
> If you are sure that the owner is always a group, you might leave out 
> the if-statement.

You may not be able to do this if the object whose script is currently 
running is part of the group you're deleting. If that's the case, then 
I'd do a quick "send ... in 20 milliseconds" to an object that is not 
in the group being deleted, and run the deletion code from there:

on mouseUp
  put the long id of the owner of me into tGroup
  send "DeleteGroup tGroup" to this card in 20 milliseconds
end mouseUp

-- Card Script
on DeleteGroup pGroup
  delete pGroup
end DeleteGroup

That should work (haven't had a chance to test it though...)

Ken Ray
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Re: [OT] one more Revolution exposure...

2008-04-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:54:13 +0300, viktoras didziulis wrote:

> Revolution (logo, brief description and url in the tools section) was 
> exposed in 2 posters. However no participant, or at least those that 
> I had an opportunity to talk to, have heard anything about it before 
> and I had to explain what it is.

Glad you were there!
> The next conference - IMDIS 2010 will take place in Paris.

Thanks for the info,

Ken Ray
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Re: MacNN | First Look: Revolution 2.9, cross-platform compiler

2008-04-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 22:11:15 -0700, Stephen Barncard wrote:

> except the article says:
> Revolution's programming language is based on the AppleScript 
> programming language, which comes with Mac OS X, and the HyperTalk 
> programming language used in the once-popular HyperCard program. 

Unfortunately this is the same mistake made by Wallace Wang in his book 
"Beginning Programming for Dummies"; but so long as it sells copies of 
Rev it doesn't bother me too much. ;-)

Ken Ray
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Re: Handle ^ and ¨ in a field

2008-04-07 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 13:14:35 +0200, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

> On 7 Apr 2008, at 12:17, Jean-Pierre wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to handle caracter one by one in a field.
>> If I use keyUp : caracter was missing when user type rapidly.
>> If I use keyDown : accentued caracter such â,ê,ï was missing.
>> What can I do ?
> Revs international char support in keyUp/down is... sub optimal. I 
> suggest to use rawkeydown or rawkeyup until they update the other 
> ones, but of course that'll be a lot of additional work for you.

And it also doesn't work properly (at least on a Mac). If you type 
option-u, then "o" in order to get an "o" with an umlaut, you (a) don't 
get any rawKeyDown message when you type option-u, (b) when you type 
the "o" you get the o with the umlaut in the field you're typing in, 
but the rawKeyUp message returns "117" for the "u" you typed, and then 
another rawKeyUp of "111" for the "o", and finally (c) you can't 
prevent the user from entering accented characters into a field - 
normally if you trap rawKeyDown or rawKeyUp and don't pass it, you 
won't get anything entered in the field. But accented characters bypass 
this and display automatically.

I just entered this into RQCC:

Ken Ray
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Re: 2.9 - Pasting from Excel

2008-03-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 13:56:12 -0400, Bill Marriott wrote:

> I'm pleased to report this issue has been fixed for Revolution 2.9!

Whoops! I just logged another bug in a similar vein; I'll verify it 
against the next RC to make sure it's fixed.

Don't know if you want to mark 6297 as a dupe of 6269 since I'm not 
seeing any image data in the clipboard in my tests, but that's up to 
you, Bill.

Ken Ray
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Re: 2.9 - Pasting from Excel

2008-03-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:30:11 -0700, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Bill Marriott wrote:
>> Appears to be a problem on Windows only.
> Has it been determined yet whether the delimiters are absent, or just 
> another character other than tab such as NULL?

Good question - I tested this on XP SP2 running Rev 2.8.1 with Excel 
2002 and it worked fine; however when I try the same thing with Rev 2.9 
RC4, it doesn't work. I also get different lengths when checking the 
clipboardData["text"]. So something definitely changed between the two 

I've logged this as a bug:

Ken Ray
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Re: Prevents all Windows to be shown when uniconifying the Revolution IDE.

2008-03-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:22:37 +0200, GIRARD Damien wrote:

> Also, does there is a way to prevent the showInvisibles property to 
> be set to true for some stack? (If no, I can use a trick that simply 
> push all invisible objects to an hidden part of the stack).

Not as far as I know - it's application-wide. So pushing invisible 
objects off the stack if you intend on giving your users the 
'showInvisibles' ability is a good idea.

Ken Ray
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Re: [ANN] GLX Application Framework

2008-03-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 09:38:02 -0400, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> Today I'm announcing the GLX Application Framework. 

Congratulations, Trevor! Looks like a great way to get a jumpstart on 
building apps.

> Thanks to Daniels & Mara for the use of the GLX name. I think it is 
> much cooler than anything else I could think of. Jerry has created 
> tools that help Revolution developers be far more productive and 
> hopefully this framework will help do the same. GLX2 is the must-have 
> script editor for Revolution developers and is available at 

Does the App Framework work without GLX2? Also, do you know if it works 
with the MetaCard IDE, or is it dependent on the Revolution IDE?

Once again - great job, Trevor!


Ken Ray
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Re: San Diego?

2008-03-21 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:15:45 -0700, Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:

> Someone told me a Revolution consulting company was in San Diego (they
> thought it was Sons of Thunder, but apparently not) - anyone know?

Yes, Sons of Thunder used to be in San Diego for a brief period of time 
while I was working for Allegiant Technologies (the SuperCard guys back 
then). But both STS and I are now in Wisconsin...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: text speeds are good

2008-03-17 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:54:36 -0400, Colin Holgate wrote:

> Is there something analogous to var += in Rev, that would make for 
> faster concatenating in simpler cases?

Not AFAIK... I used Richard Gaskin's benchmarking tool (RevBench) and 
compared the "put ... after t" with "put t & ... into t" and just that 
statement, run 50,000 times showed that the "put...after" format took 2 
ticks (about 33ms) to do all 50,000 executions (0.4 ticks (0.000667 
ms) per execution) and the "put ... into" took 4378 ticks to run 
(0.08756 ticks (1.459333ms) per execution). So I think "put after" is 
about as fast as Rev's going to get...

Ken Ray
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Re: Just in case I haven't mentioned it...

2008-03-17 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 12:41:50 -0500, David Coker wrote:

> Fast forward:
> In two short weeks of limited/part time coding with Rev and the help
> of the good folks here on the list, I can already see the light at the
> end of the tunnel. What an amazing product and group of people!

Congratulations, David! I'm glad you've been so productive; that's one 
of the great benefit of Rev! (And of this list, too!)

Ken Ray
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Re: why XHTML cannot be parsed with RevXML ?

2008-03-17 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:23:01 -0300, Andre Garzia wrote:

> I use XHTML with Revolution all the time. Many CGIs and tools we use
> at HimalayanAcademy.Com are a combination of XHTML templates and
> Revolution. I use Ken Rays stsXML Library 2.0 for it supports unicode
> better than RevXML. It is slower but I think it is worth it every cpu
> cycle.

Thanks for the plug, Andre!

Actually I ran your example in the STS XML Library and it extracted the 
data just fine. If you don't have a huge amount of XML to parse (it can 
handle up to a thousand or so nodes pretty handily), you might want to 
give it a try for this 
> The thing is that your XHTML must be a valid honest XHTML with no
> transitional things mixing HTML and XHTML. One thing that will trigger
> trouble in STS XML Lib is ampersands inside attributes, which is
> common in XHTML forms and links that target CGIs with params. To solve
> this, I escape the ampersands and replace them later.

Actually, this has been fixed; the current version (2.0) lets you turn 
off validation, so you can have the ampersands unescaped in attributes, 
and it'll work just fine.


Ken Ray
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Re: why XHTML cannot be parsed with RevXML ?

2008-03-15 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:54:05 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> Paolo - from memory the issue is not that you cannot parse valid XHTML with
> Revs XML externals, rather that Revs native htmltext is not valid XML and
> therefore cannot be parsed using Revs XML externals! Strange but true.
> However from memory the problem is caused by html entities not being escaped
> in htmltext and breaking the XML parsing. You can get around this by
> replacing the htmltext enitities with XML compliant ones.
> You should not have any problems with valid XHTML though.

Right, that's my understanding as well... the main issue for XML 
parsers is that a lot of HTML is not compliant - for example using a 
single  instead of . This leaves an open tag without a 
closing tag. Now if it is *valid* XHTML, you *should* be able to parse 
the tags with XML parsing tools (Rev's included). Can you provide an 
example of compliant XHTML syntax that doesn't parse? Just curious...

Ken Ray
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Re: Repeat variable name changing

2008-03-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 08 Mar 2008 13:52:38 +, Jim Hamlyn wrote:

> on mouseUp
>   put fld "StartTime" into tTime1
>   convert tTime1 to dateItems
>   add fld "Add" to item 5 of tTime1
>   put tTime1 into tTime2
>   add fld "Add" to item 5 of tTime2
>   put tTime2 into tTime3
>   add fld "Add" to item 5 of tTime3
>   convert tTime1 to time
>   put tTime & ":" & Tab before line 1 of fld "myField"
> etc

So the idea is to put the time and a tab before each line in the field 
after adding the duration to the StartTime? If that's the case, you can 

on mouseUp
  put fld "myField" into tNames
  put fld "StartTime" into tTime
  convert tTime to dateItems
  add fld "Add" to item 5 of tTime
  convert tTime to time
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of tNames
put (tTime & ":" & tab) before line x of tNames
  end repeat
  put tNames into fld "myField"
end mouseUp


Ken Ray
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Re: select rectangle area

2008-03-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 2 Mar 2008 00:04:04 +0100, R. Hillen wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to select in an application an rectangle area of an image by 
> dragging the mouse from one edge to another, whereby the selected 
> rectangle is visualized.
> As I have no idea how to do it, all tips are welcome! May you help?
> Thank you!

Try this:

- Create a rectangle graphic (I'll call it "SelectRect") that is not 
opaque, and has the line style you want for the "selection rectangle" 
(like a blue single line border perhaps). It doesn't matter where you 
create it, or what it overlaps - it only matters that it is in front of 
the image.

- Hide the rectangle graphic (hide grc "SelectRect")

- Put this script into the image object:

on mouseDown
  set the uStartLoc of me to the mouseLoc
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
  if the uStartLoc of me <> "" then
put the uStartLoc of me & ","  & the mouseLoc into tRect
set the rect of grc "SelectRect" to tRect
if the vis of grc "SelectRect" is false then show grc "SelectRect"
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  set the uStartLoc of me to ""
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  set the uStartLoc of me to ""
end mouseRelease

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Archiving Eudora?

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:46:15 -0800, Stephen Barncard wrote:

> Yes, I know I could make one, I've done Eudora email parsing before 
> in HC, but if an app has already been done, it would be worth it.

Check out:


Ken Ray
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Re: Machine() reports unknown...

2008-02-09 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 12:38:09 -0500, David Flanders wrote:

> Hi,
> just tested machine() in the message box and it returned "unknown".  
> Any help?

Well, if this is OS X, you can use shell() to get the data (you need to 
parse it a little though). Here's something to get you started:

  put shell("system_profiler SPHardwareDataType") into field 1


Ken Ray
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Re: Escaping shell script paths (was: Photo Processing , Gallery and IPTC Data app)

2008-02-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 18:52:28 +1000, Ian Wood wrote:

> Oops. Just discovered that the above function doesn't cope with file 
> paths that contain any kind of quote mark.
> The following function should work better, escaping characters rather 
> than putting quote marks around the whole path.

Here's the function I use, which works for both Mac and Windows:

function stsFormatPath pPath,pPlatform
  -- assumes a full "/"-delimited path
  switch pPlatform
  case "MacOSX"
  case "Unix"
put "\" & space & quote & "'`<>!;()[]?#$^&*=" into tSpecialChars
repeat for each char tChar in tSpecialChars
  replace tChar with ("\" & tChar) in pPath
end repeat
  case "Win32"
set the itemDel to "/"
put item -1 of pPath into tFile
put "\/:*?" & quote & "<>|" into tSpecialChars
repeat for each char tChar in tSpecialChars
  replace tChar with ("-") in tFile
end repeat
put tFile into item -1 of pPath
replace "/" with "\" in pPath
  end switch
  return pPath
end stsFormatPath

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Determine which control is being focused on in focusOut message?

2008-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 11:31:33 -0500, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> What I'm hoping to do is determine when the focusedObject is moving 
> from a control within a group to a control outside of the group from 
> within the focusOut message. What I'm doing is showing a toolbar 
> while any object in a particular group has focus. Once focus leaves 
> the group the toolbar disappears.  While I have a solution working 
> the code could be a little cleaner.

How about just checking the 'owner' property on the control you're 
going to in comparison to the one you're coming from? If  the owner of 
the control is the card, it's not in the group... ?

Ken Ray
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Re: Rev cgi vs. php

2008-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:54:57 +0100, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> Transcript (now Revolution, formerly also MetaTalk) is the language. 
> RunRev is the IDE. 

A minor correction... "Revolution" is both the IDE application AND the 
language, "Runtime Revolution" ("RunRev") is the company name. And as 
Robert pointed out, the prior name for the language ever since RunRev 
acquired it was "Transcript", and prior to RunRev acquiring the 
application from MetaCard Corporation, it was "MetaTalk".

> The script limits can be seen as a business model. VisualWorks has no 
> limits but you pay royalties for any commercial products made with 
> it. RunRev has no royalties but puts script limit restriction into 
> standalones so you can't make another RunRev IDE and use it for free.

Exactly, and personally I'd rather not pay any royalties for products I 


Ken Ray
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Re: OpenStack and preOpenStack not taken into account

2008-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:20:37 +0100, Eric Chatonet wrote:

> Hi all,
> I remember that several times some complained about openStack or 
> preOpenstack handlers that were not sent when double-clicking a stack 
> icon or using drag and drop on Rev app icon.
> I was confronted to the same problem today (Rev 2.8.1) and found that 
> if script debug mode was off when Rev launches, openStack and 
> preOpenstack were not sent.

This is just an IDE-related situation, and doesn't affect standalones, 
right, Eric?

Ken Ray
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Re: This has to be easy! Tell a program not to open a file

2008-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:09:33 -0600, Arthur Rann wrote:

> Hi,
> We have users forcing documents from one of our apps to be opened in another
> of our apps by using the right click in Windows. Is there a way to make a
> Rev based program only allow one type of document to be opened (this is on
> Windows)?

This all has to do with "document associations". The file's extension 
connects to the application that controls it. Here's some info on that 
and how to change things:


Ken Ray
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Re: Determine which control is being focused on in focusOut message?

2008-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:13:50 -0500, Trevor DeVore wrote:

> Hi,
> Anybody know of a way to determine what control is being focused on 
> in the focusOut message of the previously focused control?
> For example, if an image was currently focused and then the user 
> clicks on a field I would like to know the reference to that field in 
> the focusOut message of the image. My current workaround is to fire 
> off a message in focusOut using send in time. This does work but is 
> not ideal in all circumstances.

Well, the only other thing I can think of is to keep track in a custom 
property/global/etc. of each object that gets the focusIn message, and 
then send a message to the previous object. But keep in mind that an 
unlocked field won't get a 'focusIn' , so you'd need to do the same 
thing for 'openField'. Something like a frontscript (unless you're not 
trapping focusIn/openField) that is:

on focusIn
  if the uLastFocusedObj of this stack is not empty then
send "NewFocus" && (the long id of the target) to \
  (the uLastFocusedObj of this stack)
  end if
  set the uLastFocusedObj of this stack to \
  the long id of the target 
  pass focusIn
end focusIn

on openField
  if the uLastFocusedObj of this stack is not empty then
send "NewFocus" && (the long id of the target) to \
  (the uLastFocusedObj of this stack)
  end if
  set the uLastFocusedObj of this stack to \
  the long id of the target 
  pass openField
end openField

And of course, don't forget to clear the custom prop (if you store the 
flag that way) when your stack opens (or just don't ever save the 
stack). Other than that, I can't think of a way to do it other than a 
"send", since the 'focusOut'/'closeField'/'exitField' message is sent 
to the "old" object BEFORE the 'focusIn' is sent to the "new" object.

Ken Ray
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Re: [ANN] Movie Finder Demo Posted

2008-01-30 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 02:48:38 -0800, Scott Rossi wrote:

> To view the stack, execute the following in your message box:
>go url "";

Sweet, Scott! I'm always looking up movies in my area, so this will 
come in handy...


Ken Ray
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Re: Fixed Width Fonts #2

2008-01-28 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:56:56 -0800, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Yes, I think this is right.  I don't believe formatted-anything returns a
> useful measurement unless you query a physical control on a card.  At least,
> this has been my experience in the past.

That's so wierd! I just reopened the stack I was using, ran the code 
again, and it returned all the fonts... but when I was testing it 
earlier, it actually returned the proper list!  A real head-scratcher!

Sorry about that...

Ken Ray
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Re: Fixed Width Fonts #2

2008-01-28 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:13:50 -0800, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Here's what I ran from a button on a card (I removed your object/global
> references to simplify the test):

Scott, I modified the code to not need to use fields at all (I'm using 
the templateField), and I discovered a speed increase (at least on my 
machine). When I ran your code I got about 5 seconds (initially), and 
then it was almost instantaneous the next time I ran it (I changed your 
code to track milliseconds instead of seconds and it was 9ms).

When I changed the code to use the templateField (see below), it took 
786ms after a cold start of Rev, and then also only 9ms afterwards. I 
have two versions below - one that doesn't assume that the 
templateField is being used later on by Rev for some other purpose, and 
one that resets it back to its prior state - the second one only took a 
couple of ms longer on the first pass (

-- Resets templateField to the "factory version" when done:
on mouseUp
  put the fontnames into vAvailableFonts
  sort lines of vAvailableFonts
  put the milliseconds into S
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of vAvailableFonts
set the text of the templateField to "i"
set the textfont of the templateField to line x of vAvailableFonts
put the formattedWidth of the templateField into w1
set the text of the templateField to "w"
set the textfont of the templateField to line x of vAvailableFonts
put the formattedWidth of the templateField into w2

if w1 = w1 then
  put line x of vAvailableFonts &return after temp
end if

  end repeat
  reset the templateField
  put the milliseconds - S & cr & cr & temp
end mouseUp

-- Carefully restores the templateField to its previous state when done:
on mouseUp
  put the fontnames into vAvailableFonts
  sort lines of vAvailableFonts
  put the milliseconds into S
  put the text of the templateField into tOldText
  put the textFont of the templateField into tOldFont
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of vAvailableFonts
set the text of the templateField to "i"
set the textfont of the templateField to line x of vAvailableFonts
put the formattedWidth of the templateField into w1
set the text of the templateField to "w"
set the textfont of the templateField to line x of vAvailableFonts
put the formattedWidth of the templateField into w2

if w1 = w1 then
  put line x of vAvailableFonts &return after temp
end if

  end repeat
  set the text of the templateField to tOldText
  set the textFont of the templateField to tOldFont
  put the milliseconds - S & cr & cr & temp
end mouseUp

Best thing is - it doesn't use an actual field object, so it could be 
wrapped up in a library function...


Ken Ray
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Re: another question about finding duplicates

2008-01-27 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 17:01:46 -0200, Andre Garzia wrote:

> This will process each line, putting them into another variable, if
> the line is already there it will move to the next line. It might be
> faster than Klaus approach since it is one loop only and less
> commands. 

True on both counts, but for large data sets it's likely to be 
slower... this is because of the line "if tEntry is in tDestinyData", 
which is going to cause the engine to start at the top and search 
through the entire data set before it concludes whether it found a 
match or not.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. ;-)

Ken Ray
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Re: check for a CD

2008-01-24 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:57:34 -0700, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> The single-user version of our software comes with media content on a 
> series of CDs. Things have been working pretty well, except in a case 
> where a user might have more than one CD drive (we're talking Windows 
> only here). I have written a routine that scans through each 
> available drive looking for our CD. The problem is, if there is no CD 
> in the drive(s) at all, a "no disk" error, generated by Windows, pops 
> up. This error will appear for each drive that does not have a CD in 
> it. My question is, is there some way to suppress this error? I'm 
> simply using a "if there is a file" type of check to determine if our 
> CD is in one of the drives. Is there some other method available to 
> me? A command line utility perhaps?

Well, you can use VBScript to do this, but since it calls on the 
FileSystemObject, it may trigger antivirus/anti-spyware utilities like 
Norton. I ended up writing a VB-based DLL, and then registering it and 
calling it from VBScript to get around this. If you're interested in 
either the VBScript or the DLL, let me know.

I also had an old tip for a command-line app called DriveReady 
(originally it was for checking the existence of floppy disks):

Don't know if it works for CDs though...

How old an OS do you need to support? Can it be XP or Vista, or do you 
need to support older systems?

Ken Ray
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Re: Hierarchical Menus

2008-01-20 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:39:39 -0800, Stephen Barncard wrote:

> The best way to make the actual controls you really need is to make 
> them from scratch -- then they can do anything you want. And it's not 
> as hard as you might think. All a combobox is - is a popupMenu 
> coupled with a field in a group and some logic.
> I ran into the same stumbling block a couple of years ago, just 
> before the last Revcon (I miss you guys) and then attended a 
> performance by the amazing Ken Ray, who showed how to 'think out of 
> the box' when it comes to making controls.   

Thanks for the kind words, Stephen! In fact I ran into the same issue 
and merged a field with an option button in a group and made my own 
"combobox"... lets me put checkboxes next to items, full formatting on 
the field, etc.

> I wish you could see his 
> demonstration online - he's probably saving it and more for the 
> upcoming conference in Las Vegas. 

I may end up doing a voiceover and putting it up on my site; as to Las 
Vegas, you'll have to just wait and see... ;-)

> I was quite inspired to come up 
> with my own solution, even before I left the conference that week!
> my only graphics, the button, is just a screenshot of the combobox 
> button and stretched out and a round rectangle and the rest are stock 
> fields, and an invisible button.
> there are three of these, side by side, in the application.

Nicely done, Stephen!

Ken Ray
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Re: A SuperCard project opener ???

2008-01-20 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:49:13 + (GMT), Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> Mark Schonewille pointed to
> which is super as far as it goes, BUT:
> it presupposes that one owns a copy of SuperCard,
> and,
> only copes with  version 3.6 or earlier.
> I am unclear as to how far SuperTalk (???) has
> diverged from HyperTalk:
> but am aware that the SuperCard developers 'split'
> with HyperCard before later versions of HC.

The file format is totally different, so there's no way for Rev to be 
able to directly read an SC project without someone doing a bunch of 
reverse engineering (if it's possible). Personally I have had to do a 
small handful of SC-to-MC/Rev conversions over the years, and each time 
I've tried RunRev's converter it never worked for me, so I wrote my own 
(it's not comprehensive but did the jobs I needed it to. However it 
also assumes you have a copy of SC (although perhaps the SC Player 
might do the trick) to output the structure/scripts/etc. to XML format 

Ken Ray
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Re: docs

2008-01-18 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 20:57:00 -0800, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

> I cant speak for runrev but supercard docs leave the user 
> reverse enginering for dollars.

Sorry, Randall, but I don't understand what you mean by this... can you 
clarify? (Just trying to understand the phrase "reverse engineering for 

Ken Ray
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Re: importing a bunch of files

2008-01-18 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:51:13 -0800, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

> Thanks richard.  I would have thnked you off line but this samsung 
> blackjack of mine is a minefield of hopelessness... It stuck me here 
> so here i am.  Looks like rev does lots of things SC doesnt, what 
> about the other way around?

Apart from Richard's post, here's my take on what SC does that Rev 
doesn't (yet ;-) :

- SC has more flexibility with manipulating embedded imagedata 
(pictureData) than Rev (for example, you can pan, zoom, etc., 
especially now with 'quads'), but Rev lets you address and change 
individual pixels/alpha levels of an image. 

- IMHO, SC handles "larger-than-the-card" stacks (windows) much more 
fluidly than Rev - simply set the backSize of a window to something 
larger than the size of the window, and you're done... and scrolling 
windows as a window style let you move around this area more easily. 
You can do the same things in Rev, it just takes more work and more 

- SC 4.5 added a lot better field manipulation with rulers, 
per-paragraph alignment, etc.

 - I think that they're online language guide (SC Help) is better 
structured and easier to use, but that's not really SC itself (but I 
just thought I'd mention it).

I'm sure there's a handful of other items, but those are my top 3 (or 
4) places where SC does things Rev doesn't (or not as easily). 

Ken Ray
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Re: importing a bunch of files

2008-01-18 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:19:44 -0800, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

> Richard,
> In your script, it appears that a custom prop is dynamically declared 
> just by setting it's value?  Is this all you have to do?  In 
> SuperCard, one has to specifically declare a "user" property with a 
> "define" statement before ever setting it's value.  Otherwise it 
> doesn't know if you are declaring a var or a prop... how does Rev do 
> this (oh, maybe it is the use of "set")?

That's correct, Randall - you only need to "set" to both define and set 
the value of a custom property. Plus Rev has custom property *sets* as 
well, so you can keep arrays of data in custom properties.


  set the age of fld 1 to 10  
  -- defines and sets 'age' custom prop

  set the scores["Ken"] of me to 75 
  -- defines the custom property set "scores" with one 
  -- key (element) called "Ken" and sets its value to 75
  set the scores["Randall"] of me to 90
  -- adds another key to "scores"

  put the keys of scores
  --> Ken


Ken Ray
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Re: OT: Anyone know of a way to lock the Dock in Leopard?

2008-01-08 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:55:41 -0600, Derek Bump wrote:

> I need the ability to lock the icons in the Dock in Leopard.  
> Something that will now allow the user to add/remove icons from it.  
> Anyone know of anything?

Not that I know of, AFAIK to do something like that would require a 
third party launcher (or build your own), and then hide the Dock. But 
it it does make me curious - why would you want to lock the Dock? 

Ken Ray
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Re: tapping into finder events

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Ray
> Any ideas?  The AppleEvents architecture would be idea for this...
> but sadly, apple does not make the Finder AppleEvent compliant (it
> doesn't send events).  ??

The only thing I know about so far is FSLogger:

... and it is meant more for learning about what's going on than 
tapping into the events themselves for third-party use (read the 
"Caveat" section on the page for more info).

Ken Ray
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Re: standalones again -- problems

2008-01-05 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 21:13:00 -0500, Peter Brigham wrote:

> And, any ideas, anyone, on the non-response of the option-menu in Windows?

Sure, here's my thoughts on this:

> 3. I have an option list (a menu button of style "option") as a 
> navigation tool. On the Mac build, clicking on it drops down the list 
> of recipes; selecting a recipe from the list sends you to that card, 
> and typing a letter moves the hilited line to the first recipe 
> starting with that letter. Also, hitting  is equivalent to 
> clicking the currently-hilited line, again requiring no scripting, 
> and the scrollwheel (or two-finger dragging on the Mac trackpad) 
> scrolls the list as necessary, again no scripting needed, and up and 
> down arrowkeys move the hilited line (no scripting). AFAIK this is 
> expected behavior and is built into the way the option-menu works. 

Yes, this is the expected behavior, with some minor 
adjustments/clarifications (this is checking VB6 and VB 2005 Express - 
to see if anything's changed over the years):

- On Windows, in order to use the scroll wheel you need to either (a) 
*not* have the menu dropped and you need to have the mouse over the 
drop down menu (which will basically act like an arrow up/arrow down 
and select the next item for each "tick" of the scroll wheel), or (b) 
if you have more lines than will display (i.e. more lines than the 
'menuLines' property in Rev), using the scroll wheel will scroll the 
list that is dropped down, and will not actually select any of the 
items in the menu.

- On the Mac, I can't get the scroll wheel to work at all with option 
menus (are you sure this is something you're able to do, or am I 
missing something?).

- On both platforms, hitting the Escape key will close the menu and not 
select anything.

> The Win option-menu is not fully functional: the list appears OK, and 
> you can scroll it by dragging the scrollbar (not present on the Mac, 
> BTW), and clicking on a line takes you to the correct card, but the 
> scrollwheel does nothing (though it works with scrolling fields), and 
>  does nothing, and typing a letter on the keyboard does 
> nothing, and arrowkeys do nothing. Also, the current recipe is not 
> hilited when the menu drops down (it is on the Mac) although this is 
> scripted by setting the menuhistory on mousedown.

OK, some of the items you mention above *should* be working, and other 
are legitimate limitations of Rev's implementation of "option menus" on 
Windows. Here's the scorecard (I'm comparing this to 2.9dp3, the 
"latest and greatest"):

What Should Be Working For You

Note that this is with the default options (that means 
"traversalOn=false", btw, so "menu dropped" below means clicking on the 
option button with the mouse):

   With menu dropped:
   - arrow keys should navigate among the items
   - hitting the Enter key (Return on Macs) or the Keypad Enter 
should select the currently highlighted item, close the menu, and set 
the label of the button to the highlighted item
   - If you drop down the menu after having selected an item with 
the keyboard, the currently selected item is shown with a dotted box, 
but is not actually highlighted
   - hitting Escape should close the menu without a selection

   With menu closed:
   - Clicking on the "label" part of the menu (i.e. not on the 
dropdown arrow) will display the menu; clicking it again will dismiss 
the menu.

What Is Not Working/Is A Bug in Rev's Implementation
   With menu dropped:
   - Home/End/PageUp/PageDown keys don't change the currently 
highlighted item
   - If you drop down the menu after having selected an item with 
the keyboard, the currently selected item is shown with a dotted box, 
but is not actually highlighted; if you then choose another item with 
the mouse, and then drop the menu down again, the PREVIOUS ITEM (the 
one selected with the keyboard) has the dotted box. [Bug]

   With menu closed:
- Scroll wheel doesn't flip between items, even if the mouse is 
over the button.
- Clicking on the "dropdown arrow" part of the menu (i.e. not 
on the "label" part) will display the menu; clicking it again DOES NOT 
dismiss the menu. [Bug]

There may be more to add to this, but these are the things I just 
tested. There was a bug (#1639) in Bugzilla that addressed some of 
these, but it's been marked as "Closed", so I'm going to open a new set 
of bugs for the items I mentioned above.

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
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Re: advice on a Rev-plus-internet setup (off-topic)

2008-01-05 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 13:07:47 +0200, viktoras didziulis wrote:

> Leaving an open port for remote access to any database would it be 
> MySQL or Postgress is considered a serious web server security breach 
> and most providers are aware about this. Besides your data would 
> never be secure on such an open system - anyone that is able to sniff 
> your password can drop all your tables, and do even more harm... 

That's true; the only thing I'd like to add here is that at least with 
MySQL (which I'm the most familiar with), when you set up who gets 
access to the database, you can also identify an IP address "mask" 
that's authorized; so if its for a select set of people who have static 
IPs, then you can fully restrict access to only those individuals; if 
they have dynamic IPs, you can provide a reasonably narrow range of 
access, and this is of course in addition to the login and password 
into the database. For the clients I've been working with over the last 
4 years, we've only had one unauthorized access (and that was because 
the 'root' user was accidentally left without an IP address 

This is of course with a direct "Rev-on client" to 
"mySQL-DB-on-remote-server" implementation. As Viktoras suggested, a 
more secure way is to relay (regardless of database backend). 

Just my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
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Re: [ANN][OT] FutureBASIC now FREE

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 10:12:17 +0800, Kay C Lan wrote:

>>> NOTE: MacTel not yet supported but supposedly forthcoming.
>> ...but note that FBtoC may sidestep that issue completely...
> Yeah, true,  I just didn't want any MacTel  only users thinking they could
> download and run this without reading the fine print. I mean let's face it,
> which Mac user reads the print, much less the fine print ;-)

Well, I don't know what you mean - I downloaded and opened it on my 
MacBook Pro (which is, of course, and Intel Mac) and was tooling around 
with it for a while before I saw your email... I don't know enough to 
write anything that will compile, but what exactly is not supposed to 
be working on Intel-based Macs?

Ken Ray
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Re: OT: MacBook randomly shuts down..

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 15:46:36 -0600, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Wow!  Thanks a bunch to all of you for the most helpful tips and fixes. Yes,
> I had already installed the firmware upgrade, but it didn't fix it. 

I found out the same thing... my firmware is installed, but it didn't 
fix it either.

> The funny thing is, sometimes it shuts off even when the AC is hooked
> up. I notice if I'm playing back video or doing anything remotely processor
> intensive, it gets worse. 

Exactly! My MBP is on AC all the time, and I get that too - especialy 
when I'm backing up (not a great time for a shutdown!).

> It can be really frustrating, in the middle of a Rev compile and kaput.
> Arggg!
> My Sony laptop is also Dual Core but doesn't seem to get as hot and in 2
> years of continual service everyday, has yet to shut down once.
> The only sure fire fix for now, is to completely remove the battery and run
> only on AC. 

Have you tried this? The reason I ask is that my understanding is that 
it's a logic board issue, not a battery issue. If that's really working 
for you, I'll try it myself and let you know if it works for me. But in 
the meantime the smcFanContol software was really saved my butt...

Ken Ray
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Re: Trashing a file in Windows

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 20:57:27 -0800 (PST), fioravantig wrote:

> Does anyone have a good method for moving files/folders to the Recycle Bin
> in Windows?

As opposed to truly deleting the file with "delete file..." right? Well 
AFAIK the only way to do that is by executing VBScript on Windows... 
here's the VBS code that worked for me (with caveats mentioned below):

Const RECYCLE_BIN = &Ha&
Const FILE_TO_MOVE = "C:\Temp\MyFile.txt"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set recycleFolder = objShell.NameSpace(RECYCLE_BIN)
recycleFolder.MoveHere FILE_TO_MOVE
WScript.Echo Err.Number

However although this works by putting it in a file and 2x-clicking it 
(you get "0" in the dialog box), if I try to write the code out to a 
file (let's say, "C:\Test.vbs") and execute it with:

  get shell("cscript.exe //nologo c:\Test.vbs")

I get no error (0 is returned), but the file is not moved to the 
Recycle Bin. I tried it in Rev 2.9 (which has built-in VBS support), 
and it *worked*, but the result was "execution error". And oddly, if I 
remove the "WScript.Echo" line from the script, and double-click the 
.vbs file, I get the same "no error, but doesn't move the file" problem.

This may have to do with security restrictions in Windows, but I've 
executed dozens of VBScripts by code in the past and this is the first 
one to behave this way. 

Any ideas, anyone? Or can anyone else test this and see if you get the 
same result?


Ken Ray
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Re: OT: MacBook randomly shuts down..

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 18:51:25 +1000, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2008 5:34 PM, Chipp Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My MacBook...about a year old or so, just randomly shuts down. 
>> Started about
>> a month ago, but I don't use it more than a couple of times a month. I'm
>> pretty sure it knows I hate it-- and that's why it's misbehaving. So, I
>> Googled "MacBook shuts off" and there's a huge amount of people out there
>> this is happening to. I'll go by an Apple store tomorrow and see if they
>> have any suggestions..but thought I would check here, as many of you
>> probably have MacBooks and may have gone through this.
> Hi Chipp,
> I'm surprised you didn't have this happening long ago, as it was a big
> thing for MacBooks at one stage. It was an issue with the temperature
> sensors. They are designed to shutdown the MacBook when the
> temperature gets too high, but there was a bug in the programming so
> they were shutting down randomly. At first it was thought to require a
> hardware fix, but after that, a firmware solution was released. Check
> for firmware updates and that should solve the problem.

Thanks, Sarah! Based on your email, I tracked down the SMC Firmware 
Update for my MacBook Pro 
hopefully that will fix it and I can remove smcFanControl!

Ken Ray
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Re: OT: MacBook randomly shuts down..

2008-01-04 Thread Ken Ray
On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 01:34:19 -0600, Chipp Walters wrote:

> My MacBook...about a year old or so, just randomly shuts down. Started about
> a month ago, but I don't use it more than a couple of times a month. I'm
> pretty sure it knows I hate it-- and that's why it's misbehaving. So, I
> Googled "MacBook shuts off" and there's a huge amount of people out there
> this is happening to. I'll go by an Apple store tomorrow and see if they
> have any suggestions..but thought I would check here, as many of you
> probably have MacBooks and may have gone through this.

Yes, in fact I've been going through this for the last three months 
with my MacBookPro... for a long time I couldn't tell from the various 
blogs I was reading exactly what the problem was until I ran Apple 
Hardware Test, and it pointed me to the fact that it has to do with the 
fans not turning on when they're supposed to, and the processor 
overheats and shuts off. I've DL'ed and am running smcFanControl 
(, and I haven't had it 
shutdown ever since I had it installed.  My understanding is that it's 
a logic board defect, and when I get a chance I'm going to get it 
fixed, but for now controlling the fans seems to be working.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: New User Doc Whine & What?

2008-01-03 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 13:51:16 -0600, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Ken Ray wrote:
>> 4) Turned out there was; the video downloaded and started to play, 
>> but I could only hear the audio; the area of the QT player didn't 
>> redraw and so I couldn't figure out what was going on (must be some 
>> bug with my system - I hope). 
> The videos require that the TechSmith Ensharpen codec is installed. 
> Rev offers to install it at the end of its normal installation cycle 
> but the user has the option to refuse. If you refuse, you'll hear 
> audio but won't see any video in the tutorials. You can either 
> re-install Rev and make sure you agree to the codec installation, or 
> you can grab the codec here and install it manually:
> <>

Ah, then perhaps Rev should detect if the codec was installed or not, 
and not provide the video options if it's not available? Or offer to 
re-install it? That would help a lot.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: New User Doc Whine & What?

2008-01-03 Thread Ken Ray
box" and get a hit, but it's of 
course only a definition with synonyms and not properties, etc. No help 

How about Search? After getting a notice about building databases  
(which I activate and wait until it's done), I did a search on 
"checkbox", which after a long search (took about a minute to complete 
on my MacBookPro) returned 54 related entries doing a "deep search" (it 
didn't return any with a Quick search). The first item in the list is 
"autoHilite", which looks like it might be right, but it's *close* to 
what I'm looking for, although it does state when I read through it: 
"When the button is highlighted, its hilite property is also set to 
true". Bingo!

OK... what did all of this tell me?

1) Search was the best way to go, but it took a long time to do a deep 
search, and I was lucky that the first item at the top of the list had 
my answer. 

2) The User Guide was useful, but I went down an (understandably) wrong 
path to get there. Even so, I had to extrapolate for myself that 
"hilite" was the property since it was only implicitly stated by the 
construct of the script lines and the explanation of what was going on.

3) The Glossary would seem to be a good place for getting a list of 
properties of objects and perhaps adding something simple to the root 
glossary entries for the different object types would help a lot. For 
example if "button" in the Glossary had a list of properties with a 
short one-line description of each property, and clicking the prop 
would link to the proper Dictionary page, that would be a "low hanging 
fruit" benefit to the user.

4) There definitely needs to be a faster way to get to the info, at 
least for basic things like determining what token to use to turn a 
checkbox on and off.

(Also, as a side note, the "Synonyms" for glossary items would make me 
thing I could use these in code somewhere, and of course I can't use 
button's or buttons' in script anywhere. BTW: What are the benefit of 
the Synonyms to the user?)

> A BNF of the language would be most helpful, does one exist?  Or 
> really any complete language reference.

Well, there's a BNF of HyperTalk 
(, which 
was the first xTalk language, several generations before Revolution - 
it might help in the interim. 

> Is there a message reference?  In the video about how to find 
> information, it shows (what seems to be) pre-2.8.1 documentation, and 
> just from the short clip, it looks like this documentation could help 
> somewhat (there was a short clip of a message reference too).  After 
> my open/closeStack default message passing incident,  I feel a sudden 
> need to know every message.

See my comment about the scripting conference stacks above.
> And just now, my variable watch window decided to not show most 
> variables.  Instead, it shows the variable names in the values. 

This happens when a variable has been used, but has not been defined to 
hold any value. This is because of Revolution's ability to coerce one 
thing into another without having to apply types to it, and sometimes 
without even providing quote marks.

For example, "put Ken into field 1" will put the string "Ken" into 
field 1 unless it has been declared as a variable with the "local" or 
"global" command, or if it has been assigned a value:

   put 10 into Ken
   put Ken into field 1

... will put 10 into field 1.

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] Universal Keyboard Option?

2008-01-03 Thread Ken Ray
On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 11:02:50 -0500, Troy Rollins wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2008, at 2:29 AM, Ken Ray wrote:
>> The only thing I've run into is that it seems to work better if a PC
>> running Windows is the server and Macs are the clients; although I'm
>> running it right now with a MacBookPro as a server, an old iMac and a
>> Windows XP PC as clients, and the only thing I'm running into is that
>> when I use the scroll wheel on my Logitech Revolution MX mouse, the
>> cursor jumps over to the PC. And since I use the scroll wheel a lot,
>> I've been running Synergy with boht Macs, and only launching the PC
>> client when I really need it. (But if that bug was fixed, I'd use it
>> for all three all the time.)
> FWIW I have never had any problems with it at all using the Mac as 
> the server and the PC as the client, including scroll wheel stuff. I 
> wouldn't be surprised if yours was a logitech issue.

That's good to know, Troy... I'll take it up with Logitech and see if I 
can get it resolved. It's a great mouse and I'd hate to have to 
"downgrade" to get the scroll wheel to work... :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: [OT] Universal Keyboard Option?

2008-01-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 23:08:53 -0800, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:
>> This is a bit old..but I built a GUI for Mac a couple of years ago for
>> Synergy..
> Very nice, thanks.
> Synergy is a good solution for multiple machines, though it hasn't been
> updated for a while (2006?).  Would be nice if the ability to copy bitmaps
> across clipboards was fixed, but otherwise it works well.

The only thing I've run into is that it seems to work better if a PC 
running Windows is the server and Macs are the clients; although I'm 
running it right now with a MacBookPro as a server, an old iMac and a 
Windows XP PC as clients, and the only thing I'm running into is that 
when I use the scroll wheel on my Logitech Revolution MX mouse, the 
cursor jumps over to the PC. And since I use the scroll wheel a lot, 
I've been running Synergy with boht Macs, and only launching the PC 
client when I really need it. (But if that bug was fixed, I'd use it 
for all three all the time.)

Anyway, that's my 2 cents,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Engelbart and Kay --was: Back to the Future with Hypercard

2008-01-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 03:16:53 +0100, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> First, I'd like to wish everybody on this list a Happy New Year.

Same to you, Mark!
> Bill, I know we both agree that HyperCard is great software and that 
> Revolution is capable of much more than HyperCard. If I take your 
> list literally, however, I believe that most features on your list 
> were available in HyperCard one way or another. I'm also a little 
> supprised by some of the features you include in the list, because 
> they don't work in Revolution the way I would expect them to.
> Without going into details, I'd like to go through your list and 
> comment on each item. Please be aware that I don't mean to be 
> offensive and I have no desire to start an endless discussion.

I read your responses, and the first thing I did was perform the same 
comparisons you did relative to my personal experience with HC since I 
stood in line to get a box the first day it was released in my area... 
the funny thing is that most of the things you mention you didn't need 
were things I longed for in the stacks I was building, or had to have 
some extraordinary workaround to accomplish the goals I was targeting.

Not to belittle any of your comments, or the genius of the people who 
built HyperCard - quite the opposite - the point is that HyperCard (and 
the other xTalks that followed, including Revolution), were/are used by 
a wide variety of people with a diverse set of experiences, markets, 
needs, and desires. So while we may have opposite opinions of where Rev 
falls compared to HC, I respect your opinion nonetheless. 

As to how much better/worse/the same Rev is in comparison to HC, while 
it would be a n interesting roundtable discussion, the only thing I can 
say is "your mileage may vary" (YMMV).


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Sheep Shaver & XCMDs

2008-01-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 04:47:28 -0800, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Right this minute I don't even remember what the difference(s) 
> between Type 1 and Type 2 "is/are". 

Well "Type 1" were the earliest forms of externals (like most of the 
Rinaldi externals); "Type 2" were externals written basically after HC 
2.0 was released, and were of a different format that Rev can't use.

> BTW, my externals are not just simple little ditties; each one does a 
> lot, often maxing-out the 32k limit.

Understood. I used to do external development with Compile-It back in 
the day as well, so I know what you mean. And if you're only concerned 
about OS 9, then you should be able to use those Compile-It externals 
in Rev (if I recall correctly Compile-It externals were all Type 1).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Date Format?

2008-01-02 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 13:26:11 +, Dave wrote:

> I have a date string in the following format:
> Sunday, July 13, 2003 03:07:32
> And I need it in this format:
> 2007-03-13T18:01:31Z
> Is there a function to do this? If not does anyone if there is any 
> documentation on the latter format?

There is not a built in function to do it (that is there's no "date 
format" built in), but you can parse it like this:

on mouseUp
  put ReformatDate("Sunday, July 13, 2003 03:07:32") into tNewDate
  -- etc.
end mouseUp

function ReformatDate pDate
  convert pDate to dateItems
  put (item 1 of pDate) & "-" & PZ(item 2 of pDate) & "-" & \
PZ(item 3 of pDate) & "T" & PZ(item 4 of pDate) & ":" &  \
PZ(item 5 of pDate) & ":" & PZ(item 6 of pDate) & "Z" into tVal
  return tVal
end ReformatDate

function PZ pNum   -- PZ means "Pad Zeroes"
  return format("%02d",pNum)
end PZ

Although the above code is a lot easier to understand, it is a bit 
longer than you need. You can also do it with a more extensive use of 
the format() function and judicious use of a quoting function ("q") 
many of us have used:

function ReformatDate pDate
  convert pDate to dateItems
  put "%s-%02s-%02sT%02d:%02d:%02dZ" into tFormat
  do "return format(" & q(tFormat) & "," & (item 1 to 6 of pDate) & ") "
end ReformatDate

function q pWhat
  return quote & pWhat & quote
end q


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [OT] Universal Keyboard Option?

2008-01-01 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 01 Jan 2008 17:39:55 -0800, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Hi List:
> Not completely off topic... I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation for
> using a single keyboard in a Mac/Win cross platform setup -- in other words,
> using one keyboard for data entry on two different computers (Mac/Win).  I
> seem to recall hearing about some solution many years ago that would handle
> this, but can't recall what it was.
> (BTW, I'm not looking for a KVM switch to switch between 2 systems, but
> rather a software or hardware solution that allows one keyboard to enter
> data on either system.)
> Any suggestions?

Well, if it was just Macs, you could try ScreenRecycler 
(, and if it was just PCs, you 
could use MaxiVista ( But for mixed OSes, 
you can use Synergy ( - supports 
Windows 95+, Mac OS X 10.2+, and Unix X11 rev 4+.

Haven't done much with it myself, but I understand that Synergy is 
really sweet...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Sheep Shaver & XCMDs

2008-01-01 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 22:36:11 -0800, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Ken,
> I, too, have a number of HC stacks that I wish to convert to 
> Revolution; however most of them use XCMDs and XFNs that I created 
> with Compile-it. They are all well tested, having been used by 
> businesses everyday for about 12 years. Do you know if they can be 
> used in Revolution stacks and then in the standalone?

Well, only if you are deploying to OS 9, and only if they were Type 1, 
not Type 2 XCMDs/XFCNs. That said, however, it is very rare that there 
is an external that I've run across where I couldn't encapsulate the 
same functionality using a custom Transcript function. And doing so 
would make it completely cross-platform and OS X compatible, so it is 
the best way to go, IMHO.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Sheep Shaver

2008-01-01 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 21:16:16 -0800, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Ken,
> I was looking at <> which was touted as 
> the Official Homepage. Apparently, I misread things, which would be 
> nice. 

Yes, I think it must be an old one - the page I have been working with 

> I suspect that if it works in Tiger, it'll probably work in 
> Leopard. Let's hope so. Thanks for your "how to guide".

My pleasure! I've need to use it to port old HyperCard stacks to Rev, 
and be able to see how the HC stack performed before I convert it.

It's a little buggy, but have been working pretty well for me when I've 
needed it.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Sheep Shaver

2008-01-01 Thread Ken Ray
On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 21:03:30 -0800, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> I was hoping for that, but their site says it doesn't work under OSX, 

Which site were you looking at?

> so I guess that means Leopard too.

SheepShaver *definitely* works under OSX (I've been running it in Tiger 
for a while now) - I haven't had a chance to test it in Leopard yet, 
but if you're interested, I wrote up a "how to" guide on getting it 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: [OT] Does Ken have a long lost brother

2007-12-26 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 14:57:39 +0800, Kay C Lan wrote:

> Does Ken Ray have a brother he doesn't know about? Or is it the son of a son
> of thunder?

I have a brother I *do* know about, and two sons, but none of them have 
that web site. :-)

> The logos, the fonts, the colours, and even the developer tools... so
> similar yet... different.

Perhaps they just liked my web site format...


> Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Hope you did as well!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Looking for inspiration

2007-12-19 Thread Ken Ray
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:29:48 -, Beynon, Rob wrote:

> I'm writing tools that bash their way through thousands of lines of 
> input text, and do some processing. 
> I'd like to have a progress indicator displayed (and indeed, live the 
> tm dials, in particular, that I just got for Xmas!).
> But, how does one write a routine to indicate progress without 
> imposing a penalty at each iteration? 

Richard Gaskin told me of a great way to do that, and the only 
"penalty" is knowing how many lines you're going to be dealing with 
*before* you get started. But assuming you know that, here's what you 

1) Create a progress bar with an endValue of 100 and startValue of 0.
2) Take the total number of lines that you're processing and divide it 
by 100 (rounding of course) to determine how many lines you need to 
process before you increment the progress bar by one (I call this the 
"progress chunk").
3) During processing, increment a counter variable for each line, and 
if " mod  = 0" then increment the progress bar.

Something like:

on ProcessData pData
  put the number of lines of pData into tMaxLines
  put round(tMaxLines/100) into tProgChunk
  put 0 into tCounter
  put 0 into tThumbPos
  repeat for each line tLine in pData
add 1 to tCounter
if tCounter mod tProgChunk = 0 then
  add 1 to tThumbPos
  set the thumbPos of sb "Progress" to tThumbPos
end if
-- process your data here
  end repeat
end ProcessData

Obviously you can "scale" this if the granularity you'd like to show is 
less than 1% of the overall total at a time, but I haven't really found 
a need for that...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: Menubar on Windows???

2007-12-17 Thread Ken Ray
On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:42:22 -0700, Devin Asay wrote:

> I have an extensive collection of "tutorials for beginners" on 
> various Rev topics that my colleagues and I have put together for our 
> beginning programming in Revolution course. Anyone in the Rev 
> community is welcome to access them. There is a tutorial on Menus is 
> Rev, among many others. Hope you find them useful.

Those are great, Devin! I knew you were teaching a course over at BYU 
but I didn't know you had this stuff available to the Rev community. 
Thanks a lot!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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RE: Caricature challenge

2007-12-17 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:36:22 -0800, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

> In supercard, if you set the "picturedata" of a polygon to an image's 
> path on disc, that image assumes the dimentions of the rectangle that 
> defines the smallest rectangle within which the polygon would fit.  

> Reshape the polygon and the image rectangle stretches likewise to fit 
> the new outer bounds of the new shaped polygon.  So, the image is 
> warped in height and width to fit the polygon, which isnt as good as 
> warping to fit the non-linear angular distotion of it's bounds as 
> might be achieved with the use of a quad, but in light of performance 
> it is in fact fast to fake this same overall effect through a grid of 
> interleaved triangles (so long as your grid is sufficiently fine).  I 
> found that the eye is pretty forgiving with image montage of fairly 
> low fedelity.
> Will someone do a quick trial with this pattern property and apply an 
> image to the content of a polygon to see if there is in fact no easy 
> way to make sure that the applied image always stretches in x and y 
> to fit the exact outer width and height of the polygon holding it?

I tried that, and there's no *easy* way AFAICT. The only thing I could 
think of would be to make it a multi-step process:

1) Take the original image (img "orig"), duplicate it (img "dupe") and 
lock its loc.
2) Set the rect of "dupe" to the same size as the polygon
3) Make a new image object (img "stretch") that has the same size as 
the copy.
4) Set the imageData of the "stretch" to the imageData of "dupe"
5) Set the backgroundPattern of the polygon to "stretch"

This of course couldn't happen dynamically in real time without 
stuttering, etc., especially on larger images. I miss SuperCard's 
manipulation of pictureData in Revolution (you can do all sorts of 
other things too like setting offsets, magnification etc.) - it would 
be a great addition to Rev...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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RE: Caricature challenge

2007-12-16 Thread Ken Ray
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 14:08:41 -0800, Randall Lee Reetz wrote:

> Well, yes you are correct... Tht would be ideal (as a mode)... But so 
> long as the crop is to the outer (and not the inner) rectangle bounds 
> of the polygon, then you can still get a good effect.  The more 
> triangles the better.. Remember that calculus is an average too!

Well, the docs say "The backgroundPattern of a graphic is displayed 
inside the graphic's border if the graphic's fill property is true." I 
don't know how that relates to your comment about the outer/inner 
bounds of the polygon, but if I am interpreting things correctly, it 
looks like it's dealing with the inner bound. There are workarounds as 
well that can aid in the distorting too, and keep in mind that (AFAIK) 
Rev displays the image through the polygon as if the polygon were 
situated in the upper-left corner of the image. I don't know of a way 
to adjust any offsets of the image within the polygon (for example to 
look at the center of an image using this approach, although there are 
other ways to get that effect without using backgroundPatterns...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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