How download revolution 2.9 beta ?

2007-12-19 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

Hello !

I sign up for the beta test of revolution 2.9, two weeks ago at
I've only received the "Welcome to the Revolution Beta Test Program"  

No news since...

It's a "bug" or it's normal ?

Thanks. I want to profit from my holidays to test this new version.

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Re: Revbrowser & Standalone

2007-11-29 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

I've understood why the browser doen't display in my standalone :  
i've a backdrop

It's seem the browser doesn't display anything if there is a backdrop.

I've already submit this bug with revzilla.

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Protect zip file with a password ?

2007-09-07 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT


It is possible to protect a zip file (created with revzip) with a  
password ?

Thanks !

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Re: Accessing files on CD drives under Windows

2007-09-06 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

Le 29 nov. 06 à 17:38, Geir A. Myrestrand a écrit :

Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

Anybody know how I can find the Volume Names on all the PC devices,
as is possible on the Mac, so I can access my CD files ?

You can use the "list volume" command in diskpart:


Microsoft DiskPart version 5.1.3565

Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Microsoft Corporation.
On computer: STINKPAD

DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  LabelFs TypeSize  
Status Info
  --  ---  ---  -  --  ---   

  Volume 0 D   Linux Devic  CDFS   DVD-ROM  307 MB
  Volume 1 C   IBM_PRELOAD  NTFS   Partition 71 GB  Healthy  


How use these commands with Rev to get the list ?
this script :
put shell("Diskpart"&cr&"list volume" doesn't work (diskpart seem  

Thanks !

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Qt Externals and long filename

2007-05-31 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT


Qt external seem to not work with filename > 32 chars (MacOS X)

"qterr,Unable to open movie" (with qtSaveMovieSnapShotToFile)

But perhaps there is a workaround ?

I want to display thumbnails from a folder of pictures and with QT  
external this is faster than do the same with Revolution only.


Rev. 2.6.1 - MacOS X 10.4

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the selectedChunk on windows

2006-06-29 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT


Why this work on macos X and not on windows (the selectedchunk is  
empty) :
i've a fld and a button. When i select a text on the fld and i click  
on the button i need to "get the selectedchunk" of the fld in the  
mouseup handler.

Work on macos x not on windows.

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Import an (basic) excel file ?

2006-02-21 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT


It is possible to import an excel file (basic, just a table without  
any functions, colors, borders...) in rev ?

Someone wrote a stack for this ?

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Re: revDeleteFolder and Lessons Learned..

2005-07-08 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

Why not use something like this (here, for MacOS X) :

put specialFolderPath("Desktop") into trashFolder
set the itemDel to "/"
put ".Trash/" into last item of trashFolder
rename folder tfolderpath to trashFolder&"/"&tfolderpath

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Re: _[French]_Un_site_dédié_ à_Révolution

2005-06-30 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

Le 1 juil. 05 à 01:20, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

I see no harm in making lists specifically for other languages,  
other than the overhead of maintaining them.

In the meantime, there are already Japanese and German discussion  
boards for Rev, included in the Links page at revJournal:

If you start a French list/discussion board I'll happily add it to  
that page.

The french list exists, but there is only one message by month !
here :

We need more participants ! :)___
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Re: the new build of REV 2.6

2005-06-16 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

when I ask a window to come on the screen (with a script) in the  
"sheet" mode

with the build 91 : it's OK
with the build 108 : the window DOESN'T come on the screen as a  
sheet but well goes away (when I click a "OK" btn for example) as a  
sheet ...

It's the same with tiger : the sheet appears directly without  
effects, but disapear fine.

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Re: More 2.5 weirdness

2004-09-28 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Marian Petrides wrote:
Ummm I haven't used 2.5 enought to have run into this anomaly, but 
it sounds like several people have encountered it but not bugzilla'd 
it because of lack of recipe.  How can we expect RunRev to fix 
something that they haven't even been informed of?  Shouldn't someone 
bugzilla this?
I saw this bug in bugzilla (id 2126)
use-revolution mailing list

[BUG] RevPropertyPalette

2004-09-23 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Sorry, i can't use bugzilla (perhaps the bug is already referenced), i 
cannot retrieve the url... so i cannot use also revzilla because i 
haven't a cookie...

to reproduce the bug (Rev 2.5 trial on Win XP)
1/ import a picture
2/ open the property inspector of this picture
3/ change the id of the picture
4/ press "enter" to valid the modification
5/ close the property palette
An alert tell you if you want to save the changes !
And you can edit the property palette as you want (but it seem the 
"original" palette isn't modified)
use-revolution mailing list


2003-10-02 Thread Ludovic Thebault

I want to display a little substack with a normal title bar (with 
closebox) but i want to block the possibility to enable other windows.
In some, i want the same behavior as modal or palette windows but with a 
"real" windows.
It is possible ?

Thanks and sorry for my english.

use-revolution mailing list

Use image as char : What's the command ?

2003-07-23 Thread Ludovic Thebault

i searched in the documentation, but i didn't found it, what's the 
command to display an image in a text ?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scrolling through panorama JPEGs?

2003-07-15 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Mark Guzdial wrote:

Any suggestions?
Group your image and set the scrolling of group to horizontal.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: WWDC news and pictures

2003-06-28 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Klaus Major wrote:

is Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor allied with RR?

Yes, it was their first (correct me if i'm wrong) commercial software.

it was developped with RR ?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Eliminate doubles in a long list field

2003-06-28 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Yves COPPE wrote:

Hello Ludovic

here is a script I use to do the job between two flds
Very fast !!!
Thanks ! Very fast it's true (20 seconds  instead of  2 hours !)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How change the rect of an image on an other card ?

2003-03-13 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Rob Cozens a écrit:
any idea ? Thanks
put (the number of this card)+1 into nextCd -- test for last card???
I put my script in a 'repeat until the mouse is down', so it's not 
necessary to test the next cd.

Hope this helps.
Nope, i try with your script but anything change. Sorry.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] French translation for Save

2003-01-31 Thread Ludovic Thebault
yves COPPE a écrit:

I'm a french speaker.
It's "Sauver" (or sometimes "Sauvegarder")

or "Enregistrer" which is used for menu item "Save"
"Enregistrer Sous.." for "Save as.."

happy to help you in French !

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs francophones de la liste !

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT: Elegant Cross Platform Fonts

2003-01-23 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Sannyasin Sivakatirswami a écrit:

In particular I am looking for a cross-platform font that is a little 
prettier and more elegant that Arial, for use as a large display font 

I like the "Eras" font familly.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Rev 1.1.1 and Mac OS X 10.2.3 FR

2003-01-15 Thread Ludovic Thebault
Chipp Walters a écrit:

Pardonnez-moi mon mal francais.

Better than my english !

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How drag text in a list field ?

2002-11-13 Thread Ludovic Thebault
A quick trip to the archives gave the following links:

I know now why that didn't work. !

use-revolution mailing list

How drag text in a list field ?

2002-11-13 Thread Ludovic Thebault
I want to drag a line in a list field but the drag n'drop doesn't work 
in this field

I try to script it but i can't.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: No starterkit for 2.0?

2002-10-25 Thread Ludovic Thebault
This is from the 2.0 info page:

"Everyone else will be able to download a free 30 day trial version when we ship in November."

No Starterkit anymore? 

Read in Kevin Miller message :
 Licensing options include the $299 Small
Business Edition, the $99 Student-Teacher Edition, the $995 Professional
Edition, and the downloadable Free Edition, which limits the size and
complexity of code but is otherwise fully enabled.

use-revolution mailing list

[Bug ?] Replace and TextStyle

2002-10-03 Thread Ludovic Thebault

When i use the replace command (or replacetext) on a fld, the textstyle 
of the fld is set to plain.

How prevent it ?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: sort accent char correctly

2002-09-25 Thread Ludovic Thebault

> I know that topic was discussed a few days ago but I do not remenber 
> how the problem was solved!
> In french, we love to use é ù à É À...
> But revolution sort 'Canon, Crayon, Câble' instead of 'Câble, Canon, 
> Crayon'.
> How can I quickly obtain this result?

one solution :
create three variables,  the first without accents (with a conversion à 
-> a, é -> e...), the second = the first
sort the second and create a third by comparaison between first and second!

like :
Original data:   first: second:  third:
CanonCanon  CableCâble
Crayon   Crayon CanonCanon
CâbleCable  Crayon (after sort)  Crayon

use-revolution mailing list

Re: reverseLines function

2002-07-25 Thread Ludovic Thebault

Yves Coppé wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like someone help me writing a fsat function :
> I have a liste of lines (big list !)

try :
repeat for each line l in myList
put l&cr before myNewList
end repeat

use-revolution mailing list

Re: get the list of open applications and windows ?

2002-07-23 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT

>Here is an AppleScript to list all running applications:
>tell application "Finder"
>   set procList to the processes
>   set procNames to ""
>   repeat with p in procList
>   set procNames to procNames & the name of p & return
>   end repeat
>   return procNames
>end tell

Thanks, but doesn't work with me (on macOS X). But works in the
applescript editor.

I've put the script in a fld called "Scriptmac"
In msg box, the script :
do fld "scriptmac" as applescript

return "Compiler error"

use-revolution mailing list

How to get the printing options ?

2002-07-19 Thread Ludovic Thebault

I want to get the printing options modified by the user after the answer 
printer ("ok" or "cancel" at least). It is possible ?

this script return nothing :

answer printer
put the result -- (or put it)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: get the list of open applications and windows ?

2002-07-19 Thread Ludovic Thebault

> You need the "Ext.dll" that I provided on my website. Copy that to C:\,
> then make stack, add "EXT.dll" as a external. (View -> Application
> Overview -> Click on your stack -> Click on the Main Card -> Click the
> little Arrow to expand it -> Go to the LAST tab -> Click "Add Reference to
> External" -> Find "EXT.dll" -> Save stack, re-open Rev.)

But it is possible to distribute this external with a stack ?

and is there any solution for Mac OS ?

use-revolution mailing list

get the list of open applications and windows ?

2002-07-16 Thread Ludovic Thebault

It is possible to get the list of all running applications and their 
windows ?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drag and drop file from Finder in a field?

2002-07-10 Thread Ludovic Thebault

John Roos wrote:
> I was wondering if it is possible in Revolution to drag and drop a file from
> the Finder onto a field in a stack after which the contents of the field are
> set to the full path of the file dropped onto it. I'm working with OS X.
> Thanks - John

Download the external collection to do it :

use-revolution mailing list

Armed button and border

2002-07-09 Thread Ludovic Thebault

It is possible to hide the border when the autoarm is true ?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Window Names with Asterisks?

2002-05-28 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT>

>I've noticed that all my substacks, when opened from my standalone, have an
>asterisk (*) after their name in the titlebar.  How do I remove the

found in the help documentation :

To prevent Revolution from showing the asterisk, set the stack’s label property. If 
the label property is not empty, Revolution shows the label (instead of the stack’s 
name property) in the window title bar, without an asterisk.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Screen Locks?

2002-05-23 Thread Ludovic THEBAULT>

>it works fine but how to make a snapshot in a code ?
>I had made the snapshot previously, before starting the mouseUp
>now the question remains : how to make a snapshot "on the fly" ?
>can anybody answer this ?

Use the Import snapshop command :

import snapshot from rectangle (the rect of stack "myStack")

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