Stress-testing SQLite

2010-10-29 Thread Mark Stuart
on Fri Oct 29 19:17:40 CDT 2010, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences with large data sets if 

Hi Richard,
How many tables and how many columns per table (on average) are you
talking about?
That can make a big difference to the performance if there are JOINS

If not, then that's not so much a problem.

Will the user always apply a WHERE filter to the data?
What's the potential return record set count on a typical filter?

I'd be happy to do some stress testing if you can give me some details.

Mark Stuart
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iPad's competitor from RIM

2010-09-29 Thread Mark Stuart
on Tue Sep 28 17:21:59 CDT 2010, viktoras d. wrote: 
 PlayBook from producers of Blackbery: 

Anyone know the song or band that's playing the music in the online
I love it.

Mark Stuart
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Web, Mobile and Server documentation

2010-09-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
On the RunRev website, on the Store page, it references the following
when I mouse over the Commercial LiveCode Complete icon:

The All-In toolkit to solve complex problems fast
For serious developers everywhere, the Master bundle. Get LiveCode
Development Tools, every deployment option including Desktop, Web,
Mobile and Server 

Since I have this license, I was wondering where's the documentation on
how to use and build the Web, the Mobile and Server features?
I've looked thru the User Guide and haven't found any reference to these
I've looked on the RunRev web site, but everything is not up to date.

So are we waiting for this documentation, or is it written up already?
Can someone point me in the right direction concerning this?

Mark Stuart
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Web, Mobile and Server documentation

2010-09-22 Thread Mark Stuart
on Wed Sep 22 12:52:01 CDT 2010, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Each one has its own documentation that ships with the product. Once you

install each of them, the docs will be in the main installation folder.

I looked around the RunRev\Documentation folders and the only pdf file I
see is the LiveCode Users Guide, no others.
So unless I'm misunderstanding what the Store web page is saying about
what the Complete license says I'm supposed to have, I'm missing

Oh, and if I'm to login to RunRev and download more modules, then how
is that done? Didn't see it.

Just trying to make sense of all this.

Mark Stuart
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LiveCode 4.5 License model

2010-09-21 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
Has anyone checked out runrev's store as yet?
To navigate to it, open LiveCode and access Help | Buy a License... It
will take you directly there.

Mouse over the LiveCode Bundle package icons. You will see product
information in a flyout.
Now mouse over the LiveCode 4.5 Complete for the Commercial product.
Notice the pricing at the bottom of the flyover.
The yearly maintenance fee for this product is now US$749.

How does that make you feel?
Unless I'm mistaken on this yearly maintenance fee, I don't think I'll
be maintaining my yearly upgrades from here on out.
I can't afford that money, when I don't have a product that I'm selling.
Maybe that will have to change for me.

What about those building and distributing freeware or shareware? I
don't see a license model for that.
Now unless you use the Personal license, that will most probably work
for you. But the user will have a nag screen on use of the freeware.

Now for those who are selling products built in (now) LiveCode, do you
realize how much your costs have increased?

I'm just saying... so you are all aware.

Mark Stuart
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LiveCode 4.5 License model

2010-09-21 Thread Mark Stuart
on Tue Sep 21 12:11:10 CDT 2010, Neal Campbell wrote:

Just for comparison, my annual SA price for RADStudio from Embarcadero

Yes, but look at the tool you are getting from Embarcadero. A complete
suite of tools to build an Enterprise level application.
With that, I don't think LiveCode 4.5 even comes close to its tool set.

I use VB6 from time to time, and again LiveCode 4.5 doesn't even comes
close to it, and the product was stopped several years ago.

I guess I get frustrated/annoyed if I were to build the same application
in revStudio and also in VB6, the latter is so much easier to build a
richer desktop application. I've tried to build the same
objects/components in revStudio as are already in VB6. I've spent hours
trying to do this, and in the end give up, because the objects in
revStudio are not complete. Especially trying different property
settings, they come up short. They don't work/set properly. Yes, I've
tried all sorts of renditions of the settings.

I will be revisiting my license with LiveCode.

Mark Stuart
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Doesn't work: set the top of img MyImage of stack pStackName to 0

2010-09-14 Thread Mark Stuart
on Sun Sep 12 19:39:09 CDT 2010, Mark Stuart wrote:

Never mind, I got it to work.

Mark Stuart

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Doesn't work: set the top of img MyImage of stack pStackName to 0

2010-09-12 Thread Mark Stuart

Why doesn't the following scripts work?

stack 1 (Name: Test)
on mouseUp
   start using stack MyLib
   CreateImage Test,MyImage
end mouseUp

stack 2 (Name: MyLib)
command CreateImage pStackName,pName

   --// the image ImageLib already exists on the MyLib stack.
   --// its properties: Name=ImageLib, Width=150, Height=24, lockLoc=true.
   copy img ImageLib of stack MyLib to stack pStackName
   set the name of img ImageLib of stack pStackName to pName
   --// prepare the image to be unlocked before setting the position on
stack 1.
   set the lockLoc of img pName of stack pStackName to false
   --// one way to set the position of the image. But this doesn't place it
in the desired position.
   set the rect of img pName of stack pStackName to 0,0,the width of stack
   --// this is another way I tried, but it doesn't work either.
   --set the width of img pName of stack pStackName to the width of stack
   --set the left of img pName of stack pStackName to 0
   --set the top of img pName of stack pStackName to 0
   set the lockLoc of img pName of stack pStackName to true
end CreateImage

I also used each script in the MessageBox. But that didn't do anything to
the image on stack 1 after running the script.

What am I doing wrong?

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Getting ALL screen resolutions from 1 screen

2010-06-29 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,

Platform: WinXP
Rev: revStudio 4.0

I'm wanting to get all possible screen resolutions from a Windows
I know the screenRects gets the current resolution from all attached
screens, but I want to get all possible screen resolution range settings
from only 1 of the screens.

Eg: on my computer screen, the range goes from 800x600 all the way to
I want to get each of the settings in this range.

Anyone know if revStudio has this function or do I have to get it with a
VBScript, or something?

Mark Stuart
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Getting ALL screen resolutions from 1 screen

2010-06-29 Thread Mark Stuart
on Tue Jun 29 15:02:41 CDT 2010, G. Wolfgang Gaich wrote:

For windows systems:
In the archive there is a display.exe:
show or change display settings (resolution, frequency, bit depth)
display hwidth vheight [ffreq.] [bbit depth]: change display 
 (e.g. h1024 v768 f60 b16)
display /LIST: list all supported screen resolutions
display /CUR: show current display settings
display /?: shows this usage screen

Wolfgang, thanx for the suggestion on the display.exe /LIST.
It works great at the DOS box and returns all the options and more.
I'll script a Shell to get all values and then Filter the list to return
unique values as:

BTW, is this your web site referenced above?

Mark Stuart
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Forward and Reverse filtering a List field

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi All,

Platform: WinXP
revStudio: 4.0

I'm building an app that populates SQL Server data into a list field
that is defined as a table.
The table data delimiter is the tab char.
All this works fine.

I'd like to build a filter system for the table data.

The list would be filtered by typing a value into any column filter
field, which is placed above each column.
So if there are 4 columns, then there are 4 filter fields, having the
possibility of an accumulative filter.

Typing into or editing a filter field will filter the list for each
character typed. Including backspacing a character or deleting any
existing character.

I've already built a prototype for this, and when typing a filter, the
script works OK.
In the on rawKeyDown handler, I first put the table data into a local
variable and filter on it. Then put the variable back into the field.
These ideas I got from searching the archive list.
Problem is when I backspace a filter field character (conceptually
reverting the filter), the data is not there, as it has already been
filtered and put back into the field. Resulting in an incorrect data

Question: so how do I build a filter system that can filter forward
(typing ahead) and filter in reverse (editing existing filter value or
filter revert)?

Mark Stuart
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Re: Forward and Reverse filtering a List field

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Mike,
First thanks for replying.
How do I see/dl your attachment. I'm using the Browser to view the list, and
therefore don't see any option for dl.
Unless of course you also replied to my personal email, which I haven't
received yet.

Here's what I have so far...

Stack objects:
button: Load Accounts
fld: Filter
fld: List

Load Button script:
global dbConnID, gList

on mouseUp
   put revOpenDatabase(odbc,adaptSAMPLE) into dbConnID
   if dbConnID is not a number then
  answer error DB Connection error:  dbConnID
  exit to top
   end if
   put SELECT Account_Number,Account_Name,Account_Manager FROM account
ORDER BY Account_Name into tSQL
   put revDataFromQuery(,,dbConnID,tSQL) into fld List
   set the itemDel to tab
   sort lines of fld List by item 1 of each
   put fld List into gList  --put the returned data into a global for use
in the filter
end mouseUp

fld List script:
global gList
local tList

on rawKeyDown
   put gList into tList
   put the text of me into tText
   filter tList with tText  *
   put tList into fld List
   pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

For each key stroke the script gets the original data and puts it into the
local tList var.
So it filters on the original data set for each key stroke. This could be

The Filter fld script seems to work, but the behavior is a little strange.
When typing in the first character (for a starting value in the list I know
is there), it does nothing - it does not filter.
When I type the second character, it is like it is the first character typed
in. It seems it's one character behind in applying the filter.

What's up with that? Is my script anywhere near to work correctly and

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Re: Forward and Reverse filtering a List field

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Stuart

I just noticed a mistake in my reply.

The field script rawKeyDown is actually in the Filter field, not the List

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Re: Forward and Reverse filtering a List field

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Mike,

I'll send the attachment directly to my sample stack as cc 
directly to you. 

Also, was wondering if a datagrid might be better for this than a 
table, but the table field works well enough if thats all you need. 

I'll be looking for your email. Thanx.

Concerning why I haven't used the Datagrid: I have used it in other
projects, but I'm finding that using the field as a table, I know what's
going on. The DataGrid is too complicated for little ol' me.
I like to keep things simple. Less maintenance.

rawKeyDown... duhh!!
I've changed it to rawKeyUp and that nailed it.
Thanx again.

Mark Stuart
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Single Record Updates Only???

2010-06-01 Thread Mark Stuart
on Fri May 28 18:45:35 CDT 2010, Bob Sneidar wrote: 

If so, I am wondering if this is something that can be addressed in a future
update, or if there is perhaps another way of doing this.

Hi Bob,
Have you considered mySQL Stored Procedures to do what you want? It is
Here's a link to get you started:

Mark Stuart

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Brainfade time - what's the proper name for a 'local' handler?

2010-05-27 Thread Mark Stuart
Can't a function call within a Handler do what you are wanting?
Mark Stuart

Ian Wood wrote:

 I remember that one of the recent(ish) versions of Runrev introduced
 handlers that sit inside handlers and can only be called from within
 that handler, but what's the proper name so that I can look up how to
 use them?

In other languages like JavaScript and Scheme that sort of thing is 
referred to as a closure - here's an example from Wikipedia:

   // Return a list of all books with at least 'threshold' copies sold.
   function bestSellingBooks(threshold) {
 return bookList.filter(
 function (book) { return book.sales = threshold; }

But I don't know of a way to even emulate closures in RevTalk (though it

might be handy at times if we could).
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Brainfade time - what's the proper name for a 'local' handler?

2010-05-27 Thread Mark Stuart
Jeff M. wrote:


...I'm sure you'll get a plethora of suggestions from people here
itching to solve a problem and write some code in Rev, ;-)





That's what I like about RunRev and this forum. It inspires people.

Thanx for your explanation of all this Jeff. Now I will ask my VS .NET
2010 guy if he knows about this.


-Mark Stuart

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Detecting which column was clicked in a Table field

2010-05-26 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi All,
How do I return the column number that the user clicked in?
I know how to get the selectedLine of a Table field, but I'd like to
know which column of the selectedLine the user clicked into.

Thanx in advance,
Mark Stuart
use-revolution mailing list
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Detecting which column was clicked in a Table field

2010-05-26 Thread Mark Stuart
on 5/26/2010, Jacqueline wrote:

Something like this:
  put word 4 of the clickchunk into tCharNum
  subtract (the number of chars in line 1 to \
 (word 2 of the clickline)-1 of me) +1 from tCharNum
  set the itemdel to tab
  put the number of items in char 1 to tCharNum of the value of the

I tried your script and it worked as is, but not as planned.
When clicking in the white space of a column, it returns the number 4.
When clicking on the text of a column, a number is returned.
But when clicking in the far left column, it returns 0 (zero).

So I changed the clickChunk to mouseCharChunk and that worked better. It
returned a value when clicking in the white space 'inside' the values in
the row. Clicking to the far left or far right of the row value text
returns nothing.

I did notice that So Smart Software has a tutorial on Table fields,
which shows how to get the row number and column number from the field
custom props. But the table field's lockText property has to be false,
allowing editing. Having it set to true does not return a value :(

So far I haven't found a bullet proof solution, but will continue to
work on it and let you know.

Anybody else got ideas on this?

Mark Stuart
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Remote SQL databases

2010-05-21 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Bob,
on Fri May 21 17:31:53 CDT 2010, Bob Sneidar wrote: 

So now I have to think about using joins.

Just preface the table name that's in the other database with the

SELECT cus.Customer_Number, cus.Customer_Name, ctyp.Customer_Type_Name
FROM database1.customers AS cus LEFT OUTER JOIN
database2.customer_types as ctyp ON cus.Customer_Type =

Mark Stuart
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Cloud computing: scalable DB

2010-05-18 Thread Mark Stuart
on Tue May 18 06:23:14 CDT 2010, David Bovill wrote: 

I'm looking into an application which needs a highly scalable back end

David, have you checked out Microsoft's Azure cloud services?

Here's some info I copied from that page:

SQL Azure Database Features
Relational Database Management Services (RDBMS)
 - Creating, accessing and manipulating tables, views, indexes, roles,
stored procedures, triggers, and functions
 - Execute complex queries and joins across multiple tables
 - Insert, Update, and Delete
 - Constraints
 - Transactions
 - Temp tables
 - Basic functions (aggregates, math, string, date/time)
 - A subset of the existing SQL Server built-in stored procedures and
system views
 - Support for tracking billable metrics in real time and for historical

 - Managed ADO.NET data access
 - Native ODBC ***
 - Support for PHP

 - Deployment Support for running SQL configuration scripts via SQLCMD
 - Provision Logical Servers and Databases through the SQL Azure
Database account portal

There's a Get Started Now link near the left/top side of the page.
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Application Information - how to read from settings

2010-05-10 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi all,
Anyone know how to read the stacks Standalone Application Settings?
Such as:
Product Name, File Version, Product Version, Comments, Legal Trademarks,

I don't want to have to duplicate my own globals or constants and have to
maintain them.

And what are the variable names for these settings?

Mark Stuart
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Re: Application Information - how to read from settings

2010-05-10 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Richard,
I placed a button on the Main stack and put this script into it:

on mouseUp
   put the cRevStandaloneSettings of this stack into tSettings
   answer tSettings
end mouseUp

but it displayed nothing in the dialog.

What am I missing?

Mark Stuart
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Re: Application Information - how to read from settings

2010-05-10 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Richard,
Now that you gave me the custom property name, I searched the archive for
it, and found very helpful information on how to find the Standalone
properties in the main stack.

I think this kind of stuff should be readily available to a rev developer
and not hidden in a custom property, as it does not appear in a search in
the Dictionary or in the User Guide. These are the basic things for a
developer to want to access, for their application.

Mark Stuart
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DataGrid - headerTextFont does not clear previous selection

2010-03-19 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi all,

RunRev: 4.0 Build gm1

Anyone know why the DataGrid headerTextFont will not reset when BOTH the
font names are cleared to empty?
In my stack I allow the user to select the font name and size for the
DataGrid. Currently it is set ABIGAIL (the first in the list of font names),
and I'm trying to reset it to the default - whatever it is.

I changed to to another font, which it changed to, but then when I cleared
the selection, it went back to the ABIGAIL font. And how do I clear this
font to a default?
The stack font is Verdana 11.

I know one option and that is to delete the DataGrid and add a new one -

Mark Stuart
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Re: DataGrid - headerTextFont does not clear previous selection

2010-03-19 Thread Mark Stuart

Concerning the textFont of the DataGrid...
I deleted the existing DataGrid object, as I could not resolve the issue I
had with resetting/clearing the textFont.
I put in a new DataGrid, first copying the scripts I had in it into Notepad.

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Re: Font menu button problems

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi all,
I believe on MacOS the line select is not an issue - it works (?).
The issue is on Windows OS, where the previously selected option is not

I reported this in BZ some time ago, and a fix has been applied to v4.50
dp3, based on the report here:

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Re: Windows shortcuts

2010-03-17 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Sarah,
Checking MS Word 2002, the following is the case:
 Undo Typing = Ctrl+Z / mnemonic = U
 Select All = Ctrl+A / mnemonic = l (as in el)

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reading and converting web page HTML text

2010-03-06 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
I'm reading the HTML text of a web page and parsing it. Some of the text
that I'm parsing contains (quot;) - braces not included.

What runrev function do I use to convert that HTML text to the double quote
() character?
There will be other characters that I also need to convert, such as
After reading and parsing the text, I'll be loading a DataGrid.

I've tried some functions, but with no success.

Mark Stuart

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Re: reading and converting web page HTML text

2010-03-06 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi François,

Thanx for your quick reply.
I added Sarah's script into my application and ran it.

The function halted with an error on (quot;), because it is not a number. I
think Sarah's function is looking for a number after the ampersand, correct?
So I'm handling the (quot;) as an exception for now by using this script:

if theText contains quot; then
   replace quot; with quote in theText
end if

and then call the decodeEntities(theText) function.

I'm sure I'll come across other HTML text like this, but don't know how to
handle it really.

Mark Stuart
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Re: reading and converting web page HTML text

2010-03-06 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi all,
Looking up runrev Dictionary for HTML, does result in a find (HTMLtext),
which mentions the following near the very end.

Special characters (whose ASCII value is greater than 127) are encoded as
HTML entities. Revolution recognizes the following named entities:

and then it lists all the entities it currently supports.

I'd say that using the HTMLtext function would handle all these html
entities. But it appears to not do that.
Therefore, should I submit a bug report on this?

Mark Stuart
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Re: reading and converting web page HTML text

2010-03-06 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi all,

Richard - the html entity that didn't convert was the quot, starting with
 and ending with semi-colon ;
(if I typed that into the email, you would only see , as you may see in the

Jim - so you are suggesting a function to convert all possible entities for
a text chunk:

function convertHTMLEntities theText
 replace quot; with quote in theText
 replace whatever with Ç in theText
 return theText
end convertHTMLEntities

Mark Stuart
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Context menu for Header of DataGrid

2009-12-30 Thread Mark Stuart

Written by Trevor DeVore on Mon Dec 28, 2009 - 10:51 AM CST

I just added two new lessons to the manual that show how to do  

determine if the user clicks in the header and how to display a  

contextual menu for a column header. You would just build off of the  

example and show a different contextual menu based on what the user  

clicked on.

How Do I Determine If a User Clicks In The Table Header

How Do I Display a Contextual Menu When the User Clicks on a Column  

Trevor DeVore


Hi Trevor,

I followed your lessons with success. But now the mouseDown handler
overrides any normal behavior of the DataGrid.

That is, resizing of columns no longer works. Clicking on a column header no
longer sorts a column.

So it seems a else - end if section of script is needed to detect left
mouse button, to complete normal behavior actions.


Could you please amend the lesson to correct the missing behaviors?



Mark Stuart

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Context menu for Header of DataGrid

2009-12-27 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Trevor,
I was wondering if there is a way to have 2 context menus for the DataGrid,
1 for the rows and one for the header?
Where I'd like to have a different menu set for the header (pertinent to the
DataGrid itself) and the rows context menu would be specific to the record
The header menu would be for DataGrid properties and the complete data set
in the grid, like exporting to HTML or Excel.

Mark Stuart
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revWebInstaller - Start button is not enabled

2009-12-09 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
Platform: WinXP SP3
Browser: IE 8

1) What do I need to do to get the Start button enabled on the
I have ALL programs closed, including all browsers.
I have set the Firewall to Off. And I've added a Firewall exception for
the revWebInstaller.exe, just in case.

Previous versions of the installer did enable the Start button.
Also, previous versions did install the revWebBrowser, but the Loading
plugin message always appears in the browser.

2) What do I need to do to get the plugin to load in the browser?
The plugin installs and loads in IE 8 at home, but not at work. ?

Mark Stuart
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revWebInstaller - Start button is not enabled

2009-12-09 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Sarah Reichelt on Wed Dec 9, 2009 - 5:27 PM CST
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 3:24 AM, Mark Stuart mstuart at
 Hi all,
 Platform: WinXP SP3
 Browser: IE 8

 1) What do I need to do to get the Start button enabled on the
 I have ALL programs closed, including all browsers.
 I have set the Firewall to Off. And I've added a Firewall exception
 the revWebInstaller.exe, just in case.

 Previous versions of the installer did enable the Start button.
 Also, previous versions did install the revWebBrowser, but the
 plugin message always appears in the browser.

I had this problem on my Mac with Safari. It kept telling me to close
all browsers when I already had. In the end I checked Activity Monitor
and found Safari was still running invisibly and had to force quit it.
Then I could install the plugin. So I suggest checking your Task
Manager and making sure there are no browsers lurking in the open

Hi Sarah,
1) That was indeed the problem. I noticed that revWebPlayer.exe was
loaded as well as iexplorer.exe.
I stopped the process on both of them, but iexplorer.exe kept on coming
back. ???
So I stopped iexplorer and quickly started revWebInstaller. It started
and the Start button was enabled.
Clicked it, and it installed successfully.

2) The plugin is FINALLY working in IE8 on my work computer - yahoo!.
This morning I played around with the Firewall by adding exceptions to
the following files:

Now they are working :)

Thanx again,
Mark Stuart
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Hot Tracking a text line in a field

2009-11-23 Thread Mark Stuart

Hi Terry,
I wasn't able to understand your script, as there is 2 end if
commands, without 2 beginning if commands.
Can you look into that?

Local pLine

on mouseMove
put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
set the itemDel to tab
if pLine  0 then
set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to plain
end if
put tLine into pLine
set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to underline
end if
end mouseMove

Mark Stuart
use-revolution mailing list
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Hot Tracking a text line in a field

2009-11-23 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Terry Judd on Mon Nov 23, 2009 - 2:53 PM CST

Hi Mark - yes sorry about that. I was just typing some code off the top
my head and I didn't finish it off properly. The code should be...

local pLine
on mouseMove
put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
set the itemDel to tab
if pLine  0 then
set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to plain
end if
if tLine  0 then
put tLine into pLine
set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to underline
end if
end mouseMove

Hi Terry,
Here's my adjusted script to make it work for my situation:
Instead of using item 2, I changed it to word 1 to -1. This
underlines the words in my TreeView field only.
And I had to add the lock screen and unlock screen to stop the

local pLine
on mouseMove
   lock screen
   put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
   set the itemDel to tab
   if pLine  0 then
  set the textStyle of word 1 to -1 of line pLine of me to plain
   end if
   if tLine  0 then
  put tLine into pLine
  set the textStyle of word 1 to -1 of line pLine of me to underline
   end if
   unlock screen
end mouseMove

Works well, and thanx for the help Terry.

Mark Stuart
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Hot Tracking a text line in a field

2009-11-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
Platform: WinXP
RunRev: 4.0

I've built a TreeView like field with parent nodes and indented child nodes.
If you're familiar with Tree Views in Windows, you'll notice that as you
mouse over a node in the tree, it underlines the text. And as you leave the
node, it returns to plain formatting.

I'd like to apply this behavior to my field.
I've tried different mouse commands in the on mouseMove handler, but can't
get the desired effect.

How would I go about that?

Mark Stuart

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Hot Tracking a text line in a field

2009-11-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Terry,
After looking at your scripts and searching on the 'net, I came to this
script conclusion.

Script to handle TreeView like field in RunRev.

on mouseDown
  --when user clicks on the line, this script selects all node/line text
  --you could use -1 instead of the number of words... in the next line
  select word 1 to (the number of words in the selectedLine) of the
end mouseDown

on mouseMove
  --I added a check box button to the form, 
  --using its checked state to run the following script.
  if the hilite of btn Hot Tracking then
 lock screen  --this must be done, else the text in the field flickers
  --reset textStyle of each line in the field
   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in me
  set the textStyle of line x of me to plain
   end repeat
   --as the mouse moves over the line, underline it
   if the mouseLine is not empty then
  put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
  set the textStyle of word 1 to -1 of line tLine of me to underline
   end if
   unlock screen
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseLeave
   --clears the underline of the last mouse over
   if the hilite of btn Hot Tracking then
  --reset textStyle of each line in the field
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in me
 set the textStyle of line x of me to plain
  end repeat
   end if
end mouseLeave

This is an example of my field values. The tab character was used for

General Preferences
  File Types
  Jump to file
Missing Files
Shell Options

HTH anyone,
Mark Stuart

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Mac ODBC connection to MSSQL on Windows Server

2009-11-19 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
A colleague of mine wants to build a revWeb internet application that
accesses data from a MSSQL Server on a Windows server. He wants to
deploy this application as a cross platform application.
How would he go about that, as the application has the
revOpenDatabase(odbc...) in the scripts?
And if using on ODBC connection on a Mac, the MSSQL ODBC driver has to
be installed and a DSN defined as well, right?
I've been building Windows deployed applications, and don't know what to
tell him.

Are there any ODBC MSSQL connection tutorials for cross platform
And what other learning resources are there on such things?

Mark Stuart
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revStudio 4.0 Script Editor a slouch

2009-11-19 Thread Mark Stuart
What is up with the v4.0 Script editor?

Platform: WinXP

1) Opening it with scripts in it has a delay before placing the cursor and
being able to start typing
2) There's a definite delay when editing/typing anything in the editor
3) Clicking in the numbered margin to mark a Breakpoint is also delayed to
set it and remove it
4) Clicking the Taskbar Continue button for a selected script doesn't do
anything. Did in 3.50
5) Copy / Paste in 3.50 was fast. In 4.0 the paste ends up somewhere else,
messing up my scripts

This is going backwards :(

Anybody experience similar behavior?

Mark Stuart

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A Quick Flash

2009-09-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Richmond Mathewson on Tue Sep 22, 2009 - 05:09 AM CDT

Everybody likes a flasher.
[only works in RunRev 4 and upwards]
a pain in the bum is that, so far, the COLOROVERLAY stuff
is not properly documented: so pop my script into a button
and muck about with the parameters.
very effective!

Hey Richmond, check the latest revUp Issue 78, article 2: Advanced
Multimedia with Rev 4.0.
There's not only a video from Ben on this, but also further down in the
article is a script which shows the setting of the Graphic Effect
That may help you to lesson the pain in your bum.

Mark Stuart
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The $%$#%#$%# Rev Geometry

2009-09-14 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by stephen barncard on Sun Sep 13, 2009 - 5:21 PM CDT

Does anyone know how to stop this from happening?

Stephen, for each object on each card, set the Lock size and position
(lockLoc) property to checked when using the Geometry manager. I've found
that this keeps each object from disappearing off the card, to somewhere in
never-never land.

Mark Stuart

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Simulcast Envy...and a small request for Kevin

2009-09-03 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Len Morgan on Thu Sep 3, 2009 - 06:52 AM CDT

For those of us who couldn't make the conference, couldn't adjust our 
schedules to watch the simulcast, and can't wait for the DVDs (which as 
I recall seemed to take forever last year), is there any chance that 
Kevin's keynote speech outlining what's new and what's coming in Rev 
might be put up on youTube or something?

I second that. Since I'm still at home, I too would like to be enthused
by Kevin's speech.

Mark Stuart
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Revlet goURL

2009-08-10 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Jacqueline,
Sorry I'm not using revMedia as yet, but tried to assume that a straight
HTML tag might do the trick.


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Revlet goURL

2009-08-10 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Jacqueline,
Would a href=http//www.runrev.htmlRunRev/a work?

Mark Stuart
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RevMedia 4.0 alpha released

2009-07-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Kevin Miller on Wed Jul 22, 2009 - 1:19 PM CDT

You may now download this alpha test release from:
Kind regards,

Kevin, the Loading plugin... never resolves. Meaning after installing
the plugin and restarting the browser (IE and Chrome), the pages using
the plugin don't work.
I used the click here to install the plugin again to make sure the
installation actually happened, but still the same result.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

Mark Stuart
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web app scalability

2009-07-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by stevex64 on Wed Jul 22, 2009 - 10:11 PM CDT

Hi Forum,

What is known about how well Rev web apps can handle a load? If I put a Rev

app on a server and the app reads data from a flat file, or from a MySQL

database, is there any way to estimate how it will behave when 100 or 1000

people are hitting it at the same time? Does the server spawn a new instance

of the app for every user?

Thanks for any comments.



Good question Steve, I've been afraid to ask because I've invested so much
into RunRev.

So far my RunRev applications have been single user apps, so about time to
know this.




Mark Stuart

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Repeat Loops Blocking Handlers-Screen Update?

2009-07-21 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Sivakatirswami on Tue Jul 21, 2009 - 7:23 PM CDT

on showFeedback tMsg
   put tMsg into fld FeedbackMsg
   show fld FeedbackMsg
   unlock screen
   send  hideFeedback to me in 10 seconds
end showFeedback

on hideFeedback
   hide fld feedbackmsg
   put empty into feedbackmsg
   unlock screen
end hideFeedback

Any clues?

Hi Sivakatirswami,
Try using the unlock screen command in each of the show and hide scripts.
Notice the placement in the first script.

I had a similar problem where a field I was using the put to update it in a
repeat loop, never refreshed the rest of the screen. So I put the unlock
screen inside the repeat and walla, it now shows all the objects on the
screen, not just the field that's getting updated.

Mark Stuart

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What is the current phrase for Rev in about windows?

2009-07-17 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by jim sims on Fri Jul 17, 2009 - 10:05 AM CDT

I'm finishing up a shareware app - can someone tell me:
What is the current phrase for Rev in about windows?
Would Made with RunRev do the job?

Hi Jim, I place this in the Windows Help About stack:

Development Info: (underlined)
Built using Runtime Revolution Studio v3.5

Author Info: (underlined)
Mark F. Stuart

Copyright (c) 2009 - All rights reserved Mark F. Stuart

Mark Stuart
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2009-06-04 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Björnke von Gierke on Thu Jun 4, 2009 - 09:32 AM CDT

Can anyone tell me how to store and retrieve binary data using sql,  
without it being changed in between?

Hi Björnke,

Check out the Rev Dictionary for revDatafromQuery:

local tImageData
put the text of image MyImage into tImageData
get revDataFromQuery(, , myID, SELECT size FROM images WHERE imagedata = :1, 

You can also use the name of a numerically indexed array, instead of a list of 
variable names. In this case, the elements of the array are substituted for the 
corresponding placeholders. To pass binary data in an array element, prepend 
*b to the element's value.

local tImageDataArray
put *b  the text of image MyImage into tImageDataArray[1]
get revDataFromQuery(, , myId, SELECT size FROM images WHERE imagedata = :1, 

HTH u,
Mark Stuart
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finding older versions of rev

2009-06-04 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Jeff Reynolds on Thu Jun 4, 2009 - 12:53 AM CDT

im trying to find a v2.8 for windows of studio. any idea of where i can

find them?
jeff Reynolds

Hi Jeff,
I'll check tonite at home to see if I still have the Windows installer
executable for that version.
I'll reply after looking.

 Mark Stuart
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selecting multiple lines in a field with arrow keys

2009-05-28 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by J. Landman Gay on Thu May 28, 2009 - 2:33 PM CDT

I should have said selectedline instead of mouseline. But I just tried

it and it doesn't work very well.

Thanx Jacqueline, I'll try your suggestions.

 Mark Stuart
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Launching .rev files on WinXP

2009-05-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Bill Andersen on Fri May 22, 2009 - 09:22 AM CDT

OK, I guess I need the long weekend more than I realized...
I have 3.5.0 build 870 on my WinXP Pro computer.  When I double click
on a .rev file, it luanches the Rev IDE, but it doesn't load the file.
I must go to FileOpen and select the file.  Then it will open.
I right clicked on the .rev file and said Open with to see if it
might correct the problem, but I don't even have the Revolution.exe
file as an option.  I browsed to the .exe and selected it, but
it still won't show up in the list of available programs to open up
the file...
Anyone else seen this?

Hi Bill,
I've found that applying the following changes, seems to fix things with
this concern:

1) Open Windows Explorer
2) Select Tools  Folder Options from the pulldown menu
3) Click on the File Types tab
4) hilite the REV Extension (typing REV will locate the line)
5) Click the 'Advanced' button
6) Select the 'Open' action and click the 'Edit...' button
In the 'Application used to perform action:' field, browse to the rev
folder for which version of RunRev you want launched for ALL .rev files.
The result of editing this, should look like this:

   C:\Program Files\Revolution Studio\3.5.0-gm-2\Revolution.exe %1

The %1 parameter is the file that is being selected to open by you.
Click OK to save your changes.

 HTH you,
 Mark Stuart
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setting fld with HTML: H3Title/H3 results in added empty lines

2009-05-21 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Bill Marriott on Thu May 21, 2009 - 3:22 PM CDT

So what is happening is that the h3 tag is being transformed from a 
structural tag (identifying a heading and letting the browser/style
determine how it appears) into a formatting tag that Rev understands.
pretty much assumes than an H3 heading should look something like

I see. Didn't know that. OK, I will proceed with your recommendations.

 Kind regards,
 Mark Stuart

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setting fld with HTML: H3Title/H3 results in added empty lines

2009-05-21 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Jim Ault on Thu May 21, 2009 - 3:02 PM CDT


Hi Jim,

With your script part:

  put the htmlText of fld 1 into msg

really shows what Bill was talking about.


I think this p/p thing is a little over kill on RunRev's part.

But now I see it, I know what to handle it.


Thanx to Jim and Bill.




 Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-15 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Mark Wieder on Fri May 15, 2009 - 01:33 AM CDT

??? WHY ???
Needless to say, this is a BAD place to put stacks. Unless you want
them always to load, in which case it's still a bad place to put them.

And so Mark W., did you try the recipe? Did it do what I explained and
what this thread has been about?
Mark, is this documented what you mention about stacks always loading if
found in this folder location?
If so, please reply with a doc and page number.

(This notwithstanding the fact that this is default location that
comes up every time you attempt to save a new stack, which IMO is one
of the dumbest design decisions ever to come out of Scotland).

Yes it's a free world and Scotland allows you to save your stack
anywhere you'd like.
That it default to this folder location raises thoughts about where I'd
like to have my default location. That other software like MS Word
allows such File Location defaults for its different file types, does
not allow the request to go unanswered.
For this reason maybe you/I would submit an enhancement request. Yes?

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-15 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Mark Wieder on Fri May 15, 2009 - 11:27 AM CDT

Yes and yes. I'd say it's a script editor bug and you should write it
up. GLX2 doesn't exhibit this behavior, the IDE's script editor does.

Awesome :) thanx for testing and confirming this.
I will report this issue to RunRev.
Could you also vote on this? I'll reply with a bug number.

I will correct myself about files loading automatically, I was
thinking of lower down in the folder hierarchy. Nonetheless, common
sense would seem to indicate that storing data files in the Program
Files directory would seem a Bad Idea.

My behavior has now changed to storing my .rev files in the root
installation RunRev folder.

I really thought there was an enhancement request for this, but I
can't find it now. If you want to file one, I'd be happy to vote for
it - this has always been a pain.

I will submit an enhancement request for a .rev default File Location
folder, that it be a Preference. I would say one could change this up
from project to project. It may help some but not all. 
Like .NET, once you've defined your project, all files you create go
into that project folder location. Maybe a future RunRev release would
be project based.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-14 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Mark Wieder on Thu May 14, 2009 - 00:37 AM CDT

If you were running glx2 then I'd say you had Restore Last Session on
Startup selected in the preferences, but since you're not it's a bit
of a mystery. AFAIK the ide's script editor doesn't have a preference
like that.
-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

How can I see what RunRev is doing 'behind the scenes' when I take menu
actions in the IDE?
Adding 'breakpoint' to a script won't do the trick here, as I won't be
running a script, but using RunRev's IDE to take an action.
I'd like to see what is causing these other stacks to open.

So does anyone know of a WinXP utility that sniffs or watches to see
the calls being made by RunRev?
Maybe from that I can see why these stacks are opening.

If anyone has a better idea, please let me know, as I'm concerned about
the situation.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-14 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by J. Landman Gay on Thu May 14, 2009 - 10:56 AM CDT

It isn't exactly what you're asking about, but try opening the Message 
Watcher and keep an eye out for any commands that open stacks.

I watched the Message Watcher and didn't see anything unusual about
other stacks opening, which they did again.
I will make an entry in the RunRev bug system. I will ask for a utility
that watches all behind the scene actions. Maybe they have this type of
software that will report to them.

Oh that reminds me, isn't there a setting for this that captures all
events to a file?
Can someone tell me where that is?

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-14 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Kay C Lan on Thu May 14, 2009 - 9:08 PM CDT

If you create a brand new stack, open it's stack script, do the original 4
stacks open in the Application Browser? If you save and restart Rev, open
Stack 1, open a script, is that brand new stack now part of the list of
stacks in the Application Browser?

Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls. I think I've found out why 'the other
stacks' are opening.
Platform: WinXP
RunRev: 3.5.0-gm-2

First of all. All 4 stacks that were listed in the App Browser were stacks
that I had created.
And they reside in the following folder:

  C:\Program Files\Revolution Studio\

The root installation folder of RunRev.

It seems that this mysterious behavior happens if you have .rev files in
this folder and you open one of these stacks, and then proceed to open the
RunRev script editor. I'm not 100% sure if opening, or not opening the
script editor is responsible for the opening of the other stacks. It maybe
that making/taking some kind of action in the IDE is causing the result.

Now open the Application Browser and see which stacks are listed. 
NOTE: Take note that if you already have the App Browser open, it doesn't
automatically refresh the list when other stacks are opened in this way. You
have to close and reopen it to refresh it.

So I moved these 4 .rev files to another folder then I followed Kay's steps
=== Here's the recipe to duplicate the behavior I've been talking about. ===
Could someone duplicate these steps and reply to the list if the same issue
happens, or not.

Recipe to open stacks that were not selected:
1) Open RunRev
2) Create a stack, and give it a name: Stack1. Save the stack to the folder
referenced above. Close and open RunRev.
3) Create another stack, and give it a name: Stack2. Save it to the same
folder. Close and open RunRev. (closing and reopening RunRev is not really
required where noted, I think. It's just to clear the OS environment)
4) Open Stack1 and check the App Browser. 1 stack listed: Stack1.
5) Now add a push button and name it 'Hello'. Give it a script: answer
Hello. Close and open RunRev.
6) Do the same for Stack2, add a button: 'Goodbye'. Give it a script: answer
Goodbye. Close and open RunRev.
Now here's the mystery...
7) Open Stack 1. Right-click on the 'Hello' button and select 'Edit Script'.
Close the script editor.
8) Open the App Browser. How many stacks are listed, and what are their
names? Stack 1 and Stack2?

If this is the case, then please reply to the list now. I need to know.
It would be interesting to know if the same thing happens on other OS

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-13 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Jacque:

You're saying these stacks open without any direction to do so?
Are they installed as plugins?

Correct in that these stacks have not been directed to open by a script
or a menu option to open them.
None of the other stacks are plugins.
This is the most unusual aspect of this whole thing.

I just reproduced the issue again. Here are the steps I took:
1) open RunRev.
2) File/Open Stack... select a stack. Stack opens.
3) open Application Browser. One stack listed, the one I just opened.
Close Application Browser.
4) In Edit mode, click on a push button and right-click/Edit Script. 
5) Script editor opens. I close it.
6) open Application Browser.

There are now 3 stacks listed. The selected stack and 2 others I've
created in the past.
None of these stacks are related to one another.
None of these stacks use 'start using...' in a script.
None of these stacks 'mainStack' property reference another stack that
has been mysteriously opened.

Using the 'Close and Remove From Memory' menu option does close each of
the unwanted stacks and removes the stacks from the Application Browser
list. I'm left with the stack I selected.

Puzzled :(
Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-13 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Jim,
Everything in my RunRev IDE is RunRev only. No 3rd party add ons.
No plugins are referenced or used (that I know of, that I've purposely
RunRev: 3.5.0-gm-2 Build 870

For searching, are you suggesting 'Edit/Find and Replace...'?
If so, then I've searched on:
In option: 'All open stacks' and 'All open stack files'
- the stack name, 0 objects found
- button name, 0 objects found
- other objects that I know exist, 0 objects found
Check boxes checked: Name, Script, Field Text, Button Text, All Other

This is the first time I've used this and so not sure what to expect.
No success on this one.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Kay C Lan on Tue May 12, 2009 - 9:47 PM CDT

What does the stack in question do?
Have you done a global search to see if there is a 'start using' that has
mysteriously appeared in your stack.

Does the stack contain an openStack or openCard script. If so, if you place
a breakpoint right at the beginning so that you can step through, when do
the other stack open?

Not a solution but hopefully it'll give you some clues ;-)

Hi Kay,
Platform: WinXP
- The stack has 2 fields and 4 push buttons on it. One of the fields is a
list of SQL database records and the other is populated from clicking on a
line in the list, that then reads the database.
- I have not placed a 'start using' script in the stack. But as you say, it
may have mysteriously appeared, so I will search for that.
- The stack does have all 3 preOpenStack, openStack, and closeStack scripts.
I haven't placed a breakpoint yet, but will try that tomorrow.
- The other stacks open immediately, with the File/Open Stack... menu
selection. So when I select a stack and it has opened, there are the other
stacks listed in the Application Browser. And again, the most recently
opened ones.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by J. Landman Gay on Tue May 12, 2009 - 11:28 PM CDT

The stacks may not have their destroystack property set to true. If 
destroystack is false (which is Rev's default) the stack is not active 
and not in the message path, but it isn't really closed either. It 
remains in RAM and I think the app browser still sees it.

Hi Jacque,
In response to this, please read my reply to Kay.
In it I mention that the other stacks are opened with the stack I select to
All this from once opening RunRev, and then selecting the File/Open Stack...
menu option.
And these 'other' stacks are in different folders, not all in the one place.
I've looked at the Main Stack property of the Inspector and none are related
to one another.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Jim Bufalini on Tue May 12, 2009 - 11:45 PM CDT

This is kind of an obvious question, but do you recognize the names of the
stacks that are appearing? Meaning are they yours? Or, do they all start
with rev...

If they are rev files just go to your View menu and uncheck Revolution UI
elements in lists.

Aloha from Hawaii,
Jim Bufalini

Hi Jim,
I see where you're going with that. Answer: no. None start with 'rev'.

Mark Stuart

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Other stacks opening besides the one selected

2009-05-12 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Jim Bufalini on Wed May 13, 2009 - 00:00 AM CDT

This is turning into 20 questions. ;-) Can you send the names of some of

these .rev files opening up? Sounds like plugins or? since you didn't say

you have windows opening up but files appearing in the application browser.

If you list the names, maybe someone will recognize them. If they are your

files, then something in your code is doing it.


Hi Jim,

Sorry about that chief :-)

But all the .rev files are ones that I've named and built from scratch. All
created using File/New Stack.


I open this stack:


and the following appear in the Application Browser: (all totally unrelated
to the selected stack)





Just to name a few.

Do these look like they might be related to Rev files in some way, and
therefore will open and appear in the Application Browser?




Mark Stuart


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Something wrong with revOnLine?

2009-05-07 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by DunbarX at on Thu May 7, 2009 - 4:37 PM CDT

I cannot upload a stack, though I have before. Just me?

Craig... since the new RevOnline (and this weeks patch), I can't even
login to it.

Mark Stuart
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Page turning . . .again

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Stuart
Hello Richmond,
I took a look at the link, cute stories and application.
They've taken the less elaborate path.
If you haven't already, check out this link:
Scroll to the bottom and look at the middle image for a very elaborate
Not only is the image a part of the page turn, but they also show the
back of the turning page.

If only this could be done on Windows :(

Mark Stuart
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Page turning . . .again

2009-04-28 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Richmond,
I've been told by Mac users that the page-curling can be done on a Mac,
that it is possibly an AppleScript command?
To what extent, I'm not sure.
I don't have a Mac to investigate that more thoroughly.

Mark Stuart
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Rotating images

2009-04-25 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
Running this script, I noticed the edges of my image were quite broken, so
setting the Quality of the image to Best or Good renders a better
appearance of the image, during rotation.

--put this script at the top of the on mouseUp handler of James, or just
set the Quality property of the image.
set the resizeQuality of image 1 to Best  --or Good

Mark Stuart

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2 things

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Bob Sneidar on Mon Apr 20, 2009 - 11:51 AM CDT

Response to Issue 1:
Using Outlook 2003 on WinXP. If I copy the Subject and reply to the
I don't think it will add a reply to the original thread, by indenting
So in response, I think I would be a culprit to those looking for
correct threading.

Now if I use Nabble to reply to a message, no problem. It indents and
keeps the thread id.
So what do they know about replying to the forum that we/I don't?

But it becomes a nuisance to use 2 different applications, one to read
the list and another to reply to the list.
Just to keep threading.

I know this is an issue in the past and keeps coming up.
So if anybody has a solution for Outlook users, I have ears to listen.

Mark Stuart
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2 things

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Stuart
And there proves my point. :-(


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Sending Email with attachment

2009-04-18 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi William,
What platform are you aiming this feature to work on?
If Windows, I have a VBScript that will allow an attachment.
It launches the email client to populates all the relevant fields, and the
attachment field.

Let me know.

Mark Stuart

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Controlling PowerPoint From Within Runtime Revolution

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi John,

I just built a stack to try what you are doing.

I also downloaded and installed MS Powerpoint Viewer.


I put a field on the stack with the name Filename.

In a button, I used the following script to open the powerpoint file
using the viewer.



on mouseUp

   if fld Filename is not empty then

  put fld Filename into thePPS

  launch thePPS with C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\PowerPoint


  answer no file selected

   end if

end mouseUp



In the field I typed: C:\temp\MyPresentation.pps.

This file I created in MS Powerpoint, saving it as a pps file type.


It launched the power point. I ran the slide show. 

It quit and the focus returned to where I launched it, the RunRev


Where ever you launch the slide show from, the focus should return to
its originating place.

Unless of course, the user goes to another opened application. Then the
focus may not return.


HTH you,

Mark Stuart

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Test - with Plain Text from Outlook

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,
Just a test to see if Outlook Plain Text format works without the double
line spacing.
Using HTML format may cause this to happen.

And now for a couple more lines to prove (maybe) that using Plain Text
format is the answer.
If not, then a google search to find a solution.

Mark Stuart
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Test - with Plain Text from Outlook

2009-04-16 Thread Mark Stuart
Well how about that.
Setting the 'Message format' to Plain Text works just perfectly.
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Animate contents of a stack/card to turn like a page

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Kay C Lan on Fri Apr 3, 2009 - 01:52 AM CDT


 If you have Mac OS X Leopard handy, down load a trial (button top

 right), and let me know what you think of page curling.

 Note: I don't have a Mac to see this work.


I feel bad now, after what I said. The page curling effect is nice, I'm

I could happily live without it, but I've got to say it does look very


Hi Kay, thanx for downloading it and letting me know your test results, even
thou it crashed.

You are on Leopard, right?



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Wrapping long pathnames in narrow fields

2009-04-02 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Terry Judd on Thu Apr 2, 2009 - 4:19 PM CDT


How do people deal with displaying long pathnames in Rev fields that

wide enough to display the entire string in one line? Is there any

other than iteratively testing the formatted width of substrings and

inserting returns?



Hi Terry,

If the stack is an interactive stack, in other words if the user can
park in fields, etc., then you could:

1) set the tooltip of fld PathName to (the text of fld PathName)


2) apply Geometry to the PathName field, so that it extends to the
right upon resizing the stack, which will display more of the text in
the field.


HTH you,

Mark Stuart


Sent from Archive List Reader v1.0


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View RunRev scripts in standalone

2009-04-02 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,

I don't know if you all know this, but I just discovered that I can view
all the scripts in a standalone RunRev Windows executable file.

I used the /Sample Projects/Open Anything.rev stack to view a
standalone that I created.

I can see my scripts and rev scripts in plain text. :-(

What's up with that?


Not happy about that,

Mark Stuart

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Animate contents of a stack/card to turn like a page

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Kay C Lan on Tue Mar 31, 2009 - 11:51 PM CDT


Scott, Kay... I would say you're not missing anything with your


If you Mac OS X users would like to see what I'm talking about, check
this out: 

Scroll to the bottom of the page (not turn the page) and view the middle

If you have Mac OS X Leopard handy, down load a trial (button top
right), and let me know what you think of page curling.

Note: I don't have a Mac to see this work.



Mark Stuart



On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Scott Rossi scott at



 I can't help but find it amusing that even as we become ever more

 sophisticated in technology, media, and new methods of communication,

 still looking for ways to recreate the turning of a printed page...


 Funny I was thinking the same thing. Surely if I want that effect all

need do is:


on turnPage

 get up from chair

 go to bookShelf

 get book from shelf

 open book

 go next page

end turnPage


Or am I missing something ;-)

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launch URL does not open Outlook

2009-03-26 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Sarah Reichelt :: Mar 25, 2009 - 11:43 PM

Hi Sarah,
I ran the following in a test stack on the text that I have an issue with, for 
the ASCII chars from 1 to 255:
Here are the results for characters that are outside the range of the From and 
To below:
Test 1 - from 1 to 255 = 0 chars
Test 2 - from 1 to 127 = 1 char: ö (char number 148)
Test 3 - from 33 to 127 = 904 chars (which includes duplicates)

So the lower ASCII char range maybe the issue. I'll have to test that in the 
I'll let you know that result soon.

Mark Stuart


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM, mfstuart mfstuart at wrote: 
 Hi Sarah, 
 Jacque emailed my off line and suggested checking that each character was 
 within 1 to 255 - charToNum(theChar). 
 So I created a simple stack with a repeat for each char theChar in 
 And found no chars outside that range. 
 For instance: Björnke - each character is within 1 to 255. 
 I'm assuming this is the way to do this? 
 Also, what is non-standard characters, I guess is the question from me? 

I would check for characters in the ASCII range 1 - 127 as different 
systems encode the higher numbered characters differently. 


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launch URL does not open Outlook

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Stuart
Scott wrote:
Is there any difference if you use the revMail command? 
For some older email programs, it may not be possible to specify a 
ccAddress, mailSubject, or messageBody. Generally, the revMail command
still work with such programs, but only the To: header will be set.

Hi Scott,
Just tried revMail again with worse results: only the To: is filled in.
No Subject, no Body.
And this is on Outlook 2003, SP3.

launch URL theURL does better when it does work.

Searching the forum, I know this email thing is a big issue and
unresolved to some point.
This one thing is stopping me from going forward to releasing a software
product. :-(

Mark Stuart

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Docking Panes

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Thomas McGrath III :: Mar 23, 2009 - 00:46 AM

Mark, I have an interest. But haven't done anything about it yet. Why?


So you've seen and experienced the docking pane?


Background as to why:

Here at my work, the owner of the company wants to use the CodeJock
ActiveX's more and more in our CRM product. (not built in RunRev)

Their other product (ERP) written in .NET uses it extensively, actually,
a lot: Report Control, Docking Panes, etc. from CodeJock.


So I got to thinking, this Docking Pane, at least, could be built as a
plug-in for RunRev developers. Why not, right?

A few objects and some decent commands and functions could give purpose
to a better UI for the end users. And the way the developer can build an


I was thinking: could it be built in an open source environment? I
haven't done that before in RunRev, but here at work we do it in a
similar fashion. 

Develop local, merge to masters on the server.


So I'm wondering if any one is interested in this as a group project?



Mark Stuart

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Docking Panes

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Stuart
Written by Mark Wieder :: Mar 23, 2009 - 02:09 AM


Sunday, March 22, 2009, 6:56:09 PM, you wrote:

 Has anyone been able to build a RunRev application with the concept of

 docking panes?

The GLX2 status bar docks itself to the rev menubar. Is that the sort

of thing you're talking about?

-Mark Wieder

 mwieder at



Hi Mark Weider,

I don't use GLX2 (I know, I know), so I'm not familiar with this.


But check out CodeJock's Docking Pane at the following site:


They have many flavors of this object :)

Some of the styles I think are accomplishable in RunRev:

- The Whidbey

- Beta 2

- Tear Off Tabs

- Auto Hide

- Pinnable Panes


See my reply to Thomas McGrath for further comments on this.



Mark Stuart

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Docking Panes

2009-03-22 Thread Mark Stuart
On Mar 19, 2009 - 6:45 PM, mfstuart wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone been able to build a RunRev application with the concept of
docking panes?

Hmmm.not interested? No time? Don't even know what I'm talking about?
There's gotta be ONE person with an interest?

Mark Stuart

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programming fonts

2009-03-19 Thread Mark Stuart
Richard wrote:
What's your favorite font for use in your script editor?

Screen resolution: 1280x1024
Corbel 14 or 16

Mark Stuart (eye sight is dimming in the sunset years)

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2009-02-25 Thread Mark Stuart

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Gutenberg Reader

2009-02-24 Thread Mark Stuart
Peter wrote:

OK, I manually replaced the three .rev stacks inside the package. Try  
downloading it again:


I was able to view and search the Gutenberg list and download an eBook. 

Nice work Peter.



Mark Stuart

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conditionally formatting a field

2008-12-18 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Jan,

I tried the 'Appearance Manager'. It looks interesting, but for the gain
in what it gives, I lose the real look and feel of the native platform.


I do have the 'threeD' property unchecked and the 'borderWidth' set to


If you are on Windows, look at how Outlook behaves with the Find / 'Look
for' and 'Search In' edit controls.

Mouse over and out of these controls. Now put the cursor in the 'Look
for' edit control, and then mouse over and out again.

This is the behavior I'm looking to do. Kind of basic stuff, but can't
get it with RunRev.


So here's a question that may help with this:

Programmatically, when do I know that a text field has focus?

Something like: 'if the Focus of me is true then'


- I tried the focusIn and focusOut - nothing from them.

- Obviously openField, exitField, and closeField work no problem

And mouseEnter and mouseLeave have to work with this also.


Anyone with and idea on this?



Mark Stuart


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Check and close a program

2008-12-01 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Tareq,

Read the Windows Registry, using the following Key:


Valid values = (5, 5.1, 6)

Where: 5 = Win2000, 5.1 = WinXP, 6 = Vista


If it = 5.1 OR 6 (Vista), then use: taskkill /IM ExecutableName.exe

This will kill/stop ALL sessions of the same exe name.


For more info:

Open a DOS box and type in: taskkill /?

You will see all the / options.


Sorry, I don't the executable name for Win2000, which is different.


Mark Stuart

Tareq wrote:

Hi everybody,
I'm to tryin' to find a way to stop a program or an
executable from the process tab of windows task 
manager. Is there any simple way to do that by
scripting a btn? The executable may be rev app or
others. Thanks in advance... 



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Copying standalone to PowerBook

2008-11-04 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Sarah,

You wrote:

Do you have any file deletions in your scripts? If so, check what folder
they are using.
There are no file deletions in any scripts. 
Actually, after opening the application and waiting a short time (haven't
timed this yet), and then checking the Finder, that's when the file size
changes. And there's been no action taken in the interface. 
Actually not quite true. The preOpenStack script runs: some basic interface
initialization and reading a preferences text file.


So being a complete newbie to MacOS, I'm stuck.



Mark Stuart

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re: Mac OS and Windows behavior difference

2008-11-03 Thread Mark Stuart
Terry wrote:

 I've seen this sort of thing as well. Add in a 'wait 0 milliseconds'
and it should update correctly. 


I applied your suggestion to the script, and it now displays correctly.



Mark Stuart

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OS 10.5 character issue

2008-11-03 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Dan,

Have you run a numToChar(number) inside a repeat loop, to see what
character and number the check mark is?



Mark Stuart

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re: Stopping A Stack From Starting Up in the IDE

2008-09-23 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi Len,


FWIW, I remember playing around with MS Access a few years ago, that
while holding down the left shift key and opening the application mdb
file, the startup scripts did not execute.

Therefore accomplishing what you want to do here.

Recently I tried the same in Rev, but obviously did not do the same.


Therefore, it would be nice to be able to do the same in RunRev, to not
execute the preOpenStack and/or the openStack handlers of the stack you
are opening, while holding down some key combination - in development


I'll add it as a wish list item if any one is interested.

What say ya'll?


Mark Stuart

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Contextual (popup) menus and their options

2008-08-25 Thread Mark Stuart
Bonjour Eric,

If only I would look in the Documentation for this command, I would not
waste your time.

Thank you for explaining, your time, and your grace. :-)



Mark Stuart

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Contextual (popup) menus and their options

2008-08-24 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi All,


I have a contextual menu (popup) on a text field with several options. One
of them is Select All.

This allows the user to select all the text in this field.

If the user actuates the contextual menu again, the Select All option should
still be there, but also a new option is selectable - Copy - copies all
selected text to the clipboard.


So the question is, how do I detect if text is selected in a text field, and
then dynamically change out the menu option by adding Copy to it?



Mark Stuart

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Contextual (popup) menus and their options

2008-08-24 Thread Mark Stuart
Bonjour Eric,


Put your script into my field, and it's working, thank you.

But I'm not sure what this part of your script does, what it is checking


   if word 4 of the selectedChunk  word 2 of the selectedChunk then


Why word 4 and why word 2?

And why word 4 is less than word 2?

Are these the menu items?

And I'm assuming the selectedChunk is testing for any selected text.



Mark Stuart

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Re-2: Removing CRLF from text

2008-08-22 Thread Mark Stuart
Hi all,


I've tried all replies to this issue and the one that works is from
Martin Baxter, using:

put URL (binfile:  tFilename) into tData

put tData into fld Original  --this results in displaying a box
character at the end of each line


--now look for the set of string characters that I want to remove

put +  CRLF into tmatchstring   --the order that the string
you're looking for is important

replace tmatchstring with space in tData

replace   with empty in tData   --the replace character is the
last char of each line from the Original field. I copied this
character into the script

--place the result into a field for display

put tData into fld Changed


From my Changed field (the result of the script), I copied the text
from it, saved it with Notepad and viewed the file with a Hex Editor.


The characters at the end of each line are:

(Hex=0d0d0a) which is 13 13 10


RunRev translation:

cr cr lf


Remember, this is all from using...

put URL (binfile:  tFilename) into tData


From the saved file above, I used it as the ini file for the software
application, and the application works with it - no problem.


The net result is, this works using: put URL (binfile:. when
trying to do what I need to do ...

... bring broken INI entries into one line, per ini entry.


Thanx all for your interesting responses. 


It shows how awesome, diverse and I might say in a nice way, indulgent,
each RunRev developer is.



Mark Stuart

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