from htmlText to rawtext

2010-02-20 Thread Martin Meili

How can I change the text in a field from htmltext to rawtext?
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Question about revBrowser

2008-12-22 Thread Martin Meili

Hi everbody
I've got a question about revBrowser.

If I want to navigate to a URL there is no problem as long as this  
site is on the first level of different directories, e.g. http:// This URL will also appear in my textfield url.

But as soon as there is a subdirectory which is opened in a second  
window, the second part of the url  (/franzoesisch/envol/envol7/ 
unite3/mettre_table.htm) is not displayed in my textfield url and  
so I'm not able to navigate to  the entire url http://

Once again the two urls:

What I want to do is to catch the second URL in order to store it in  
a textfield besides of other URLs. Through this the user should be  
able to navigate to any of the in the textfield displayed urls by a  
simple click on one of these lines.

Anybody there who can help me?

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printer selection in network by script

2007-08-26 Thread Martin Meili
If there is more than 1 printer in a network, how can I select a  
printer by script (revPrintField command, neither of the two printer  
dialogues is shown)?

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problems with drawer

2007-06-30 Thread Martin Meili

I've got two stacks. From the first stack I open the second stack as  
a drawer. The drawer stack generates a psssword. As long as the two  
stacks are just stacks (not standalones) they work perfectly.

If I make a standalone of the first stack, I can still open the  
second stack as a drawer. But, now, the problem is, that the scripts  
of the stack which should generate the new password don't work  
anymore. Is there anybody who could me a hint?

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2007-03-24 Thread Martin Meili

Hi there
• I've got a problem with scrollbars showing their thumbpositions if  
I run the stack on OSX Tiger. I f you open  the card holding more  
than one scrollbar it takes very long  until the card is ready and  
you can start your work. During this time the multicoloured windmill- 
cursor is shown. When your card is ready,  the changing of the  
scrollbars' thumbpositions is very jerky.

• The problem doesn't occur if I run the stack on OSX Panther, OS 9.x  
and Windows 2000 (Pentium III / 1000 mhz), or if I switch off the  
show value property (in this case the stack runs also fast using  
OSX Tiger).

• How to trigger the problem:
- create a new stack with two cards
- go to card two and place some scrollbars on it
- set the start value of each to 100
- set the end value of each to 0
!!! The other way round works fine ( start value set to 0 and the  
end value  set to 100 !!!

Now, you've got the problem: Dragging the thumb of one of the  
scrollbars or swichting from card 1 to card 2 or the other way round  
will trigger the showing up of this psychedelic multicoloured  
windmill-cursor  - and changing the thumbs' positions will be jerky.

I've tried out Revolution 2.5. up to 2.8.0 - it's always the same  
problem, so the problem hasn't anythig to do with the release of  


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2006-10-02 Thread Martin Meili
How come that Intel-Only-Standalones (running on an intel-Mac) are very 
often slower than the same applications as PPC-Standalones running on a 


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Problems with standalonebuilder of Rev.2.7.3.?

2006-08-18 Thread Martin Meili

I've got a stack I can tax my students in terms of different language 
skills with (sliders, text fields in combination with sliders). The 
program runs very fast on my PowerPC, OS 10.3.9. I store the data of 
each student in textfiles. They are reloadable in my taxation panel.

If I use Revolution 2.7.2  and have a standalone for the intel-32 
processor built , the program runs sufficiently, that means, it's 
slower than on the PowerPC, but every feature of the program works as I 
want it to do.

If I use Revolution 2.7.3, it seems to be faster, but storing data 
doesn't work anymore. There must be something wrong with the path, and 
the sliders in combination with the textfields don't work anymore. You 
can enter data into the texfields using the ask dialogue, but the 
thumbposition of the sliders don't change.

What's wrong here? Has anybody had the same or other problems with the 
Rev.2.7.3. standalone builder?


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shell command ?

2006-08-06 Thread Martin Meili

How can I set file attributes?

open file FileToWriteVar for write
write MyText to file FileToWriteVar
close file FileToWriteVar

.. shell command (?)

-- How can I set the attribute of the file FileToWriteVar so that 
the user can't see the file in the directory I've written the file to? 
……… but he should be able to open and read from it by the  open file 
for read command.


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problems with find command

2006-04-16 Thread Martin Meili

Hi Paul and Jeanne

Is the don't search property set to true for this field?
--No, it isn't set to true.
Is it a sharedText set to true?
--No, it isn't set to true, either.
Paul Looney

 Have you previously used the find command on the same card, finding
the same thing?
--Yes, I did so. The script must do this. It has to find out whether a 
person's name is already in a text field or not. 

 Can you post the script that's causing the problem? (Or are you using
the command in the message box?
--No , it's not used in the msg. It's in a script.
--Yes, I'll send you the script offlist. 
The field doesn't by any chance have its dontSearch property set to
true, does it? 
--No, it isn't set to true.

Meanwhile, I've found a way to do the script what I want it to do by 
using the offset function. So, for the moment, my problems are solved.

 -- jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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problems with find command

2006-04-14 Thread Martin Meili

I'm having problems with the find command.
I've got a a text field with a lot of names. Each name is on a single 
line and the data is clean, so, no spaces, no tabs and so on……
Using the find command the result is not found (!!), even though you 
can see in the text field that the result should be empty (the name 
is marked as found !!).

Has anybody had the same problems and how can I fix it? Might it be a 

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2005-12-24 Thread Martin Meili
Which soundSource do I have to choose from the list given if I want to 
use a USB headset by Plantronics as input device? imic for the 
internal microphone works fine.


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answer file / filter

2005-08-01 Thread Martin Meili


I've got some code:

answer file Which file do you want to open?

Now, only files with the extension txt should be enabled in the 
opened window.

I know, there should be a solution with the filter-command, but I can't 
manage to make this work.

Can you help me?


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selected line of field

2005-07-10 Thread Martin Meili
How can I deselect the selected lines of a number of fields MyFields 
by script?  The listbehaviour of these fields is set to true.


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problems building standalone

2005-03-16 Thread Martin Meili
Hi there,
I had the same problem when I upgraded from 2.2. to 2.5.
Try this:
Open your 2.2.1.-stack with Rev 2.5.1. Then save this stack as a 
2.5.1.-stack. Close and reopen this new 2.5.1.-stack with Revolution. 
Then build your standalone with Revolution 2.5.1.
As far as I am concerned, this  worked fine in the most cases, but not 
in every case.

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problems with SplashScreen(Standalone) using a stack and revSpeak

2003-12-14 Thread Martin Meili
I've got a SplashScreen as a stadalone using another stack to store date. So
far, I haven't got any problems. Everything works fine.

It's O.K. too, if I want my standalone to speak some text in a field in the
standalone itself.
But, as soon as I open my store-data-stack coming from the splashscreen,
revSpeak and do say don't work there anymore.

Here are the scripts which work fine in the SplashScreen itself, but not int
the store-data-stack:

put line SpeakHolder of field text1 into SpeakHolder
do say  quote SpeakHolder quote  using  quote VoiceHolder quote
as Applescript

put line SpeakHolder of field text2 into SpeakHolder
  revSpeak SpeakHolder

It seems to be clear where the problem stems from: The standalone itself has
got available the necessary script library (the box all others in
inclusions is ticked), but not so the store-data-stack.

Is there anybody there who can help me?


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what selected text?!

2003-08-08 Thread Martin Meili
hi Steve
If you don't want the selection in your field to be removed when clicking
your button A, you have to deselect the traversalOn-property (Focus with
keyboard) in the Basic Properties of your button A.


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saving a stackfile from a standalone

2003-06-28 Thread Martin Meili
I've got 2 stacks:

A.) a stack saved as a standalone (splash screen), as far as I understand it
holds the engine. The engine should be able to save stackfiles, also running
under Windows

B.) a stackfile which is neither a standalone nor a substack of A, so it is
an independent file

In A I've got the following script:

on closestack
save stack B
end closestack

This works without any problems if I run my program on my Mac, but data are
not stored if I try doing the same on a Windows PC.

What am I understanding/doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.


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record sound problem

2003-06-08 Thread Martin Meili

I haven't got any problems recording an audioclip by means of an external

But a problem occurs when I want to play this clip by using the play
audioclip command (format = aiff): The sound I can hear is too fast.

If I play the same audioclip with a player and the playrate is set to 0.5
the sound (my voice) is O.K.

I'd like to use the play audioclip command.
What am I doing wrong?


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Saving stack while running as a standalone

2003-06-01 Thread Martin Meili
Saving data in an external revolution-stack while running a standalone works
without any problems if I do this on my Mac.
If I try doing the same running Virtual PC (Win95) the data to be saved in
the external stack are not saved.
This behaviour is contrary to the advice I get from Tip of the week on the
Revolution homepage.
Is anybody out there who can help me?


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