How do I uninstall the revWeb plugin?

2010-03-30 Thread paul foraker
For testing purposes, I need to uninstall the revWeb plugin. What's the
cleanest way to do that?

-- Paul
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Re: Emailing within Rev

2009-10-08 Thread Paul Foraker
Is there a way to use Shao Sean's smtp library to send HTML-based e-mail?

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
 Chipp Walters once wrote a wrapper for Shao Sean's library. You can download 
 it from the Altuit Revolution Resources site  Downloads section:
 altEmailHarness is near the bottom of the page.

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Re: ANN: TwistAWord as Facebook Application

2009-10-04 Thread Paul Foraker
I ran it on Firefox/Snow Leopard and it worked great. Didn't try Safari.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami ka...@hindu.orgwrote:

 Mark, fantastic! Can't wait to show this off to others to give them an idea
 of what can be done with the new plug in. Of course we have to wait until
 the final (64-bit enabled) plug-in is released. Most everyone here is on
 Safari-Snowleopard and so it won't work... -- Yes, I know about the 32 bit
 switch, but for naive users that's not an option... it needs to run out of
 the box) -- I guess it is still best to wait before unwrapping this outside
 our runRev community.

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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-03 Thread Paul Foraker

The htmlText solution I proposed will also work for boxed text that is also
bold and underline:

pHere isbox ubsome/b/u/box text/p

You can simply replace the box tags with empty, leaving the underline and
bold. And, it will handle the spaces between words as well.

But, it sounds like you've got something that works for you.

Box is a little strange. Apparently, every style change results in a new,
additional box.

-- Paul
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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-02 Thread Paul Foraker
Riffing on Devin's:

repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in fld thefield
 get the textStyle of word i of fld thefield
 if it contains bold then
   replace bold with plain in it
   set the textStyle of word i of fld thefield to it
 end if
end repeat

-- Paul

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

 On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Beat Cornaz wrote:

  Hi all,

 I have a field with text with different textStyles. Now I just want
 to remove the bold (or any other) textStyle from that field. So
 leaving all the underline, italic. box etc textStyle parts in order.

 set the textStyle of fld X to not bold   is accepted by the editor
 but throws an error at runtime. Probably because not bold equals
 false and you can't set a textStyle to false

 I could write a handler which checks the textStyle of every char and
 removes the bold, but I guess there is a more easy way.


 Try this (not tested):

 repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in fld thefield
  get the textStyle of word i of fld thefield
  if it contains bold then
replace bold with empty in it
replace ,bold with empty in it
replace bold, with empty in it
set the textStyle of word i of fld thefield to it
  end if
 end repeat

 Something like this should work.



 Devin Asay
 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
 Brigham Young University

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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-02 Thread Paul Foraker
This would be a way to follow Craig's suggestion:

   put the htmlText of fld 1 into temp
   replace b with  in temp
   replace /b with  in temp
   set the htmlText of fld 1 to temp

-- Paul

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 3:39 PM, wrote:
 The proffered scripts all necessitate that the original text, likely from a
 field, be manHandled word by word.

 This is because text in a variable does not retain the textStyle of the
 source. But don't I remember that there is a way, or a gadget, that holds the
 style along with the raw text? The only reason it might matter is speed; a
 lot of getting and setting goes on in the solutions offered. It might be worth
 it to put massive amounts of text in a variable and process there,
 returning the new styled text to the field in one put.

 Seems like I saw this somewhere...

 Craig Newman
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Re: Practical limits on object counts

2009-10-02 Thread Paul Foraker
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 Have any of you worked on stacks with an insane number of objects on a card

 What issues did you encounter?

I have a bead pattern generator that dynamically clones a small
graphic to produce 4,634 of them arranged according to dimensions and
patterns set by the user. There are also some fields and buttons,
bringing the total number of controls to 4,646. It takes about 2
seconds to render on an iMac with the screen locked. When you mouse
down on the inspection arrow in the Property Inspector, you get a
disabled item: Too many controls to display [4646]. There aren't too
many fields or buttons to display, but it doesn't care. :)

-- Paul
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Re: Emailing a Rev file

2009-09-27 Thread Paul Foraker
I have used the free service at

for successfully transferring executables.

-- Paul

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 Gabel Paul wrote:

 Hello everybody:

 I made a .zip file from a standalone built for Mac OS X and emailed it to
 someone. It went through just fine. Then I did the same thing for a Windows
 build, but when I tried to email the file (7.9 MB) it bounced back with the
 following message:


 Just had a look at Gmail's guidelines, and:

 So you will have to send an Windows build via FTP!

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Re: [teaser] Mac OS X external

2009-09-20 Thread Paul Foraker
I keep hoping for

  set the style of this stack to cocoa

-- Paul

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Shao Sean wrote:

 Working on an external for helping Mac applications in Rev look and feel
 more like Mac OS X applications. Current features include:

 setWindowModified - toggles the dirty document flag on and off
 isWindowModified() - returns the state of the dirty document flag
 setWindowProxy - adds a proxy icon to the title bar of the window

 Screen capture of a modified title bar:

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Fwd: Obey dontSearch properties -- not working?

2009-09-15 Thread Paul Foraker
(Reposting due to bounce)

Using Rev Studio 3.5, I have a 1,200 card stack with 59 fields. I want to
replace a single character in any of the fields except one. I have that
field's dontSearch property set to true. I set that in the Property
Inspector and then tested it in the Message Box.

I bring up the Find and Replace dialog and check the checkbox, Obey
dontSearch properties. But, when I search for the character (é -- accented
e) the results include the field whose dontSearch is set to true.

Bug? Workaround?

-- Paul
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Re: Fwd: Obey dontSearch properties -- not working?

2009-09-15 Thread Paul Foraker
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 6:23 PM, J. Landman Gay jac...@hyperactivesw.comwrote:

 I just did a quick test and it works here in 3.5. I tried searching for
 both a whole word and a single letter. I don't have any diacriticals in my
 test text though, I wonder if the glitch is with that. Does your stack honor
 the dontsearch if you look for a whole word?

On further testing, it appears that if a search term is found on more than
one card, the Obey dontSearch properties checkbox is ignored.

-- Paul
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MySQL error - duplicate entry

2009-07-12 Thread paul foraker

I'm getting a MySQL error in a handler that is based on the newRecord
handler from the Working with Databases sample stack.

This handler is updating a table named 'groups'. The columns are id, grp_id,
There are currently 60 rows, with id = 1 to 60

Whereas in the newRecord handler in the sample stack, the incoming parameter
is just the pRecordID, I'm also passing to my handler a comma-delimited list
of groups the pRecordID person is assigned to.

As in the original newRecord script, the first INSERT command is supposed to
create a new record in the table. Then, a LAST_INSERT_ID command is issued
to get the ID of the new record. Then an UPDATE command is issued to post
the values to the new row.

In this example, there are two groups in the pGrpList parameter. As I
iterate through them, the first one appears to get posted OK (but not
really), but the second time through I'm getting the error:

  Duplicate entry '0' for key 1

When I check the database in phpMyAdmin, a new row with id = 0 has been
created -- presumably by the first iteration.

On that first iteration, the LAST_INSERT_ID is consistently returning 3084.
Since there are only 60 rows, that seems a weird number. It is, however, a
valid member_id for someone who appears in the table.

So, maybe there's more than one problem?

The failure on the second iteration makes me think there's a database cursor
problem, but I don't know how to resolve that, if that's what it is.

Here's the script...

global gRTdbID
# following assumes MySQL queries
on updateGroups pRecordID,pGrpList

   # looking in the debugger,
   # pRecordID is valid; it's 1009
   # pGrpList is valid; it's 8,12

   set the cursor to busy

   # first, delete the existing rows if any
   revExecuteSQL gRTdbID, DELETE FROM groups WHERE member_id = :1,
   get the result -- just checking in the debugger: it's 0

   # now add the new list (a comma-delimited list of groups to which this
person is assigned)
   if pGrpList is empty then put 10 into pGrpList -- default group

  repeat for each item tGroup in pGrpList
 revExecuteSQL gRTdbID, INSERT INTO groups() VALUES()
 put the result into tRes
 if tRes is not a number or tRes  0 then
error tRes
 end if

 put revDataFromQuery(comma, return, gRTdbID, SELECT
LAST_INSERT_ID()) into tLastID

 # at this point, tLastID is 3084. But, there are only 60 rows in
the table... ?

 if item 1 of tLastID is revdberr then
error tLastID
revExecuteSQL gRTdbID, UPDATE groups SET grp_ID = :1, member_ID
= :2 WHERE id = :3, \
   tGroup, pRecordID, tLastID

 end if

  end repeat

end updateGroups

Any ideas?


-- Paul
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Re: MySQL error - duplicate entry

2009-07-12 Thread paul foraker

   Duplicate entry '0' for key 1

I found the problem. The ID column was not set to autoincrement.

-- Paul
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re: RGB values for a color name

2009-07-05 Thread paul foraker
I've put up a one-card stack at

which consolidates some color management stuff I've been working on for the
past several months. Jacque Gay, Alex Tweedly, and Chipp Walters were
unwitting contributors. (Advisory: I haven't looked at this stack on

My primary task has been to convert between RGB and Hex, as well as publish
HTML pages with specific colors, so that's mostly what the thing helps with,
but there is a Color Names menu.

Plus, the Apple Mac OS X Color Picker (answer color) contributes some extra
help. Today, I found a really excellent article on that Color Picker by
Robin Wood

which suggests much more that could be done!

-- Paul
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Re: High ASCII character translation code thingy

2008-11-30 Thread paul foraker
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Mark Schonewille 

 put uniencode(myXML,UTF8) into myUnicodeString
 set the unicodeText of fld x to myUnicodeString

 You might use Rev's XML features to read the data.

 Thank you, Mark. That was the breakthrough I needed. On Jacque's
suggestion, I had tried to do something like that, but I misunderstood the
function. I used uniDecode(), thinking that the text was already encoded and
needed to be decoded. I was right, but wrong.  :)

I'm still curious about the D character (Ð) terminating the string in the
field and property, but I can live with it.

-- Paul
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High ASCII character translation code thingy

2008-11-29 Thread paul foraker

I'm doing some volunteer work for a non-profit. They're sending me an XML
export from a Netsuite database server, emailed to me weekly. The file
contains a transaction log which I need to parse in order to update a
Rev-based database. For ease, and because the file is not huge, I'm opening
it in Excel, copying the records and pasting them into BBEdit, then saving
that as .txt and reading the text file into Rev. This handily converts the
data to Tab and Return delimited.

I'm using Macs (Tiger and Leopard, the same behavior). Rev Studio 2.9.

Problem 1:

Some records in this update file contain Spanish, French, German or Dutch
names, street addresses, etc. The special characters in those languages are
arriving here in some code that I cannot find a description of anywhere.
Hopefully, I can represent it here without them getting translated into
something else.


The accented i in Maria (María) is expressed in this file as   √≠or the
square root symbol and a not-equal sign. So, the result is María.

Question 1: what is this code called, and where can I find some
documentation on it?  Does Rev have a translator, either through a function,
or some way to import a file?

Problem 2:

A friend painstakingly went through instances of these encodings and mapped
them to the special characters they represent. So, I now have a text file
containing a tab and return delimited list, 65 rows. I thought I would
create an array and pass the data through a function to translate the codes
into their respective special characters. However, it turns out that one of
the special characters is a capital D with a horizontal bar through the
ascender. Or, as it is represented in this table:

√è (tab) Ð

That D character displays fine in BBEdit. However, when I pasted the entire
list into a Rev field, the data was terminated before displaying that D
character. I also tried setting a property to the contents of the Clipboard.
Apparently, that D character is a terminator in the Rev Clipboard.

Question 2: how can I interpret and display the D character, since it
terminates a string?

Weird Note:

I tried using File / Import to bring the translation text file into Rev, but
that result was surprising. All the characters in the table were translated
into the very code I'm trying to unravel! So, for example, the line
containing the accented i:




Obviously, Rev knows something about these codes.

So, as a workaround, I'm going to replace the D character with a substitute
and work with the other 64 of them in that array, hoping nobody shows up
with that D character in their name or address.

Anyone have any insight?


-- Paul
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Re: exclude

2008-05-19 Thread Paul Foraker
Thank you-all. I'm so happy to be 'without' !
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2008-05-17 Thread Paul Foraker
Coming from the HyperTalk world, 'filter' is great. But how about the  
opposite? Is there a command that replaces the container contents  
with every line that does not include the indicated string?

-- Paul
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Re: unpacking

2008-03-02 Thread Paul Foraker
Hi Jim,

The Variable Watcher indicates that the value of the incoming variable is
correct, and remains so throughout the execution (or the VW is not updating
properly). Nevertheless, the 'close stack' kills the utility of the

-- Paul

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not sure I am on the right track here, but it seems the 'close stack'
 is working as I would expect in your example.

 When you start a script using a handler in a stack, you should not be able
 to close that stack before finishing the handler, including all of the
 function and handler calls.  It is not logical to say 'start running this
 handler, but before it is done, purge it from memory'

 In this particular case, I would probably use

 on mouseUp -- button on a card of sub stack Days
unpackTheData jDate
  send (close stack   the short name of this stack ) to me in 10
 end mouseUp

 If you were to use the Variable Watcher window, you might see that the
 definition of the variable 'jDate' becomes empty when you close the stack
 that started the process.

 You might test this:
close stack Days -- back on main stack Journal
unpackTheData jDate
   put |  jDate  | into msg  --to see if it still has the date
  end mouseUp

 Be careful when using the Message Box, since it tries to interpret the
 command line, but does not always work the same way as running a handler,
 especially when trying to test the 'do' command.

 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas

 On 3/1/08 10:57 PM, Paul Foraker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Turns out the problem was in the calling handler, but this is a little
  weird. When I reported just now that I'd fixed it by passing j already
  prepended to the seconds, I had only tried that from the Message Box.
  inside the calling script, it didn't work. Here's the calling script in
  button on a substack's card (faux dialog):
  on mouseUp -- button on a card of sub stack Days
get the selectedText of fld DaysList
convert it to seconds
put j  it into jDate
close stack Days -- back on main stack Journal
unpackTheData jDate
  end mouseUp
  That doesn't work. Even though jDate arrives at the main stack script
  the correct value, that value cannot be used to access the main stack's
  custom property.
  The unpackTheData handler does work, however, from the Message Box. That
  I can pass j-something to the stack script and it will work.
  So, it had to be the close stack command in the calling script. Sure
  enough, this works:
  on mouseUp -- in a button on sub stack Days of main stack Journal
get the selectedText of fld DaysList
convert it to seconds
put j  it into jDate
go stack Journal -- main stack
unpackTheData jDate
close stack Days -- substack cannot be closed prior to execution
  -- of a handler in the main stack
  end mouseUp
  I would call that a bug.
  -- Paul
  On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 10:44 PM, J. Landman Gay 
  Paul Foraker wrote:
  I'm building a stack that is a data entry app for a daily journal.
  day's entries have been posted (emailed to myself), I want to store
  the stack. I came up with a scheme of prepending j to the seconds
  representing the day and using that as the name of a custom property.
  problem storing that. When I retrieve it in a script, however, it's
  on unpackTheData jDate -- in seconds
put j before jDate
put empty into tJournal
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
-- do put the  jDate  of this stack into  tJournal --
  I think you do need to use the do statement to force evaluation. But
  the tJournal variable should be part of the do statement itself; Rev
  will recognize it correctly as a variable. So, something like this
  should work:
  do put the  jDate  of this stack into tJournal
  Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  HyperActive Software   |
  use-revolution mailing list
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2008-03-01 Thread Paul Foraker
I'm building a stack that is a data entry app for a daily journal. Once the
day's entries have been posted (emailed to myself), I want to store them in
the stack. I came up with a scheme of prepending j to the seconds
representing the day and using that as the name of a custom property. No
problem storing that. When I retrieve it in a script, however, it's always

on unpackTheData jDate -- in seconds
  put j before jDate
  put empty into tJournal
  put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
  -- do put the  jDate  of this stack into  tJournal -- didn't
  put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
  if tJournal is empty then
delete char 1 of jDate -- j
convert jDate to long date
answer Sorry, there's no journal for  jDate .
exit to top
  end if
  -- ...
end unpackTheData

I'm passing the seconds for a date I know exists, and I can execute code
similar to the above in the Message Box and it works fine. In the script,
however, tJournal is always empty.

I thought maybe it was a data-typing error, but this works in the Message

put empty into tJournal
put 2/29/08 into jdate
convert jDate to seconds
put j before jDate
put the jdate of this stack into tJournal
put tJournal

Any suggestions?


-- Paul
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Re: unpacking

2008-03-01 Thread Paul Foraker
Problem solved, but I don't know why.

If I pass jDate with the j already prepended, it works.

-- Paul

  On 3/1/08 9:32 PM, Paul Foraker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm building a stack that is a data entry app for a daily journal. Once
  day's entries have been posted (emailed to myself), I want to store them
  the stack. I came up with a scheme of prepending j to the seconds
  representing the day and using that as the name of a custom property. No
  problem storing that. When I retrieve it in a script, however, it's
  on unpackTheData jDate -- in seconds
put j before jDate
put empty into tJournal
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
-- do put the  jDate  of this stack into  tJournal -- didn't
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
if tJournal is empty then
  delete char 1 of jDate -- j
  convert jDate to long date
  answer Sorry, there's no journal for  jDate .
  exit to top
end if
-- ...
  end unpackTheData
  I'm passing the seconds for a date I know exists, and I can execute code
  similar to the above in the Message Box and it works fine. In the
  however, tJournal is always empty.
  I thought maybe it was a data-typing error, but this works in the
  put empty into tJournal
  put 2/29/08 into jdate
  convert jDate to seconds
  put j before jDate
  put the jdate of this stack into tJournal
  put tJournal

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Re: unpacking

2008-03-01 Thread Paul Foraker
Thanks, Jim.

Yes, I have confirmed in the inspector that the property exists, and as I
mentioned, the correct data is retrieved in the Message Box, but not in the
stack script.

The variable jDate is composed of the letter j and the seconds for the
date. I delete the j when I want to convert the seconds back to a long
date for the dialog. Otherwise, it's not a date and the conversion would

-- Paul

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 9:54 PM, Jim Ault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First, use the stack inspector to confirm that your property is indeed the
 value you think it is.

 Do this by opening the stack inspector, then choose the custom
 drop down.  Now inspect the values:

 set the jDate of this stack to 99/88/77

 put the jDate of this stack into tJournal

 By the way, why would you be doing
  delete char 1 of jDate -- j
  convert jDate to long date
  answer Sorry, there's no journal for  jDate .

 since jDate is the name of the custom property and contains no data
 and why would you want to delete char 1 of jDate?

 Hope this helps

 Jim Ault
 Las Vegas

 On 3/1/08 9:32 PM, Paul Foraker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm building a stack that is a data entry app for a daily journal. Once
  day's entries have been posted (emailed to myself), I want to store them
  the stack. I came up with a scheme of prepending j to the seconds
  representing the day and using that as the name of a custom property. No
  problem storing that. When I retrieve it in a script, however, it's
  on unpackTheData jDate -- in seconds
put j before jDate
put empty into tJournal
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
-- do put the  jDate  of this stack into  tJournal -- didn't
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
if tJournal is empty then
  delete char 1 of jDate -- j
  convert jDate to long date
  answer Sorry, there's no journal for  jDate .
  exit to top
end if
-- ...
  end unpackTheData
  I'm passing the seconds for a date I know exists, and I can execute code
  similar to the above in the Message Box and it works fine. In the
  however, tJournal is always empty.
  I thought maybe it was a data-typing error, but this works in the
  put empty into tJournal
  put 2/29/08 into jdate
  convert jDate to seconds
  put j before jDate
  put the jdate of this stack into tJournal
  put tJournal

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Re: unpacking

2008-03-01 Thread Paul Foraker
Turns out the problem was in the calling handler, but this is a little
weird. When I reported just now that I'd fixed it by passing j already
prepended to the seconds, I had only tried that from the Message Box. Back
inside the calling script, it didn't work. Here's the calling script in a
button on a substack's card (faux dialog):

on mouseUp -- button on a card of sub stack Days
  get the selectedText of fld DaysList
  convert it to seconds
  put j  it into jDate
  close stack Days -- back on main stack Journal
  unpackTheData jDate
end mouseUp

That doesn't work. Even though jDate arrives at the main stack script with
the correct value, that value cannot be used to access the main stack's
custom property.

The unpackTheData handler does work, however, from the Message Box. That is,
I can pass j-something to the stack script and it will work.

So, it had to be the close stack command in the calling script. Sure
enough, this works:

on mouseUp -- in a button on sub stack Days of main stack Journal
  get the selectedText of fld DaysList
  convert it to seconds
  put j  it into jDate
  go stack Journal -- main stack
  unpackTheData jDate
  close stack Days -- substack cannot be closed prior to execution
-- of a handler in the main stack
end mouseUp

I would call that a bug.

-- Paul

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 10:44 PM, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Paul Foraker wrote:
  I'm building a stack that is a data entry app for a daily journal. Once
  day's entries have been posted (emailed to myself), I want to store them
  the stack. I came up with a scheme of prepending j to the seconds
  representing the day and using that as the name of a custom property. No
  problem storing that. When I retrieve it in a script, however, it's
  on unpackTheData jDate -- in seconds
put j before jDate
put empty into tJournal
put the jDate of this stack into tJournal
-- do put the  jDate  of this stack into  tJournal -- didn't

 I think you do need to use the do statement to force evaluation. But
 the tJournal variable should be part of the do statement itself; Rev
 will recognize it correctly as a variable. So, something like this
 should work:

 do put the  jDate  of this stack into tJournal

 Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HyperActive Software   |
 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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field problem

2007-04-15 Thread Paul Foraker


In Rev Media 2.7.4 (Mac), I manually copied a scrolling field and its text
from one stack and pasted it into a substack of the stack. In the source
stack, I can edit the text. But, in the destination stack, I cannot edit the
text in the field.

The new uneditable field is not locked. The cursor changes to I-beam when
hovered over the field. Clicking in the field, places an insertion point at
the top of the field, but typing has no effect. Dragging in the field does
not select text.

Any suggestions?

-- Paul
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Re: field problem

2007-04-15 Thread Paul Foraker

Behavior is the same with Focusable true or false, except that with it set
to false, the insertion point doesn't appear at all.

On 4/15/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Paul,

Methinks you need to check the field's focusable property with the
Property Inspector or using the msg box. It's one of the Basic

Joe Wilkins

On Apr 15, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Paul Foraker wrote:


 In Rev Media 2.7.4 (Mac), I manually copied a scrolling field and
 its text
 from one stack and pasted it into a substack of the stack. In the
 stack, I can edit the text. But, in the destination stack, I cannot
 edit the
 text in the field.

 The new uneditable field is not locked. The cursor changes to I-
 beam when
 hovered over the field. Clicking in the field, places an insertion
 point at
 the top of the field, but typing has no effect. Dragging in the
 field does
 not select text.

 Any suggestions?

 -- Paul
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Re: field problem

2007-04-15 Thread Paul Foraker

The traversalOn of the new field (and the stack) was set to true. Setting it
to false didn't affect the behavior. The original field's traversalOn is
also set to true (and it works fine).

My successful workaround was to Save a Copy, and then in the copy delete the
offending field, create a new scrolling field and paste the text from the

-- Paul

On 4/15/07, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul Foraker wrote:

 In Rev Media 2.7.4 (Mac), I manually copied a scrolling field and its
 from one stack and pasted it into a substack of the stack. In the source
 stack, I can edit the text. But, in the destination stack, I cannot edit
 text in the field.

 The new uneditable field is not locked. The cursor changes to I-beam
 hovered over the field. Clicking in the field, places an insertion point
 the top of the field, but typing has no effect. Dragging in the field
 not select text.

Is the traversalOn set to true?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: field problem

2007-04-15 Thread Paul Foraker

Jacque discovered that the field's autoHilite was set to false. But, then
there was some other strange behavior, so there's a bug or two in that
sequence. Workaround, of course, is to make a new field and copy the text

Thanks, everyone.

-- Paul

On 4/15/07, Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 14:30:44 -0700, Paul Foraker wrote:

 Behavior is the same with Focusable true or false, except that with it
 to false, the insertion point doesn't appear at all.

Is it possible that you're trapping any of the key messages
(keyDown/keyUp, rawKeyDown/up, etc.) in the substack (or later in the
hierarchy)? It sounds like the keystroke is being trapped and not

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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Re: OT: Regex

2004-01-13 Thread Paul Foraker
According to my non-resident genius cousin (computer science student at 


me: do you know what m|nk means?

him: sure, in a programming context, it means if m bitwise or with n 
is greater than k

me: thank you!

him: sure sure 

me: and... what's it mean? 

him: hehehe

me: so, bitwise, meaning counted as bits
so, the bits it takes to represent m or n is more than it takes to 
represent k

him: so, (m | n) is almost like an add... let's see... so if any bit in 
either variable is a 1, then in the result that bit is also a 1
so if m were, say, 100 (in binary), and n were 010, the result of m | n 
would be 110

me: (lying through my teeth) Ok, thanks, I get the idea.

him: sure, sure

On Tuesday, Jan 13, 2004, at 13:37 US/Pacific, J. Landman Gay wrote:
I saw this in someone's tagline months ago in a non-computer 
newsgroup. It has been on my desk blotter ever since, and every once 
in a while I try to figure it out. Anyone have a clue?


The beginning looks like moron to me, or maybe more and. But who 
knows, it could be something else entirely. It's driving me nuts.
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