runrev 20 alpha4 state

2003-03-24 Thread Peter Fink
I did not follow the RR discussion for a while. I'd like to ask someone from
the community the following.

(1) Is RR 2.0alpha4, that is 2.0B0.97, stable enough, from the experience?
(1a) at least as stable as 1.1.1r2 -- which is stable?

(2) what does it mean: field palette, and other palettes are not available?
The field inspector is there.
(2a) the color properties are more hard to access than before.

(3) where is documentation about version 2.0? At least some deltas would be
needed by me.

thanks for an answer.

use-revolution mailing list

release date

2003-03-11 Thread Peter Fink

I did not follow the RR discussion for a 
while, therefore:
When will Runtime revolution 2.0 be released 
?  Could it be in March 2003?
Peter Fink

menus: menu item numbers?

2002-12-12 Thread Peter Fink
Is it possible to work with menu items by item number, instead of by name

I would need it
- to set the currently selected item  ("set the menuItem of btn "optionmenu"
to 3")
- to find the currently selected item ("put the menuItem of btn "optionmenu"
into V")

instead of the scripted workarounds:
- setting the label myself ("set the label of btn "optionmenu" to line 3  of
btn "optionmenu")
and on menupick pItem
- finding the item number myself ("put lineoffset(pItem,text of btn
"optionmenu") into V")


use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to create a MPEG movie

2002-07-25 Thread peter . fink

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>From: Claus Dreischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: How to create a MPEG movie
>Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 22:36:55 +0200
>> Hi
>Hi Peter,
>(first time i can give an answer here :)
>> What tool(s) would allow me to create a movie in .MPEG format? How is
>> usually done? What is .MPEG, as opposed to .AVI with some compressor?
>Most used MPEG formats are MPEG 1 (Video CD) and MPEG 2 (Super Video CD,
>Best (quality/cost) programm for encoding is the Tsunami MPEG Encoder,

>TMPGEnc. It's Windows only.

thanks for the hint to TMPGEnc. I used it in between and it did exactly
the job I needed.

thanks again

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Develop / Test / Build Cycle

2002-07-24 Thread peter . fink

I always (always refers to HC) had a card which contained the script to
create the distribution.
it made a selective copy of the stack, containing the distributive cards
Additionally it made automatic translations from translation cards, since
here I need at least two language versions. The test code (scripts, objects)
was disabled, hidden and the like, or thrown out.

The built-in standalone builder is just one step in the creation of golden
master for distribution. I would even consider making the standalone application
"standard", without contents.

Compare it to C++: you have to build separately, without debug symbols.
And so on.

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>Subject: Re: Develop / Test / Build Cycle
>From: Rick Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:55:19 -0400
>on 7/24/2002 10:07 AM, jez at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Perhaps I am missing something but I cannot see any way to separate the
>phase (using the Browse tool - the hand - in development mode) from the
>Build phase. Values that are put into all my text boxes, etc in Browse
>(test) mode are saved with the stack, and when the application is built
>these then become the default values at run time.
>There does not seem to be a property of an item which forces the item to
>cleared at build/run time, which to my mind is the most logical solution.
>Currently I have to create a function which manually clears all the fields
>want cleared, and call that manually from the Msg window before I want
>Save and Build the application. The "SaveStackRequest" message does not
>to fire when I save the stack - otherwise I could just call my function
>Any ideas anyone ?
>The way you are doing things is correct.  I've always had to clear all
>fields before creating my standalones.
>Yes it is a pain in the  but your little script to clear the fields
>the way to go until a new revision of Rev addresses
>this issue.
>Good Luck!
>Rick Harrison

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Develop / Test / Build Cycle

2002-07-24 Thread peter . fink

I always (always refers to HC) had a card which contained the script to
create the distribution.
it made a selective copy of the stack, containing the distributive cards
Additionally it made automatic translations from translation cards, since
here I need at least two language versions. The test code (scripts, objects)
was disabled, hidden and the like, or thrown out. 

The built-in standalone builder is just one step in the creation of golden
master for distribution. I would even consider making the standalone application
"standard", without contents.

Compare it to C++: you have to build separately, without debug symbols.
And so on.

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>Subject: Re: Develop / Test / Build Cycle
>From: Rick Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:55:19 -0400
>on 7/24/2002 10:07 AM, jez at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Perhaps I am missing something but I cannot see any way to separate the
>phase (using the Browse tool - the hand - in development mode) from the
>Build phase. Values that are put into all my text boxes, etc in Browse
>(test) mode are saved with the stack, and when the application is built
>these then become the default values at run time.
>There does not seem to be a property of an item which forces the item to
>cleared at build/run time, which to my mind is the most logical solution.
>Currently I have to create a function which manually clears all the fields
>want cleared, and call that manually from the Msg window before I want
>Save and Build the application. The "SaveStackRequest" message does not
>to fire when I save the stack - otherwise I could just call my function
>Any ideas anyone ?
>The way you are doing things is correct.  I've always had to clear all
>fields before creating my standalones.
>Yes it is a pain in the  but your little script to clear the fields
>the way to go until a new revision of Rev addresses
>this issue.
>Good Luck!
>Rick Harrison

use-revolution mailing list

Re: diffdays (Schaltjahr)

2002-07-18 Thread peter . fink

>> a Switching Year (Schaltjahr) algorithm for calculation of the 
>> length of
>> february, and a list of the length of the months (31,28,31,30,31 etc.).
>It looks like Switching Year is what I know as Leap Year.

Dar you're right.
The more hurting issue is not related to date and RR. A "button" is locally,
and thru all Germany called a "Switching Area" (Schaltfläche), not a "Leap


use-revolution mailing list

Re: diffdays

2002-07-18 Thread peter . fink

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>From: sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: diffdays
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 11:55:44 +0300
>>sims: it is not a lot of work to do the date conversion by hand. it needs
>>a Switching Year (Schaltjahr) algorithm for calculation of the length
>>february, and a list of the length of the months (31,28,31,30,31 etc.).
>>You can even use the partially correct date items to do part of the parsing.
>Yes, I am sure that it can be calculated (although I had never heard of
>Schaltjahr, thank you for telling me about it).
>At 22:14 -0700 07/17/2002, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>Would be nicer to have DateToJulian and JulianToDate functions built into
>>the engine
>I agree with Richard - it would be 'nicer' to be able to do it easier.

it is no more than about 20 lines of code, from a parsed date.
and an option on a control card whether to use the RR built-in code or the
application hand-made code. Both are nice and easy.

actually it is better to have the starting days of the months in a list,
i.e. 0,31,59,90,... for a non-switching year, but 0,31,60,91,... for a switching


use-revolution mailing list

Re: diffdays

2002-07-18 Thread peter . fink

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>Subject: Re: diffdays
>From: Terry Vogelaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 06:22:16 +0200
>> I changed it as follows but it still puts 730 days.
>> 7/17/1900  to  7/17/2002  is a bit more days than that.
>> you uncovered a bug.
>> it is easier to try the following, using Script Debug Mode.
>> on mouseUp
>>   put "17.7.1901" into dateA
>>   convert dateA from short system date to dateItems
>> end mouseUp
>> and see 2001,7,17,2,0,0,3 .
>The problem in both cases is that the input is not 'correct'. A short date
>has only two digits for the year: 7/17/01. Using the CenturyCutOff property,
>you can determine when you mean 1901 or 2001. Conclusion: only use a short

No, that's not the problem. There's a bug. Additionally, dateItems sets
midnight to 2 AM which is also a bug.

sims: it is not a lot of work to do the date conversion by hand. it needs
a Switching Year (Schaltjahr) algorithm for calculation of the length of
february, and a list of the length of the months (31,28,31,30,31 etc.).
You can even use the partially correct date items to do part of the parsing.


use-revolution mailing list

How to create a MPEG movie

2002-07-17 Thread peter . fink

this is not really a RR question. The context that I can play MPEG movies
in RR but the ones I pulled from the internet are not really presentable.

I'm also able to create a movie, from my web cam, in .AVI format, e.g. with
INDEO 5 compression (and others). But I cannot make it in .MPEG format.
Saving with Microsoft MPEG V4 compression does not work either. 

What tool(s) would allow me to create a movie in .MPEG format? How is that
usually done? What is .MPEG, as opposed to .AVI with some compressor?

Thanks for all answers!


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Observations Re: Images--Followup

2002-07-16 Thread peter . fink

someone  wrote (my webmailer does not handle this well):
>-- Original-Nachricht --
>>A resizeIcon property would be useful, but if it resizes the image, then
>>has the caveat that if you want to use it in other instances at a different
>>size... what happens?
>It simply proved to be more trouble that it was worth to try to deal 
>with the issue of resizing each image for different sized buttons in 
>the current environment...which is why it would be a useful feature 
>to have built in if it can be done correctly.

I vote for images that can be scaled, cropped, possibly flipped, possibly
rotated by n*90 degrees, sqr(possibly) rotated by any degree.


use-revolution mailing list

re: empty (images)

2002-07-16 Thread peter . fink

>>> controls.  this left the images on a card.  When I deleted the images
>>> images I thought were stored in the image chooser were deleted as well.
>> set the visible to false
>Shoa Sean,
>Thanks for your response. I discovered this work around. It works just
>but is ... a bit sloppy.  Is this really the way we are supposed to handle
>images that are used as icons?
>It seems to me that this feature of RR needs a bit more work.  It would
>nice if there were a way that you could store images in a stack without
>having the image expressed as a object. Forinstance when you select the

In my opinion the way how RR handles images as objects on cards, in a stack
or a substack, is ok. In my larger stacks there are anyway some cards that
hold the scripts and other program data. The images can go to similar cards.
It makes sense if the images do not need be stored in every stack that uses
them. It seems (by other posts) that this is indeed the case.


use-revolution mailing list

sample movie

2002-07-15 Thread peter . fink

I'm looking for some reasonable, i.e. PG or better rating, sample movies
in avi and mpeg formats, or a download place. Ideally they would be 10 seconds,
around 200-300 KBytes, size 132x172 or so. Most preferred would be cats.
My recherche in the internet did not find such.

Thanks for a pointer!!

use-revolution mailing list

Re3: More & More Movie Difficulties (./ Notation)

2002-07-15 Thread peter . fink

>(f) play videoclip "./movie.avi" does not play the file in the defaultfolder.

The notation "./some-file" does not work in
  play videoclip "./some-file" and as the filename in a player. 

It does however work in the command 
  open file "./some-file"

The notation "../folder/some-file" works in all three cases.


use-revolution mailing list

Re2: More & More Movie Difficulties (videoclip, audioclip, player)

2002-07-14 Thread peter . fink

UPS, fact (e) is more subtle, on this Windows 98 SE system.

(e1) play "movie.avi" does not play the file in the default folder, in case
there is a videoclip with the same name present in the stack. Nothing is

(e2) play "movie.avi" does indeed play the file in the default folder, if
there is no videoclip with the same name in the stack.

(f) and (g) continue to hold.

(h1), (h2), (i), (k) are as (e1),(e2), (f), (g), for "movie.mpeg" .


use-revolution mailing list

Re: More & More Movie Difficulties (videoclip, audioclip, player)

2002-07-14 Thread peter . fink

On this Windows 98 SE system, the following 11 facts hold, regarding movies,
and the folling facts 4 regarding sounds.

(a) play videoclip "movie.avi" does not play the movie that is contained
in the stack.

(b) play videoclip "movie.mpeg" does not the the movie that is contained
in the stack.

(c) play videoclip "f:/movie.avi" does play the file indicated.

(d) play videoclip "f:/movie.mpeg" does play the file indicated.

(e) play videoclip "movie.avi" does not play the file in the defaultfolder.

(f) play videoclip "./movie.avi" does not play the file in the defaultfolder.

(g) play videoclip "../revolution1.1.1/movie.avi) does play the file in
the defaultfolder.

(h) (i) (k) same for "movie.mpeg" as (e) thru (g).

(l) creating a quicktime player works mostly as advertised, for movies.
Except some .mpeg cause an error message "cannot create movie reference".

(m) play audioclip "sound.wav" does play the sound contained in the stack.

(n) play audioclip "f:/sound.wav" does play the file indicated.

(o) creating a quicktime player works exactly as advertised, for wav and
mp3 sound files.

(p) a quicktime player is always at the front layer. It cannot be hidden
with an opaque button (which would make sense, given the quality of some
test videos that are available to me).


use-revolution mailing list

comment and questions of 12 jul 02

2002-07-12 Thread peter . fink


I'm now thru with the Transcript Dictionary, all 1303 pages.

I consider it good documentation. The descriptions do contain the answer
to most of the questions one might have und give a clear, concise idea of
the RR concepts. The format and technical writing is good. I'd like to give
a positive feedback here.

questions of today (there are still some)

1) where is beep? it does not work for me.

2) can the linktext be entered in the development system, in some panel?

3) how to create spray, brush, cursor shapes as images? specially how to
create the transparent pixels?

4)(repeat) how does the image library work?

5) how to make the little icons in the Go Back and See Also buttons of the
Transcript Dictionary?

thanks to Sarah, Klaus, Dave, Dar, Ken, Jan, Heather, Geoff and the whole
community for their previous and future answers.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Updating Data Substacks

2002-07-12 Thread peter . fink

>Recently, Dan Shafer wrote:
>> It just occurred to me that the RR model which requires me to create
>> a separate stack to hold the data for my app might be an obstacle to
>> product upgrades.
> my users to replace their current stack with the new one. But that
>> will, obviously, result in the loss of all their data.
>> How should this work? What am I missing?

updating the software will "always" need updating of the data, for the new
data structure, anyway.

your question was also relevant in HC. I solved it this way: on an application
administration card of the (new) stack, there was an Import Data button.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: comments and questions of 11 july 2002 (AltGr)

2002-07-11 Thread peter . fink

>>5) I can't type the characters \ | [ ] @ in the script editor on a 
>>keyboard, as they are typed here with the AltGr modifier key. How to fix
>>this ? (I'm not asking for bypasses).
>This may be a problem with some keyboards/drivers. Below is a part of 
>an old exchange from the Metacard list:
>>>  >I experience the same problem. Actually this is not @ but the
>>>  >right Alt key that is affected.


thanks, you point into a plausible direction.
the AltGr key counts as an option key, and the script editor looks for it.
My notebook has a left Alt and an AltGr. However not everything is transparent,
because a test keydown handler in a field behaved strange:
  on keydown ch
if the optionkey then
pass keydown
  end keydown


use-revolution mailing list

Re: comments and questions of 11 july 2002 (@)

2002-07-11 Thread peter . fink

>>> 5) I can't type the characters \ | [ ] @ in the script editor on a 
>> swiss-german
>> keyboard, as they are typed here with the AltGr modifier key. How to
>> this ? (I'm not asking for bypasses).
>I am working with a german keyboard and have no problems getting these

>> , as they are typed here with the AltGr modifier key.
>What exactly do you mean by this ?
>These characters cannot be typed on windows but with the ALT-GR-key.

Klaus, this does mean that, when I press the keys that should produce said
characters, they do not go into the script in the script editor of RR. 
For example AltGr+2 does not produce the @ (Deutsch (Schweiz))
For example AltGr+Q does not produce the @ (Deutsch (Standard)). 

Could you try on your system pls? Thanks Peter

use-revolution mailing list

comments and questions of 11 july 2002

2002-07-11 Thread peter . fink


I'm really impressed by RR. it is rich of features. Everything on the HC
level I touched works. The new things that I touched work too. I'm impressed
by images (blend, image icons) and sound (QT player). The additions upon
HC make sense.
There are glitches, but no worse than other environments I know.


1) menuButton() function: what is it supposed to do? it does not return
a sensible result to me.

2) newTool message: I do get this message for the choose someTool command
in a script, but not when a tool is clicked in the object or paint palette.
How to make that work?

3) how to edit a polygon graphic: I can move points and insert new points
(even accidentally), but how to delete a point?

4) what are the built-in sounds, if any?
where is "boing", "harpsichord"?
where is play "boing" tempo 200 "c4e c dq c f eh" ?

5) I can't type the characters \ | [ ] @ in the script editor on a swiss-german
keyboard, as they are typed here with the AltGr modifier key. How to fix
this ? (I'm not asking for bypasses).


use-revolution mailing list

script editor @\[ ] on non-english keyboard

2002-07-10 Thread peter . fink

- I cant type the following characters in the script editor. In a text field
however (and elsewhere) it works.
  @  \  | [  ] { }

these characters have to be typed locally with the Alt Gr modifier, or with

- Additionally, pressing Alt Gr opens the script editor (seemingly half
the time only, or Alt Gr 2x) in addition to placing the character in the

- my keyboard is swiss-german Deutsch (Schweiz) where those characters are
on Alt Gr positions. The same phenomen is also on the FRG-german keyboard
setting Deutsch (Standard) where all the characters are on different positions
(but all with Alt Gr). This is on Windows.


use-revolution mailing list

RE: numberFormat prop

2002-07-10 Thread peter . fink

>>> Anybody know how to set the decimal precision of a numeric value? I
>>> looked through the docs but I can't seem to find the reference.
>> Hi Steve,
>> Did you check the numberFormat property?

thats easy, fields do not have a numberFormat property. It works as follows:
  set the numberFormat to "0.00"
  put (numeric expression) into fld "xy"

  set the numberFormat to "0.000"
  add 0 to fld "xy"

  set the numberFormat to "0."
  put fld "xy"+0 into fld "xy"

  set the numberFormat to "0.0"
  put (numeric expression) & "" into variable

true, at least it worked this way in Hypercard (see p. 442).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Questions of 7 jul 02 (socketID)

2002-07-09 Thread peter . fink

>The parameter is the socketID for TCP.  It has this format:

Scott you are right, the parameter to the callback msg is a socketID.

(I was wrong and would have changed my posting if possible).

(what is also true: accept "assigns" a connection ID, but does not deliver
it to the script(s). the script(s) learn the connection ID at callback time
and in the form of a socket ID.)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Questions of 7 jul 02 (import thanks)

2002-07-09 Thread peter . fink

>Both these can be answered by getting the ID of the last image just 
>after importing.
>on mouseUp
>   import snapshot
>   put the ID of last image into newID
>   answer "The new image has an ID of " & newID
>end mouseUp

Sarah, many thanks.

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Questions of 7 jul 02 (image library)

2002-07-09 Thread peter . fink

>> 4) how to work with the image library? how to accumulate images to be
>> as icons?
>> (I found that an image placed on a card appears in the image library
>> can be used as an icon (really great), but how put an image into
>> the library
>> without showing it on a card first)
>FWIW, I'm not too crazy about the image library. You'll need to copy the
>images from the library to your stack before creating an executable (unless
>you include the image library stack) and when you copy the images, they
>get new image ID's which screws up your icons on your buttons. I've found
>better to just copy the images I want to a blank card on my stack, then
>reference them from there.

Chipp thanks for your opinion. it is not clear how to work with the library.
your suggestion to place the images on a blank card makes sense. Thats what
I'm doing for other objects anyway, since ever.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Questions of 7 jul 02 (connectionID)

2002-07-09 Thread peter . fink

>>> 1) accept command returns a connectionID. How and where is it 
>>> returned?
>> Peter, It's returned with the message.
>If the accept is for tcp (the "datagram" keyword is not included), 
>the message has only one parameter.  It is a socketID, a string 
>used to represent the connection.  It uniquely represents the 
>connection created.  It includes the remote IP address and port, 
>but that is not always enough to make the connection unique, so a 
>connectionID is added.  As far as I know, its only use is to make 

Scott thanks. The RR docs say that the parameter to the callback msg of
accept is the IP address, but you specify that it is the connection ID.
This clarifies it.


use-revolution mailing list

Questions of 7 jul 02

2002-07-08 Thread peter . fink

I'd like to ask if someone could help me clarify some questions that I did
not find the answer to.

1) accept command returns a connectionID. How and where is it returned?

2) import command creates an image. how to reference that image? what is
its ID?

3) import snapshot creates an image. how to reference that image? what is
its ID?

4) how to work with the image library? how to accumulate images to be used
as icons? 
(I found that an image placed on a card appears in the image library and
can be used as an icon (really great), but how put an image into the library
without showing it on a card first)

thanks for help (or a pointer to where all this is documented).


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Participation in Improvement List

2002-07-08 Thread peter . fink

>-- Original-Nachricht --
>From: Geoff Canyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Participation in Improvement List

I'm right now in the processing of learning Revolution RR. It looks like
a great tool. Since I'm yet learning I will not contribute in detail to
the subject. RR looks stable, featureful, useful and with the same amount
of glitches that similar tools in the course of development do have (remember
anyone those Basilisk builds <100?).

use-revolution mailing list

Script Editor Menus missing

2002-07-08 Thread peter . fink

The script editor menus: File, Edit and Text are missing. They are in the
Documentation. The other menus: Handler, Script, Bookmarks and View are
present in the script editor window. And there are some little buttons for
example Plain Bold and LineWrapAround. The Script and View menus contain
some of the missing commands.
I'm not sure if this matters or is just a newer script editor.

use-revolution mailing list

Re Manual Announcement

2002-07-03 Thread peter . fink

>shipping to Switzerland is rated at $35. We count it as part of Europe,
>even if not part of the EU.

USD 134 (total amount), or USD 114 is next to nothing, or infinitely huge,
depending on the use to be made. And it is not just one item, but to be
multiplied by a dozen other tools. 

I agree however completely that no one can do its work below cost (there
might the PDF distribution be handy, which does not require a printer and
a dhl).

use-revolution mailing list

Documentation another PDF

2002-07-03 Thread peter . fink

First thanks to Jan and Ken for pointing me to the resources.

I'd like to post my other, derived version of the PDFed online docs at the
address below. main difference is a bookmarked structure.


use-revolution mailing list

Manual announcement

2002-07-02 Thread peter . fink


According the shop this costs extra 35$ (at least inside EU).
This keeps me from ordering at the moment.

Or will my credit card just show the promised 79$ ?

Can someone please fix the shop.

pleasepleaseplease  :)

Claus Dreischer.

Shipping to Switzerland is even more, USD 55, from UK (while actual shipping
cost isn o more than around USD10). Switzerland is still in Europe.


use-revolution mailing list


2002-07-01 Thread peter . fink

It is great that there is structured documentation now.
Big question: is it available PDF'ed?


use-revolution mailing list