Tabbing out of a text field

2010-10-21 Thread RevList
I am having a bit of a brain fart.
How do I set a text field so that when I press the TAB key, it tabs to the
next field rather than adding a Tab character to the text field?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Tabbing out of a text field

2010-10-21 Thread RevList
Craig Newman on October 21, 2010 at 1:45 PM -0700 wrote:
You could trap the tabKey message.

There has to be something else.  I am looking at an earlier project that I
developed and I have a field that when I press TAB, I am moved on to the
next field, just as if I had pressed Return.
I see no trapping of the TabKey in that project.

What am I missing? Or what should I look for.
I want to have fields that have one line of entry only and when you press
Tab, it moves on to the next field.
I have set the field to be Tab on Return so that traps the return key,
but pressing TAB, adds a tab to text.
In my earlier project it just moves on.
Help :)


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Re: Datagrid Basics

2010-08-19 Thread RevList
Trevor may have developed the Data Grid (and I am really glad he did), but
Zyrip the Slug is going to make it ultimately more usable when he releases
his Data Grid Helper.  It is a phenomenal piece of work that will make
creating and managing your data grids a snap.
He has it out for beta testing now and I can't wait until it is released. 
I will not hesitate to purchase it.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
who don't.

zryip theSlug on August-19-10 at 4:35 PM -0700
I have just pushed the experiment a little ahead by synchronizing the
lines selected:

on selectionChanged pHilitedIndex, pPrevHilitedIndex
   set the dgHilitedIndex of grp datagrid 1 to pHilitedIndex
end selectionChanged

I updated the corresponding lab's stack.

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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Re: Reading the Supercard manual #1

2010-05-18 Thread RevList
Richmond Mathewson on May-18-10 at 10:26 AM
-0700 wrote:
The SuperScript utility allows you to almost instantaneously export all
  or some of the scripts of your project to text or RTF formatted 
files. ?

Not that I am aware of, but have you checked out this?

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: [ANN]The Data Grid Helper is on the road

2010-05-16 Thread RevList
zryip theSlug on May 16, 2010 at 6:49 AM -0700
I invite you especially to watch the video of the Data Grid Helper
palette in action. It could give you a preview how it performs.

This is excellent.  I can't wait until you finish and release this.
Please keep us up to date.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: [OT] What's an iPad?

2010-04-11 Thread RevList
Jerry Daniels on April 11, 2010 at 10:01 AM -0700

I think he meant the plural, in which case it's all y'all...

When  I was in Texas a couple of years ago, I was told that y'all is
singular, Both y'all if you are referring to two people and all y'all is
plurall :)

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
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Embedded Images in Fields

2010-02-26 Thread RevList
How does one go about embedding images in a text field.
I want to create a help file in one of my solutions with some screen snaps
in it.
I want to do like the Resource Center text field does.

Is there a sample or tutorial somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

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Trapping Cancel on Ask Dialogue

2010-02-22 Thread RevList
This will sound like a NewBee question, but I can't find the answer.

I want to trap when someone click on the Cancel button on a Ask Dialogue

For example  Ask How old are you?

How do I know if someone click on the Cancel button. It is what they


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Re: Datagrid and Custom Controls

2010-02-20 Thread RevList
Never mind.  I figured it out.


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Datagrid and Custom Controls

2010-02-19 Thread RevList
I have a custom control that is a series of buttons in the group.  The
mouseup script on each button will return a different numerical value.

I have this custom control on a Data Grid.  What I would like to do is to
set the value of another field on the data Grid based on the button in
that is clicked.

For the sake of simplicity, assume that the datagrid has two columns;
ValueField and CustomControl.  The value assigned to CustomControl is
irrelevant.  What I want to do is set the value of ValueField to a value
based on the button clicked on the CustomControl.

For example, if the user click on button 1, then I want to put 1 into
field ValueField,  if they click on button 2, I want to put 2 into field

Is this possible?


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Ticket SQLite Solution from RunRev 9

2010-02-08 Thread RevList
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the SQLite Ticket solution
that Jan Schenkel walked through in his session at RunRev 09?

I have the DVD set from the conference but cannot find the solution in any
of the resources provided.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: 2009 conference DVD - audio/visual quality

2010-02-08 Thread RevList
Bernard Devlin on February 8, 2010 at 10:56 AM -0800
I recommended the DVDs to a new user on this list.  However, I don't
really know about the AV quality of the recorded conference. I
remember that one of the previous conferences had imperfect AV quality
(I think it was illegibility of the recording of the code on the OHP
that was the problem).

Are code samples in the 2009 conference legible? How about the audio
(the QA session is usually the point where that fails in such

The DVD set is excellent.  I gave up on watching anything from the RunRev
08 set because it was so bad.  This year the quality is excellent.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions


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Checkbox on DataGrid

2010-01-31 Thread RevList
I have a datagrid that retrieves data from a MySQL database.  I want to
add a checkbox column to the grid so I have edited the template and added
the checkbox to the group and it displays just fine on the grid.  I can
check or uncheck the checkbox and the appropriate hilite is set.  However,
when I scroll the datagrid, the checkbox appears in the same location on
the next scroll screen too.  I am missing something.  

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions


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Re: iPadding around?

2010-01-30 Thread RevList
Bob Sneidar on January 28, 2010 at 11:50 AM -0800 wrote:
Honestly, does anyone seriously watch video, like movies and tv shows on
their iTouch? Really??
I don when I am travelling all the time.  If the airline does not have
in-seat video displays, watching a video on my iPhone is far superior to
watching some move that I have probably already seen on some small screen
at some angle that I can't see.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: DataGrid DragDrop vs DragMove

2010-01-28 Thread RevList
Trevor DeVore on January 28, 2010 at 6:21 AM
-0800 wrote:
Does that work?

Like a charm.  As usual.  Many thanks.  Also, your sessions at RunRev 09
that I am watchin on DVD right now are outstanding.   I finally think I
understand how Data Grids function.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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DataGrid DragDrop vs DragMove

2010-01-27 Thread RevList
I have been looking at Trevors stack from the RunRev 09 session that
supports dragreorder and dragging and dropping data from a DataGroup to
I want to drag and drop data from a data group to a text field, not
another data group.
The following works

For the script of the DataGrid, I have this

on dragStart
   put the dgDataControl of the target into theDataControl
   ## Watch out for dragging on the header
   if theDataControl is empty then pass dragStart
   ## Get Data Grid index of control that was clicked on
   put the dgIndex of the dgDataControl of the target into theIndex
   ## Tell Data Grid to set the dragImage to the row 
   ## that theIndex is associated with
   set the dgDragImageIndex of me to theIndex
   ## Set the dragData[private] so that drag operation
   ## begins
   put GetDataOfIndex(theIndex, ID) into theID
   set the dragData[private] to MyData  cr  theID 
   ## I don't want to have to use this line, but I can't get by without
it.  See below
   set the dgTrackDragReorder[theIndex] of me to true
end dragStart

On the field script I have this

On DragDrop
   if  line 1 of the dragData[private] is MyData then
  put line 2 of the dragData[private] into me
   end if
end DragDrop

The trouble with the above is that I do not want to allow reordering of
the data and the visual clue that the UI shows when this is enabled so I
comment out the line.
   set the dgTrackDragReorder[theIndex] of me to true
or set it to false.

When I do that, the drag and drop no longer works.

What does work, however is if I change the handler on the target field to
DragMove instead of DragDrop.
I don't want this however.  I want drag drop and Not show the dragReorder
visual effect.
What am I doing wrong?

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Re: RevLive09 DVD Set Session resources

2010-01-26 Thread RevList on January 26, 2010 at 11:33 AM -0800 wrote:
Stewart -- I've lost track of what the url should be and which files 
were on the server. I don't have a copy of the DVD to check, so could 
you contact me off list and we can figure it out? I know...I was an 
idiot. Go ahead and say it. :)
No you aren't :)

It seems that every presentation I have watched (and I have just started),
the links either do not work or are not the what you would expect.
I think someone at RunRev should go through all of the presentations and
get the resources and put them all in one location and have them linked by
presentation.  Either that or bundle them all together and put them in a
zip file for all of use who have purchased the DVD to get access to these
very important resources.

Here are just some that I have found and find frustrating.  It seems that
every session I watch refers to resources but it is not at all clear where
to get them.  For this DVD set to be useful to all of us, having simple
and direct access to all of the resources is imperative.  Would someone at
RunRev please consolidate and let us know where to get all resources from
a single location?

Opening Session (Devin Assay) gives
an error

Introduction to revWeb Plugin  revlets (Ben Beaumont) or
Both produce errors

Presenting Data with the Data Grid (Trevor DeVore)
 Found the resource (I think) but get an error when loading 
intro_to_data_grid_starter.rev.  It chokes on set the dgData of group
Songs to empty

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RevLive09 DVD Set Session resources

2010-01-25 Thread RevList
First of all, I want to say that the RevLive09 DVD set is leaps and bounds
better than the 08 set.  No comparison.  Very well done.

Now my question.  Some of the sessions (like the first one) reference
downloaded resources for the session.

Where can we get those resources?  


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Re: RevLive09 DVD Set Session resources

2010-01-25 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on January 25,
2010 at 6:56 PM -0800 wrote:

could you actually understand me in there or you didn't see any of my
What I am saying is that I got the DVDs today and have been watching some
of the sessions.  Many of them use sample files that are no longer
available on the web site links that are referenced in the videos.
I would like to have these so that I can look at the scripts just as they
did in the session.

Make sense?  These files should be available to us.


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Re: Compact SQLite database

2010-01-01 Thread RevList
Christian Langers on December 30, 2009 at
10:09 AM -0800 wrote:
try somthing like this (if needed) :

global gConID
put VACUUM into tSQL
get revdb_execute(gConID,tSQL)

Worked like a charm.  Thank you.
Happy New Year to all.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Compact SQLite database

2009-12-30 Thread RevList
Is there a way to compact a SQLite database from within a Rev application?
I have an application that uses a SQLIte database and it grows in size as
records are added.  The nature of the application is that the database is
often purged but the db size does not reduce.  I can use a SQLite Manager
application to compact the database, but I would rather do this within the
application when the database is purged.

Thanks in advance.

Stewart Lynch

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DataGrid Sorting

2009-11-22 Thread RevList
In my datagrid, I load in a column from a SQLite database that is the
number of seconds that a person has been logged in to a particular server.
 I have a function that converts the data into days, hrs, mins, seconds
and populates another column in the datagrid at fill time.  This works

I have have hidden the original column in the datagrid and have modified
the SortDataGridColumn so that when one clicks on the modified column it
either sorts or reverse sorts the datagrid based on the actual, hidden
numeric seconds column.  This too works fine, except, I am not getting
any visible clues on my converted column header to indicate that the
column has been sorted.  No up/down arrows and no shading.

My code tracks which column was really sorted and what the sort order is
(ASC or DESC).  Is there any way I can replicate the Column shading and
sort order arrow on this converted column to match what would be the case
if I were clicking on the hidden column?


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Data Grid Question

2009-11-20 Thread RevList
I have to admit that I do not use the Data Grid often enough to be
comfortable with it, and I have problems finding how to do things.

I have a simple 3 column table style datagrid and I populate the first two
columns though a SQLite database.  No problem.  I would like to run a
calculation on the second cell in each row and populate the third cell
with this calculated result.
I have a function called TimeOnLine that returns the calculated result.

I have added a third column to my datagrid an am looking at the FilInData
scipt for the column behaviour.  I do not know the syntax to retrieve the
value of the second cell so that I can call my function.
Can anyone help?

on FillInData pData
   -- This message is sent when the Data Grid needs to populate
   -- this template with the column data. pData is the value to be
   -- Example:
   set the text of field 1 of me to TimeOnLine(?)
end FillInData


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Re: Telnet Shell Help

2009-10-05 Thread RevList
Tariel Gogoberidze on October 5, 2009 at 1:24 PM -0700

I'm attaching Telnet stack written many years ago by Scot Roney  
(the person from whom Rev bought the engine).
It may or may not work for you, but it would give you some ideas

Thanks.  The stack works great so I think that this is enough to get me
Thanks for sharing.
Much appreciated.


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Re: Telnet Shell Help

2009-10-04 Thread RevList
Phil Davis on October 3, 2009 at 8:47 PM -0700 wrote:
Maybe it wouldn't be as hard if you opened telnet with open process for 
update and interacted with it that way. Then the socket-handling 
business would be done by the OS. Recently Josh Mellicker showed me how 
to do that with 'curl' using 'open process for read' and it made it 
super easy.

Phil Davis

Mark Smith on October 3, 2009 at 5:46 PM -0700 wrote:
Stewart, I think you could do telnet over a socket connection. See  
open socket, write to socket and friends in the docs.

This is what I would like to do, but have no idea on how to implement
this.  I have not used sockets ever and I really need a simple sample app
that would help me to get started.

I don't really know how to start.
I need to telnet to a server and enter the credentials and once
authenticated, send a script that the server understands.
I do it in terminal or in the command line on window but I want to
automate it through revolution.
I understand that when I open a socket to that computer on port 333 (which
is the port I need to use) then the port is open.
I get an open connection but how do I send the commands and know when or
if the server has received and accepted the commands so that I can send
the next one.
For example, when I connect over telnet, I know I have a connection and
can issue my next command, because the terminal displays +0

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Telnet Shell Help

2009-10-03 Thread RevList
I need to write a very small utility that uses Telnet so that I can
connect to a server on port 333 and login with credentials and issue a
specified command recognized by the server.
I can do this manually as follows from the command line on Windows or
Terminal on OS X

Telnet 333 press enter on keyboard
this returns +0 and waits for me to enter my userID, so I enter
MyLoginID press enter on keyboard
this returns +0 again and waits for me to enter my password, so I enter
MyPassword press enter on keyboard
and this again returns a +0 and another +0 on a new line indicating a
successful entry.  Now all I need to do is enter my command which looks
like this
Put User someuserID 1271 0 newpw press enter on keyboard
and this confirms success with a +0
I then enter q press enter on keyboard
and I am out of Telnet

So what I would like to do is write a simple Rev utility that will pass
all of the information, but all I can seem to do is to issue the first
line and have no opportunity to enter the login credentials and my special

As soon as I issue Shell(Telnet 333) it issues the telnet
command and opens the connection on port 333, but immediately after that
closes the connection and returns Connection closed by foreign host
Can anyone help me here?  How can I keep the telnet session open so that I
can issue the remaining commands?

Thanks in advance


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Revolution on 65 Bit Windows

2009-09-30 Thread RevList
I don't know if this has been answered before, but I need to know if you
can run a compiled Revolution application on a 64 bit Windows machine
running either Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008?

I am out of town and do not have access to my test machines with these OSs

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

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Data Grid Comment

2009-05-18 Thread RevList
The Data Grid is fantastic.
I just used two data grid tables in my recent project and it worked like a
I created Stand Alone versions for Mac and Win and have made them
available one of my web sites four our  customer access.
If you are interested, see
I have a short video that showcases the utility.

One of my jobs in the company I work for is to create end user utilities
that can assist to maximize their investment in our product.  Until Data
Grids, I used one of the various table methods and subroutines that were
available to manage data in a table grid.  Functional, but less than
Now, with Data Grids, the sky is the limit.
Trevor's work is nothing less than spectacular, and his responses to the
list are phenomenal.
His documentation is quite thorough, but Data Grids are so new and dare I
say different, that those of us who do not code in Revolution 7/24 often
have a hard time trying to determine how to get the most out of this
What I really like is the Question/Answer way in which the documentation
is set up.  This is very helpful.

A question for Trevor.  As you answer questions in this forum, do you add
the question to your online documentation?

If not, it would be really nice if someone could build an FAQ of all of
the questions that are being answered.
I really like reading the responses and trying to file them away somewhere
as I know that I will have the same question some time.


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Re: Gender [was: Re: Cancel a repeat with a button]

2009-05-15 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on May 15, 2009 at
8:54 AM -0700 wrote:
As if the bank looks at signatures any more!  Several years ago (at a
employer), 92 payroll checks were sent out WITHOUT any signature at all.
(I know, different than an endorsement, but still)

Out of 92 employees, there were 8 different banks involved and one check
cashing service...

The number of checks refused... ZERO!

Last week I went to the bank to deposit a small cheque from my mother that
she gave me for a birthday gift.  She forgot to date it.  The bank teller
refused it and I said, I will just date it.  She said that would be
forgery and that I had to get my mother to date it.
I didn't want to argue so I went out to my car.  Got a pen and dated the
cheque an then went to an ATM and deposited it:)


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DataGrid question simple?

2009-05-07 Thread RevList
I have just started a project that is going to use data grids.
I am using a Table and not a Form
This should be a simple answer, but I am struggling.
I have a Data Grid table and I can load the data in just fine.
The table has three columns name as follows
Field Name, Field Type and Field ID

The table group name is Schema

I have set the Allow Text Editing to off so that when I click on one of
the rows, it hilites, but does not allow editing.

What I want to do, is to display the data from the selected (hilited)
line's three columns in three separate text fields (tFieldName,
tFieldType and tFieldID)

I have read the documentation about getting data associated with a line so
I am assuming that the code might look like this

put the dgHilitedLines of group Schema into theLine
put the dgDataOfLine[theLine] of group Schema into theDataA

Now my question is this.
Where does this above code go and what is the handler?

Once I have the data into theDataA, then I can do Put DataA to see what it
looks like and then parse it so that it will go into my fields.

Sorry if this has been answered before, and I know that this is basic, but
it is not clear to me where this code goes.


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Data Grid Sorts

2009-05-07 Thread RevList
I would like to call a subroutine each time someone clicks on a column on
one of my data grid tables.
Where do I find the sorting routines?


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Script Reporter 1.1

2009-02-09 Thread RevList
Script reporter, the Script trolling tool for Revolution just got better
thanks to Sarah Reichelt.
Sarah has updated the solution by adding in script colorization routines
to make your scripts more readable.

I have updated my web site with a new video and the new 1.1 version.

This is exactly what I had hoped would happen. 
I am not really a Revolution developer but I do code in many other
languages for my real job.  I find Revolution the ideal solution for me to
bang out a cross platform solution.  The problem is that since I do not
code in Revolution all the time, I have to keep on referring back to my
previous solutions to determine the syntax or methodology.
I developed Script Reporter for this reason.

I hope more of you find it useful and if there are more enhancements like
what Sara has offered, I am more than happy to include them and give you

Thanks also for the feedback.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
who don't.

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Script Reporter 1.1 Website

2009-02-09 Thread RevList
Oops.  Forgot to give the web site on my last email
Get Script reporter from

Script reporter, the Script trolling tool for Revolution just got better
thanks to Sarah Reichelt.
Sarah has updated the solution by adding in script colorization routines
to make your scripts more readable.

I have updated my web site with a new video and the new 1.1 version.

This is exactly what I had hoped would happen. 
I am not really a Revolution developer but I do code in many other
languages for my real job.  I find Revolution the ideal solution for me
to bang out a cross platform solution.  The problem is that since I do
not code in Revolution all the time, I have to keep on referring back to
my previous solutions to determine the syntax or methodology.
I developed Script Reporter for this reason.

I hope more of you find it useful and if there are more enhancements like
what Sara has offered, I am more than happy to include them and give you

Thanks also for the feedback.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
who don't.

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individual to whom they are addressed and it may contain information that
is privileged or confidential. If you have received this communication by
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Script Reporter

2009-02-06 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on February 4,
2009 at 9:16 AM -0800 wrote:
Hello Friends,

For those that missed the last newsletter (you should not!), I've just
released a handy tool to auto generate HTML documentation from stack
comments. It is called RevDoc and it's freeware with source. Now, I'll
begin polishing it and working on it so it becomes a reliable, solid
product (which will always be free). Right now the code is a little
messy for I built this for my own use but it works well.

You can check the page at

(RapidWeaver is so nice for building simple pages...)


This is an excellent solution.
Others might also be interested in a rev stack that I developed some time
ago called Script Reporter.  It too is free and open source.

See for a video and download.

Stewart Lynch
CreaTECH Solutions

There are only 10 kinds of people.  Those who understand binary and those
who don't.

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is privileged or confidential. If you have received this communication by
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Re: HTML SMTP Library

2008-09-02 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on September 2,
2008 at 8:35 AM -0700 wrote:
Have you tried changing the content-type header yet?  I emailed you a
week ago but haven't heard back.  I've been fiddling all morning with
the html email generation in one of the other development tools that I
regularly use, including messing with various settings, headers, tags,
etc., so all of this is fresh in my mind.

Just to refresh your memory, all you have to do is

Content-Type: text/html;charset=us-ascii
(although you can use whatever charset you choose)

and then start tossing in HTML willy-nilly in the body.  Obviously you
want it to be properly formatted (e.g. use html/html tags, and
don't forget to terminate your lines in br if you're sending lines
of text, but I'm sure you already know that), but that's literally all
I'm doing.  I've been reformatting a bunch of css, etc., but there are
no special characters embedded, no attachments, no encoding routines.

Let me know if you need any more help with this.
I basically gave up as I couldn't get it to work.
If you have a sample stack that you can send me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
that would be very much appreciated.


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Re: HTML SMTP Library

2008-09-02 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on September 2,
2008 at 5:45 PM -0700 wrote:
I've got other things that I have to do tonight, so I can't give you
the complete cookbook, but here is the outline.
1) Download one of the following stacks:
2) After looking through the SMTP Library Demo (the second one), and
clicking on the Library button, I got into Sarah's SMTP library.  I'm
sure this works just as well with the other, but as I said, I've got
other pressing things to do tonight.  However, you should be able to
figure it out after this.
3) Search for Content-Type.  Change it as I've previously suggested.
4) Follow my formatting suggestions for the body.
5) Send HTML-formatted emails without having to embed the HTML in an
OK.  I got that to work just fine with the SMTP Library Demo.
Thanks.  What I added to this was another field that I called Body1.
I then added this to the Send email button script so that it would take
the style attributes of the text in my field and convert it to html before
That way I do not have to code the body in html and can use rev styles.
   put htmlbody  the HTMLText of field Body1  /body/html
into field Body


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Re: HTML SMTP Library

2008-08-24 Thread RevList
Shao Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] on August 23, 2008 at 10:43 PM -0700
Due to the nature of SMTP it only sends plain text messages. I do  
have a MIME Encode library that allows for the encoding of HTML into  
the message. Sorry about the lack of documentation.

This looks like what I am looking for, but I am at a loss as to how to
implement it.
Do you have at least a sample stack taht uses this to send an email?
All I need is one sample and I am pretty sure I can take it from there.


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Re: HTML SMTP Library

2008-08-24 Thread RevList
Mikey [EMAIL PROTECTED] on August 24, 2008 at 8:38 AM -0700 wrote:
I haven't done it in rev yet. (probably this afternoon)  I do it in
other development tools, including writing the raw SMTP code in one.  Just
to make sure I was right, I opened up an HTML email that one of my other
tools sends and checked the source code, including headers.

There are no special headers, no encoding.  All you have to do is put HTML
into the body of the email (where you would normally put plain-text) and
send it.
I would really like to see an examples stack that does this if you care to


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2008-08-23 Thread RevList
I am interested in building a solution that can send html mail using an
SMTP mail server.
I have found SMTPLibrary that uses Sara Reichelt's library and I have
found altEmailHarness from Altui that uses Shao's libSmtp253

Both only send Plain text however and I would like to send html mail.

On Chip's web site he refers to Sean's library stacks  and says you can
send HTML as well as Plain text.
I have looked at the stacks in this solution but see no reference on how
to send html mail.
I can't find Sean's stacks anywhere.
Does anyone have any suggestions here on how I can get a library and a
sample stack so that I can test this out?


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Revolution Script Reporter

2008-07-08 Thread RevList
I have created a stack called Revolution Script Reporter and have uploaded
it to My Space (slynch) on Rev Online.
It is a simple solution that asks you to select a Revolution file and then
will summarize all scripts as well as list all Stacks, substacks, cards
and controls in a scrolling field so that you can select a specific one.

Check it out if you are interested.
Thanks to all who answered my questions over the past few days as I am
getting use to the transcript syntax.


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Re: Rev Icons

2008-07-06 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on July 6, 2008 at
10:44 AM -0700 wrote:
The ID number is too high for it to be a native Rev icon, so it must be 
somewhere in the stack. Or if the stack is a substack, it may be in the 
mainstack. One typical place to store icon images is in an unplaced 
group, so see if any of the cards have one of those. The Application 
Browser is an easy way to see that.
Actually, all of the icons I was looking for are in the revIcons.rev stack
that is in the tools folder.
I found them all.

Now, if I am going to build a runtime solution, will these icons be
included, or will I have to add the images and set the corresponding Icon
ID in my own stack before building the runtime.


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Add field content to a script

2008-07-06 Thread RevList
I have a field called ItemPath on a card that displays the path to a
particular card or control in another stack

For example in one instance, the field is displaying.
button id 1016 of card id 1002 of stack /Users/slynch/Desktop/Sample

Now I want to be able to display the script of that item in another field.

Essentially, I want to do is create the following script and use the
literal information in my ItemPath field as part of my script

Put the script of button id 1016 of card id 1002 of stack
/Users/slynch/Desktop/Sample Stack.rev into fld Script

How can I do that?


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Script Inspector

2008-07-05 Thread RevList
I have started to build a little utility that will allow me to inspect
scripts from other Rev stacks by clicking on a stack , card or control
name to display the script in a separate pane.  I want to do this in a
hierarchical view that allows me to drill down from the stack down to a
particular control to show the script of the selected object, whether it
be a stack, card or control.

I am also planning to do an entire dump of all scripts into another field
so that I can get a complete code report of the entire solution.

Before I go much farther on this, I thought that I would first ask if
there is already something like this available.

In another environment that I work in a lot, I built a similar utility so
that I could inspect the code of other applications that I have developed
without leaving the current project.


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Rev Icons

2008-07-05 Thread RevList
When I was browsing through some stacks made by others, I am discovering
some ICON ids that are used and as far as I can see, are not images that
are within the stack itself, but must be standard REV icons.

For example, ID 2800082 is an icon image of a couple of cards stacked on
top of each other.

When I go to the property of a button that has this image, I see the Icon
ID but when I click on the magic wand beside it to select from the picker,
the icon is not visible in any of the selection lists.

How can I discover what all of these hidden icons are and there
corresponding IDs?

Thanks in advance

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Re: OT: Collanos -- Project Management that Makes Sense

2008-06-05 Thread RevList
If you really want to see a true collaborative product where Workspaces is
just one of many different applications look at FirstClass 
You can get a free, fully functional 10 user introductory server just by
You can do everything the big name collaborative products do plus more.

How to use Revolution on June 4, 2008 at
6:43 PM -0700 wrote:
After a couple of years of searching and praying I finally stumbled on 
an internet based project management -- collaboration software that 
really makes sense: Collanos Workspace

only think is: I wish someone has written this thing in Revolution 
instead of JAVA-ECLIPSE

But they really nailed the user interface for both functionality and 

So, now our wiki full of chaos will take it's rightful  place as a 
simply a respository for
just docs and specs.. and all the noise of getting work done will live 
in Collanos

We all fell in love with it in about 5 minutes.  Learning curve on 
usage:  10 minute max,
with uncovery of features trailing behind as you go to work right away.

It's a marvelous example of fearlessly leaving the browser behind and
just using the internet for what it really is: connections between

Everytime someone convinces me again that it must be inside a browser
something like this comes along and shows  Yes, but

Cheers from Hawaii


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Timer Application

2008-05-28 Thread RevList
Does anyone have a sample timer application where you can pick a start and
end time and have some function or subroutine called if it is between
those times?

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Time Application

2008-05-28 Thread RevList
Does anyone have an example of a Time application that will check a start
and end time and run a function or subroutine between those times and
pause for a specified interval before checking the time again?


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Shell Command Help

2008-05-27 Thread RevList
I am trying to write a GUI interface for an application that I run in

In Terminal, if I run
/Users/slynch/Desktop/FCPUTIL_GUI/fcputil -S getstats

I get the following returned
 8.300 413.000 4.000 0.317 1.042 1366.000 100.000 129757.000 0.000

When I create a button with the following script in Rev
On MouseUp
  put Shell(/Users/slynch/Desktop/FCPUTIL_GUI/fcputil -S getstats) into
  put Shell(tShellCommand) into tFilesList
  answer tFilesList
End MouseUp

I get this returned
/bin/sh: line 1:8300: command not found

I can see that the Shell command is getting executed, but it chokes after
the first chunk or returned data.

How can I get that entire string captured?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Shell Command Help

2008-05-27 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on May 27, 2008 at
1:54 PM -0700 wrote:

on MouseUp
  put /Users/slynch/Desktop/FCPUTIL_GUI/fcputil -S getstats into
  put Shell(tShellCommand) into tFilesList
  answer tFilesList
end MouseUp

Duh.  What a dumb question.  Of course.  I couldn't even debug my own
Sorry about that.  I am good now.


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2008-05-15 Thread RevList
Has anyone developed a Table Control that has adjustable columns?  I find
this a very limiting characteristic of the table field.


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How to determine Cell Position

2008-05-12 Thread RevList
I have a Scrolling Table Field that is populated with  tab delimited rows
of data
Just above that table field, I have a second, 1 row table field that lists
the column titles.
The data and the column titles change as I import data into the fields.

What I would like to do is sort the large table of data based on which
item is clicked on in the title table row.
My question is.
Is there a method that will tell me which cell column (item) I am clicking
on in a table row?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: How to determine Cell Position

2008-05-12 Thread RevList
How to use Revolution on May 12, 2008 at
1:37 PM -0700 wrote:
I have a Scrolling Table Field that is populated with  tab delimited rows
of data
Just above that table field, I have a second, 1 row table field that lists
the column titles.
The data and the column titles change as I import data into the fields.

What I would like to do is sort the large table of data based on which
item is clicked on in the title table row.
My question is.
Is there a method that will tell me which cell column (item) I am clicking
on in a table row?

Thanks in advance.

Never mind.  I figured out a way.  As long as I have spaces in the title
field using option space, the titles are considered a single word and
the following does it for me.

 put the value of the ClickChunk into chnk
 set the itemdelimiter to tab
 set Wholematches to true
 Put itemOffSet(Chnk,fld TableTitles) into itemNo
 sort lines of field TableMatch ascending text by item itemNo of each

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Stopping a Process

2008-05-06 Thread RevList
I have a routine that is looping through and opening a series of text
files using a Repeat Loop.

I know I can do a Command . to stop this, but what if I wanted to let the
end user stop the process?  How would I code this?


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