revCopy file in OSX doesn't work

2009-01-12 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I've searched the archives and see this problem has been discussed before,
but none of the advice therein helped me. Any idea why this code works for
me in OSX...

if there is a file "1-meet data/ABC affils" then put "found"

But the following does not?

on mouseUp
-- "1-meet data" is the folder containing the file I'd like to copy.
-- "2-processed meet data" is the folder I'd like to copy to.
--Both folders are in the defaultFolder.
--"ABC affils" is the name of a .txt file

revCopyFile "1-meet data/ABC affils", "2-processed meet data"
end mouseUp

The file does not get copied and the result is "execution error."

The fact that the first code fragment works suggests I have the file path
right. But revCopy File disagrees.

Thanks in advance for any solutions.


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video player time display

2007-07-17 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I'm working for the first time with players. I'd like my stack, which will
be used to work with video, to include include a running timer display (in
the format minutes:seconds.tenths of seconds). I know to do the
currentTime/timeScale calculation and then go from there to display in
minutes:seconds.tenths format.

What is the most reasonable condition to trap for to perform the calculation
frequently enough so the display is timely and responsive but doesn't demand
unnecessarily frequent recalculation of the time?

Thanks in advance. I'm really a novice in this area.

Sieg Lindstrom
San Francisco

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basic standalone question

2007-02-28 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I've got a stack including scripts that write text data to fields in the
stack. Then, if I'm running the stack using StackRunner, for example, on
closeStack the stack gets saved so that any updates to text fields are
reflected the next time a user opens the stack.

With a standalone app version of a stack is there a way to update text
fields in the stack and not lose the changes when one closes it? If so, how?
Thanks in advance.

Sieg Lindstrom

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StackRunner and MySQL

2007-01-17 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
Thanks for the suggestion, Ken. I tried it as follows. StackRunner is in the
same folder that contains the folder "Externals." Here's the syntax I

revSetDatabaseDriverPath "/Externals/Database Drivers"

That didn't fix the problem. Any other suggestions?

Many thanks for your advice.

Sieg Lindstrom

Ken Ray wrote:

> Have you executed "revSetDatabaseDriverPath" in your stack that opens
> before it starts making calls to the database? I believe this is done
> automatically by Rev when you launch it, but StackRunner doesn't do
> this, so your stack will need to do it before you start calling on
> the database...
>> Sieg Lindstrom wrote:
>> Thanks, Ken.
>> Your suggestion would certainly explain why the database calls sent
>> by this
>> stack don't work on computers where Revolution is not installed,
>> but my
>> computer includes the "dbmysql.bundle" file in the "Database Drivers"
>> folder, and the problem still occurs. Just to make sure I have
>> files in the
>> right places, I have StackRunner in the folder that contains the 2.7.4
>> installation. The "Database Drivers" is nested in that same folder,
>> and the
>> stack I'm trying to run is nested in a folder that's also in the
>> main 2.7.4
>> installation folder. Should that work?

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StackRunner and MySQL

2007-01-16 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
Thanks, Ken.

Your suggestion would certainly explain why the database calls sent by this
stack don't work on computers where Revolution is not installed, but my
computer includes the "dbmysql.bundle" file in the "Database Drivers"
folder, and the problem still occurs. Just to make sure I have files in the
right places, I have StackRunner in the folder that contains the 2.7.4
installation. The "Database Drivers" is nested in that same folder, and the
stack I'm trying to run is nested in a folder that's also in the main 2.7.4
installation folder. Should that work?

Many thanks for your help.

Sieg Lindstrom

Ken Ray wrote:

> Well, StackRunner 1.5 was built using the 2.7.2 engine (see the
> bottom of the page at
> downloads/StackRunner.htm), so it's possible that the mySQL commands
> were changed between 2.7.2 and 2.7.4.
> However it's more likely that you don't have the mysQL database
> drivers in the right place... StackRunner has the revdb external in
> it so you can make database calls, but it is not bundled with all the
> database drivers. These drivers should be in the "Database Drivers"
> folder of your 2.7.4 installation and include something called
> "dbmysql.bundle" which you'll need to connect to in order to use
> mysQL from StackRunner.

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StackRunner and MySQL

2007-01-15 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I am trying to use StackRunner 1.5 to run a stack created with Revolution
2.7.4. (on a PPC Mac). I use this stack to manage data in a MySQL database.
The stack runs fine when opened with Revolution, but when I open with
StackRunner none of the MySQL queries work and instead I get error messages;
all other scripts in the stack seem to run OK in StackRunner.

Can this be solved? How?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Sieg Lindstrom

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Software at the Speed of Thought

2006-04-07 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
Gotta say I'm disappointed. I just ordered Software at the Speed of Thought
for reference as I work on a project over the weekend. Stupid me; I assumed
an eBook would be similar to downloading software--pay for it and you're
good to go. Nope. Just got the message from RunRev that I can expect them to
confirm my order within two working days. Should I expect to wait 4 days,
then, considering we're entering a weekend, to receive my eBook? Seems
ponderously slow for delivery of a file that could/should be downloadable or
sent automatically via email.

Sieg Lindstrom

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the shiftkey suddenly doesn't work

2006-03-22 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I just replaced a crashed hard drive and after reinstalling Revolution,  the
shiftKey and the optionKey return "up" even if my shift or option key is
down. The shift and option keys work fine, but Revolution doesn't seem to
know what the state of the keys is. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Sieg Lindstrom

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Re: making it run with Dreamcard Player

2006-01-10 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
Many thanks, Dave and Ken. StackRunner seems to be a great solution. I'll
try it on some other stacks I have that read and write from/to multiple text
files on the drive.

Dave, I wasn't quite sure what you meant by "out beside the file folder
icon." I'm working on a Mac. Are "security properties" the ownership &
permissions settings one accesses through command-I after selecting a file
or application icon?

Appreciate the help,


> You can access the security properties in the player by clicking on
> the Revolution Icon out beside the file folder icon.
> Another option is to try Ken's "StackRunner" application in place of
> the DC Player:
> HTH,
> -Dave-

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making it run with Dreamcard Player

2006-01-09 Thread Sieg Lindstrom
I converted what used to be a Hypercard stack to a Revolution stack, revised
it in Revolution to get all the proper Transcript in place, and it runs
perfectly. Now I want to distribute it for others in my company to run using
the Dreamcard Player.

When I open the stack using Dreamcard Player it does not run the way it's
supposed to, and even though I've included an instruction to "save this
stack" on closeStack, no changes are saved.

I understand that Revolution stacks saved as standalone apps are write-only.
Is this also true of stacks being run using Dreamcard Player? My end users
need to be able to revise fields in this stack and save their revisions. Is
this possible?

There is at least one other way in which the stack's behavior when run
through Dreamcard Player varies from the way it runs through Revolution, but
I guess I should iron them out one at a time.

Can anyone recommend a good reference source for issues one needs to
consider to make a Revolution stack run correctly using Dreamcard Player?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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