Transferring Image Library

2005-12-26 Thread Stewart Lynch
I have a stack that was created by someone else and I would like to
transfer his image library in to one of my stacks.
How can I do this?


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Re: Runtime Engine

2005-10-26 Thread Stewart Lynch
How to use Revolution  on Wednesday,
October 26, 2005 at 12:17 PM -0800 wrote:
>Maybe I'm the one who's confused here.
>If you want to sell or give away a CGI, then I *think* every server  
>on which the CGI would run would require a RunRev license. But if you  
>want to just give people *access* to a CGI running on your server (or  
>one you rent space on), then you only need one copy of the engine  
>running on that server. The CGI is accessed via Web browsers going to  
>that server.
>Or did you have something else entirely in mind?
I am interested in building a CGI that I can bundle with another Web
solution that I produce that runs on FirstClass.  FirstClass supports CGIs
so I would like to offer my cgi solution with my web solution.
I was hoping that I could do this in revolution and perhaps use a royalty
free Revolution runtime engine.  Is this not possible?


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Runtime Engine

2005-10-26 Thread Stewart Lynch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on October 26, 2005 at 11:32 AM -0800 wrote:
>The Windows engine does not require any special CGI adaptation. Just put 
>a copy of the Revolution executable from your regular distribution into 
>your CGI folder. The only OS that needs a specially-compiled executable 
>is OS X, which requires the Darwin CGI engine.

I am a bit confused.  If I want to create a CGI that I can distribute to
others to use who have not purchased a full version of Revolution, can I
do this?
If so, what version of the rev engine would I ship?

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Runtime Engine

2005-10-26 Thread Stewart Lynch
Sorry.   I forgot the subject in my previous message.

I have just purchased the e-Book on "Using Revolution's Engine for
Internet CGI's and the following link does not work.  I am looking for the
engine that will run on my Windows system.

Any thoughts?

>From the text

Go to and look for the
version of the engines (at this writing, it’s 2.1.2). Click on that folder
link and then
choose the engine for the server on which you wish to run your CGIs.

This link works, but it is not what I need.
 For the purposes
of this chapter, which uses Mac OS X as the demonstration platform, you’d
go to

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list
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(no subject)

2005-10-26 Thread Stewart Lynch
I have just purchased the e-Book on "Using Revolution's Engine for
Internet CGI's and the following link does not work.  I am looking for the
engine that will run on my Windows system.

Any thoughts?

>From the text

Go to and look for the
version of the engines (at this writing, it’s 2.1.2). Click on that folder
link and then
choose the engine for the server on which you wish to run your CGIs.

This link works, but it is not what I need.
 For the purposes
of this chapter, which uses Mac OS X as the demonstration platform, you’d
go to

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Sorting Lines by Item

2005-09-01 Thread Stewart Lynch
I have data that needs to be sorted a certain way after I bring it in to a
text field called DataField

Each line in the data has 6 items separated by a tab so I can set the
itemdelimeter to Tab
I need to sort the data by Item 2 then Item 3 then Item 4.
So, for example
3838033 R.  Chin1   B   XESL 11 12
3838033 R.  Chin2   C   XESL 10 17
3838033 J.  Clemente1   B   SCH 11  23
3838033 R.  Chin1   D   XESL 11 15
3838033 R.  Chin2   B   XESL 11 15
3838033 R.  Chin1   C   XESL 10 11
3838033 J.  Clemente1   A   SS 927
3838033 R.  Chin1   D   XESL 10 16
3838033 J.  Clemente1   A   SCH 11  27
3838033 J.  Clemente1   D   SCH 9   26
3838033 J.  Clemente2   A   SS 11   26
3838033 J.  Clemente1   B   SCH 9   28
3838033 J.  Clemente1   C   SCH 10  29

Gets sorted as

3838033 J.  Clemente1   A   SS 927
3838033 J.  Clemente1   A   SCH 11  27
3838033 J.  Clemente1   B   SCH 11  23
3838033 J.  Clemente1   B   SCH 9   28
3838033 J.  Clemente1   C   SCH 10  29
3838033 J.  Clemente1   D   SCH 9   26
3838033 J.  Clemente2   A   SS 11   26
3838033 R.  Chin1   B   XESL 11 12
3838033 R.  Chin1   C   XESL 10 11
3838033 R.  Chin1   D   XESL 11 15
3838033 R.  Chin1   D   XESL 10 16
3838033 R.  Chin2   B   XESL 11 15
3838033 R.  Chin2   C   XESL 10 17

I see that there is the command

Sort lines of field DataField by item 2

What would I do to have the lines sorted by item 2,3 and 4 in that order?


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

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Re: Rev Help System

2005-03-27 Thread Stewart Lynch
As a follow up to this question.  What I am really interested in doing is
something like the Rev documentation with expanding lists on the left side
revealing documentation on the right.

Has anyone done anything like this with an expanding/collapsing list of
words in a list field?
How would this be done?


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Rev Help System

2005-03-27 Thread Stewart Lynch
Has anyone developed and is willing to share a Revolution Help System that
can be integrated into a product.

I am just finishing up something that is going to require some online
help.  I was wondering if anyone has developed something that can be
shared.  I know I can develop it myself, but if there is already something
out there, it would save me some coding time.  My expedience in developing
in other languages is that I spend a lot of time on help systems and the
all seem to follow the same format. 


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Quit vs Exit

2005-03-27 Thread Stewart Lynch
In Dan Shaver's book "Revolution, Software at the speed of Thought" he
refers to a solution for the Macintosh 'Quit' vs Windows 'Exit' menu
option.  He suggest that we get the code from Richard Gaskin's Intependent
Study Tutorial that ships with Revolution.

Unfortunately, this shipped with earlier versions of Revolution and not
the latest version.  Can anyone send me this stack or tell me how to deal
with this problem?


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Date Function?

2005-03-11 Thread Stewart Lynch
Does anyone have a function that will calculate the number of days between
two days in different years?


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list


2004-02-13 Thread Stewart Lynch
Your email message contained no subject.  As this is a common SPAM tactic,
I have set up a rule to reject all incoming mail with no subject.  Please
resend your message with a subject line.

use-revolution mailing list

Building a Windows Menu

2004-02-09 Thread Stewart Lynch
I have followed the instructions in the Rev Cookbook for creating a Window
menu (Recipe for automatically updating a Window Menu.

It works just fine on Windows, but not under Mac OS X

I note the following in the Recipe.

Cross-platform note:  When a menu button is being displayed in the Mac OS
menu bar, it does not receive mouseDown messages, but its group does. For
this reason, this example handler should be placed in the script of the
menu bar group, rather than in the menu button. (The first line of the
handler makes sure it’s only executed if the user clicked the Window
menu.) This ensures that the example will work on all platforms.

The problem appears to be the line
if the short name of the target is "Window" then

When you click on the menubar under OS X, the target is the menubar and
not the menu so the conditional never gets executed since the name of the
target is not "Window" but the name of the menubar itself.

Thus, the Cross-Platform note above is true, but placing the script in the
menu bar group does not work.

Any suggestions?

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Page Breaks

2004-02-08 Thread Stewart Lynch
Is there a way to force a page break in a field?  Perhaps I am approaching
this the wrong way but this is what I want to do.
I have a number of cards in a stack that have a field on them that contain
contain variable amounts of text.  The way I understand the way Revolution
prints, I have to use revPrintField to print the entire contents of the
What I am doing is gathering all of the content of these fields into a
single variable and then putting that data in to a single field on a
Report Stack that I have.
Is there any way to insert a page break between each of the different


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

OS X Menu Problem

2004-01-19 Thread Stewart Lynch
I am having real difficulty with creating Menus on OS X.
For example, I have a File Menu that has a Save as one of the menu
options.  When I view the menu in the form, all menu options are
displayed.  When I view it as an OS X Menu, the menu item is not there.

In other instances, entire menus do not display in the OS X IDE nor when
the application is built as a stand alone.

Is there any solution to this?  The Menu Builder is flakey at best.


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Problem with Set Script in Compiled App

2004-01-02 Thread Stewart Lynch
>Perhaps I should try the Clone function and see if it works.
I did, and this solves my problem.
Weird that the set script command will not put the entire script in


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list

Text Box dilemna

2003-12-23 Thread Stewart Lynch
I need to find a way to trap and stop anyone from deleting selected text.
For example, in a text field, if one selects text and hits any key
(including delete, return, fwd delete or enter),  I need the the keypress
to be ignored and the selection disappear.
IE, I only want people to be able to hit the backspace (delete) key and
delete one character at a time and only if there is no text selected at
the time of pressing the key.  I need to stop it before it happens, or if
it does happen, undo it immediately without user intervention.

Any suggestions?  


:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:..:   Richmond, BC Canada
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

use-revolution mailing list