Re: Small update to Plugin

2009-10-30 Thread capellan

Thanks a lot for spreading the good news!

Now, i am curious to know the function of
revupdatechecker.exe that i see running
among processes in Windows Task Manager


Heather Nagey wrote:
 We have just uploaded a small update to the 4.0 web plugin,

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Re: RevMedia Woes

2009-10-30 Thread capellan

Hi Jim,

James Hurley wrote:
 I don't know if this is related, but I have found that there is a  
 significant increase in speed in going from Rev IDE on Mac OS to the  
 revLet see discussion below.
 I've been waiting for some clarification from Rev.
 go url;
 And on the Web, go to

In the first card, the speed i see in my browser ranges from 289
to 450 milliseconds. Oddly enough, there are too many variations of speed
among repetitions that  i dont know which of these speed is the most
reliable measure.

Hugh Senior wrote:
 Plugin failed to load. 

I suspect that Web Server and download speed have
something to do with this error.
Have you noticed that revlets samples posted in Runrev
site always work?

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Re: RevMedia Question: Securing the revlet?

2009-10-30 Thread capellan

Hi Malte,

This is similar to methods used
by Director and Flash to stop
users of running their apps
from their hard disk.

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Re: Another How to do this in a Revlet? thread

2009-10-30 Thread capellan

Hi Richard,

Actually, these are plain and simple vector graphics, organized
like concentric rings that you could show and hide, depending
of zoom level.

This zoom slider is actually scaling all graphics from
the center. Adobe Flash do not scale all vector graphics
at the same time. This is an illusion. But a really fast one.
I had published an stack that uses matrices to scale vector
graphics. Scaling the points of vector graphics in a loop or
driven by a scale slider should be no problem. ;-)

Scott Rossi published an stack that shows a rotating and scaling
vector graphic:

About the seemingly infinite zoom, you could simulate this
showing a new group of vector graphics when the outer container
group of graphics reach certain zoom level.

Did you notice that small graphics in the center, only show
distinguishable details after they reach certain size? You could
use this exact scale point to hide the outer vector container group
and show a new vector graphics group that you could keep scaling.

When the container group is zoomed out of the stack
area, hide this group and the scale slider controls the
resize of the recently visible group.

In this way, you are zooming only one group of graphics,
not all the groups at the same time. And when the group
reach a certain scale or zoom, you show a new group
and hide previous zoomed group. Keep doing this ad infinitum.
Like showing and hiding concentric rings.

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Re: [ANN] RevLetObject javascript include.

2009-10-30 Thread capellan

Many thanks for sharing this useful script! :-D

My only worry is: What could happen in the
specific case that users had disabled javascript,
just like some Firefox extensions do.

By the way, Andre, Could you prepare an online demo
of revlets and javascript interaction?

I have to ask about this because you are one
of the participants in this mail list, that have
extensive knowledge in revTalk and Javascript.

Thanks in advance!

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2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Today, after installing the new version of
the browser plug-in, i noticed that there
is a new process running with the name:

Winamp uses an application named winampa.exe
to retain media files association. Actually, they ask
for permission to install this app.
Notice that Rev does not ask me for permission to
install this update mechanism. i hope that this 
is not permanent and works only for Beta releases.

Which other mechanisms (besides running this app
permanently) could Runrev use to alert
the users of new updates for web plugin?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Clueless revlet question

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Andre, you sound really excited for this new feature.
Can you show us (by examples) what could we do :D
from a revlet to control a browser's webpage?

Thanks in advance.


Andre Garzia-3 wrote:
 do in browser is working? :-O
 rejoice! rejoice! I missed the release of this... boys, we're on to
 wild ride now!

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Re: [OT] Living in Silicon Valley

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Actually, i liked the tv series Cosmos 1999 :D

Scott Rossi wrote:
 Even with the the ultra-high cost of living, the traffic, and the
 unemployment, sometimes living in California's Silicon Valley has a silver

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Re: RevMedia Portable

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Actually, just as you stated, the purpose is to use the IDE from
any Windows computer, without rebooting.

About stability, the answer should lie in the hooks that IDE
installation make to Windows OS during installation and use.


Peter Alcibiades wrote:
 Is the aim to have a version you can take with you and use wherever you
 are?  Or is the aim to be able to use the IDE from any computer you find
 around, without rebooting?
 What is it that makes running the IDE from Windows not stable?  I did not
 test for long, but it seemed to run fine on Debian.

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Re: RevMedia Woes

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Yes, Completely awesome! :D

I noticed that this revlet runs faster too:

Does it means that Runrev made some optimizations
or enhancements specifically oriented to screen redraw?
H, maybe this explain the absence of Palettes and 
substacks in their own window...

Just a wild guess.

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Re: RevMedia Portable

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Hi Mark,

Although i understand that is really useful to 
have portable editions of enterprise or studio, 
i talk about portable editions of RevMedia's
free versions.

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Re: Revlet Woes - Substacks Don't Open

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Richmond, visit this page (A simple paint stack) and explain us
if you apply use the same method with your stacks:

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Re: Autocomplete field

2009-10-29 Thread capellan

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for posting this handler.
Filtering the search results is a
great idea! Thanks again.

Looks like your handler was cut-off,
because the rawKeydown handler
does not had a closing match.

While running this handler, i always get
the word sEntryBuffer in the field enterPt
and could not erase the content using
backspace or delete keys.

Obviously, i am doing something wrong.
Could you point me where is my error?

Notice that to run this handler i created
a global named pList that contains the
names list and changed the part of the
script where it reads ptList:
put ptList into selectedPts (changed to:)
put pList into selectedPts

Thanks in advance.


Peter Brigham MD wrote:
 I modified your code to include filtering the displayed list. Works  
 like a charm, very elegant. Great timing, too, since your solution met  
 a need I just discovered I had
 Note comments marked with  --##
 (watch line wraps)
 # match name as user types
 on rawKeyDown pWhich
 if the commandKey is down then pass rawKeyDown
 # exclude any functions like copy, paste, etc.
 if pWhich = 255 then # for anything that's in ascii range
put the selectedChunk into tSelChunk
if word 2 of tSelChunk = word 4 of tSelChunk then
# adding a char to the end of the entry buffer
   put sEntryBuffer  numToChar(pWhich) into sEntryBuffer
else # inserting a char inside the entry buffer
   put numToChar(pWhich) after char word 4 of tSelChunk of
   put sEntryBuffer into fld enterPt
end if
--## I added the following two lines
--## pList is a global containing the full list of names
put pList into selectedPts
filter selectedPts with sEntryBuffer  *
--## now selectedPts contains only those entries that match
--## this shortens  simplifies the display list
put lineOffset(cr  sEntryBuffer, cr  selectedPts) into
if currentLine  0 then
   put selectedPts into fld pList
   --## instead of putting the whole list into the field
   set the hilitedLines of field pList to currentLine
   set the scroll of field pList to \
   (currentLine - 1) * the effective textHeight of field pList
   put the selectedText of fld pList into fld enterPt
   select char (word 2 of tSelChunk) + 1 to -1 of fld enterPt
   hide fld pList
   set the hilitedline of fld pList to 0
   put sEntryBuffer into fld enterPt
   select after char word 4 of tSelChunk + 1 of fld enterPt
end if
 else # handle all other keys
 -- Peter

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Autocomplete field

2009-10-28 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Visit the webpage:
and download the stack:

I am looking for ideas to make better the code of
these autocomplete fields. 

Notice that in this example, both fields have the same names
list, but actual stack will use two different lists.

Steps to use this stack:
1) Click in the first top field, (names list field is show)
and start typing the name.

According you type, the names list scrolls to
the name whose first letters match.
(This handler is a variation of a script posted
by Klaus Major and archived in Ken Ray's site)

Notice that, just like some web browsers do,
you could keep writing and the field will 
a) show a new name from the list or 
b) leave the field, as no more match are found
(I like this part)

Sometimes while writing, you could see in the
name list field the name that you want to type.
In this case, you could use the bottom arrowkey 
to jump towards the names list field:

on arrowkey tKey
if tKey is down
click at (left of fld id 1004 + 20),(top of fld id 1004 + 10)
pass arrowkey
end if
end arrowkey

Effectively, i send a synthetic Click
to activate the names list field.
Using the command Focus do not
work as expected:focus on fld id 1004

In fact, when i use focus the field
does not allow to select new names
using the arrowkeys (up and down),
but sending a click on the field, allows
to use arrowkeys in the names list field.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: RevMedia Portable

2009-10-25 Thread capellan

Hi Peter,

Peter Alcibiades wrote:
 Alejandro, what is the problem exactly? 
 But it seems to run fine from the stick.  Or is there something else? 
 Must be

Yes, there is something else. The development enviroment freeze and
had to force quit RevMedia. Tested in different machines with the
same result.

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Re: New direction for Stacks and Code Samples

2009-10-25 Thread capellan

Actually the free webhosting that I choose, 000space,
allows revlets, but no big files.

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New direction for Stacks and Code Samples

2009-10-24 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Monday, 2009 October 26, Geocities will close
and my page and files will dissapear.

For this reason, i have moved my page and
files to this new location:

Hopefully, as time permits, I will convert
each one of these stacks in revlets to
run inside the browser.

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RevMedia Portable

2009-10-23 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Reading news about RevMedia launching in November,
I will repeat the same question from days ago:

When RunRev will launch RevMedia as a portable application,
that run from a PenDrive or CD, without installation?

Notice that some third party developers, devote themselves
to create Portable Apps from Free and Open Source
applications, like Gimp, Inkscape, Open Office, etc.
Of course, Programming environments like Perl, Python, Ruby
and Dev-C++ have their own portable version.

If RunRev had no plans to release a portable version,
Will they allow that someone else create it?

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Re: Music ????

2009-10-21 Thread capellan

Hi Kenji,

Kenji Kojima wrote:
 Yes, UDI's makeSMFLib works on MacOS, Windows and browser.

Yes, it works great inside a browser.
Hopefully, UDI will complete the code for
importing and converting Midi files.

I found the stack Random Music Player
specially interesting and would like to
understand thoroughly this code.

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Re: Music ????

2009-10-20 Thread capellan

Hi All,

Remember that UDI published many stacks
to play Midi music using Quicktime.
And there is a Keyboard, too:

Mac Users should not have problems to
decode all Rev and Zip files encoded as HQX,
but Windows Users without WinZip or
Stuffit Expander, should download
UUDeview to decode HQX:

Surely, these stacks will benefit from a code update,
to use recent additions to the language.

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Re: [OT] Headless COMPAQ P3

2009-10-11 Thread capellan


Did you notice, like me, that stubborn entities
like sheeps and personal computers when they
go against you, attack directly to your feets???

Congratulations for completing your Runrev developer
setup: Mac, Linux and PC

Have a nice weekend!


Richmond Mathewson-2 wrote:
 After about 24 hours of sweat, tears and a dropped PC on my foot
 lost both my big toenails about 25 years ago as a 'Yow' didn't fancy me 
 as her hairdresser and stepped on my toes with her nippy sharp feet

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Re: Perl and Revolution at 2009

2009-10-08 Thread capellan

Hi Thierry,

Congratulations for this great achievement!

Since ever, I have believed that is in the best interest
of this platform (and all of us) to develop ways of
intercomunication with other programming languages,
like Perl, Python or Java.

When will you publish benchmarks of the overhead
of processing data (text, numerical or binary) inside
rev compared with processing the same data within
a Perl function?

Thanks in advance!

Keep up your great good work.

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Applying the concept of Images libraries (vector and bitmaps )

2009-10-08 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently, i have been advising some fellow teachers about
using revMedia to create educational content.

One of the most frequent request that i found, is the
possibility of reusing images (vector and bitmaps) across
different stacks and reusing the same images in the one
stack with variations in size, ink effects, inside groups, etc,
without including the same images several times, to achieve
the desired effect.

Notice that Graphics software, like Adobe Ilustrator, Flash
and Xara have implemented this concept:

How could we implement this concept with our stacks,
so there is not need to import the same bitmaps or
vector graphics to apply different effects or dimensions
in different cards?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Applying the concept of Images libraries (vector and bitmaps )

2009-10-08 Thread capellan

Hi Scott,

Many thanks for answering this request.

How do you handle the particular case,
where the same image is used in different
cards using varied ink effects and sizes?

Why is important sub-pixel positioning
and imge distortions?

Thanks in advance!


Scott Rossi wrote:
 One way to implement symbols with images is (ironically) by using buttons
 graphics: set the icon of a button or the backPattern of a graphic to the
 of an image.  This effectively allows you to have one source image in
 stack that is referenced in multiple places; changing the source image
 cause all references to the source to update.
 If one can live with external files, the fileName property is another way
 implement symbolic references for images.
 For graphics, the only roundabout way I can think of implementing some
 of symbolic reference is by retrieving properties of a source graphic and
 applying the properties to a reference graphic.  Obviously, this is not a
 true symbolic connection, but rather a klunky workaround.
 The really phenomenal aspect of symbols in Flash comes into play via
 distortions: in most cases, if you distort a symbol on the stage, say by
 adjusting its dimensions, skew, angle, or some other property, then
 replacing that symbol with another symbol causes the newly replaced symbol
 to inherit the modifications of the original symbol.  In my view, this is
 seriously powerful feature of Adobe's symbol implementation that would be
 great to see in Rev.
 For myself, I believe there are more pressing items desperately needed,
 as sub-pixel positioning of objects and irregular distortion of images.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

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Re: Smoothing a curve

2009-10-03 Thread capellan

Hi All,

Some time ago, i published this stack that shows two
algorithms for smoothing the straight sides of a polygon:

This stack implements two polygon smoothing algorithms:
Chaikin and Shemanarev

Here is a screenshot:

Hope it is useful.


Hugh Senior-2 wrote:
 Hello Francois,
 I think we need a RevCoding mathematician! I struggle with elementary
 mathematics, let alone polynomial tangent functions!
 Le 2 oct. 09 ` 19:15, Hugh Senior a icrit :

 I am also trying to plot a curved line through coordinate points, so a
 Bezier curve is not an appropriate route as it intentionally misses
 coordinate point. Similarly, with potentially big distances between
 how 'smooth' is 'smooth'? A sharp, angular curve at each point or a
 flattened, rounded curve? And this assumes that no curve is
 possible at all
 for the first and last points because there is no way of knowing
 the shape
 at all.

 One math guru I spoke to said it's not doable with coordinate data
 only statistical data. I hope he is incorrect.
 IF the Bezier curve is a function y=f(x) of the horizontal pixel
 number N, the the best you can on screen (or printer fror that
 matter) do is draw a line (hopefully anti aliased) from each point
 (x,integer((f(x))) to point (x+1,integer(f(x+1))). f is a polynomial.
 To manage the general case, you can search for the mathematical (i.e.
 maybe non integer) points at which the tangent of the curves is
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Vote to disable image copying from password protected stacks

2009-09-21 Thread capellan

Visit report 8251 to vote for disable image copy from
password protected stacks.

To copy an image from a password protected stack,
users just had to select the image and write
in the message box:
set the clipboarddata to the text of the selobj

Then, to paste the image in a new stack,
users create a new empty image object and
type in the message box:
set the text of the selobj to the clipboarddata

Using this method, i was able to copy gif animations
from a password protected stack.
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Re: Vote to disable password protection for revMedia 4 stacks

2009-08-25 Thread capellan

Robert Maniquant wrote:
 1) develop the sharing habit of utilities, eductionalWare, libraries.
 Maybe runrev can think of some innovative incentive to do so. 

Something like this could help:

i serve as judge in one of the editions of this event.
Students sent websites, with multiple pages, powerpoint
presentations, quicktime videos and stacks created with

MultimediaMania was halted for a lack of sponsors.

Ideally winners prices will be sponsored by hardware
manufacturers like Dell, HP, Lenovo or Acer, for a
teacher tutor and students. Schools could receive
training for their teachers. 

Robert Maniquant wrote:
 2) provide solutions to better monitor the runrev user base.
 I might be a good idea to set up a kind of revWeb search engine that will
 gather all pages using the plugin.
 It is peculiar to runrev to communicate very few information on the user
 base. And there are very few examples of commercial softwares using runrev
 on the home site. Such a search engine might help lift up interrogations
 by potential users.

Actually, i have never informed Rev about any Commercial Standalone
i have created or had participated. i do not feel obligated to report
the type of work that i create in Rev. Why other developers should?

By the way, in the Quality Control Center page for this request, Kevin

To respond to the actual request here, i.e. in relation to sharing of stacks
libraries / etc, revMedia does not allow you to password protect a stack.
does it allow you to unlock a password protected stack created in another
The revlet format is encoded and will be non-trivial to reverse engineer.

Now, if somebody want password protection in revMedia, it will be neccesary
to fill an enhancement request...

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RE: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-23 Thread capellan

Randall Reetz wrote:
 I should clarify.  Stochastic (counting and statistical) methods of
 acquisition are employed often to avoid structural grammatical parsing. 
 Some adherents go further and posit that brains don't use grammar anyway,
 why should computers?

Actually, i believe that language came first and grammatical rules were
collected later to explain and formalize the language conventions.

Only languages of recent creation have this relation inverted. 
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RE: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-22 Thread capellan

Actually, i understand Randall petition. The task of syllabic (and phonemes) 
division for many languages was already done by the Research labs of Apple,
Microsoft, ATT and many more private companies.

Probably, Applescript and VBScript allows to access these extraordinary
capabilities of the Operating System, inside Rev. Not only via
but using the underlaying technology that makes possible this conversion of

Returning to the topic of this thread:
Download the stack separacion_de_silabas.rev, from:

This stak is an example of how to divide in syllabes without
applying every one of the gramatical rules... :-O

On your browser, visit:
This revlet ask for permission to write to your disk
and access the network, but in fact it only set
the clipboard content and launch a webpage...

Please, report to my email, all incorrect examples of
syllabication that you encounter. ;-)

Thanks in advance!


Randall Reetz wrote:
 Somewhere in the apple, microsoft, and unix tech there is code that
 exposes the phonetic mapping to syllabic chunking within a word or phrase. 
 It is usually in os best interest to expose hooks into core services to
 encourage application writing attention.  My point is that this
 functionality is best placed deep down in the computing stack, not up at
 the application level where only a small user group can benefit.  If the
 rev user is required to hunt for external api's... well, forget it.  Not

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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-22 Thread capellan

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 Nicely done. The downloadable stack, that is.
 The RevLet through an error (There was an error loading the revlet 
 failed to read revlet stack).
 But the download - nice job, esp. in choosing the appropriate consonants
 to split on.
 I always enjoy your stuff.  Thanks for posting that.

Many thanks for your kind words!

This is an example of code, created like a quick hack
and (thanks to the versatility of revTalk) works mostly
as expected. :-D

Actually my stacks and code should be divided in two
broad categories: Full Awake and Half sleepy.

For example, this stack about syllabic division of words
fits nicely in the second category. Someday, when time
allows and being fully awake, i will check again this code
and rewrite it completely, probably in a long winded form.

Mark Swindell wrote:
 Very nice.  I had no trouble with the revlet using Safari... what a a  
 great addition to Rev.
 BTW, what algorithms  do word processing programs use for hyphenating?

Great to know that it works in Safari for Mac OS X.

Precisely, i was looking in the OpenOffice repository
of code, but was unable to find an explanation
of the algorithm.

Adding many more exceptions to syllabic division is
inevitable, so in others iterations of this stack,
it will be unavoidable to create an interface that allow
users to add (and test) their own exceptions.

Please, report to my email, all incorrect examples of
syllabication that you encounter. ;-)

Thanks in advance!
Have a nice weekend.

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Vote to disable password protection for revMedia 4 stacks

2009-08-22 Thread capellan

Hi all,

This is an enhancement request for revMedia 4.
filled in Report # 8234.

Given that revMedia 4 will be free, the option to
password protect your scripts should be allowed only
in Studio and Enterprise versions of Rev, just like
the options to use encryption, Business databases
and SSL.

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Re: Vote to disable password protection for revMedia 4 stacks

2009-08-22 Thread capellan

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 But before I vote I have to ask:  Could there be security considerations 
   for the end-user or RunRev which are minimized with this ability?


Do you mean: How could revMedia 4 end users will be affected if they
could not password protect their stacks?

For example, if a teacher creates a multiple-choice test, all correct
answers will be available to anyone that uses the IDE... :-(
and surely there should exists many more examples of users affected
in some way.

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Re: Vote to disable password protection for revMedia 4 stacks

2009-08-22 Thread capellan

Richmond Mathewson-2 wrote:
 Not really, if the questions and answers are stored out with the stack in
 some sort of encoded document!
 Obviously without the ability to password protect stacks the programmer
 who wants to protect his/her data (i.e. stuff other than scripts)
 will have to make an extra effort - but in computer-land all things are
 password protectable, and all password protection is crackable . . .
 So, quite frankly, why bother about this at all?

Then, if using password encryption is the same as not using it,
you are going to add your vote to dissable password protection
in revMedia 4. Right?

By the way, if all password protection is crackable...
Could anybody, in this mail list, deprotect the script of my stack:

Have a nice weekend!


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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-20 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Actually, i have found an online syllabic divisor:
that could be useful to compare the output
of this script.

In other webpage, there is a list of 4212 valid syllabes:

My first test script divided wrong most of the words,
but recent iterations produce more than 85%
correct syllabic division. Eventually, as time permits,
the script will grow more accurate. Then, it will be
ready to show in stack or revlet form.

i noticed the discussion about english language, but
remember that this script will parse spanish text.

Natural language processing is one of the topics of investigation
for Artificial inteligence researchers. i hope to see, someday,
a complete implementation of the chatbot ALICE made in revTalk,
available to run with RevCGI engine.

Many thanks to everyone that help with their ideas.
Have a nice weekend!

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Syllabic division of words

2009-08-18 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently, someone asked me a script
to divide words in syllabes.

I know, for certain, that this kind of task
is especially suited for a language like revtalk,
but honestly, i dont know how to begin.

Should use a dictionary of common words
(like: origin=o ri gin) and use search and
replace to convert words in their syllabes
Should use conditional structures, like switch
and if...then...else to test for syllabic division
rules in each word...?

Your advice is welcome!

Thanks in advance

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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-18 Thread capellan

Hi Richard,

Many thanks for the link.
This information is really important.

About the use for this syllabic divisor, surely 
is for some kind of analitic lenguage task.

Have you noticed that common words are
always shorter than specialised vocabulary?

Thanks again for your help!


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Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect? (and a tentative solution)

2009-08-15 Thread capellan

Hi Wilhelm,

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
 Could it be that the option to crop is contained in a different 
 version of your stack?

This the part of the script that crop the image to
the size of the user created cropping rectangle:

 if cropImage = true
  repeat until foundGraphic = 1 -- or qfl = the number of lines of
put line qfl of tSelection into tGraphic
if qfl = the number of lines of tSelection then put 1 into
if word 1 of tGraphic is graphic and the forecolor of tGraphic =
  put 1 into foundGraphic
  set the name of tGraphic to tCropGraphicRectangle
  set the layer of graphic tCropGraphicRectangle to the layer of
tMaskedImage + 1
  put the rect of graphic tCropGraphicRectangle into zxy
  do crop  tMaskedImage  to  zxy
  add 1 to qfl
end if
  end repeat
end if

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
 The question is, how do you compute the points of a polygon (that will 
 extend to the full size of the rect of a regular polygon without 
 differences between rect and visual rect) if you do not have a normal 
 polygon as a template?

Some time ago, i posted a stack named export_regular_polygons
than shows a formula to convert regular polygons (3 to 20 sides)
in polygons:

on mouseUp
  if the hilite of btn Leave Trails is false
repeat with i = the number of grcs of this stack down to 3
  if the name of graphic i contains Test
  then next repeat
  else delete grc i
end repeat
  end if
  --  if fld sides is a number then set the polysides of me to fld sides
  set the polysides of me to the short name of btn id 2114
  put the polysides of me into asdfg
  put 360/asdfg into regularPolygonAngle
  if fld grcangle is a number and fld grcangle  361 then set the angle
of me to round(fld grcangle)
  put the angle of me into qwerty
  put item 1 of the loc of me into mX
  put item 2 of the loc of me into mY
  put the rect of me into lkjhg
  put abs(item 1 of lkjhg - item 3 of lkjhg) into plm1
  put abs(item 2 of lkjhg - item 4 of lkjhg) into plm2
  if plm1  plm2
if plm1  plm2
  put (plm1 / 2)  into polarRadius
else put (plm2 / 2 ) into polarRadius
put (plm1 / 2) into polarRadius
  end if
  if fld exact is a number then put polarRadius - fld exact into
  -- this is very interesting, because this operation make the figure more
  repeat with i = 1 to asdfg -- the sides of the reg poly
put (regularPolygonAngle * i) + qwerty into ang
put (ang * pi )/ 180 into radians
-- find rectangular coordinates of  ( polarRadius,radians)
if the hilite of btn Use statRound is true
  put statround(mX + (polarRadius * cos (radians)))  , after rfv
  put statround(mY + (polarRadius * sin (radians)))  return after rfv
else -- the hilite of btn Use round
  put round(mX + (polarRadius * cos (radians)))  , after rfv
  put round(mY + (polarRadius * sin (radians)))  return after rfv
end if
  end repeat
  put item 1 of the first line of rfv,item 2 of the first line of rfv after
-- put line 1 of rfv after rfv -- using this line produces an strange bug on
-- polygons of 8 sides. It puts letters instead of numbers in the last line

  set the style of the templategraphic to polygon
  create grc
  set the points of it to rfv
--  set the rect of it to the rect of me -- lkjhg
  if the hilite of btn Put Points into Msg is true then put rfv
  choose browse tool
end mouseUp

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
 I conclude: I think it should be a relatively easy task for the 
 programmers of Revolution (or Transcript, RevTalk etc.) to abolish the 
 inconsistency of regular polygons of  having different sizes for visual 
 rects and their proper rects as a graphic.

i agree. if you fill an enhancement request in the Runrev Quality
Control Center, i will vote for it.

Have a nice weekend.


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Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect?

2009-08-14 Thread capellan

Hi Wilhelm,

Take a look at the script of this stack,
to check if some code is useful:

This version included the option to crop 
the image while masking. 

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
 So again, does anybody know a way - or a workaround - to crop a 
 regular graphic to the size of its visual rect?

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Re: revLet Visual Effect

2009-08-13 Thread capellan

Hi Kenji,

In Windows XP, visual effects does not shows in the
revWeb plug-in. All transitions are just like
show and hide, ocurring instantly.

Somehow, i suspect that this is related with screen redraw
of plug-in inside the browser. Redrawing the plug-in
area and processing mouse messages seems to
have their share of problems.

Notice that dragging any object inside a revlet shows
a really sluggish response:

(for example dragging a point to reshape a vector graphic
inside this revlet:

but movement controled by scripts works really fine.

(for example, both Walking figures in revlet i posted,
and ball movements in Jim Hurley's pool game: NineBall)

Check this by yourself, comparing these revlets in your browser
with the stacks running in the desktop:

Revlets test01 and test02 ask for permission to
use your disk, because they save or export 
a pdf, svg or adobe ilustrator file.
(currently, these plain simple svg files open
using Inkscape, not Firefox).

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[ANN] RGB_CMYK revlet

2009-08-13 Thread capellan

hi all,

Visit the page:
No warnings this time, because this revlet is only for visual display.

Contains gif images with inks applied and four scrollbars to 
change the blendlevel of images.

i build this stack, among many others, for my classes.
This time, i rebuilt completely this stack with revMedia 4
and i get no more errors building the revlet.

i just keep wondering why these errors appear while
building the revlet...

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Re: Transcript should be called Transcript

2009-08-13 Thread capellan

Actually, i liked the new logo and the change
in language name.

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Vote to fix gif animation display in Windows

2009-08-10 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Please, vote for bug 8208

RevMedia 4 display animated gifs with black trails, but this
appears in Windows, not Mac OS X, not sure about Linux.

This problem affect most of the commercial gif animations that actually
uses this compression scheme for gif animations.

Look at the top right corner of this screenshot.

If you could check this problem in Linux platforms and post a screenshot,
download the stack from:

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [script optimization challenge] Multi dimensional array filtering

2009-08-10 Thread capellan

Hi Brian,

There is a page in Wikibooks about Algorithm Implementation for
Binary search:

Would you like to add your example under a new revTalk section?

By the way, i find enlightening the facts exposed in the Wikipedia article
about Binary Search:

When Jon Bentley assigned it as a problem in a course for professional
he found that an astounding ninety percent failed to code a binary search
after several hours of working on it[3], and another study shows that
accurate code
for it is only found in five out of twenty textbooks (Kruse, 1999).

Furthermore, Bentley's own implementation of binary search, published in his
1986 book
Programming Pearls, contains an error that remained undetected for over
twenty years.[4]

Undetected for Twenty years! 
Scary to say the least... :-(


Brian Yennie wrote:
 Here is a quick example of what binary search can do. It's a bit of  
 work to maintain the sorted data, but the speed is impressive if you  
 have very large data.

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Re: How do you solve this dilemma?

2009-08-09 Thread capellan

Hi Judy,

Many thanks for replying to my questions!
Now i remember that you have already teach
this platform in your classes. :-)

Teachers that i have met in Courses, Seminaries and
Workshops have the most diverse background and skills:
Age: From 25 to 55
Subjects: Language (spanish, english), Math (elemental and advanced),
Social Sciences (Economics, Education, Geography, History, Psychology)
English language skills: From Basic to Advanced

Coworkers in the Proyecto Entra 21:
Age: From 30 to 50
Know how to use (and offer classes) of very specific
Computer Software:
(Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, etc..)
English language skills: From Basic to Advanced

Ideally, these educational materials and user mail
list and user forums should be hosted in runrev site,
in many languages (translated by volunteers)
so they will be always available from a central place.

In theory, most of HyperCard teaching materials should be
applicable to this platform, but this would require to adapt
them for this new software.

Have a nice weekend!

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Re: How do you solve this dilemma?

2009-08-09 Thread capellan

Judy Perry wrote:

 What sorts of things would your colleagues like to be able to do with Rev?

Actually, it will be better to show them by example:
What you could do with Rev in your classes.
(Now, i remember Mark Greenberg stacks)

Already, i have show them templates for Multiple choice exams,
Reading Tests and the kind of tests used in Moodle.

Some have asked about SCORM compliance
and the avalability of training from the source like Adobe and Microsoft
(this seems really important and looks related to new requisites of training
and actualization for teachers)

About the conferences, i will look for them for translating, as soon
my workload return to normal. Many thanks for your help!


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How do you solve this dilemma?

2009-08-08 Thread capellan

How do you solve this dilemma?

For many years, i have been talking to my fellow
teachers and coworkers about Runtime Revolution
and how easy it is to create useful applications
for their own use.

Now, that Runrev have released the free Alpha version
of revMedia, i have wrote to all of them about this
new version.

Many of them have answered positively and have
started using revMedia. Great.

But the dilemma arise when my friends
started to ask me:

My english is not very good.
Could you teach me to use revMedia?

Hmmm... Could they find me too impolite
if i ask them to keep learning english?

My time is limited by many factors,
and i will like them to learn revTalk and
revMedia. i have given them templates
to personalise with their own text and
images, but i know that these stacks
will only keep them busy (and happy)
for a while.

What are their alternatives, besides counting
on my incredibly shrinking free time,
to learn revMedia?

Could teachers expect that Runrev
publish courses made exclusively for
them, that shows, for example:

1-How to use revMedia in the classroom.
2-Teach software programing with revMedia.
3-Courses to license teachers in revMedia and revTalk
(just like other vendors do with their platforms).

i know that Marielle Lange and Judy Perry have
raised these topics before, but the difference
between now and then is the existence of a
free version of revMedia that runs in all platforms.

As time goes by, you will find more people doing
these same questions (more frequently).

have a nice weekend

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Downloading messages from Runrev Forum

2009-08-08 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Does exist some method to download all messages from
Runrev forum, just like we could do with compressed mails
in the Runrev list serve page?

I find really useful the categorization of topics in the forum,
but will prefer to browse these messages offline.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: revlet and path

2009-08-08 Thread capellan

Hi Jacque,

i noticed that you interpreted the error numbers
that appear in the warnings.

Where could i find this list of number error codes?

Thanks in advance


J. Landman Gay wrote:
 Further to this discussion, this fails in a revlet run from a server:
put; into tStack
start using stack tStack
put the stacksinuse
 catch tErr
   put tErr
 end try
 Fails with:
 which is basically can't find stack and no such object. I get the 
 same errors if I try to go to the stack first before putting it in use.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |

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Re: [ANN] Stacks published on the Web

2009-08-06 Thread capellan

Hi Rick,

Actually, if you have doubts about the security of
running an application inside your web browser,
you should contact the author with specific questions
about the operation of this application.

Look for example this example:

This is a test in spanish created by a friend of mine
(using a template that i give him) for his computer

He told me that this test is largely unfinished and
needs to correct ortography and the wording
of selection items. I believe that he had to change
his images to reduce the stack size and check in
detail the importance of every question.

But the point, about this exam is that when you
enter the page, it ask for permissions to use the
network and write files to your disk.

Effectively, when you finish this (still incomplete)
exam, the stack ask you to save the results in
your hard disk.

Ideally, the stack should be able to:

1) send the results directly to the teacher's mail
from the stack, just like PHP or Perl scripts do...

2) write output to a file in the server, so
user could download this file from the

3) write a record inside a database
running in the server...

4) show the results in a field so user could
copy and paste the results in a text file...

and there should be other options that
i am not aware of... or simply have forget.

Stacks should be able to do their work
without these warning dialogs.
This weekend, i will apply some of these
ideas to the stacks that i posted.
In this way, there will be no warning
when visitors enter the page.

Have a nice weekend!

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Re: Digging Huge Files

2009-08-04 Thread capellan

Some months ago, i ask in this list about
the limitation of reading files bigger than
2 gigabytes:

and in this message thread, Jackeline reported
that this will be solved in next version:

Given that you are working with Gigabytes of log data,
Could you check if these limitations of reading files
bigger than 2 Gb still apply?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: RevMedia 4 does not like my animated gifs (constantMask problem)

2009-07-31 Thread capellan

Hi Kurt,

Could you post a screenshot of the main screen
of the stack?

Thanks in advance!


Kurt Kaufman wrote:
 I do not see the black trails you mention on Rev 4, Mac OS 10.5.7  
 (although since I do not know Japanese characters it took a while to  
 earn an animation!).

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Re: RevMedia 4 does not like my animated gifs (constantMask problem)

2009-07-31 Thread capellan

Well, Geocities is closing, so i will move my page to
another free webserver.

Kurt reported that animated gifs looks right
on Mac OS X.

How did this stack looks in Linux?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Any thoughts on speed limitations of Revlet?

2009-07-30 Thread capellan

Hi Jim,

This revlet works great inside the web browser.

Now, i find suspicious that with the first shot
i was able to sink 8 balls... twice in a row. :-D

Keep up your great work!
and thanks to Scott Rossi for
lending his gifted hands to
this revlet.

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Re: Any thoughts on speed limitations of Revlet?

2009-07-30 Thread capellan

Hi Jim,

This revlet works great inside the web browser.

Now, i find suspicious that with the first shot
i was able to sink 8 balls... twice in a row. :-D

Keep up your great work!
and thanks to Scott Rossi for
lending his gifted hands to
this revlet.

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Re: [ANN] Game update

2009-06-29 Thread capellan

Hi john.

Where is your game in Rev Online?
i was looking under the user name
Jock_McTartan, but could not found
this stack.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Scrolling a Gigantic Text file in a field

2009-06-23 Thread capellan

Hi Richard, Andre and Craig!

Thanks for answering my request.

Probably the differences in my results are that the whole text of
the Bible is only 4.24 MB and the Gigantic Text file is between
15 MB and 25 MB.

i am sure that 4.24 MB or 25 MB are no problem if you are using a
modern machine with the fastest processor and heaps of memory, 
but the stack on which i am working, should run fairly well in older
machines too.

Andre recomendation's is the solution that i remember was proposed
in a previous discussion about this topic, but i could not found the
messages in the archive. The difficult part was handling smoothly a
field, acting like a small window for the bigger file, not too different
from the way it works the program Large Text File Viewer: 

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 DunbarX wrote:
   I understand that Rev does not like stacks with lots of cards,
   but this is the first I have heard it does not like fields with
   lots of chars. Is this so? I made a scrolling field with 100,000,000
   random characters, and it seems to work fine (The thumb, no surprise,
   does not move overmuch while scrolling). But are other bg processes
 My experience is like yours:  I've put the whole Bible from Project 
 Gutenberge into a field, and after an initial pause to buffer it I found 
 it scrolled far more gracefully than in MS Word, TexEdit, or any other 
 app I tried it in.
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World
   Revolution training and consulting:
   Webzine for Rev developers:

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Re: Scrolling a Gigantic Text file in a field

2009-06-23 Thread capellan

Hi Andre,

Does text fields in HTML browsers have built-in
specific routines to show and scroll smoothly
big text files?

How did you discover this?

Thanks for the advice. i will check
this option closely.

Have a great day!


Andre Garzia-3 wrote:
 There's another way if you're on a windows or mac. You can use
 RevBrowser to fake a field and have a runtime generated HTML in it. It
 would scroll with no problem at all.
 What about this?
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Re: Problem with linktext and html characters

2009-06-12 Thread capellan


Reading this thread in Nabble, i just noticed that
some mailers interpreted the htmltext that
was included in previous messages, rendering
meaningless the htmltext strings discussed.

So, if you want to read this message thread
as was intended to be read, visit the Runrev
mail archive and read the message in your
web browser:

Have a nice day!

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Re: Interactive Fiction with Runtime Revolution

2008-11-13 Thread capellan


Luis, many thanks for these pointers with really useful information! :-)

Thom, you made very good points that i should ponder.
Many thanks for making available your iTunes Library Suite! :-D
About web based Interactive Fiction, look at this fine example:

Andre, i have not Revolution Media or this template stack
for creating interactive fiction games (like myst) but will be
great to look a completed example of a game made with this
template stack.

Richard, many thanks for your kind words and i will like to
be more experienced to create this kind of application in such
way, that users could expand and enhance it without
too much difficulty or intervention.

This project require a well though roadmap with several realistic
milestones and many brains well coordinated...

Does anyone interested in creating this software
could create such roadmap?

The kind of challenges that i could foresee
in this project: 

Should this software exports to html pages and other
Interactive Fiction formats (like QML, Inform, TADS, etc...)
or only work with Stacks?

While i was investigating this topic, i noticed that some of
the editors and players for these languages are Java and PHP
based, so there is an oportunity for creating interpreters
and editors in Runrev that could do the job using less resources
with better user interface. 

Thanks again for your help!


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Re: Embedding fonts anomalies

2008-11-13 Thread capellan

hi Shari,

i have not used this feature, but it is really
mind opening to see, how developers use
font embedding in their apps.

Do you have a sample stack that show
the approach that you described?

Thanks in advance!


Shari-2 wrote:
 Load several custom fonts.  Create a heirarchy of first choice, 
 second choice, etc.  If firstChoice is in the fontNames then set the 
 fields to it.  Else move to secondChoice, thirdChoice, etc., ending 
 with several fonts that should already be installed on user systems 
 as a last resort.

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MD4 Function translated from Director to Runrev

2008-03-22 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently, i took a second look to MD4 digest in this stack:
where i try to translate (without sucess) a Fast lingo 
implementation of the MD4 algorithm by Joni Huhmarniemi.

Compare results with this javascript version:

Every hint to help in the sucess of this process of translation,
from Director to Runrev is welcome. 

Thanks in advance!

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Re: MD4 Function translated from Director to Runrev

2008-03-22 Thread capellan

Hi Richard,

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 What are the advantages of MD4 over Rev's built-in MD5?

MD4 is used by the rsync utility for synchronizing files and directories 
from one location to another while minimizing data transfer

For some time, i have been interested in adding this kind of
functionality to stacks used in this platform.

Thanks a lot for your interest!


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Re: LAME DLL for Rev?

2008-03-22 Thread capellan

Hi Devin,

Some years ago, Bill Griffith of iGame3D
released FMODforRev.dll for Mac and PC.

Could this be what you are looking for?

Devin Asay wrote:
 Does anyone know of a LAME library DLL that has been compiled to run  
 as a Rev external?

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Re: MD4 Function translated from Director to Runrev

2008-03-22 Thread capellan

Hi Mark,

Many thanks for the advice!
i will check openssl.

Have a nice weekend.


masmit wrote:
 Alejandro, if you have openssl installed on your computer, you can  
 use it to do md4, md5, sha1 and others as shell calls.
 Having written a Revolution implementation of the sha1 digest, I  
 think it's true to say that if you want to get the digest for whole  
 files and stacks, this sort of digest function is likely to be very  
 slow in a high-level language like Revolution, so you might be better  
 off using the (very fast) openssl tools if you can.

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Re: [OT] A Hardware wish...

2008-03-19 Thread capellan

Hi Phil,

Phil Davis-5 wrote:
 A NAS device won't do it - at least not the ones I'm familiar with, but 
 I haven't looked at them since I bought one a couple of years ago. Maybe 
 they are smarter now. 
 Jim Ault introduced me to StuffIt for automated backups (which I still 
 don't use effectively, but...) StuffIt lets you schedule automatic, 
 unattended backups of specific folders to FTP and .mac locations. Would 
 that do it for you? It would run on your computer at night or whenever 
 you tell it to.

Ah, this is the keyphrase that i was looking for: 
unattended backups of specific folders to FTP

If these backups could be done using Rsync, then
this will be a lot faster. :-D

 If you want a separate piece of hardware to do the backup, I suppose you 
 could put a cheap PC into your network DMZ and copy files to its StuffIt 
 upload folder before you turn off your computer and go home at night.

Yes, that will do the job. 

By the way, thinking about the imaginary USB device that 
i described will require it to run some embedded operating
system, right?

An OS in a USB stick, just like this:

Many thanks for your answer and useful
pointers !

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[OT] A Hardware wish...

2008-03-18 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently, while working in a teamwork project, the hard reality of having to 
download and upload (daily) many files of hundreds Megabytes to a remote
keep me wishing for a faster connection or some clever and automatic way
to handle these kind of data moving task after my daily work is finished.

Thinking about an ideal  and automatic way to download and upload these
files, (without compromising the Workstation PCs), this is my question for
this group:

Does exist a pocket size device (that i could connect directly to a DSL
via USB or Ethernet) that could download or upload these big size files
after i finish
my work?

i imagine something similar to an USB memory stick, that contains the files
i want to send and enough empty space to save the files that i should
This device manages a list of files for upload and download. I connect this
to the DSL modem in the night and when i return in the morning, all files
have been
received and send.

Are Network Attached Storage devices, the actual hardware that closely
resemble what i am looking for?

Thanks in advance for your opinions and ideas.


upload and download 
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Re: [ANN] Multi-Browser pre-alpha test release

2008-02-24 Thread capellan

Hi Thomas, 

Here, in a Windows XP box, the web browsers works great.
Tested with StackRunner 1.7, but does not work inside RR 2.8.1.

Notice that web browser window have a fixed size, so it´s difficult to
use in smaller screen sizes like 1024x768.


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Re: [ANN] Multi-Browser pre-alpha test release

2008-02-24 Thread capellan

Hi Thomas,

This new version works great in RR 2.8.1 and StackRunner 1.7
in Windows XP. When you publish a 1024x768 version, i will test
all the features.

Keep up your good Work! :-)

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Re: md5

2008-02-21 Thread capellan

Hi Mark,

This has been discussed before ;-)

In 2005, september 25
Mark Waddingham wrote,
in the message: 
put url some url into someVar...

Mark Schonewille was trying to do something very similar a while ago and
filed an enhancement request about being able to do md5 digests on large
files *without* them needing to be loaded. For interest see here:

As suggested (by me) in the bug-report, you needn't take the md5digest
of the entire file at once and can do something like this instead:

function quasiMD5 pFile
  local tMD5s
  open file pFile for binary read
read from file pFile for CHUNK_SIZE chars
if the result is EOF then
  exit repeat
end if
put the md5digest of it after tMD5s
  end repeat
  close file pFile
  return the md5Digest of tMD5s
end quasiMD5

Where you can make CHUNK_SIZE some suitable size (perhaps 256k/512k).

[ My intuitive analysis of the impact of doing this on the integrity
(i.e. potential for collision) of the digest is that it will be minimal
- but perhaps someone more knowledgeable in this area could comment. ]

Hope this helps,

Mark Waddinham.

Well, i do not try this code myself, but i am sure that no md5digest command
line tool tries to load the whole Linux Installer image CD in memory to
the file. Surely, they use an aproach similar to this suggested by Mark
But there is only one thing to know for sure... What exact size are the
chunks to process?


masmit wrote:
 I need to get the md5 of potentially very large  
 files on disc. I'm hoping to avoid having to load them into memory in  
 order get the digest.

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Implementing rsync protocol and algorithms with RR apps

2008-02-21 Thread capellan

Hi all,

(First, i wrote this message in 2005, so it´s worth repeating given
the actual interest about RR stacks on the internet.)

Have anyone given a try to implement 
rsync protocols and algorithms using 
only RR clients applications?

rsync allows to download only the parts
that had changed in a stack, instead of
the whole file.

It's composed of a server and a client.

The client sends the server a single string
of information about the local file.

This string is a series of digests of 
chunks of 1k of the local file.

When server receives this string, it
compares these digest with chunks of 1k
of the file in the server and then just
send back the parts that the client needs
to recreate the file from the server, in
the client's side.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Archiving Eudora?

2008-02-13 Thread capellan

Hi Stephen,

Eudora uses the mbox format, Right?
On September 2006, i posted this message to this mail list:

stack Mailbox Offline reader

Hi all,

This stack arises from the fact that i do not
have internet in the place where i live actually
and i like to read the messages from this list
without downloading many yahoo html pages.

i´m looking for testers and comments
for this stack: Mailbox browser.rev
to make it more useful and easy to understand.

This stack allows to read offline, the mailboxes
from this and many maillist that uses the mbox format
to store the messages.

To test this stack, download the compressed stack
and a mailbox gzipped file like:

Decompress the stack and open it in Rev or any of
the players. When you open the stack, you will
noticed six tabs: Messages, Developers, date, 
Subject, words, update.

Click at the tab named Update.
you will notice a text field and four controls
in the bottom of the card area.

Click at the button named:
Click this button to update...
Drag and drop a mailbox gzipped file
to the field labeled:
Drag and Drop here a compressed...

Then, automatically an script will create
a duplicate of the stack Mailbox Offline Reader
and will insert in this copy (as custom properties)
1)the complete mailbox compressed as gzip
2)a gzip compressed Subject index
3)a Developers index
4)Date index
5)words index
6) and create other custom properties.

Notice, in the process of creating this mailbox,
the script ask that you choose one or two letters
to identify the mailbox. Use R for Runrev or
M for MetaCard mailboxes or E for education list...

When the process of creating all these indexes
is finished the stack is saved at the same location
of the stack Mailbox Offline Reader using the
extension .mdg , but remember it is still a stack
that you could open from Revolution.

Then, from this stack, you will be able to
browse the post of the mailbox, by date, developer,
subject, and words. In the first tab, Messages,
you could use the right click button to get a 
contextual menu to copy text, and find it in
the indexes. In the other tabs: developers, subjects
date and words, you had to Right click on the 
line to activate the script that displays 
the messages.

The code is open to see, feel free to post
your own enhancement to this list, or send them
to my email.

Thanks to Chipp Walters for his stack altFldHeader
and Alex Tweedley for his script to parse

Have a nice day.


on Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Stephen Barncard wrote:

 there was someone on this list who stated 
 that they had or were working on or had completed an archiving tool 
 to parse out all the Eudora files and create a CSV list.

 Yes, I know I could make one, I've done Eudora email parsing before 
 in HC, but if an app has already been done, it would be worth it.

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Minimize Custom shaped stacks

2008-02-11 Thread capellan

Hi all,

i have posted a bug report on this:

Please vote if this problem affect your applications.

Thanks in advance!

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Minimize Custom shaped stacks

2008-02-11 Thread capellan

Hi all,

i have posted a bug report on this:

Please vote if this problem affect your applications.

Thanks in advance!

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Minimize Custom shaped stacks

2008-02-09 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently i was adding a Minimize button to a custom shaped stack,
and to my surprise, the stack does not minimize at all,
but moves near to the bottom of the screen where only
a small portion of the top is visible.

To maximize the stack, i just have to do is double click
on the visible portion of the stack. 

Is this the normal behavior of minimized custom shaped stacks?
I hoped that the minimized stack show a button in the bar, like toplevel
stacks do.

Any insight to correct this behavior is welcome.

Thanks in advance

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Runrev handling of imported bitmaps

2007-10-31 Thread capellan

Hi all,

Recently i was creating a simple stack image library utility
to reuse images multiple times in a stack.

The result is unworthy to post in this mail list, but
it opened many questions:

How could i recreate the changes in dimensions, ink-effects
rotations, flipping, etc for all the images used in a card,
taken from a library stack?

For example, Xara X1 has a “zero-memory footprint”
approach in which each new image copy requires
no additional memory or file space. Every transformation
to any image is redraw at runtime, so Xara X1 just keep one
original image and in every instance where the image appears,
it is transformed starting from the single untouched original image.
One single image reused multiple times with any kind of
transformations applied to them.

For example, i will like to apply many different ink effects
to instances of a single image and make a composition
with these parts.

Is this somehow possible in Runrev?

Notice, i know that this is possible with multiple
copies of the images, but i look for economy of size
of the stack.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Export to pdf

2006-02-28 Thread capellan

Hi Marty,

i noticed that you asked for a download
link to the most recent version of the
stack Vector to PDF:

Previous versions:

Searching in this mail list archives,
i noticed that Monte Goulding
and Jean Baptiste (JBV) had
worked with PDF too.

About the method that this stack uses to export vector graphics
to pdf format, here is a quick recipe:

Use a PDF template that it's filled with the
data created from the vector graphics, images
or text. I created this template examining
several empty pdf created from diferent apps
and reading the Adobe PDF file format specifications.

This template is a small text file stored as a 
custom property of the stack. 
(In fact there are 3 templates,
one for Adobe ilustrator, two for PDF)

To create the data of every graphic,
you could use a repeat for each
structure and a switch case handler 
to create the pdf/illustrator code for every
type of graphic: oval, rectangle, line,
polygonal, curve, etc.

In RR, a vector oval graphic has
height and width, but in PDF/AI, 
a graphic shaped as an oval,
has 4 consecutive bezier lines that
recreate the shape.
(SVG and recent versions of PDF
file format allow to define ovals
and rectangles in different way)

Every type of graphic requires specific code
for this task. Look at the diferences between
the code to convert an oval and a rectangle

After you have all vector data in a variable,
insert this data in the PDF template:

marked as  in:


or in the Adobe Ilustrator template:
0 XR

Write the additional data that PDF
format require, like offsets of the
beginning of each section in the
document trailer and (this is important
for PDF format) replace all carriage 
return with linefeeds.
Adobe Ilustrator format does not
require offsets and trailer, so it's easier 
to write, test and debug.

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Re: [ANN] HOOT: Hacked Object Oriented Transcript

2006-02-27 Thread capellan

Hi Geoff,

This Hacked Object oriented Transcript reads like an
extraordinarily useful addition to the techniques
available in this platform.

In this platform, i've played mostly with vector graphics.
With the stack PenTool, i'm able to create individual vector graphics,
but latter when these graphics are grouped is problematic to apply 
any transformation to this group (transformations like Scale, Rotate, 
Slant, Flip, fill and line color changes, line weight change, etc).

Do you think that this handler could help me with this task?

If your answer is positive, then 
How difficult could be to create a group (with multiple vector graphics) 
that works as a single gradient vector graphic object?

This Gradient vector graphic group needs to keep constant
his color attributes when transformed. For example, if you slant,
scale, rotate, change shape, etc, the color should keep the 
style of a gradient, not become distorted.

It's possible at all?

Thanks for sharing your work!
Keep up your good work.

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Re: Weather Widget

2006-02-27 Thread capellan

Hi Scott,

Excellent widget!
You had raised the bar again. :-)

Now, Do you know what could be really
useful? an installable widget player, like 
that from Yahoo. :D

If some of you is ready for releasing a multiplatform
Widget engine, i have already some widgets ideas,
that could start working this week!

Thanks a lot for sharing.
Keep Up your good work!

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Re: Export to pdf

2006-02-27 Thread capellan

Hi Marty,

Actually it's not too difficult.
Just require time to code, test and fix.

Look at these references about the
PDF file format:

PDF v 1.2

PDF v 1.3 to v 1.6 (Directly from Adobe)

i could not find the PDF spec v1.1 This was a short reference 
(compared with later editions) very easy to read and understand. 

I'll be grateful if developers, could point me to
a functional link in the web to this old pdf specification.

Have a nice day!

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Re: Export to pdf

2006-02-25 Thread capellan

Hi Marty,

i have made a stack to export vectors to pdf.
It is possible to create a stack that export
text to pdf. Roger Eller sent me this stack long time ago.

Now, the missing piece is exporting bitmap images to pdf.

Who have the time to solve this task?


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Re: getExif

2006-01-09 Thread capellan (sent by


Could you include some sample images
with this stack?

i tried without sucess to read exif data in
these images from these websites:


Thanks in advance and Thanks a lot again for sharing your Midi stacks!
Keep up your good work! :-) 

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Re: [Ann] Adventure Game Graphics

2005-12-25 Thread capellan (sent by

Hi Judy,

i believe that this Contest is for users
of 3D graphic software, that are able
to create these kind of Myst-like stills of
3D environments from renderings of
their work in any platform.

Hope to see the final entries of many
of them in this Contest. :-D

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Re: MIDI Files

2005-12-11 Thread capellan (sent by

Hi Scott,

you could visit Hugh Senior's website:

and download the file:

UDI, an extraordinary japanese programmer,
published many stacks to play Midi files using
notation similar to HyperCard.

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Re: Recent Development on the Use-List

2005-12-11 Thread capellan (sent by

Hi all,

What do you think about the educational model
used by Alias (now an AutoDesk company)

From their webpage:
Maya Personal Learning Edition is a special version of Maya® 
software, which provides free access to Maya for non-commercial 
use. It gives 3D graphics and animation students, industry professionals, 
and those interested in breaking into the world of computer graphics 
(CG) an opportunity to explore all aspects of the award-winning Maya 
Complete software in a non-commercial capacity.

Available for Windows® 2000/XP Professional and Mac® OS X 
operating systems.

The Maya Personal Learning Edition restricts users to non-commercial 
applications through the display of a watermark on images as well as 
through the use of a special non-commercial file format. 

One of Alias' strengths besides the Maya Software
is its online community. It's huge. I professional
and very entushiastic about pushing the boundaries.
Using Maya is more a lifestyle than a job.

(This statement reflects exactly, what many had
already said in this Developers mail list)

Did you read this?
Maya Learning Edition saves files in their own format,
that could not be opened from a Commercial version
of Maya.

Rev could do the same change of file format,
with a Free educational version.

What do you think about this?


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Re: Why is Konfabulator 'Pretty?'

2005-12-11 Thread capellan (sent by

Marielle Lange wrote:

 Dreamcard is presented as something that persons
 with lack of experience with other development environments 
 can come to grip with. Apparently, it doesn't work that well. 
 Beginners often complain on this list or elswhere 
 (see , 
 a mailing list for dreamcard users or beginners in general) about 
 the fact that it is not that easy to get 
 to grip with this new environment.

That's because this gap that you are noticing
was filled long time ago by a lot of HyperCard books.

In January i asked in this list: 
WHY don't we ask to the 212 authors of HyperCard 
books to update their books for this platform?... 

WHY do not ask developers in this list to collaborate
in writing a book on RunRev?

Actually, some newbie developers find these HyperCard books very useful
to help them started with Transcript:

and many more...

even Dan Shafer, the first RunRev specific book author recommend them:

and guess what... These same HyperTalk books, are part of the bookshelf
of most Professional Developers in this list.
Even SuperCard developers use them...Interesting. Don't you think?

Scott Raney recommended to buy the XCMD's book written for

What's next?

Buy these books and adapt them to your needs.

i had buy this book written by Gary Bond about xcmd programming:

Just US$ 1.08 from Hippo Books.
i receive it next week. :-)

Want to buy this too:
Applied HyperCard: Developing and Marketing Superior Stackware
by Jerry Daniels, Mary Jane Mara

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Re: RE: MIDI Files

2005-12-11 Thread capellan (sent by

Hi Scott,

Looks like the URL's posted were 
hidden somehow. Let's try again:

you could visit Hugh Senior's website:

and download the file:

UDI, an extraordinary japanese programmer,
published many stacks to play Midi files using
notation similar to HyperCard.

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Re: Into the flamefest

2005-12-07 Thread capellan (sent by

On Dec 6, 2005, at 9:34 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

 I am rebuilding my homepage and there'll be a section on my  
 Application Framework or Paradigm called Alfred that is the stack  
 controlling everything I said on top.


Like the Batman's Majordomo, Alfred Pennyworth? :-))
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Re: How do i check for an internet connection?

2005-12-07 Thread capellan (sent by

Hi Kurt,

 I don't remember who to thank for this one, 
 which I modified only slightly: 

Dar Scott published this code in march 2002:

local testSock
on mouseUp
   put into testSock
   open datagram socket to testSock  -- opens immediately on Win2K
   put hostAddress(testSock) into field Local IP Address
   close socket testSock
end mouseUp

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