RE: Mixing Languages and Mac OSX

2002-06-10 Thread cowhead
Manuel writes:
Are you not confusing macOS X vs macOS and Unicode vs conventional
With the conventional 1 byte coding you have 256 spots (only 128 in DOS
Windows) which leaves more than 200 hundred possible chars.

UNICODE uses TWO bits per char which extends the possibility to over
No, as I understand it, 2 byte fonts (note: not bits, but bytes) were
around long before Unicode.  Unicode just tries to conventionalize it.
But all or most of the Apple 2 byte font 'language kits' are now bundled
(and free!) in OSX.  Actually, the OSX applications that use Unicode
(Mail, TextEdit etc) do not work (yet) nearly as well as the apps
specialized for these languages.  For example, if you send Japanese with
Apple's new Unicode Mail,  it often comes out garbled on the other side,
whereas sending the same message in, say, Jpanese Netscape, is no
problem.  And Jpnese Claris works/appleworks works far better for
Jpanese than does unicode savvy TextEdit.  The important point is, you
can buy just ONE OSX anywhere in the world and run all of these
excellent language specific applications (forget unicode!) perfectly,
without having to pay for, install, or hassle with any 'language kits'.
It's a real marvel.

We are pretty happy that the Phenicians came up with the alphabet!*
It's efficient for languages with complex syllable structures (like
English) but it makes learning how to read hell.  It's practically
impossible to say, for example /b/ (or any other plossive/stop) without
adding a vowel at the end.  This confuses the heck out of kids. BUH EE
RHA. ? Oh, BEER!

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list


2002-05-28 Thread cowhead
Please skip this post if you are feeling pragmatic.
Scott writes:
I disagree: xTalk is a high-level language well suited to most
application development, if not for bit-fiddling with low-level OS and
hardware features.  While it's true that you give up some performance
and flexibility using a high-level language, you more than make up for
this with increased productivity.  Note that I'm not criticising C/C++

I have a quick philosophical question:
(1) When you write in a higher language like C, there is nothing you can
'say' that cannot also be written directly in machine-code, is that
correct?  In other words, you could create a language that introduces
novel computing approaches, but in the end it must be compilable, which
means translated into machine code?
(2) Now, my impression has been that the metacard engine more or less
emulates a mini-computer, ie creates a virtual computer within your
computer.  If that idea is correct, then metacards virtual computer
machine-talk is different from the real computer's machine talk, but
does idea (1) above still hold true?  In other words, anything I write
in transcript 'could' be written directly in machine-code?

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Observations Re: Images

2002-05-26 Thread cowhead
Jeanne, et al writes:

I should have read this closer.  For me the bottom line is, if you
want the image to be scalable, it must reside in each stack: resizing
a button does not resize its icon.
It can, all you have to do is put this into the "onResizeStack handler":

put the icon of button myButt into myPic
  set the height of image id myPic of stack theImages to the height of
button 1
  set the width of image id myPic of stack theImages to the width of
button 1

Of course, the above will also work without using a separate substack
for images.

But I can't get buttons to reliably scale using the geometry manager
(OS9.2 mac) so you may have to write
a script for that too, rather than using geometry manager.

good luck

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

Re: onTO

2002-05-24 Thread cowhead
Dar Scott writes:
Here is one way to remember which one to use...

Either "on" or "onto" can be used to show movement to a location in
English.  Though "on" is most common, it can be ambiguous and
"onto" is clearer.  The programming language uses the clearer
It may be clearer for a real, English-speaking and thinking human,
but no clearer to the metacard engine!  The easiest syntax is thus
always going to be the most frequent.  A quick collocation analysis
confirms my suspicions:  whereas "on" is number 4 in the 'place' collate
list,  with a whopping T-score of over 11, 'onto' didn't show up at all
in the top 100, and 'place' is also not in the top 100 as a collate for
'onto'.  So 'place X on' is not just a little more common then 'place X
onto..' , it appears to be vastly more common.  And since there is no
need to worry about ambiguity when you are talking to a software engine
with a very limited vocabulary,  if the writers of X-talk were striving
for the most natural syntax (and I assume they were, since that is the
whole point of a higher-level language) 'onTO' was clearly a mistake.
I'm sorry, was I raving? :-)

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

RE: sound recording MAC and QTPRO

2002-05-16 Thread cowhead
Talking about recording sound on a Mac, presumably using the record
sound file command in Rev?  Jean-Luc wrote:

 You need to have "QuickTime Pro" installed. Do you have it?
 The player you can dowload free enables you to listen to files, but
not to
 record them.
 Your problem may be due to that. If it is, you can get "QuickTime Pro"
 "www;" it costs about $20.

Can someone explain this to me?  The rev 'record sound file' really
needs the 'pro' version of QT?  Although I don't have this, it seems to
work OK as long as I use 'with dialog' and under OS9 only (not OSX,
which has a bug apparently, causing separate channels to record at
different levels).  I'm trying to decide if I need to invest in QTPRO

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

extracting hypercard picts

2002-03-28 Thread cowhead
This was covered recently, but I've forgotten what the upshot was.
Appologies.  How does one efficiently extract pictures stored in the
resource fork of a hypercard project?  How about pictures saved within a
Supercard project (directly on a card)
I tried with graphic convertor, but couldn't get it to recognize either
file type.  Also, Resedit doesn't seem to offer any easy batch export of
pict images.
Thanks in advance!

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

RE: sound recording on windoze

2002-03-13 Thread cowhead
I heard that something about this was supposedly corrected in the "build
8" of the metacard engine (I think you can type "put the build number"
in the message box to get this number).
However, on a Mac anyway, there are still massive problems.  In my
experience, you will have much better luck recording "with dialog"
option.  In the absence of dialog, there seems to be a bug in specifying
I noticed that the rev docs indicate that recording is performed via
Quicktime.  So I wonder if a quicktime update or compatability check
might not also effect recording.

For example, I often run on a Japanese OS, containing Japanese quicktime
by default.  Quicktime visual effects invoked by rev will not function
in this environment unless you change their names to the Japanese
equivalents.  I'm wondering if the same issue might not be occuring with
the 'record sound file' command.

good luck,
mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Initializing variables

2002-03-10 Thread cowhead
 When you have a long list of variables, it might be easier to try an
array instead.
For example:

on mouseUp
global myVar
repeat with i = 1 to 1000
put 0 into myVar[i]
end repeat
end mouseUp

So, instead of calling your variables x,y,z can simply call
myVar[1],myVar[2], etc

good luck,

mark in Japan

Jim wrote:

I have a list of variables, say "x,y,z"
 I would like to set each of these equal to zero. If
 I were to use the

 put "x,y,z" into tList
 repeat with i = 1 to 3
 put 0 into item i of tList
 end repeat

use-revolution mailing list

Warning about Metacard Carbon

2002-02-06 Thread cowhead

If you use Mac Classic Rev or metacard to create a stack, and then save
it as a metacard careful!  If you are running classic OS
and both carbon and classic metacard engines are on the system, and you
click directly on the stack, it will open it in metacard Carbon (when it
should be classic) and doing so can wipe the stack clean.  All controls
and scripts simply disappear.  So, of course back up everything, and
make sure that metacard carbon is either not available or that you open
classic stacks only via classic metacards open stack menu.

Got all that?!

mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list

Buffer on X vs. Classic

2002-02-05 Thread cowhead

I think this has already been discussed, but at the time I didn't quite
follow or pay attention.  Anyway,  I have this situation:

1.  a player is playing a quicktime movie (actually a GIF) with looping
2.  I move the player around while it is playing (using move relative)

In Mac classic, with the alwaysBuffer of the stack and player set to
true, the movement looks nice and smooth (although I think the player
pauses briefly during the move).

In contrast, with mac OSX, you must set the alwaysBuffer of the player
to false, or it disappears, at least briefly, during the move, giving a
choppy, blinky appearance.  With alwaysBuffer() set to false, the move
looks good as it does on classic. BUT:

3.  with always buffer set to false, a playing or paused player cannot
appear behind a field, even if the layer of the field is way over that
of the player.  I think this is true on both platforms.

So, why does the alwaysBuffer of a player work oppositely under X and
classic?  Bug?

mark in Japan
(ps.  all results used latest test versions of Rev.)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database and standalone

2002-01-21 Thread cowhead

Yves wrote:

I have a stack with many filled flds full of data
I've built the stack in a standalone
Now I'd like to change the program.
How can I modify (update) my standalone without loosing the data ?
I have worked on the scripts in a .rev file but how can I recover the
data from the standalone ?

When you built the standalone, did you choose the option save substacks
in separate data folder?  If you want to save the data, you have to do
this anyway, as far as I can tell.  Your standalone main stack
should/could be nothing more than a title (and of course a menu/buttons
to get at the substacks).  The substacks are where you want the
meat/data to be kept.  If these are saved in a separate folder, they
remain stacks and your data can be saved by your standalone while it is
running.  Subsequently, Revolution can still open and play with them.
Just choose open stack , go into the 'data' folder of your standalone,
then the 'components' and the substacks should appear.
Good luck.
mark mitchell

use-revolution mailing list