----- Original Message -----
To: "'How to use Revolution'" <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Subject: RE: Drawing a straight line
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 16:03:59 +0200

> i know this will sound silly but you should know you can use a ruler
> to draw the line straight with your mouse...
> If you dont have a ruler, use the keyboard or your head! ;)
> ;)
> cheers
> Xav
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> > Scott Slaugh
Dear Mr. X;
I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted some email. 
(very little. as it was put to me)!!!!!! and i haven`t even opened the file to 
try it out yet!!  and i seem to be getting hundreds of e mails in my box every 
day!!! and half are repeats. i am not happy about this!!!!! i am sorry to 
single you out, but  I noticed your name as frequent as anyones . please tell 
me how to stop this maddness. nothing personal toward you! but i am only allowd 
2 meg in my email  box. and my friends can`t even send me a messege, because my 
box is so full with this stuff. is there any way you can help me? I think that 
i won`t be interested in this product at all, if this keeps up! I am not in 
some office just waiting to here about the next move on the pc, for the day. i 
was thinking about learning how to program my own software! i am a physically 
disabled vietnam vet, just trying to learn how to get by in todays world. can 
you give me any advice on this subject? i am just a poor ole farm boy, who 
don`t even understand what they are talking about, most of the time. i am only 
trying to learn! if people don`t piss me off! too bad, too soon!but take my 
word for it .nothing to do with you as to why i am upset! I guess i just needed 
someone to vent to.and again I am sorry about that, but i am just getting 
irritated about the emails. sorry to take it out on you! but i thought you 
might be able to help me, or set me on to  the right track, on who to talk to.
PLEASE HELP ME???????????? I am willing to learn, and want to learn but these 
people are overwellming me!!!i am sorry . i cant spell either!!!!!!!!!! can ya 
help me? thanks for letting me vent to you. i hope you don`t hold it against me 
personably either. THANKS AGAIN!      FRANK KNOX
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