Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
In North America, the words *Bung* and *Bang* have very different meanings.
It's like seeing 'bloody' all over the place to a UK'er.   It bugs me every
time. I get bad visual images.

Our "Bung" is your "Bloody", buddy.

Just thought I'd remind you.

On 15 May 2010 02:38, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> I have been banging on about sound export for years:
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Re: Will revCGI be made available (not just revServer)?

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
But isn't it still 'shared' with other clients on the same machine?  I was
offered something like this by Dreamhost but I get such great service and
speed with a regular account, why should I bother? To get at the kernal?

On 15 May 2010 03:36, Bernard Devlin  wrote:

> Since the advent of services such as Slicehost or Linode, I'm
> surprised anyone bothers with shared hosting.  Linode costs $20 a
> month, and you get to choose from a variety of different linux
> distributions.  In my experience, the performance and support are
> amazing.
> Bernard
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Richard Gaskin
>  wrote:
> > I don't believe it's an Apache module.  I'm not exactly sure what it is,
> but
> > when I asked if it was a module per se I was told it was not. That's a
> good
> > thing, IMO, since it would be next to impossible to install it on a
> shared
> > host if it were.
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Re: New revIgniter / irev TextMate bundles (v1.1b)

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
Ralf, what is your recommended update method if one has already installed

On 15 May 2010 06:50, Ralf Bitter  wrote:

> Complemented the revIgniter / irev TextMate bundles
> according to the latest revIgniter additions.
> Get the latest version of TextMate bundles
> for revIgniter here:
> Best
> Ralf
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
Jerry had a function "Find Orphaned Puts" in GLX2 that would do this and
I've been pestering him to reveal it or make a tRev plugin to use this. It
worked well.

Very useful for this old fashioned basic "debugging tool" .

I'd make a variation - "Delete all orphaned puts" if it could be made

On 15 May 2010 09:42, william humphrey  wrote:

> I'm not sure it has only two words. I will try your suggestion though. It
> could be "put variable1 && variable2"
> It sure teaches me to never do this again. Always explicitly call the
> message box. I wish RunRev would remove the feature...
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Scott Rossi  >wrote:
> > Try putting the script in variable, and then finding the lineOffset of
> the
> > line that contains "put" and has only 2 words.
> >
> > Scott Rossi
> > Creative Director
> > Tactile Media, UX Design
> >
> > On May 15, 2010, at 8:53 AM, william humphrey <
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Jerry
> > >
> > > I'm asking this question on the RunRev forum because I want to announce
> > here
> > > how much I love tRev. Anyway how do you search for a "put" that is like
> > >
> > > "put variable"
> > >
> > > and doesn't have an "into" so it opens the message box. I realize that
> I
> > > should have marked my code there or put message box because it is so
> hard
> > to
> > > find a "put" that doesn't have an "into"
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > ___
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
collect the line numbers on the first pass, they ya gotta count backwards if
you delete lines, Mark. Repeat for each won't work unless the entire script
is rebuilt.

Do we need a  "backwards offset"??

On 15 May 2010 10:33, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> Scott-
> Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9:58:47 AM, you wrote:
> > The other thing to do is to make sure the line has no "into".
> in (untested, but you get the idea)
> put yourScript into someVariable
> filter someVariable with "put*"
> filter someVariable without "*into*"
> repeat for each line tLine in someVariable
>  put lineOffset(tLine, yourScript) into tPos
>  if tPos is not 0 then
>delete line tPos of yourScript
>  end if
> end repeat
> --
> -Mark Wieder
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
I never said there was one.

No, Jerry in his wisdom, has left* *it up to us to develop it as an
exercise. So I'll probably do it if someone else doesn't. It's not
*that*much of a brain teaser.

On 15 May 2010 11:06, william humphrey  wrote:

> Just went to the tRev site. There are some plug-ins there (ones that put
> lists of cards, scripts etc into an email message) but no "find orphan
> puts"
> plug-in
> ___
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
Inside the tRev plug environment, perhaps it would be easiest for your plug
script to  'comment out' all the instances of found puts  with a special
comment that could be easily found like  "-- * put it". Otherwise you'd need
a dialog or something to do them individually unless it's a mass removal -
(which I would never trust!!)

On 15 May 2010 11:34, william humphrey  wrote:

> Thanks (I started to say Stephen but I see I should say) "everyone" -- I
> found my orphan put using
> put yourScript into someVariable
> filter someVariable with "put*"
> filter someVariable without "*into*"
> Except that you have to say
> filter someVariable with "*put*" for it to work as there must be a space or
> something before the word put
> Bill
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-15 Thread stephen barncard
makes sense. Should have run the code. Sorry to jump to conclusions.

On 15 May 2010 12:01, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> stephen-
> Saturday, May 15, 2010, 10:43:22 AM, you wrote:
> > collect the line numbers on the first pass, they ya gotta count backwards
> if
> > you delete lines, Mark. Repeat for each won't work unless the entire
> script
> > is rebuilt.
> It's not collecting line numbers, otherwise it would indeed run into
> that problem. Just collecting actual text, and finding the lineoffset
> in the loop.
> > Do we need a  "backwards offset"??
> I'd love it if the third optional parameter for the xOffset commands
> could be negative, saying "start from the end" instead of from the
> beginning.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for an updated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audio complementary library!)

2010-05-16 Thread stephen barncard
1. Multiple audio streams, multichannel possibilities
2. Edit window primitives (waveform drawing, edit points)
3. Good level metering hooks
4. RTAS Plugins
5. SMPTE Library
6. Support for OGG and Flac

Building this stuff from scratch would be nuts - unless you're a great audio
code scientist - and that stuff is for the machine language programmers.
It still makes my brain hurt to think of the code that makes Pro Tools play
96 tracks on my "old" Dual 2.5 G5, with *plugins*!

If I got a big audio project right now that required me to include audio
editing, I might go out and investigate the offerings from Cycling 74

If you want to develop your own low-level audio algorithms, Max/MSP provides
an ideal platform with its C-based API for new unit generators. Max takes
care of file I/O and user interface construction as well. Another option for
lower-level development is mxj~, a modular Java-based system for audio

These guys have been in business for years. This stuff takes a lot of work,
blown speakers, -- serious code that can easily lock up your machine.

On the Mac side, perhaps a lot of what we want is already installed in Core
Audio, Core Midi. Not sure of Win.

So at the independent author level, I think a core audio plugin might be
do-able, not sure of the copyright issues.

Sadly, as Richard always asks:"What's the ROI?"

On 16 May 2010 07:46, Lynn Fredricks  wrote:

> Hi all,
> > I am very interested in your requests, myself repeatedly
> > mentioned the lack of Runrev about Audio.
> We have engineers that could create audio externals. It's the sort of thing
> though we don't have immediate need for internally though. We could do
> something using a platform like kickstarter to do it. The question would
> be,
> what features and how much?
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> President
> Paradigma Software
> Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server
> ___
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Re: searching for a put that opens message box

2010-05-17 Thread stephen barncard
cmon, gang we're coders!  URLEcode!

 go URL("";) in the
msg box


this is a fast and versatile search dialog. I like it. Thanks, Jim, thanks

On 17 May 2010 15:42, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Search.rev

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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for an updated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audio complementary library!)

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
I think the below should be added to "Set1 -  BASIC AUDIO "trim" functions"

*f16  -  load, save and play audio from a variable*

Imagine an array with sounds!

Echo/Reverb, IMHO, is hard to do well and be efficient at the same time.
Most likely would be cheesy anyway, and this should be saved for plugins.

If one is talking about fading in fading out, crossfade, etc then we have to
have this one at the start

f17 - multiple asynchronous audio streams

"stream" meaning an individual thread of sound, not necessarily an internet

I thought I saw a mention of some audio functions being done in RevTalk.
 I'd say that wouldn't be possible - audio is real-time and binary.

One other mention - *Digital audio is dangerous when it runs wild.* The
worst case is a blast of digital noise at full scale, which is many db above
the usual operating level. Some users of DAW software have heard this
occasionally - I myself have experienced this when running Digital Performer
on a drive that ran out of space while recording -  It's the worst noise
I've ever heard, and the most painful and you NEVER want to experience it.
It can easily blow ears, headphones and speakers, mostly tweeters.

I would suggest to any of those out there considering writing code for audio
for the first time to make sure your monitoring system and your ears are
protected - get a cheap audio limiter to put across the audio output for
testing, so it absorbs the increase in level when things get out of hand -
and they always will if you are messing with the bits, just like code
crashes during development. Just expect it.

The people that commercial audio software like Digidesign have to be
continually on the lookout for Full Scale Output and take strenuous steps to
make sure it NEVER HAPPENS. Imagine doing an overdub with headphones on and
then this ear-splitting noise happens when they punch into record.  Ouch.

One more issue is sample rate.   We've reached an audio plateau at 24 bits/
96k sample rate.
This is 120 db of dynamic range, folks, with a sample rate that allows
easier filtering, and disk usage that is reasonable. 120 db, by the way, is
waay below the actual noise floor of the surrounding analog electronics!

 I know of very few people that record with bit width beyond 24, or samples
beyond 96k. This means one can record transients detectable up to 44khz !
Faster sample rates are more  demanding of processing resources without that
much sonic improvement. It's cool to say that your DAW can 'do' 192k, but at
the loss of how many tracks?

For that reason, limits should be set now to target the 24/96 ceiling and
not worry about performance at rates beyond that. Nobody uses it.


On 18 May 2010 02:54, Robert Mann  wrote:

> Thanks all for your contributions. I propose to set up somewhere a wiki
> page
> so that all interested parties can  append a specification document with
> suggestions, reactions and so on.. ??
> It sounds a good idea to set the boundaries between several "levels" of
> librairies and raw some specifications subsets consequently. In practice It
> can be a good way to start and see if things go well.
> Feedbacks :
> 1) Please do append at this stage with your ideas but do refer to fNumbers
> that should not change. If you add, add a fNumber. Yhanks.
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Re: Playing wav sound file in Linux in background?

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
It may be bothersome to re-encode, but one does not get better quality by
decoding then saving as uncompressed. If the files are going to be full
size, why not take advantage of the better quality by 're-encoding'.

On 18 May 2010 11:24, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

>  On 18/05/2010 21:14, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> John Patten wrote:
>>> Hi All...
>>> I've been having a problem playing back an audio file on a Linux computer
>>> using an "arecord"  a shell script to first create the audio file.
>>> The audio file gets created on the local machine, it then gets uploaded
>>> to an ftp directory, however when I go to play the sound file locally using
>>> just Rev it's just static white noise.
>> This is a typical symptom of playing back a file format that Rev doesn't
>> support. You can't use any kind of compressed file format. Try re-recording
>> using an uncompressed format, preferably saving as .au for Linux playback if
>> possible.
> That seems needlessly bothersome (re-recording); I would be inclined to
> convert them using Audacity:
>> I'm not sure, even so, whether Rev will wait for the whole file to arrive
>> before playing it. I suspect it will.
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Re: Rev audio clips

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
Assuming that Rev stores audio file data sequentially in the first place,
one would have to search for a pattern of binary data AFTER the headers,
which would not be stored in the stack.  Check for where the headers end and
where your test data starts and just use a small sample to search for, like
the first 50 bytes..  Use a tiny sound for tests.

On 18 May 2010 13:02, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

>  On 18/05/2010 22:17, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After learning about the binary string produced
>> by compress(), i am curious to know if one of
>> the professional audio experts in this platform
>> have examined the converted audio clips
>> that Rev uses internally, after importing an
>> audio file.
>> By trial and error, you could isolate the audio
>> binary string from a saved stack.
> Oh Yuck!
> I made a new stack "ZOUND" and imported an AIFF
> sound "ZND.aiff" into it.
> I then cracked both the stack and the sound file open with
> HexEdit:
> and could NOT find the 'audio binary string' in the
> stack.
> Maybe I went about things the wrong way . . .  :)
>   Then, analize
>> and compare with the original imported audio clip,
>> saved in different audio formats.
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Re: Adding to standard dialogs

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
One *could* make a great ask/answer file dialog from scratch, complete with
the 'correct' icons that would be very close to the standard.  Do a search
of Rev archives for 'Directory Walker' . There are many, many threads about
*You could use a datagrid and lay it out any way you want.*

On 18 May 2010 14:20, J. Landman Gay  wrote:

> Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> There is no way to add to the present ask and answer dialogs. But
>> there's nothing to prevent you from making your own!
> Yup. But Paul wanted to know about open/save file dialogs. Unfortunately
> there's no way to modify those.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Adding to standard dialogs

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
In 4.0 the dialogdata property is a full fledged data object and can be
multi-dimensional, easily converted back and forth into an array. This
simplifies creating complex dialog boxes with many parameters.  Before 4.0,
complex systems needed to be created to get multiple data blocks, some with
multiple lines and sensitive formatting, "through the eye of the needle".
All the parameters had to be sent in an exact order as well, and contributed
to many scripting errors. This simple change in dialogdata has made a world
of difference in the way I create dialog boxes.

A technique I use to extend the usefulness of a dialog is using some extra
tags I've created to use in addition to the htmltext property.

Often I need to package formatted text in a field in a dialog, but I require
more than the htmltext property will allow, like centering, textcolor and
backgroundcolor (of the entire field), but I want all of the properties to
be described in the htmltext.   After the last line of the gathered
htmlText, I add name-value pairs like this:

As it turns out, if you set the htmltext of a field and include tags it
doesn't know about, Rev just silently ignores those tags and only changes
what it knows.
 So first, I'll parse out the extra tags and process them after first
setting the htmlText. Works like a champ - keeps all display parameters in
one block of text, rather that spread out in two or more areas.

On 18 May 2010 13:33, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> There is no way to add to the present ask and answer dialogs. But there's
> nothing to prevent you from making your own! See the dialogdata in the
> documentation for methods to send data back and forth between your custom
> dialog window and your application. You get and set the dialogdata (a global
> property) as you please. I don't even think there is any reason why you
> could not use an array.
> I would recommend having all your dialog windows as cards in a special
> stack. You can lock the screen, open them modally, set things up the way you
> want, and then show and hide the stack. Once the user clicks whatever ok or
> cancel or other button, you set the dialog data according to the contents of
> the particular dialog, then hide or close the stack.
> Bob
> On May 17, 2010, at 8:07 PM, Paul D. DeRocco wrote:
> > Is there any way to modify the standard file open/save dialogs, to add
> > things like checkboxes?
> >
> > --
> >
> > Ciao,   Paul D. DeRocco
> >
> >
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Re: How to create a self-contained custom control

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
Nested Groups?

On 18 May 2010 13:36, Jérôme Rosat  wrote:

> I created a custom control.  I set the behavior of the group (the custom
> control) to a button script (I want no script in the group).
> If I copy the custom control in a new stack, i need to copy the button
> script too, or the stack that contains the button script as a substack of a
> new stack.
> How to make a self-contained custom control that I can simply copy and past
> where I want ? I tried to put the button script inside the group, but it
> doesn't work. If I copy the custom control in a new card, the behavior of
> the group still point to the "previous" card.
> Any idea ? Thank you for your help.
> Jérôme
> Genève___
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Re: Rev audio clips

2010-05-18 Thread stephen barncard
RIGHT. But there's a way to go; what you are trying to do is go behind Rev's
back and obtain the data. Simpler with one audio file, but what if there are

One could find the start and stop points for audio data that Rev uses in the
files, find the parts that will be stripped, put them into the audioclip as
a custom property (yes audioclips have custom properties.)

Another way would be to tap into the IDE asset database to obtain the
location of this data.

I guess one could just get one to work, and copy single audio clips to an
invisible stack for export, then delete the stack.

Another way to do it that will work right now would be to import the audio
file as an audioclip, and at the same time save the same audio file into a
custom property *of* the audioclip.
Two copies; one to export and one to play. And will require no reverse
engineering or making wild guesses about what the API does.

Bloated for sure, but does it matter in this day of monster hard drives?
Creeps me out about the waste  though.

On 18 May 2010 16:19, Alejandro Tejada  wrote:

> Hi,
> Download these stacks and this audio clip:
> This compressed file contains 3 files:
> 1 new stack, created and saved inmediatly
> without any change. (1k)
> 1 stack, created and inmediatly imported
> the audio clip "" (138k)
> 1 audio clip "" from
> Wikipedia.
> After opening the stack (with audio clip)
> and the audio clip in Hex viewer, i noticed
> that almost the whole audio clip is "appended"
> to the stack. Just like Steven wrote,
> probably only file headers are left
> out of the stack.
> Now, more test are needed to verify
> which other formats are appended
> "as is" and which audio clips are
> converted.
> This is relevant, given than previously
> in this mail list, someone ask about
> how to export audioclips from Runrev.
> Alejandro
> --
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Re: [OT] WebM: another fly in our friend's eye?

2010-05-19 Thread stephen barncard
WebM is supposed to be as open as HTML, Javascript and CSS, where the rights
were freely given. It's a great step forward in the standardization and
modernization of the web, like HTML5. I'm checking the special Opera browser

Something else to watch: Web Fonts

On 19 May 2010 11:16, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> another 'Open' initiative started by Google;
> how OPEN this is, and whether it intended to
> be something 'real' or just Google chucking
> something into the current soup brewing
> between Apple and Adobe I don't know.
> ___
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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

2010-05-20 Thread stephen barncard
rs would be great, and a way to add 3rd
> party plugins for those wanting higher quality.
> Thanks.
> Fred
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Re: Creating Mac standalone on Windows Studio?

2010-05-20 Thread stephen barncard
Jacque: By "done in the terminal" does that mean it can't be done by shell()

On 20 May 2010 11:39, J. Landman Gay  wrote:

> Peter Alcibiades wrote:
>> Dioes the Finder have the ability to get and set properties, ie
>> permissions? The usual thing to do in Linux, very similar base, would be to
>> tell the user
>> to right click in a file manager, ie in the Mac case the Finder, get
>> properties, and change the permissions to executable.  You wouldn't
>> normally
>> need to ask them to do that in the terminal.  Haven't used Macs for quite
>> a
>> while, so maybe it doesn't work like this.
> The Finder can set user permissions for the user, group, and everyone. But
> it doesn't have an interface for the executable bit, that has to be done in
> Terminal. Perhaps Apple didn't think the executable bit should be messed
> with by the peons -- probably wise, considering the computer savvy of the
> general population.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

2010-05-20 Thread stephen barncard
Surfing, I found this just now:

It looks like it's exactly what we've been talking about. Is it real?


On 20 May 2010 11:19, stephen barncard wrote:

> Again I stress that if we try to put too much 'stuff' into this library
> (read: special effects) that it will distract from getting a solid
> foundation for us to build on. Rather than insisting on the inclusion of
> arbitrary, possibly lower-quality reverbs and time stretchers, I would
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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

2010-05-21 Thread stephen barncard
I saw no wrong on the licensing. I like their attitude, their pricing model.
Pretty reasonable, even cheap, if one would ask me. Look, this stuff is used
for professional applications, is not easy to write, and the authors deserve
payment. And they are not charging royalties. How could one expect quality,
free, and supported to be in the same product?

Anybody we contract will want to be paid far more than this. The fee is
graduated for different groups,  hobbyist and demo, shareware author, pro.
This stuff is used for the core of applications.

We shouldn't assume that these guys won't make deals - they might be into
creating actual externals for Rev at a very reasonable price - who knows
until you try. Did anyone email these folks?

On 21 May 2010 12:49, Malte Pfaff-Brill  wrote:

> BASS has been around quite a while. Started as a mod playing library (the
> stuff you could hear on your amigas and ataris back in the day). It would be
> a very good candidate, however, their licensing model might be in the way:
> [quote]
> BASS is free for non-commercial use. If you are a non-commercial entity
> (eg. an individual) and you are not charging for your product, and the
> product has no other commercial purpose, then you can use BASS in it for
> free. Otherwise, you will require one of the following licences.
> Shareware licence: €100
> The "shareware" licence allows the usage of BASS in an unlimited number of
> your shareware products, which must sell for no more than 40 Euros each. If
> you're an individual (not a corporation) making and selling your own
> software (and its price is within the limit), this is the licence for you.
> Single Commercial licence: €950
> The "single commercial" licence allows the usage of BASS in a single
> commercial product.
> Unlimited Commercial licence: €2750
> The "unlimited commercial" licence allows the usage of BASS in an unlimited
> number of your commercial products. This licence applies to a single
> site/location. note that all prices are quoted in Euros, but payment can
> also be made in several other currencies These licences are on a
> per-platform basis. There is a 40% reduction on each additional platform,
> eg. Win32 and OSX Shareware licences would cost €160 instead of €200. In all
> cases there are no royalties to pay and you can use future BASS updates
> without further cost. Reselling/sublicensing is not permitted. Your products
> must be end-user products, eg. not components used by other products. Please
> note that these licences only cover your own software, not the publishing of
> other's software. If you have got any questions, please get in touch.
> [/quote]
> All the best,
> Malte___
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Stephen Barncard
Back home in SF
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Re: altAccordion problem

2010-05-22 Thread stephen barncard
have you contacted the author, Chipp Walters?

On 22 May 2010 15:32, charles61  wrote:

> I am having problems with the accordion menu that I created with
> altAccordion. The appearance of my menu has gray headers and the sub
> headers
> have a white background with black fonts on my Mac. When I make
> standalones,
> the menu has the same appearance on my Mac but in Windows XP the green
> background of my card bleeds through my menu changing the gray and white to
> green.
> I read the docs but there is nothing pertaining to the color of the menu
> created with altAccordion. And the Inspector show not show any color
> selected although the menu is gray.
> Anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
> --
> View this message in context:
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Re: Apad - The Andriod iPad

2010-05-22 Thread stephen barncard
I would worry about this paragraph - they seem to be on the edge of the law.

I sense Hong Kong here.

 Do i have to pay custom taxes and duties?
No, you don't have
to. We will mark the Apad as gift at very low value so that  you can avoid
paying custom taxes and duties.

On 22 May 2010 19:45, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> Colin-
> Saturday, May 22, 2010, 7:35:58 PM, you wrote:
> > There are a number of things you might want to worry about:
> The one I'd worry about is "Sorry, we don't accept Paypal, we accept
> credit card payment via Moneybookers." I'm holding out for more news
> on the eeePad myself.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: howto export a styled formated field to text file

2010-05-23 Thread stephen barncard
Your question is confusing to me. Not sure what you are asking so I'll make

The only way to save styled text in a field is by using the HTMLText or
RTFText properties of the field.  Get the saved htmltext back from the
database and set the field to the data.

If it's a database, use an extra field in the DB to store the htmltext. If
you need a file format for saving individual scripts for later editing, how
about custom properties in stack files (rather than plain text files) as
data storage?

if you need to save formatted source html, just save the html as htmlText.
It will look like hell, but it should work.

maybe one of my answers is right?

On 23 May 2010 00:37, Pierre Sahores  wrote:

> Dear All,
> I'm building some sort of html editor. The htmltext function is very
> usefull to output styled formated fields as HTML but my next need is to be
> able to store the text styled formated field (before its conversion to
> HTMLText) for future possible modification of the source text without having
> to rebuild all its styled attributes (font, height, color, etc...) each time
> i reload it to the field out of a text or database backup ?
> Any trick about how to act will be welcome. Thanks for any help.
> Best Regards, Pierre
> --
> Pierre Sahores
> mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
Back home in SF
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Re: howto export a styled formated field to text file

2010-05-23 Thread stephen barncard
htmltext is the only way to fully save style information. Any more field
specs outside the limited range of the subset of htmltext (like
backgroundcolor, alignment, lineheight and all the other properties of a
field) have to be done in another way -In some situations, I will add my
own "static attribute" tags to the htmltext in a way that they can be
recovered just before  setting the htmltext, then applied to the field:

these are easily parsed property name and value pairs.

A nice feature of htmltext is that it silently ignores tags it doesn't

On 23 May 2010 03:57, Pierre Sahores  wrote:

> Stephen, sims,
> 1. : i'm able to apply style attribute to a field contents (example : in
> changing the title line style font, wight, etc...)
> 2. : i'm, then, able to save this styled field contents as HTMLText or
> RTFText and it's OK
> Question : is it a way to retrieve 1.- from 2.- (HTMLText or RTFText back
> to the initial styled attributes that i had applied to the field contents
> first) ?
> No direct way ?
> Thanks for any starter point !
> Pierre
> Le 23 mai 2010 à 11:57, Pierre Sahores a écrit :
> > Stephen and sims,
> >
> > Many thanks for your helpfull imputs. The RTFText seems to cover all my
> expectations. (always read the manuel !).
> >
> > Kind Regards, Pierre
> >
> >
> > Le 23 mai 2010 à 10:00, stephen barncard a écrit :
> >
> >> The only way to save styled text in a field is by using the HTMLText or
> >> RTFText properties of the field.  Get the saved htmltext back from the
> >> database and set the field to the data.
> --
> Pierre Sahores
> mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70
Stephen Barncard
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Re: Getting an Audio Plugin Created ( was RE: [audio] Call for anupdated enhanced quicktime audio library ora small audiocomplementary library!)

2010-05-23 Thread stephen barncard
I was "humbly" stupid in my assumptions about RTAS. I should read more
before I speak.
The DAW world is littered with proprietary and security stumbling blocks
similar to what we've encountered with Apple and the iPhone.

A list of plugin formats is here (with definition links ):

   - AU <> (Audio Units)
   - AS <> (Audio Suite)
   - DX <> (DirectX)
   - DSSI <> (Disposable Soft Synth
   - LADSPA <> (Linux Audio
   Developer's Simple Plugin API)
   - MAS <> (MOTU Audio System)
   - MFX <> (MIDI FX)
   - ReWire <>
   - RTAS <> (Real Time Audio Suite)
   - TDM <> (Time Domain Multiplex)
   - VST <> (Virtual Studio Technology)

my personal and opinionated opinion:

VST is 'best' for PC users of Cubase and Nuendo. But I don't know any top
recording professionals that use PCs or Cubase for audio.   Some DP users
out there on Mac.
Granted, this is my myopic west coast view - but most of the pros are out on
the edges of this country!
As you get outside the big cities, and into the south and midwest, one will
see more PC based audio systems, often because there is less local support
for the hardware. (Good luck trying to buy a new mac at a Best Buy in
Mobile, AL. They don't stock them. But there are no major studios or post
houses there.)
 Some TV post guys use closed systems like Fairlight, Sadie and Radar and
are PC based - usually with their own plugins. Nuendo is big with the
Nashville guys, but on a Mac.

You are correct about the Pro Tools lock-in on RTAS - it's
cross-computer-platform though (Win-Mac) and Pro Tools is sorta the iPhone
of audio DAWs - I'm imagining 60-70% market share - huge. Anybody who is
into more than just recording themselves and needs to exchange files from
many clients - will always transport their project in Pro Tools format.
Finally, remember they are AVID - the god of professional video editing and
their systems are made to seamlessly exchange information among their

If we were making something aimed at professionals, this would be the format
to go for.

I don't think we should bother with these kind of plugins. Too much crap to
go through that has nothing to do with programming.

We have to think differently about plugins. Or not bother.

We small guys out here would be crushed by the complexity and expense of
1. Getting to be a licensee of RTAS or VST technology and those limitations
2. *Dealing with the extreme plugin authorization process if not installed*
3. Dealing with the iLok issues - probably a mandatory dongle
4. etc etc.

Now going back to checking on FOSS solutions for plugins
LADSPA, Rosegarden, ALSA, JACK, Audacity
and try and understand what is the plugin situation with BASS. if any.

(to be continued)

On 23 May 2010 05:26, René Micout  wrote:

> Is RTAS Pro Tools compatible only ?
> If yes, it is not a good standard.
> VST is best...
> René
> Le 20 mai 2010 à 20:19, stephen barncard a écrit :
> > I would humbly suggest that RTAS be the standard for plugins
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [OT] Emsisoft

2010-05-23 Thread stephen barncard
ROTFL (spitting coffee)

-- you made my morning laugh

On 23 May 2010 07:21, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> I have the perfect plan for the virus problem these people are
> experiencing: take all
> their computers to the gypsy quarter where they will be scavenged for
> precious
> metals . . .  :)
> ___
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Binary files inconsistency

2010-05-25 Thread stephen barncard
Different than other file systems. Pages and keynote documents are not files
but packages with many files inside. MacOS Finder abstracts them as
application or document units but they must be handled differently.
This is also true for complex textedit documents (.rtfd) and some documents
saved by EyeTv, iMovie, etc.

On 24 May 2010 22:44, Bill Vlahos  wrote:

> The next version of InfoWallet will support attaching files that are
> compressed and encrypted when stored. I've noticed that it works correctly
> with some files but not others.
> The script below takes a binary file, compresses it, decompresses it, and
> then saves it back to disk. I've skipped the encryption part for this recipe
> because it behaves the same way. It works correctly with .jpg, pdf, and .doc
> files but not .pages or keynote. Make a new stack and put the following
> script in a button.
> on mouseUp
>   answer file "Select a file:"
>   if it is not empty then
>  put it into lFileToRead
>  put URL ("binfile:" & lFileToRead) into vFile
>  put compress(vFile) into vFile
>  set the itemdelimiter to tab
>  ask file "Select destination to save file:" with the last item of
> lFileToRead
>  if it is not empty then
> put it into vFilePath
> put decompress(vFile) into vFile
> put vFile into URL ("binfile:" & vFilePath)
> set the filetype to ""
>  end if
>   end if
> end mouseUp
> The saved Pages or Keynote files have zero length. Why is that and how do I
> make this work with any file?
> Bill Vlahos
> _
> InfoWallet ( is about keeping your important
> life information with you, accessible, and secure.
> ___
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Re: Reverse Intersect

2010-05-25 Thread stephen barncard
if you want to remove duplicate keys - put the imported data immediately
into an array. Duplicates are automatically eliminated.

On 25 May 2010 14:45, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I know the Intersect command removes keys in array-1  that don't exist in
> array-2. What I need however is a command that removes keys in array-1 that
> DO exist in array-2, so that array-1 contains all the keys I need to add.
> Why you ask? Why not just use the Union command? Because I need to find all
> the records in table-a that need to be added to table b. And since I am
> paging through table a a limited number of records at a time, (to prevent
> Rev memory overflow for large tables) I cannot simply use an SQL query join,
> and as I said in a prior post the tables are in disconnected databases.
> So what I am doing is getting 100 records from table-a as a string,
> massaging it a bit to form a comma delimited list, then using the SQL IN
> operator to get what records there are in table-b that are already in
> table-a. At that point I need to eliminate the table-b keys from the table-a
> keys, and what I will have left are the keys that need to be inserted into
> table-b. Simple. See? ;-)
> So is there any way to do this without a repeat loop? I can always do a
> repeat loop, but they weary me.  ;-)
> Bob
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Re: Testing a DB connection

2010-05-26 Thread stephen barncard
SELECT "any text"

if you don't get a revDB error, it's there.  But I've found there is
surprisingly little overhead in just opening and closing the database for
every query, unless one needs a rapid-fire sequence of queries. Then one
could program the open and close for the burst.

On 26 May 2010 09:50, Alex Adams  wrote:

> Does anyone have a simple technique for testing to see if a DB connection
> is
> still functioning before trying to use it to execute some SQL?
> I have an app that accesses hosted databases directly (postgres).  Users
> logon at app startup.  If they let the app sit for long enough, the
> connection to the DB server is dropped.  This is reasonable, but I want a
> simple way of testing to see if the connection has been dropped and if it
> has to reestablish the connection transparently before executing SQL
> statements.
> I need a simple isDBStillThere handler.  Is anyone doing anything similar?
> Thanks,
> --
> Alex Adams
> hawkVision ‹ tools for solving Wicked Problems
> (a)2 Technology Partners, Inc.
> 831-726-8013
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Testing a DB connection

2010-05-26 Thread stephen barncard
I might add that in a situation with many users the server will be much
happier if one opens and closes the db  more often than less.

On 26 May 2010 10:27, stephen barncard wrote:

> SELECT "any text"
> if you don't get a revDB error, it's there.  But I've found there is
> surprisingly little overhead in just opening and closing the database for
> every query, unless one needs a rapid-fire sequence of queries. Then one
> could program the open and close for the burst.
> On 26 May 2010 09:50, Alex Adams  wrote:
>> Does anyone have a simple technique for testing to see if a DB connection
>> is
>> still functioning before trying to use it to execute some SQL?
>> I have an app that accesses hosted databases directly (postgres).  Users
>> logon at app startup.  If they let the app sit for long enough, the
>> connection to the DB server is dropped.  This is reasonable, but I want a
>> simple way of testing to see if the connection has been dropped and if it
>> has to reestablish the connection transparently before executing SQL
>> statements.
>> I need a simple isDBStillThere handler.  Is anyone doing anything similar?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Alex Adams
>> hawkVision ‹ tools for solving Wicked Problems
>> (a)2 Technology Partners, Inc.
>> 831-726-8013
>> ___
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>> subscription preferences:
> --
> -
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco

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San Francisco
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Re: Hard CASE: cracking the nut?

2010-05-26 Thread stephen barncard
One cannot 'set the script of' inside a standalone. But perhaps a script of
a stack outside the app could be written to by a SA. ( Richmond: please let
us know..)

 I know in HC I would 'point' to various fields and get past the 30k limit
of their field system. However, I don't remember how I put them in the path.
I think I had some kind of handler switching system. That was over 20 years

Is script swapping really necessary? We've got so many ways to do things,
substacks, etc without the workarounds we had to do in HC. Is there really a
reason to 'do' more than a few lines?

I'm sure that "do'ing" runs slower, too, so not good for repetitive tasks.

On 26 May 2010 10:29, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

>  A while back Scott Rossi wrote:
> "Maybe because standalones have an (editable) script limit of 10 lines,
> meaning you can't build scripts dynamically in standalones that exceed
> 10 lines.  There is no such limit in the IDE."
> seems not to, directly refer to my script problem;
> EXCEPT; my problematic script (that works in a stack, but not in a
> standalone)
> thread through a variety of scripts that exceed 10 lines and reside in
> fields.
> Does anybody know if reffing scripts infields is interpreted as building
> scripts dynamically as they are not directly entered in the 'script space'
> of a particular object ?
> If the above is so; would I be able to circumvent the need to store
> socking-great
> scripts many times over in each object by stroing a script as a custom prop
> in
> an object than can be reffed from other objects (why do I get a funny
> feeling
> that scripts stored in custom props can only be accessed by that particular
> object???)?
> How about storing the script in the stack / card script and calling it
> How about running down the main street with a plastic bag on my head
> shouting
> "noodly, noodly, noodly, pip, pip, pip, poop" ?
> sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Brainfade time - what's the proper name for a 'local' handler?

2010-05-27 Thread stephen barncard

On 27 May 2010 05:34, Ian Wood  wrote:

> I remember that one of the recent(ish) versions of Runrev introduced
> handlers that sit inside handlers and can only be called from within that
> handler, but what's the proper name so that I can look up how to use them?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ian
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Re: [OT] Microsoft to announce Visual Studio for iPhone OS?

2010-05-27 Thread stephen barncard
Dogs and Cats living together. Harumph.

On 27 May 2010 09:48, Pierre Sahores  wrote:

> "Pourquoi préférer les allumettes quand deux cailloux suffisent..."
> Apple = Microsoft = Crânes d'Huitres ;-/
> Best, Pierre
> Le 27 mai 2010 à 05:56, Richard Gaskin a écrit :
> > The weird world gets weirder:
> >
> >
> >   Microsoft's Steve Ballmer to Present During WWDC 2010 Keynote?
> >
> >   Barrons  reports that one analyst is predicting that Microsoft
> >   CEO Steve Ballmer will be part of Steve Jobs' WWDC Keynote
> >   presentation.
> >
> >   According to Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with tiny Global Equities
> >   Research, 7 minutes of Steve Jobs' keynote is allotted for
> >   Microsoft. Microsoft will reportedly be talking about their
> >   development tool Visual Studio 2010. The new version of Visual
> >   Studio will reportedly allow developers to write native
> >   applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS.
> >
> > <
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Richard Gaskin
> > Fourth World
> > Rev training and consulting:
> > Webzine for Rev developers:
> > revJournal blog:
> > ___
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> >
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
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> >
> >
> --
> Pierre Sahores
> mobile : (33) 6 03 95 77 70
> _______
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> subscription preferences:

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Reverse Intersect

2010-05-27 Thread stephen barncard
perhaps COMMIT and ROLLBACK for multiple transactions that may need to be

On 27 May 2010 11:33, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Hi Mark.
> That would work too I suppose. I thought about it, but remember that I want
> this method to be portable, that is I want it to work no matter what two
> databases are used, and no matter what the amount of data is. Importing a
> HUGE mySQL database every sync cycle would not be efficient. And once the
> sync occurs for the first time, the actual amount of data I will need to
> import is minimal.
> Trevor found an issue with sqlYoga where named database objects were
> reloading the database schema every time a call was made using the object.
> He has fixed that so speeds using sqlYoga are not noticeably any slower than
> the native Rev API calls. Thanks again Trevor for getting right on that.
> Because of that my paging method is working really well in conjunction with
> sqlYoga. My next big hurdle is issuing one query that will update multiple
> records at a time. I know with SQL I can separate multiple commands with the
> semi-colon. But I think I read somewhere that I cannot pass a semi-colon to
> the Rev API, which will mean I will have to update records one at a time. I
> hope that is not the case, because that will make any method I use with Rev
> unscalable for large databases. I will have to experiment on that today.
> Bob
> On May 27, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> > Bob-
> >
> > Here's another idea: IIRC you've got a remote MySQL database and a
> > local SQLite database. How about converting the local one to MySQL and
> > then you could issue a single SQL query joining the two databases?
> > Seems like that would simplify things, cut down on the amount of data
> > transferred, and let you work with smaller recordsets...
> >
> > --
> > -Mark Wieder
> >
> >
> > ___
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Re: OT: Panorama of my local iPad queue

2010-05-28 Thread stephen barncard
I used the flickr pano player - wow - seems better than QT VR, and that's
saying a lot. It looks like you floated the camera on an unseen balloon.
I looked at a few more of your "slides". Saw the 'international' iPad order
I am envious of the Euro way of selling phones separately from the carrier.
You have FOUR CHOICES OF CARRIER!! We have no choice.
Doe the Euro customer get 'all you can eat' internet with some of the plans?

Give a little , take a little...


On 28 May 2010 07:55, Ian Wood  wrote:

> It's a bit rough around the edges as it was stitched while I waited in the
> queue.
> Now on with some On-Rev iPad webapp stuff...
> Ian
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-28 Thread stephen barncard
Joe, here's a good Mac Hex editor


On 28 May 2010 19:58, Joe F.  wrote:

> I don't know about all that. I just moved to snow leopard so I don't even
> know if I have a hex editor available.
> If I open the file it looks empty; but I wouldn't know about resource fork
> reading on OS X, they all look like flat files to me.
> Here's the script I used in a button that creates the file with 2
> resources,then retrieves them to a field named "Notes":
> on mouseUp
>   -- Create file first
>put empty into URL "binfile:~/desktop/resource test.dat"
>   get setResource("~/desktop/resource
> test.dat","TEXT",999,"Test","U","Hello World")
>get setResource("~/desktop/resource
> test.dat","MARK",999,"Test","U","Hello World2")
>   put getResources("~/desktop/resource test.dat") into fld "Notes"
> end mouseUp
> Maybe they're not "real" resources; only some kind of special "rev"
> resources?
> On May 28, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> > Thanks, Joe. Have you checked, with a resource editor, that the resource
> was actually written to the file? Although your modified syntax might also
> work on my machine, it still won't work for all the other resource types :-(
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Mark Schonewille
> >
> > Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> > Homepage:
> > Twitter:
> >
> > Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
> > Download Clipboard Link and
> share the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
> >
> > On 29 mei 2010, at 00:24, Joe F. wrote:
> >
> >> Your example worked for me on OS X 10.6.3 when I made these changes.
> >>
> >>  put empty into URL "binfile:~/desktop/resource test.dat"
> >>  get setResource("~/desktop/resource
> test.dat","TEXT",999,"Test","U","Hello World")
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ___
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Re: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread stephen barncard
My personal experience with looking at the 'see also' links is that they are
incredibly valuable when working with previously unknown functions,
properties or commands. I look at "see also" every time I am looking up a
definition or syntax and learn of alternate ways to do the same thing, or
something new altogether. A learning experience every time.

On 29 May 2010 14:03, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

>  On 29/05/2010 23:54, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> How many people are going to read a set of documentation in such close
> detail?
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Re: Example of scrolling group?

2010-05-29 Thread stephen barncard
Make the group
show the inspector for the group
set the hscrollbar and or vscrollbar checkbox

On 29 May 2010 18:20, Jeff Massung  wrote:

> Anyone have a good example of how to make a group that scrolls (like the
> data grid)? I haven't seen anything in the User's Guide or on the RunRev
> site - although I could have missed it.
> Thanks!
> Jeff M.
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Perhaps the problem is Snow Leopard -
We should assume the old resource fork is officially unsupported and not
working in SN. They've been planning on removing resource forks from files
for a decade.
Back in the hypercard days, one could use the resource fork like today's
custom properties in Rev. I would store text, sounds, binaries, images as
I remember the resource system wasn't as robust as Rev as far as file
integrity; there would be occasional problems with resources, but it worked
pretty well.

Have you tried this on another machine, perhaps one running Tiger or below?

On 29 May 2010 23:56, Joe F.  wrote:

> Right, empties all.
> Also interesting, I could only getResources from the files I created with
> Rev.
> I was pretty sure I had seen all those working in someone else's stack.
> I thought maybe "open for binary read" might work, but no.
> Could this be something that was once working and is now broken in 4.5-dp2?
> On May 29, 2010, at 3:53 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> > Hi Joe,
> >
> > As I explained in my original e-mail, your example creates the resources,
> but doesn't write the actual data.
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Mark Schonewille
> >
> > Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> > Homepage:
> > Twitter:
> >
> > Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
> > Download Clipboard Link and
> share the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
> >
> > On 29 mei 2010, at 04:58, Joe F. wrote:
> >
> >> I don't know about all that. I just moved to snow leopard so I don't
> even know if I have a hex editor available.
> >> If I open the file it looks empty; but I wouldn't know about resource
> fork reading on OS X, they all look like flat files to me.
> >>
> >> Here's the script I used in a button that creates the file with 2
> resources,then retrieves them to a field named "Notes":
> >>
> >> on mouseUp
> >>
> >>  -- Create file first
> >>  put empty into URL "binfile:~/desktop/resource test.dat"
> >>  get setResource("~/desktop/resource
> test.dat","TEXT",999,"Test","U","Hello World")
> >>  get setResource("~/desktop/resource
> test.dat","MARK",999,"Test","U","Hello World2")
> >>  put getResources("~/desktop/resource test.dat") into fld "Notes"
> >> end mouseUp
> >>
> >> Maybe they're not "real" resources; only some kind of special "rev"
> resources?
> >
> > ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Behavior changing layer

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Chipp Walters has an intuitive tool that makes sense and allows safe
changing of layers, especially within groups. I can't find the individual
plugin online today, but I assume it's included in his alt plugins toolbar
download <>.

On 30 May 2010 05:40, Shao Sean  wrote:

> If you have a known number of buttons in the group you can set the layer
> to the layer of the group + the number of controls
> group - layer 10
> - button 1 - layer 11
> - button 2 - layer 12
> - button 3 - layer 13
> button script
> on mouseUp
>  set the relayerGroupedControls to TRUE
>  set the layer of me to (the layer of group "toolbar" + 3)
> end mouseUp
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
How odd. I remember using the Rev resource calls to try and recover and
convert some audio resources in old stack. I think I ended up using
SoundEdit to recover the audio resources, so it must have not been
successful in rev.

I noticed you want to write as well as read resources. May I ask why you
want to even use this unsupported technology today, and why your problem
can't be accomplished with custom properties?


On 30 May 2010 12:37, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Stephen,
> From my first e-mail on this topic:
>  I am trying to use the setResource function, but it doesn't work. I tried
>> it with Rev 4.0 on Mac OS X 10.5 and Rev 2.6.1 on Mac OS 9.2.2. With both
>> systems, I get the same result: the resource is created (including ID, name
>> and flags, but the data are not written to it.
> Perhaps I should add that Mac OS 9.2.2 wasn't running in Classic or in an
> emulator. I used Mac OS 9.2.2 to boot the machine.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
> Download Clipboard Link and share
> the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
> On 30 mei 2010, at 21:30, stephen barncard wrote:
>  Perhaps the problem is Snow Leopard -
>> We should assume the old resource fork is officially unsupported and not
>> working in SN. They've been planning on removing resource forks from files
>> for a decade.
>> Back in the hypercard days, one could use the resource fork like today's
>> custom properties in Rev. I would store text, sounds, binaries, images as
>> resources.
>> I remember the resource system wasn't as robust as Rev as far as file
>> integrity; there would be occasional problems with resources, but it
>> worked
>> pretty well.
>> Have you tried this on another machine, perhaps one running Tiger or
>> below?
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Right. My question was framed improperly I guess.

If you were just trying to recover data in old Mac files, then one would
only need to READ the resources, but you were talking about
*writing*resources, and I was curious why one would want to sustain a
(and broken) technology in a new application.

No big deal. Inquiring minds... etc.

On 30 May 2010 13:19, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Stephen,
> I'm dealing with files that contain resource forks, not with stacks.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
> Download Clipboard Link and share
> the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
> On 30 mei 2010, at 21:52, stephen barncard wrote:
>  How odd. I remember using the Rev resource calls to try and recover and
>> convert some audio resources in old stack. I think I ended up using
>> SoundEdit to recover the audio resources, so it must have not been
>> successful in rev.
>> I noticed you want to write as well as read resources. May I ask why you
>> want to even use this unsupported technology today, and why your problem
>> can't be accomplished with custom properties?
>> sqb
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Found it, Mark...
It does work.

One must CREATE a resource fork FIRST.

I was working with Sarah's *Resource Copier* stack, but it had no facility
to create a new fork in a virgin file, and in fact could not put resources
into a blank text file..

(many) years ago I remember running into difficulty with HC on this matter
at first. So I decided to create a single 'dummy' resource to get things
going. Here's the code that brought the text file to life as a resource
holder (run in the extended msg box) and using other parts set up in Sarah's


put fld "Dest" of card id 1002 of stack "ResourceCopier" into tDest

put "This is a test text resource." into pData

get setResource(tDest,"TEXT",128,"ResourceCreator",RL,pData)

put it && the result  (to see errs)

I'm going add "CREATE RSRC FORK" button to my copy of Sarah's stack.

THis test was run on a Mac G5 with Leopard 10.5.8 and Rev 4.5.2

On 27 May 2010 15:25, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Hi,
> For a new project, it is essential that I can read from and write to the
> resource fork of a file. I am not looking for a way to copy resource forks.
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Perhaps "copyresource" is not working right. "setresource" seems to be
working for me.

On 30 May 2010 14:02, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> stephen barncard wrote:
>  One must CREATE a resource fork FIRST.
> Does resfile work for that?:
>  put empty into url ("resfile:"& tFilePath)
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
>  Rev training and consulting:
>  Webzine for Rev developers:
>  revJournal blog:
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Perhaps setting the flags have something to do with these resources. RL
seems to work.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on here - I think it's possible to make
this work, but we may have to "dance among the specs" to find out.

On 30 May 2010 13:54, stephen barncard wrote:

> --
> setResource(destinationFile,resourceType,[resID],[resName],flagsList,data)
> put fld "Dest" of card id 1002 of stack "ResourceCopier" into tDest
> put "This is a test text resource." into pData
> get setResource(tDest,"TEXT",128,"ResourceCreator",RL,pData)
> put it && the result  (to see errs)
> I'm going add "CREATE RSRC FORK" button to my copy of Sarah's stack.
> THis test was run on a Mac G5 with Leopard 10.5.8 and Rev 4.5.2
> On 27 May 2010 15:25, Mark Schonewille 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For a new project, it is essential that I can read from and write to the
>> resource fork of a file. I am not looking for a way to copy resource forks.

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Writing to the resource fork

2010-05-30 Thread stephen barncard
Mark - try my modified version of Troz's stack ( I hope it's ok, Sarah )

go stack URL("";)

it 'copies' now by reading from one resource using getResource and setting
the data to another on another file using setResource().
CopyResource does not seem to work but this does... I've copied resources to
text files, and jpg files so far..

And by my copying resources between files, you have all the par

I've changed my mind about using the resource fork today. I hope this
feature can be used for a while. It might be quite handy for adding metadata
to 'ordinary' looking text files.  But only on Macs.

   These files will of course probably choke on PCs or will be separated
into something else

On 30 May 2010 12:37, Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Stephen,
> From my first e-mail on this topic:
>  I am trying to use the setResource function, but it doesn't work. I tried
>> it with Rev 4.0 on Mac OS X 10.5 and Rev 2.6.1 on Mac OS 9.2.2. With both
>> systems, I get the same result: the resource is created (including ID, name
>> and flags, but the data are not written to it.
> Perhaps I should add that Mac OS 9.2.2 wasn't running in Classic or in an
> emulator. I used Mac OS 9.2.2 to boot the machine.
> --
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage:
> Twitter:
> Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote
> Download Clipboard Link and share
> the clipboard of your computer over the local network.
> On 30 mei 2010, at 21:30, stephen barncard wrote:
>  Perhaps the problem is Snow Leopard -
>> We should assume the old resource fork is officially unsupported and not
>> working in SN. They've been planning on removing resource forks from files
>> for a decade.
>> Back in the hypercard days, one could use the resource fork like today's
>> custom properties in Rev. I would store text, sounds, binaries, images as
>> resources.
>> I remember the resource system wasn't as robust as Rev as far as file
>> integrity; there would be occasional problems with resources, but it
>> worked
>> pretty well.
>> Have you tried this on another machine, perhaps one running Tiger or
>> below?
> _______
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Rumours about Visual Basic for iPhone/iPad?

2010-05-31 Thread stephen barncard
Urban legend, already debunked on this list.

On 31 May 2010 10:44, JosepM  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Just now I finish to read one rumour about something Visual Basic for
> iPhone/iPad, some join venture between Micro$oft and Apple versus Adobe and
> Google, with Bing in front of Google and Visual Basic suite to stop Adobe
> plans.
> I'm worried...
> Salut,
> Josep
> --
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Create mySQL database structure from Rev

2010-05-31 Thread stephen barncard
A schema dump is built in to MySQL:
assuming you are connected to the database, use this mysql call

desc ;

a data dump would need to be accomplished by scripting.

On 31 May 2010 11:35, JosepM  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I need to create and backup mySQL database from Rev. I have created the
> database, so only I need to run the schema, but I have no clear what can be
> the best solution for.
> Any experience?
> Salut,
> Josep
> --
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Create mySQL database structure from Rev

2010-05-31 Thread stephen barncard
If one just needs the schema try this command:

*show create table*

after opening the database

this will return data like this

2004_INV CREATE TABLE `2004_INV` (

  `ID` int(11) NOT NULL,



  `BRIEF_DESC` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `DESCRIPTION` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `CATEGORY` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `CURRENT_LOC` varchar(255) NOT NULL


remove the tablename ( in this case "2004_INV" ) and you have ready to run
'table creator' code for the table
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[OT] Google Drops Windows

2010-06-01 Thread stephen barncard
Another big shift:

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [OT] Google Drops Windows

2010-06-02 Thread stephen barncard
Autostart or Autoplay on volume insertion, whatever you call it has been a
problem on Windows systems, and disabled on macs for years. That may be a
big difference re: the viruses, along with the security notification on
newly installed apps by default.

McAffee is a virus, if you as me. For a long time mac user, dorking around
with Windows, it keeps pestering me to buy "protection" and the method of
removal is not immediately evident. Kinda like the old days in Chicago.

On 2 June 2010 09:35, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Not to make a big deal of this, but it seems you are saying that
> heretofore, Mac users only were safe from viruses because we weren't a big
> enough target. While true, it is not the only reason. It is

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Abysmal Sound on Windows?

2010-06-04 Thread stephen barncard
how about html5 with flash backup? This is the current rave. I understand
about 40% of browsers can do this.

friends don't let friends use Flash.

Have you seen these Tech Demos for HTML5 at the apple site?

Amazing stuff.

On 4 June 2010 22:17, Scott Rossi  wrote:

> Sadly, I will also probably using Flash to play video in the stack, since
> there doesn't seem to be any other good non-QT cross-platform video format.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
> -
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Abysmal Sound on Windows?

2010-06-05 Thread stephen barncard
Sorry to reveal my less-than-informed research re players. I'm still looking
for a better way to do web playback, and without flash. I think Scott was
looking at desktop solutions.

I am checking out a PHP

On 5 June 2010 05:38, Colin Holgate  wrote:

> Someone nicely summed up the browser craziness with this image:
> As for saying anything against Flash, if you go along with what Steve says
> about Flash, you should also stop using Rev.
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Re: Abysmal Sound on Windows?

2010-06-05 Thread stephen barncard
I just want my 'stuff' to run everywhere, all the time, that's all.

ha ha --  I know I'm the delusional one.

On 5 June 2010 09:31, Richmond  wrote:

> On 06/05/2010 06:05 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
>> Sorry to reveal my less-than-informed research re players. I'm still
>> looking
>> for a better way to do web playback, and without flash. I think Scott was
>> looking at desktop solutions.
>> I am checking out a PHP
>> player<
>> >now.
>> On 5 June 2010 05:38, Colin Holgate  wrote:
>>> Someone nicely summed up the browser craziness with this image:
>>> As for saying anything against Flash, if you go along with what Steve
>>> says
>>> about Flash, you should also stop using Rev.
>>> __
> Hmm: if you go along with what Steve says about Flash, you should also stop
> using just about everything: soap, toothpaste, water unless it is on
> the
> "Steve approves" list . . . . . . anybody know why Vaisnava Hindus won't
> use toothpaste???
> because it contains animal shell; not veggie enough. [off-topic fact number
> 108 in the 'Richmond
> Collection' of facts to annoy use-list users with].
> However, as Steve is not (at least as far as I know) a guru in a recognised
> spiritual
> tradition with an apostolic succession stretching back into the misty past;
> and, no
> guru worth his/her salt is going to be THAT heavy, count me out for the
> queue to
> become some sort of unthinking chela.
> Even if only for the reason that we have brains which are capable (for some
> odd reason
> that folks like Steve may be unable to appreciate) of making informed
> choices (and, sadly,
> uninformed ones).
> I will not pretend to understand the real reason (although I have already
> written some
> cr*p on the subject on this list) why Steve is anti-Flash. But, until he
> explains in terms that
> I can understand (that will have to be fairly simplistic) I won't even
> entertain rejecting it.
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: WWDC Keynote: HTML5 wide open for On-Rev & revServer

2010-06-07 Thread stephen barncard
This was a really big deal for tech today for many reasons:

the new phone is outrageous.
first real video phone  ( I was at the 1964 world's fair and remember the
first videophone on display )
the Retina display
camera 720p iMovie
gyroscope - detects rotation around gravity.

There was a dreaded glitch in the presentation, but it wasn't Apple. The
wifi (and net feed) at the Moscone was overwhelmed - there were so many
personal devices and laptops in the crowd sucking bandwidth that it brought
Job's demonstration of the book app to an embarrassing crawl.  Jobs had to
hold up the keynote until everyone turned off their wifi connections. Surely
this is some kind of tipping point.

The ad thing is brilliant, too.

Jerry, you said that Rodeo might be supporting iPhone at some point?

On 7 June 2010 16:02, Kay C Lan  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:50 AM, Jerry Daniels 
> wrote:
> > The FaceTime video is quite touching, actually.
> >
> > Interesting marketing tactic, having ticked off all those developers I
> guess he's now targeting deaf people in the hope they haven't heard what he
> did ;-) There's probably more deaf people in the world than iOS developers
> so I think he might still be able to sell a few of these.
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: RTF documents as templates

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
"Pure" RTF text files created by Rev are a styled text format that is
readable by Word and most text editors, but does not include images.

  On the mac, RTF documents (note the suffix .rtfd) created by TextEdit are
actually BUNDLES, not files, and contain the RTF file and the graphic files.
 RTF files saved by Word I believe do not save images either,  that is for
the .doc format.

On 8 June 2010 15:20, JosepM  wrote:

> Hi again,
> Some questions for the experts...
> How can open or print a RTF file without Word? TextEdit loss the images and
> format of tables...
> How can open and print from Applescript without view the flashing RTF file?
> Salut,
> Josep
> --
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
Richmond, do you have a problem with Firewire? Even FW 400 is way faster
than USB2 for extended disk operations. (IMHO) USB is for mice and keyboards
and USB sticks.

On 9 June 2010 09:52, Richmond  wrote:

> So; my G4 MAC went wonky; very wonky.
> So; I ran out and spent 150 Euros on a Maxell 1.5 TB 'Tank' with
> a USB2 interface; and spend the better part of 9 days backing
> the computer up (remember the useful motto: "never do the
> sensible thing until after the disaster happens")
> For those who are interested in this type of thing; the MAC wouldn't 'see'
> the 1.5 TB disk for WRITE until it had been partitioned into 10 150 GB
> partions.
> The G4 MAC only has USB1 ports . . .
> So; late to the table as usual . . .  :)
> Can anybody recommend a USB2 card I can pop in the back of my G4?
> Hey; maybe there is a way to ensure that restoration doesn't
> take another 9 days.
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
There are no PATA drives over 500 gig. The technology shifted after that

Yeah, old G4s. I have a bunch of them. I know. G4s kinda like Tiger but they
really don't like Leopard. Some of the later ones (as well as my G5 ) have
these giant processor sections with liquid cooling and outside pipes that
look like miniatures of the first hydrogen bomb.

TIGER DIRECT has a cheap ($14) USB card that seems to be rated for Mac and
has good reviews

On 9 June 2010 11:10, Richmond  wrote:

> What is not at all clear to me is what is actually inside the Maxell Tank;
> documentation is minimal
> to say the least, and I am reluctant to open the thing up until its
> guarantee expires (2 years); but,
> for a 1.5 TB disk it is rather cheap. Should it contain a PATA or a SATA
> disk I am wondering about
> buying an empty Firewire enclosure in Britain (will be over there for 12
> days at the start of August)
> to transfer it to.
> --
> The whole thing, ultimately, boils down to my own stupidity. I should have
> realised that a G4 Mac at
> 7 years old just might throw a tantrum; and I should have made proviso for
> that; but didn't.
> --
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: A problem with clearing fields on marked cards

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
That's the good part! It's just as easy as setting the Rev property
The custom property is 'created' by just setting a name you pick to some
(don't forget the 'the' )

set the SillyPropertyName of field "myField" to myData

--  myData can be any text or even binary or a stack !

get the SillyPropertyName of field "myfield"
put it  -- into msg box


Custom properties are the greatest thing since sliced bread.


On 9 June 2010 11:24, charles61  wrote:

> Craig,
> Well, I have 72 cards and I had locked the label fields two weeks ago. But
> I will try your suggestion. I need practice in creating custom property!
> Charles Szasz
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
Hi Richmond,

Regardless the PATA standard is dead for new manufacture and very few are
made anymore. I can't find them in the cavernous big box stores in
California at all.  The sick thing is if you can find 750's on ebay and
Amazon they cost more than today's modern SATA (and probaby not as

 If one wants to continue using  G4s and other older machines, it's cheaper
just getting a inexpensive SATA card. On ebay all the prices I saw for 750's
was over $185 US.
In the big box stores, the 1.5 gig are coming down, quickly and the new
price/performance is now going to the 2.0 gig drives, and the 1.5TB drives
could go for less than $100 soon, if not now.

again, Tiger Direct has one for $24 - not sure of the compat or drivers but
this shows that these devices are out there.  A lot of this PC-only stuff
just runs. Some of it doesn't.

 Tiger has a live chat that might even work. Pretty impressive computer gear
store. They've come a long way from their 'cheesy electronic gadget' days.

I wonder why, as well as having 4 external USB2 ports it has 2 internal
I'd be hard-put to squeeze anything else inside my G4; although a second fan
(err??? possibly connected to an internal USB port) might not be a bad

PCs often have bigger boxes and SIX slots.
Don't forget there's a little area for a floppy or second CD drive in some

On 9 June 2010 11:37, Richmond  wrote:

> On 06/09/2010 09:28 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
>> There are no PATA drives over 500 gig. The technology shifted after that
>> point.
> That is NOT true; I have a 750 PATA (IDE/ATA) drive in my G4; ordered it
> through about 2 years ago.
> It seems hard to obtain PATA drives nowadays; this is sad as I have about
> 5 perfectly serviceable Pentium 4s lying around that, with decent size hard
> drives
> (i.e. not the 20 GB ones they currently have) could be 'thrown' at quite a
> few
> of my pupils for the cost of a PATA drive (80-160 GB) and Mint XFCE; for
> which
> they would be very happy.
>  Yeah, old G4s. I have a bunch of them. I know. G4s kinda like Tiger but
>> they
>> really don't like Leopard. Some of the later ones (as well as my G5 ) have
>> these giant processor sections with liquid cooling and outside pipes that
>> look like miniatures of the first hydrogen bomb.
>> TIGER DIRECT has a cheap ($14) USB card that seems to be rated for Mac and
>> has good reviews
> Thank you very much for the link.
> I wonder why, as well as having 4 external USB2 ports it has 2 internal
> ones:
> I'd be hard-put to squeeze anything else inside my G4; although a second
> fan
> (err??? possibly connected to an internal USB port) might not be a bad
> thing.
> _______
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: A problem with clearing fields on marked cards

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
I don't think you need to 'opt out' the other fields. That would negate the
ease of just checking for some data in the property in your loop. Simplify!

 If it exists, then it is. Otherwise it isn't! "false" is implied in objects
that aren't "branded".

-- inside your loop checking fields:
get the nothingText of stack "mystack"
if it is empty
   next repeat (or whatever)
 -- execute something here if there is something in it
end if

On 9 June 2010 11:44,  wrote:

> Charles.
> Custom properties are very simple and very powerful. They work just like
> any other property.
> You just make them up. Write:
> set the isLabel of field "yourField" to "true" --isLabel is the new
> custom property
> Then ask:
> answer the isLabel of fld "yourField"
> You will get "true".
> You will set the isLabel of all your other fields to "false". You can do
> this in a script.
> This property is separate from the ordinary properties of your fields. For
> example, you might want a locked field in your application for some reason,
> and that would then interfere with your ability to distinguish it from a
> label field.
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
It would be quite an interesting read as a Fedex tracking document. But I
don't think that 's what you meant.

I am eagerly awaiting news on this amazing international shipping

On 9 June 2010 11:38, Andre Garzia  wrote:

> Richmond,
> Send me your snail mail address, I think I have an spare firewaire
> enclosure
> you could use. It was made in taiwan eons ago but it works, you just pop an
> HD inside it and it will work.
> I don't know if a shipment from Brazil to Bulgaria will ever arrive, you
> might get some weird stamps in it as if the package traveled to asia,
> africa, oceania, the international space station, io and more before it
> reaches you but it is worth a try.
> Cheers
> andre
> PS: I know what it is to live somewhere where hardware simply is not
> available... it took eons for macbooks to arrive here...
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Richmond  >wrote:
> > On 06/09/2010 08:07 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> >
> >> Richmond, do you have a problem with Firewire? Even FW 400 is way faster
> >> than USB2 for extended disk operations. (IMHO) USB is for mice and
> >> keyboards
> >> and USB sticks.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > NO! I have no problem at all with Firewire; and, just as soon as I have
> my
> > G4 up-and-running
> > I am going to yank out a 750 GB ATA disk I have inside and pop it into a
> > LaCie Firewire-&-USB
> > external box I have.
> >
> > YES! Bulgaria has a problem with Firewire as (well, at least in Plovdiv)
> > there are about 10 Macs in the country,
> > and 4 of them are mine; so nobody sells a Firewire external thing here.
> >
> > Once I have hoicked out the 750 GB and got it inside the Firewire box I
> > shall; glacially slowly,
> > pop all my USB backup onto that - but, a USB2 card (I saw one online by
> > Allegro) would
> > expedite matters considerably.
> >
> > The 1.5 TB could then be connected up to a P4 I am currently using with
> > kids I teach to do a remake
> > of "Snow White and the incredibly expanding list of pupils" with puppets
> > made from old socks:
> > no doubt knocking everything out of competition at Cannes next year . . .
> >  :)  And before you ask; the
> > 'pupils', being made of socks, will be called "mouldy, manky, sweaty,
> > cheesy, holey" and so on!
> >
> >
> > "USB is for mice and keyboards and USB sticks."
> >
> > try telling that to some salesperson in a computer shop here in Bulgaria;
> > first off, they haven't heard
> > of Firewire!
> >
> > What is not at all clear to me is what is actually inside the Maxell
> Tank;
> > documentation is minimal
> > to say the least, and I am reluctant to open the thing up until its
> > guarantee expires (2 years); but,
> > for a 1.5 TB disk it is rather cheap. Should it contain a PATA or a SATA
> > disk I am wondering about
> > buying an empty Firewire enclosure in Britain (will be over there for 12
> > days at the start of August)
> > to transfer it to.
> >
> > --
> >
> > The whole thing, ultimately, boils down to my own stupidity. I should
> have
> > realised that a G4 Mac at
> > 7 years old just might throw a tantrum; and I should have made proviso
> for
> > that; but didn't.
> >
> > ___
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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[OT] HTML5 and Safari 5

2010-06-09 Thread stephen barncard
the new Safari browser is now available... and although the HTML5 features
are compelling, some of the best features are there for programmers.
Available for Window as well as Mac.

My favorite is the "snippet editor" which is this split window with two
fields.Enter HTML, Java, Javascript DOM - most stuff you put into a web
page - and it interprets as you type, character by character.

It's kind of like a 'command line' for the webkit engine, except it responds

Great for testing... little code snippets

or paste in entire web pages. If the references are all full URLs you will
see a lot of it and can play around with it. Easier than saving a text file
then reading it back into a web page.

Of course we could have built it in rev and revBrowser.

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-10 Thread stephen barncard
This device is a lot less "messy" - like a toaster. I've got the firewire

On 10 June 2010 13:09, -= JB =-  wrote:

> If I remember correctly you were talking about USB 2.0 cards, SATA drives
> etc.
> to run on a Mac G4.  Below is a link to and interesting product that will
> hook up
> to your USB port and then you can use from it various internal drives as
> and
> external drive.  They also sell rubber holders for the drive to prevent the
> drive
> from shorting out.  It is reasonably priced too.
> -=>JB<=-
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 7:31 AM, Luis wrote:
>  Hiya,
>> If you haven't sent it yet, I might be tempted to challenge your
>> delivery... :) Let's see who gets there first!
>> Let me think, what would Mr. Mathewson require...
>> BTW: Why not transfer the files over ethernet? I had once reinstalled the
>> OS (not clean) and had access to the files, I then transferred the entire
>> lot over cat5 to another machine, much quicker.
>> If the G4 has space for two drives: Do a clean install on a new drive
>> (doesn't have to be large capacity) and mount the second drive, then
>> transfer over ethernet.
>> Cheers,
>> Luis.
>> On 09/06/2010 20:40, Andre Garzia wrote:
>>> I will send it as a registered package so we can all have terrible fun
>>> while
>>> tracking it, it will be like "where in the world is carmen sandiego" or
>>> something...
>>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Richmond>> >wrote:
>>>  On 06/09/2010 10:24 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
>>>>  It would be quite an interesting read as a Fedex tracking document. But
>>>>> I
>>>>> don't think that 's what you meant.
>>>>> I am eagerly awaiting news on this amazing international shipping
>>>>> experiment!
>>>>>  No offence to Andre; but I think I can safely describe Brazil
>>>> and Bulgaria as a wee bit corrupt; so I have sent Andre my address for
>>>> what is a generous gift; and we shall see what we shall see.
>>>> Notwithstanding the above Amazon gets through!
>>>> ___
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [OT] Mac PPC and USB2 ?

2010-06-10 Thread stephen barncard
yes, of course...good point.

 I have a device like that. Good for emergency situations, not good for
routine backup. Too many wires.


On 10 June 2010 13:44, -= JB =-  wrote:

> I did not know about that one,  very nice.  One thing about the
> other is it works with IDE/ATAP which I think is the main drive
> in the G4 so it can be used to update a drive and then swap
> it out with the old smaller drive, at least that is what I think it
> can help out in.
> -=>JB<=-
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 1:15 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
>  This device is a lot less "messy" - like a toaster. I've got the firewire
>> version.
>> On 10 June 2010 13:09, -= JB =-  wrote:
>>  If I remember correctly you were talking about USB 2.0 cards, SATA drives
>>> etc.
>>> to run on a Mac G4.  Below is a link to and interesting product that will
>>> hook up
>>> to your USB port and then you can use from it various internal drives as
>>> and
>>> external drive.  They also sell rubber holders for the drive to prevent
>>> the
>>> drive
>>> from shorting out.  It is reasonably priced too.
>>> -=>JB<=-
>>> On Jun 10, 2010, at 7:31 AM, Luis wrote:
>>>  Hiya,
>>>> If you haven't sent it yet, I might be tempted to challenge your
>>>> delivery... :) Let's see who gets there first!
>>>> Let me think, what would Mr. Mathewson require...
>>>> BTW: Why not transfer the files over ethernet? I had once reinstalled
>>>> the
>>>> OS (not clean) and had access to the files, I then transferred the
>>>> entire
>>>> lot over cat5 to another machine, much quicker.
>>>> If the G4 has space for two drives: Do a clean install on a new drive
>>>> (doesn't have to be large capacity) and mount the second drive, then
>>>> transfer over ethernet.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Luis.
>>>> On 09/06/2010 20:40, Andre Garzia wrote:
>>>>  I will send it as a registered package so we can all have terrible fun
>>>>> while
>>>>> tracking it, it will be like "where in the world is carmen sandiego" or
>>>>> something...
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Richmond>>>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  On 06/09/2010 10:24 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
>>>>>>  It would be quite an interesting read as a Fedex tracking document.
>>>>>> But
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> don't think that 's what you meant.
>>>>>>> I am eagerly awaiting news on this amazing international shipping
>>>>>>> experiment!
>>>>>>>  No offence to Andre; but I think I can safely describe Brazil
>>>>>> and Bulgaria as a wee bit corrupt; so I have sent Andre my address for
>>>>>> what is a generous gift; and we shall see what we shall see.
>>>>>> Notwithstanding the above Amazon gets through!
>>>>>> ___
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>> -
>> Stephen Barncard
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Re: WDEF identifiers

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
I haven't heard the term WDEF in a while...I don't think runrev windows are
based on that.

MacOS X  doesn't use Resource Forks anymore...

Runrev can read and write resources though, as long as Apple doesn't
disallow them entirely in the file system - it's a legacy thing.

As long as the forked files stays in the Mac world, resources might be
useful, like adding extra data to a JPG or sound file. But I would question
if Apple will support it in the future, and the modified files might not be
happy on other systems.

Personally, I loved the resource concept - like custom properties, images
and sounds we imbed today in Rev - but it made a mess of incompatibility
which impression lingers today:  "aww it's a mac file, no wonder it's messed

Search a well-used PC drive for ".DS_store" files, which always showed up in
a directory of mac files on a PC. There must be billions of files today with
that name. File conversion systems, not knowing what else to do with the
resource forks would split them with the data forks, leaving the data in the
file and moving whatever data was in the resource forks of all the files
into the single ".DS_store" garbage heap. I don't know if any of the data in
there is recoverable.

I just had to shut down spotlight. I did a search for ".DS_Store" and
stopped it because there were so many on my machine and adding them to the
list so quickly that I was worried it might actually top it out.

If you search for them, use "File Visibility" as a criteria (which will have
to be added by using "other" from the "kind" popup.

I'm guessing that MacOS is tolerating the 'dual system' approach but that
resource fork laden files might appear to have the resources exist in the
file but also 'virtualized' to appear in the MacOSX system properly.

Here's the best poop on .DS_Store

On 12 June 2010 06:42, Simon Lord  wrote:

> Has anyone ever successfully used a WDEF identifier?  Is there a list
> of available identifiers somewhere or do we still have to manually
> look at the app resource and then set it in RunRev?
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [OT] G4 goes West

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
Richmond -  you might consider copying your old ZIP disks to someplace safer
 as soon as possible - they seem to have some kind of 'disk rot' and can die
quickly in a few years. Remember zips are still 'floppy disks' with higher
density and the failed 'Bernoulli' technology. All of your old zips will fit
in a tiny corner of your current hard drive. There's not much between your
archive and the 'ping of death' (zip drive users know what I mean).

iOmega has made a lot of junk using this bernoulli technology and it was so
unreliable across their product line over that I refuse to buy anything with
iOmega in the name, even today. I bought into the format big time, so
desperate I was for storage. Fortunately for me it all went to Hard Drive in
1999 and I haven't looked at it since!

I remember when Solid State Logic (maker of over-rated professional audio
consoles) finally offered a  'hard drive' for their console series in 1994.

SSL for years had relied on a very ancient mini computer (PDP-8 type) with
some questionable hacks ( the graphics card was a BBC hobby computer grafted
onto a blank card ) and legacy hardware, including the disc interface called
SASI ( the predecessor to SCSI) which are / were pretty much unobtainable.
These interfaces were hooked up to 8" SASI floppy drives.

So what was the new 'hard drive' ?? A SASI 8" Bernoulli in a huge plastic
case. They also offered a pair of SASI 400k plastic-type 'floppy' drives in
 a rack mounted chassic for only $2700.

[more OT rambling below]

It was so ironic that non-technical people were so enamored with the SSL,
not knowing how really ancient the control systems was.  We techs were
constantly putting it down for its design shortcuts and mistakes, but we had
to work on it because it was responsible for more 'hits' than any other
single console and the brand brought in the business. The engineers just
learned the string of keystrokes and the ones that could figure it out
became stars ( read: Bob Clearmountain ) and the others had assistants run

The biggest irony was that as I brought modern computers into the studio
(ok, Macs) in the late 80s and the audio engineers started using them for
email and amusement, the semi-command line interface of the SSL really
showed how far we'd come. We spent hours trying to figure a way to simplify
the interface using our new macs, but the SSL just had no hooks for outside
control and the core code itself was a labyrinthine noodleworks of
'spagetti' code with no source - it was in some guy's head - and he had left
the company.  There are still hundreds of these things out there today.

On 12 June 2010 06:22, Richmond  wrote:

> Back from the dead (or very nearly):
> Well:
> I removed one of the hard disks in the G4 MDD from the cage that sits
> over the heat sink; allowing me space to install an 80 mm 12 v fan
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: How do you get the name of an open saved file in memory using message box?

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
answer file "select file:";put it into temp;get URL("file:" & temp);put temp
& return & return & it

On 12 June 2010 12:16, charles61  wrote:

> I have going through various scripts to get the name of a text file (not
> stack) that is open in my app using the message box. Does anyone know how
> to
> do this?
> --
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: How do you get the name of an open saved file in memory using message box?

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
Otherwise I misread what you were asking. If you have an app and you load a
file, it's up to the programmer (you) to keep track of it in a variable or a
custom property. There is no "last file loaded" property.

On 12 June 2010 12:48, stephen barncard wrote:

> answer file "select file:";put it into temp;get URL("file:" & temp);put
> temp & return & return & it
> On 12 June 2010 12:16, charles61  wrote:
>> I have going through various scripts to get the name of a text file (not
>> stack) that is open in my app using the message box. Does anyone know how
>> to
>> do this?
>> --
> --
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How do you get the name of an open saved file in memory using message box?

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
You are not communicating very well. It is still not clear what you want.

Do you want to place a suggested file name in an ask dialog entry field
instead, or have a the filename show up instead of the prompt of the ask

Again, how would the dialog 'know' what the last filename was unless you
save it yourself?

Or are you just having trouble getting the result of your choice in the
Look at the  IT variable

Anyway again it is up to the programmer to know which files are open and
those that are not.  Usually 'OPEN' is just for microseconds, the data is
put in a variable, and work with it inside rev.  There is no open and close
needed for  'put URL()' and the file is closed after the call.  There really
is no need for multiple open and close statements unless one is processing
data from one file into another file by script. Most of the time that is
never needed.

On 12 June 2010 13:00, charles61  wrote:

> Stephen,
> I typed your suggestion in the message box and I only got the select file
> dialog box but not the name of the file that is already opened. Any other
> suggestions? I went through the RevList archives and could not find an
> example of getting the name of an open file!
> Charles Szasz
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 3:49 PM, Stephen Barncard-4 [via Runtime Revolution]
> wrote:
> > answer file "select file:";put it into temp;get URL("file:" & temp);put
> temp
> > & return & return & it
> >
> > On 12 June 2010 12:16, charles61 <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > I have going through various scripts to get the name of a text file
> (not
> > > stack) that is open in my app using the message box. Does anyone know
> how
> > > to
> > > do this?
> > > --
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> > -
> > Stephen Barncard
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Error in date convert

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
Hi Alex,

I got a crash with your script.

This shows the correct date from the system:

I think there is no 'system date' intentionally.

According to the docs:

* *
If the *useSystemDate* property is set to true or if you specify the system
date, the times returned by the *date* function are formatted according to
the user's system preferences.

There is no such object on a web server.

this is why  useSystemDate  property will crash as well.

On 12 June 2010 17:01, Alex Tweedly  wrote:

> The following script fragment works OK on Mac (and I believe on Win, but
> cannot verify that right now)
> put "2010,1,0,0,0,0,0" into t
> convert t to system date
> put t
> but if I put this into an On-Rev script (i.e. an .irev scrip) it fails
> (silently - even the on-rev client debugger doesn't see any error, it just
> stops silently).  (Works OK if I use "convert t to english date").
> I will, naturally, send an error report to on-rev, but I was curious
> whether this is an on-rev problem or a Linux problem (or limitation), so if
> any Linux users can try it out and let me know I'd be grateful.
> Thanks,
> -- Alex.
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: How do you get the name of an open saved file in memory using message box?

2010-06-12 Thread stephen barncard
so what we've all told you is all you need. Have you put it all together

On 12 June 2010 20:29, charles61  wrote:

> Stephen,
> I am sorry for the confusion. All I want to do to provide a save dialog
> when
> the user makes a change to a saved file asking the user to save the file
> after a change was made to the file. In my current script, I have a dialog
> appear that asks if the user wants to save the file with untitled.text.
> This
> would be okay if the file did not already have a name. So far I have been
> unable to get the name of the file to appear in the dialog so the user can
> choose to save the file with its current name, a new name or disregard the
> changes.
> --
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: What's With the Tilde After the Stack File Extension?

2010-06-16 Thread stephen barncard
Normal behavior. Rev saves a copy to revert to in case of
interruption/crash. This happens rarely but you'll be glad it backed up the
stack first someday. If someone pulled the plug in the middle of the save,
you'd still have something.

On 16 June 2010 15:16, Gregory Lypny  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I was working on a stack today.  It has one substack.  Everything was going
> fine until I noticed that saving the stack was taking too long (it's small)
> and I was getting the spinning beach ball in Mac OS X.  I had the folder in
> which I store the stack open and noticed that during saving a duplicate file
> appears with tilde appended to the stack's extension as in stackName.rev~.
>  When saving is finally complete, the duplicate with the tilde disappears.
>  None of this happens with stacks that are working properly.  Does anyone
> know what the problem is?
> Gregory
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Re: What's With the Tilde After the Stack File Extension?

2010-06-16 Thread stephen barncard
I should say the tilde - backup thing is normal. What is causing the
slowdown I can't say, but perhaps it was just a system slowdown - memory
swap issue. If it came back and didn't crash, then it may not happen again.

On 16 June 2010 15:53, stephen barncard wrote:

> Normal behavior. Rev saves a copy to revert to in case of
> interruption/crash. This happens rarely but you'll be glad it backed up the
> stack first someday. If someone pulled the plug in the middle of the save,
> you'd still have something.
> On 16 June 2010 15:16, Gregory Lypny  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I was working on a stack today.  It has one substack.  Everything was
>> going fine until I noticed that saving the stack was taking too long (it's
>> small) and I was getting the spinning beach ball
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Re: HTML interaction...

2010-06-17 Thread stephen barncard
Hi Simon,
Well that web page that shows in RevBrowser is based on a text file that's
yours to create.
You could parse the loaded page and reconfigure it to your needs. I don't
think there's anything in the revbrowser lib that indexes content in that
way that you ask, if I understand what you are requesting. But every message
and action that is available in a regular browser is available in
RevBrowser. Same code as the browser you are used to.

search for "browser" in the docs to see all the commands.  Don't use the old
XBrowser commands.

look up MERGE in the docs for one way to parse and replace multiple

 Remember that CSS and javascript will be available too, as well as AJAX-y
access to the DOM. Perhaps you should define 'communicate' a little further
- what do you want to do?

On 17 June 2010 09:31, Simon Lord  wrote:

> Ok, this is where I ask a question without exhausting all avenues to
> discover the answer...
> If I have RunRev load an html page, what options, if any, do I have to
> communicating to elements in that page?
> First, some structure to understand what I'm asking:
> This is a stack—not a plugin and not a stack talking to a browser.
> This is a stack with a web page rendered inside the stack.
> Can I target div's with ID?
> [God please say yes.]
> If so, what keywords should I be reviewing in the x-talk language?
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: no go?

2010-06-17 Thread stephen barncard

in the docs:

*Examples: *

*set the stackFiles of this stack to "My Dialog,Custom Dialogs.rev"*

Use the *stackFiles* property to make one or more stacks accessible to
handlers, even if the stack is not already open or in memory.



On 17 June 2010 09:36, Colin Holgate  wrote:

> I see what you mean.
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Re: Skype dialing (was: Help with drill-down script)

2010-06-22 Thread stephen barncard
It should also be mentioned that all Skype API commands are available
through Applescript on Mac and supposedly through "Vbasic" on PC. Got the
mac side working great, gave up on the PC attempt.

On 22 June 2010 00:28, Hugh Senior  wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> See the Skype html syntax options at
> Basically you do a launchURL "skype:SkypeName?chat". It's very cool, and I
> have it in my own PhotoContacts utility.
> /H
> Peter wrote:
> >[big snip]
> >
> >BTW, how do you do the skype dialing? I'm interested in that.
> ___
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Re: Skype dialing (was: Help with drill-down script)

2010-06-22 Thread stephen barncard
hey Mark,
yeah it looked like a lot of effort to get to the API on the PC. Strange
that they favored the PC for version priority yet built a complete suite of
access for Applescript in the mac version. Those sneaky Mac developers

basically the API is a command line with text commands. Why is it so hard to
provide a similar structure on PC?

On 22 June 2010 09:41, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> stephen-
> Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 8:54:32 AM, you wrote:
> > It should also be mentioned that all Skype API commands are available
> > through Applescript on Mac and supposedly through "Vbasic" on PC. Got the
> > mac side working great, gave up on the PC attempt.
> I did the PC side, but it took the weirdest external library I've ever
> built.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Line Numbers in Text Editor

2010-06-26 Thread stephen barncard
RevCloud?? wha?

ok Richard, you've opened the door now you must tell us more...
( I didn't want that to rhyme.)

On 26 June 2010 09:23, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> ...
> This keeps the stack file small enough to be extremely portable (I'm
> migrating a lot of tools to cloud storage - look for *RevCloud* coming
> soon to RevNet this summer; think devolution on serious steroids and focused
> on collaborative workflows), and it's unlikely that a person will type more
> than 5000 lines during a given session with the editor open.
> --
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [On-Rev] post tData to URL "https"

2010-06-27 Thread stephen barncard
A good 90% of finding a solution is to just define the problem and put it
into words. That stirs the memory process deeper and one starts thinking
more out of the box.

This happens to me all the time. Many times I  have deleted a post to this
forum after writing it - after figuring it out.

On 27 June 2010 08:58, Scott Morrow  wrote:

> Of course, Andre Garzia has already published a robust solution.  How is it
> that after 2 days, I find his solution (already on my drive) only a few
> moments after posting here!  I don't have it working yet but  < get URL >
> followed by < put it > looks like my friend :  )
> So, thanks Andre!
> -Scott
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:59 AM, Scott Morrow wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up my On-Rev account to use PayPal's IPN system which
> requires replying to a message that PayPal sends to me.  Using their sandbox
> I can receive and parse the PayPal message but can't figure out how to send
> it back properly. If I paste the string my script constructs into a web
> browser I get the correct response from PayPal.  Unfortunately, I can't seem
> to do this directly from an irev script.  I'm using:
> >
> > post tData to URL "";
> >
> > Of course it could certainly be pilot error, (I'm not too sure about
> applying headers, among other things) but messages on the forum seemed to
> indicate that some folks thought the problem was having an "https" URL
> >
> > I read the message from Mark Waddingham suggesting that this had been
> fixed but I don't know enough about "https" to be sure if it applies to this
> situation. Nor can I tell from the forums whether anyone ever got this to
> work... or if there is some alternate method.  Any suggestion welcome.
> >
> > Scott Morrow
> >
> > Elementary Software
> > (Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
> > web
> > email
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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Re: RevCloud (was Re: Line Numbers in Text Editor)

2010-06-29 Thread stephen barncard
Excellent, Richard, and worth waiting for. Thanks


On 29 June 2010 16:31, Richard Gaskin  wrote:

> And besides, there there's nothing to sell: RevCloud will be free.
> So here's the skinny:
> Over the last decade most of my projects have had between three and five
> developers working on them, and the more I learn about this community the
> more I realize these are pretty typical team sizes for the sorts of projects
> for which Rev is a good fit.
> --
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Running revlets on the iPad

2010-06-30 Thread stephen barncard
One can make very useful apps using the excellent Safari browser in the
iPhone. Many iphone 'goodies' are available via CSS and javascript, and many
controls like the selection wheel are 'automatic' when the web page is
properly enabled. And one has an alphabet soup of server side languages from
C to RunRev to drive these apps. This requires no approval or control from
Apple, just an internet connection to run.

On 30 June 2010 11:22, Richmond  wrote:

> On 06/30/2010 09:10 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:
>> On Jun 30, 2010, at 2:04 PM, James Hurley wrote:
>>> I tried on my iPad and I got a screen asking me to download the plug-in,
>>> but it didn't happen, i.e. the plug-in didn't download.
>> Plugins don't work on the iPhone or iPad.
>> ___
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> This sounds all rather like negative ostension.
> What DOES work on the iPhone or iPad that has NOT been made with
> Apple's own xCode?
> And, quite frankly, if Plugins don't work on those platforms they do look
> "a bit flat" if one wants (especially with regard to the iPad) to use them
> as effective web-browsers.
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: Smokescreen.rev

2010-06-30 Thread stephen barncard
And it's pretty efficient - in some cases faster than Flash itself.
This is a very exciting product.  And open source.


On 30 June 2010 12:04, Simon Lord  wrote:

> It's slightly more complex than that.  Hotspots, timing, rollovers etc
> are all intact.  This is more than just a simple replaying of cards.
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Colin Holgate  wrote:
> >
> > On Jun 30, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Simon Lord wrote:
> >
> >> PS: My point is it's probably fairly trivial to do the same for rev
> >> stacks if the right people took a stab at it
> >
> > The Javascript Flash players are just replaying the graphics in the swf.
> A similar thing with Rev would be to flip through the cards. Not really very
> useful.
> >
> >
> >
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Re: Saving Changes in a Standalone

2010-07-01 Thread stephen barncard
Remember a stack can both be a visible window with objects and a holder for
scripts, it can also be a very efficient and addressable data container.

The stack one compiles as an app can call other stacks that are not
compiled. The best of both worlds.

On 1 July 2010 15:01, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Just to confirm, nothing does. It's not a Revolution issue, it's an
> executable issue.
> Bob
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> > You're not doing anything wrong - Revolution does not allow data, custom
> props, etc to be saved in a standalone application.
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Re: [ANN] ssImageThingy

2010-07-01 Thread stephen barncard
yes odd things in the script of the button that seem not to relate. Doesn't
work for me either (Mac OS)

This is not up to your standards of quality Shao - please check the stack.

On 1 July 2010 19:08, Ken Ray  wrote:

> Looks interesting, but how do you get it set up? (I DL'ed It and everything
> looks blank ATM.
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email:
> Web Site:
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Re: App deployment on Windows

2010-07-03 Thread stephen barncard
but you are the admin.

On 3 July 2010 11:31, Richmond  wrote:

> On 07/03/2010 08:41 PM, charles61 wrote:
>> Richmond
>> I am concern about the location of the installation because of the
>> virtualization that Vista and Windows 7 employs.
>> Charles Szasz
> Thanks for explaining that.
> However: having, temporarily, installed RunRev on a machine running Vista;
> built a standalone
> (on the desktop) and having run the standalone directly from where it was
> built, I can say that
> everything worked in an extremely unproblematic fashion.
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Re: Build settings for Mac OSX

2010-07-05 Thread stephen barncard
In the early 90s I registered a creator code "BARN" and a document code

I know the document codes are not registered anymore (and Apple uses
*rtfd*now). But my question is : Do I own my creator code forever? Is
there no way
to verify that I still own it? It was a long time ago.

On 5 July 2010 21:08, J. Landman Gay  wrote:

> J. Landman Gay wrote:
>  The document type does not need to be registered. You can make up your
>> own, or use an existing type.
> One more thing about this: if your app creates common document types that
> the Mac already knows about, like jpg, rev, txt, etc. then you can leave the
> document type blank. It's basically just for entering a custom document type
> you want to use. Common ones don't need to be in there.
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: Audio Plugin Update; Franklin 3D Mailing List

2010-07-06 Thread stephen barncard
Thanks for the update, Lynn.

> Just a quick update on the audio plugin - we've picked out a set of
> > libraries and the developers (we have two assigned to this project) are
> > making sure the libraries are good enough for, at a minimum, Windows and
> Mac
> > OS X. I think also Linux is a possibility but its still a bit early.
> >

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: OT: Free eBook about JQuery for a limited time

2010-07-12 Thread stephen barncard
I didn't know it had a timeout -- its over now. Not available anymore.


On 12 July 2010 20:19, Mark Wieder  wrote:

> Matthias-
> Thanks for posting this.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
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Re: [ANN] Data Grid Helper - Watch The Slug building templates for datagrid in minutes

2010-07-16 Thread stephen barncard
H264 please...

On 16 July 2010 07:54, zryip theSlug  wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Bob Sneidar  wrote:
> > I can't view the video's I think they are divx. Oh well.
> >
> > Bob
> Yes. If you can't read divx videos or download a divx codec, I'll be
> back with another format, ASAP.
> Thanks Bob
> Regards,
> --
> -Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-18 Thread stephen barncard
Thanks Jerry, sorry I couldn't be there; personal matters on Saturday at the
same time prevented, but I want to see what happened.

On 18 July 2010 20:15, Jerry Daniels  wrote:

> Andre,
> Once the said videos are posted to the site, they are available to all!
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> Follow the Rodeo discussion:
> -
Stephen Barncard
IN KC , returning to San Francisco
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
The output is universal - Webkit will be the predominant browser engine very
soon and most worthwhile of writing for. The potential is huge and the
actual development computer is such a small part of the ROI.  Get a mini !

The percentage of Mac vs PC desktops has nothing to do with marketing
potential. What's important here is the future potential of creating
web-based apps for the cross-platform web using Rev, Rodeo, CSS4 and HTML5.

Jerry and Company have come up with a 'shortcut' to develop web apps and
using Macs for development is the best way for them to come up with this
rapidly. Obviously there are aspects of the MacOS that facilitates this.

On 19 July 2010 19:39, David C.  wrote:

> Well, I cannot say 100% whether it would make an absolute difference
> in a purchase/license/subscription decision, but there is still at one
> factor that makes it a total, 100% no-go...
> ...Mac only.
> Looks like you all are doing some great and valuable work on Rodeo and
> IMO, the new Transfer spin off is probably worth the price of
> admission all on it's on, but wait...
> ..that too is Mac only.
> Sorry folks, but I don't plan on purchasing any Apple hardware any
> time soon, if ever again and while I'm sure that my participation
> won't either make or break ya, I would think  that the other 92 or so
> percent of the marketing potential for Windows developers could be
> more than just a small oversight.
> Best of luck in any case.
> Best regards,
> David C.
> ___
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
I signed up a week or so ago too, in spite of my low funds this month. It
seems it's always a good deal investing in D&M - (I'm a small kickstarter,
as well, and proud of it)

On 20 July 2010 14:29, Jim Ault  wrote:

> On Jul 20, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Paul Looney wrote:
>  BTW I am astounded at the progress they have made on this.
>> They have accomplished things in a month that I expected to take a year.
>> The outlook for Rodeo is very bright. I can't wait. And, given Jerry's
>> reputation for followingthrough, it will probably all arrive sooner instead
>> of later.
>> The current (until mid-night Austin time) price of $89.00 is way too low.
>> The only good thing that can be said about it is: anyone with a mild
>> interest in web-standard programming can certainly afford to risk that
>> amount.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>  For $89, I'm in. Just signed up, more because of my experience with past
>> projects Jerry's been involved with than my real need for Rodeo. I am hoping
>> I can get the other developers around here to toy around with it and see
>> where it goes from there.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 1:39 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
>> Yeah - I've signed on now even though I don't have any current
>> interest in deploying to the iPlatforms. I don't have a need for it
>> right now, but I want to support the team and it gives me a new toy to
>> play with .
> I agree with the crowd.  Just signed up to support this stellar effort.
> Not sure how I am going to use the web technology,
> but I am sure there are many wonderful lessons ahead.
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
Jerry - I subscribed a while ago and missed the summit on Saturday. Are the
videos up yet? I've been in another world for the last couple of weeks and
have been missing everything in the Rodeo world.


On 18 July 2010 18:15, Jerry Daniels  wrote:

> Andre,
> Once the said videos are posted to the site, they are available to all!
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> Follow the Rodeo discussion:
> On Jul 18, 2010, at 8:11 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
> > Can non subscribers view the said videos, I am curious!
> >
> > Cheers
> > andre
> >
> > On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Ewan Richardson  >wrote:
> >
> >> Id agree with that totally. That's the first summit that I have logged
> onto
> >> and I must say that im impressed with the approach & roadmap.
> >>
> >> It's a fast-paced project, which seems to being run by level headed
> >> individuals, it will be very interesting to see where it goes.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From:
> >> [] On Behalf Of Andrew
> >> Kluthe
> >> Sent: 18 July 2010 18:14
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase
> >> conditions!
> >>
> >>
> >> I am surprised by the many things revealed during this month's summit!
> >>
> >> Data Objects
> >> New ways to set object properties from other objects A New Editor A
> clearer
> >> explanation of the different forms that deployment can take. (Web App,
> >> Desktop App, etc)
> >>
> >> I was hesitant, but seeing the features pour in after 5 weeks and
> knowing
> >> that with a few more additions we can start to build some really neat
> apps,
> >> I am thrilled to watch and participate as rodeo becomes matures very
> >> quickly.
> >>
> >> Release price (in august) is likely to be higher than 99 a year or the
> 89
> >> that you would pay if you were to get it now.
> >>
> >> Plus if you get in now, you can get rodeo transfer for free!
> >> --
> >> View this message in context:
> >>
> >>
> >> get-onboard-with-pre-realase-conditions-tp2293199p2293218.html
> >> Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at
> >> ___
> >> use-revolution mailing list
> >>
> >> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> >> subscription
> >> preferences:
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
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> >>
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> >> subscription preferences:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > All We Do Is Code.
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
I understand those issues completely. thanks.

On 20 July 2010 15:37, Jerry Daniels  wrote:

> Stephen,
> Video of the Summit being edited. It's a big file. Next couple days should
> be done.
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> -----
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
This has happened before. Jerry (and Company) takes a known paradigm,
smashes it to pieces, and creates a whole new way of looking at a problem
and a solution - *out of the box* indeed.  I am looking forward to setting
aside some time soon to learn and build something useful with this new tool.

On 20 July 2010 15:50, Bob Sneidar  wrote:

> Thanks just coming around. I was doing exactly that when you replied.
> Actions. What a concept! As I mentioned in another post, I am just a very
> gifted Chimpanzee, although I begin to suspect not so gifted as once I
> imagined. But non-Texans can do this you say! I suppose is some broad sense
> I fit the bill! ;-)
> Bob
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Jerry Daniels wrote:
> > Hey, Bob!
> >
> > Everything in Rodeo is a definition. And there are two types: UI elements
> and actions.
> >
> > You link your defined UI elements to actions. Your logic is in the action
> definition. Everything written VERY much like Rev code.
> >
> > Look at the examples in the Samples on the Rodeo home page. Read the
> Docs, they're pretty thorough. Also the Language guide. Even non-Texans have
> been able to read them.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Jerry Daniels
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Stephen Barncard
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread stephen barncard
*Rodeo* is the price of about 4.5 high quality large PIZZAs at this moment.

Folks should not gain the weight and do this instead.

 I just changed an image in an 'action' and it was an aha moment. It's a
game changer, just like the 'pad. I saw 6 or so iPads on each of my flights
to the south recently.  Webkit will set the standard and Rodeo is there to

On 20 July 2010 19:11, Jerry Daniels  wrote:

> It's headed towards midnight, here--deep in the heart of Texas.

And I imagine the temperature to be about 95 degrees!

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Still waiting for the aha moment

2010-07-21 Thread stephen barncard
most gratefully received. And
> if I am being REALLY thick, you can avoid embarassing me by writing
> off-list!
> /H
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