I have encountered a problem that is preventing me from building, even
though up until the last two days I have been able to.  Depending on what
settings I attempt in Build Distribution, I get one of two things.  

After clicking "Build Distribution", nothing happens (although the feedback
text "checking for stacks in memory" and "Preparing to build" does flash for
about a tenth of a second at the bottom of the BD window).
I get the alert that the "revLibrary group already exists", after which
nothing happens.

Another thing that is different is that my rev file now has more substacks
than it had previously (revMenuBar, revIcons, et.al).  How do I get rid of
these things and where are they?

Lastly, is there *any* documentation at all on the Build Distribution stack?
I can find none.

Thanks very much!

Mark Powell
use-revolution mailing list

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