FW video feed as QT movie (MacOSX), capturing a frame
Hi, (I'm reposting this because I mistakenly put it in another thread.. AARGH! Apple. This has been hashed out on macosx-talk before) How can I show a Firewire DV video feed in a stack, and how can I capture a frame from that feed, and stick it in an image object (to be later cropped, resized, and saved as some file format)? Jim Witte [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution
FW video feed as QT movie (MacOSX), capturing a frame
Hi, How can I show a Firewire DV video feed in a stack, and how can I capture a frame from that feed, and stick it in an image object (to be later cropped, resized, and saved as some file format)? Jim Witte [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution