To all who have been immensely helpful by following this thread and providing suggestions:

I just managed to copy the extended unicode characters (in Esperanto) from one field to a specific line in another - using the HTMLTEXT property. There seems to be 2 ways to do it:

The longer way:

  put the htmlText of field "targetFld" into newText
  put the htmlText of field "sourceFld" into newLine2
  put newLine2 into line 2 of newText
  set the htmlText of field "targetFld" to newText    

Or the shorter way:

set the htmlText of line 2 of field "targetFld" to the htmlText of field "sourceFld"

For some reason, this IS working now!

Once again, many thanks to all who provided suggestions!

-- Igor de Oliveira Couto ---------------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------------

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