Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
François Cuneo wrote:
Je vais voir si je peux mettre un thème Revolution sur notre forum.
J'avertirai ici si ça se fait.
François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh

The most we speak about RR/MC,... and it would be cool to speak about 
it, in french, for the froggies we allready are ;-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Robert Brenstein
Thank you for all your answers.

I'm really not sure that it's a bug as Klaus says.

One more time, I had exactly the same problem with RealBasic and the file's
names. I had a conversion with a variable to do with UTF8 and all was in
So maybe I'll put the problem in the bug database but...

If somebody finds something with the UTF8 (I'm sure that here is the


Actually, it sounds like a bug since it is Rev that should make this 
conversion for you (and makes it correctly during the initial save).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread François Cuneo
Ok, so it's a bug.
I hope it will be corrected in the next release!

François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh

 De : Robert Brenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Répondre à : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date : Fri, 8 Aug 2003 14:10:08 +0200
 Objet : Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,  argh.
 Thank you for all your answers.
 I'm really not sure that it's a bug as Klaus says.
 One more time, I had exactly the same problem with RealBasic and the file's
 names. I had a conversion with a variable to do with UTF8 and all was in
 So maybe I'll put the problem in the bug database but...
 If somebody finds something with the UTF8 (I'm sure that here is the
 Actually, it sounds like a bug since it is Rev that should make this
 conversion for you (and makes it correctly during the initial save).
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread François Cuneo
Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
French does: use our char in File's names!

If you save a file like

Save this stack as Révolution.rev

I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.

But When I open and I save again the file I obtain Rˆ©volution.rev~ that
prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.

So I have asked how to correct that.

The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to Révolution.rev
works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session (the
files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)

I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that here is
the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
with a conversion) but I had no answer.

I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.

So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all people that
use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.

And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.

The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some thousands
have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all people that
have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to begin to
write applications.

The review is here (

I think that I have to change something in my review.

So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.

For me, it's terrible but it's like that.



François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Wolfgang M. Bereuter
On Saturday, Aug 9, 2003, at 00:21 Europe/Vienna, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sorry to intrude, but I DON'T speak French...
And as far as I know, our Scottish friends from RR and a lot of other 
on this list don't either, so do you mind posting in English? Maybe we 
be of any assistance when we know what you are talking about...

me too, but please let them speak french if they prefer it... If they 
think that other should understand it too, then they will change to 
english, -- Imho

And for the lack of French documentation: So what? There is no German,
Spanish, Dutch documentation either...
Not being able to use special characters: ok, bddd Revolution, 
to have Bugzilla...
maybe I have missed something, but what the real tool for us now 
Revolution or Bugzilla...=;0)

Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Learn easy with trainingsmaps©
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539
use-revolution mailing list

RE: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Ken Ray
 Sorry to intrude, but I DON'T speak French...

I don't either, but Babelfish works wonders in translation...

Whenever I see a non-English post, I just go there and I can understand
what's being said (although I'd had to reply in Babelfish-created
French! ;-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread François Cuneo
Bonjour Pierre,
Le problème, c'est que lorsqu'on débute, on ne peut pas donner beaucoup!
J'ai une licence complète, ne t'inquiète pas:-)
Je crois avoir vu que le bug est corrigé et tout sera rentré dans l'ordre
dans une prochaine version!
Il s'agit bien d'un problème de conversion UTF8, héhé, j'avais raison!

François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh

 De : Pierre Sahores [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Société : Pierre Sahores
 Répondre à : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date : Fri, 08 Aug 2003 23:15:42 +0200
 Objet : Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, argh.
 Bonjour François,
 J'ai, moi-aussi, lu et apprécié l'article de première classe que tu as
 consacré à Revolution 2.0.1. Ne te décourage pas pour ces quelques
 retards à tes demandes d'explications. Les listes Revolution et Metacard
 sont en pleine ébulition, ces derniers temps et beaucoup de ceux qui,
 comme moi, auraient, habituellement, trouvé le temps de te répondre
 rapidement ne l'ont, simplement, pas fait parce que l'attention des
 listiers se focalise actuellement sur les conséquences, heureusement,
 de plus en plus prévisibles et rassurantes, du rachat de Metacard par
 Pour les questions précises sur l'usage des caractères accentués dans
 les noms de fichiers, je ne sais pas répondre et je le regrette mais
 interroge, de ma part, Scott Raney. Je sais qu'il saura prendre le temps
 de t'expliquer quoi faire et, aussi, pourquoi le faire, et qu'en
 d'autres termes, il saura te rassurer sur le sérieux du Team RR/MC en
 matière de support aux utilisateurs. Je n'ai jamais eu, pour ma part, à
 attendre plus de six heures, une demande d'information directement
 adressée au support utilisateur de Metacard. Revolution traverse
 actuellement une petite crise de croissance mais je peux t'assurer,
 connaissant les travaux, l'expérience et la notoriété xtalkienne de la
 plupart des équipiers du team RunTime Revolution, Kevin, Scott, Tuviah,
 Jeanne, de leurs proches partenaires, tels, parmi d'autres, Richard
 Gaskin, Chipp Walters ou Jacqueline Landman Gay, que le nombre de
 neurones au centimêtre-carré tend à croitre considérablement dès que
 l'on s'approche de près de la communauté des développeurs RR/MC.
 Prends le temps de t'habituer aux codes, à l'étiquette, qui préside aux
 échanges sur la liste RR/MC. In fine, une seule loi gouverne, entre
 nous, toutes les autres : plus tu aides les autres par des réponses
 utiles et ciblées et plus les autres se montreront prompts à répondre à
 tes propres demandes..., tout celà n'étant rien de moins que la marque
 de l'élégances et du respect mutuel qui préside aux relations qui se
 tissent, au fil du temps, entre les colistiers, toujours heureux de
 pouvoir proposer et échanger les solutions qui nous permettent de coder
 mieux et plus vite les solutions les plus adéquates.
 Considère toi comme l'un de ces joueurs d'échecs tout fraichement
 débarqué dans un club où tout le monde serait classé au-delà de 2000
 ELO, toi, y compris, mais où personne ne te connaitrait encore.
 Prends le temps, y compris, d'acquérir une licence de base de Revolution
 pour le tester sérieusement (je me souviens n'avoir rien su faire
 d'interessant avec le starter-kit, avant de prendre ma première licence)
 et je prends le pari que tu me remercieras, avant longtemps :-)
 Bien chaleureusement, Pierre
 Le Vendredi, 8 aoû 2003, à 12:15 Europe/Zurich,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Message: 7
 Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 09:24:51 +0200
 Subject: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,
 From: Fran=?ISO-8859-1?B?5w==?=ois Cuneo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello everybody,
 I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I
 have no
 answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use
 Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
 French does: use our char in File's names!
 If you save a file like
 Save this stack as Révolution.rev
 I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.
 But When I open and I save again the file I obtain R–©volution.rev~ that
 prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.
 So I have asked how to correct that.
 The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to
 works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session
 files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)
 I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that
 here is
 the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
 with a conversion) but I had no answer.
 I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.
 So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all
 people that
 use   diacritical char), that is a basic

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Ken Ray wrote:
Sorry to intrude, but I DON'T speak French...

I don't either, but Babelfish works wonders in translation...

Whenever I see a non-English post, I just go there and I can understand
what's being said (although I'd had to reply in Babelfish-created
French! ;-)
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

OK, OK, I promise i will no more use to much French, nor German, nor 
Latin to speak in between us with our Swedish or Dutch Friends ;-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,aaaaargh.

2003-08-10 Thread Roger Amar
Hello François,

If you need help in french, don't hesitate, just mail your question (in
french of course !) to : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Revolution is great, don't give it up !
Je serais ravi de pouvoir vous aider... si je peux.
(translation : I'll be happy to help you... if I can !)

Have a nice day,


8/08/03 9:24, François Cuneo at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote recently :

 Hello everybody,
 I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I have no
 answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use
 Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
 French does: use our char in File's names!
 If you save a file like
 Save this stack as Révolution.rev
 I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.
 But When I open and I save again the file I obtain Rˆ©volution.rev~ that
 prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.
 So I have asked how to correct that.
 The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to Révolution.rev
 works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session (the
 files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)
 I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that here is
 the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
 with a conversion) but I had no answer.
 I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.
 So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all people that
 use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.
 And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.
 The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some thousands
 have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all people that
 have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to begin to
 write applications.
 The review is here (
 I think that I have to change something in my review.
 So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.
 For me, it's terrible but it's like that.
 François Cuneo
 Site Web dédié au Macintosh
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-09 Thread Jérôme Rosat
Bonjour François,

Après avoir lu ton article sur Revolution je suis à deux doigts de 

Malheureusement je vois plusieurs points négatifs:

- absence de documentation en français
- absence d'une version française du programme (je ne parle pas de 
- mes recherches sur le net m'indiquent que la communauté Revolution 
n'est pas très importante ou alors pas très active
- cette liste n'est pas très pratique. Un vrai forum serait bien plus 
- je constate que les concepteurs de Revolution n'ont pas intérêt à ce 
que la communauté soit active car les licences n'étant pas très cher, 
il faut bien vendre du support.

Un idée: tu devrais ouvrir une rubrique dans le forum de pour la 
communauté Revolution

Je vais donc encore attendre avant d'acquérir Revolution.

Meilleurs messages.


Le Vendredi, 8 aoû 2003, à 12:15 Europe/Zurich, 

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 09:24:51 +0200
Subject: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, 
From: Fran=?ISO-8859-1?B?5w==?=ois Cuneo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I 
have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to 


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who 
French does: use our char in File's names!

If you save a file like

Save this stack as Révolution.rev

I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.

But When I open and I save again the file I obtain Rˆ©volution.rev~ 
prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.

So I have asked how to correct that.

The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to 
works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session 
files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)

I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that 
here is
the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was 
with a conversion) but I had no answer.

I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.

So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all 
people that
use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.

And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.

The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some 
have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all 
people that
have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to 
begin to
write applications.

The review is here (

I think that I have to change something in my review.

So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.

For me, it's terrible but it's like that.



François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh
use-revolution mailing list

Is a forum necessary? (was Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.)

2003-08-09 Thread Andre Rombauts
A list is much more easier to manage on the user side than a forum!!!
The only point is that each participant has to write cleary the subject and
the subject has to be changed each time the discussion inside it is running
out the intial subject... (but this is also true for forums...)

- Original Message - 
From: Jérôme Rosat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,

 - cette liste n'est pas très pratique. Un vrai forum serait bien plus

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-09 Thread Pierre Sahores
Bonjour Franois,

J'ai, moi-aussi, lu et apprci l'article de premire classe que tu as 
consacr  Revolution 2.0.1. Ne te dcourage pas pour ces quelques 
retards  tes demandes d'explications. Les listes Revolution et Metacard 
sont en pleine bulition, ces derniers temps et beaucoup de ceux qui, 
comme moi, auraient, habituellement, trouv le temps de te rpondre 
rapidement ne l'ont, simplement, pas fait parce que l'attention des 
listiers se focalise actuellement sur les consquences, heureusement, 
de plus en plus prvisibles et rassurantes, du rachat de Metacard par 

Pour les questions prcises sur l'usage des caractres accentus dans 
les noms de fichiers, je ne sais pas rpondre et je le regrette mais 
interroge, de ma part, Scott Raney. Je sais qu'il saura prendre le temps 
de t'expliquer quoi faire et, aussi, pourquoi le faire, et qu'en 
d'autres termes, il saura te rassurer sur le srieux du Team RR/MC en 
matire de support aux utilisateurs. Je n'ai jamais eu, pour ma part,  
attendre plus de six heures, une demande d'information directement 
adresse au support utilisateur de Metacard. Revolution traverse 
actuellement une petite crise de croissance mais je peux t'assurer, 
connaissant les travaux, l'exprience et la notorit xtalkienne de la 
plupart des quipiers du team RunTime Revolution, Kevin, Scott, Tuviah, 
Jeanne, de leurs proches partenaires, tels, parmi d'autres, Richard 
Gaskin, Chipp Walters ou Jacqueline Landman Gay, que le nombre de 
neurones au centimtre-carr tend  croitre considrablement ds que 
l'on s'approche de prs de la communaut des dveloppeurs RR/MC.

Prends le temps de t'habituer aux codes,  l'tiquette, qui prside aux 
changes sur la liste RR/MC. In fine, une seule loi gouverne, entre 
nous, toutes les autres : plus tu aides les autres par des rponses 
utiles et cibles et plus les autres se montreront prompts  rpondre  
tes propres demandes..., tout cel n'tant rien de moins que la marque 
de l'lgances et du respect mutuel qui prside aux relations qui se 
tissent, au fil du temps, entre les colistiers, toujours heureux de 
pouvoir proposer et changer les solutions qui nous permettent de coder 
mieux et plus vite les solutions les plus adquates.

Considre toi comme l'un de ces joueurs d'checs tout fraichement 
dbarqu dans un club o tout le monde serait class au-del de 2000 
ELO, toi, y compris, mais o personne ne te connaitrait encore.

Prends le temps, y compris, d'acqurir une licence de base de Revolution 
pour le tester srieusement (je me souviens n'avoir rien su faire 
d'interessant avec le starter-kit, avant de prendre ma premire licence) 
et je prends le pari que tu me remercieras, avant longtemps :-)

Bien chaleureusement, Pierre

Le Vendredi, 8 ao 2003,  12:15 Europe/Zurich, 

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 09:24:51 +0200
Subject: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, 
From: Fran=?ISO-8859-1?B?5w==?=ois Cuneo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I 
have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
French does: use our char in File's names!
If you save a file like

Save this stack as Rvolution.rev

I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.

But When I open and I save again the file I obtain Rvolution.rev~ that
prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.
So I have asked how to correct that.

The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to 
works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session 
files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)

I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that 
here is
the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
with a conversion) but I had no answer.

I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.

So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all 
people that
use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.

And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.

The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some thousands
have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all 
people that
have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to 
begin to
write applications.

The review is here (

I think that I have to change something in my review.

So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.

For me, it's terrible but it's like that.



Franois Cuneo
Site Web ddi au Macintosh

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage comptitif

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-08 Thread Andre Rombauts
I'm also a French speaking user. I never used accent in files names and
don't find this is a major problem at all. Of course if this can be
corrected easily I don't see why it shouldn't: there numerous languages with
special non-english characters...

- Original Message - 
From: François Cuneo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, argh.

 Hello everybody,

 I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I have
 answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use


 Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
 French does: use our char in File's names!

 If you save a file like

 Save this stack as Révolution.rev

 I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.

 But When I open and I save again the file I obtain R^©volution.rev~ that
 prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.

 So I have asked how to correct that.

 The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to
 works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session (the
 files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)

 I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that here
 the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
 with a conversion) but I had no answer.

 I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.

 So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all people
 use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.

 And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.

 The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some thousands
 have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all people
 have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to begin
 write applications.

 The review is here (

 I think that I have to change something in my review.

 So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.

 For me, it's terrible but it's like that.



 François Cuneo
 Site Web dédié au Macintosh

 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-08 Thread Toma Tasovac
I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with Rev.  Before you give up 
completely, why don't you report your problem to the bug database?  
That's really the only way of getting the development team alerted.  
And just because something doesn't work now, doesn't mean that it won't 
get fixed in the next release.

Am Freitag, 08.08.03 um 09:24 Uhr schrieb Franois Cuneo:

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I 
have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to 


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who 
French does: use our char in File's names!
use-revolution mailing list