Re: Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-28 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/28/04 12:17 AM, Kathy Jaqua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Ken,
 You guys are so bright! This genius list is growing.


 So where should I place your learned following script:
 (which I might add is just a tiny bit over my head ;)

OK, Kathy, no problem. You already know from Andre's script that you can use
Rev to run an AppleScript, just as if you'd done it in Apple's Script Editor
application. The AppleScript is executed by Rev using the syntax:

  do scriptText as AppleScript

where scriptText is the script you want to execute. As you are currently
doing, you can provide the script by using the contents of a field. But you
can also provide using a variable. So your Open iCal script (which is
currently sitting in a field) could also be executed like this:

  on mouseUp
put tell application  quote  iCal  quote  return  \
  activate  return  end tell into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
  end mouseUp

This would mean you could remove that extra field if you wanted to because
it's all in the script.

The nice thing about Rev is that you can do certain things to shorten the
script and/or make it more readable. For example, return can be replaced
with cr (which does the same thing), and I personally don't like typing
quote  quotedString  quote in a script (especially if I'm doing it a
lot), so I created a function called q that puts quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote  pWhat  quote
end q

(BTW: I forgot to include this function with my last email - sorry...)

Additionally, you can use the backslash character to break script lines for
readability. I do this with things like AppleScript so that one visible line
in Transcript corresponds to one visible line in AppleScript. You don't have
to do this, but I happen to like it. So your Open iCal script can now look
like this:

on mouseUp
  put tell application  q(iCal)  cr  \
activate  cr  \
end tell into tScript
  do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

So the code I'd sent you:

  function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)  0)
  end isAppRunning

Would be called like this:

  on mouseUp
if isAppRunning(iCal) then
  answer iCal's running!
  answer iCal's not running.
end if
  end mouseUp

And the code does this (I'm adding line numbers for clarity):

1:  function isAppRunning pAppname
2:replace .app with  in pAppName
3:put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
 return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
4:do tAS as AppleScript
5:put the result into tProcs
6:return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)  0)
7:  end isAppRunning

In line 1, we pass in the name of the application we want to check as a
parameter to the isAppRunning function. The name can either be the short
name of the application (like iCal) or the name of the application with
its extension (

In line 2, since the AppleScript that runs returns a list of running
applications *without* their extensions, I want to eliminate the .app if
for some reason it was passed to the function, so I call the replace
command to do that job.

Lines 3 to 4 you are more familiar with, in that they run an AppleScript
that returns the list of running processes (applications).

Whenever AppleScript returns a value, Rev can retrieve that value by
checking the result right after the AppleScript is called. Line 5 does
this, and puts the list of running applications into the local variable

In line 6 we check to see if the application name that was passed into the
function exists in the list of currently running applications that
AppleScript returned. This line is a combination line of code; that is, it
is the collapsed form of:

  if offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)  0 then
return true
return false
  end if

Since AppleScript returns the list in its own format, the variable tProcs
looks something like this:

{application process loginwindow of application Finder, application
process Dock of application Finder, application processs iCal of
application Finder}

So to determine if iCal is in this list, I'm checking to see if the

  process iCal

exists in the list of processes using the offset() function. If it does, it
returns a value that corrresponds to the location in the string where I can
find it; if not, it returns 0. For the purposes of my code, all I care about
is whether it returns 0 or not; 0 is false, anything else is true.

Then we end the function in line 7 and we're done! So if you include the
isAppRunning() function along with the q() function in your script, and call
it like this:

if isAppRunning(iCal) then  ...

you should be in good shape. :-)

Hope this helps,

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: 

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius 3

2004-09-28 Thread Kathy Jaqua

   An example of using appleScript from Run Rev to
open an Application and check the result (in case it
was not installed is the Mac OS 9, OS X)
  Ken this is a great example of RunRev's ability to
use appleScript. This line by line explanation was of
great help to me on many levels. If you don't mind I
am going to forward this to Dan Shafer for future
publication inclusion considerations.  It will help
many others like myself who are new to appleScript
calls using the Transcript Language. I know it took
your valuable time to carefully explain each step.
It's also a good example of offsets and function
calls. (It's been years sense hyperCard and a lot of
us are a little rusty.)  We need more of these
examples and I hope runRev is listening :)

Again many Thanks.
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

The scripts to which I have been referring are as

A. From Andrew Garzia (using appleScript only)

B.  From Ken Ray (calling appleScript from RunRev or

A.  Opens the Application iCal (Traditional

Kathy try putting this on a field called myscript:

tell application iCal
end tell

put a button with the following script

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

B. Opens Application iCal and checks to see if it is
open (Using Transcript to call Applescript)

OK, Kathy, no problem. You already know from Andre's
script that you can use
Rev to run an AppleScript, just as if you'd done it in
Apple's Script Editor
application. The AppleScript is executed by Rev using
the syntax:

  do scriptText as AppleScript

where scriptText is the script you want to execute.
As you are currently
doing, you can provide the script by using the
contents of a field. But you
can also provide using a variable. So your Open iCal
script (which is
currently sitting in a field) could also be executed
like this:

  on mouseUp
put tell application  quote  iCal  quote 
return  \
  activate  return  end tell into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript
  end mouseUp

This would mean you could remove that extra field if
you wanted to because
it's all in the script.

The nice thing about Rev is that you can do certain
things to shorten the
script and/or make it more readable. For example,
return can be replaced
with cr (which does the same thing), and I
personally don't like typing
quote  quotedString  quote in a script
(especially if I'm doing it a
lot), so I created a function called q that puts
quotes around things:

function q pWhat
  return quote  pWhat  quote
end q

(BTW: I forgot to include this function with my last
email - sorry...)

Additionally, you can use the backslash character to
break script lines for
readability. I do this with things like AppleScript so
that one visible line
in Transcript corresponds to one visible line in
AppleScript. You don't have
to do this, but I happen to like it. So your Open
iCal script can now look
like this:

on mouseUp
  put tell application  q(iCal)  cr  \
activate  cr  \
end tell into tScript
  do tScript as AppleScript
end mouseUp

So the code I'd sent you:

  function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
  end isAppRunning

Would be called like this:

  on mouseUp
if isAppRunning(iCal) then
  answer iCal's running!
  answer iCal's not running.
end if
  end mouseUp

And the code does this (I'm adding line numbers for

1:  function isAppRunning pAppname
2:replace .app with  in pAppName
3:put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  \
 return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
4:do tAS as AppleScript
5:put the result into tProcs
6:return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)
7:  end isAppRunning

In line 1, we pass in the name of the application we
want to check as a
parameter to the isAppRunning function. The name can
either be the short
name of the application (like iCal) or the name of
the application with
its extension (

In line 2, since the AppleScript that runs returns a
list of running
applications *without* their extensions, I want to
eliminate the .app if
for some reason it was passed to the function, so I
call the replace
command to do that job.

Lines 3 to 4 you are more familiar with, in that they
run an AppleScript
that returns the list of running processes

Whenever AppleScript returns a value, Rev can retrieve
that value by
checking the result right after the AppleScript is
called. Line 5 does
this, and puts the list of running applications into
the local variable

In line 6 we check to see if the application name that
was passed into the
function exists in the list of 

Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
 Is there a script to open (Launch) the MacOS X iCal
Application from a button within RunRev.  I am still
using 2.2.1 but will update later.

tank ya tank ya (lot's of Bubbles:)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Andre Garzia
Hi Kathy!
been some time since last talked to you. Put this on a field:
tell application iCal to
end tell
execute this as applescript... i think this sould to the trick of 
launching iCal.

On Sep 27, 2004, at 11:51 PM, Kathy Jaqua wrote:
 Is there a script to open (Launch) the MacOS X iCal
Application from a button within RunRev.  I am still
using 2.2.1 but will update later.
tank ya tank ya (lot's of Bubbles:)
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua

Hi Andre

It's nice to hear from you to. Thank you but I have no
idea what you just wrote. (Yes, It's me:) 

I want the user to be able to open the iCal
Application from a button that they click on. I don't
know Apple Script. Do you have a button RunRev script?
 (and see no C--pretend your an old hyperCard person;)

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Open an Application from within RR

2004-09-27 Thread Andre Garzia
Kathy try putting this on a field called myscript:
tell application iCal
end tell
put a button with the following script
on mouseUp
  do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp
I guess that should work... You can hide the field myscript so that 
it does not interfere with your interface. =)

On Sep 28, 2004, at 12:13 AM, Kathy Jaqua wrote:
Hi Andre
It's nice to hear from you to. Thank you but I have no
idea what you just wrote. (Yes, It's me:)
I want the user to be able to open the iCal
Application from a button that they click on. I don't
know Apple Script. Do you have a button RunRev script?
 (and see no C--pretend your an old hyperCard person;)
Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Andre Alves Garzia  2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua


So what took you so long--at least a minute has past. 
Can we try for 15 seconds next time!! 

Yes This worked and I think you just taught me Apple
Script as well.

I'm at luv and kisses now.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Andre or...
 How can I tell if the application iCal is opened? 
Maybe they deleted it or something. Is there a script
to check this so I can give them a dialog box
suggesting they might reinstall the application.

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Ken Ray
On 9/27/04 11:42 PM, Kathy Jaqua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Andre or...
  How can I tell if the application iCal is opened?
 Maybe they deleted it or something. Is there a script
 to check this so I can give them a dialog box
 suggesting they might reinstall the application.

How about this:

function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr  return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs)  0)
end isAppRunning


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Open an Application from within RR-Andre's a Genius

2004-09-27 Thread Kathy Jaqua
Thanks Ken,

You guys are so bright! This genius list is growing. 

So where should I place your learned following script:
(which I might add is just a tiny bit over my head ;)

function isAppRunning pAppname
replace .app with  in pAppName
put tell application   q(Finder)  cr 
return the processes  \
  cr  end tell into tAS
do tAS as AppleScript
put the result into tProcs
return (offset(process  q(pAppName),tProcs) 
end isAppRunning

So what exactly does this script do; since I
understood-- lets see; replace, with, put,
cr...Umm--  shall I go on with this list.

All kidding aside I really want to learn this script! 

I now have this button open iCal that say: 

on mouseUp
   do field myscript as applescript
end mouseUp

field myscript:
tell application iCal
end tell

Now what do I do?

Kathy Graves Jaqua
A Wildest Dream Software

use-revolution mailing list