Re: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-30 Thread Sarah
Hi Robert,

Yes, an XCMD is like a DLL only for Macs. It means external command 
(there are also XFCNs - external functions). I have a script that 
converts RGB <-> HSV if you are interested. As Monte and others have 
shown, scripting in different ways can dramatically alter the speed of 
execution. Perhaps my script might be as fast as your DLL :-) If you 
would like me to send it, email me off-list.


On Thursday, January 30, 2003, at 02:17  pm, Robert J Warren 
(( wrote:

Thanks, and sorry Chipp, I am not only new to Transcript but I also 
nothing at all about Macs. I presume that an XCMD is the Mac version 
of a
Windows DLL (?) I am sure that it would help, but I am not sure to what
degree. I have only ever written one DLL in my life which is for the 
eraser program in VB (due to be launched soon). It converts RGB to HSL 
v.v. By doing the calculations in a DLL rather than in the program the
saving was about 15%. Although this 15% was crucial in the eraser 
routine I
wrote, it was generally a disappointment: I expected a much bigger 

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-30 Thread Monte Goulding

Hi All

I never read the original problem but I just made a custom paint tool with

-- button script

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

-- card script

local lImageData,lPaintColor,lMouseDown

on InitialiseImageData
  put the imageData of image 1 into lImageData
end InitialiseImageData

on InitialisePaintColor
  put binaryEncode("",0,0,255,0) into lPaintColor
end InitialisePaintColor

on mouseMove x,y
  if lMouseDown then
if word 1 of the target is "image" then
  set the lockCursor to true
  set the cursor to cross
  put (x-the left of image 1)*4+(y- the top of image 1)*(the width of
image 1*4) into x
  put lPaintColor into char x-3 to x of lImageData
  set the imageData of image 1 to lImageData
end if
pass mouseMove
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseDown
  put true into lMouseDown
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  put false into lMouseDown
end mouseRelease

Hope you like drawing squigly lines ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Setting Pixels - More answers to suggestions

2003-01-29 Thread Monte Goulding

> I think you can speed this up just a litle bit on the
> first run by changing:
>   if tData = "" then
> put char 1601 to -1 of the imageData of image 1 \
>into tData
>   end if
> This ought to be slightly faster as the engine doesn't
> have to resize the tData variable again, nor push its
> contents forwards upon deleting from the front.


Back down to 0.162

I think what I'd do would be to initialise the data when the image was first
opened. Say openStack?


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