--- Andre Garzia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have a couple doubts that revGurus our there might
> clear. I am 
> creating a simple app to manage a couple MySQL
> tables. Its the common 
> tasks (insertion, modification, deletion), to
> navigate the database I 
> am using Database Query Builder, filling fields with
> the data and some 
> buttons to navigate. But I cannot use Query Builder
> to insert a Record 
> can I? How can I identify what is the current record
> (so that i can 
> disable the "previous" and "next" buttons when they
> reach the limits)?
> Cheers
> Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL
> http://www.soapdog.org

Hi Andre,

You can execute any query (INSERT, DELETE, ...) on the
database an existing query connects to, by means of
the following command :
  revExecuteWithQuery <name of the existing query>,
                      <query to execute>

Example :
  put "UPDATE customers SET something=123456 ;" into \
  revExecuteWithQuery "MyCustomerQuery", tSQLQuery


As for checking if the current record is the first or
last of the cursor corresponding to a query, use :
  revDBQueryIsBOF(<name of the query>
  revDBQueryIsEOF(<name of the query>


If you want to learn more of the hidden features of
the database query manager and its linked fields and
buttons :
- open the message box
- use the button at the top of the window to go the
Frontscripts section
- click on the checkbox "Show Revolution UI
frontscripts" to hilite it
- in the list above, you'll see a line 'revDatabase'
- double-click it, or select and click the 'Edit this
script' button at the bottom right

Note that it requires a good knowledge of the RevDB
commands and functions, and familiarity with the
message path and how frontScripts intervene.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 

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