Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect? (and a tentative solution)

2009-08-16 Thread dfepstein
It appears that Rev defines the rect of a regular polygon to be the rectangle 
that encloses all possible rotations of that polygon.  To see this, create a 
regular polygon as graphic 1, create a rectangle as graphic 2, in the message 
box "set the rect of grc 1 to the rect of grc 2," and then set the angle of grc 
1 to various numbers.

This seems like a useful enough feature that I wouldn't call it a bug.

David Epstein
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Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect? (and a tentative solution)

2009-08-16 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Sat Aug 15, 2009, capellan capellan2000 at wrote:

Hi Wilhelm,

Some time ago, i posted a stack named "export_regular_polygons"
than shows a formula to convert regular polygons (3 to 20 sides)
in polygons:

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
> I conclude: I think it should be a relatively easy task for the
> programmers of Revolution (or Transcript, RevTalk etc.) to abolish the
> inconsistency of regular polygons of  having different sizes for visual
> rects and their proper rects as a graphic.

i agree. if you fill an enhancement request in the Runrev Quality
Control Center, i will vote for it.

Have a nice weekend.


Hi al (or "Al" - or whatever is behind "al" - but no need to out yourself),

Amazing! Your stack indeed really "crops" a regular polygon and converts 
it to a normal polygon.

This - your approach to the conversion - was exactly what I was looking 
for and had imagined to be feasible.

I took the liberty to set the lockloc of grc "Test" to false to see how 
your script handles regular polygons when the polygon is being 
"distorted", i.e. when the angles of the regular polygon are not 
identical. In this case your script nevertheless determines the points 
for the normal polygon on the basis of an ideal shape of the regular 
polygon with identical angles, but at the same time considering the set 
angle (the possibly rotated angle of the whole polygon) of the regular 
This "ideal" form of the converted polygon could of course then be 
distorted manually to be identical with the visual shape of the regular 
polygon. I assume this part of the conversion could also be scripted?--

Just to mention it for the sake of completeness, my own way to convert 
regular to normal polygons has been a simple "hands-on" approach - like 
in the case of cropping an image to its visual rect, which I had 
described in an earlier post:

- I either have traced the regular polygon with the free-hand polygon 
tool, which procedure needs a steady hand and in most cases later 
fine-tuning of the gained points for the polygon, or

- I clicked at the vertexes of the regular polygon ("put the mouseloc") 
to establish the points for the normal polygon, which also may need some 
fine-tuning afterwards.--

I believe that the Rev engine internally must know the values of the 
vertexes of a regular polygon, otherwise it would not be able to display 
the shape of a regular polygon, both in its ideal and distorted form.
So, the task for the Rev team to produce an enhancement that would make 
it possible to reduce the rect of a polygon to its visual rect would be 
simply to make the values of the vertexes available and retrievable, and 
then let the user choose to set the style of the polygon to "polygon" 
based on the given points/vertexes.

Best regards,


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Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect? (and a tentative solution)

2009-08-15 Thread capellan

Hi Wilhelm,

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
> Could it be that "the option to crop" is contained in a different 
> version of your stack?

This the part of the script that crop the image to
the size of the user created cropping rectangle:

 if cropImage = "true"
  repeat until foundGraphic = 1 -- or qfl = the number of lines of
put line qfl of tSelection into tGraphic
if qfl = the number of lines of tSelection then put 1 into
if word 1 of tGraphic is "graphic" and the forecolor of tGraphic =
  put 1 into foundGraphic
  set the name of tGraphic to "tCropGraphicRectangle"
  set the layer of graphic "tCropGraphicRectangle" to the layer of
tMaskedImage + 1
  put the rect of graphic "tCropGraphicRectangle" into zxy
  do "crop" && tMaskedImage && "to" && zxy
  add 1 to qfl
end if
  end repeat
end if

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
> The question is, how do you compute the points of a polygon (that will 
> extend to the full size of the rect of a regular polygon without 
> differences between rect and visual rect) if you do not have a normal 
> polygon as a template?

Some time ago, i posted a stack named "export_regular_polygons"
than shows a formula to convert regular polygons (3 to 20 sides)
in polygons:

on mouseUp
  if the hilite of btn "Leave Trails" is false
repeat with i = the number of grcs of this stack down to 3
  if the name of graphic i contains "Test"
  then next repeat
  else delete grc i
end repeat
  end if
  --  if fld "sides" is a number then set the polysides of me to fld "sides"
  set the polysides of me to the short name of btn id 2114
  put the polysides of me into asdfg
  put 360/asdfg into regularPolygonAngle
  if fld "grcangle" is a number and fld "grcangle" < 361 then set the angle
of me to round(fld "grcangle")
  put the angle of me into qwerty
  put item 1 of the loc of me into mX
  put item 2 of the loc of me into mY
  put the rect of me into lkjhg
  put abs(item 1 of lkjhg - item 3 of lkjhg) into plm1
  put abs(item 2 of lkjhg - item 4 of lkjhg) into plm2
  if plm1 <> plm2
if plm1 > plm2
  put (plm1 / 2)  into polarRadius
else put (plm2 / 2 ) into polarRadius
put (plm1 / 2) into polarRadius
  end if
  if fld "exact" is a number then put polarRadius - fld "exact" into
  -- this is very interesting, because this operation make the figure more
  repeat with i = 1 to asdfg -- the sides of the reg poly
put (regularPolygonAngle * i) + qwerty into ang
put (ang * pi )/ 180 into radians
-- find rectangular coordinates of  ( polarRadius,radians)
if the hilite of btn "Use statRound" is true
  put statround(mX + (polarRadius * cos (radians))) & "," after rfv
  put statround(mY + (polarRadius * sin (radians))) & return after rfv
else -- the hilite of btn "Use round"
  put round(mX + (polarRadius * cos (radians))) & "," after rfv
  put round(mY + (polarRadius * sin (radians))) & return after rfv
end if
  end repeat
  put item 1 of the first line of rfv,item 2 of the first line of rfv after
-- put line 1 of rfv after rfv -- using this line produces an strange bug on
-- polygons of 8 sides. It puts letters instead of numbers in the last line

  set the style of the templategraphic to polygon
  create grc
  set the points of it to rfv
--  set the rect of it to the rect of me -- lkjhg
  if the hilite of btn "Put Points into Msg" is true then put rfv
  choose browse tool
end mouseUp

Wilhelm Sanke, FB01 wrote:
> I conclude: I think it should be a relatively easy task for the 
> programmers of Revolution (or Transcript, RevTalk etc.) to abolish the 
> inconsistency of regular polygons of  having different sizes for visual 
> rects and their proper rects as a graphic.

i agree. if you fill an enhancement request in the Runrev Quality
Control Center, i will vote for it.

Have a nice weekend.


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Re: Challenge: How can we set the rect of a polygon to its visual rect? (and a tentative solution)

2009-08-15 Thread Wilhelm Sanke
In the meantime I managed to have a look at the two stacks Scott and 
Capellan offered in this context.

Capellan had written:

Hi Wilhelm,

Take a look at the script of this stack,
to check if some code is useful:

This version included the option to crop
the image while masking. 

Your stack that demonstrates possibilities to use masks is surely 
impressive, but I failed to find a script in the stack that includes a 
cropping algorithm.
Could it be that "the option to crop" is contained in a different 
version of your stack?


Scott Rossi had offered a sample stack for cropping in his first post of 
this thread:


The stack generates a random regular polygon and then creates a matching
image cropped to the extents of the original graphic.

Thanks again for your contributions to this thread, Scott.

Your carefully scripted cropping procedure indeed manages to crop an 
image - snapshot-generated from a graphic - to its visual rect precisely 
to the last pixel.

I changed the polysides property in your script for higher values and 
learned that (with the exception of a rhomb - a 4-sided regular polygon) 
indeed all regular polygons possess "visual" rects that differ from  
their proper rects. In the case of a 13-sided regular polygon - given 
the size of your graphics in your sample stack - this difference still 
is one pixel, certainly negligible, but the difference is there.

My own approach to crop images to their visual rects has so far been a 
simple and manual one: I place a rect over the image, adjust it manually 
to the edges of the visual contents of the image, and then crop the 
image to the rect of the overlying rect.--


What has been overlooked to some extent in your responses was that my 
original question concerned the "cropping" of a *graphic* and as a 
*graphic* to its "visual" rect.

As selection tools (to access a portion of an image for further 
processing) I have used freely painted polygons - as distinct from 
"regular polygons" - for quite a long time in my image processing 
stacks. My G.W.Bush caricature, which I had presented to this list two 
years ago and which elicited very diverse responses, was produced with 
my "Photo Patchworks" stack using among other selection graphics also 
normal hand-drawn polygons.

With normal hand-drawn polygons there are *no* differences between rects 
and visual rects. The sense or the reason why "regular" polygons should 
possess such differences escape me. Maybe it is just a case of "sloppy" 
programming, "sloppy" meaning in this case that the relevant script 
parts of the engine could be easily improved to abolish such differences 
in regular polygons.

I have experimented a bit and offer here some thoughts and script 
examples how to convert "regular polygons" to "polygons" without rect 

Polygons have "points" that determine the shape of the graphic.
If you ask for the points of a "regular polygon" you just get the rect 
values. The shape of a regular polygon is defined by the polysides 
property and its angle.

You can convert a polygon to a regular polygon and vice versa by using 
"set the style of grc x to "regular" (or "polygon")".
If you convert a polygon to a regular polygon you inevitably get a 
four-sided rhomb, no matter how many sides your original polygon has 
possessed - unless you determine the number of polysides beforehand.

The other way round, converting a regular polygon to a polygon leaves 
you with an *empty* graphic, because the points of its rect are not 
acknowledged as valid points for the polygon.
But you can define the points of a regular polygon - for example by 
setting its "points" to the points of a normal polygon. Nothing will 
happen here when you set these points, until you then convert the 
regular to a normal polygon. After such a conversion you can switch 
between the two "styles" of the polygon (set the style of grc x to ..) 
and will see the different shapes of the styles.
Of course it is not reasonable to set the points of a regular to that of 
a normal polygon, because this normal polygon already exists and can be 
used for any purposes.

The question is, how do you compute the points of a polygon (that will 
extend to the full size of the rect of a regular polygon without 
differences between rect and visual rect) if you do not have a normal 
polygon as a template?

Example 1:

Create a regular three-sided polygon and set its angle to 30. You will 
get an upright triangle with a substantial transparent part at the 
bottom of its rect.
Get the dimensions of the rect, compute the points, and then convert it 
to a normal polygon using a script like this:

on mouseUp
 put the topleft of grc "Test" into TL
 put the bottomleft of grc "Test" into BL
 put the bottomright of grc "Test" into BR
 put the width of grc "Test" into twidth
 put trunc(twidth/2) into