>Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:03:17 -0700
>From: Timothy Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm interested an a modest statistics demonstration, but I can't  
>figure out how do to the math myself.
>Hmmmm... I wonder if some website somewhere would do the work for me.  
>That could work... I looked around, but didn't find anything.
>Thanks in advance.
>Tim Miller

Hi Tim,

(Digest mode) please cc me




I've used Rev to research the nature of randomness. The smaller the sample size 
(z) the more the clustering illusion and the gambler's fallacy plays a part in 
attempting to understand randomness.

Rev sets the random seed every time RunRev is started up. It then uses that 
same seed for the entire time that you use random(#).

random(22) -- returns a number between 1 and 22

set the randomSeed to 4570422

I would do this to achieve a more true random number:

put random(999999999999999999) into zSeedVar
set the randomSeed to zSeedVar
put random(z) into zHoldVar

You can make your list of results and use the standardDeviation() function.

standardDeviation(8,10,12) -- returns 2

odds are simple: 

50% X 50% = 25%

50% X 50% X 50% = 12.5%

50% X 50% X 25% = 6.25%

I'm not clear where to start. Almost all probability can be figured with simple 


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